The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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THE 1STEW YORK CLIPPER. March 14. IIPLEIBOM The New Penny Nameplate Machine. \ rtniiuUiililol record in New York City: Ninc-tcnlliB nf nil the untUMment parlors in tlie Metropolitan District have put cliasert our lulofit export model, and not s ini.liiiie is nvoru^inK loia than #25 n week. .Several liave reached jjttO gross in one week. Tlie great success of tlie Now Simplex ia based on the fact that it GIVES A SHORT PLATE FOR A PENNY, ANO YET WILL GIVE A PLATE OF UNLIMITED LENGTH GY PUTTING ADDITIONAL PENNIES IN THE SLOT. Wi-nro ImildiiiK llifhc. machines in llionsnnd loin on I he largest, order for foreign shipment ever obtained by nn American film. Tlie import model embodies many improvement*, and wo sell it at EXPORT PRICES. Immediate lUH v oriO * ^iazpt^x mpo. CO., 11 1$. l^btli St., SJew York. The iiltcnlloi. of nil Movlttg Pkti.rc Operator* l« culled, to our new Mock of Pacific Coast, Golden Northwest, Alaskan and Yukon Subjects. A suiinlciiwnl to our 1 iitiiloKiie, covering nil of these new subject!, In how In Hi., I.iiiid. of the i.rlnl.'... Write for II at once. DON'T FORGET: WE NOW HAVE IN STOCK MELIE'S LATEST TRIUMPH. "Robinson Crusoe, >> A ilium Ii.m- eiposlllon of Childhood's Fnvorlle Story. «» ureul 1 „ llx , Length iibont suu feel. Sold only In complete form. 1.1 centa per fool. The Indian Durbar, 'iJlll feet, showing, lh« moiit gorgeous anwtncle the world l»i»- ever known, n,,. II]m In Id.' hit of the seuson. 1.1 cents per foot. UIITAB/IADCe Oei yo«r order* In n«« f<" »'>.- Summer I'nrk <«,„,. rVl U | VOVVrCOi New, »4.1. nMMH of new nml cmrliy AMERICAN MUTOSCOPE AND BIOQRAPH CO., CHICAGO BRANCH, 128 Clark St. 11 E. I4lh St., Now York. C. II. IMHAN, TIIK ui!ii:i;ss i\« iv Din. Con 11 nurd Sim < <•»« •>> .1" the Kohl m Castle Circuit. Amertrnn Hoproscnlnllvr, Itlrhnril 1'llrnr. M'.W VOHK t'l.M'I'KIt Ollli-c. Full Acting Company f Stage Director. AS PER. ROUTS R. H. SMITH, Manager, SHERMAN COMEDY CO. TO PARK MANAGERS. The Orignal CHRIS. GREEN'S FAMOUS PARK MINSTRELS 1'or iliu Siiiiuiiir. jihScnsnu. Hunk li quick I'. H.—Alii not rnnncelcil Willi imy ten ill orilrm. 112 K. lltliST.. K. V. H. IVL LORRETT, juggler 25th Week Vaudeville Feature, Bennett-Moiiiton Co., Pougkeepste, N. Y. (UK I S MANAUKHH, NOTIt'K~On Arciiiitiluf I'IiiiiiiiIiik Plans fur till' Summer Season, CHEAT COMKHY HKVOl.VINt! AKIIIAI. ARTISTS, PAX UK KNtlAHKD KIIH Kl 1IST I I..VSS I'lltt'l'S. I'. S,~Sniitellilng New mill Niivi'I, litilrcss .Mil t.KNKSKK ST., Trenliili, X. J. MR. and MRS. HARRY S. BARTLETT CUTTING CAPERS ANO PUYING TUNES WITH "THE MINISTER'S DAUGHTER'' CO. WANTED, BURLESQUE LADIES In our Stock Coiuimoy. Those with plenty of wardrobe ]>re- f«mcL Scud Photos nml full pnr- ticnlaiH in First Letter. (No wine rooms). *«*•» HARRY MONTAGUE, ODEON THEATRE. BALTIMORE, MD. DAN RICE'S 111,(100 Dollar Novelty Ads, AT LIBERTY. Mni.'Hum! pigs, strictly Klrst china mill Cp-ln- duic .Inuiuiry Ail, Wagon nml Mules fur Parade. These AKKOnifdj Am. Onlythnsc who payHillary need upi'iy . AiMroig HAN' hick, Jartwoii, Mich. Vernon's Vaudevilles. IIKN.I.VMIN li. VERNON, Mauii{rt*r. NKYV YORK nml I.OXIJ ISI.AXII CIMTITS. Now Honking fur Slimmer Seuson. OI'KNS MAV lit. Scmt.Minr i>|ien I line en ill. Aililreiw IVr Itiinli' VK1INON STOCK I'll. 1 JvAJVTERlV SI^IDEJiS. YOU CAN lll'V Til KM AT WHOLESALE, THE I'INKST IK THE LAND, HANDSOMELY COLORED. I'OU aiels. each. IIAITY HOOLItiAN, taken fnilli llfcandllic funniest uu enrih. A lilt the iiiIiiiiIcmiii spring It. Ttu ui|ilele set uf 10 slhles for *H.&n, colored. CLOAK EKEECTS, Serpentine slid lw, i I'ln-iliine, Hiiiti-rille-, Devils, Dancing Needles. Humming lllrils, Silk Worm, CtiriialhMlH, Hoses, Capitis. • etc A elmlce set nf in slides, nil dlircreut, III gorgeous colors, Tor J8.S0. If ynu want these slides Iter Hie fill lire oriler NOW. us this Is vour hist. chunceto gel them lit Hint price. Our slides are nil from Orlglmu Xegiitlves inn euiiles), nnit me very clear, and llnlslied In Hie hhzlicst style nf Hie Art. MICH. \ll I CO., Suite 100, Pnterton Blk., Flint, Mirk. TWEHTY-SIXTH SUOOEWFUL WB£K« STANLEY .STOCR CO. WANTS, FOR SUMMER STOCK AT PEORIA, ILL, Man and Woraeu for Qeueml Unsiness, Man fur JuvenileR. Those doiut; spociallies Riven Uio preferetiRi!. Only compctcut, Bober uud reliimle people write. Yon must huve <,'uml wui'droue. One bill n week. Show never closes. Salaries must be loir im I hey urn positively sure. State lull particulars as tn age, height, weight, elc. Otlicr uscl'ul' pen- pie write. Incompetents closed utliist relicnrsnl. J'nv your o«n. Ailtlress AUTHOR STANLEY. 821 Brooklyn Street, St. Louis, Mn. Morey Stock Company, si 1'1'iin i lit; LUELLA MOREY, IN A REPERTOIRE OF SCENIC PRODUCTIONS. Largest and Best Popular Priced Attraction in the West. (FOR 8UMMKH AND NICXT SKASON, IIKI.IAIII.K 9 ItlOI'KllTOIHK PEUPLK, Al.fl8|teclnlt) Pe«|ile. HAYE A KBW WEEKS OI'EN FOR 801ITIIEIIN I'AIIKS EOK ot.M.MGIt. Addraai I.E COMTE ic FLESHER, Dallas, Tc.\„ .Mnreii Hi mni week: San Anlono,Tc.v.,, Mnreh Z\ nml week. A SPECIAL FEATURE WITH FRED IRWIN'S BIO SHOW, CLOSING THE OLIO. IN AN ACT KNTII'l.KI) THE PIPE HITTER CLHM'.LAM). Ohio. STAIt THKATIIK: Mr. Juliu ('. linn iiiiiilr li hit III 0 skcleh, ••Tile I'lpe IIIIH'r." At olio reniiiik In ncl Hie einwil luugliiil fnrsi'V- mill mlliiiliw.-1'I.KVKI.ANll I'ltl'SS, I'eli. IT lll'I'I'AI.O I.AI'AYKTTK THKATIIK : Tlie straight ..nuilevllle |iHl't uMlie elileiialllllieiit Is mie of Hie mil. I It \\ IN Kiiirnueil >!)' Act fair Two Week. .Iiisl to Try It Out! then lle-eu«ii«e<l Me for llnlnnre of Seuson, una miKle tile net n Siieclnl leu tine of lilt Olio. WHY I fUEASi; HKAII M WM'AI'KH I Kl'l'K ISMS I I.: J. C. Hurl k Co. has n clever sketch, with a | JOHN C. 1IAKT: I liml tlie pleiisiu-e of witnessing id innral liiekeil nil. eiilllleil "The I'lpe Hitter." ; your ]ierforianiice hi the llllle pliiylel on Monday IHIONTII WOltl.ll. Mnreh 3 IH'I'TA 1.0 last. Alloiv me to cuiupliiiicul vnu on the clever Ji-si glieiiVl the liientre Ihls seuson. The lilt uf 1 tipoii (tor Niiiiimei Kiikhki-uii'iiih III 1'nrks or Tin ntie« l.yeeiiiu; >lui<■!• Ji.'l nml tveeic. New York City, Henry Tlienlri lids purl of the hill nns .1. C. Hurl, who, with Ills strung supporting luinimliy. Is seen hi n eluver skeleli. eulleil "Tlie I'lpe Illllcr." — lU'KKAI.o CIII'HIKII. Eeh. S4 IH'KI'AI.O I.AI'AYE'lTi: THKATIIK: The hit. of I lie lull was niaile l.v .1. t'. I inn ,V «'"., Ill a skeleli. euiltleil "Tlie cine Hitler." -IH'ITAI.0 COM.MKHCIAL. I'eli.'iJ....ToltONTO, ipllnii work you luCve pul.llilii ll. Tlie whole iiinillier Is Hilt Show grave a ginnl show lu llpiup business. ! guuil, luitjubr ipuilu lo It Is hevuiul niivlliltig I Jolili C. Iliirl niul coiiipiiuy helng n speelnl feiilurc. | have seen nlulig Hie same Hues. The pnrimynl of NKVY YllltK TKI.EIiHAI'H, Mnreh I. Alio Nmiiliiy Nlttht CnurertM Aronnil, lint nnl In CAN UK r'.NUAMKDTUltOUttll ANY vliliV'l. have eiioliled the pnrt will) nn Itifiislnu id' true urt ull loo nu e among hiirlesque roiniuiiilrs. I euii say that I liavo never seen u i.eiier of ilinieiih uciliig either In Europe or on Mils side of I he Al- Iniille. .1. AI.LSIT IILACKI.KIItiK, Hraluulic Kill- lor of TOUONTO WOULD. Mil. I Hie "liope I'leml" Is daringly original, mid you w York t'll>-. This week, Hoi Lester, nt Koipln; Mnrrh 1.1 ami week, Boitnn, Muss., ill Li ILa.— CONCERT, SIDE SHOW and PRIVILEGE PEOPLE, All i*ee»..iiH I'iouiigi-il for lite Hrlrlle|r,o« <>f the BAR1TUM <&. BAILS'? Greatest Show on Earth, Pur llif HonttScnsiiii. mid who are mil engage.! fur Sipiare tianleii. urc hcreliy ullteliilly null- lie.) in relMirt nl the show gronuils, SAHAi'OHA ami IIALSKY STIIKCTS, HltOOKLYS, nit SCNHAV .MoitStSli, APHII, at. ami are reipicsieil lo nekiiowleilgeliy teller having rend this call. ■ Also \VA NTKII A I'TIIST CLASS LKlTCIIKIt rnr Hilillsiili So. Ilnrilell, tJHOltttK AHI,l\tCI'0\, Mmiugeror Privileges, ll-.'We-M CM SI., New York. WANTED. COOKS. WAITERS AND OTHERS. A few Kiwi Class, Holier, Itellalde Cmiks, Wallers, IHsh Wimhers ami men rue general utility work. Wallers, IHshWiisliersuud general ulilli.i men will address CIIAS. IIKNItY, I III Wesl 4'Jd Slh-el, New York. conks wilt address MM. TIIALL. I.W Jeireeson Ave,, HruoklTli, S. Y. All nther. uddros OKOIMIK Altl.lNnidS. WANTED, FOR THE RETAIL CLERKS BIG EXPOSITION AND CARNIVAL, COLUMBUS, O.. APRIL 2 TO 11, Big, Strong Features and Attractions tin percentage Imsls. Exposition will lie held hi the Dig Ainlllorliim and adjoining grounds. of renin. .Willie- Hlg Aiiilllorlillii,Uoltinilins, 0„ CI.AItK. C. UOl'tlHTY, Secrehl Plenty ry, Wanted, for the Floyd R. Briggs Company I'or IliilMiii'P of Season and Suiiimii. a tiood, tk'Ueml .Itiinlness Actor u lm Hhes a Singing nml lliinelng Speeliilli. Preference given lo one who can ilonlde In lirass. other useful reik'rloln. people for Slimmer ami regular seuson. Men uiusi doiiMc lirass ar Hruins. Slate lull parileiilars nml lowest salarv In nnt letter, We waul experleiieeil in-uplc who can appreciate goml treiiluieui mid stuml piii-- lieiily, Aihhvss WOOOS A Itltll.'tlS, Si. Jolui. Kansas. Msirh CMC l.nrued. Kansas, Mnreh H-U. WANTED (^UICK, FOB HARRY H0LM.VN COMEDY COMPANY, liKN'f lilt I.AHV PIANIST. One who call play small purls. Other I'scful Hepcrlolre People with Spci'iiiHId write. Musi Have goml wiinlrolie mill lie experleli I ami make good or yuu will lie elnseil wliliiiui iioilee. Tills is nn sehiiuluf ailing. Jliiuugers of Suiiiiuer pi Iks wanting u tiiuul Itepeiiiilre Show for Summer, also write. Address p.m. I. an city, III. WANTKD. Ktlll .HIHIIAA'N IMI'MHIAI. SHSSTIIKIiS (VNDHH I AW Vs., COi.- . •■■ tlltKIl, Mllsleluus. COMKIHANS. singers. HalirvM ami Perfnrniers. Nolle lull the liesi wanted ami '•;->.' ihiw who i-iiii make gimil week stauiK. If von llghl, Ihhixv ami eliilse, iluu't write. Also Moving Pic- '&<& Ihre Man with good Machine anil up lo date l-'Hin-.. All' leglllnmic Privileges 10 let. Pixlllvely Ike i/uj.»"Jllggcst. Strongest and llesl Cosiuineil Show of tile Kind tn Kxl-lciicc. Open hi PALLAS. Texas, >tj«*>*<2lJi,rTli .j.'.. AiMrriW t'llAllLICH .ltiltt» W, Dnllna, Te»n.. AHPeople Engaged wlth~SUN BR0S. r SH0W Will Please AcknowledgeThls"CaHbyTetter. WIII then advise von wlien In re|Mirl in Norfolk. Yit.. and wlint show you rt» with. Wuul Ibnui Lender. Ouruet ami Clarluuet, Coneerl Man orT'ealu. Hill- Posters:long, sure engagement, l-'or Sale. SOfl. Trill. ■j.'iuri. M. P., inft Wall: 'JU.Mlii Tent. :m.M,'. Tent. luMiiTetil. I lengths of new iteserve KnliHng Scats, inn lilcerroiypc Cull; ull klli.l gmnl prupcriv ehuap. Athhvis SIN Hltos,, Nurfulk, Ya. CAR TO LEASE, Sleeper ami Diner, newly equipped Willi alert wheels, lirakes, cuutilers, air slgmds, etc; newly imlulcil unit vaiatslied, Mil, long, 4 slaternoins, sleeps :tr> la -lit people. I'sed liy Kilties llattil, who haw Just hikeli larger car. IiMics, lieihllag, cle., enniplele. Cuaraitlee ei|Ulptnenl for any Car now at Hermit. Mleli., re.nlv Tor ilellverv. CAMCIttlN IHIOWX ,v CO., Ilcllevllle, C'llllHllll. WANTKD, FOR THE DuBERG COMEDY CO,, ready tn Join al once. Itepcrtolre People In ull lines for Spring and Sum- mer Shite full particulars mid lowest siilan. .Mniiiigeiueui pays expenses. Must lie Addrens W. C. C0KS0RS, Mgr. Uu llorg Comedy Co., Salem, Mass. WANTEDr - Would Like to Hear From Parties, Who own or control the manuscript of u COllI) llimi: PI,AY. with Sl'KClAL PRINT- 1NU, for ueiison l!U>:i nncl '()■(. Address I,. S. TIIOMI'rSON, Lock llox 1-l'JIl, C'hllllcoilie, O. TUB SWFKTKRT MMO THIS YEAR, THE GRAND OLD BERKSHIRE HILLS. It) HEN CHAD WICK. Xo free »r prof, copies. Regular edition to sing- ers, Hlels. CIIADWICK MI'SIC CO.. WrUtllOlOi MMW. COMIII.VKIJ SI.I'.Kl'IMi, IIIMMJ AMI II \ in; A tin (Alt. Kspcclullv arraiigeil for travelingcompiinlcs. SfeW JKIISEY CAP W tlllKS, Lake View. X. J, SHOW CANVAS SK.N1> I'OIE KSTItllA IK. P. VANUKllllKlllHKNVS SO\S, ■-.'iii N. Drill ware Ave., Plilludrlpnla, Pa. AT 1.1RKRTY, COMIC IUAH1VIAK. AthtW* . «t EAST ■■■Sill ST.. New York. X. Y. AND KVKIIY KIIKli OP HTAOK XOVKLTY WRITTKN TOIIRMEJC. KSjlA.IV, sw Uultuuwuud biruet,.I'hllu. SSVi A LITTLE BOOK OF TOASTS. ONE Here's 10 Hm girl that's strictly In II, ■■>■>• OK Who doesn't h«o tier head oven for a minute: M THEM. Plays well tlie game utiil knows tho limit Cents. And still guts nil the fun there's In II. Tills hook contains SOU Popular and Up lo Data Tousm, and Is Just wliui you want when you are out ill an evening supper, party or with a crowd. New .lakes a ml Monologues by Old .Inkers. CHOP No. l,a CENTS. New Jokes an.I MniiolouiiKM by Dili .Inkers. CHOP No. i, -J, CENTS. INeiv Jokes nml Monologue* by I lie II.-xi .Inkers. No. It (Ready April 111, llltd), I'KIC'K -jr. OKSTH. I hose three .toko Hooks ronlaln the hrlglilCHI storing lold nil tlm viiuilevlllc singe hy Hie hesi coiiieillntis. All'threu Isuiks entirely dltrerent. Are Juki the hooks for theatrical people Win- nie looking for new monologue and Jokes for tlicir act. Any of the iilmve hooks sent postpaid upon receipt of amount. Semi 0 c K " c I. & M. OTTENHEIMER, (Ull W. llnllliiiiire Street,, Md. ADDRESS WESTERN BWKWmU, UK TRAKSACTE1) KROM MARCH 1(1 TO » AT TIIK HARATOOA HOTEL, OfUCAQO. K ' •'• KIIiPATRlCIK, Snnitogn lintel, rlileng". rovclgt. Lo.ninunlctt.lons, OIIARIJW o. KILPATRICK, in Udcoster Sonare, IaiiuIoii, England. I■criunneul uddress STCRTEVANT HOUSE, New York. . TIWSNTY.K1GHT WEEKS OF PHENOMENAL BUSINESS. DOT KARROL CO., li Three Nights' Repertoire, WANTS CLEVER CHARACTER WOMAN QUICK. P e ereaer'-A'lhircsV'' * j"c t'Kl^lSSaSSS T,'"' "*■*■*, wrlie^SpcclaH.v People given pnaroiic. A ddicss J.t.l I.SH, Manager, Mahau oy c||y, p u ., l2.U:Slianioklii, Pa., IMS. CHAS. WAGNER, SCHAEFER'S GARDEN THEATRE. SouthColumbns, Ohio. FRANK SCHAEFER. ^ onrtofcM. JACK BENTHAM and BLANCHE FREEMAN • 1N AHEAD OP THE oaiwv ''' ' .'1 A -mm UuiMealcomcdy. Copyright Xo. I^Ofj, MA1UE 5 C 0., Mnuclt, Uo„ Jhire, ,M.