The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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MABCII14. THE ISTE'W YGEK CLIPPER. 75 "^jT^HS I X THE Pl tOyEgSlON. „, v.NsoM. who died at a hospital In j^sonrllle. Ill- ii j( fonner ,yhi yaudc- "•' M SL Eu wife, under Ihd tfflm nnnie of Hie wllli I'-'J*"'- Kol . two sansons he HP- *■ Tilil Murrnv & Mack'. ''Shooting the r „l ttli Ji»r • f0Wi WC ek« "before hut ,l "". w i i... d TV Inrd Slnim'g "I'lcklngBfrom Ml Joined ".'"".lfc survives him. Death ■**! '"^i !,» typhoid1 fever, and not by »«" 23& n- wih prevlpunly mated. -•"""""'''Ir.'nTisFi-li, an actor, whose name '■'"/".m I f »"» Sledrk, itoblllarii. died in Rfi2Cfll Si Hl8i'. Mnreli 1. Death re- •" vl !- ,,,r -™ tiir f"mntion of a blood riot *■& &£of the'b«ln Ho WM born In ti 2jJFllK >i MdS III" lout engage- Montreal- "■;"•■.," ,„,,,■„_ come dy role In Sfi iSvir. A» Ion" *hf body Kj "hipped '""£ i Id vSmi. for burial. Ills wife SfffiUK amember of "The Dev.l'a •'i^Sb^A^r ma^gT'ot S-ceney * • ^i.-. i nera House. Houston. Tex., died In SSrttolRS let.munla. Feb. »" Manager "■««« ivna born In Xew Orleans, Ln.. March f S I! » mnnbSer of The Opera Lie la Houston for, twrn y- bree years, 'tinaVlinrtt-e of the Greenwall Interests be-. i*" 'the buMilOB of tin}, old Plllot Opera ','" J on I'rnuSlln Avenue, that city, and "■! u £,rd becom In* mnniiger of Sweeney fSAlRm nonM..»Wh portion * Ul until hla death, funeral services-were "'vin^VuwK. who•' dramatized Oulda/s .Jrnilimore" for Virginia Drew Trescott, |f,iu her home in Bneramento. CnU March ; M pneumonia. She was also the author l -iinMtin" n tragedy, which was pro- II J^ykederlck Varde. Mlaa Woods ZTmn la Ohio In 1804. T. oji vh Utax. a clarionet and viola nlnrer n the Mendelssohn Onlntct Club, of Bm died In that city March 5 Mr. r'n was born In. Ireland In 1?28. ne 5£ to thla country in 1845, and Joined ffi*U*S*m Oulntet Club In 1840 very l„,n after its nrgnrtlAitlon. During tarty- 5h rears Mr. Ityan was uninterruptedly Its ; Tloneltlst and viola player. lie also wss '- nctriber of the concert companies that mSm rtid Jenny Llnd. Sotitag. and other f'K singers. >A widow and two daughters 5 "pK r AVrS' Clixtox. leadlntr man of ilie l'lovers' Stock Co., at the Bush lemple, .■lilcapi. died In that city, early In the rnorn- ln- of Mnrch .1. from .dlptheiia, his illness '■.Bring lasted only a few days. He Inst ap- ■Mod In "The litnlBter." nt the Mush Tern- ■ic oa tlic Friday .night previous, although lio wns at that time very 111. Itls renin In* icere rreinated nt 5 ft M., on the day he died. Mr Clinton, who'was a great grnmlBon or i* Witt Clinton, the former Governor of New York, was born In Chicago. III., on April ::. ix7is. Ills family removed to Portland, Ore., nhen'he was four years old, and lie remained In Hint cltv until he began, his stage career. At Hie age of fifteen he. entered Illahop Srotl's Military Academy, flrtd later studied medicine under Dr. • McKeJusle,■ a wpII known physician of Portland. His lirat experience upon the stage was an lending man with Minnie, Cliar- iwtr mid Essie Tittle. lie -has since that time liuen identified as lending ni:m with tlir Woodn-hnl Stock Co., Omaha : the Al- ■■rar StiH'k. S»n Frnnvlsco, Cat: the Dewey Slock. Oakland. Cal.: the Henderson Stock i'o.. Clilcngo. III.: the Doyle Stock Co., Nash- ville, 'i'enn.; the Audubon Stock, New Or- ]', l,n.: the Hopkins Stock. Memplils, ■iviiti.. and leading man with Lewis Mor- rison's "Frederick tlie .Orest" Co. His Inst ■•ngugmieht, as lifts been stated, was ns the ■sjrNMM to Kmmett Corrlgnn. ns lending nnn at the Hash Temple. Chicago. He dr- mlllil a company of bin own lant Summer, nml played Dnyton and Springfield, 0. Asld* from bis marked ability as a player, he bad nmslderahle talent for play writing, one of his must successful pieces being "A.King for a lUiy," which has brou produced ln stock, mil which Is shortly, to be presented at the '.' 'r.u-<i.',i IIIh i,-lf,i 1-miifli 11 l', > fllkJ ii\ l\ll - ,..l|i II in oi|i|L u t T - 11> UR - ||irsciiivii «-• »nx; Itiisli Tenuili'. His wife, known poifesslon- tllr ns l'.iluii Kllsmere. was np|H>arlng with '■lin nt the Hush Temple at the time of his *>nlh. IIil I.ON I'VutuKST, n professional, died nt Hi- Herman Hospital, l'lilladelpliln. Fell. 2n. sftrr na operation for appendicitis, aged (nrty-slx years, lie had lieen In the thentrl- ml himlness about ten years. The remains n-pre ptacinl in the Hnrlelgli Vnult, Camden, X. J. Caiiieik Ffi/cox. wife of llobt. Fulton. o( the Tmciulcro. tiled at a hospital In Chi- -■ :■', March 7, from stomach trouble. She m a performer. *—•¥ ATtAKTIC CITV. A I iiiiim. f]gty Br-thc-8en. Atlnntlc City lias no season. It Is perennial. It has broken a tradition: that » sensliore resort Is nece'ssiirl ly n Summer retort. It took daring and Imagination on ilie fart of the ftrlst man who decided to y"'iiil his Winter v.-icntlon at a famed Maniner place, nnd cveu more of the same 'pnlttlos-on the part of the hotel keeper, wliD decided to keep his house- open nnd pro- file lodgings for whoso might follow In 'he trail blazed by the dar'ng Innovator. The experiment succeeded a deende ago. The i!V 7 tren| u made It sn. McogrnuJitrnlly, jyiiiillc City In the most favored resort on m Xorth Atlnntlc coast. Its great tem- perature regulator Is the Gulf Stream, which approaches the land nearer'nt this polut man ut any other place, north of the Carolina const. Thug the ocean winds that, come SPSS °ut. of the Kastare tempered to ire n inter sojourner aud made almost balmy ontl free from chill. lot a pipe In your mouth. Jam your hands *«igly In your pockets, nnd lake a turn ■•'oiig the bonrtl walk nnd notlcolthe rrowds. init for the absence of the light Hummer '"esses, duck trousers, mid straw-hats, It FOk SALE CHEAP—DreathhiBWnx Figure ot Hitting Bull: utso Ktvull Snake ^tcr Kionl. WantVaiuplrc lint. IIA11KY U10KIX80X, 4ffl Tower Avo., West Superior, Win, WANTBD-A LADY I'AtlTNKIt; Vaudeville: •."uulniites. Original sketch with mw sotifr: re- Hne(L AUTHOR, care t'Lll'I'Kli. W.VVl'ED, Kor IK: Alva's llriTlsli Knlertiibicri, I'crrnniiiTs lliar cun Pake I'Iiiiih. Must change for a iviH'k. Ynii git a lifetime engagement here, It von nrc right. Will not stand for liou/.e. Yon must be rclincd. None other need upplr. Address . . Oil. K. II. Ill-: ALVA. f.'inriiM.diiiarhi. 1*. s.— oni.i a short Jump from nmv.i lo. RCmBBV POR HALKCIIIUI'^-I^iare Arcs nml Hacking, Klegnnl Swiss Miiuiitaln ilrup (ran he iisimI for Itiitkv Pass). This drop has four set pieces, making » lieaiitlful set: mic llnrlior drop, rrlson dnip. N. Hilln tlrup, elegant Siunv drop, wlrh city. Ill the distance: «M Yacht, two lift, lirouml Hows, two I4ll. Ilalnslmiles, two lift. Itockr llrldges. Wilt sell the entire lot for tfitt. A Idg liar- gain. Must sell at iiiii-c. Address I.OXti BUOS., iU West Wayne Street, Full Wayne, hid. WA.VTK!), LECTURERS ami All 'Itu'oiiil Medicine ivnpic. Stcstly work, l'erforiuers play- ing oi-gnn preferred. . \>ork In halls vear arouutl. Address J. ('. A ItMO.VU. week of .March li. Short Vulls.N. II.; week or March lfl, tiossvllle, X. II. rcmiaiuiit address. No. Sitltoii, X. II. POtt SALE—Siereoptli-oii KMK ttlitlll, »2S; calcium Jet, !ws Kong Slides, Sheet, elc AMK It- 1CAX KXUllAXtiE, (VW llulsev, St., Ilrooklvn, X. Y. mini , i ■*-" "uuBvifl, uihi Diittn . iiutn. ■■ ""gat he n cool morning In early Suuiiner ■„i " C * K , mm < University of Pennsylvania i lUergmjiiiatca, trim young womculu light ,l,r s nml smhrt >•,■>■.'» ( ■ nml smart wraps. tVANTBU — Fur Howard tilhsun's Uallcil Shows of All Nations, Csrnlvnland K.\|Kisltlon Co.. for the ruining tenting season or ira, r.xhlhlilons and Performers of every kind. Shows with their own tents or without, concessions, privileges, etc., will he otfered most lllienil ludiicenienls. Aba Performers In all Hues and branches— aerial, acro- batic, gymnastic, tcrpslclinrcaii, athletic ai|iinlli', comic, grotesque nnil sensational. Freaks, pnxtl- gles, ctirlnsliies, wonders, novelties ofi;very ile- scrlptlon. every kind of uierlUirloiis perforinnDce, Impersonators, Lightning Change Artists, J'«iil<>- llillliists, Uiimorlsts, Sjiei-lallsts, Illusionists, Me- rlmtilcat Devices. Trainers, Novel Surprises, Edu- cated, Trick and Trained Animals. Indians. Cow lloys, Colored Performers, ihmrter. Adjuster of ability. Orators that ih> magic or some act. Adver- tising Solicitor, Store Decorator, Scenic Artist, Light nml Heavy Haluurer, Juggler. Cimlortiiiiilst, I'liino Players that do some specialty, Man with Moving Picture Mnchiiie audSterctipllcoii, Snake L'lin nicis. One Man llituil, .Muslchiusfur II.and U.. Trap Driiiuuicr. The most liberal treatment ami the very lirsl accniiiniodathiiis provided. Atklress all communications to Jas. 11. (Jihson, oSH X. High St.. Ciiluiiibiis, tiblo. "WHEN THE SPRINGTIME COMES AROUND" There will lie imotln i Mr. snn« till Iuimm In •!. ItlariHltled "WHEN THE SPRINGTIME IT IS BY ■\Ylio lmve written ninnv popiitni atirrenne*. This atini; w 111 In- III Hie repertoire of nil ten.Unit ijici In II y sliigcri. Hunrii V ikk- nnmitnTiur n/^uro innnuh JACK NORWORTH and BILLEE TAYLOR, Inr .iini"i'i. I'll Is Mini; yi ill In lilt SPRINGTIME iVi WITMARR ®. SON5, ARE THE PUBLISHERS OF 8 WEST 29TH ST., NEW YORK, ire WASTED, Coloieil I'ickanliiultf, High Te • Leader fur I) mi net in n L'oodtuiar let, liaujo I'ln vers, llllck li.iiu cis. Until sexes, age from Kilo9s. Wrile lull particulars. Adilress JilllX K. KKIKIIUAK, ii K 10th St.. X Y. WASTED, TOP. FRANK HAYMOSD'S CO., KO. 2. ALL AIlUt'M) COMKDIAN. One that can nut mi acts anil make them go. Also other useful Med. Performers Hut can iiikc organ. Write ipilek. l'osll Ively no ticketn: If you eati'l get here conic on trunk. I'll get It out for yuti. Money sure. Never close. Wirt-', I'rank Itayinotid, I'rotiilse City, la, P. S.—Sissy plauo players, save staiups; never again. Have, wire liie If you cun Join man. LvStiE TEST KOIt SALK CIIBAP^uislililfl.: 2SOfl. Middle Pieces, Ut. Walls 3 Centre ''eh'"' All complete and la good order. Also nlioiil »l.\ small Tents. Unu he seen any day. V. I'ltAXK. Seaside Station, Knckairay lleacli, L. I., N. T, VUB SALE—OtaMTent, good condition, used u mouths, «7.'.: don't write unless you menu bud- Mat; also have U lied Bund Coats, blue I'lilits, $3f>, cost tlU. f. S. |)K VBaUE, Jcwettvllle, Erie Co., X. Y. WASTED-Sketch Tenm.S.uud 1). Soiilirellc and other Acts, Money sure each week. Address MKOIClSi: CO., (intuit Valley, IM. VAUDEVILLE PEtlFOItaiERS, for 50c. I will semi you n Cross lire, (iajrglng \ aitilevlllf Act, song and orchestration complete, nil new gags; win ill iinv act; trv mv goixls. (i. Jl. LKK, No. las So. Tcutus'scc Ave, Atlantic fity, X. .1. "WHEN THE SPRINGTIME COMES PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT! THE... FAMOUS 4th SEASON 1904. AGOU5T FAMILY, 3 SISTERS KLOES 3 AMD: FRANK and JEN LATONA ii, """ " uvunua In roller , l '*' convnlescentH innldnt slow tirogress ■n the arn> ot an nttonduut—all taking nd- "S* °t the Invigorating ccean breezes. ii, «° l,rc 'iitinbd numseincnt n-plenty for ne person who. In sccklugr recreation and not enlth. The tfunluo has an excellent ball- iiin " n a 'eoinojodlous white' marble'svvluv SHJ** of "ea, water, warmed to a com-. shi.'i. temperaturo for bathing, no matter ; n *t the season. There are bowline; alleys »">' sun parlors with commanding views of ne ocenn and enpiannde. Three lung ocean 1 «re additional places of resort and ffiSP 1 '" 1 ' Tne y nru kept, comrortnbly ,r nted when the temperature demnnda. Kor IrJHB contingent who devote their time ,r Si i !' or ..' , I ,ort * tliew nre the' golf links. 'i which Harry 'Vnrdoa: the UngUalf cliam- ;."■,, s l' n , k * so highly. The course In oWned J uie t.ountry Club, but Its conrteslett'itre hi"' 1 '".hold guesla. A well (Hiulpoed nil^ bouse la.on llie.groiinda of the elub. 'I'M n K '" k, 'I >t "L> -liroiighont the Winter: ,cl '. nrec S|l °" - atUMim (Tiousrfiids of visit. ,•0% 1, L K|,( ' nk ot 'bis hotels lg hardly neces- e'.n,i,',., , c i v . rn,1 Be from Imge Rlrtictiires. luipped wllh every eonvcnleucc that luxury EU?"W* to nulet villas and boarding 7 "ley «tand to satlsty the vagaries jn«l ( demands ef any applicant.— Xew Toft d,ul.' e ?*P Jersey Central bn» n double HJS wn-ee to Atlimtlc City from Xew ';•. braving , |le lnu , f kU ,,.„,„ foot of {.'l 01 , lv ^tiijct, at 0.411 A. ji„ !l.40 r. M. Send \..„- \- : M ,,rt '- tJencrnl l'asaenger Agent, tall *tt C or - illiislcatejl iKmklet.auU. lime unc u „ i rco r 0l . t jj u ageing. WASTED—SKCDXIl HAKD HUKU BLIUKS. Must be In good condition ami elieap. Address CAItKOLU box km llonesdale. I'a. POR SALE—Killsoli Moving Picliirc Mnchiiie wllh ftieivoptlcon, soart. Films, Hi Slides and lot Printing, only fiU. Must sell quick. C. HAY, Cliuiherbiiid, Mil. WANTED—Seven Killsoli Movlug Picture Ma- chines ami .-.,000 reel or I'lilits, in- large or small lots, for spot cash. AMKHICASAIJ V. CD., **) llal- scy St., 1,1'ooklyn. X. Y, FLYING LADY ILLUSION, Wax Figures, Taint lugs. Tents, Organ, Venlrllm|iilst Figure*, etc. W.'II. J. U1AW, Victoria, .Mo. GALATEA, «»U STATUE TUttSlfc'G TO LIFK. A money getter. 1 send rull plans and In- structions, how lo build one for $i. nest method and several changes. Address W. II, .L SHAW, Ylclmto.Mo. ATUaUUHfTfTIIILKVnTS.Joeaiiilt.'race, CoiiicdlanaiidSoiiuiflte. Faree I'omcdy, Hep. or Al Med. Shows, write. We clinugu skeiclies and singles for one week. Tickets f nun mgrs. we do not know. Joe Levitt. 411E. Itallrowtl SI^By ntmiae.M.T. "iNCItEASE YOUK SALA11Y—Send :I3«. for our book of vuluablc iuforiuntloii. :i,o.k pages, ■J.oon methods. Book cloth bound. Particulars fur stamp. THE LKK HOY CO., 431s Bvans Ave., Chlengo, III, ■WASTED, inr (.LICK STOCK CO., Team that can slug mid dance, singles and Uutihlcs: changeful- week. Must deliver the goods. Salury low. I p*v expenses after Joining. II.TIIAYKH til, 11. IC. London, Oh I., t'a m.. March tt anil week. _ ,FOK S.VLE-One llig Hand Organ for store, room or side show: cost (UO; will lake <•!>»: one 10x24 Tent, jiuimI its nun - ; MWKJtlS Tent, good us ncwvMnminllb'il Hodles or the I'lilluphlno Wild Wiiinea and Cliihl, nxlsfl. Banner: one Mermaid UlusiOD, one Hush llrltui, one tiickle plated 'I ubn, one pair Cvmlials, Drtnusllek and Harness, in lllack llelniia lists ami I'linni-*: alibi Br»t class condition: Jinn Hikes the lot or.tvill sell M'imriitcly. Stamp fur nuilv. Address 1 moxs. L-V I'LACE. i«yesviue,'£ib>. Radical Cut« Block Work We Have mudo swccpilig lcilnellons in till prices on Siaiciul Engruved Ulock Work. W nt-Shect Staiiils. vour utt'ii.s|H;i'ial design, two colors, $T2. Sutiseiiueiit orders from shiiio block. J4M. tinier prices in •iim|«>rllon. Addlrlonal dlsetinnl for early nnlers. Wrile ipiii-k. This may not last. MASS I I.I .O \ SHOW PROT, '»■•-' MASSILLtlX, O. _ 5 MOVINa PIGTUBE MACHINES, Tel. mS-Mk. i:w H. Ulli St., X. Y.CHy. THE KWG OF THE HOBOES, JOHN TAflPEY, ntric itcvi) s. wiTiir. .wbuh-m ,l1 ""' DKWK.Y SuniUy night, Miireh 15. dun - i' 1 "' °i * LHI'fcK. COnTMCTING AGENTS, Bill, Festers, yrogrmiimei*, Usjsby Urns-' Snows. I.lthiigr»rherr . JlAt'K, Psllii. for 111. OBITER . . . ,,,,t i- • .rut. 11 ridiii^ Ui*<<iir-r\' A\iT,\LL'rHKATItlCAl?(i(1011S. Scclibry painted cheaplv and i|lllcklv, AUialeills siippUed. .-* t/llAS. K. MILLS, lift W. 41sl St., New lork City. 1903 Introducing The Three Big Features ., Director of Tour, Vandeville Association, New York City. MAGICAL Awl Conjuring (ionds. Best Crude. YOST A CUMPANV, 4,1 N. Nlnlh St., (Established 1870.) Philadelphia, Pa. 49-llescrlptlve cataloguo for stamp. SHIELDS' NEW ACTS. Gorgeous Costumes. Write for Details of Mr Xew Eieclric Acts. Electric Star for llnlr only *'..uo. SHIELDS' SOUND EFFECTS. hen Hoar, lloH'lIng Wluil, II. It. Engine, Horses' Hoofs, etc. lined with Moving I'lcliircs. Ilhr llll. SHIELDS' EFFECT ACTS. "Tha Four Seasons,!' s|iec.taeular ehVi-ls. sli...uu. Cnuid storm and Whiter spectacle; "lusir," iioslng cosliiiiie, silver anil gold hrociide, (MtM SHIELDS' CLOAK ACT, $25. Complete Oiillll for Kaiutlv Audiences. Muesl Slides lu thecouutry, Meeliiinlcul Kll'ccls, etc Send Sl.iio Tor sample slide It in doubt. PHOT. SIIIKLbS, >vi West !Hth Streel, New York. Cornell} Cliurniderlilil Mini, Juvenile ami Heavy Men (both iiuisl lie lull), ('liiiniclcr Woimin lo phi.v some henvles, u IIEAI, COMEDIAN' Willi nlrotig specialties. All must liave Al slrecl nml stage witrdrolie (moderni, "J Preference given people dolnirsiieiilullliv. Also wniil to lienr from good Spi'clnlty People, Sketch Tennis, Sister Tennis, Kle. All Summer ellgnt Cnimda. Address, by letter only, 44, WANTED, I'ligHgciueiii llniiiigli Mlelilgaii and S. LOANH, P. 41. Ilo« N70, < lllengo, |ll. WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF MACHINES, FILMS AND SONG SLIDES FOR RENT IN AMERICA. Tel. Mtt-HNIl, AM'. L. HAItSTN A CO., l:(s K, I Jth Slreet. N, Y. ii SINGERS ! SINGERS ! AT THE SUSQUEHANNA'S BEND" NOW KKAHV. A HUH SKNTIMKXTAI. HIT. Euchisi' Progriiiniuefor I'rofesslonnlt.'iipv, Address HAMi:i,S()N-l|i:STAI'SO.N MISIU t:o,, Jouieslown, N. V, 4 By JAMES FAX, GREAT SONGS Canada's Leading Humorist ' MOHE OH LESS. (A Doleful Tale). Very funny, THE CLICK OK COLD. (Topical). TUB tt'KOXU SIDE OK THE KKSCK. (A Uciiulnc Comic). IA ltciiilnlsrcnee). WHFA WK WlBltK HOYS. Sample copies on receipt of prngruiinm shllim' AXCLO-CAXADIAX MUSIC CO.. ' TOItOXfO, CAN. nml WANTED FOR CIRCUS Performers of All Kinds Who can do •! or more acts for KLKS* CIUL'I'S: 3 perforiinincesdiillv uuiler.teiii: « days' stand each place. Lowest terms llrsl letter. 0|«:li Julie li L'ouil for 4 weeks. Wide show. Iloss Canvas Man and Clown. J. S. STUIMEi, Xo. 6J Amide lliillil lug. Sprhigllelil, (L International School of Stage Dancing. Prof. Mall Kuriian, Amerli-a's Crealesl Inslruvliir, In conjunction with I'ltOF. MKTZ, Muster of l»unc- Ing, has opened a School Tor a thorough education In all branches of Vaudeville and Singe Dancing. Send for clreitlnr or phone Seneca :»41 Y. Address 1'IHlr'iMKTZ. M W. KllgleSt.. IlilfralO. X. V. UPTON LAKE PARK, OS THE I'. AXII E. ItAlLWAY, FOB RENT, WITH .M'PCHTESANCES. SEASON 1WW. OI'EN WAV :m. CLOSE SKIT. II). Finest PleiiKiire Kesorl In llucltess Co. Merry-t!o- Itoniid.'Cliil. House, bonis. Swings, Shooting ttal- lery. i'lne TntllLSerrke. Ilensoiiahle rent. AddreHn CHAS. MICKS^Snpl.. I'liilgliki'i'iisle, X. V. ■ ■ IUKII A. L'K, ■ LI Trunks, %l each: 1'ccp Show, coiislsllng 48 stc- reost-opb' lenses ami views; no Mounted Photos, 8411. Ilulilier TuIh- nnd Jets, Display Canla. Cur- tain-, llo.xes and Out Holler Orgati: ouliii com- nleie. $16: lot of .lesertplhe. comedy olid pleiorlnl Circus I'nper, leper sheet: 2 Snare Drums, *:i each: Mitglc Outfit cheap. Wll. II. I'LIITOX, M W. Knvelle St., Halllumre. Mil. _j WAiNTiBD, For E.' 6. Smith's Dog and Pony Shows, Performers with two or three good ads for big .-how; Mini lo I'iitv Violin nt orguu; prefer one nllli specliilly. Must la- able to Join April 13. Address K. 4L HM lT IL BttrtMte im. I'a. AT LIBERTY,^ r KHIA-KY CONBOY, .nvr.Mi.Ks, «E.\. «r^. , -' ' • • «M SKCOXU'ATK., X.T. WANTED, Biiltutcc of Si'iison nnil Sn in iiu'i , REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES, Heavy, Capable of Directing Those Doing Specialties Preferred. PiYTOS SISTERS' (MPM, PICTURE MACHINES. New nnd Second Hum! Slercopllcons, I'llms, Song Slides nml Supplies. Picture machines re- built Willi nil luiproveiiu'iits. Itiieostuts iin\ volt- age. Mechanical chVcIs for nets innde. Kvpert rupalrliig done. XKW VOKK KILM EXCIIANUK. N. 1'OWKIt, Mgr,, 117 Xnssmi St., Xew Vork. Phono .".'jci Corlliiud. "WANTED, Dramatic and Specialty People, In All Lines, for Located Stock Co. Also (l.iod Lady l'luulsi. Seusoti couiiueucea Murcb 23, SnlnrlcH mtisl be low, HAHltV T. LKO.N'AHIt, I'yllllilB Ojiern House. Crlsllelil.Md. Al^WBERTY,. for Balance of Season and Summer Stock. C^fesivV_, Tiir: IT HILL] imy Type- NEW CENTURY CALIGRAPH W. COMEDIKS or UKN. 1IUS. mil C'asitAv*., Urtroll, Hlvb. "Uncle Josh Spfuceby" Company WANT8 CLARIONETTIST QUICK, VOH llAMi ANb tlllt'HKS'rilA. Aibbess MAVK II. LKVIS, 'u I'lyiiiiiulb I'luce, I'hlcngo, III. Pianist At Liberty. (JO.MI'KTKNr. KORKU AND ItKl.lAIII.K. H.VV.MDM) McfLTtMIKO.N. Ilallowcll. Jbtllte. WANTED AT ONCE, 1'IHST CLASS CLAHIONKTTIST for Iiotcl. Send refcreiices: Low pllcu. Address K. w, HI'BAII, ml Cniiiherlaiiil Ave., Asiicvllle. N. <'. WANTED, MEDICINE PEOPLE. Slule all you cun aud will do. JOIN* AT tlXt'K. in ic SXOW, lliix Itw. Norwich, t'mill. HKHAItllS TO'FIUKSHS. ' ' liefure |iui'i'lm»liig, l-'or culnbig nnd purllculiirs address, riiic.\i;ii SALKS oll'li.'i:. AMKIIIOAN U'lllTINII MAttlllXK IIOMIMXY. I'Olt Chas. K. Champlin Slock Co., UTILITY MAN. Must liuvc Al Spechlllli'H. I'nil also place It flood l-'cnluie Act [musical piefciTodi for-Jor 3 weeks, AdilresM I'. K.CIIAMPLIX, . WluslciliCI., Mint h Mi; I'lllslUld, Muss., 10-21. WANTED, for the Dice of Death (So., GOOD SOTJBKETTE. MlWI lie eerselllo mid llioroughlv uxpcrlciiceil. Write or wire iiulck. Address SI'KN('i:itVILLK,0. WANTED QUICK," " Uncle Josh Spruceby, CLARIONET FOR BAND AND ORCHESTRA. State lowest salary. I'livuivn liohd. Addrens I). II. LB VIS, Hustings, ifii'li.,. 14; llliegn bl, Plain- wellJT. WANTEb, Ladies for Bnrlespi Company Ml TICKKTM A1IVA.V4 Kl). A. M, WELLMAN & CO.. MA III II II lo In. JACKSOX. Ml»s. awii wiitt & co., IX THKHt OPKIIKTrAr » ' ' A JAPANESE COURTSHIP' I'lllsrtVKKK I'llllVKil I'fHSUIfL'KSS. .MAKAttMIOT T W AbBKltf iHITHKRLASI). _ junurrv mahch; ttf, Adtffo, EMMA COTRELY, .. AMKItlU.VS nltKAT JL'UDLKII,., Address' I'trJ K. Ilfl'll St., New Vork,