The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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78 «.W\?!* I t^»\, <4'. ,V**^>». n.vV' 11 -3L---g-^rUB3guJflI3 JJ3KX' MM *** , i ,^-Afcet; tMe ifcfcW" YORK CLIPPER. ft »ARCH 14 .*. **j _# .*^/i '.>*}.• J3ui ■' jggtffa S'i wyym ■ -„**>, .*t*>i TO V,J.'>K.^« - ■(—• Restricted Ito tins n»o of DANX V. ARTHUR »nd the MARIE CAHILL OPERA CO., fefAgra ■• • r*» »■:■■ ■ ■ -,«*«, ."NANcar jwqwn." , , M AR!E CAHl'LL'S "CONGO LOVE SONG" "THE CtOW-WpRM ANB THE WOTH" "YOU CAN'T FOOL ALL THE PEOPLE, AM- THE TIME" "HATY-DID, THE CRICKET AND THE FROC" "CUPID'S RAMBLE" "TVifO EYE8'' "ALlTTLE BIRD.TOLD ME'" ,,':..'. "I'M CLAD I'M NOT METHUSALEM" U "i. Restricted to the use ?HE fSlOWD^ BROADWAY SdjfG 6i7CteE$$E8 A^E ABSOLUTELY' ^ffiEJEgy „^,^ tD To the managers mentioned herein/ and the, RUBLI'C PERFORMANCE OF these by others Is POSITIVELY PROHIBITED.. WE WILL PROTECT ALL RI GHTS granted by us, with every legal process possioie. " " of GEO'; W.tEDEBER and the JAS.T; POWER'S OPERA C0 H „., . ^n ;.THE JEWB*. OP ASIA." r .«/,.« . - - ",A .WOMAWS, 'NO' MEANS 'YES'" "PLEASE DON'T MOVE',' "WE SAY WE'LL DO A THINQI" "JSy HONEY BUNCH" "LOVE IS A CAME" "OH! WHAT'S THE USE" v.-^ "OH! THOU ART FAIR MY LOVE" "BLANCHE RING'S 'DOLL' 8QNC" WK Wttt, IMS P..1CASKI, TO VMmm MANAUKKX AND ARTISTS WITH M^^ORgV ^J^^^^^nS^^V^IW^^^ PKODUCTIONS ANDJVITIIJIR A ,,,. 1XERs * W *| J J " 7 U1 -V^"^ a ; rL ^^' V ^9^7)r^HlO>A^^ ' SEND FOR wlTR-tajST OF ^^*%^^^^*^ />rfN^W\A^>yNA A^rfV\^VVVS /W\AyV^~-W\^WN^ <^JWVW\A /NAAA-^^A^. " ■ • PIlOFKKhlON ALS ! I I ,'HtBND FOJl 01 11 US1 Off - , , . 1 < TXxiresstriotecl Song Successes Unrestricted Song Successes JOS. \AA STERN & ■555 9 iSS&w 2tst St., INI©w York. -gg3 POWELL 'ST* SAN jgBAjMjggjjftfj HOW MANY GOOD PFRFORHERS HAVE FAILED ON THEIR FIRST APPEARANCE IN LONDON THROUGH >r BEING PLACED AT THE WRONG HOUSET, AVOIDS THIS MISTAKE, KNOWING THE HUMOR AND WANTS OF NEARLY EVERY HOUSE IN ENGLAND. A.RTISTS WITH NOVELTIES OcxIf'OiM of jilii.vitiK Kui-o|ie, Afiieu mill Ailfti'lillii, mlitroyx, ncvl Hvn wi-nfci, cure CI.IITKIt Olllce. -.SiilMimH.H. ('I'lllle Wiiieli L'/i. Allot'(lull ilille mlilrwi 1 (Irilliliourni' 81., l.i'lri'Kler .Hi|iime, London, , W. (!„ Kiii r liiiul.| in'M ilniiiKi i tan "-i Thviili'e; miu minute'*' walk from Hie I'iiIihc, lll|i|ioili'iiiiie, Kiuulreuml Antiunion. ; •■ ,;i ;, ..'. ITHACA, SEW YORK. THEATRE, Kim! i'Iiihh Viiiulovllle, M Iiml eel mid lte|iirlon I'iiiii|iiiiiIch for Huiiiiinr simikiiii— Juno If, In Sept. 12, ltoa WAN'I'BD—Vmiilevilli! or MIliHllvt Couiimnv fur llriorullnu Du.r. Ailili-e«i MANAIIKIC, lli'iiw l.-K IMrK Tlirmic, lllmcil, N. Y. HWMWWm . ' Hi. i.nuln. —Tin' iiili'iiriliuiH ulTcrcil lioro inn week illd nut ilruw very well on the ntvnga, ■ oi.YMi'ii: (I', Sllllr^. iiiniiiiKPr). —"Snlly in Out' Alley" wiih oiui nf Hie uD'iirliiKH Hull mm puiii-ly inilniiil'/.i'il. Tin- iiilvi'l'mi i-rlili■Iriin wlilcli It ivci'iviMi from all Hie lonil imvhh; I'RHICM WAD, MrllOtW, lill'ttflv iVH|iutiHllile lur i Ms hI lite, ul uirull'ii. TIiIh week, "IliiiteiH llimlln Univnnl." I ' I'HKVI.'ltlt <1*. Slinrt, milliliter). —JitmeH ll'Nolll. Ill "'riii' Miinxiiiiin," wiih ulliilliei' nfl'i'i'luit wtilrli <llil mil receive iiiitltrlpnleil liillriillllp', 1 ln< iilli'lliliuire lil'lllk' Ii'hh Uiihi. Nlf. O'Neill inlulil expect to rccolVo In HI. I.oiiIh. TIiIr Week Aliii'Kiteritii 8ylvn Is here,' In "Tlie Htrollei-H," ill. A lliniNi'll, iiuniiii;i'i'i. —Itnr- iii-.v (illmore. In "Klilquiiiieil In New York,"' icn'lvi'il very itmul imtroniiKe here. The piece Ineluileil iimny Hpeelnltlen willed were ■ t■ 11 tni in I v eoiul. .\iiiiiiik the In'si i'1'i-elvi'il u( Hie vitrlely win were: 1'nwem met,, AliiiilKotnery iiml lvnt-l, mill UIIIhm Uhlrley. •I'IiIh WiK'k.. "Till l.lttle Mother." Staniiaiiii (Jos, .1. Rut lei', iniiuiip'i'l. — 'I'ln- Jolly (iriiHH Wldowa wiih ItiHt week'n liurleHi|iie. The iiirrenl nllructluii i« the rily HportH Co. ('iii.i'.itiiiA (Miiiilii'tnii & Title, tiimitigerH). —Vim lOllnore Slnti'1-H iiml cmiipnny, In "MtH. lieliinej'," weii> the fontui'e Ol Insit wei'k'H hill, mill were very well reeelvwl. York mill -Vilnius, iiml 1'iiiti lliiriies mill i-ontpniiy were uiuunit the bcIh Hint re- ••elwfi■ tiu> nuwt ttiiplittiHe. 'Tliu currant bill Is lii'iuli'il liy CiTRKy'iinrt Diijne, iiml ntuoiiK the ollwra ittv: Woert mill littles, V. II," yil- limn, Terry iiml Klinciv liuryert iinirKeniry, Tlui CiMiiln, lite 'I'Iii-ii MvlllfCHtiilieH, Alur- pliy' iiml Hliilcr... liitliiioiid iiml Vnek. )'im- eiit'el, lii'viitie.v unit Allen, Nesnoit iiutl timh niiii, mill the klniiilronie. liu.iNii (John tl,■ Bheeily, miinnuerl,—The MiiHuim. Ill "Itmliilph mill Ailolph." Inst wi'i'ii ilitl ii very kiioiI himtneHH. The ciiHt liii'liuleil Nome prnple or coiiiililcrnlilu ulill lly: - IVhsIii ]MiIII|ih, N'ellln Mnnkell, mill i''n'il Wiilv.-wvre Home who tnnile good. The current nnVrltii; la "York Stiito l'\>lka."'s (Win. (inrcii, imiiiiiaer).—Lust weok thl>rc wiih ii tvvlviil of "The Hntullt KIhk," iniiilo fiiiuoim hy Wnlllek. .loliu ,1. h'tirrell wiih cimt In llto IciiiIIiik pnrt. nn«l uuve n very meritorious pcrl'tiriiiiilii'C. Helen Hurt ley mul Mnrlo IVI In were two of the i-iihi ilCHervliii; nientloii. Thla week, "A llinra ltei-o. i ir. ii ma ma. —The Similny concert hy Well I Itiiml wiih very well ttllmiiloit. t'rculoi-e i luseil his eiiKUKeiiii'iit here lifter n fairly MH-eenKiui week. Tlie only nllructluii of lm- pni'lniice hllleil fill' tills linuse tills week Is i HI \ Ii' mill .llltlelli- Slillllliellll, two St, 1,011111 ulrlH, In n plana rceltitl, l'J. ' Tun Ziu) Is reci'lvlnp; fulr pntronnRO. The IhinIiiK kmiKiiiim. nfler n vIi-Ioiih ntlnck upon Ills' irnlner, ri'siillliin la Ills withdrawal from inilille npiieiirniiro for Home ditya uf illHi'lpllne, 1h the lending uttructlon. (IcioiANt.v i lIi'UiH'iniitiii & Weill, nmnn- Rei'Hl.~The t'icrmuii Hlia-k comtmny, In "Alt lleldolhiii-K*." wns fairly welt imtronlKed at tlu> iH'rforinmice evening- of 8. KarMH.—Kilwnnl .1. Stilllvnn. In town Inst week us mn linger for Mr. O'Neill, cloVil n cinitriict while lien- to ttiniiiige u tiiniiincr tlii'iili'i' In IIMIil, In the Hnnl Henry M. Illu.tsuiii Jr., the prominent St. I.miUliiii vllui wrole ''t'lieekers," Ih In lawn, pre- paring for ihe priMliiellon nf the drnniiitlnn- iluii of lite novel, which will tic (lest produced nt Hie Century Mnreh 111, under Hie illiefilon of Klrke l,n Shellc. Mr. llliimtom In tilsn the nulhor of the opera, "The Mciitennnt t'liiniuii tiller," which Henrr Hnrnge will produce HiIh Hprlng ltohetl H. Hell, of fi^nver, who Ih Intercsled In the plan' In eslnlillHli a sniiltnrliiiii for rnu- •Hiilnptlve ui'tiirs and nctrenseH In Arhtiuul. wiih In town lust week. They plmi to give tciii-iit nerforlimucea ench yvttc lu ivrry tun- ' litre In the United Stnten. Oliver l.nke. nn- sUuiiii ircnHiircr of the (.'pntury, linn Bern nppoliiled the lepiCKciilnllve In St. Louis. and Ih un-nuglug for a minister hvncllt In lOxpiiHitlou .Music 11 nil In April. ■ ii 4 St. JOHiMih.—Tootle'H Tlienlrc (C. V. I'hllley, iimiiiiueri.-- Itnac Coghlmi pleiiseil a Inrge midleiii'e Mnrclt A. "Tins PilHoncr of Zemin" had a hiiiiiII Imuse B, "'The I'ower lielilinl the Throne" plays n return engage- ment Ti linillnee mul night. Sirs. Ilriuie HI due U. "A Night In Ilnlieniln," hy the local lodge of Mills. HI, 14. , Iacdiim Ttin.vritK ((.'. 17. I'lilllry, nmnn- gl't').'— The Mllliin Mnillinei- Co.,' lit pbnuhtr iirici'H, with I'liaiige of hill nightly, illil lilg IiiihIuchh week Of March 1-7. "The White Slave" coiiich H. I), with Mnnilny ntntluee. "I'lillfiii'tilii" fnllawi Hi, II, "Old Sleuth" 18. .14. NoTK.—Mnnnger Clnirchlll, nf the l.nke Ciislnn Tlieniie, Ik milking it niimher nf lm- proveiiieiilH In the luillillng mul on the Mhl- wny. nnd iilinoiuircH ll hi rung llsi i.f Imok. IngK for Hie seiiMiin. « '» KAKSAS. Toiiekn.—At the f'rnwford (Hoy Crnw- ford, hu'nl niiiimger).—"Nun Toy" drow n large house Kelt. 24. "A Wise Woman" drew n fnlr house Mitrch 1. Oomlug: "The While Save" 0, ••Kliiiikiin's Ilnll"", '■U'rupjied hy Treachery" S. "Tins I'rlKouer nf Zemin" 0, "The I'ower llehlnd lite 'i'hrone" (ruluru iluli'i 10, l.'I'llPI'lon I'niiHily Co. 12H, "Urnwit's In Town" 111, Ai'iu-iiiiHiiM (iiiider innnflgemenl of L'rnw- fnrd & Kanel.—-t'tviitiirc March 0. Sume's iMiobti Cikcrgf riowd n hhcccsh- fill week nt Hie Andltorliun Kelt. 1!8, nud left fur .J'elcrtibiirg, 111., to dlubnud. • i \viohitn.--.\t Hie Crawford Thenlre (H, I,. Miirllltig, mniinper).— IJIIInu Mortimer Co. cloHl'd n weelfH engtigi'iueiil Kelt, 28, playing In huge nnd well pleased houken. "A .Mil- lionaire Tramp" cniiie, lo good hitslness, Muri'U 9. "Tlu« Whllo Slnve" did ulwly h. Coining: "The Tower Ilolitnd the Throne" HI. "The Slowiiwny" ]7, "81 l'lnnkard" 24. AunlTonirM (II. U.Tolcr, ninnngcr). —Mm. i 'In i euro M: llrimc mul n well liiilnnceil compnny ])i-0Hente'd "Unorltn," to n llinr- oughlv well pleased uudlence, l'Vh. 2T. Olympln opern' Co. enme Mnreli 4-<l, pre- Hentlng "Said rnsha." "Ollvelte" nnd "Hoc- eiicelo." I.leuteuniit llobmin gave his tcclure 7i coming: Kntherlne I'ggleslon 0. Stntcr'n Miullsim Sipiure Theatre Co. week of 10, ltev. Fnther Uraliiun (lecture) 17, llnudu Kohim IS. I.ciivciMvortli.—«\t tlio Crawford Cirmul Opern House (M. J. Cunningham, local luuti- HKef),--.Mnsnil mill Mnsoll Cllllin I'eb. 'J2, to S. jt. O, "Han Toy" jmekeil the Iioiiho 33, "Klnnlgun'H Hall" Iiml large ImsliieHs 1. Coming: "I'rlHoner of Zemin'' 4, "The iVAvcr Helflnd the Throne" 0. Dnn Dnly. In "The New Clown," 8 ; Mlllnn Mortlrner Stock Co. week, of V, "The Moonshiner's Uiiugli- ter" 10, "• LnivroiiFo.—At Bowersock's Opera House (Irving Illll, manager).---"A Wise Wotllnn' 1 phiycd, tofiilrliiiHliii'ss. March 2, mul pleaseil. "t'lnnlgnn's! Rnll" gave a creditable perform- mice .'I. to a light house. Coining: "Itruwn's lu Town" ll, "The I'ower llehlnd HioeTlirouc" U. « H » — Notes from Hie Uriice llnywnnl Co.: Millie I'ii i ry, lending liul.y, Wlls III Willi nu'iisles and could not uiipenr until Sntur- tluy night, nt I'fldiienli,' Ky., which crippled the receipt* of the house. She vn.-i given a lieiirly'welciMue it ml we were till gliul lo see her up ilgnlli. Miss l'lirey's maituger illiitiln ■carni.iuti'iii'i was liolli doctor and nurse, and to her we give (he credit of Miss l'lirey's quick recovery. REPERTORY ACTORS WANTED, In all tines, Men and Women who cnu appro- chile regular salaries fur a long Kpasoo. Coiaedi.'tn ullli siicelalllcs, l.eiuling Heavy, Juvenile mul Utility Men. A Hood Actnr who can look nl'tor a line line of seeuery and care for snme. can have it sternly engagement from .venr lo year. Want Slrong Clinrncler Woman, Snuhrette nnd Kmotlniinl Lending Woiniin. MiihIcIiiiih fur Hand and Ornhestiii, Violin (to double cornet), Tiilia and Double Ilnss, Clari- nets, (loriiols, Trombones, etc. Those who lliive Iiml stage experience will rrcrlve spcelnl coushlei-iillon. Can DlJKt (looil I'ropcrty Man who ctm net and play snare -drniii or nil" In band. Applicant h for any of the nhnve iinslllnim iuiihI he sober, competent and will- ing workers. We run nhviiys lint! work for good people In our several Co.'h, viz: The Nohle Draianlli: Co., Xolde's 'J'heittt-e Com- pany. WchIdh'h Comedians, nnd Noble's Slock Co. lOxplnln cverylhlug In llrst letter, nnd send your permanent address, that we inuy lie able to renrh you at nny time. It Ih necessary that all gentlemen plny In Hand, nnd to those who are especially proficient, we will always pay gorul snliii'les. Our organizations' are al- ways on the road, pluylng 40 weeks, during the region- season.' Address HOBLEBRftTHeRS, r ^ T .£!' 1297 W. MONROE STREET, Chicago, III. (OUR I'KltMAXHXT AlllOtMSS.) , Formerly with Boston Lyric Company; DOG and PONY SHOW, WIRBAIIDUKSHTO JABOUR CARNIVAL AND CIRCUS COMPANY,'iil OjiKi-ii House, 81, I'm ol, -illn ii. GEORGE JABOUR. WANTED, JUVENILE MAN, MAN FOR GENERAL BUSINESS, with Specialties; WOMAN FOR JUVENILES AND INGENUES, with Specialties. Oilier useful people, write. Luis season lo the right people. I'uy your own bonril, I'ltrilculius In lli-sl letter. Murshnllinwu, town, 0-14; Canton. 111., 1(1,17, is. WANTED, MED. PEEFORMERS In nil Hues. Ladles nnd (leutlenien Tenms'inid Single Strong lllnckrui-e Jlnu, I'lntui and Organ Vnnipei'H ; tell all and no ntore In IIrut letler. Week stands. Address, HBO. CHHSTIHI, Mgr., IIKIHIS OK IAPK MBD. CO., Urlch, Slo., Miu-. 11 and week ; aloiitroso, Mo., week of HI. TK.I.lCtJllAPIIIl, LONDON i "llrnvlssnao, London.'' I'ni-ls: "Uptodatr, I'arlsi" HD MAQINEIII m > ■"nig Aero, l.uiulon, . D. jflAninCLLI W.C.i 20, line Turnout, Paris, 'i wo to three years' engagements guaran- teed to bi g attr actions. SHOW CANVAS m^ IIV THE J. C. OOHH CO., IIKTKOIT, MICH. A 1.80 nut WALK inn HI'unci-; polks IN Till'. iiAttic on imi-:ssi:ii. Wanted Immediately, FIRST TENOR, for Male ijuiiticite tttiil spochiiiy Co. One who plnvs ithuio pi'cfcrrcil. Long senson, Add. KALPII 1>1;NI)AII. Slav l.yceiiin Theiltre, TltlIll'.NK llldg., K. Y. o ox, The Smnllrat Adult Tor Dancer III the World, Wishes Summer KMangement. DOT, rare OlllTKIt. As Good Pianist as You Are Cannot ail'ortl lo miss ltOSKIILII SKIRT liANCK fin 10c. AltTllb'R HKl.LINtlKK, .,, , Jlaole Creek. Mich. EDISON Universal Klnetoscope, $75. Send for Ciilulogiie of New Flints. Uuve some Second lluuil MtKliile.v Films, |.i..-jU per Soft. .- iKlRiKJo: Ki'lNB,en,<)|riinii Ave., cincagojn. WANTED, Good Looking Acrobatic Lady for a comedy not or reputation, to work Hi n two act with well known coiuedhtn. COMKIHAN, K?| \\. .Miiillsnii SI., Chicago. A New Act. Soon Ready. £&»££: * Beloi 1 © their Name, !. Wo Lead. Others j Steal Our Nnuie Duly. It'sthe Goods Behind The Name That Counts. Cet Our Latest Book, HOW TO CARE FOR CRIPPLES. Tfl MdttdA'fir^' ^'•'l |;lV1 '' ,(, ' ( ' " ie nR ' a ol Clul' Ju^glinff for tlio iinst III inaiiagOIOi fi V o yenrs, becnuflo wo carry neitlier fihines. cluclm, cripples nor Htudsntfl. Every member of tliis team imifit be ti SppcialiHt, mul fi Pimt-Miistor in the Art of Htick Slinprinf*. Onr depnrture from old time metliotl8 marked a new epoch in Club Jugglery. Our. next effort will eclipse nil of our past endeavors. Twelve minutes of Soothing SensatioHft!inai is a good thing to close a show with. What! Til JU^^IflFfi 1 H vou unn improve on tlio following hiclcs drop 1110 III UllgglolcH ft ]i ue . This spusoQ'Wc have the only man in the world Juggling Five Clubs. Nest season the only BOY doing tlie same. The only team Passing Eight Cluhs. Ouly person doing Spiu.aroimd with Four Clubs. If you have nny tricks beltsr than these, I can place you iinmediatsly. Would like to hear from good Comedian wlio can adapt himself to a club act. One who does not depend on the Fnglish language, as most of our time is booked iu Continental Cities, including principal cities of Russiii. Address ....... JOHN T. WHITFIELD, Orpheum Theatre, Brooklyn. MAUCII 10, Cnliimliln, Cliiclnniill. I'i-i Jinim iil iidrii-KHM, JimU'er Blllg., H hhIiIii«Hhi, 1>. C. The No. 1 COBIED1 1I1ISICAI, ACT lo ilmihli. I,i-iihh, (OJ1K1IV SK t:r< II TIC AN, Mm! lo IMIMI|>>WMH 1/BAD CORNET AND HAHlTOiV'B toiloublo IMimo, A GOOD SISTBK ACT < Ii ii I nulling u ml <lu n,,, „ i»„ GOOD A (iKST. Vliiie nil 1 |U»)' bonril. Sdiiimei - ki'iixiiu In hIuh AIuj I. Aililrimii < II \s. 11. uov 1,1., -l>u vim iu, S.C. ■•■ »■■■•■-»-•»»» MB "ft »«WIII»HlVilllW Naiu«tLoM«N( fl^lirv lai Hut InUer. IV for sr.ii.MKit i:\cai.kMk-vt, -r "', LONSDALE THEATRE CO., HUNT & COLGROVE, Managers, Itcperioire I'eoiilc in nil linen. Sti'onir Vnmlei illli Teiini lo tciituie. A1 Sfnito Muiiaiter to hinge piny'' hmte nil lu |M letter. Cuitiininy jiiiyn liuunl nfler opcnltiK. Opeii In Knflli'tylllc, lown, .April «. Ad^ll■c!' !, J. E. STREET, PIERRE, S. D. X. H.-.'1'hln L'oniininy In In tin wi»v coiiiieeipil wllli ilto 1.0Nl)AI,KTIici\treCii.;-nowtoiirlnir So. l»nK. E OR WATER COLOR Mfflm. r.,,..'? 0 I" 1 '? 1 '"'„ sl,,,1,,w '" ,ll , ,! «'i«Hil. h,«ii)k(| imic feel on Hist tour. .100 fiiiuiltiK feel fi-ilines, .W •II J n . .12? S ? I '' KI "' i:l ' 01 " la ' sT ' KaK ' JVl1 "ov I'leiis In Hie tin or Dneiilil llilliilitK. Ill,- rellmvn Unit p.i) sny we lire trrriil. The ileml l.eius uk« ive aiv l.uil. ri-i'-"« very ini-IiiliiiUle. DANIELS HURXU) STl'lilDS, SIM Wiilmsli Ave., CliletiK<i, III.