The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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72 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. March 14. NEW YOllIC CITV. l'rin t»r'm Fifth Avenue Theatre (J. Austin Fynes, general manager).—Sheri- dan's famous eotnisly. "Sclusd for Scundnl," wiih the offering by the stock company Jloii- iliiy, Aid roll V, for week, and tin: lurgi; uudl- cnccs which attended the opening perform- ances guvo full evidence of satisfaction. The work was handsomely dinged, the costumes being particularly worthy of mention, mill lli>! various members of the company did u«r« .1. jiuscio rynes, general iiinnugcr;.— ?"■- «"• -"Ti ,",'"'„' IXStfeaai 'n.e lust week of the 5oS «t tl.ln house There was pliilulyim ntIcIII onnl ltcrlcnr ami Comment.—In spite of lliu mid-Lenten season Rood business ruled for the most part during lUo past week. 'I'ho only now piny was seen at the Man- hattan Thi:atiii;, when "The Bishop's Move" wus presented March U for tlie llrst time iu America. It served to Introduce W, II. Thompson iiH il star. Tlie play In In i|in>e iii'ls, mill Is from tlio pea of John Oliver Hobbcs (Mrs. Cringle). It met with WIIHara'nrwiwoiT tirade s7 VuplTid "cira'rics fiivS'^SS^BU^'iC't^mttt ;' Hank" Hudson! run uf "themes selected for one net plays, llttlo favor, hut the player* received com- Nurfitco, his careful work eliciting marked Will E, Sheerer; Sam Berry. Jack Marshall; "nil Its treatment throughout In ho coin mendntlon for llielr work At Man ri« WrotnMon. The Joseph Surface of Ccorgo June, Vlrglnlu AVnrren; Sue Eudnly. Lll- idrlely, original nnd entertaining tlmthi. miaiation. ror llielr work. At Mas. Os- iMvin jlrynnt was also deserving of tlio Man 'a. Harris; Cindy Tutewllcr, Carrie noiiN'a PtAinousB George I'awcett's Co. highest prnlse. llo showed a Une coucep- Lee Sloyle; Hamnntha Hawkins. Belle f. Procta.,.. Pl«y..l,h.h Street The- J£&&ttgfi^££^ pr^fflfi WVXu W3n&g*Z litre (J. Austin Fynes, general manager).- *^t±J^!lii y ™'«ffiu™«it^itln Kill' Iu their ludicrous skit. "The TSvcntlctU '•— Century Burglar." and In conjunction with e . u . n(J . highly entertaining; Included In the bill, thorn dull momenta abiding hero Louhc wus crowded lo thti t, March l», when this eg. e, prepared by Mr. Pastor, ianac iiiiil'Vin'tbe afternoon of the above date it was highly enjoyed from beginning to end. 'fulewller, Edwnril I Invent: guild work. Minnie Sellgumn gave a Un- billed and nltoge/her excellent portrayal Hawkins, Louis Oweu: Sheriff, Albert was given Its first production on nnj stag, of Lndy Tetixle. and fully merited the marks Venzlc; Smith, Oscar Graham : Drum Major. It* author hn s provided, llrst of nil, a story of niiprovnl which her efforts drew forth. M. Malloy; I'hll. Granger, P. W. Thorrdlke; which greatly devlntes i from the ordinary Lavender und Tomson, in "A Touchdown: Dick and Alice McAvoy, In "A Picture 1'if New York Life;" J. Evans Lloyd and Lll- plflclv original una etitennining mat in- u wwi »"■• "•» "»"^.i, f*"T" ■»« terest Is maintained at a high pitch from musical comedians; Clot-lido Anton! I Ian Will tone, In old and new songs; h v Fltzgernld, In bis lightning change act: Kit' ly Carter, with his banjo; Fredo and Dan- On presented Mary Hhuw, iu "Ghosts." The 1,on , of tha »'<1 Hmo comedy, and a belter CniTnw ; lieelmn Kicker. Margaret Klrker; tontlnued attractions for tlio week endlnn l">rforiannco of tup role Is seldom seen. Nell 'fulewiler, Lorle Kildlngcr; Child, Win- ,, , J aiimcuous tor ino wcck cnamg Vonit-r (!hirgcM, as Sir Peter Teazle, ncriiilt- ifretl Wvrabs. ^•cd Howard 1'owler March 7 wore: Blancho Bates nt Bklahco'm, Ifdlilmselfrvlthniuchcrcdlt. Thecnstln full: looked nhd acted the part of the Auulu Husscll at the Oabmck, Do Wolf Charles Surface, William Bramwell J Joseph hero, the ninny tlirllling scenes Auulo Husscll at the (Jamiick, Do Wolf , J!. , i', r J^' 1 SiJfl'n.ce.^'WIjIIam_iJramwcMj Joseph hero, Hopper at tlio 1Ii:u.m.d KyiJAiu;, "Tlio Un llio opening to the closing line. The story upslto down wonder and hand balancer; In brief, which follows, gives un Iden of Its Brooks Bros., excellent comedians; Harry noveltv of conception: Jack Lineage and Antral and Yetta Peters, singing, whistling May Mannerly are anxious to obtain the and bone and banjo players; Satsuma, Jap- consent of the former's father to their anese Juggler; Box and bummers, In "A inarrluge, but with little prospect of sue- Smart LawyerJ: Big. Macco and his per- Surface, Ueo. Bdwln Bryant: sir Peter In which he was u unrticlpiint being nmro cess, since Jack's parent, looks down forming dog Chicago, and the vltapraph, T«u/.le,'; Sir Oliver Surface, ihun well reed veil, 'umls 'llressen, as Ilea upon the girl's humble birth. The scene WM&U» £2S?*J8 f '".SiJK? tStFlPM* Sultan of Snlu" nt Wai.i.ack'h, "The Bit llonnlro" nt Daly's, ."Tin; Bishop's Move" ut tlio Manhattan, Mary Shaw at Mus. Ouooun's I'i.ayiiouhk, "Mr. Bluebeard" the li.NiesEiinocKEii, v,, u. Sothcrn ot the OARDtJN, "The Girl With the Green Byes" at tbo Savor, "The Wizard of Oz" at the Majestic, Williams & Walker at the Nkw Yimik, "Tlio Karl of Pawtuckot" at tbo was kinswoman of that gentleman form tbo prln- con." pres- dpal objects,ofJils_prah«,_untll HnaHy^the CwY m giiebnb has written a special ono Madison Kuiiauk, "A Chinese Honeymoon' nt tho Casino, "The Sliver Slipper" at the TJ con ' 1,lueH _. UncMDWAY, "Twlrly Whlrly" ut Wm & ■ A '"*" c »» " Piut.Ds', the stock company at the Ajieiii Servant, Joseph KaulTman; Lndy Snccrwell's were In capulile liands, and the play Servant, Victor Brown: Joseph's Servant, thoroughly enjoyed by the large crowd ... Hurry HourJoLu; Lady Teazle, Minnie Hcllg- *nt. Clttlc Klsfo was charming In her mlm- fact that It Is Holloween dawns upon them, t come(1 i etta for the Actors' Home beuent 18. lutin; Mnrlu, Ivab ft \Vllls; Lady Sneer- | cry . ber turn being npiilnudctj; O. M. Mlt- mul a_ magic crystal is brought forth, which , t wll , ^ n | ayca by M ar g nr et Anglin and ut well, Ada Levlck ; Mrs. Candour. Kvn Vln- ^bell, In his clever ventrilooulal turn, came Is claimed to possess the power to show the Vtlu Williams, of the Empire Theatre Com lln BRBt; Lady Huccrwcll's Muld, Ethel Wright. |„ f OP ),ls full share of approval, and the past to those who gazed Into It. All look, """ " ,, " umo ' " l * "wmw win Tho vaudeville contingent Included: Ward knlatoubuoscotie was not lacking many and a scene opens at the rear of the stage * .'' _ ■,„_,,. -„»,.-„«j *- «u. u , . and Unymond, singers and dancers: tho Sends NexT week will witness 8 the In- which lifts the veil from the post and tfie *SF%*™%* ™fc?^rlB^ abroad^ ta " Musical Bells, In n musical act: the Major augural of a new policy at this house, when lion. John's grandfather, Obadluh, und his week.JST&2 e F ABVTLrnoY''°K h. ,«. Sisters, singers and dancers: Edward m Grcy. E." D . Stair presents the Hebrew comedian, kinswoman, Aunt Prudence, are overheard In - t -& a f^ZtlJn3S£w2Eu£ 3 Sfdft eonro Svdney. In "Busy Izzy." with bis a d scusslon which quickly dispels uny claims vl\eu. aidch severing, manager_or Iris, ivn couTnnny The stock company closes to the nobility of his ancestry which was announced last week that he had arranged SB cuuipiuij. iui nun u in luiij uwi» -« *_ j ,„„„_ for on. elaborate rev val of the stn™ vnp. lulnilc; Susie Fisher, vocalist, and Wilbur Amos, comedy Juggler, all of whom found llielr full share of favor. The kulutcchuo- OKI 3. Coleman business munagcr).—"Tho Dangers of Paris (I on March" tf. nnd the beginning of a com- claimed for them by the Hon John Prudence 2^<i^M^*W^ , ?«'*F blnntlon season of oue week stands com- then vigorously denounces Obadluh for rcfus- »on Hjg* 5"HE* |„ «Lut a iSSfh menres March lfl lug to allow his son to marry a mechunlc s I\ n¥ , tneat.e. io Degin in nuout a month. irvliiK Place Theatre (Helnrlch Con- daughter—the lion. John's mother. Greatly Matlneo performances, only will be given. .rifeir was pre- elated. Jack and May succeed, by diplomacy, to Tub latest additions to the board of March 4 with got Jack's father thoroughly incensed against directors of the Conrled Metropolitan Opera my nt tho Muuhay Hill "i"" 11 .* 00 .^I sized audience was In,attendance, tho following cast: pttq Bcrnlckc. Max ftthgUWIU 1 proceedings and he.bestows hjs SSLSS.** * Vanderbllt and irry lujno and Tho Hmnrt Set at the Fouhteentu Marie us Obadlah. wen* cxccljent, nnd the others Harlem.—At the Harlem Opera House wus the play presented by the company at rled, manager).—"Das Bnerenfcll" was prc- t-AN. the German stock nt the Irvino Place, t,,, » thcutru Monday night, March 6. Tho seutcd Wc3nesdny evening. AMarch 4, with get Jacks father I usual good sized audience was In attendance, the following cast: Otto Bcrnlckc. Max such parental pro »_„ „ Maurice Prccninn and Jessallne Itodgers were Ilanseler; Allred Knhlhaeb, Otto Ottbert; blessings upon the.young people. Bessie wiutaey. well cost, and acquitted themselves with Pranzlsko, Camilla Dnlberg; Conrad Ber- Lcstlnu, as Prudence, and Prank Monroe, Ntiijjet. the last named cIobIiik ou that V rc ?" t - T,, ° CU8t waH ° 8 '"Hows: Pierre nlcke, Itlebnril Hchlughnmer; Betty, Marie us Obadlah. wen; excellent, and the others n™n„. u i,v ti.n v v Twin- «i~.u Valjcun. Maurice Freeman; Laroche, Frank llelelinrdt; Lisa Bcrnlckc, Hedwlg von Os- of the company did satisfactory work. Tho (Alex. Lltchensteln, manager).—Viola Al- imie. urunins uy iuo r, r, *rocior siocs is Jamison; Captain Brlgaud, Kobcrt Cum- teruinun; Pnul Drcsswltz, Gustav von Serf- cust: Hon. John Lineage, Arthur Buchanan; Ion, In "Tho Eternal City," opened March companies, with added vaudeville features, in lugs; Henry Martin, Bert Lyttcl; Daddy, fcrtltz: Bechcrle. Otto Mover: Mathlfdo Jack Lineage, H. D. Hnwley; Cant. Obndlnli I). to a big house, and will, no doubt, have large atteudunce for the week. Next week, wcro nrcsentcd n t Proctoii's Fimi Avbndb • ,0,m hnvolil; Coupe, Charles Farrlngton; Htclzner, Mnrle Klcrscbaer; Hartmann, Carl Lineage, trnnk Monroe: John Lineage, bd n„.i n«» ii,r»nnvi. i«n iFjiiujj ULL-iii-ii &®Wh Thomas Kcynolds; Gaslon, Clement llcchwllz : Kromcr, Bruno Dehnlcke; Schulz, win Joy; Mary Maunerly, Polly StockwclI; and Onb Uundrkp and Twenty-fifth h K)r1(y . M Dumom, p H1I | 8cott . Walter, Ernst Sturm ; Anton. Jacques Lurlan; Hcd- Prudence Llueiigc, Mrs. Bessie Lestlun. The Siih:i:t Tlio ono week stands closing Johu Hewitt; Sergeant Toupc, John Lnno wig, Uosa Konlg. Otto ucrnlckc, the pro- remainder of the programme included the 7 wero" "Human Hearts" at the Third Connor: Es telle, Julia Blanc; Marguerite, prlctor of a mill, has gone abroad for his Great Baggesens, (a their capital comedy hum woni «. Vntn« nr tlm f.ii* vn HennA mWIW Alinosiilno; Claire, Jessallne Itodgers. health. His prospective heirs come to the Juggling net; Itohert Fulgora, with his Im- AVWTDs^wan « voucs ac mo uband unu Next week, "In the Palaco of tho King." conclusion that he Is dead, und prepare to personations, better nnd more Interestln-,' House, "Tho Llttlo Princess' at tho Hab- Murray Hill Theatre (Henry V. Don- enjoy tho spoils. When they have not beard than ever; HIckey and Nelson, whose act Is 1.1: ii Oi'EiiA House, Louis Mann at Wbbeii nelly, maungur).—"AMr^lnlus'', wgg, presented from Ulna for along tlmo,_wlilic conducting IniiBhahleno^muttor^ how many times one .\ Fields' Went End, "Tho Volunteer Or- ganist" ut the METiiuroLis, and "Across tho I'ni'lllc" ut tho Star Variety enter- talument was furnished ut Proctor's 'I'WHNTY-Tltlllll STIIIET, TONY PABTOII'S, thO Virginia ilarned, la "Iris.* Wi:m:it & Fields' West End TuEATr.n (Leo C. Teller, manager).—Lewis Morri- son's "Faust" Is tho attraction for this week, nnd, despite the weather, a good sized audience turned out to welcome It. Next week, " 'Wny Down East." Metropolis (Henry Itosenberg, mnangerl- hero Monday, March II, with Edwlu Holt the mill after their own fashion nud mak- witness It; Press Eldridge, the great fun —Muster Joseph Santley, In "A Hoy of t lie Iu tho title role. Ills performance showed lug changes In all of Bcrnlckc's nflnlrs, tho maker: Itao and Brosche, In their neat and Ntrects," Is the attraction for this week, forru and exactness. Laura Hope Crews old uucle returns, nud the members of the entertaining act: Marion Garson, sluger; La The opeulug, I), was to u good house, mul played Virginia with becoming grace. Tho family are kept busy to explain the changes Bcilu Unllu und Pnul, gymnasts; Sisters the outlook for a big week Is excellent. Neil support was cast as follows: Iclllus, Charles everywhere apparent. The Foreucay Opera Lovenberg, novelty dancers; Howard and week, "A Modern Magdalen." A. Hutchison; Applus Claudius, N. Sheldon Co. opcucd Monday evening. Mnrcn 0. In Under, u good sketch tenm; Wilinm Rowe, Tub Star (Wm. T. Keogh,.manager) Lewis; Cuius CIiuiiIIiih, Charles A. Burrows; "Das Siicssc Mncdol" ("The Sweet Lassie" ) : pedestal dancer: Bernard Williams, card "Tho Man Who Dared" began a return en- " lines and Hnzard, songs and gngemeut under the most favorable clrcuui- kalntcchnoncopp. stances, the house being packed from top t» Thruire (E. F. Alhec. general isMtom. Next week, Joe Welch, In "The Chicle, Kbitii's Union Squaiib, the Dewey, Drtilntus, llolit. Mcwndo Jr.; Numltorlus, n rouiic opera, which has been successful nianlpnlator; Gal .,.„.„,- i,„, ra ,, v ,,,„ ins-miv iiewTin a- Edgar Allan Wootf; Lucius, George Henry In Europe. Compared to American musical dances, and the 1 MlNLlis Boweiiy, tuo I/ONDON, IIuiiTlo A. ffigjfcf. T11UH( ^ w „ t N'ewing; Scrvlus, mmeilles or comic operas lis produced now- Keith's Thei Sxauon's, tbo Olympic and tho OHriiEnu. Fdmimd Ueuno; Marcus, H. Brucu Dcla- inlays It does not show to the best ndvnut- mnnoacrl —Mllto Huueu's Museum furnished the usual list of vaudeville and curios Tha fifteenth week of grand opera nt the Metropolitan < ii'i.iiA lliu-hi: Infill March -, with "II itur- Idere dl Slvlgllii" and "I Pngllnecl." Tbo bill Wednosduy night, 4, vrus "Ero c I.cnn- ilro," Lulgl Mnucluelll's opera, with this east: Prologo, Krnu Schumiuiu-IIeluk; Ero, Grnu Gndskl: Lenndin, Slgnor do Mnrcbl; Arlofnrne, ICdounrd do lteszkc; Una voco Hal Mure, M. Dufrlchu; Conductor, Slgnor Mancluclll. For Friday night, 0, "II Fluuto Muglco" was tho offering, with a familiar cast. Saturday afternoon, T, "Tristan und Isolde" wus rendered, nnd "Carmen" was given nt the night performance, both ensts being the souiu as seen before in tlieso works. days miller; First Citizen, C. W. Layer; Virginia, ngc. Mia Weber scored a hit and charmed Liiurn Hope Crews; Servla. Isabel O'Mnd- tho audience In her soiibretto role. The Ignn ; Female Slave, Viola Kellogg; Itomnn suppnrt was good, nud every member of tho Woman. Alice Harrington. The work was company eoutrlbutcd their best efforts. The Iinuilsoincly singed. Next week, "Tho cast: Graf Baldwin Llrbcnburg, Itudolf An manager).—Milton and Dollle Nobles are tlie hcndllners of a capital bill nt this cozy Peddler.' Proctor's One Hundred and TtvBxrv- liouso this week. Every available inch o'f kiktic .Street Theatre (J. Austin Fyues. space was preempted nt the llrst perform- general mnnuger.—"A Gold Mine" is the ance of the week, March It. nnd. Judging by selection for this week, the last week for some tho volume of laughter ami applause, us act "u"' "f the present house favorites. The lltllo playlet, "Parlor A," mul with ibe en pitlile support of Nellie Kiting, scored most happily. Lo Hoy, Talma nnd Bosco aro terest tlicni nt Moudny's performance*, Illcbardsou Cotton, as Joe Manly and Holiy Dick, contributed excellent work. Other surely niotiiirclis of nuigie, and entered iho rhiiraclers and players Is the cast were: Fiiiirtri-iiUl HlriTt Tliciltrc (J. Wes- ley ltoseuquest, general mil linger >.—".McFad- ilen's How of Finis," nuolliur of Gus Hill's ait iiietiuiiH, opened a two weeks' engngmeut March 0, lo u big house. It Is not dllllciilt lu iinderataud why this niece Is ho long lived, for Its fun is fast ami furious through- out, und dull moments might well lie mlver- ilsed lis entitling their discoverer to n prlzo. Tho Miidleneu made no prclousu lit couceullug Gin fact thut It considered Us money's worth was limply provided, and the result was very gratifying lo tlio residents of I lie lints nud nil InieivHied In their well being. Ar- thur Wbllelnw played Tim MeFiiitden In morn artistic luumuir tlinti Is usually accorded Iho hi a go Irlahmuu, nud his success wus com- pinto, Harry Croatian wits u canll-'l Ger- limn, nnd Sluii l'helps also did work tnnt en- titled her to special mention. May Dona- hue made il line "miccu," while Bobby llalston und Jerry Sullivan were a pair vt nuuncrs thut would indeed lie hurd 10 bear. The rust: Tim McFuddeii, Arthur Whltelaw; Jneob Bitiiingarlncr, Hur- ry Crumlull; Mrs. Murphy, Mary Donahue; Miiiv Ellon, Mno Phelps; Terrence Mc- Swatt, Win. Piittou: Wenry Willie, W. II. Muck: Alex. Hobby Knlslon : George, Jerry Sullivan; Kerrigan. Jnines llruily; the Twin Hell Boys. Pulsion ami Sullivan : Doctor second week Of their engagement horo on Monday. The FIrctto Family, expert ncro- lials, were well received, the "human bridge 4 ' feature of llielr net being loudly applauded. Jess Untidy, lu his orlglniil soug parodies; Snyder and Buckley, musical conicdluns; Harding and Ah Sid, In "Tho Clown and tho Cliimiiunii:" Artie Hall, "Tbo Bent Georgia «;ii'l;" Mile. Olive, tho dainty Juggler, and tho moving pictures constitute a capital bill for this week. Minor'* liowery Thentre (IMwIu D. llenjuuilu Fowler, J. liny UMMf; Fritz l'oltz, Joe I'. Wlllnrd; Sprouso Crosby, Frank Cotton; "Frosty Joe," Em Meftuu; Samuel Ilnckutt, T. ,1. Ciimcrford; Hans Adelaide, riumcuac; Junius Dooley, blnek well. Guycr and Dally, nnd the vlliigraph. face couicdlnu and dancer; Pongo nnd Leo, Oi.yuimc (Thos. W. Valentine, malinger>. aerial grotesques; Kennedy and James, com- —Tlie Coluniblnn liurlesiiuers will hold Hi- Jgy "h'l (lancing specialty; Bnrrlngton and boards for this week. It is the coiupnn.v'M llrst Harlem appeurance. Next week, Hurry Bryant Iturlcsqiiers. OnrntM.'M (Dr. Leo Sunnucrs, ninnager). Tho week opened, ns usunl, (i> a crowded bill coiitiilns the fullowlnu ous and Corbln, Iluo nud Bene- Mulbs, Madge Anderson, Burke, . Veiuou Sisters, tho Great Ilnr- Mattie Dixie. Mnrtell. vocalists and comedlnns; Hpunldlng, ucrobatlc comedian; Al. Coleman, inunn- logue; Stella Itlnehiirt, dancer, uud the bio. Miner's I'.lulilli Aveiiae malinger).—Annie Itussell began on March' which Miss Glocker appears in several strik lug eiwtuiiiefl; Collins nnd North, who pre- sented good songs und dialogue; cburlcs Kelly nud May Adams, In an entertaining not : f.ii Hello Parsons, with severtil songs, well snug, and ••Nature," a lively burlesque. Harvey P.ipkor appears In wrestling bouts nt every performance. Next week, tlie Daluty Duchess Co. London Theatre (Junius H. Curtlu, manager).—Fred Irwin's Majesties played to good houses Monday afternoon und even- lug. Tin) hill Included Hilly W. Watson nud company, Gerlrudo De Milt, Daly, Tufo Brooklyn.—This week the theatre* pre- Charles llnw- Goodwlu nud nphlnii, and the Grand, are piiek- houses ure doing Montauk (Isnliel Slim Hecht, manogor).— house Is not thoroughly completed, tlie paint- iii., v n;,',., r-^ ... Jio.vrAUK (Isabel Sinn Hecht,manager).— rrs, decorators and carpenters still being nt ,mJ ,.V.,..„ H„.'° "'l' 0 ls rn P lu| y completing Charles Huwtrey and his company were work. Tlie performance opened with i,?,,. 1 ",'ft . I01 ,,", 0Xt ,, ll . ul,s,m ,. H "n 0 ™ H Gio Blven it big reception March H. when they vophelln and Failora," u ono net skit, thus *"- "P* tho Metropolitan Heal Estato presented "A Message from Mars." Mr. : Uoger McFoe, Hurry Hro.wn; Major ", LiV 1 «,".,«"-,. ii !SSRn'i! " lu kl"K G'O HaHtrey, In the rolo of Horuce Parker, was Xever Ciire, Charles Sisaicer; Sure Money, nnd Itonuu, V'almore and Hortou, hurry Mc- dou 1 Woodruff Alexandur: Hill Cheuteui, Nowlon Cnlo niiil Alleo Ordou, Zlsku und King. Dewey Tlicntrc (Sullivan (c Kraus hurlesque, "A Hot Finish." closed Iho per- "i"'uree weeks at the close of the fifteen week "In Posterlund." foruiaiiee. Next week, Koso Sydcll's Lou- b^, 8 "" hero, don Uclles. "Iu Old Kentucky" did Alexander; Casey, Hurry Lane; Lrm Simkc, frank Stone; Duoley, Ileury Llsch; Hank lillllsple, Jn.v Beiilnii; Maud, Libido Unit; Angellne, Mno Baker; Em. Muuil Dearlinru uud "King for u, Duy." lu whleh Curow iimuc it lilt ns Queen Tut-t her elevec eomrdy and make up. McCule, us the king, also contributed luuglis. Next week, Dluklns' Utoplnns. \«»v \'«irk Tlientrc (Klnw & Erlai v», \k- , ii» . i .1,1 . W ff *<■""• Nc!tt - Kellnr, the maglclun. >=£[??« 8H n . <ldItl0 , n » 1 "i'mos «f stars to ■ Pauk (.Nick Norton, manager).—Tbemelo- Miear at the Actors I;und benefit perform- drums, "Human Hearts," Is tlio cutreut at- l.lllle. Mubel Deurboru ; Minnie. Madge Itleb- nrd'jou; LI/., Minnie Ives; Kittle, Klnle llaer; Sadie, lun Thomas; Florence, Dora niaiiagers).—Wllllnms und Walker, now Price: Evelynne, Nellie Von IHi Iauir. their fourth week. In "In Dahomey," li Atlantic Garden (W, Kramer's Sons, been attracting visitors In largo crowds, malingers).—Pest and Clinton. In their comic Mndisun Square Thcatro .11. UI.B V, *>!.* Ml.. lUltlllCO ..Ilia DCIIOVJ1, . | when It was fully revlowed lu these columns, w ?. a Box v , (Cburles but It Is n nuestlou, If the welcome ex- KijAW S: Eulanckr's ST-inn Scnoot, In ••■bleu they will teoeh yonug women nud nilrubly portrays it. Big business ruled lost week. Next week, "A Runaway Wife." specially I Harry and Sadie i'lelds, Hebrew Froliiiian, manager).—"Tho Enrl of Paw- tended to It nt thut time wus nny henrlier J eliururler luipersoiiators: Sullivan uud Pus- tucket" Is In Its sixth nnd Inst week. It than Unit uecorded to this excellent orgnul- n,e ' 1 sluglng. danclug nnd stage business uueleuii. In ii character comedy sketch: Wm. rel Ires because other bookings at Ibis house cation ou Mondnv nt tlio Dewey. A big free or charge, will open nt the Kulcker- 0, Lo Clair and Clms. F. lUvwcu, paulomliii- makes Us withdrawal necessary, although houseful of pleased nudltors voted It to bo Joc-Kor Jheatro March 16, under the dlrec- uudlcnce P. Miss Tyici" appeared U "riTnce Ista and eerentrlc acrabuts; the Amour business Is still at the capacity of the thea- ono of the most eutertalnlng shows given j! 011 , 0 ' , Ue " , D - Stevens. Herbert Groshniu, Arthur. New seenery has been naiatcd and Brothers, lu N |iiirleai|ue trnpeze net', und Ire. After tho lapse of a fow weeks tho hero foe sonio time. As a special added feat- >' ri'iierlek Solomon uud Ned Weyburn. will correct costumes provided for tlie pcrforui- ColI'miiia (David A. Wels. managet').- II. n. McLean and Odetto Tyler were seen In 'King John." uud wcro greeted by u large iim] ..i i\ «ri 11. i _ .. __ _™_ . • " . H.i __ . . iho clnmintograpb uro tho ultrnctloiis for ibis week. (iriuid oiii-rii Ilnunr (.lolui 11. Springer, malinger).—Keleoy mid Shannon nro play- ing "Slierliick Holmes" here Ibis week. Iliily's Tbfutre (Danlol Fmliuuiu. man- ager).—Jerome Sykes' one limidreillli per- I'lirinniiee of Johu Doe. In "The Billionaire." will occur Monday evening, March "11. A handsome souvenir will lie presented lu Indies. This Is Ilia eleventh week. IVullnt'k's (li. A. k itoviil E. Moss, iiiimilgcrs).—"Tlio Sultan of Siilu" Units (hit hiNWo loo small lii iiccoitiinodulc his ud- inlrers. On Mnrcli n the eleventh week opened. Ilriiiiiliinv Tlienlrc (A, W. Dingwall. niunageri. —"The Sliver Slipper" Is now In IN twentieth and last wii'K. "Tlie Prince ho the Instructors. correct costumes provided for Hie perform- ance. Big business lout week Next week. piny will resume lis successful ineti-opolltnu are for this week, Lottie Brandon Is ap- "-„- run st another Ihontrc. Elsie De Wolf, In pouring In her sensutioual "looping the loop" - i«u Appkllath Tenw of thr Suprvmk Marie WalnwrJuiiti Tii' "The School fo "Cvntlilii," lollowa next week. act. Next week, Harry W. Wlliiiuas Jr!'s Coubt lust week aUlrmed the decision of tho Scnudnl." S ' «2*LSHLHLffiF*K ?* P n . n . lcl Frohmnn In Buou (Will McAlestcr, manager).—This \ h Jl 1 !l' •£"*>* ,W"'?t I'lm by Budolph week the patrons ure given a chance to sec, nm ; s I dime.'r° iA"* , , Mr ' Vrob ' 4 "»wld Konnedy In the title role He per- cure ? n iaiiwr Mr A. J52SL S his counter trays Chlmmle, In tho production of "CbTro «?,.", g r ir.V : i 101 ^ 01 "" 1 " wus nfllrmcd. uvle Fndden." Mr. Kennedy Is very clevoi K«Bfl!15aJ Wi UfflJ!r*«.«"™ » m S«» W*. «hd received much applause. Tbi placed, i kiit|ilr« TUentre (Charles Frolminii, liiimiogcr)-—The Empire Theatre Co. Is now In lis ninth week lu "The Unforeseen," with c.veelli'iil business reported nt tho box otllee. K iilt-Kt-rbiH-kcr Tlicntrc (Al. Huyniiiii, & Co.. malingers).—"Mr. Bluebeard," which Imncrlnl Burlesquers. Uiinlen Thentre (Charles Frobiuan, ninnager).—E. II. Sothern ls lu bis seventh week In "If I Wcro King." A "Unnilet" mailiii'o will be given March 10. Cecilia Lofiiis, who underwent an operation re Cnslnn (Snm S. h Lee Shubort. mnua- twetily-sevenili week. "The'Big Little Prln- most successful engagements this star of vehicle for ban _Dnly's appearance, uuder ograph, Fuller Golden. Juggling John ■ ydo Bros., the ., and the Five Midgets. IITOB & Bp.uman's f Archla H. Ellis, man-