The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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I THE JSTEW YORK CLIPPER. 81 * 99 U HIAWATHA. Matte by NEIL HORKT, Lyrics by JAMES O. DBA. A Beaatlfnl Word Setting to this (10,000 Melody. Great M a Solo or stn.rmblc Number. THE WHITNEY-WARNEK PUB. CO., Detroit, Mich. I WANTS A MAN LIKE! ROMEO MJ fit HOBT. ADAMS and JAMES O. DBA. A llumoroui Coon Song, Indispensable to Performers Vring thU Style of Music. THE WHITNEY-WARNER PUB. CO., Detroit, Mich. WALTER WILSON. Send for Profeulonal Copies. When In Detroit Make Our House Your Headquarters. THE WHITNEY-WARNER PUB. CO., - 10 Wither©!! St.. Detroit, Mioh. PBOFESSIOWAL SINGERS, SEND So. 8TAMP FORPROFEBSIONAL COPY. 6 4 9> Br D. JOHNSON. A BALLAD DE9TINED TO SWEEP THE HEART STRINGS OK THE CIVILIZED WORLD. For who has not felt the severance of tlea so pathetically described by thin gifted composer. The <ojik Is of medium raDgc and difficulty. The Introduction of the Wedding March from "Lohengrin," la ,i nieailng innovation, and this, followed hy the Rad refrain, forms a true picture of the sunshine and "hadowBOfllfc. C.W. WILCOX MUSIC CO., PubllBlier, 1639 Broadway, Sew York. Musee Theatre, iToTTFPSPOPT PA 9 MoKEESPORT, PA. 15 MILES FROM PITTSBURG. THREE SHOWS DAILY. WANT VAUDEVILLE ACTS. ALSO ACTS SUITABLE FOR CURIO HALL If yoabOTsnsM week open, wlr HARRIS it SON. GIRCU8 CANVASES, > Poles and Stakes, SEATS, Hags, Etc JeEsOUDD'S PATENT CIICUS IIGHTS- SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. FRONTS AND BAN- NERS FOR STREET FAIRS AND CARNIVALS. BLAOK TENTS FOR M0V1N0 PICTURE WORK. OUR NEW OFFICE + SALESROOM, _~, „«...«.,- ^«^» ■«„.» ^ »««. ^ „,,..„„„ 273 Madison St., near Market, VAUDEVILLE PERFORMERS WANTED Chica go, ill At my Pavilion Theatre here for Season opening: May 95. Also Musicians, Trap Dm minor with full line trans, etc. Make salaries "right." Short Jump from HI. Louis. Address DUNCAN C. BEST, Mgr., HlUsboro, Illinois GKO. TAYLOR, AND OUTSIDE LIGHTS. 9T Clin* Street, New York THE NATURAL PREPARED PLANT CO., 7 VEST THIRD ST., NEW YORK, THEATRICAL SPECIALTIES ORAM BATS, LEAVES. FLOWERS. PALMS. RUSTIC FtTRVTTORR. and ftompleta HARDEN SCENES. NOW BOOKING SEASON 1003-0*. ORIENTAL BURLESQUERS. 80 PEOPLE). BPKCIAL SCHNRRT. W. B. WATSON Office, Room 60, Garfield Building, Brooklyn, N. Y. | SANS SOUCI PARK. Concessions Wanted. Rave good ipso* for new features on percentage. Write full particulars, ALFRED RUSSELL, Manager, Room an. si Washington St. Caloago. ni. SUMMER RESORT, Must Be Sold at Once TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. Finest resort In Central New York, located on a beautiful lake and live miles from a city of ono hundred and fifty thousand In- habitants, with which It la connected bv the Del., Lack. A- West R. R., Trolley and Steamboat Lino. Eighty sores of ground. Hotel, Dancing I'a> lllon, Howling Alley, Carousal, and other buildings In first class repair. The properly Iibb always paid good rotums. Photographs and full particulars y addressing '-LAKE." care N. Y. CLIPPER. FERRERS KNYVETT, OF M SPRINGFIELD ROAD, BRIGHTON, ENGLAND. Last beard of In March, lool, now Bupposcd to lie In Amerlea. Late of "TWO LITTLE VAGABONDS" aud "OUR NAVY" Cos. Anyone giving informa- tion leading to the flndlng of above, will receive TWO POUNDS REWARD. M. 0., TO, Watorton Road, PaiMlnglon, London.W., England. Flays For Stock Companies. Plays For Repertoire Companies. Plays For Amateurs. Books For Home Amasemmit. CATALOGUE OF PLAYS SENT FREE. ■SAMUEL FRENCH, 24 West 22nd St., New York . PHILA. TRUNK FACTORY, 1917 Columbia Ave., Phlla., II. A. STOUT, Mgr. Solo Manrrs of the Original PATTERSON TRUNK 27in.. •9.7B Kiln., • 0.1)0 33ln., • 8«ln., •u. mi tola., •7.50 Terms, Cash with Order. Large Carousel Organ, 38 Keys, (or Sale CHEAP. C. J. WALTERS, 800 AV. 20th Bt„ N. Y. Stallman's Dresser Trunk Have ton scon onef ..It Is up-to date. Think of It, everythlnj within reach. Noneavvtrays bu> light, smooth drawers. Holdsal much and costs no mors than » good box trunk. Hand riveted almost indestructible. OnesttW ahnnnsnusnitl talO0.ft.ifW Em'sjSE fcsuitl t» aula • T. laitat *L C ol aawai.O MINSTREL BILLY CLARK ARTISTIC MONOLOGUE COMEDIAN. $25 Weekly Has Been Earned by Our Latest Success, THE PRIZE CandyMachine N0THIN6 LIKE IT. Put Prises In the Candy and the receipts will surprise you. ROSENFIELD MACHINE CO., m Hudson Street, N. Y. Clly, Inventors of All the Latest Slot Machines, Property Men. Our M Psge Illustrated Catalogue contains everythlngyou msy need for FLORAL STA6E DECORATIONS; Plants, Trees at will ■i Loom Flowers, Leave» snd Vines In any color and size. We supply all proml nent theatres. FRANK NETSCHERT, nrtAJWcAi *>tNNrm/GAM>£Noti*.\.~ tOSS PRINTING CO. mzaoa IIMI HLii o. camTccw/ok/i noun en. en. *a Pkg. STAGE MONEY, 16C. TRICK CARDS, 6c. Book of Cuts 20c., containing over coo Styles. Attractions Wanted, CAM OPERA HOUSE, » Lighted by electricity, and all modern Improve- ments. Boston Symphony Ladles'Orchestra lust turned away two hundred people. The best show town In Michigan. Do not fall to let ua book you for next season. Wanted, this Spring, a few more attractions and Repertoire Co., Unolo Tom or Farmer Band Con. Big buslneas. Address PHELPS A THOMAS, Managers. $3.00 THEATRICAL GUIDE FOR 50c. The Hwollest and most complete guide ever pub- lished. Bound In stiff cloth and gold, 414 pages, containing every town In the U.S. and Canada, with their populations, opera Iioubcs, Heating ca- pacities, stags measurements, managers, bill floaters, hotels, newspapers, houBe prices, circus (censes, and lots of useful Information to man- agers, agents and actors. Former price $3; now 6i)c. while they last. Postage 12o. extra. 8. HETTEHEKG, V& Putter St., Cincinnati 0. lvinr MARVELOUS PICTURE DANDER. Bruns-Nlna, WONDERFUL PAPER TEARERS. Feist Building, 184 W. 37th Btroct, New York, N. Y. 3* Barclay Sired, DEW YORK. 187 8. Clark Street, CfllCAGO. AMERICA'S BBST AND GREATEST SCHOOL (Up to Date In Every Detail.) Open Summer and Winter. tim in. nt Buck, Jig, Skirt, Novel Oake Walk, Elocution, Singing and Vaudeville Acts, Etc. Fancy Club Swinging. ENGAGEMENTS SECURED. SCHOOL ALWAYS OPEN. PROF. P. J. RIDGE, Hum Leeda Thornton and others.' 137 LA SALLE ST., Chicago, III. (One Block from City HsIU Olroular*. MUSICAL CLASSES, r Substantial, lond, pare In tone, easy to tune and pity. Photos, references, cata- logue, with full Information How to play glasses ■uccessfully,wlll be sent on receiptor loo. A.IIrsunelss, fllaisophone Mir., 4»2 Lenox Ave., New York Oily. sr? awn .A,iuai«.ui. Miaui ■Hill TV. MM l.luilw *U- ■wiiu.UUUUwa.4b. tali. ... Uil», .b» i»H «Uk PtrUU. DlMM.Sk HmMiWm MnbMMiiba. Sri Si i»U to ujmNliiNi, SH^NtoM lfTM.r..M.UM4. ■•«'. MM n.iaKk.iiiii.,»(r.ii.. •r uaiM'Tir..; si,u, |i.fc», Ht.d. 11.. r.i.1, Oa».nA»- \\m. Rooras,TNC«aiiai«. hi- \iiU\.^it^yjit. /"VtWUWCnJRERS.^ m cunHOMnKji ^tT^ UPN ***mS&* CHICAGO. POSTER PRINTER l*i r-vy 0 >KlFS frt*stny. AT LIBERTY, On Accouut of Misrepresentation. Sober and Re- liable. FRANK 8T0WELL, Dr. Toddt, wire. Seneca Falls, N. Y. GEORGE ROBINSON, W SASSAU ST.,S.T.j^rTOne.) UTO BROADWAY, nth ST. <fcvenlngs.> ShootingGallerySupplies LATEST NOVELTIES. Write for Illustrated Cata- logue. WM. WURFFLBIN. Mgr., 208 N. Second St., I'hllad Pa. TDK •f ehautaf asbj SSSt «f n»*. *•» *"■ lark,.or ul"". •» » ul •* »T* — Wanted, Med. Performers And Sketch Teams. Must play organ. Money sure. Address Wm. I. Mnnn, Bharpsvllfe, Mercer Co., Pa. Free Rupture Cure It raptamd writ* to B Dr.W. S. RIot.lsK Halo Ik, Adusj, N. ¥"., and ho will tend fraa a trial of ■>!• won. a.rtul molhod. Wheth.r »Voptlc.l or not (et this fnM m.lliod and try Iho rcm.rkoble iDTontton that euro. wtthoal pain, danger, opamtlon or dataatlo. tnsa work. Writs today. Poo's watt, 80YALTY PLAYS', MANUSCRIPT, PARTS AND R1GKTS FOR A YEAR, TEN DOLLARS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ALEX. BYERS. 144 LA SALLE STREET. CHICAGO. ILL, VAN FLEET, 1VTE • T WIIT aith STREET, SEW TOEK. HANDBALANCER. WANTS TO JOIN CIRCUS KOIt SEASON 1003. Managers write. Writes Lyrics and Parodies. CompoBcru write. Address, MANFOKD 1IVANB, Bt. Peter. Minn. WILLIAMS saFENNESSEY BIG COVITTRY CIRCUS. Address Ollscy House, N. Y. I've Just the SKETCH for YOU. If not, I'll WRITE one. i. W. SCHWARTZ, Md hi., and Park Ave., N. Y. Enclose stamp for reply. c. » Cracker Jack A delicious Pop Corn Confection, packed In moist proof paokages. that keep It fresh for a long tlms. A QUICK SELLER for theatres, Parks, Picnics, Carnivals, etc. Retails for to. A MONEY stAKKR for the concesslonlst. 'ASK I'ORPRlfcES AND SAMPLES. RUECKHEIM BROS, d ECKSTEIN, CHICAGO. Tri,x r BL[ A NEW LIGHT »; i6 "j« - Ucrg|C AMET 5 OZO-CAPBI. c ^ c % -.,...■■ PATCH fLD.. - C '■-.•' e ^'' 5EHDFOR CIRCULAR, w 'ISTEREOPTICOHtSr FILM EXCHAH&EJ ; ' Wr) rtir.."": VY.B.MOORE MANAGER. tV^ucn Q^ Q l\\W\ 106 FRANKLIN ST. CHICAGO. ! LTHER The First in the Field. Louisiana Purchase Exposition Stereoplloon Slides. We haven largo assortment, showing tho grand build- ings now being erected; all made from official plans, BWND KOR LISTS. Our "I5HKO" LANTBRIf, for Sons Illustrators, I'oses l'lnstlqiies Slides, Kdlaon'l Latest Productions, 15tc. ERKER BROS. OPTICAL CO., ,,v ST. LOUIS, MO. CENTRAL TRUNKS. Win.. $1.00; SSln., $8.00; 82n., $9.00; amn.. $10.CO; tain., $11.00. Olroai Trunks, i4ilBil«, $Y,00. Bill rronks, MUtill inaldo, $ll.oo. utho Trunks, «Mx3iml» Imlde, $14.00. Shipped on reoslptof $S.O0, osJ. 0. 0. D., eioept over too miles, then remit whole amount. SIMONS A CO., CENTRAL TKCNK JAOTOBr, Kstab. ltM, at-tl Horih 1th It., PhUadslphla. «. V. AGENCY. Cor. 801 k 81 » Brosdutr IMni 7Bds. maro Mm ■( PWIs. Paatsn WRITE TODAY FOR TUB NEWEST THINO KHIDI SONUVILLE. (Bj WM. H. WINDOU and HARRY ALFORD). they Will Talk About You Anyhow," PROrBSSIOMAL COPIES PHBE. BMOE.OSB «ARO OH PKOlillA MBIB. THOMPSON MUSIC CO., 369 Wabash Ave., Chicago. NOT I'OE . THIS it to Inform all people that one Dr. Dick Fitzgerald la In no manner connected with Mr. Hagenbeok or myself, and we are In no wlae responsible for his aotlona. C. Iv. 'VVIIvIvIAJML-eBI, Solo Amortean H.presentatlre Carl Ilag.uti.efc. Ti COLONIAL ATTACH A neat and simple device which makes a Colonial Kin,,, out of any Oiford Hlioe. These are easily at- tached to tho shoe with the ordinary shoe lae., and the laces are entirely hidden. We make sanswS In a variety of styles ana colors, and will quote prices oat application. THE COLONIAL MTO. CO„ 236 No. Third SL, Oolnmtma, a MELVILLE FOWLER, PLAYWRIOHT, STAUE DIRECTOR, IOERIC ARTIST, COMBDIAM. AZELLE FOWLER, Daughter, in; Clever Vaudeville Artist, beautiful volco, Cluvor all-aroiiml Dancer- -a feature. Will arrange with good, live Managing Partner, with money, for next season, or will loin out wllli any first class show, with or without ihe following: My own original copyrighted £ lays. LITTLE FIREFLY, 4 act sensational melodrama. A WIPE'S BIN, 4 act comedy drama. Till; IINE KINO, 8 act border drama. Permanent address, llox ;u, CEDAR SPRINUB, MICH. Character Coniedlenue. March 1, Portland, Me.. MOIt. MOORE said: "I cheerfully state that Ida Russell proved a decided acquisition on a bill containing Rossow's Midgets, World's Trio, Sllnson and Merlon, W. 1>. Hall unit others, her success being such that I shall book her for a return ut tho earliest consistent date." Per. address, 420 DltmarAve., Brooklyn, N. Y. Telephone, 60S Klatbush. Address VAUDEVILLE ASS'N., and all oilier Responsible Agents. Valfbrms, Ousts, Cannons, Saddles. Swords, Tents. Etc. Everything In Military Line. Urnil for r..h lirirci cataluirue. Over 1,0(11) lllualr.tToiii. PRARCfS BASRBHHA1Y, B70 Broadway, If. V. Orcalest dealer In the world In military goods from government auotlon. JUST AHRIVED OS 1,1, CELTIC. »o»«-DURRAiV «»ncl 1VOGAN-««"> SERIO AND CHAMPION LADY CLOD IIANU UP TO DATE COMEDIENNE DANCER OP THE WORLD. AND DANCER. Strong Singles. Liberty 9th and loth. Boston to follow. Wire. wo N. Sth ST., Camden, N. I. 12 men, Leader Co plsy plrATCornet sndVfrst Violin, ana ha'vo n Other musicians who double, II. anil " write. Must be first class. We use a ituoil repertoire of music. Only o or 7 stands the season. A city show. Finer than silk. The old reliable Cornell Concert Co. II. II. CORNELL A SON, Props., ;il2(irund St., Lansing, Midi. All old men with the show, write. P. 8.- TIIK audience was cold. We worked twice dally. Done all we knuweil, Including mil Dalley. It was easy for BUSTER, snd the audience laughed gaily At the cute little man with the slrut of Dan Daly. By EDDIE OIRAHD, of olrsrd A Uardnor. ThU week at Ave,, Pittsburg, Pa. Proctor's, Nevrsrk, to follow.