The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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82 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. March 14. ATTENTION, MANAGERS. ROSA NAYNON AxiG. Her Tw o AsslstttrLts, WITH HER MARVELOUS TROUPE OF TRAINED TROPICAL BIRDS, AT LIBERTY FOR THE COMING SEASON. TheBlggeat, Gr.«tfit, Oi.ndMl, Mo.t Refined and Pieture.qur Vo-veltyAct of It. Kin* on^rth. OMM TO THE WOULD FOR COMPABUOil OR COMPETITION. THE FINEST AND MOST COSTLY STAGE APPARATUS »* n.K PLACED BEFORE THE PUBLIC Would Ilk* to *mn«« with a Ant claa. «o»n«>«»"«2 l * ror ■"* •*•• < ' n • WILL BE PLEASED TO HEAR FROM EUROPEAN AGENTS MANAGERS OF THEATRES, PARKS AND FAIRS D.airing to Vh a Novelty to Pea to re, that la Abaolately communicate at once, aa thla act HAS THE GOODS, and will give you Avar from All Othera, .honld ACTIO!* FOR YOUR MONEY. Address Manager ROSA NAYKON, 74 Third Arcane, IT. Y. '9 City. LAGOON ISLAND, The Great Family Resort of the North Hudson. Opening season of '97 a brilliant hiicccrr. Improvements fast progre>Blng for season of 1903. Pop- ulation over 600,000, In clone proximity. The weekly salary paid out In the cities of Troy and Albany alone amounts to hundreds of thousands. Applications from excursionists coming In dally from ah points. 1'lctorlal paper and advertisement* liberally distributed for to miles around. The most sensa- tional outdoor attractions will be given free to the public. The picnic grounds are beautifully shaded and fitted up. Tho privilege sites are uncqnatcd by any Summer resort In the country. The following frlvlieges will be let this season: Ice Cream and Soda. Fruit and Nuts, Canes and Knives, ball Games. trlklng Machines, Shooting Gallery, Pop corn and Candy. No gambling on the grounds.. Brass and atrlng bands will give concerts dully, Transportation facilities 76,000 a day. Located on the American Rhine, mid way between Albany and Troy, three miles from either city. Uniformed police force, under command or Captain and Sergeant; Tower of Justice, Court Room and Police Station, finest lu the Slate, and the entire Island under tho solo control and management of JOHN F. WEBER, to whom all applications should be addressed, to Avenne F and Twcnty-sixlb Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., until May 1, then to Lagoon bland, Albany, N. Y. All desiring prompt reply enclose stamp. "A WORLD WIDE CntCULATIOF THE OLDEST ADD HOST INFLUENTIAL THEATRICAL AMD VAUDEVILLE JOURNAL. THE ERA. ESTABLISHED 1837. 40 WELLINGTON STREET. 8TRAND. LONDON, W. C. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS, 3»a. per annua. PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, Od. par Ha*. AMERICAN ARTISTES VISITING THE METROPOLIS L'SE THE ERA OFFICES AS THEIR PERMANENT LONDON ADDRESS. 2,600 ARTISTES ADVERTISE IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLY ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS,- list BAND INSTRUMENTS, VIOLINS, BUITAR8, MANDOLINS, ETC. SS/S °* u,orw °' whrt " 70-72 Franklin St, i N.w York City. General Sales Agent for FRATI & CO., THE GREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER, THE MUSIC AND THEATRE REVIEW, ■Ol Strand, Lend FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTION. PROFESSIONAL, ADVERTISEMENTS, rip Sa. Bd. PER IE All Ha. Od,, Single Column Inch Rheumatic, Neuralgia and Headache Tablets. Relief In 20 minutes. A certain cure for Inflammatory, Muscular, Aoute and Onronlo Rbeumalbm, Gout, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Headache. Golds, La Grippe Paint In the Shoulders, Anna, Legs, Back, BUD Jolnta, Noel, etc. BOcta. a box. Sent by mall. For further proof a Trial Package will be nailed yon upon receipt of a lOcU coin. Address Wit. fi. GRIFFITH, Ph. G. Pharmacist, si Third Ave., cor. nth 8U, Hew York City. Feinberg's Studio. THE PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THIS WELL KNOWS PROFESSIONAL STUDIO ARE NOTED FOR ARTI8T10 POSING. PRAOTIOAL FINISH AND THE EXTREMELY LOW PR1CI~ FOR WHICH THEY OAK Bl OBTAINED. Imm IB. Piefasitnils ire Ccriifly IniM h hi n. Bit ftl Spaa! Rite Hearst. ORDERS FINISHED AT SHORTEST POBBIBLI NOTICE. Dm Telephone, UM-lttb BL U W. 1Mb BL, bet. ith and eth Int., Hew Tort AT LIBERTY BALANCE OF SEASON, COLLINS B MA DELL, Black Face Comedy Novelty Musical Act. Just llnlslied Orpliouni, Kohl, Caatle A Hopkins circuits. Address 118 E. Hlh ST., N. Y. f BARK'S-. m PAii THIS LIVERPOOL THROAT HOSPITAL REMEDY 18 INDORSED BY THE PROMI- NENT VOCALIST8 AND ACTORS FOR ALL THROAT AFFECTIONS, COLDS, Eto w 'DRUGGISTS. Boa. Season opena April 6, under canvas; can place White Ticket Seller and Spel er. Mualo Pupllafcera tend In late stuff for Rand, Orchestra and Voice. Colore claim write. Add. PAT OBAPELLE, Tampa, Fit, THE MI8HLER CIRCUIT NEW YORK ..TO.. PITTSBURG State Street Theatre, TRENTON. Magnificent, New Modern Theatre. Lyric Theatre. ALLEN TOWN. Academy of Music, READING. Second St. Theatre, HARRISBURC. Magnificent, New Modern Theatre EleventlTtoeT Opera House, ALTOONA. A New. Magnificent Modern Theatre will alto be built thla Summer. Cambria Theatre, Opera House, JOHNSTOWN. "THE MISHLERS" have arranged to Invest more than $200,000 InthtttrtithUyeir. For time and term, for 8 theatres, addrea. JOHN P. MISHLER, Reading, Pa, M.R. ELY AANUrACTURBrorSHOW CANVASSES FOR SALE, Big Bargain. A Oomplete Dog tad Pony stow. K to date and ntdy for the road. Shetland Ponies, Three Riding Dogi (Tents, SO Lengths Sett*. Lights, Pi* rerytblng on fen Trained (none better), ■a, .BBBwaa ri«pa.. Ring Bar nesa, eto. This show only on the road I weeks. Everything good as new. Reason, for telling old age and poor health. Write for parUonlare, W. J. CONNER, M. P., La Beth. KtMat. SHOW PRINTING 9,000 '» color 1-JJ sheets, $13. 900 Special Engraved Stands, 1 3-4e. per sheet. Interchange- able Stands, 3 colors, for Stock Companies, » l-»c. per sheet. Catalogue Free. Stock Street Fair Paper MORRISON SHOW PRINT, Detroit, Mich. r SCENERY Of All Kindt Built to Order. New Spsottoniar Stuff tad two oomplete Fault Seta on hand. THE TIFFIN SCENIC CO., mm, omo. j, mnriiTnTniY Calm and fk 1 WIN U1I Stamen Co i I 72D Hennepin Ave, Hinneapo!'5, Minn. Largest Stock of Slides, Films end Supplies In the Northwest Cats- GAS logue and Bargain Lists ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. DO YOU WANT THESE? Two Street Pianos, some Organs, 2 Hack Tents, 2lx&3 tnd 21x60: Canvas Seat Benches, lot flue Folding Chairs, lot new all wood Opera Chain, mammoth Gasolene Torches, Gasolcno Mould Pres- sure Lamps, Coal Oil Heater, Canvas Cola and Blankets. Want to bur Show Harness. R. 11. ARMBRC8TER, Springfield, Illinois. Wanted, Reliable Professional H .i.g" one night stands to carry our Hue of advertising Fans, which are sold to Druggids, Shoo Dealers, Hardware Men, General Merchandise Denier*, etc Outfit consists of an psaortment of 90 designs, put up In convenient shape to carry. 13 per day can easily be made by giving the business a few hours of your lime each day. GEO. H. JCNG i CO., 1007 Walnut St., Cincinnati, 0. HENRY W. HUTTMAN, Theatrical Attorney-. Ill Washington St., CHICAGO. Madam Ledegar AND HER TRICK HORSE, KINO 1IAKRY, Introducing some of the most difficult tricks known to this line. im T I'Dl?UrrV For Circus, Fairs, Parts A 1 LtlaKtaL 1 and Carnival Co. P. 8.—Also claiming championship of the aide saddle (bar none). Home add. 851E. Seventh St., Bt. Pan!, Minn. Patent* and Trade-Marks, Copyright your acts, plays, sketches and songs. It will PA Y you. Many- Copyrights are worthless, because Invalid. You can- not afford to take such chances. We guarantee a valid copyright tt email cost. Opinions and legal advice. Patents and Tratle-Marks. Send stamp for particulars. Columbia Copyright and Patent Co., Inc. «>«»!. ItDtt, HVABHINCTOH.D.ft TRUNKS, Circus Trunks Now Ready. Send for Circus Leaf and Catalogue. C. A. TAYLOR Trunk Works. 30 and 41 B. Randolph SL, 130 W. Madison St., CHICAGO, 131 W. 38th St., NEW YOBK. The only placet Taylor Trunk. can be bought. We haverjoAgensies DoYou WANT MILITARY 600DS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMY or NAVY SUITS TENTS, GUNS tnd EQUIPMENTS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what yon want in that line I can supply It. New or second hand. Send for catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, 333 South St., Philadelphia., Pa. "W" IGr iS A. M. BUC.1 & CO;. Wi? Makers. 119 N. 9th St. Phil, Delphi*, grease. Paint. Powotns. rouge SEND STAMH FOR CATALOGUE .,7 Celgbratco \ .'^GREASE PAINT5 I "FACE P0WDER5, *l<$£$E :/ V'-R0UGE : ^ 1 -v ETC. Send 4c. In Stamps to CUAS. D. HESS, M3 8. Fltihagb St. for The Art of Making Pp. I H ««.*«HlTll Miniature Railroad Co., 407 BROADWAY 407 NEW YORK OITT, N. Y. Gold Medal Special. .'orParks,summerReiorti, ete.Houl- lng Capacity, as Ton.. Earning $1,300 In alx daya. With proper care will last *8 year*. CAGN EY'S LOCOMOtrVX WORKS. Sllkollne TlshU, «3.50s Worated Tight*. »U.OO; Cotton Tight., «l.flO; 4llkTlghU,fram|a.95op; Shirt, to match all tame price aa tlghta; Pnmpt, US cental Gait- ers, «1.0O| Ela.tle Supporter., tl.00; Cloth Supporter., aSceata. Send for catalogue and aamplea of tight, free. TPoaltlwely a de- required. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded. 8PICER BROS., 88 Woodbine St., Brooklyn, N. Y. )Old"stand bucrnew address.) SPECIAL SALE ON SECOND HAND Show Tents. 160ft. ROUND TOP, WITH 8 or MORE 60ft. MID- DLES; 120ft. R0DN1) TOP.WITH S Mft, and 130ft. MIDDLES: 100!t. RODNDTOP, WITH 2 60ft. MID- DLES; 60fL RODND TOP, WITH 1 40ft. MIDDLE; 50ft. ROUND TOP, WITH 1 30ft. MIDDLE. ALX FIRST CLASS SHAPE. WRITE FOR PRICES. BAKER & LOCKWOOD MFC. CO.. Kansas City, Mo. (4 UHERDAZZLER »» R. 0. CHER A CO^ uoia bp«u, l/wy or Qent's Ring, like cm, by mall, 80o. Send for Catalogue ol MEDI- C1WE ABO GIFT Show Goods, Wttohes, Jewelry, Specucles, Silverware, Song Boots, Grease Paints, Bnrnl Cork, Cold Cream, Eto. Cheapest In the land. THE OLD RELIABLE. 126 Dearborn St., CHIOAQO. STEREOPTICON, $17, Thomson I Vairdiveer's Circus, Menagerie and Hippodrome Tents Have a record of over forty years as being superior lu Material, Finish, Workmanship, Style, Durabil- ity and Economy to all others manufactured. Es- timates given on application. No. 230-231E. THIRD BT.. Cincinnati, 0. HIGH CLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At Moderate Prices. Large Stook, Immense Variety. Illustrated Cataloguo Free. A.ROTERUKRG, 146 Illinois 8t., Chicago, III. EZRA KENDALL'S 2D BOOK—ILL NEW GOOD GRAVY-hu p [u T ,0 J n us t 0 L w L 1,snd SPOTS— of mt sn(l Unmor Etra Kendall's 1st Book—100,000 aold. Uy Mail, 2Sc each. Address EZRA KENDALL. wSnntlnmAvs..MU Vsmnn. N. Y. TROMBONE, AT LIBERTY. Only Reliable Parties Need Write. 130 Morart Ave^ - . Norfolk, Ve. H1RRV U. CLtlFTON Pormerly with Dr. Carver, please write or come to me soon at possible; very Important dairy CUFTOH, 883 Tonkin.' Avenu^rcTkiyu, N. Y. With Electric Arc, Calcium or Acetylene Light. Illustrated Song Slldee, 25c col- ored. FILMS BOUGHT AND SOLD . L. HETZ, 802 E. 23d Street, New York City. FOR VOCALISTS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS lflft AND ALL THROAT AFFECTIONS. IUl»i THE THBOATLET8 CO.. 18 Cliff Street. ». T. MOVING PICTURE FRinTZlTG. FULL UNE.8UITABLE FOR ALL SUBJECTS. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. HENNEQAN & CO., 127 East Eight Bt,, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fine Magical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS, TRICES, Etc. J| Grand End of Ccntory. fully Illustrated. HOOK CATA- LOGUE, 25c., free by mall. Catalogued ParlorTrtcktrree. MARTINKA A CO.. Mfrs., •193 €th Ave., H. Y. UDSUAJiD OR WIFE PHOTOS, $»•»« per 1,000. FORTUNES, MO.: Samp. 10c. ^abtaet PJotos of yourself for selling, SiOper 1,000. SLOTMAGHINESh- 1 >KDENa 8TUD10,Polla n fa.