The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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74 rPostHWflce. Wi ofd»r to uvold iiiiumke. mid to Insure the prompt dcDverr of the letter. udv» T tl«ea in thin Hit, un envelope- iitniuly addressed moot bo iteiit for enefe letter, anil a written order for the letter, aliened with the full' inline iiiul address and the Hue of tniMiiK-.* followed by the aenMer, iiuiht nl»« be enclosed.. PJense mention the date tor num- ber)' of THE CLIlM'KIl lu which the letters sent for wi'fo advertlfed. ArmatrongMny Adams, Uulllu Allln, Aland Armstrong, Hosie Anderson, Amy Adams, Adelle Aldrleh, I Mr*.C.W. Andrr*on,Aniy Adonis, Cliiru Allen VIjin A Hiding. Miuy Aabcy, Eva Alkens, Hitftlc Heeson, Ltlilu llijiinelt, 'i'rix. lliliVl'I'H, Mnmle II. Bchr, Carrie Illlike, Marlon Urirtonnc, Myrtle Jtctrn, Millie Jliitcs, Murle Hern if Pill, Anna E. Bonucalrc, Anna Ilrcnan, Stelln Bryant, Violin lllitx. . sir*, v. n. Brandon, Nell. Herkly, Ollvo Uri'iicli. Fran. Burns, Mamie Uiiru, llabetto Benton,lieulnb Baxter, Jenu. Beach, Flo. Rllgley, Nettle Burgess, Nel. Brecn, Mm. T. Burnett. • . Edna C. Buttncr, Hetty Jlnrllott, Marie Boyes, Nori Hoytlnll, Mrs. 8. I. Illnckfonl, I.Dl Blake. Mui-1on Bruillcy, Aduli Brecn, Mrs. 1' Brown, Ijuiru Curtis, Lillian Crnlge, Toby Cobli, Starg. Cook ft Clinton Cli'eevo, Clara Chick. Mm. J. 'i\ Cnrher, Nellu Christy, < Maggie Carmlclinef, Etliclla Carl, Mrs. K. P LADIES' LIST. Edwards, Jen Edwards, Mny K. Everett, rati. lCatorbrnok, Vivian Knpey, lxila Edward, Mine Kdney, May Ellniire Slut. Edwards. Kiln Esmeralda, .... . ... Iidua Ford, Ethel Franklin, May Ferrell, Slny Flora, Mile Frunklln, Lyd " , M1U CIlUC, Miigglo l.'arew, Mnybol Curdownlo, Loulgc Cal throne, Ktlytho Florlelln. Fox. Florence Fields, Slutly Fort una, Cecilia Freeman, Lot Flamme Slat. Fredorlcka, Maude Fuller, I<olo FerdoD, Adult Cordon. Bess. Gibson, Else M. grccne, Emily mlinm, Elsie Gliitml, Lulu Uray, Lottie Gardner, Km. Guidon. Maud T. Garnold, Oodsby. Rutli Grutiiiui, male Gcuaro, Mrs. Tlicol. Garnold, Kutli Unit, Lulu IIodgklnH. SInrle Heath, Belle Howard, nern. Ilnrlowc, Ilrntr Howard,Carrie Houston. Flor Hcrron, Ilortle Hurt. Chart Hurlnnd, June Hill. Stella Holnirt, Minn Hayes, Gertie Humphry, Anncttn IlnfTmnn. Lillian Hnrlley, Flo Hopkins. Ethyl Hurd. .Mrs. 1>. Holonn, Edllh Howe, Gort. Harlow, Klclinvd, Mrs. Hlllycr, Mrs. Clark Ilickcy, LI I. Hart, Jenn Irving, Nellie Morrison, Hell Melton Twins Munnlng, Sndle I!. Mullally, rankle Mnye, Lllllnn May, Loue Star Murtlin, Lll'n LeRoy Murlnnde, June Morrill. Audr. Marlowe, Mils Mills, Mrs. Jos. 8. Nelson, Molly Nichols SlHt. Neuman, Mae Norwood, . Suzanne Nelson, Lottie Norton, Maud Nellls, Marie Nelson, Maud Xom, Mao C. Neal, Mrs liar Olive, Mile. Oatcrman, Kntberlne Ordlar, Mile, l'enrce, Ella I'rlngle, Jessie Potior, Mrs. Ilnr. I'lckert, G. Pcalers, KIty Paul, Frances Unliin, Margie Uulgley, Lott. Hobo, Cecil In RiccC.IIIanchc Ullffell, I'lllllls Houtlnno, Ad. Itlitgold, Mur. Robinson. Hell Bora, SI. Delia Ucynolds, Gert Itoiiinlnc. Julia Rlnlto. Mile. Raymond ft Sardinia Ruuimcll, Mrs. C. K. ItOUl'HDll, Mil. lilllllll'.V SlHt. Itockwcll, Clara Rivers, Slurg. an Itrclon, Ted it rooks, .La wr. lllciiiont, Hue, Bartholomew. Prof. Bryant.& HaVIIIe Ilrown, C. Barton, Jeff. Brownlce, ■ J. - W. Itowmdc, I'i-imI Itnldwin IB.* • Melville) liloncliard, • • J. M. Iteraont. C. A. ItTlggS, Bill Hcker, A. ». Hiced, H. A liurtlna A ■ Caviina.a Ilrown, lil, M. Unrncl. J. II. HolUB, II. Blondln, Ilnr Henden, •• Fred & II. noyntons. The Harry Family Barron, Geo. Bennett, Mark Boll, ltobt. E. Blair, Hal. Baxter, Jena Banta, J. It. Barnes, Stu THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. Ely. K. A; Easton, F. A, Unimons, ■ ' ' Frank Edwards, L.A vitther;v: 3. Froliel t Iluge Porrenler, Jack Fluke & Mcltonoitgh Flslier, Geo. R Foudtnln, Bob Fellows, C. AV FeriruBoil. Hnr Nm Edwin Forde, J. & M. Kennessy, Wm Fltagerald, Tom Fuklno Troupe Funning, T. J. Flsbcr. Chart. Fllson, A. W. Fields, W. C. Finch, Lawr. Fulrtnnii, W, AD. Ford, John Ford, Dan Ferris, Dick Flaherty, J, ,T. Frailer. W. C. Foster, Geo. J. Fruzler & I'eterson Flatow, J. I. Brown, Newt. Fletcher, Grit Jouruct, II. Cznrlna, Miss Jones. Smile Clark, Mabel Johnson, Nolllo Cameron, IConnvali. Mile • Mrs. G. Kidder, Knth. Cameron, Klrkbnrt, Flor Frances Kerwln, Mb Colomnn, Llllle Kenst, Miiud Chick, Kecne. Alice Mra. John Kellogg, Vlrg. IHiambcrs, Kccne, Alma MrB. Leyln King, Mnrg. OlinnUlor.Itutli Kingsbury, A. Collins, Mnud Kcmpcst, Muy Comer, Itnog. KUibe, t.'nuieroit, Mrs. James , Frauces L. Kcenun, Mny Cbealyn, Alice I,nndsey. Fan Cooper, Luna Little, Mnilo Clio, llcll l.n'iirdo Slat. Clair, Klsle l,oc, Amy Colilgnn, Ctith Liivigne. Nltn Dongon, Kitty Lawrence, Drone. Stelln . Ednn DelHabo, Lll'n Lamb, Bessie Desmond. Leo, Amy MnryE. Lelglitun, Dean, Lnura Blanche Dol'nyu Slst. Lee, Virginia Dlxou. Anna Luiigweeil. DeVore. Lllllnn l'niilliie 1 Leslie. Alice Dclmnr, M. I Lniigdon. Diuibur, llnrdle Elenor. Lewis, Fannie DeMIlt, Gertie Lewis, Kntli. Desmond, Cleo Lelllott. MisT Davis. Mrs. Hal. Dowllng, Mra. J. J. Ho-Voro, Jen. Donovnn, Fan Donaldson. Allre Dana, Vletmla horsey, Mln. Darls, Smile L Dunn, Vic. Dlnuioml, Maude A. DcUon, MUle. Den no, My rn Dtiure, *l. C. Dlnrd, Mis, S. L. DpsaiontJ, Mnry K. I>eLcon, AfriiM DeLcon. Millie Marl. Hnicl Emerald, Alice Lopez, Mac Lewis, Elsie LnVntt. Murle Menni, Ireno Mason. Mrs. M. W. Merlo, Anita MKTnnlejr, lues Murks, May A. It. McNnlty, Frances Marie.'. M.vrlng, Mnud Mnrtyn, Mrs. L. A. Morarj, l'aullue Miller Mrs. LouIb Mason, Nollt Marks. Lnulsn Mnddon, Tltel. Mntllson, Mnud Miiulaiinn.Mrs GENTLEMEN'S LIST, Itu.ssell, Mi UiiHsoll, MnyL Itnnttlno, At). ltlcliiinl, Ab. Snnl'tii'il, Lot. Smllh. M. iinle Stuart, Dolllo Smith, Etlltli Stevens, Llllle J. SlClnlr, Stella Stantllsh, Charlotte Sayler, oimi Bbeppard.ftuth Smllnx, Tcsfllo E. C. Staples, Mnud Sin it, Tonule stair, Lllllnn Stokes, Man & M. Shannon, Ef. Stanley, Marlon Stanley I'nrnvt'He Sandow. Mrs. E. Stumm. Mrs. C. C. Rlegel, Emma Sutherland. Llllle St-Clalr, Mrs. Vivian Sohlkc, Mrs. Gus Thomas. HI Ida Troy, Marie Tucker, Mndge Torrlngton, rnullne Vnnee, Clarice Taylor. Mayai Troy, Marlu Trenia.liie.OUvc Taylor Slst. Thomas, Mild. Thomas, Mrs. Vomer Trlxey. — VonUiitzfcltl. Countess Vcddor, Sadie Vlnrent. K. Walker. Ev. W.'St, Elln Wllsnn. Ada Wynne. Mon* V'llllnnis, Ina White. Annie Walker. Mnrlette Whnlcn. Cecil Webster, Dot Wilson. It. W. Wllinrtl, Knth Wnltcrs, Nelllo AVagncr, Gladys Wapnor. May Worth. Hello Waters, K. C. Wilton. Belle Yule, May Ztimora, Ev. Anderson. Geo And. ft footers' Vand. Stars ArniBtromj & flolly Atlnms.Chns. E Atkinson, Hert Adillsou. Nelse Attwootl, Ilnr Aekeritittn. Etl Aichor.Etlw.S Atliiiiia, V.. 11. Alvluo, \V. C. Atlntns. R. II. Allen. L. & B. Andrews, ft K Allien, Irn II. Adams Bros. Allien, Willis Antleiflon.A.W. Altec. F. A. Adnms, Burt Ackertnnn, Ed Antrim, Ilnr. Adnms, J. II. Allen. Fred M Anorbnek, ,IIenry Allaire. Atnle Armstrong & Holly Arthur, Uus Andrews, ll.n, Arnoldn, ('htm Alien rn. Friiuk J Abdullah. Snllnh Alden, Snm Allkens, Chns Bent, Harry Uriel. J, M. Burns, Ilnr. Burroughs, Edmund Burtons, 4 Bovyer, Geo A Burton A Wakefield Buckley. Unr. Hover. W. T. Belmont, Ilnr, Blondell, LA. Iliisklt-k, Fred Burnett. It. C. L. Bnss, Allien Harlow & Wilton Bell. Hobr. Hrookwny. Frank Ilnsfnrd. Wnll Byrne & West llless. rxiuls II reamer, Mitch. Bombay, — ltcllman & Mooro Bnrtrom, Bord ltnssclt. Buss Itcntimonr.IInr Bnrlnll, liar. Ittirrlll. C. W. Ilclilon, (). M. Howes, J. w. Brown, C. 0. Brooks, Snm Bnrnes, J. K, Black, J. J. Burr, O. V. Bull, Ike Bernard, .inn. Bnrnes, Fred Barlow. Sam Brown, Jos. Btince, C. W. Barry-Lynn Co Bishop, Itsr. Burtons, 4 Boseo, A. 11. Hills, Geo. W. Burns, Joint Blrnes, I. ft Booth, V. R Bard Bros. Bourdmun, Pau Belfry, Mich. Campliell, Jack Crouch ft Richards Crcssy. Wll I'aBsld.v, J. J. Carleton ft Torre Cnrroll, Cuns. Carey, Grant Clayton. Fr'nk (•hick, J. I. i:ulvrr, C. E. Carlton, E. C'lniidlus, V. Cooper. J. W. Clifford, Billy Chicks. The Christopher, Frank Clifford.* T. W. Clark. E. II. Cannon, C. E. Crlminlns & ■ I I.eltind Cheyenne, Joe. — Carrier, J. T. Carlton. .1. F. «.'olby, Clins. Cot I on, (I. M. Cllftou, J. D. Colilgnn, Walt Crawford, Geo Cmsnr, Frank fantwcll, Juu Collins, J. J. Cushman, Hoi, & Curtis Cushman, W.C Crawford, Ed. Crawford & Duff CllrtlBH, S. U. Cohn, Win. Couley. 1'. U. Curllngton Bros. Craig & Ardell Cnln, SI. C. Currle, Matt. Canton, Edwin Cnmpltell, Wm Cnnnon ft llccvcs Chambers. llowd. Corhln, Edm. 0. (2c. Claudius, D. Cooke, J. M. Clnre, liar. Clifford, 1\ II. Cnrroll. Frank r, Oorrlgnn. Jas. Ciirrcn. John Clifford ft Ilurke (Mltlwcll. Fred Clermont. Frank Cn«np. lirnent Cilnlon, Wm. J Carroll, Vine. Cumnson, J.II. «:ox. Kid. t^rcssy, W. M Conway & SIcFarlnnd Conlon, Joe Conboy, Kels. t'lnlr, Bar. Cannon. A, W Crane, Lnwr. Denny, Walton Dnv latin, Ab. Delaney k Egnn Delaney, IlTlly Davis. L. A. Devcanx. W. 0. Davis, Owen Denting. Art. Dean. W. C. Deceit dn, lican Dengons, 3 Dale Bros. DeCotun, Dnv DoVenux, W.G, Duponte, Mr. Doaves, Har. Desmoud Trio Doyle, J. T. Davis, Frank Defetlt. Geo. M. DcBmond. Chns Dee. Matt Dowatelll. Nicola Davenport, Kenneth Dally, W. B, DeSlmone, Ernest Davis, G. W. O DeShon, Wm. DoVaro. C. II pins, Gen. C Dimhiir. II. C Dunbar, Har. Droles, R Doyle. Eilw. Donler. Alb. Ducrow, Wm, Dalton J. K. Dale. Ernest DuVoll, Grant Dnvls. W. T. Dnvldsoa, JW Ham, J. P. Edwards. Chns. F. Earl ft Wilson Enrl. Albert Esterbrook. Fred Elmore, Geo J El Iswor! li, Bug Emerson. Frnok Erlckson. Kllllte Emnierson. KmolisAK. Emerson, E.G Foster, Mr. Probcl, Gene Glasgow, J. G. GUnscrcttl Troupe Greaves, Wnlt Oossoge, Geo. Gllnsercttl, 1'letro Gllmalne, CO. Gardiner, W.S Gorman, "Wm. Greene. E. V. Glenaon, O. It, Gcnnro, Will Gorman, Dick Gilbert ft Goldle Gonzales, Adolnh Grant, At Glencn, J. T, Grnpt, Cliff Gugnonl'ollock Stock Co. Greene. L. L. Good, W. B. Goffy, Wm. Gcnnro, Will Goldle. Wait. Gould. M. D. Gnlllgher, Geo. W. Greene, E. M. Goolmnns Mm* Gulllgan, J. T Grey. Chris DeA tlrnhnm, Vic. Geuuro & Bailey Gllnserettl. F'etro Grieves. John Goodrich, .Ins Godwin, Mm! George, J. E. Giith. J. Goldln. Hor. llollnnd, Fr'nk Horner, Sum Huntings. 4 Hayes, Will Hutchinson, A. E. Ilodglns, Burt Hanson. J. T. Iloyd Edwin Hnrtllnn;, Chas Horworth's Irish C. Co. Herbert, Arth Hassan, E. J. Halt,'C. Win. Honnella. Joe Henrn, Thoa. Holt. Air. tteury. J.C.Co. lluxtnble ft Stock Hand. E. C. Hart, Max I law Icy, Fred Hayes, Tom Kcridrlck, Glenn Kertln, Leo Krltchfleld, J. S. Klein, II. II. Kennedy. Mat Lamar, Nib Laytou, Geo. Lynch, Great LaMount, liar Levy, Wm. Levy, Hnr. Leltoy, Walt. Lawrence, Geo. A, Llnne, 11. S. Lorraine, Bhe Co. LoFrancc, Jas LaZelle. l{dw. Lang ft Sbnrpo Lenth, Al. Lavender ft . Tomson Leskys, The Lotta, Bert Luce, Grant r^e, Jack Lench, ltobt. Lorain, Har. Lloyd ft (lenter Leltoy, Nnt lister, II. C. Loder, Chas. A Ixirlmer. Wright Luce, M. V. I»ve. Val. H. I^enport, S. M. Lnpier, Bar. rren rwnllco Trio 1'ltts, W. W. l'atlon & l'srry Fond, L. E. Flerlot. Frank I'unyUiilltit, — 1'riee, II. St. l'rlnce. Hemp. Fattens, 3 rowers, John Fringle, Will Pike ft Cook Tolts, Chus. l'lppln, Eug. Tntton, H. E. Pearl, 0. a l'lrrec, Capt l'erry, Geo. M l'alermn, Ous I'ertc, I.ouls l'enney, Geo.A l'arentcau, Zoei Powell, Clnr. l'ercy, Bobt. Prcscott. E. P Phillips, J. H. Piatt, 0. 0. Pollock, Percy Pnulus, Ed. Plank. Herb. Pntten, John Puterson, Mr, ParUi, Lionel Patton, It. E. Pllcher, F'reil "Oneen of the Shaw, Larry Stevens, K. Stetson. Walt Holomcn, King Hwulu, W. 1. Sparks, Chas. Snye, Jas. It. Silvers. Edw. Summers, Law Spaun, Byron Stewart, W. 0, Simon, II. A. Starr. L. H. Stevens, H. A Sbricher. Stcv Smith, Jas. Sun, (5ns Shea. T. B. Sherman, Dan Scbreck. Oscar Sully, J. F. Snwtelle. J. A Smith. I'. A. Sea beck. Bar. Stack, J. T. Steely. W. C. Stanly ft Carrmetta Storck. J. M. Hulllvan. J. L. Smith, Will Selbert, W. E. Sample, Jack Sherman, Hobl Sayc, J. B. Stone. Sol. Smith, Fred Smith. W. C. March 14, 1*1 1 Tr* v Terr? ft Elmer "' delight by strenuous- applause. The Kclcc y Ni^vr^L^ECTscd for AIL T. Wilton", 3SS22 . and .1 . wo.nen-^nh^rmrtnrnrre ^StBSAl^Q b£ = H B '^ '*£*& Caupmi.i, 4^d. Bkdeli, have ended *a e 5ff n « e 5 ent » J ?^ e Soutn - Tae y closed winf "The Diamond KJng" Co. at Alexandrli fl h and are at the home of Mr. Camobei'i «; O'Fallon. III. ■ ; l,npi LaN LaNole, John Lcllott, Art IjiDell Co. Lnltue, W. T. Lovely, Tony Lynns. The Larnne, Geo. Lewis, Ariuln Lassnrd. Louis Lanole, John Lynch, T. F. Markhnm, Har McShane, Chas Mlddleton, Jasper McCune, Fr'nk McDonald, Ed Mlttlnger, White McLcod, J. N. Mi-Fnrland. Fill I. Madison, Chas. A. Matthews, J. C, McCurdy, J, A Marts, Wm. 11 Mallory Bros. Main, A. E. Mack, It. J. SI lies & Raymond Martin. Dave A. Sloore, J. J. Milton, John Murdock, Ceo. W. Merrltt, F. T. Bloalior, T. II. Moore. Frank McDonald. Mike SIcKny. J. D. Mom-rlcf ft Smith Slntliew, W. C Mellnotte, Hugh Miirrel, Van McKay. J. D. Mlndrop, F. W Meluotte, Howard Slya. Moung Sfnnn, Geo. Mclntyre & Heath Miller, Welsh Martin, Al. Moore. Geo. r. Morrison, Kid Mar tine, Mr. (M. ft Porter Mounts ft Delmar Mills. John Morton, II. C. McEnroe, Jos. Melville, Frank 'lempleton, Geo. Toledo, Ben Thomsen. Fred Thornton, Jos Thompson. Jerry Taylor. W. B. Trewetz, J. K Thompson, Denmaa Thpuiseo, Fred. Vondell, Har. VanVraokln, Jas. Valll, W. J. Vlrst, Amlo Venie, C. I. VanFosson, Har. Vance, E. E. Van Dcburt, Corn. Wallace, J. L. Wren, Geo. R. Wilts Bros. White, Tom Wilson, Fred II. Williams, Uer Wormwood, V. F. Watson, Jos Waters. M. F. West, Joe S. Williams, Griff Wilson, Joe H Wilson, F. H. Warner, W. 8. Woods, Har. Wood, M. ft M Wood, Geo. Woods. Dr. Ward, Fred Watson, Joe Wild. Wm. C. Woodbury, Fred D. Weston ft Allen Wheeler, W. a Wllaon,Chas.D Way burn Jock. Club Co Wilson (W. Family) Wlllnrds, Mus Wlckes, J. SI. Sisters and the women - -_ entitled tn, eomineodullop as liclng especially Interesting and- a decided feature. Variety at the Bon. Ton,was well attended. (Frank. E, Henderson, mana- ger).—For week of », 'The G'd Home- steml," with .the positive, assurance that Denmrin Thompson will appear. Special prices will be charged, xteek of 10. the Four Cohans. . .. . Bijou (John W. Holmes, manager).— Week of U, Hose Melville, In "Sis Hop- kins." The advance sale is good. For HI- 21.."The Christian." . box Ton (T. W. Dlnktas, manager) .— The only announcement for 8-14 Is Florence Burns. ■ ■ Itoltoken.—Business has been very good at both houses. In spite of the Lenten season I.ynic (U. P. Soulier, manager).—Ward and Yokes, In "The Head Walters," make merry .8-11. "In Convict Stripes" 12-14. Bros., acrobats, and aerrallsts. has slgnS KMl'IBB (J. F.. tlulnn, manager).—For with the San Bros. C reus for the conuS week of !): Mattle Keene and compnoy, In season, to do a contortion and ring att, n>S 'iler First .Divorce Case;" Jopn Kemell. to double alto In band. H ""» r. Campbell, ot qitOer m CcttuT These aastvED In this country inst we.t frem Liverpool, eighty-three circus' neoni, mostly girls, who are to perform with tE Barnum ft Bailey Circus the comlne se»«,,. Fifty of the girls were ballet dancers aim"; a dozer, other singers, while a seitet ,'r young men and women constitute what i. known as the Almonte troupe of acrobats D. D. La Bibba, of the Five I41 H«r~ ■r,a nnnhnfa find fiArUll.ia i. 'iia lllghway"Co Slant, Willie Boss, A M. Smith, C. E. Ilodney, G. 11. Sargent, H. S Itackett ft Shea. Thos. E Douglass StAuburn, WH lloaenberg. Saye, J. It. J. SI. St. Leon. SyL. Illce. Edward Slvalls. CliasT llnmmage, Sims, J. G. Ilowland Sldnev, Oeo. lllcbards ft Scovlllc, Xesl». Reed Sherman, D.S. Huge, Wm. Sherman. J. C ItHy. Fred Scavoy, Hor. Heed, Frnncls Smith, Walt.C Kels, I.nnlH Sctsso, Andr. llnrkett, E. A. Sutllff, Elmer ltlce, Fred Shaplcy, Edw. Itamago, Row. Stowe, Robt.G Kowmnn, Sinclair, Paul Chns. G. Stanley, Art. Itodrlck, Chas. Scott, Robt. Buddy, Eugene Shannons, The llnmza, Geo. Stein, I^iuls Wlggin, Bert Russell & Spears, J. W. Welch Bros. Dunbar Smith ft Webb. II. L. Regan, J. T. Blnnchnrd Woodward, Itodltt S: Shaw, Larry Geo. ft M. Herbert Schneider. White, C. A. Itndcllffe, Louis Woodward, Clnude Sharp. Chas. Cant. Itockwell, J. C Stockwell. Wight, H. Kobcrta, paw. Walt. Waldron, John Roberta, ft II. Stockwell. Ed Wight, Hill'd Ridings, II. J. Snyder Bros. Williams, Itolond & Sen in mon, i<\ & Ida „ ,, „, Younz A - Q-Watson Jr.. Held, Win. Sayc, J. It. Har. Bobbins, II. V. Stock, T. V. Wright G. C. Klamo. J. W. Snhlke. Gus Wnltcrs, C. L. Roberts, A. II. Swcatman, Westerfleld, Rossmnn. Hoi! \f. P. Wm Rickey, Dude Slone, Vic. Wallace. J. L. Ruace, W. A. Sburp, Chas. Wllton.Jot 20c Roycr. Archie Tleeh, Ted. Wills Bros. Roberts, ft W Toy, Ren Winter, Banks Reeves, Henry Trusty, Warsaw, Rummage, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. (Gc. „ ■ ,„,R°wl- "I'r'P to the Wilber, C. R. Ruble Theatre Jungle"Co. Wleglns. Bert „ . £?• Tmhern. Al. Williams. Joe Roc, C. J. W. Tarklngton, Weston. Clnt. Ralston, Billy \y. o. West. DeFor. Romeo, Anth. Trovollo, T. Wright. Rider, F. R. Traverse- Geo. W. ltuge, Wm. Vale, Sir Wlllard. Rcnnels. Har. Tmax, II. A. Fred E. Robinson, 11,1 Turner, E. D. Welby Jake Rcto, Frank Tessler, Wm. wills. Rogers. W. F. Turner, E. F. M, ft J. U. Reeyes, E. K Thomas. C. N. White. Tom Rockwell, J.C. Terrlll ft Wnv, W. J. Reno, Wm. II. Simon yae'ger, Ilnr. Rnssel! Lawr. Tyner, Lew Young. Will Stilly, Lpw Taylor, L. S. KanSas. E1R Shelby, Ilyr. Toddt, J. II. \\ Bwkkto, J. Slark. L. 1. Tressl. Jos. SEE NOTICE AT HEAD OF LIST. «l» SIEW JERSEY'. Three Lelllota. Ida Russell.. Armstrong and Wright, the Reed Birds, Orvllle and Frank, and Mile. Rlaltn. _ „ . Xotk.— Stage .Machinist F. W. Mohn, of the Bijou, Jersey City, will have a testi- monial at the Empire 24, tendered him by the owner, Mr. lirnggeman. miscellaneous, Korft'a FnoM Lcckt Biix's Wjnier Qcau- teus. —Everything Is progressing nicely, and all work Is being brought to a close. The l Dialling touches are being nut on, and things OinnwiTii for nnr nwnlnS which takes nlace wltn " UM W9 iioougan- in ills cab. w lll^our Indiana. Ohio, Mielilgan, Ir 'own Babtine ft Db OH20 Notes.— The unrnii. of the Chns. Bartlne ft De Onzo BaSSS Shows for the leason of 1903 will be imS affair, and something, out of the orillnnr. It will be led by two drum mn lors, nnd ." drum anil bugle corps of eight men In flashy uniforms. Then comes Prof J ruii Smith's Navy Band of twenty-four lirst'ilow musicians. In white navy uniforms Th« Instruments will consist of five cornets Ihril clarionets, two piccolos, four altos tS slide trombones, two euphoniums, one tuta Hnare and bass drum and cymbals, lo u followed by all tnc ring stock, iionles and mules, In beautiful trappings, trained cont, dogs, sheep,'pigs and monkeys, clowns, ete' "Happy Hooligan", In. his cnbrwllh rc«r. pa"pe"r:"and"bur advance brigade will have »J ». L 8 w tft ?' ,1 Il 5f 1 k ' a, A h P" e xl , S a f, """"J . no trouble In letting the jieSple know that f.™. *'" J"H'Ji nd ^..°' 1 ' 01 , Ml iT ,l ?««'. » the Lucky Bill Show*!* tmET People with »& Si. J V& JSZSK>J? side show. Mr. Bell's new Instrument he Informs us, Is a phenomenal success ' He calls It the Belleplione. ■««-«»». He A n. Reed's Snows Notes. —We open oar twenty-flrst season April 4, and will cover our usnal territory. Painters, hlncksmltlis harness makers and wheelwrights have An- Bill, with his big act ot trained ponies, dogs and nionkevs. Our orchestra will be under the direction of Mrs. Granger, and will be one of the features of the show. The band will be under the direction of F. L. Granger, nnd the standard of nil arguments will be Pnor. CjuUHL of the troupe of Venetian i? hc iL, 1 , n , e,r work ond J*''"'for ~th"efr"hnmi£ Glass Blowers, which has been connected Everything Is in perfect condition, ready with the Buffalo Bill Side Show for a num- f°[ on r Great care has been her of seasons, lias been engaged with the *. a 2"i *? f cnre , experienced men to head the Welsh Bros.' Circus, to appear In the side different departments, several novellles havo Hooper. II. M,■ McQiiinn, Hills, Wm. J. Hammond.CD, Millard, S. II. Harrington, a w. Milton, Gus Marks, Tout Herbert, Fred i Mougenals, llalsey, S. C. (}. A. Hcdrlx ft Mortimer, l'rescottl Geo. S. Healy, John ISIozart, Edw. Howard Moore, J. II. (hand bnl.) 1 Mates. II. .1. Helton,Chiis.r.: Morel lo Bros. Hoi>pe, Guy 'Mnreel, Jeun HtiKwIn, ft A. 1 Mark. Chna L. Newark—Many of the theatres were well intended lost week. Nbwauk Trains 1 Lee Otlolengul. mna- ager).—Robert Eileson's llrst MUUM hero an a star, lu -Soldiers of Fortune," this week, will form n notable feature In the present brilliant season nt this house. As "Tho Vinegar Buyer" Essra Kendall dis- pensed siMtrkllng wit. to fair business, week ending March 7. Viola Allen, In 'Tlic EleriBil City." week of 10, Manager Otto- lengtil's beuellt occurring on that date. Ciuuunti.v THBJOH (M. J. Jacobs, man- ager).—••The Junius Boys in Missouri" should be thrilling enough to draw big houses this week. Stella May hew was well supported appear show ns the "soap king." ltoxni:i:it Biios.' Notes. —Another very h.-ul blizzard struck our indoor Winter show ot Cheyenne", Okln. Ter.'. on Feb', 24. The company had to travel over a rough country twenty-live miles inland to reach Cheyenne. The opera house takes in the whole upper lloor of Hie court house, n very large room, which whs packed to its limit by a typical Western mnlli me on the night of Feb. 2:1. IlesiM'veii seats were sold next day until all were taken, and In spite of the raging bill- zniil nnd the worst of clay mud n big au- dience again greeted us the second night. Three large monkeys for training were added l(» the Hon lieu f Bros.' Show Inst week. They will be educated for riding acts with Shet- land ponies. A red gout, called Buby, will be ndded to the wonderful troupe of trained goats nt Winter quarters. Kami miot tifk Oeykb & Griswolo "TJ. T. ft" Co.: This show will open the regular season under, canvas nt Lexington, Mo., about Muy 1. It will be one of the •brightest and cleanest "Tom" shows In America. Everything around the show Is brand new. The enrs were built to order, and finished-three months-ago. The very best people arc now being engaged. All our people are white, nnd are all well known In the "Tom" business. Our Inst "ad." In Tim ()i,i> lti:l,iAnu: brought us over six hundred answers. In our twenty-live years In ihe show business we huvc never received so many letters before. ItOSTKK or 'MVRIIS ft McCaffestv's Cbys- TAI, KUACfl GI.AHS Blowebs. —Al. F. Slvers, Ben F. Imhof, Wnlt. McCaltcrty, Joe Berch- er and Allre Devoe. We havo tbrec glass fires, moving pictures, lunette, Funeh and magic, nnd Sir. Imhof is better than n band on the street, as he never falls to make thein laugh. We have been In the Indian Territory for seven weeks, and business was good, 11s we were the first gluss show to make the territory. We will close our Winter season April 111), and open under canvas Mny 15. While nt Fayettevlllc, Ark., Sir. Myers had the honor of demonstrating to the State Col- lege professors the many possibilities of glass blowing, weaving, knitting and spin- ning. All are well. The Old Remaulb readies us once a week, nnd there is always a rush for it. Jons II. iiumw side show talker, la9t season with linstock's Carnival Co.. sails .March 2S for London, Eng., to Join Buffalo Bill's Wild West. Notes rnosi IXBUX Bill's Wild West.— B. B. Smith (Diamond) goes with the above been engaged for the big show, and as it looks today the season of 1U0S will find A. II. Bced with the largest, clennest and best wagon show he ever put togelher. Five new wagons have been added, makliig tills n twenty-four wagon show, with flfty-Dva Iiend of horses, twelve trained ponleR and a troupe of trained dogs, gonts and sheep, lu charge of Viola Reed. There will be liflv- two people hack with the show. J. <;eo Hudglns will have charge of the advance with four bill posters: one ngenfs single buggy, and two double bill wagons will make up the advance, which will be well guarded. Our printing has arrived ami wlllbe mostly all special work this season. Ihe big show canvas will be 80ft., with two :iOft. middle pieces, also new. The side show, cook end horse tents used last sea- son were stored away In dry quarters during the Winter and are In Al condition. All of the stock Is in perfect health, and it does seem nt the present time thnt there Is not one thing needed but a bright, warm dnv to make our opening a zrand success. Since we went Into Winter quarters, Inst November, we have not had a single case of sickness, nor ban an accident ocenrred to man or beast. We are waiting to hear our band play, and we look for a prosperous season 1'bof. Mr.iii.i: has been engaged by Bon- heur Bros.' Circus ns equestrian director. At the close of the season he states that he will place In vaudeville one of the strongest and most sensational dog nnd monkey nets. He Is nt present located at Augusta. 0. T., u Inter quarters of Bonheur Bros." Shows. music and Sona. Unit, Max B. | Don llolden, II. M. Matthews. J.C Howard, .Tounj Mnrphr. J. T. Hedge, John ; Singer, T. J. Holmes, W. J.'Miller Family Hills. The Miirlnellii. Harris, Chns. Mr. & Mrs. Hnllcn. Fred ; Mason, W. K. Howard, Nick McLcod, Hale, 3. S. Geo. D. nger).—"A Modern Mngdnlen." '(he current 1)111. was well received earlier In the sea- son, and should rejient well ut populnr prices. Rose Melville increased her bold on popularity, nnd played a week of record Blue Mme. Norma Romntao.' an American prima donna soprano, who has been singing the principal soprano roles In Italy the past live years with great success, arrived In New lork on Feb. 28, to sing under Mr. Savages management. Sir. Savage cabled to his agent,-Sir. Atwnter. hv London, for Mme. Romano, on Feb. 20. She sailed the fol- lowing day. arrived nerc Feb. 28, left for Kansas City March 1, arrived la Kansas < Ity afternoon of Slnrrti S. and made her debut In Oils country .with the Castle Square MnTh 3° mpanj- ' ln "Fauat" Tuesday night, Suzanne Adams, the soprano, galled for Lurope last week, after a successful season with the Giau Opera Co., at the Metropolitan Opera nouse. She signed a contract with Henry vlolfsohn, concert agent, to return to this country for a concert tour next Winter. She will remnln In the Southern part of l;rnnce until the opening of the Covent Gar- den opera season ln London. - '^ Cn . 1 ? Herrmann, the violinist. Is touring makers hold full sway. . the Western States under the Glazier Lyceum M.wvtiKi: Mont Mon.\NZo writes: "Jessie-' Bureau. Leona Dc AKin will be known hereafter as | Tke narry Von Tilzer Mnalc Co. will train. quarters—pa Id full sway irvtlilng Is humming nt Winter aimers, carpenters and harness Harris Chns. 1 Manning. Jack Harden Bros. [ Miles. Ouy II. Howley. L. W; Mulltern. P. J. Irwin, Fred Irwin, Wm. I Morris ft Morris Leona Slnzuma, In her mnle Impersonations, Indian lire club swinging, and statue work. This lady Is the only Arabian male Impersoa- ntor In America. Mazumu, Ben Rahamar- nian, the Arabian giant, and Leonn Sla- zuma go with Campbell Bros.' Circus the coming season. _ They are direct front the Mnzumn Ben Baba occupy the building nt .17 West Twenty- eighth Street after May 1. «««■ ECHOES FliOH OIIR MEMORIAL NUMBER. Jenkins, If. C.jMcVey. Hugh Jeffries. J. J, Johnson, R. A Jennings, Dew Jack, A. A. Jennings, Percy Jerome, N. S. Jenny, Joe .labour, Geo. Jenvona, Thos Johnson. Chns. II Johnson. Jug. Judge. R. IX Jones. J. A. Johnson, Walt JackBons, :i Jordan, Bllltc Kelly ft Vlolcttc Klein. Ott ft Nlckerann Klldslo. J. F. Knowles, It. G Kyle, Howard Kelly. Jno. E, Knight ft Jansen Koiiltn, J. W. Kelly. Claud Kimball. Alb. Kemp. Bobby Kellar Bros. Krnuse-Tnvlor Kennedy, Tony King, L. F. Kennctt. Tom Know. J. I. Ktibers, The King, L. F. Knowles, W.K 1 nm • pun. i"«.v*. mnrn un, »i .1* Barley, Jack Kuhlmaua, J.J - 'S 1 Merrlnm. H.A McLaughlin, K. J. Mays. Lew Mulier. P. B. Murphy, Mark Kevin. Joe Newton, Jos. Nichols, J. K. N'elson, I. B. Nero, Prof. Neff, Wm. Nice. Fred N'orrann, D. R, Newell, II. E. Nixon, Jay Nlcn'laa, Itn'lph General manager).—Bills'of compelling nt- nre now bookinglin"rks""for"thi Xecley, W. II. tractlveness obtain the desired results at Notes fkom tub Pawxe Nagel, Oeo. * hl8 house, the one offered this week being Wkst. —A visit '- Newman. WH specially so. It Is headed by James J. Cor- Winter quarters Xiilnn. John 1 "'"' "t" 1 boasts Arthur and Jennie Dunn, ln will convince the "The Sleasenger Boy;" Kline, Ott Bros, and Nlckerson. Sydney Grant, Gcnnro nnd Theul, Walter Braves' Marionettes. Harry Brown, the Lynns, and the knlnterhnoscope. A su- perior bill filled the bouse Inst week, the singing of Marlon Carson being particu- larly pleasing. Notb. —At a meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of this city, last week, It wna decided to notify the managers of the several theatres that tlio law prohibiting the crowding of their houses will be strictly enforced, and asking their co-operation. ,„5 e "f 6 ,n receipt of many laudatory lot- of Orlen al mag"c The v^"'!' 1 , "BHSB? of congratulation on (Harry and GeonTle? , Mcinol 'l'>l Number, which lack of apace ptfr N'nrry ana ueorglc) yents us from printing In full. We desire to thank onr many friends for their kind bushiest), ending 7. For the week of 10, "A Ucspernte Chance.'* Bi.axkv's Tiibatbk (Chas. R. Blaney. manager).—The return of J. nenrv Kolker to tint stock company this week will be a niomeutiis event for the patrons, and his npiNtnnnicc ln "The Face In the Sloon- llghF' will probably fill the house. Maud City of Cairo, Egypt. P'tlmi Hall displayed marked ability In marman Is n wonder '•Resurrection." which received fairly good He Alvln Midgets ntlcntlon week ending 7. 'The Cleinenccuu Case" Is billed for the week of HI. Waldmasn's Tiikvtiik (W. S. Clark, man- ager).—Sustaining lis reputation for novel- ties, (lie Rellly ft Woixl Co. lvturns this week, featuring the Motoglrl. The entire bill receives ns warm a welcome as ever, Including: 1'nt Rellly, Smith nud Brynn, Four Emperors of Music. D'Arvllle Slaters, Orpheus Quartet. Mitchell Sisters, Lloyd nnd m/um. . ».— - Llfllnii. nnd Nellie Floi-eda. A ladles' mntlnee Notes from Hklhr' Co.—Wc are nlnvlntr f.-V*'"'*^ advertising manager Slcgel-Cooper will occur Friday. El. Snm Devcre's Own the larger towns In Wisconsin, and business iiw'.Jf 1 e .¥ iup A a ?, OTe ' WW Co.. Harry Co. turned In another grent big week's bual- lias liecn unlformlv good, l'rof. Helms lias WJ.l l, Jthur Sleredlth. for the Keystone ness, ending 7. and the 'cycle whirl nnd the added several new illusions to U. i!U! ,!",™tl c Co a' ^"LH. Locke, of KerkhoIT- New York Comedy Four proved strong fea- iiruuiinc. and bis two hours' tttrrs. Tlio Tiger Lilies will blossom forth is giving great satisfaction. week of IB. W. Brooks has booked some 1 PaocTon's TitKATnn (J. Austin Fynes, our new printing looks like go with the same show. Notbs won the Rialdo Suow.—Wcare making preparations .for .our opening, nt Oswego, for the coming season, which will bo about Mny 1. Everything will be new. consisting of big top, dressing rooms, cook SSSl nna ,cel gratified that our efforts should call forth such general commenda- tion. Among those who have sent ua con- gratulatory mesaages are: Dramatio Ulr- Norman. D. E Noble, Geo. Oznv ft Detmora Osnnto. Jack O'liourke. Wm Opertl, Albert Osher. A. II. Ott, .1. K. Orvllle, liar. O'Drleu & Havel Osborne. Chns. a. Oelrlch. ft E. Park, ft W. Powera ft Theobald Potter, Har. Prince, A U Llllle Is preparing to put out the targes and best show he has ever directed. Scores of people nre nt work, nnd the bosses are all busy In their various departments. Ten new sixty foot cars have been purchased, ond the canvas, harness and many wagons will be entirely new. Nearly three car loads of work horses have been added, and the com- managers of Caro. Mich., Dpera House; (iara Rockwell, of Rockwell Drnmntlc Co.: Ldwnrd Van Wyck. G. K. niglnhotham, SIc- Dougall-La Vaunt Co., Charles It. Day. We- S. on . a K d .,. Frank . 0"'e Young, Frederic Ln HeBc. William F. Taylor. A. II. Reed's Show. Ed. Hleker. Blanche Holt, James W. Thomp- son, JJlrdle Carleton, Gennro nnd Theol. J. Run- Jemer Cltr.—"A Modern Magdalen." with % well balanced cast and all the neces- sary singe adjuncts, delighted large houses week ending March 7. "Spotless Town" pleased the younger element, who filled the llljou at every performance and voiced tbelr iiiuiieomenc patrons as to the qimlltv anil magnitude of Pawnee Bill's Historic Wild ^ „ ua as ageat In UiV ' • ,oln n «l" «»»» H nnB " Vo - '» fe»»urcd In tha