The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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3IAR 0H 14. TIBI.U Or CONTEXTS. Page. .,,,,, runner's Anecdotes, Personalities M £d c'miments Concerning Stage Folk.m Vlofa <ill'««'Y7,^r t O" 3 •Sf , on >«n-sVeicn::::::::::: ."-•& Vorce If- Prluirosc—Sketch fill ......™ (in the Road.• • • wi °"' '"• i\ Vaudeville Route Mat .1 ,l,e*s and Checkers 02 merles Answered • • • JJO \vw York City—Review and Comment... TS With the BUI Fosters i: Stage Mechanics T3 Clipper Post Office.... ±4 Miscellaneous. • I* inder the Tents i* Music and Kong «J Deaths In the Profession o THBATRICAL CORRKSPONDENt *. Alalmoin ]'•*' Illlno « ffi lAulRtana... "i North Carolina ;I MllUSUCllllSCttB " Minnesota »' Delaware. ..... • ••• •''!- District or Columbia i Maryland "' Utah S Indiana.; "2 Texas J{5 Tennessee J}" Virginia g Michigan J" Washington '» Kentucky «» Iowa.... }:2 California Jj» !ukan«i" W«st Virglnin:.'..'..'.'.'..'.'..'.'.'.' OS South Carollnn, Canada, Colorado n New Hampshire, Maine . -- J < Missouri 71,78 Kansas •„■••■,••". -■, Now York State, Pennsylvania ji3 Wisconsin. Connecticut T» New Jersey - ■ * LATEST BY TEL EGRAPH. Monday Klfflit's Opentnjrs in All the B1|K .Show Tinvm. golden gate gleanings. Gobil lIiiHlin'sn ltul.-s lit the Vnrlons Houses. NjirofSl Dispatch to The New YoitK Cmiter. Max Fbaxcisco, 'March 10.—At Hie Co- lumbia Theatre William Gillette began last night a two weeks' engagement In "Sherlock Holmes. - ' The house was packed, and the .advance sale Is heavy. AUVUMM TMBATBK.—"Sowing the A\ Ind is this week's bill. t'exTKAi. Tiikatiik. —"The Slaves of the Orient" Is this week's ofTerlng. GtiAXn Oi'KliA Hoi sk. —The second week of Mnude Odell's engagement began Inst night, with "The Countess Zuicska T ' ns the 1)111.' Tivoi.i Opeha House. —The second week of Mascagul und his orchestra begun UiHt night. He will play Wednesday. Friday and Sunday nights of tills week, and the regular house company will alternate the other nights, and nt the mnttnees present "lolanthe." The S. It. O. sign was In evi- dence last night. FiKcusn'H Theatre. —The fourth week of •Holtv Tolly" began Inst night, with a house packed to the doors. OAi.iKim.viA Tiikatrk. —"Corlanton" Is the I'lirrcnt bill, opening Sunday, 8. TiiEATiiE.—The second week of 'Virginia Drew Treseott began Sunday, with "IteHurrectlon" as the bill. Oktucijm Thkatiu:. —The current bill In- clude*: Musical Dale. Lillian llurkhart and I'omimny, Dare Nnwlln, Rice and Walters, i lie' s« in mhos. Andrnessen Bros., the Po- lecats, Qunntor Basque, and Former Jones' I ruined pigs. Oiihtks. —New people opening !): Plckert unci-■ Whippier, Gladys Van, Dnlton and l#wls, nnu Fay und 'Morton. FROM OTHER POINTS. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 69 llpnrlettn Croniitiui Present* Her New I'radnctton of "The Swonl of the KliiK" — Mlil-I.ent Hun Little De- terrent Effect limn llnnlnesM. Special l>lspatclicn to The New York CLirrEit Chicauo, March 10.—Henrietta Crosinan, In a bountiful and completely new production uf 'The Sword of the King.' opened Monday night, to the full capacity, and won a signal success Win. Piiversham began at Pow- ers'? In "Imprudence." Georgia Cnln opened In the title role of 'Teggy from 1'nriu," beginning its seventh prosperous week at the Studebnker Frauds Wil- t-on. began "The Toreador's" secoud week, with the Illinois completely tilled Jeff l)c Amrclls held over for an extra nor- lorhuiuee of "The Kmcrald Isle," pneking the '•rand "Arc You a MasonV" drew to I ho capacity of the Great Northern, and jeonttd to please Iniraousely "Tom 'loin" began Its last week with the La Salle rrowded Combinations opening at the outlying houses, the traveling and stock bur- lesque shows, nnd the three vaudeville houses nil drosnered deservedly "East Lynuo" Is May If oumcr's stock offering at the People's, audi with the oilier permanently locnted com- panies, fared exceedingly well In the line of profitable palronago Carrie Fulton, wlte in .Malinger Hubert Fulton, of the Trocadero, d.ed at a local hospital early Saturday morning, 7, after long suffering from stomncli lroubles. Her funeral is set for Tuesday morning. 10, front the home of her sister, In H' s city, nnd her remains will be Interred nt I.ngrangc, a suburban village Business Manager I logon, of Fulton's Jolly Grass Widows, playing Hopkins' this week, reiulvcd word Inst night that Florence Wal- dron, a member of the company, who bad been left behind lu a St. Louis hospital, find.died ns a result of a surgical operation. Cincinnati, March 10.—David H. Hunt nnnouueed that he expected to see a new theatre rise from the ruins of the Pike, and that he would be found lu the Cincin- nati-(laid next Benson. There was a rumor in circulation that Iletick & I'cnnessy were liidttluar on building a new theatre on the ?!, tn .. af tlie present Dcnnlsou House, nenr 1'lfth and Main Streets Cincinnati W»ve "The Prince of Pllsen" a wonderful reception, nnd Henry W. Savage's produc- tion' Is certain to do an overwhelming biml- "esa "p C ck and Ills Mother-ln-Luw" was well received at the Walnut At Heuck's "Tracy, the Outlaw," packed the "«"«e Mrs. Piske began her second week nt Robinson's, in "Mary of Magdala." Io good business Frank Kcenan rc- ■ Mvcd an ovation from old friends nt the ' nlnmbla, where business was great.... At 'he-Lyceum "A Fight for Millions" filled tlui .hotiBo The Rose IIIII Company ■'••rnwded'the People's.. Lqi'IHvii.le, March 10. — "Ben Hur" opened a week's engagement last night at .unenuley's, to a packed house. The standing room sign was exhibited early In the day. ••-,;,. ."The Little Church Around the Cor ner opened at the Avenue Sunday, to the usual Hunaay crowds Clark's Royal "urleaquem attracted good crowd Sunday, at '»* "Buckingham A fine Taudevllle bill at ine Temple dnnr crowded house* Sunday, „.. Jn. L "Y ,EU U ', J . h " cl1 10-—Aiidlemres ml goodly size attended the opcuings last nlghi. hough there was room to spare. Mr '"7.7, SB!?*.?.' *• «>Pfa Ilouse, pr.Hluv- 25J^? , u,lly "»J", ■■? "celvhiB a cardial welcome from a well filled house? "l)u Harry nttracled another cmwrfol house at the Hronil, and i.ther contlnueil offerings !i wcl '--.'Kngenli. nialr returned To h S» Am H , . orl ." m wlMl "Zajn." delighting a large, gathering "«ucen of the High- way proved sensational enough to please the patrons of the National, nnrl the Smart Set, nt the Peoples, nnd "llnnd of Mnn" nt he Kensington, had successful otwnlngs there was the usual excellent patronage for the stock house productions Kcith't had a rousing attendance for a fine vaude ville programme, the minstrels provided cood entertainment at the Eleventh, and the bur- esmje houses and Museuru were heavily im- tronized. i l , ,08 i T< ? : i'' ? I,,r . ch 1«— Ojx'nlngs were good hist night, despite niipropftlous weather. The novelties, Ethel Barrymore, lu "Carrots" and i A ..i f0, r'. n . tr - v 'Mo'tae." «t the irollls: "The Little Princess at the Muspum, and Chaun- cey Olcott, In "Old Limerick Town." nt the Boston, all had crowded houses lames K. Hackrtt, lu "The Crisis." at the Tremont, attracted a lurge gatherlug Prosperity was the rule with the continued attractions. J.£ n "!y a,«"l the Beast," nt the Coloulal: Phe Knickerbocker Girl," m\ the Columbia : The Mocking Bird." at the Park, and "The Storks," at the Majestic Popular price enrds, "Over Niagara, Fulls," nt the Grand opera House, and Nellie Mclleury, lu "M llss." nt 'Music Hall, drew big audiences. Keith's was packed S. R. 0. at the burlesque houses and museums. .Kansas City. March 10.—"Sally In Our &HSF opened It week'B engagement at the Willis Wood Theatre last night, to n good bouse The second week of the Castle Square Opera Company opened Sunday night, with "Stabat Mater/ Last nlgh't. "Cnrmeu" was sung, to a large ond verv enthusiastic audience The Orpbcitm sold two big Sunday houses to see the new- vaudeville bill, In which 1'llson and Errol were the bendllners At the Audi- torium "Brown's in Town" had two good houses Barney Gllmore, In "Kidnapped in New York," pleased two corking houses nt the Glllls The stock company gave "Held by the Kuemy," to two good houses, nt the Century. Milwaukee, March 10.—"Miss Simplicity" wns greeted with & well filled house at the Davidson. Frank Daniels, in a congenial role, was a strong favorite, as usual At the Alhambra Ilagenbeck's Trained Aul- mill Show started Its second week, with .standing room at a premium The Than houser Plavers, In "Rupert of Ileutzau," lias nn attractive offering for the week.... The Waclisner Comiiany drew full houses Sun- day for "Alt Heidelberg." at the Pabst.... At the HIJou Heme's "Hearts of Oak" drew up to past records, and went good The Bohemian Burlesque™ turned people awny twice Sunday at the Star. Washinoton-, March 10.—Mary Mnnner- Ing. In "The Stubbornness of Gernldlne," had n fine opening at the National Kara Kendall opened at the Columbia, lu "The Vinegar Buyer," to a crowded house. The Pike Stock Co., in "Nathan Hale." opened to the capacity at the Lafayette. "Hearts Adrift" pleased the patrons; of the Academy Olgn Von Hutzfeldt headed a prime bill at Chase's, crowding the house twice The City Club had Its usual big crowd at the Lyceum The Itljoit Stock, supplemented by Labclle Sn- lorltii and company, packed the Umpire af- ternoon and night. St. Lotus, March 10.—Marguerltn Syiva, In "The Strollers," opened 8, at. the Cen- tury, to excellent business The Rogers Brothers are nt the Olympic "lork State Folks" Is offered at the Grand, with excellent advance sale At the Imperial "The Little Mother" seems to be a satis- factory melodrama "A Hugged Hero." nt Huvlln's, proves of considerable merit, nnd opened well The City Sports is at the Standnrd The Columbia offered a new bill at the Monday matinee, to good business. On tfce Road, AH Route* Mast Iteach Va Not Later Than Monday. DRAMATIC. A Allen. Vloln, In "The IOternol City" (Llebler & Co.. nigrs.)—N. Y. City Mcli U-14, New- ark, N. J., 10-21. AgueB Ardeck. In "Mile. Louise"—Tyrone, l'u., Mch 11, Irwin lli. Morgantowu, W. Va.. 13, Connellsvlllc, Ta., 14. Arnold Stock (.1. F. Arnold, mgr.)—Jackson- ville, Klu., Mch 0-M, Savannah, On., 10- 31. Allen Stock (P. R. Allen, mgr.)—Eureka, Cnl. Mch Ml. "Are You a MiiBon?" (Rich & Harris, nigra.) —New Orleans, La., Mch 8-21. "Are Yon a Mason?" (Julius Calm, mgr.)— Chicago. III., Mch 8-H. Watortown, Wis., ir>, Madison 10, Oshkosh 17, Stevens Point 18, Wausnu 10, Appleton 20, Green Boy 21. ... "An American Gentleman" (Carl Zoollner, mgr.)—Lowell, Mass.. Mch 12-14, Man- chester, N. II., 10-18, Springfield, Mass., 10-21. "Arizona"—Evnnsvllle, lnd., Mch 11, Bnttlo Creek, Mich., 10, Grand Haplds 21. "Alaska," Lincoln J. Carter's—Chlcugo, III., Mch 8-14. St. Louis, Mo., 15-21. "At Cripple Crock" (Whltaker & Nash, ingrs.)—Newcastle, Pa,, Mch 11. Massil- lon, O., 12, Louisville, Ky., 10-21. "American Hustler," George F. Roll (Gus Bot liner, mgr.)—Warren, O., Mch 12, Lis- bon HI, New Castle. Pa., 14, South Sharon 1(1. Akron, 0., 17, Wndsworth 18, Aehlnnd 10. Salem 20. Beaver Falls, Pa.. 21. "At Valley Forge" (James K Evans, prop, nnd mgr.)—Cnmdeu, N. J., Mch 12-14, Elizabeth 10-18. . , ,, _. „ "At the Old Cross Roads" (Arthur C. Als- ton, mgr.)—Altoonn, Ph., Mch 14, Phila- delphia. Pa., 16-21. "Across the Pacific" Ulairy Clay Rlauey, mgr.)—New Haven. Conn., Mch 9-11,- Wil- mington, Del., 12-14, Philadelphia, Pit., 10-21, "Aubrey,"' Elcnnor Kobsou (Llebler A Co., nigNO—Kort Worth, Tex., Mch 14, Alls- "Alpiionse und GnBton." Gus Hill's (Joseph F. Vlou, mgr.)—Providence, It. I., Mch 014, Boston. Mass., 10-21.. "All Aboard," Edwin C. Le Clair a—Schuyl- kill Haven, Pa., Mcli 11, Lykcns 12. II Bingham. Amelia, in "The Frisky Mrs. John- son" (W. A. McConnell, mgr.)—N. Y. City Mch 0, Indefinite. % , Barrymore, Ethel, In "Carrots" and "The Country Mouse'' (Charles Fronmau, mgr.) —BoBton, Mass.. Mcli 0-21. Bates Blnnche. In "The Darling of the floda" (Davltl Belaaco, mgr.)—N. Y. City Mch O. Indefinite. Itellew, Kyrle, In "A Gentleman of I ranee (Llebler & Co., mgre.)—Saginaw, Mleb Mch 12, Battle Creek 13, Toledo, O., 14, Detroit, Mich., 18-21. . ._ ., Brnne. Mrs.. In "Unorna" (Wallace Monro, mgr.)—Omaha, Nebr.. Mcb 11, Des Moines, VS. Waterloo 13, Albert Lea. Minn.. 14, Duluth 10, West Superior,'Wis., 17. Brnln- erd, Minn,, 18, Crookston 10, Winnipeg. Blair," Rugenle; in "Zaza"-(Henri Ore*»lt, mgr.)—l'hlliidclplilii, Pn., Mch tl-14. Wash. Inglop, D. C„ itl-'.'t. Ilerreaford. Harry. In "The Wrong Mr. Wright (J. .1. I'olenmn, mgr.)—Pndiicnh, Ky.. Mch 1(1. Burgess. Nell, In "The County Fair" (M. M. Burgess, mgr.)—Lowell. Masa.. Mch 11. 12, Bellows Kails, Vr.. I», rinreniont, N. II.. 14. llennett & Moulton (F. C. Twltchell. mgr.) —Osslning. N. Y.. Mch 10-21. Bennett & Moulton (J. M. Torr. mgr.)— Hellnlre. O., Mcb 0-14, MeKoesuiort. Pa., 10-21. Iteunett & Moulton (George K. Koblnsnn, mgr.)— Syracuse, X. Y.. Mch 0-14. Bennett & Moulton (Ira K. Newhnll. mgr.) — I'oughkoepRle, N. Y., Mch 0-14, Lynn, Mass.. 10-21, Bennett <fc Moulton (A. P. Kent, mgr.) — Pottsvllle, Pa., Mch 0-14, Pottstowa 10- BtiTdwln-Melville, Repertory (Walter K. Baldwin, mgr.)—Buffalo, N. Y., Mch 0, Indefinite. Baker, Pete. 'Chris and I,cua" (George Miinderlieek. mgr.)—Greenville, Pa.. Mch HI, Butler 17. Puuxsutawney 18. Klttnn- nlng It), Rochester 21), M"arreu, O., 21, Sa- lem 23. "Hen Hnr" (Klnw * Erlunger, nigra.)— Louisville. Ky.. Mch 0-14. "Bishop's Move." W. H. Thompson (James K. Ilnrkett, mgr.)—X. Y. City Mch 0, In- definite. "Bandit King" and "Cattle King." J. II. Knrrcll (James II Wolllck's: W II Ovlntt, mgr)—Indlnnupolla, lnd, Mch 0-14, Chi- cago, III, lii-Aprll 4 "Beyond Pardon/' Lnvlnla Shannon—Colum- bus, 0.. Mch 0-11, Mansfield 14. "Bunch of Keys" (Gus Itothner, mgr.) — Wilmington. Del.. Mch 11, Chester. Pa., 12, Chnmhcrsbnrg lit, Harrlsburg 14. "Brown's In Town" (Frank Hennessey, mgr.)—Kansas City, Mo., Mch 8-14, To- peka 15. "Breezy Time," Eastern (Merle II. Norton, prop, and mgr.)—Lonaconlng, Md., Meh 11, Piedmont. W. Va.. IS, Frostbiirg, Md., 14, Oakland, W. Va., 10, Davis 18, ThnmaH 10, Klklns 21. "Breezy Time," Western (Merle II. Norton, a. and mgr.)—Boone, In., Mcli 14, Fort je 17, Mnaon Cltv 21. "Breezy Time," Middle (George Vf. Rankin, prop, nnd mgr.)—Rat Portage. Can. Mch . 11, Portage La Prairie 12, Brandon, Man.. 13, Iteglna 14, Pasqun 10. Moose Jaw 17. Medicine Hat 18, Lethbrldge 10, Mel.roil 20, Calgary 21. "Bolivar's Busy Pay," Billy It. Vau aud Nellie O'Neill (Eugene Wellington, mgr.) —Columbus. 0.. Mch 0-11, Dayton 12-14, Cincinnati 16-31. "Roy of the Streets," Joseph Suntlv—N. Y. City Mch 0-14, Brooklyn, N. Y., iO-21. "Burglar" (A. <}. Scammon, mgr.)—Ornnge, Mass.. Mch 11. Eltchburg 14, Marlboro 1", South Kiirntlnguiim 18. C Crane. H'm, II., In "David Harum" (Charles Krohman, mgr. I—Kali River, Mass., .Mch 11. Worcester 12, Sprlngfleld 13, Hartford. Conn., 14, North Adams, Masa., 10, Glens Kails, N. Y., 17, PouBhkeepsle 18, Atlan- tic City, N. J., 10, Wilmington, Del., 20, Harrlsburg. Pa., 21. Carter, Mrs. Leslie., In "Du Barry" (David Belasco, mgr.)—Philadelphia, Pa., Mch 0-21. Campbell, Mrs. Patrick, Repertory (Charles Krohman, mgr.)—Grand Rapids, Mich., Mch 11, Milwaukee, Wis., 12-14, Kansas City, Mo., 10-21. Crnsmiin, Henrietta, In "The Sword of the King"' (Maurice Campbell, mgr.)—Chicago, III., March 9-21. Coghan, Rose, Repertory (Jules Murry, mgr.) —Denver, Colo., Mch 8-14. Coghlr.n, Gertrude, In "Alice of Old Vin- cenncB"—Trenton. N. J., Mch 11, New Haven, Conn.. 12, Hartford 13, Spring- field, Mass.. 14, New Bedford 10. Cohans, Four, In "The Governor's Son" (Fred NIblo, mgr.)—Columbia, S. C, Mch 11, Charlottesville, N. C, 12, Norfolk, Va., 13, Richmond 14, Jersey City, N. J., 10-21. Chase-Lister Theatre. Northern (Glenn F. Chase, mgr.)—Iowa City, In., Mch 0-14, Clinton 10-21. Cook-Church (II. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Akron," ()., Mch 0-14. Zanesvllle 10-21. Carta Dramatic (M. 11. Curls, mgr.)— O'Neill, Nebr., Mch Oil. Caruer Stock (Harry L. Webb, mgr.)— North Adams, Mass., Mch 0-14, Cllovcrs- ville. N. V., 10-21. Carpenter. Krnnkle (Jcro Grady, mgr.)—Os- wego, N. Y., Mch 0-14, Saratoga 10-21. Chester, Alma (Edward L. Bloom, mgr.)— Derby, Conn., Mch 0-14, Yonkers, N. Y., 10-21. Conway & Mack Comedians (P. P. Craft, mgr.)—Ellwoud City, Pa.. Mch 0-14. Carroll Comedy (Ion Carroll, mgr.)—Bar- ton, Md., Mch 0-11, Elk Garden, W. Vn., 12-14. Piedmont 10-21. Cusrlo Square Stock No. 1 (Brlggs & Green, nigra.)—1'hllllnsbiirg, N. J.. Mch 0-14. Clinmplnln Stock (Charles K. Champlalii, mgr.)—Wlnstcil, Conn., Mch 0-11. Criterion Comedy—Topckn, Kail., Mch 12-14. •Climbers" (James A. BlHke. mgr.)—Snlem, Mass., Mch 11, L.vnn 18, Gloucester 14. "Counterfeiters" (Chiis. A. Ilaswcll, mgr.) — Toronto, Cnn., Mch 0-14. "Circumstantial Evidence" (Fred D. Fowler, mgr.)—Easton, Md., Mch 11. Cambridge 12. Salisbury 13, Crlslleld 14. Pocarauku City 10. Capo Charles, Va., 17, Hampton 18, Suffolk 20. "Convict's Daughter," Eastern, Geo. Samuels' (Wcslev • B. Beacon, mgr.)—Sprlngrlelil, Muss., Mch 0-11, Elizabeth. N. J.. 21. "Convlct'B Daughter," Western, Geo. Sam- uels' (Roland G. l'ray, mgr.)—Union town, Pa., Mch 11, Altoonn 13, Johustown 14, Tyrone 10. Phllllpsburg 17. "Convlct'B Daughter," Southern, Geo. Sam- uels' (J. D. Newman, mgr.)—Mount Ver- non, lnd., Meh 11, Boonvllle 12. Hender- son, Ky., 13. Owensboro 14, Evansvllle, lnd., 15, Linton 10, Washington 17, Bed- ford IS, Princeton 10, Clinton 20, Brazil *2t. "Cowboy and the Lady," S. Miller Kent— Tncoma. Wash., .Mch 12, Everett 14, Ellen- burg IN. "California"—St. Joseph, Mo., Mch II, Lin- coln, Nebr., 10. "CliiBter of Dluinonds" (Harry H. Wells, mgr.)—Bloomfleld. Ind., Mcli 11, Frank- fort 12, Martinsville 13. Mount Vernon 14. "Christian"—Oskaloosn, In., March 11, Bur- lington 12. GnlCBUlirg, HI., 13, Lincoln 14, Decatur 17. "Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines" Ellzn- lietli Kennedy (P. .1. Kennedy, mgr.)— Burlington, la., Mch 13. Uulncy, HI., 10, Peoria 17, Decatur 20, Akron, 0., 21. "Christian"—Jersey City. N. .!.. Mcb 10-21. "Cnsey's Troubles" (Kennedy & Gruv. mgrs. > —.1'nnesvllle, Wis.. Mch 12. Evahsvllle 1.'), Belolt 14, Lake Mills 10, Kdgarton 17. D Drew, John, in "The Mummy and the Hum- ming Bird" (Charles Krohman. mgr.)— Cleveland, O.. Mch 0-14, Buffalo. N. Y.. 10-18, Rochester HI, Ithaca 20, Syracuse De" Wolfe, Elsie, In "Cynthia"—Utlca, N. Y„ Mch 11, Syracuse 12, N. Y. City 10, Indefi- nite. Dotv, Karl, in "The Iron Ma«k" (J. II. MacKlroy. mgr.)—Green Hay, Wis., Mch 11, Oconto 12. Cllntonvllle 13. New London 14, Wausan 15. Merrill 10, Tomahawk 17, Phillips 18. nhliieinnder 10, Escannbn, Mich.. 20. Iron Mountain 21. Dllgcr-Cornell—Perth Amboy, N. J., Mch 0- 14, Mnrblen. Conn., 10-21, DvlTryn, Ethel. Re|>ertory (Kos Dyffryn, mgr.)—PittsOeld. Mass., Mch 0-14, Wix.u- socket. R. I., 10-21. Detnoreit Comedy (Robert Demorctt, mgr.) —Cleveland. Tenn.. Mch 0-11. Alliens 12- 1.'. Greenville 10-21. IV Vonde, Chcslir, Repertory (Phil Levy, mgr.)—Sharon, Pa., Mch 0-14. Di> Von*, Klorn, Xi>. 1—Belle Plulnc, In., Meh 0-14. Iowa City 10-21. HnvlilHiin Stock (A. E. Davidson, mgr.) — Johnstown. I*n.. Meh 0-14, York 1*21. De Lncour Twin-Slaters Dramatic (Dt? Iji- ciuir * Klelds, nigrs.)—Cicero, lnd., Mch 12-14. Arcadia 10-18. "Down Mobile." Lincoln J. Carter's—Wash- ington. ')., Mch 11. Steubcnvllle 10, To- ronto 17. Warn a Hi, Alliance'20, Canlou 21. "Darkest Hour." Lincoln J. Carter's—Salt Uke City. II., Mch 0-11. Ogilen 12. llrlg- ham 13. Logan 14, Pocnfollo. Ida.. 10. Boise. 17. Halter City 18, l.e Grnndo 10, Wnlla Walla. Wash., 20. Pendleton 21. "David Harum" (Julius Cilia, mgr.)—He- lolt. Wis.. Mch 12, Elkhart. Ind.. 10. "Down by tbo Sea" (Phil Hunt, mgr.)—Ca- dillac. Midi.. Mch 11. Muskegon 12, Sngl- uaw 13. Buy City 14. "DevH'a Auction" (Charles II. Yale, mgr.) — Nebraska City. Nebr., Mch 11, Phitls- luouth 12, Council Bluffs, In.. 13. Norfolk 11, Sioux City 10. Sioux Falls, So. Dak.. 17. Fort Dodge, la.. 18. Mason City 10. Waterloo 20. Jliirshnlltown 21. "Desperate Chance" (J. M. Mlltenthnl, mgr.) —Pittsburg, Pa., Mch 0-14. Newark, N J., 10-21. "Desperate Chance" (Korrcstor k Mltten- thal, mgrs.)—Chester, Pn„ Mch 11, York 12. licwlatown 13, Tyrone 14, Altoonn 10. "Devil's Lune" (James F. Green, mgr.)— Clay Center. Kan.. Mch 11, Belleville 12, Belolt 13. Minneapolis 14. Waniego 10. Abilene 17. Council Grove 18, Osage City 10, Cnffcyvllle 21. "Dangers of Purls," Mlttenthal Brothers'— Atlantic City. N. J., Mch 12-14. "Down and Dp" (Hlckmnn Bros., mgrs.)— Charleston. III.. Mch 12, Olncy 13. Mar- shall 14, Danville 10, Paris 17, Tuscola 18. ■ Kdcsoti, Hubert, lu "The Soldiers of France" (Henry B. Harris, mgr.)—Newark, N. J., Mch 0-14, Brooklyn. N. Y., 10-21. Kftlo Ellsler, In "When Knighthood Was In Flower" (Frank L. Perley, mgr.)—Pue- blo. Col., Mch 11, Canon City 12. Lcud- vllle 1.1. Aspen 14, Provo, I'., 10, Suit Lake City 17, 18. l'ark City 10, Ogden 20. Empire Theatre Stock, In "The Unforsecu" (Charles Frohnian, mgr.)—N. Y. City Mch 4, Indefinite. Edsoti Dramatic—Cheney, Wash., Mch 11, llltzvllle 12, Yakima 13, Ellrnsvllle 14. Ewlng-Taylor (Albert Taylor, mgr.)—Mus- enzee, lnd. Ter,. Mch 014, Vcnlta 1018, Parsons, Kan,, 10-21. Edwards, Charles F„ Stock (Samuel Carl- ton, mgr.)—Berwick, Pa., Mch 0-14, Dan- ville lfi-21. Eclipse Stock (Llloyd & Gentcr, mgrs.) — Van Huron, Ark., Mch 11, Fnycttavlllc 12, Rogers 13, Monett, .Mo,, 14, Thayer 10, Memphis, Tenn., 17, Dyersburg 18, Coving- ton 10, Jackson 20. Erwood Big Stock (It, J. Erwood, mgr.)— Kilznlietl). N. J., Mch 0-11. Evaus & Ward Stock, Edward F. EvniiB' (Edward It. Titus, mgr.)—Woodstown, X. J., Mch 0-11, Wlllstown 12-14, Plciuviut- vlile 10-18, South Amboy 10-21. "Earl of Pawtuckct" iKIrkc La Sbelle, mgr.) —N. Y. City Mch 0-14. "Everyman" (Charles Krohman, mgr.) — Montreal, Can., Mch 0-14, Philadelphia 10- 21. "Evil Eye" (Chas. II. Yale & Sidney It. Ellis, mgrs.)—St. Catherines, Can., Mch 11, Giiclph 12, Hamilton 21. "East Lynue," Rebecca Warren (Frank Burt, mgr.)— Buffalo, N. Y.. Mch 0-14, Erie, Pa.. 10, Ravenna, 0., 17, Marlon 18, Columbus 10-21. "Eleventh Hour," Eastern, Lincoln J. Carter's —N. Y. City Mch 0-14, Uobokcn, N. J„ 1.1-18, Camden 10-21. "Eight HellB." Byruc Bros.'—Yonngstown, ().. Mch 13, Canton 17, Akron 18, Muns- Held 10. P Flske, Mrs., In "Mary of Mnedala" (Harrison Gray Flske, mgr.)— Cincinnati, O., Mch 0-14. Evansvllle, Ind., 18. Fischer, Alice, in "Mrs Jack" (Henry B. Harris, ingr.)—New Bedford, Mass., Mcb 12. Providence, It. I., ltt-21. Knversham, Wm„ In "Imprudenco" (Charles Frohnian. mgr.)—Chicago, HI.. Mch 0-21. Fleming, Mamie, Repertory (W. II. Grncey, mgr.)—St. Albans, Vt., Feb. 0-14, New- port 10-21. Ferris Comedians (Harry Bubb, mgr.)—Du- lutli, Minn., Mch 0, IndvUnltc. French, Irving, Repertory t Don Maemlllon, mgr.)—Havcrstrnw, (J. Y.. Mch Ml. Klsliklll 12-14, Hudson 10-18, Johnstown 10-21. Fnwcett's, George, Stock, Percy Ilaswcll (George Fnwccit, mgr.)—Baltimore, Mil,, Mch 1114. Flavin Stock (Thnd. Steven.?, mgr.)—Gaines- vine, ".'ex., Mch 10-21. "Foxy Grandpa," Joseph Hnrt and Carrie De Mar (Win. A. Brady, mgr.)—Law- rence, Mass., Mch 12, Lynn 14. "For Her Children's Sake." Sullivan, Harris & WcHids' (Bernard Thornton, mgr.)— Grand Rapids. Mich., Mch 8-11. "Fast. Mall," Lincoln J. Carter's—Richmond' 0., Mch 12, Lancaster 13, Danville 14. Lebanon 10, Howling Green 18, Honklm- vlllo, Ky., 10, Clnrtavlllc, O., 20, Tell City, Ind.. 22. "Flumlng Arrow," Go-Won-Go Mohawk. Lin- coln J. Carter's—Troy, N. Y., Mch 0-11, Amsterdam 12, Syracuse. 10-18, Rochester 10-21. "Flnlilgan's Hull" (Ollle Mack, mgr.)—Win- Held. Kim.. Mch 17, Wichita 18. Klngmnu 10, llutchlnfon 20, Dodge City 21, "For Her Sake." Eastern. K. J. Carnonter's (Joseph Pilgrim, mgr.)—Shclbyvllle, HI., Mch 11. Siilllvi'.n 12, Champalgu 13. Paris 14, Torre Haute, Ind.. 10, Marshall, HI., 17. Brazil, lnd., 18. Marlon 20. "Kalal Wedding." Sullivan, Harris & Wood's (Ben Baas, mgr.)—Montreal, Can., Mch 014, N. Y. Clly 10-21. "Folks Up Willow Creek" (Frank Davidson, mgr.)—Covington, Tenn,, Mcb 12, Newborn 13. lllpley 14, Trenton 10, Forrest City, Ark., 17. Brlnkley 18. "Faust," Porter J. White's—Carlisle, Pn„ Mch 11. Hanover 12. Waynesboro 13, Heading 14. Columbia 10. Contesvllle 17. "Fight for Millions" (Mnlcolin Douglas, mgr.)— Cincinnati, O., Mch 8-14, Buffalo, N. Y„ 10-21. G Godwin, N. ("'.. and Muxlnn Elliott. In "The Altar of Frlondsblp" (<ieorgc J. Appletoii. mgr.)—Brooklyn, N. Y., Meh 0-14. Troy 17. Glens Falls 18, Albany 10, Schenec- tady 20, Utlca 21. Glllotte, Win., In "Sherlock Holmes" (Charles Krohmnn," mgr.)—Sail Francisco, Cnl., Mch 0-21. Grace George, In "Pretty Peggy" (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)—Indlnnnpolls, Ind., Mcb 13. Gllmore, Paul, In "Tyranny of Tears" (Jules Murry, mgr.)—Battle ('reek, Mich.. Mch 11. Jackson 12, liny City 13, Saginaw 14. Carslde. Condit k Mack Big Stock (J. 8. Gnrslde, mgr.)—Rending, Pn., Mcb 0-1-1, Bethlehem 10-21. Gnrrlck Theatre (William P. Taylor, mgr.)— Burlington, Vt„ Mch 0-14, Mlddlobury 10- 21. Ollck's Stock (H. Tlinycr Gllck, mgr.)— Lon- don. Out., Mch 0-14. Gagnon & Pollack, Repertory (Bert C. flng- non. mgr.)—Houston, Tex., Mch 0-11. Guy Stock (Wm. Cnsatl, tngr.)—Sndnlla, Mo., Mch 0-14, Moherly 10-21. "Girl With Qrecn Eyes," Clara Bloodgood (Charles Frohoian, mgr.)—N. Y. City Mcb 0. Indefinite. "Gambler's Daughter." Eastern (R. L. Cres- cy, mgr.)—WHmlngtcn, Del.. Mch oil, Sprluglluld, Mass., 1214, Mlddletnwn. Coun., 17, Hartford 18, Holyoke, Mass.. 10-21. "Gsinblcr's Daughter," Western (It. L. Cre.i- cy, mgr.)—Cairoll. In.. Mch 11, Booiii- 12. Fort IVslge 13. Webster City 14, Mnr- shnil 111. Waterloo I", Independence' 18. West 1'nlon 10. La Crosse, Wis., 20, Port- age 21. "Gnmo Keeper," KaNtevn, Smith O'Hrlen (Itowlnnd & CllfToril, props.: Walter I-'. Westcott. mgr.)—Bowling Green. 0., Mill II, Toledo 12-14. Qulncy, III., 17. "Game Keeper." Western. Thomas J. Smith I Rowland & CllfToril, props.; Fred Wal- ton, mgr.)—Portland, Ore., Mcli 12-14, Tacomn, Wash,, 15-17. "Gay Lord Quox." Sylvia Lyndon (K. W. Owls, mgr.)—Kingston, Can.. Mcli J I, Ottawa 12-14. "Oninliler's Wife"—Kllzalw'th. N. J„ Jlcli 0- II. ■I lluckett, Jus. K., In "The Crisis,"—Ilostmi, Mass., Mch 0-28. (lamed, Virginia. In "Iris" (Chnrlea Froh- man. mgr.)—Syracuse, N. Y., Mch II, Troy 13, Albany 14. ITawtrcy, Charles, lu "X Message from Mnm" (Charles Fiohtnan, mgr.)—Itmok- lyn, N. Y.. Mch 0-14. Harvey. Martin, In "The Only Way" (Klnw & l-.rlniigcr. mgr.)'—Phllndolphln, Pa., Mch 0-14, Springfield, Mass.. 18. Holland, Mildred, "n "Tho Llllle anil the Prince" (Kdwnrd C. White, tngr.)--Man- chester, N. 11.. Mch 11. Concord 12. lxnvcll. Masa., 13. Salem 14, Lawrence Hi, Haverhill 17. Portsmouth, N. II.. 18, Dover 10, Portland. Mo., 20, 21. Howard Hall, In "Tho Man Who Dared" (Henry Florsou, mgr.)—N. Y. City Mch 0-14. Brooklyn. N. Y.. 10-21. llnnforil, Charles B. (F. Lawrence AVnlker, mgr.)—Olympln, Wash., Mch 11, Port- laud, Ore.. 12, Hau Francisco, Cnl., 15-21. Hall, Don C, Rcnertory—Cynthlnnti, Ky., Mch 0-11. Butler 12-14. Halford, Ollle, Stock (Carl Brchn, mgr.)— Cumberland, Md., Mch 0-14, Chester, l'u., 10-21. Illllinnu, Maud—Scrnnton, Pu., Mch 0-14. Wllkesbnrre 10-21. nimmclolii's Imperial Stock (Dave il. Woods, mgr.)—Tcrro lluute, Ind., Mch 0- 14. Herrmann, Leon (Thurnncr A Gorman, mgrs.)—Portland, Me., Melt. 12, Manches- ter, N. II., 14, Montreal, Can., 10-21. Hnyward. Grnco (Dick Ferris, mgr.)—Min- neapolis, Minn., Mch 0. Indefinite. Hndlleld Stock —Johnstown, N. Y„ Mch OIL Huward-Dorslt, Repertory (Ollvtr Marie!. mgr.)—Illooinlngtou, 111., Mch 11-14, !>u- biiinie. In.. 10-21. Hnrcoiirt Comedy, Cliarles K. Harris (W. C. McKay, mgr.)—North Adams, Muss., Mch 0-14, Cohoes, N. Y.. 10-21. Hoyt's Comedy (It. G. Allen, tngr.)—Plan Hliiff, Ark., Mch U-14, Shrcveport, La., 1022. Hunt Stock (M. A. Hunt, tngr.)—Vlles, Mich., Mch 0-14, Hartford 10-21. Harris & Parkinson. Robert II. Harris (.V. C. Hoyt. mgr.)—Baltimore, Mil., Mch D-21. llnutley-Mooru Stock—l'eniuicoin. Kin., Meh 014. Henilers>iii, Maud, Repertory—Fremont, liul.. Mill ti-14. Henderson Stock (W. J. & It. it. Hender- son, mgrs.)— Lnniont, In., Mch 0-M. "Heart of Mnrylcnd" (David Belasco, mgr.) —Man Antonio. Tex., Mch 11, Houston 12. Galveston 13, nonuniont 14, New Or- leans, Lu., in-21. "Heart of Chicago," Lincoln .1. drier's— Syracuse. HI., Mch 11. Kockford 12. Bar- iibof). Wis.. 13. Madison 14, Belolt Hi. Janesvlllo 17, limine 10, Rlpon 20. "Houslor Daisy" Hussle Clifford (G. II. El- ton, mgr.)—Hoover Falls, Pa., Mch II, East Liverpool. 0., 12, McKeesport. Pn., 13, Jeunnottn 14, (Ircensutirg 10, I.ntrolio 17. Mount Pleasant 18, Unlontowil 10, Cumbcrlniid, Md., 20, "Bar Mnrrlage Vow" (Vanco ft Sulllvuti, nigrs.)—Hamilton, 0nt„ Mch 13, 14. "Hearts of Onk," Homo's (William H. Gross, mgr.)—Milwaukee, Wis., Mch 8-14, 81. Paul, Minn., 10-21. "Hearts of Gold" (It. A. Johnson, mgr.)— Decatur, lnd., Mch 11. Van Wcrl, ()., 12, Paulding 13, Bryan 14, Defiance 10, Nn- polenn 17, North Baltimore 18, Flndluy 10, K'OBtorla 20, Bandusky 21. "Happy Hooligan," Gus Hill's—Nashville, Tenn., Mch 11, Chattanooga 12, Kllox- vlllo 13, Lexington 14, 1'lttsbitrg, Fa., hi- 21. "Huinespiin Heart" (Leon Williams, tngr.)— Charlotte. Mich., Mch 11, St. Johns 12, Big Roplila 14, Muskegon in, Chicago, III., 1(1-21. "Hoosier Girl," Kato Watson and Gus Cohiiu (Dave H Levis, mgr.)—Washington, Pu., Mch 12, Cnmioiisbnrg 13, Coutiiillsvlllo II, Klltnniiliig 10. Vundergrlft 17, Altoonn 18. Johnstown 10, Clcurfleld 20, Phlllpstuirg 21. "Heiirts Adrift"—Washington, D. (!., Mch D- 14. "Hello, Hill" (Goodhue ft Kellogg nigra.) — Itlclimoiid, Va., Mch 11, 12. ChailottesvlIKi 13, ltoiinoke 1-1, Clinttuiuiogii, Tenn,. 2u. "Iliiiiiiiu Ilenrls." Enstoni (Josso Illunehard, mgr.)—Brooklyn. N. Y., Mcli 0-14. "Human Hearts, 1 ' Western (Claud Saunders, mgr.)—Pnyson, II., Mch 11, Sprlngllnld 12. Amerknn Fork 13, Lchl 14, Halt Lnko Clly "lliimaii Hearta," Houtliorn (Henry Potiny- niicker mgr.)—Sandusky, OL Mch 14. "illdilen Crlmo" (Eugciio Spolford. tngr.) — I^owoll, Muss., Mch Oil, Holyokn 1214. "Hottest Coon In Dixie" (Eugene Hnofforil, mgr,)—Liitroho. Pn., Mch 11, Vnuilergrlft 12, Benvor Falls 14, Mondvlllo 10, N«w- cnstlo 17. South Sharon J8, Cory 10, Tl- tusvllle 20, Oil City 21. "Hot Old Time." Gus Hill's (Gen. A. Clu- not, mgr.)—Hartford, Conn., Mch 0-11, New Haven 12-14, Providence, it. L, HI- 21. "Hunting for Hawkins"—Boone, In., Mch 11, Dos Moines 10-21. "Hearts of Gold," No. 1 (F.ilwnrd K. Evnin, tngr.) —Peuboily, Mass.. Mcli 0-11, Haleiii 12, Woodbury, Colin., 13, 14, Wnlllngtord "Hearts' of Gold," No, 2 (Hdward F. Rvnns, mgr.)—Woodstown. N. I., March 11, Penn grove 12, Pleasant vlllo 13, 14, Freehold "Hans ilauson" (.Ins. T. McAlpln. mgr.) — lielenii, Ark., Mch 11, Clarksdulo, Miss., 12, Memphis, Tmiiu., 13, 14, Covington 10. •Hand of Mnn"—Philadelphia, Pu., Mch I'- ll. I Irving Isabol, In "Tho Crlals" (James K. lluckett, mgr.)—Torouto, Coll.. Mcli 0-11. London Hi, St. Catherines 17, Hamilton 18. lntnr-Oceati Comedy (Charles 0, Aitisden, mgr.)—Carbondafo, Pa., Mcli 12-14. "In Old Kentucky," Jacob Lilt's— Hartford, Worth 10, Waco 17, Beltim 18, Temple to. Han Antonio 20, Austin 21. "In Convict's Stripes" (Bert St. John, mgr.) —Bridgeport, Conn., Mch 11, Hoboken. N. J., 12-14. N. t. City 10-21. J Jntncs, Louis, nnd Frederick Ward. Rpeer- lory (Wngenlinls ft Kemiicr, mgrs.)—St. Paul, Minn., Mch 8-11, Minneapolis I2-Hi. Jefferson, Joseph Jr., and Wlllnm Vf., in "The Rivals'' (Hoary F. Grceuo, mgr.)— Clarksburg, W. Vn., Mob 11, Morgautown 12, Unlontown. Pa., 13. flreonshurg; 14. "Janice Meredith," William Ilonelfl and Itoso Htahl—Rochester, N, Y., Mcli Oil, Youngstown, O.. 12. "James Boys In Missouri," Western (Frards