The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. MaBch?14. THE NEW XQBK CLIPPER ' ' , lS)l» » ' T ' i . THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Limited,) noninoM.. ALBE6T 3. BOBIE, EniTOXIAL AND BOIINMI IfAHAOanL SATUR DAY, alABCH 14, 11133. Advertisements—$2.80 per Inch, single col- umn. • ...., Advertlsementa set with border, 10 per cent, extra. : ■ SUBSCRIPTION. One year la advance, M: six months, $2 ; three months, $1. Foreign poit&fe extra. single copies will be Mot, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cents. Oar Terra* aire Caata, TUB CLIPPER ta iaiue<S every Wednesday morning. The lost four, (advertising) page* 00 TO PRBS8 oa Saturday at 11 a. u„ and 1 be other pages on MONDAY and TUESDAY. The Forma Closing Promptly, Toes- dny, at lO o'clock A. 31. Please remit by express, money order,check, P. Q. order of registered JLetter. All. cash en- closed with letter Is at tU« risk of sender.. Addres* All Cominiinleultoui far the isdltorlul or tbo Cosiness Deisnrtmciit to TUB NEW YOIlrC. CLIPPER, ., 47 West 28tb Street, New York. HttjUtcrcd Cable Addrctt, "AoruoBiti." TltU CM1TKR CAN US OtWAINKD, WltOLSHALB AMI DETAIL, lit tile CLIPPER UlREAU, r.os Ashland DlocW, Chicago, and the LONDON ntllHAV, GraiiTllle Home, Arundel St., Strand, IV. 0.| also It our agents, Brentnnos neiva depot, 8? Avonas tie i'Opera, ,1'aris, France) it Llllehtbal, Frlcdrlch Ktrasso 101 (TonnlnosUotel), Ber- lin, N. w,, Germany; Diamond News Co., OT Pi-ado, Havana; Manila Book and Stationery Co., 12S Hscolla, Mnfil la, P. I.; Albert A Son, 137-inP King St., Sydney, Australia. TUB NEW YOltlC CLIPPERi>nbllaheai only one edition, and that la dated from Nc-iv York, , , . QUERI ES ANS WERED. No Repllea by atall or Telegraph, AWIREBSES OB WHEREABOUTS MOT 01VEN. am. n,(NR or such should warn to TlltlBK WllL.JI THEY SEEK, IN CARB OV THIS CLIFI'lilt 1'imr Oi'i'icK. All lottkrb will IIH ADVRUTISKU ONH WEEK OJUrif. IV- TUB RoUTK OK , ANY THEATRICAL COMPANY ta KOUU1IT, IU:tl.n TO OUR L.1BT Or ROUTES ON ANOTHER I'ACE. Wu cannot bend BOUTBS uy hail oa •jai.Eomrir. Ml", >[. H. C.,-Beatrice.—Address Hick A Fitzgerald, 18 Ann Street,. Now York City. ii. W.,Mt. Klueo.—Address Jnilos Calm, Empire Theatre.HaHdlng, New York City. . BILLIARDS, POOL, ETC. Matiary, ' Dfrrrer.—In a matcb at Hen- ley's Clrc-;s, I,ondon, Eng., May 20-June 3. 18fK). .of 0,000 point*. 1,000 nightly, for nix nights, on nn English table, six pockets i:t'/i in.alzc), balls 2',kln. lb size. Prank C. I rex won front John Roberts by a total score of 0,000 to 8,097. CARDS. S. II. II., Iota.—1. Yes. 2. In the regular ciunp of euchre only that player who as*nto!* tlio .responsibility of the trump, by either ordering It up, taking Jt np, or making it. Is allowed to play alone. 3. If the party playing alone should make nil Ore tricks lie Ik entitled to. scon four points; If only three tricks, one.-point. ..... \V. II.. II., 1'rlnceton.—In playing- casslno for a stated number, of. points no one point tnkFK precedence of another; the points are scored ns wion as made, and a player wins i lie. game tbo moment he bos made and claims the requisite points. C P., Elmlrn.—If the player to whom ira» dealt six cards discovered and. an- nounced the fart before looking at his hand It was a misdeal, and the cards should be reshuffled, rerltt end dealt again: but If he raised his cards before lie announced the fact, (hen Ills hand wns dead. J. C, AND C. L»., Nashua.—A, needing but one point, won the game with low, which outranks Jack and game, v wns not en- titled to precedence In the count because be was the bidder, and made in play the points he bid. .... A. M., Brooklyn.—The count was 300. K \V.. Merldcn:—B Is the winner, as he needed but one point, and;.lark outranks game. See answer to J. C. and C. D. RING. H. J. B.. Boston.—Jack Dempsov and George La Blanche fought twice, as follows- Dempsey bent La Blanche, 13 rounds, March 4,- 1880, on Long Island; La Blanche heat Dempsey. 32 rounds, Aug. '.'7, 1880, In San Praiiclsro. A. and R, Pcferboro.—John L. Sullivan's flglita with Paddy It.van and Joke Kilraln, In Mississippi, and tbnt with Charles Mit- chell, In France, were nil governed by the old rules, nnd were fought with bare knuckles. ■ >- MVSSACHlSKTTS. DRAMATIC. It. J. K., Chlcauo.—We hove no knowl- rthjB of the prenuul whi'reiiboutH uf tho puny. Aihtrcss " letter ia our cure nnd wc will itdverllHo it In Titu Clii'vek letter list. 1.', II. S., WivycMlar, Man, C. .N., Mllrvankce, Miss l,. Km Savsunub, II. II. Co., Cleveland. K. S. It. 11, .Co.. Vlafta, V. I>. 8., Charlotle, It. 8. 11., Putnam, S. II., I'oiii'}' Island, It.. A. Mill., Chltugo. —I-.1L-S.^8iiglnatti.. 11. T-, Ku I inn moo, (i. T. A., i'blladelpliln, and "Chick," ace nnswer to It. I. K„ aliove. I., t;. S„ HI. I«ttls.—Addri'Ks Lloyd King, limn. PrliieesH Thentro, New York City. • '. SI. ■'!'., Trciltun.—Address Crusa Print- lug t.'ii.. ti.'iN Henrborn Stieet. Chicago. HI. , IV F. II.. Amsterdam.—Tlte imrtles In iiiii'mIIiiii apniMii'cil In "True to Life" at the Murray Hill Theatre.. New York City. "A I'onB- Ibiv."— We cannot advise you how to proceed. H. .W. II.. New York.—Address C. A. Hawkins. IIH Kant Thirteenth Street, Now York t'll.v. - t". II. Co.—A 1« right. They nro ongrnved. II. 11. C. Curl Isle.—Apply, to the Minor l.lllui Co., 13.18 Kraaclway. New York City. K, Cm CounellsvUlo—W. Wnerflleln, 208 Norlh Second Street, l'lilladelnhln, I*a. .1.11.. Illoonilleld. - Apply to Lyons & llcaly, Chicago, HI. II. J. II., Carroll.—L Martin Heck. tlO'J Asliliiml Block. Clilrngo. III. . 1'. Tho Li- brarian of. CougroK-s, Wasblngtou, U. (-'. :i. Auv lirlntlilg eHinhllshment nin furnish ihem.' I. Milkman & Well, 110 Ureeno Street. New York City. V. I-'. Ali.'l'».i Clarksburg.—Cno. Younge & Co.. 71- St. tliarlcs Aveuue, St. I.ntils, Mo. It. 1-;. S.. Iti-iidliiK.—t.'nlm's (Juldc, Umpire Tbralni lt-illtlhig. Now York City. .1. \\\ M.. llurllngton.—Address Martlnkn & i'o., 103 Sixth Avenue. New York City. I'iiiik. A. I'.. C, Kingston.—Apply to tho 11. S. Balloon Co., 171 Clermont Avenue, llroiiklyii, N. Y. U. XV. O.. Ihiltlnmrc.—Address Col. ft. W. Ciisklll. Cunt.m. O. \V. W., lliiiiiunl. —The columns of The I'l.iiTiui will fumluli you the best Hat we know of. 1... Yltlngc.—Address Klnw A Erltingcr, 1 UO Hroadwny. New York City. ItKADint, nr IlONTiis.—Address Sulllviin, lliirrls & Woods, 1358 Broudwny, New York City. J. f. II., Sarntoan Springs.—We do not know tbo ago :of the parly. I,. 11. S.—Addti-ns KrcderU-k Seward, In i-iii-e of Tin: Cmi-i-ek. L. K. A.. Titscoln.—We no uot know what n-liilkinship, If any, exists between, the I in riles. W. ti„ Kurt Worth.—Address some-paper devoled ta i-hurch work. .1. K.. Henlson.—Address Archie Hoyd nnd .lute Wnltem. In enre of Tub Clipper. We ■ nn not spare Hie space which your answer would uniiilre Jt. A. L.. Prairie du Chlen.—Adrtresn pai-tli'H In enre of Ihe American DramntlKts' «'lull, 1M West Kurtlelh Street, New York Clly. W. I». K., Troy.—We hnve no knowledge of iiuv siu-k publics tlou. A. (1.. New York.—Watch our route list, or address parly In rare of Tin: Ci.irrnn. mid we will advertise tho letter In our letter list, SiNiiiso Hum. Hnlllinore.—Address the Kutcrprlse Music Supply Co.. 4(1 West Twonty-clcldh Hlrcet, New York City. T. II. \V.. Far-go.—Advorllse your wants III TllK.Cl.U'PEB. • T. J., Indianapolis.—-1. Uti-k & 1'IUgvrnld, Is Ann Rtrwt, New York Clly. ".. We hnyu no knowledge of any such honk. 3. From $-ti up. 4. Apply to the vnrlons managers. Coi'vniniiT.-—Make nnpllcntlon In the Li- hnirlnn of Congress. Washington. H. C, II. at II.. Llltlo Ilock.—A notli-e of the destli uf Mnrgnret Mstlier nppouretl In Tin; Ci.n-i-v:it dated April 10. ISPS. This notice will piolmbly give you the Inforuiatlun you de-Ire. ■■ It. .1. C. Wiircestcr.—Advertise j-our wnuts In Tub Ci.ii-pkr.—Tkls week's theatrical changes are inituy nnd arc on the brilliant order. The novelties arc: Kthel Ilarrymore, In "Cnrrots" and "A Country Mouse." at the Ilollls ; "The Little Princess" at the Museum. Chnunccy Olcott, in "Old Limerick Town,' 1 nt Hie Boston, and "Over Niagara Falls" nt the Orand Opera. Other offerings arc: Jnmcs K. Horkett. In "The Crisis." ut the Treniont: Nellie JIc-IlcDry. In "ll'llss." at Music Hall, and now bills at the stork, viiuilevlllu and Uiirlestjiie umusement plates. The qttendnuto, was very good Inst week, nlthouKh very few could boost of a capacity business. An usiiiil, the musical shows are the money makers. C-ood, live tbeatrlral nev^i is scarce, II.iu.ih Stcki.t Tiiimthk (Isaac B. Itlch. manager).—Kthel Hurry-more. In "Carrots" and "A Coitutry Mouse," Is current. nt- trnellon. Ciun]iun.v Includes Bruce Mcltne, Hurry Haveiimirt. Ooorgc W. Howard. Ar- thur Elliot, -lames Kearney. Adelaide Price, Cei-lritdc i.;hecn, runny Addison Flu, nnd Irt-nti-lee Agm-w. . Sear sale indk-utes Miss Barryinore will make. a complete conquest ui this city. Hngagcmeut Is for a forlnksht nnd will lio followed hy John Hrcw, In "Tho Mummy nnd the Humming Illrd." William I-'uversham, in "Imprudence," hod two weeks uf full houses, the piny being ijuito favorably received, though the star seemed to be the drawing caul. Boston Miiseuk (Field, Ittch. Harris & CluiB. Frolniuiii, mnnagers)..—"Tho . Little I'rliic-ess," with Mil lio James in the title rule, is here for n limited engagement. Sup- porting Miss James arc: Mooel Taltnterro, l.oiiliii' . Ctillovvny, Helen Tracy. .Thomas Cnlcninn, Conlon Tomkina, Frederic, Mur- phy, Loonl Harmon, Fugcnle Woodward, fully Mui-shall. nnd , May Dm-cupon Sey- mour. The many good things said about this lltllo play have been read with much Interest by uur playgoers, so n profitable sojourn Is looked for. The Ilrst appear- ance of Alice Fischer nan star In this city wus most successful. • , Mra. Jock" wna very amusing, nnd received excellent notices from tin* local press. Business was good. Boston Theatre (Lawrence McCarly, malinger).—"'Way Down Bust" closed Sat- urday n(ght n three weeks' engagement of large audiences, with play as popular as ever. Chnuncey Olcott opens on Monday of this week a fortnight's engagement of "Old Limerick Town." 8, It. O. houses nre assured, as the advance sale of scats has boon very large, In prcvloua years Mr. Ol- cott has been one of the best. paying at- tractions playing (his house, ana this sea- sou will be no exception lu this rule. A seiiaon of grand' opera follows current card. Tukmont Tiieatrh (Jno. II. Srhocffcl, niunngor),—Jomes K. Hackelt returns tn this house March 0 for three weeks of "Tho Crisis." The previous fortnight's eu- gngement, u few. mouths ago. was a record breaker for thn play and I lie hutise. and the early return of tho attraction resulted from the wonderful business. The cast .and the production Is the same as seen here lief ore In evct-v respect. After four weeks of full house, "King lKulo". left Saturday night for « tour, of nearby, cities. The tuneful musical play has probably been seen for the last lime in this clly. COLl-'UtttA TiiKAiw; (C. I<ouls Cannot, nuinnger).—"The Knlckeriiocker Uirl" was successfully prisluced oil Tuesday night of last week nt this house, with a delay of only ouc, day. The offering accum tn bo Just the kind at entorlnlninenl that lovers of musical shows want, uh It contains nil the necessary rrtnilKltcs to an evening's enjoyment of novel coiuedy and bright, catchy music. Josephine Hull, Wm. II, Sloan uud Felix llnney are the bright lights or the production, al- though the other members of the company arc not far In the shade of this trio of fun lunkci-g. The piece Is staged elaborately, the- mountings being superb, the coslumes gorgeous, nnd the electrical effects novel iJirge audiences ruled during tho week, nnd everything points Inward « successful run. Park Tiipatbh (Ulcb, Harris & Chas. I-'i'i.liiiuin, umnagcrsl.-.-The aocoud and linn! week of Miibelle C.lliunu, In "The Mnekluz Bird." opeiis March 0. Miss Ollmau 'a making a favorable Impression on her llrst appearance in Ibis clly as a star. Kvery- IsMly linn n good word for tho comic opera. It's sparkle and dash are delight fill, and both librettist and composer have done ex- cellent work. The characters lire nil well given, and the company possesses n chorus which docs excellent service In I he i-oneri-tcl numbers nnd tlnnles. March 111. Henry Mil- ler,- In "The Tinning of Helen." and nut. "llrolua ijiwn," ns staled lu lust week's letter. Colonial Tiikatrk (Itli-b. Harris & (Tins. Kmbmnn. innnngersl.—"The MNfass) Itennty and the lleaat , • goes lnlo Its sixth week March P. with audiences still of rnparlly slxe. The great spectacle has fullillcd ex- pectations In ovury way. MAJEttrfC TKkatrh (Stair A llavlin. ninn- agersl.—This Is Hie fourth week of -'The Htnrks." which Is entertaining houses of goodly size with n melange of witty say- ings nnd r.'isclniillng music. lUrhnrd Curie Is the bend and shoulders of the show, his work being.very effective. The original In- tcjttluu of the uiunagcuicut was to continue. Ibis offering for four more weeks, bat It looks now as If the engagement would ter- minate in about two weeks. A new comic opora or. musical comedy. Introducing the some. roarpmy, will probably replace It Oband Oi-cba Hotian (Oco. W. Magee, manager).—Uaonger Magce oilers tbls week '•Over Niagara .Foils," a melodrama n«w to tbls city, judging from the press notices and attractive bills, the piny ought to pleajx patrons of this bouse. "A,Desperate Chance" had a successful week, and proved to be on entertaining show, well staged aad capably played. "Alphonse «nd Unston" ia aa- nonnced for week of March lfl. Urate H.m.i. (Stair A Willuir. managcra). —After an absence of several seasons Nellie McHenry returns to .the local stage March V, appearing for the first time in this city In ".ll'llss." The revival of this successful old piny is under the direction of Spencer and Aborn, who hare surrounded Ml** Mdteary with a competent company. v Tbe Itoad to Ituln" was one of the weakest melodramas seen bere tills season, but It aerved to Intro- duce Jack.Munrce. tbc pnglllst. Ijargo au- diences came-out: to see the latter andiwere much pleased with his boxing exhibition. Next week. Annie Blanckc, in "A Little outcast." ( :.i.kti.e Sqt'ARB Thiutre (J. II. • Kmery. mnnnger).— 8hc«-ss . rewarded the efforts of the bouse stock Inst week in an excellent performance of "The Greatest. Thing In the World." . "Humanity" is revived this week with a east of the following: Lindsay Mori- son, . John Craig. Ocorge E. Mack, John Salnpolis, I,ouls Thlel, John T. Craven. Jamoa U, Seelcy. Thomas Mac Larnle, Edward Wade, l.llllnn Lawrence. Leonora Bradley. Mary Sanders. Jane Irving and Izettu Jewel. March 10, "The New Magdalen." BOWWIIN KUUAIIH TIIK.ITRB (0, K. Lotll- i-op, manager).—"The Stlii Alarm" Is the stock selection for current week, with tbe leading characters in the hands of Charlotte Hunt, Corlne Cnnlwell, Florence Hale, Wll- llard Itiackmore. Carl Fey and K. D. Dent- son. "In Peril" was a satisfactory card last week, and Interested full houses at every performance. "The Shamrock" Is In rehearsal. • . Keith's TiiBATnB -,(B. V. Keith, mana- ger).—'this week's bill is another, of the star vaudeville, cntertnlnmcnis this, house- has been offering for some time pnsl. ttob- ert Illlllard and company, lu "The Littlest Ulrt," Is the feature act. Other enter- tainers are: Chas. K. Uraiicwiu and Anna Chance, in "Alrnvc the Limit;" Klo BrnUi- crs. Hilly Gould, Mark .Sullivan. Alice Ray- mond nnd John Kurkamp. John Donahue and MnlUc Nichols, linger Imliof nnd Hugh Conn. I'nmxn and Aran, Alf. Holt..the He Muths. Ed. Mullen, Itusscll and Isjcke, Jlar- titil and Mnxmlllon. Hast us and.Banks, and the blograpli. James Francis Dooiey. In an umuslng monologue, was one of the bits on Inst week's programme. Crowded houses all tbo time. Howard Atiienaei-u (Wm. McAvoy. man- ager).—Announcement for week of March 0 Includes: Cbarmlon. Hoherty Sisters, Sailor nnd Barbarotto, Nat Le Hoy nnd Minnie Woodford, Cooper and Bailey, Uesnnh and Miller, Oznv and Delmo. I.eighton and Lolgh- ton,. Alabama Comedy Four, Allaire nn-J Cavllle, tbc Holbnioks, Morrlssey and Proc- tor, the Coltoiis, and a new burlesque, en- titled "The Sultan's Substitute." Toby Lyons, Joe Fields, Mark Wolley and others of the house 6tock Introduce specialties.. . 1'ai.ack Theatre (Chas. II. Waldron, mnuagcr).—Harry W. Williams' Imperial Burlesque Co. Is here for a -week of fun. "Two Old Sports" Is n two act burlesque, while the vaudeville portion of bill Includes: Kcllv and Adams, Ford nnd Dot West, Ettn A'lctorlu, Cliff . Gordon, Edna TJrllne, Perry and Itandnll, aad James F. Leonard. Hose Sydcll's New London Belles made merry last week, nnd large audiences thoroughly oa- joved the performance. Lyceum Tiieatrh («S. II. Bntcheller, man- nger).—Harry Bryant's Burlesqners had a prosperous week, nnd patrons Baw one of the best shows of the season. Tills week's card Is the Merry Maidens Co. Nellie Han- Icy, the Ulatts, Spencer Brothers, Brasll and Brazil, nr.d the Johnson Trlo-constltutc the vaudeville portion of tho bill. Austin A Stone's MuHEUit (Stone A Show, ninnngera).—V.-illeclla and her den of performing linns, loop.-.rds and Mexlcnu pnnthers: Alhonc and La Brent, mind read- ers ; Anger Bros., exponents of physical cul- ture : Kiel on. Juggler: Xora, Japanese Illu- sionist, and Alice Snftnnarc curio hall feat- ures. Stage : Bobbins and Trenaman, mid Helmer, llosullnd Vcreuc, Trftto and Dcl- 10, Morgan nnd Crane, George and Gladys Johnson, May Ireland, Cook nnd Hall, the Wnshlugtnns. James nnd Richards, the Sterling Trio, Granger Sisters. Tally Ho Dno. Taylor und Smart, and the Silver Moon Quartet. BowooiN SqrARF. Murubsi (J. W. Strom, nionngor).—Vassnrlo Cnmeronl, who makes "a slide for life" while suspended by his teeth, Is this week's head liner. Other curio hall acts arc: Prof, llartnett. lightning cartoonist; George Brown, high Jumper; Itnlph Clark nnd Alice Hilton, musicians: Kiln Morris, lady ventriloquist, nnd n suiud of lady isig ptmehers. Stage: Pete Murray, Gertie Zola, Herbert Swift. Mile. Farina, Mason nnd Henshuw, and Donngan's Com- cillans. -Nickblopkon (L. It. VS'ulker. manager).— BUI for week of March 0: Curio hall—Prof. Howard's performing sheep nnd dogs, Bur- nett's Colored Comedy Co.. Frederick, ma- glclnti: Kd. Gavin, the perfect mnn, nnd oHters. Stage: Lizzln Parker'a Burlesqners, In "A Night nt tbc Hotel I>o-Haln," and nn olio of specialties. Items ok Interest. —A. Pnul Keith sailed for Furope March 4 Manager William Harris mndc one of his periodic Hying trips to Boston March I Sunday concerts were inaugurated nt the Majestic March 8. with the followlug bill: Amelia Summorvllle, Wnlerbury Brothers-nnd Ten. ney. Gardner nnd Madden. Klmbnll and Donovan. Geo. Yeoman. Carver and Pollnrd. Mozart Conunly Four, and the Three' Llel- Ilotls Music Hall hill Sunday, MareJi 8: Madge Fox. If. V. Kilzgernld. Gardner mid Madden. Three Llelllotts, Bowman nud Adi'll, Mornrt (lorawly Four. Carver and Pollnrd, Volgt and Kngel. Dan Slocnm, nnd Nichols and Nichols Gils Williams. Will 11. Fox, J. Aldrlch Llbhey nnd Kntherinc Thayer, Downs and Scotl. Andy I,eonard Jr., Mny Wnlsh. Jennie Dehoan. nnd the First Itegiment Band were, March 8, enter- tainers at ilie Boston Manager Augus- tus 11. While, of Austin A Stone's, recently received a letter from Hugo Iltintb, of Bimtli nnd Itiidd I from the old world), which Is of pinch Interest ta theatrical entbuslnsts. Huntli nnd Itiidd nre members of J. Rial's World Entertainers. Other members nre: Salerno. Miss Kllyyus' London Sketch Co., Miss Gwynn. Chan. Sutton. Violet Elliott. Mile. Peril, cinematograph, and nn orchestra Company s.illnl Jan. in, nn steamer Ash ruff, for llonilinv. from Cnpe Town. Mnuretntish. Islands will lie plnyed en rosfi- to India, then ' to China. The writer reports big business. Old Kentucky" 12. W. U. Crane, Itf '•Djtrhl Hnrum," 13;- Gertrude Cogblan, .In•"Alice of Old Vlncenneai," afternoon aid eveniog, 14: Sprlngtleld Tumvereln 10, Martin.Har- vey •it?, Otis Skinner, 111 "Lazarfe." 19. Naw OiLHOTE Theatre (Jataca 0. fimlth, manager).—"A Boyal Slave," 2-i, pleasod a good sized audience. Irene Jermon made a very pleasing mold. "A Jolly American Tramp," 0-7, drew good bouses. The com- pany was an exceptionally good one. Dae: '•The Convict** Daughter" U-Jl, "Peck's Bad Boy" 12-14. "Tile IWad to Huln" 10-18, "An American Gentleman" 10-21. Grand OpeBa HfrogB (Charles W. londn, manager).—The Merry Maldena Burlesqae company, 2-4. had on excellent olio, while tbe two burlesques pleased the audience* •Side Tracked," 5-7, proved quite diverting. I«on Mayo. In the role of the tramp, kent the honse entertained. Coming: "Lost Id the Desert" 0-11, "A Gambler'a Daughter" fcfrlA IflBOiR Theatre (J. F. Burke, manager). —The sensational act of Tom ItuiK-r and Frank Cadwell, of riding In the Topsy Turvy, was the strong drawing curd of lust week s hill. Kntherlne Robcr, In repertory, 0-14; the Smart Set IC-IM. ... M u:cn Brkkzkm.— Plans are being made by the Berkshire Street Kallroad, of Pltts- lleld. for the Summer season at Berkshire l'urk. Negotiations are. under way for a lease of laud at • Housatonlc or Great Bar- rlngtou for n pleasure park, with open air theatre nnd other attractions, to be (on- irulleil bv the street railroad. Manager I*. J. Casey, of tbls city, will look out for the bookings of both theatres Helena Phillips, of Dave Warffeld'a "Auctioneer" company, who has been visiting at her home In Chlcopee Fslls, rejoined the company nt Cincinnati J......All theatrical posters are hereafter to be Inspected by the city marshal before they nre put out, to as to prevent the posting of any which seem offensive to 6ome of the citizens..... . Ruth Hnnfqrth, of "The Burglar," spent Sunday, with relatives in tills clly Frank Emerson, formerly .a resi- dent of this city, renewed old acquaintances during the engagement of "When Johnny Comes Mhrchlng Home" here -Mrs.. Be- atrice Iiatrls, aged twenty-one years, wife of Carl Harris, died Sunday. March 1, after a long Illness, from consumption, at. her home In Plttsllcld. She leaves a husband and mother, Charles Mackey gave his monologue at the banquet of Co. II,. Naval Brigade, nt the Highland Hotel, 0, and James Mullen, of the Nelson Orchestra, ren- dered a number of original compositions. (Jssip Gabrilowltsch Is to give a re- cital in tbe High School hall 10. a Lynn,—At the Lynn Theatre (Frank G. Harrison, nianngcrl.^-ltentfrow's Stock Co. flayed, to fair, business, week of March 'L tlldred Hollaud appeared.In "The Lily and the Prhice." to a good bouse, 0. Qulnlan & Wall's Minstrels did good business 10. Booked: "Sored from the Sea'.'. 11. 12, "The Climbers" 13. '.'Foxy Grandpa" 14, Bennett A Moulton Comedy Co. 16-21. Rem Theatre .(Charles W. Sheafe. man- ager).—Big business last week. Tbe cur- rent attractions are: The bioscope, with new comedy moving pictures; Sam Lang nnd Dolly Shnrpe, Ellis and Barlow. Vcno Cavllle, Eu- gene Pippin, nnd Al. ftayno's canine para- dox. Bishop's Concert Hall (Major.Bishop, mnnnger).—Good houses all last week. The hill for this week Includes: Prof. Daniel J. Harrington and bis wooden beaded family, liarr und Lacclle. John nnd Ella Brown. Mile. Beth, the Sussclles, Marie Durande and Mme. Bohec. . The Woxoer World (Sam J. Howard, manager).—Among the. mnny attractions found here last week were tbc bicycle races on the .giant rollers, which attracted much attention, and the exhibition riding by Sadie Knowlton, long distance bicycle rider, who appeared evening of 0. The principal at- traction this week Is nn illusion. New pic- tures are-In the machines. New Mechanic Theatre, Salem. Mass. (William H. Hick"/, manager).—Business continues satisfactory, and. tbe shows please. The attractions for the present week are : Winona and Banks Whiter-. Wesson- and Wal- ters, assisted by Master Willie Wesson, tbe Female Drummer Quartette, Kennedy' and Quantrclle, the Burnech Sisters and Chnltls, Margaret Webb, and Williams and Yenger and Yeager. Salem Theatre, Salem. Mass. (Harry E. Reed, manager).—"Saved from the 8ea" was presented evening of 2, and William Craue, in- "David Ilarum." drew big audience .">. "The Burgomaster" played, to good business, 7. Quialou A Wall's Minstrels appear I), "King Dodo" 10, "The Climbers" 11; Stunrt ltobson 12, nnd Mildred Holland. In "The Lily and tbc Prince,"- 14. Coming: Mrs. I* Moyne 18, " 'Way Down East" 20, "side Tracked" 21. Gruver's Garden Theatre, Salem, Mass. (G.- II. Atwood,. manager).—J. II. Barnes' Burlesquers Is again the attraction, pre- senting "Earo Bin. the. Western Gambler." In the olio are: The Great La Tell.Bros., Coyne and Ardell. Lawrence and Edwards. Edne. Buckley, Fred Wilton, and Ed. and Joslc Evans. Notes. —Major Bishop, ,of Bishop's Con, cert Hall, has a unlqne scheme .for street advertising. He has a flue teniu of bays hitched to a can logo, nnd the band plays when the team is In motion Ethel May Shorty will, .present her. own ploy, "Light 143, 1 '. In the Lynn Theatre on the evening of April 20, which Is a testimonial to her Lender Sam Lurvey will fur- nish the music at the Point of Pines The- atre the.coming Summer John W. Hutchlngaon. the well known singer. Is to erect a Summer pnvllion on high rock near his home, and It will be ready for the open- ing May 31. Opera and dramatic attrac- tions will be seen there during the warm months. Great Beroardo. Gns: Williams, and Con- verse,.ana Swan will gdve two performances Mareh'll.- W. 11. Craxfe will appear In "Da. vld Harum" 12,; and Mrs. , tie Moyne, in "Among T4ore Present." 13. N. C. Goodwin nnd Maxlrte Elliott, In "The Altar of Friend- ship"," caused the orchestra to be placed under the stage- 4. "Tracy, tho Outlaw/' drew good,bualnes8 7 . . . LOtttRoi-'s Opbba Housti (Shea A Wlllon managers).—Week of 0, "The Itoad to Huln " Lost-week "An American Gentleman" pluved to excellent business. Coming: "A Jolly Amerlcnn Tramp." . w PAbk THeatbb (8bea A Wilton, mana- gers).—Week of 0 Culver's 'cycle performance. in tbe loop the loop, with Tom Botlcr and Frank Caldwell as riders, will appear as a head, liner, followed by ,Jhe Four Ilalnos Lillian Barlow, Seeker nnd Wilkes, Shelter nod French.. Sully Dufree, Perry and Lulu Ilyan and Emma Wood, Mile. Tneo and her horse. Coming: "Fiddle-Dec-Dee. Busi- ness far above par for the Lenten season. • Gaiety. Theatre (Jos. F. Qulnn, mana- ger)'.—njeek-of O, Lombard Brothers' Vn- riety Co., with nu olio and excellent cIosln<- act. Last week Art Keeley, bag puncher, created a hit. Excellent business. Casino Theatre (Davy A Leslie, mana- gers).—Week of 0: Loralne and Vinton, the Joyces, Laura Bradsbaw, Colbiirh and Grenacne, and the Gerard Sisters. Day snd Iycslle have taken the management of th» Cnalno Theatre, at Pawtucket, B. I, and will open March 10. - Note.— The fire which occurred under the Park Theatre last week did but little dam- age, and did not binder tbe usual perform- ancej. . * . Lowell.—At the Lowell Opera House (Fay Bros. A Hoaford, managers).—Only tbe best, attractions..have been offered thu past..week, to satisfactory business. "Why Women. Sin'.' was presented by a capable company March 2, to a tilled house. "Saved from the Sea," 3, 4, had only fair business. "The Climbers," 0, with John Kellerd, pleased a.,. Jorge house. "The Burgomaster," 0, plea sect a large audience. John C. Weinberg, Rut h White, I-'. B, Bunnells and Oscar L. J-'igmnn contributed largely to tbo uilrth and. melody.- The cboru» was excellent. William. II. Crane, as David Harum, was welcomed by capacity houses, matinee and nighf. 7. ..Dae: Joseph Hart-and Carrie De Mar, in "Foxy Grandpa," 0: Nell Bur- gess, in "The County Fair." 11, 12; Mildred Holland, in "The Lily and the Prince," 13; Raymond Hitchcock, In "King Dodo," 14, with matinee. Academy of Music (Chas. F. Dempscy, manager).—This houso has bad a most prosperous week Just past. In • Gay Paris drew capacity houses, and wns very pleas- ing. The olio Included :.Tbe Grent Vernon. Latcl Brothers. Devoe, musical expert, and others. The chorus was very strong. "My Friend from India" was presented by ub excellent company 5-7, to capacity houses. For current week: "A Hidden Crime" 9-11, "An American Gentleman'' 12-14. Boston Theatre (J. U. Tcbbetts, mana- ger).—The Todd Judge .Four headed the bill last week, which wasione of excellence. The burlesque number, "Ftnucanc's Picnic/' was deserving of mention. Business was to the capacity. Current:. The Four Victor- inas. in "The Sonl of Sclmn,' to be followed by Burnham and Davis, Amy Alleu, King- dom, 'cyclist -, Wayne and La Mar, aad tho burlesque number, "Trial by Jury." People's Theatre (Billy Nelson, mana- ger).—The burlesque, "Why Women Chin/' drew S. B. O. houses, and the rcmulndcr of the bill was very good, especially tbc olio. Current: Elsie Russell's Vaudeville Company, Including: Melroac nnd Elmer, Maude Thorn- ton, Vice and Viola, the Great Busch, Kcl- ley and Hamilton. Elsio Itusscll, and Mur- phy and Allecn. Afterpiece, "Ten Bar Rooms In One Night." ITmpix Theattib <M. W. Murray, mana- ger).—This house was dark, owlug to no suitable attractions being available. Noth- ing definite In regnrd to bookings. JIentio.v. —The benefit of the Casto Thc- nrtc attaches was a big success 1 ~1 letii-T"" V: TTurtr CSV severccT "his" "conhcctriiu with the Casto Theatre ns superintendent to accept a lucrative position with a Bos- ton theatre , Al. J. Crawford, late of the Newsboy Quintet, Joins tho Pawnee Bill Circus second week in April W Ken- dall Hnllnwcll Is to locate pormuuen'tly In New York City. ' . Sjirl nnfield—At I he Court Square Thc- ntre (W. C. t> Xolr. manager).—Denmon Thniiivsa'i. l-i "The Old Homestead," was greeted by a full house. March 8. which thoroughly enjoyed the production as given by a well balanced company. Andrew Mack, In "The nulfl Soger Boj'." made his.second visit of. the season 4. to a good house, .x. C. Goodwin nnd Maxim- Elliott, In "The Al- tar uf Friendship," taxed the cspoeltv oi Die house .">. A great deal of disappoint. i."".f «rM felt Hint Stuart Hudson, was obliged tn. cancel his ongsgemciii for 0 on account of Illness. Booked: "A Russian Honeymoon" (local), matinee only, 10; "la Fall River—At. the Academy of Music (Win., J. ..Wiley, manager).—"Foxy, Grand- pa." March 2, was enjoyed by a.-fair audi- ence. "Why Women Sin." 3, hod a light house. Y. II. C. A. course had a. large and sclert audience 4. "Over Niagara Falls" played to light business 15-7. Booked: Herrmnuii P.. "Saved from the Sea" 10. W. It. Crane, In "Dnvld Harum.". 11: "Sid.: Tracked" 12. " 'Way. Down East" 13,. 14, Mrs. Le Moyne. In "Among Those Present." ik: "The Burgomaster" 17. "King Dodo" ID. "The Village l'ostmoster" 21. BUna THeatrk (Henry Myers, nmna- 5»r.—"A. Hidden Crime." 2-4, played to fnlr business. "In Convict's Stripes'* hail fair houses ;V#. Due: "Onlv a Shop Girl" 0-11. Nellie McHenry. la "M'llss." HJ-18. Casto Tiibatre (At. flaynes. manager).— Business here last week, with Gardner and Mnddcni heading the bill, was exeeodlnglv good. For 0 nnd week: George Neville nnil Co.. Eik-r nnd Webb, (ins Bruno, the Three llpngons. Racket! snd Douglas, the travel- ogue, klnelosi opo- nnd tbe Casto Comeilv Company, wllk Mr. Haynes In one of his ponutar black face characters.- Rich's Tiieatrh .(A. K. Rich, manager). —At Gny Paris played,' to fair returns. Ji-T. Due: Parisian Belles 11-11, Trov Athletic Club is, lioplnn Burlesqners 13,'14, Dewey ltni-lpsiuiers 'J.'i-Sr.. . . SiiEti.v's Tiibatrb (D. R. Bufflngton. man- ngeri.—Business last week-was good and the hill uffervd areally pleased. Week of 0- I*roux and Davis. Bell Sister*. Elbe Meer- son. Donovan, Keeley and Keeley, and tbe Randolphs. - . ■ ■v *• s,-r • .,yf, orr r. Ht *z:~-y, , . i,e gmniu -'Hmtw Helix It. Wendelschnefer. manager) a vaudeville company. Including :■ j M i M \ t j.,,1. Icr, In "l.'Aribauge•„" LHn Blow and W. 1L . rumor. Thou. Nnst Jr.. the Brownlne Sisters, LWnu«seli, ThomasT Cyrth£ tjg New Bedford—At the New Bedford Theatre (Win. II. Cross, manager).—The Daniel R. Ryan Co. closed a week's engage- ment March 7. Business was sutlsfactorv, considering Lent and the numerous counter attractions. Booked: Wm. H. Crane, in 'Dnvld Hamm," 0; Alice Fischer, In "Mrs. Jack," 12 ; "Saved from.the Sea" 13, " 'Way Down East" 10, 17, "The Burgonmstor" 18, "Alice of Old Vlncennes" 10,,Mrs. Le Moyne In "Among Those Present," 20; "King Dodo' 1 SnEEDY's Theatre (Theo. B. Baylies, man- ,, fsS r) -;r¥/' nn<1 Urs - -I'erklna Flaher, lu '■ ..J 16 .HaHwny House." headed a very strong bill last week. The Burk Bros., hoop rollers and club swingers, with Ned Foster and his dog .Mike, and May Walsh, ballad singer, equally shared the honors. This week s bill is: Bcuman nnd, Adole, the Iraser Trio, Alburtus and Millar. Mitchell nnd Love, Ben Turpin, Al. II. Burtlu, Ray- tuon Jlooro, and Count d' Hauterlve's colored animated photographs. Flowers' Theatre (John J. Shannon, manager).—This honse reopened March 4, under new runnngement, when the Parisian Belles Burlesque Co. was presented. Tho show was lively. In the olio Nellie Do- verm nnd Baby Marlon made decided hits llie Lorre troupe of acrobats also deserve special mention. In fact, the whole show could not bin please the most fastidious lover of this class of entertainment. This week the Dainty Pnreo Burlesque Co., un- der the direction.of J. II. Barnes. . ^°TE S ;—John J. Shannon, the new mnn- nger of rlowei-B' Theatre, is well nnd favor- ably known in the profession and among traveling commerclnl men. He was for- merly manager of the local Mansion House, nnd later treasurer of tho Alma Chester Co. and the HarrUon Bros.' Minstrel Coinpanv. Last Summer he was the partner of Mr. Boynton n the management of Marine t'ark. a local Summer resort. Ho Is courteous and gonial, nnd everybody wishes blm suc- cess In. his new venture Nellie Rlccl M missed from tho box office at Flowers' Theatre, as Is also Emerson Flowers, late treasurer .of tho same house "Tho Shamrock nnd the Rose" will be presented March 1*. at the St. -Mary's Theatre, by the St. Lawrence Dramatic Co The dc- uinnd for the .fiftieth anniversary edition of. Hip, Ci.hteu was so brisk that every ropy, wns sold out early hy tho newsdealers, and much disappointment wna expressed by delinquent patrons In not securing a copy. . ,. . a m .■ lawrenee^-At the Opera :h|ousc (Grant * Cnhir, malingers).—On Mnrch 3 "The Burgomaster" plnyed to g.>od business. "Tho (limbers" came, to fair business, 4, ''David I ururo ' ilrw good business fi. "Saved from the Sen,' 7. Including matinee, plaved to fair returns. Booked: .Herrmann 10, "Foxy Grandpa'. 12, "King Dodo" 13, "Qnlncy Adams Sawyer" 14. Mildred Holland lu. Mnls-.lle Gilninn 20, "'Way Down East" 21, l.jsivo (W.. i_ Galhlgbcr,. manager).-r •neck; of 0 The Casino. Hmlesquers. lnclud- l'ig the Slrnnds. Kilty Hoffman. Leonard tuid Bastedo. Peer) Fynser. Slg. flnllmettr. UajM Mason, female minstrel first part. S. R.- O. at evening performances. !;, 'ii"l -Sp» ■ '-•■—• *.i -i. '.i Holyoke.—At Uig Opera Home (B. TA