The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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OIL In tile inn Ik IHI MIUMllmr IIihii Ibft Mil wo nri- inrnliiK mil nl 111<- ulii Unwind iIiIh week. mill every week fur llilll mutter. Smooth l.eni.le miikr hmouIIi shows, where run ynti llml slleker cimils I linn WV entlier from hoii- hiii'h iMfRllinlnir In mcihuiii'h cmlV lis Hinnolli- ni'Kk fniiii I hi' lime Ihe fnnlllchlK lire Hivll.lieil ml mull Hip cnrmlii fulls mi Hip lilmviid' uf i hi' iiiirl"Ni|iii'. Nobody I'M'r throws nnv an ml In our bearing*, lor our pears lire nil |H"o- l<'c|«l. W/ett (n\kA In Hip viirloly nllu. sllek girls In Hip Iroii|ii> nf ilrjil ft'ourem. in snv nothing uf sllek fuiiii'illniis, iiiaki- llilngs hII|> nrclly HWlftly. tlllh Ik n iinrai; for trip unit we're kiiIiik. HOWARD ATHENAEUM BOSTON MASS (Amprlen'n Oldest Variety mill IlnrlPHi|iic '•Theatre) WEEK OF MA RCH 9. CHARMION "Tim Ardent Acrlallst" In holillug her I'.nnl souvenir m'Kilnns of Hip hi-iihoii nl Hip. Howard tbln week. Tluil woril PINAL goes, too, for there's iio <-liiuieu of Iwr hurrying Fluluvni'ils ttgnln for miiiiy iiiooiin in eo'mo. Thprc nrc only u few nioiv cliniipm ir-n for you to sen licr ucl Hint oniHii-lps nil ollipid, ho wither. DOHERTY SISTERS '1'ivo dale ami elilnpvr eoninllntiH who lill Hip llmviirtllles n henvy wltiick earlier In Hie sea- s'.n. 'I'ln'v nip lonit on K'«iil luokN Hlid K" ulioiit tlii'lr work wllli nil iilmnrtnii Hint wlnn i hem a high degree of fnvor. SAILOR and BARBARETTO Hwci't May Hnllor, prolly Koulirotte. unci Hurry HnrlKirolln. n Hiip vara liar. In u charni- liiK Bppi'liillv. Miss Sailor niipcHi'M iih "TIip I'njnuin lllrl," wlm. am I bo song Mjm, "Will never wear n nightie mijf Inure," Nat Le Roy and Minnie Woodford Soini'llilnic fresh In Hip HI of n ninvemn- l lounl ponioily net. When tlipy fm puhhIiir mil. gifts i>' K»l>, NuI l.i' liny eertaliily *■• tureil lili hliinv. Miss Wnoilfnril mokes a inpltnl foil fur her prill (IIiik purl hit. COOPER and BAILEY Two Afro-Ainerlenu rimmlltlllH who Imvii yet In hi) I'lllllllll wlllimll I III' gmillM. ]>n>ll HulngH liy it coiiplp of iliiili lini'il (lllllillcs Wlm Imp |i'i'U In hull flout I lie Huh. BE8NAH and MILLER A ili<i> nf emiieily onlert itinera nml iIiiiiiits Willi lllWIIVM IlllVe NOIIIe llllllll'l-H III" Interest io present. Tiny hip thoroughly orlirlhtil nml VI'lHllllhl III the I'Xl ITIIIP. OZAV and DELMO Sump imvplHcH III Hip JugulliiK line. Marvel- ous llllllll|lllll\llnllH nf orillliniv nhJpplH, inlll- llllli'il Willi Ol'IglnUl i-inillrillllli-i LEICHTON and LEICHTON Two of Hip itleveresl ImyK «ho Iiiivp broken Imo lite lititliii'KH In ninny a hpunoii. TIip.v iiiiiiIp ii phut* for HipiiihpIvph from Hie very hlnrl. for their singing In fur nliovp Hip nl'< illiiury. wlilli' Ihi'lr limning hnn never Iippii excelled. ALABAMA COMEDY 4 l'limtnllim piihiIiiipm liy u bunch of nut I plnntnt loners. TIip.v know Imw to serve Hip ni'iinliip (IpiU'Kln Ki'uvy. ALLAIRE and CAVILLE 'Intic about Jiirk-IIiik IiiiIIuii i'IiiIin to In-ill Hip IiiuiiI, Ihtp'h ii |iulr wlm -ill Iiihh Hip Hlli'kii In ili'i'i'iu Hie oniiPKlrii. THE HOLBROOK8 VpTMtllt nmuli'nl pniprtiiliiprH. I'.vi'i'.vllilnn they tin In u[i in ilip mlniilp. MORRI3SEY and PROCTOR Two ulmlilii iIiuii'itk. wlm JIk .Hkk nml ri'pl M'pIh 111 I hi' ii'Ul old Ii-IhIi HlylPH, THE COLTONS TIip latent luilludu swirlly hiiiik nml mipprlily lllllHtl'lltPll. THE BURLESQUE It lx iihhhIIiIp Hint IIiIh lu Hip purl of Hip liroi'ppdlliKM Hint iuishphhpk I lie mom ehiirin for you. I'l'iliupH yon urp Ktitek nu plnylnii fuvorllPH. If ho, Iipi'p'h wIipi-p yim'rp Hlll'P of hplier I linn nu even brail, for yon ran niiikn vnlil' own hook, niiirkliii; Hip prliva to suit \niii'Ki>lf nml Mprnti'liliiK uiiylhinit you dnu'l pure to piny. TIip btirlultn for lhl» week lu ii new one, onllllpil, "THE SULTANS SUBSTITUTE" You'll Iiiivp to npp Hip hIuiw to llml out whether lie Ik n regulni ur only n rnliinlper. Aiiuiiik tlio neoplp who |iiii'tlel|iiil« In Hie plpmuiie uniklnt! ure TOBY LYONS The hoy who luindu out hoi wullupK. He's mulling ii I'pi'iird us :i Kmipki'i-out. .ii ik niAHK. FIELDS and WOLLEY They nro two of Conipdy'u iiiohI liilluinte n<'i|iiul'iiliiti<-ON umt cHn iiIwii.vk ioiipIi htm for ii roll of IiiukIih. Kihllti O'lU-Irn Will ,i.ili u-iiii Will < u» umiiiRli Mum. Hamilton ' Now for t he femule eoullnKeiil. Ii'd up I he Htnnilnrd In every wuy. lu iini Uuv«<ii|iort Kilty HIiikIiiihi Marlr Onklnuil \pI1I« Lulu Itii'iiim l.llllnn I'')'lot lilml y- PUIipi' Mllllfl l.ealip ■Illilll «'ranln Kllly lliiillnnt Kin men Hoy I ■>nl Ii Inn Arp the I pii iloin iitnoliK Hip Hweet nml xwoll iiiiph, while you K>'t II Klliupse nf I he fullnwIllK Among Hie Prettily Kimt'liiului'o Allipne DnniUH Allll HoniiT libMfeKHhr Mny ArniHirnng I'pnrl Irving It.iiili'ilu Hilton May Arllinr Muy llnmllton Kitty Htewnrt. Aildfo Mllhiril t'urrle Ituirelt l''innee)H'urHK t'lnlre Itininilie l.l'llll 1,11 .'nil- Cm imi ItuiHell l''li»ieini> i'n Hi on Urn limner lulllll StPVPIlH j. ill lie lli'viinlilu JukIo Jun Inn ALWAYS BOMETHINQ OOINO 1 TILTi 11 1'. M., AT TUB OI-D £1 3D BOOKINQ AOKNTB New York—Frank l'lirrenter, Vnudevllle AuHocinUon. St. James llulldlng, Itrondwny uud i!Utb St. ItoRton—Kd. Kolley, 63 Court St. 1'reaH natter and photographs for news- paper cuts should bo sent to Carl D. I.o- thr«p, I'ress KepresuntatWe. Address al other coiumuulcatlons, Includ- ing billing, to in* mum* WM MoAVQY Hanngor Howard AtheoBinji, Huston, Mats. THE IXttW YORK CLIPPER. March 14, ■W' MURRAY and GOLDMAN,«- THE GOLD DUST TWINS, WILL DO YOUR WORK. Second Season with Al. G. Field Greater Minstrels, making good, or we wouldn't be here. Bright^Conversationalists and Singers of Ability. A New and Novel Act. New Styles of Goods for Season 1903-1904. Now Open and ready for Inspection. At Liberty after June 1. »©r Add rose. HOWLEY. HAVILANP A CO.,NewYork. GENUINE DIAMOND, WAKRASTKIl hs Liirgen* Cul. Hnlld u'"lil Itlnu*. uu.v kIzi: you want. Thin In one ofllii- iimuy BAHOAINSwe have. We curry n very turtle Hloek of WslrhiK, IiIhiiioiiiIh. Jewelry Hint Sil- verware. We have the (llruli-l l.llIP nf'-'l'llllil I'HKMIVH CtlOIW or uny w.m.i f.i.i.1. hoiiMi iii Hie r. s. Money refunded If no! Our t'uliiloiruo Free Io Kiiilsfiii'iury. We nny inldreHii. Wrlle for Ii. ure re- [in ii *i Mi' Si'inl tills ml., M. UAJtXKTT* ft).. Ha WHilp Ml.. Ulileaon. I". "SHE'S A REAL SWEET GIRL." I'rofeiilonal Copy Mulled Free. FUKIt W. KIMI MtlHIO C't).. I'HIC Adtl. CURIOSITY FOR SALE AKIveU«gpdt:nKwlth clRlil feel, Mack Heifer, one .tcue old, well and .-mm I. Iimly nml IciMMine at imy cow, hut liun on leir, CXI«MI|I| fium Hie from shoulder down liulfwii.vH lieiween knee unit fool, with four hoofx the uMine -</.!■ iih the other four, mill the leg Hipsiiiue slue, and the oilier four together. I'm iinrlleiilurHnimlvto UIIAH. lU'llKN, Ci'iiler, Neli. QUICK CHARACTER WOMAN FOR DAMES MAIITIIA, JUVENILE MAN FOR FAUST. Wire InweHi, Xnenlleel MGR. FAUST CO., I rilii I I ii I I.. loM'H. Geo. Scott Company WANTS LEADING WOMAN. Write (1. W. MCtVPI', Mamiulln, Ark., or Pnaeolti Ark. Medicine Performers. JKffiW UOOII AM. AU0UK1) CH.MK- D1AN.H: J'.'u nil' week nml trnUH|iorlullon. am In Al. nl Will PIIIICI'I dM IllRlll. l.miU ingiiUi' iiienl. .luliii I*. t'unuliiuliulii, pleiHi- write. AllllmM Hit. KKAI'S, Okjiili"jiui_C'lty,Oklii. AT UBERTY MARCH 1S~' VEVA M. CONWAY, .lli\ IISII.I - ., IIKAVY orOIIAItAOTKIt. Olio lilei-e lin-rerreil. Aihlrcw eure -Tlio llooxlpr Olrr'Cn. L'niiiiiiHliurK. I'u., Mnreli l»: CnuuellMllle, I'u., M;in Ii II; KlttatllllUir. I'll., Mllfeh III; Vumlei'KI'iri, I'u.. Mnreh I*; [Alloniiu, i'u., Mureli Is. 'lhoii lleuver h'ull<, I'u. WANTED, YOUNG WOMAN FOR JUVENILES. snuie (jluiruciorx. Muxt liuvo Al ivuiilrnlie and i|iiii'k -Univ. snilo nice, htiitht unit wclirlit: uWu HPlld |iliolo, whleli will he relurupil. Can iiImi lilMCeiroodliuslllnif Airenl. Addles* J. I'. A UNI II,11. NlaiiiiKi'l' Arnold Klouk I'ouieuiiy, .liieknom Hie. Fin.. II In 14: 'l'inii|i;i, Kill., I'll'iJl: SiiVUIIIUIti. tin., -a to UK. IIIvThIIiIv Kiiilune», Igl.'l.l |iei Itni.^'rliili'd For- Iiuipi, 7.1e. per 1,111111. Cnlilncl I'hotiw efyoui'. Hell for m'IIIiik |iui'|Hiips, flfi..-iU per ItHI ur 940 per l,(Mill. Send ueifiitlve or nholn In pn|iy. N'lnl l'iiVKillll|lU>n. W K MIT, I'lu.ln, \. .1. Small Merry-gro-Hound For Sale Cheap Or will (mile for I'enny Slot Machine*. J. IK IdHimKr,, N. ll L wa nt la i> qui o if, COMEDIAN With n|Kielullle» Tor i'«|K>rlolre. ril'KC'IAl.TV I'KO- 1'I.K III nil lines. 1IKJ.ACOUH A HKI.HS, fli'eiii. I ml. AT LIBERTY, BURT01T MV «» AX mmy ** m * m mt ^""^ IM.lSlO.MH'l'. IVr. iiihlnw FLOW Kit FIF.I.H. MIjCIL Wanted, Position inland, llv n..mi Snare Drummer, can piny impn.-lmt pie- rer liinul. Aililri—• B. II. SiJl'lllKS. Khlreil, I'll. WANT SEVENTY, EIGHTY OR NINETY FT. ROUND Top, Willi nilililli 1 pU'i'i' I'lilliplele, Willi Seals mill I.mills. Stale itrlee, how lon« nseil. If wiilernroof. I'KTK COIINALI.A. llellwoiHl. lit. It Liwcrly, CHARLES UlUl t'IIAHA( v l'Klt IIITAVIKS AMI lllll MKX. Aildri"<.s.1 ACKSH.VVII.Li:. I'LA. SHALL SHOW OUTFIT FOR SALE; 40x60 Tup, Se«tn, l.lnlils, ele„ *:■; lllirli lllve Net, He- turn Nel. IIiiiu'Iuh Itoue Snrlnitis, Kntree suits. Cul*. etc. IIKHT IflM.MOIt. Freinolil, Ohio. WANTED, FOR IW1TK8 Ol'l'llHN. .TO UN H- M lllil.KII.. MUSICAL IHUKtri'tllt, PIANIST, AUItAKllKP. IllU'ltLK THAI' DKI'.MS. ITil COTTAliK ST.^Johniitoini J'n. _ PRiNTING---5,0"00 Tl6 SHEETS OF 75 WOIIDS OH LKSS for Jl.lW. CASH WITH (Ht- IIKII. other work ut low prlcp». TIIK VOLCN- TF.KIt P1IIXTINII CO.. Key linlilsvtlle. Fa. WANTED, llnslltiiir AtlVANCK AllKNT on pem'iil„);p fur snmll llrst ehiss eoniiBiny. Orltll l TTXIT V. eure of CUIM'KH. MISS ALICE GRAYS Colored Ladles' ailluo Uand now toui'liif the coatt. YOUNG WOMAN, STRONG SINGING VOICE AND SPECIALTY. FOR COMEDY PART. Ail<lre». Sn iKlush v, Oliln, Ulnrrli 1%\ (-'•- linn III, Million II, Ullliel' Slllulll»k> III, \i.«ai'k u. WHMJUM AWItoV WW. Wanteii,to Open March30,First I'laMS l.irturcr nml (IMIce Wmkei. Musi Iio Al mid look (lie purl, eapnble ..f RettlnK the niouev. Siilurv; no eoinmlssloii. Mimlcui Team: uiUMt do KlnsloH and plenty of them. Ulnck Faee, IrlMh, Uutuh Comedhilis: Sketch Tenia Ihe.t slnir illiisn-uieil songii mill have their own nuiehlne. DumlnK souiireite i-inull mid pretty). Could use Serpeiiiiue Dun. ei. All miisi Iih I.idles and uenile- men, work In npenlnv and closing uetn unil other work Hint Koe» Willi n mid. »how. This win he no liliiee for tired or lazy people. Hr. J. W. UM'.wrllc: \"ur leiti-M lorn III lire. The' VoungH, Cook and brniit, Sliiirpsilncs, Holland and llyrd, write. Also mini Him.1 mid Orelipstrii for kpusiui. KMI.'It.soN MEIIICINK CO., DIt. llll'IIAItll IIAV, Proprietor, Mil I..icihi. Kimsim Clu, Mo. ^ACiT"VANI EPPsl AMI IKS VITAGRAPH, 'ealiirlnir "The •■Itovul Levee lu Inilin' . Delhi Dublin. OI'KX I'lllt I'.XHAHKMKXTS ; \ AITKIt MAIICII 21. I'i'i'iiiiiueiil iidilresK C 2.1S W.fif.tliSt. Sen' Vork. AT LIBERTY7 Clias.-Van and Le Vere-For<l SIStilNC AND DAXClXti ACT. For Siinnuer and Next Siiihoii. The Huya that liiuki' ili.'lr Kept Tulk. liilroiliielngSliiirlc, Doulilc iiiul Triple Duck Dnnelnir III M'ooden SliopH, ami Fnney Paper TeiirliiK while ihilii'lni: n llnl lluek. "Thais nil." Address VAN nml Ll{ VKIIK, list llrnad St.. Wuvurlv, N. Y. I'. S,—Iteirnrils to Lupn. La Viirdo unil irlpiiilx. WANTJEOD." IILACKTOI", 2A.V.IIII: ALTO SAXAI'IIONK. ttl.ACK AIIT OI'TFIT ami ILIA SHINS, 10x12 THOI'ICAI. SCKXKHV, I'ICTCIIK MACMINK uud KILMS. .Must lip Al sliil|H'. tVuul Lililles, Snxiiphnlip I'layers for Street 1'nlr Spusiui. iCImins ri'- lilllieill. E. S. IIKMKNT. 42A Dataware Street, Kuiisiih (Tlv, Mn. WANTED, I st and 2d Tenors for Male Quartet Musi lead niu-l.' anil slnir solo. I'lanu uceniiipiinlsi preferred, oldest Quiirlpi In Aniprlen. Ten luniillis uunniiili'i'il. All led ure euuoe work. I puv nil expenses ufter IiiIiiIuk. Address N. I„ llAKKH, l..i. hi City, Iiihii. For "Uncle Hez" Co., Tiilm llilll llnss, « in ml, Tl up Dill 111 i. Alldless PKTKUSIIUHU. Vii„ Mil nil IK. KKW K AD AWM. People for KAST LVNNK. One nlchi stands, Salurv must lie very low, Harry Fernandez, where are your I have six lolteisior von. DKAN'S FAST I.YNNKt'tl., Ilux ii4l. Di'illla, liniiiMii, Can P. S Can place good Advance. MANUSCRIPT CIlli'llKli. Mi royalty. \v. (1. Ilrowne, 188 N. Clark, 'RESURR £ CTI ON/ (ini.i short east version nut, dm. lit. Willi older. Nn.C. O. lis. I'rlie $lli WANTED, FOR THE FLOTO RAILROAO SHOWS, A few more Cuuviis Men, (irooins, 0 mid S horse Hrlvers, Kxperieiieed Vt'orkliigiueti 111 all ill pull- uieiils. Kxcelleitl tieatmeul: ilrsl elnss uciiiiiiino- ilulluiis. shuns Iciive ciili-uuro Manli la. Winter iiiiartei-s. tp'j Alillne Sipiare. ('all ormldress JoK II. IIHS'l'liN. M«r. Ship show people, send uuir pel ui.iiieni address In ;i:ji llearluirn St., C'hleauii. AT IlBERTT, EDWARD WILLIAMS, .1 livi-n lit- I.iiiiIm nml Ll^lil ( ,11,1, ,1} • RUTH GALE, S.niln elles nml Hll'OII|( S|ie, I „ 11 I < s, For "lie pleee. Specialties null for Itenerlnlre. 2.M WKSTItilh ST., New York. TO CLOSE OUT CHEAP rOMI'I.KTF, SKT SCF.NF.UY, rendv Io use, all mounted, $.'.". :hki Sonir anil other Slides, souii' lruuks._ 1J KKYFItK ST., Mnjilen, Mass. JAY ENGLISH, I'lnvs read, revised or written to miler. A No. 1 Skelehes. Address, Mo., eire llaldwln I'lie mre. _ AT LFBERTY, Al SKETCH TEA!; CKAK8E Tor week: l.uilv l'lunisi, Ileal i.'ortielilst. Slfflit Heaileror fake, doiililen and similes; put on nets strli'ilr *ulier. at L.t'i'iisliv. Herklnier ; ller.t.'o..N.V SHOW FRONTS. E. J. HAYDEN & CO., lud uud 11U U'wuy, lirookljn, N. Y. ELECTRIC PARK NEWARK, T«". J ) •9 Will open lor the Sammsr senson MAY 3U. Wo are now entirely rearrotnjinB tho ground i and inaWug niauy inipiovoinenlK, union", which will l>o THE SUPREME PARK ATT1IAC TION, The Dw.lap Electric Spectacular Fountain, ELECTKIC PARK is IS minntea' ear ride from the centre or Newark and Iran n population of uOO.OOO people to draw from, nil of whom can reach the Pnrk lor n Cc, cur fare. All concessions aro lor sale and will be let to the highest bidder. Positively no gambling or obnoxious shows will be tolerated. Voudevillo and big acts wanted at nil timea. Good spneo with grand stand to rent, snitablo for Hippodrome or with Wild West Bbow. Also cafe ptivilegc. Address ELECTRIC PARK AMUSEMENT CO., 0. A. DUNLAP, President and General Manager: E. M. FAY, Treasurer and Aftnifitnii Manager; I. F. DONOVAN, Secretory and Assistant Treasurer. Ovpital stoult, SlOll.tHitl. FOR SALE, STAR THEATRE, Phila., Pa. On account of illness and other business I will «oll the nbovo property, cousislitic n' BUILDING?, DYNAMOS, CHAIRS, SCENERY, Etc., Etc., and LEASE OF GROI'Nii EOlt i'.i YEARS. The above property is assessed for $19,0(10 (Forty-nino TIioiihiuuI Oollurs), nml is free nud clear, with no mortgages on sumo. Rooks will show a large prntil anuunllv. THE BEST LOCATED AND PRETTIEST VAUDEVILLE, UUULESQHK m COMBINATION THEATRE IN AMERICA. AddretK PRANK V. JDHimsr, Sole Owner, Care of THEATRICAL BUSINESS MEN'S CLUB, 139 W. 41st Stroet, N. Y. Lily. MANAGERS, ATTENTION! AT LIBERTY, ROBINSON and GRANT, LILIPUTIAN COMEDIANS. A COMEDY ACT, Willi baslag iinUlt, thill la full nf luuirltH. (I'IIIiiii llllllliles, lm lnilliii; Iii .. inliiiili-. In .nie.i Will liereul lIlltl'H nl i ii inli » 111.- Ii 'x, M i | nml I lie in I«-h. Aililrvaa inn !■'.. i.r.ili s I |{ i ,| r, w«,v York, or ..11 iigentM. STOCK ON HANS: Lions, Tiger*, Muck la'n|iiira>, Occloln, llliiek Ileur«. Ilvenus, lilk. Fallow Deer, Satnluir Peel; Also one pull' uf Anuii lliiti'iiioen, very small. Tn-ti Monsti'r ltnnieii I'.vllmiis, wclitliinit over lao pnuuils eaeti. Aetipilck, If you want litem. 1,111'Ke llluck A|m*>, Ulir tlnlilcu Uuliiions, Rtuaut Monkevs, Itlnatulls, Javiw; Cocknloos Jluinws ami all kiiula or Uinta, A l,urxuliii|ioriailuiior VurlouHAiitniiilii front India will iirrlveutioul Amil "o. If vnu neeil Stuck, HOOK l'Oll IT NOW. WILLIAM BARTELS, 160 Greenwich 8L N. Y, ton BYRON SPAUN'S TWO BIO VAUDEVILLE COMPANIES UNDER CANVAS, MAKING WEEK 8TAMKS IX CITIES TOR THE COMIXU SUMMEK SEASON, Partormers. Musicians. Advance Men, Bill Posters. Boss Canvas Men, Working Men, Cooks and Proporly Men: two Piano Playsrs. to Load: must be up In varloty business; one to Double In Band: Good. Strong Cornet, to Lead Band: Tuba that has Double Trombone, Trap Drummer, and Other Musicians, write. intiMlliii iiiini Uei't voire Akwwani llullait tsiii K erllml Hpeuk lltelr wnfiK illslltH'tl.v nn-l 'iivnii^inii^""! 1 '' "T ""I 1 , iV w . ,,, • Aililretw all letters to in HO* SPAlA.JuiiK'sliiinrh.N'.,!,, f „|. Iw „ weeks, afler llml earn of OUl'I'Kli. I MAB1E B. SMTH. UUIM, im;f.m;i.;s, .iivi.nii.ks. «EN. WHi TOR BALANCE OF SEASON AND SUMMER. 14 SIXTH AVKNUE, MeKeesporl, TO. Wire or write. I Will QUI I ^B*'Wn«*«'lVrEBESTI.V IIIU FARCrECOBIEnv". If ILL OCLL '''»/•»• «f I "I'... lln. i ill* owll „,„„„,.. Will Invest • far , . . WB.B»B« J), tlpen En.lov. WM. PAUVIX, ft K. *»d St., fii. Y. I •