The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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88 THE NEWI YOEKi CLIPPER. Mabch 21 — Boiter of Harks Bros.' Co., Al: Jot Marks, Alex. Marks, Ernie Harks. M. B. Goldalne, Walter Scott (Jrieaer,, Fred Mil- ler, Charlie Bnndere, Joe Lyons, Otis Knight, Mat Byron, Ball; and Hicks. Pepper Twins. Elmer Martin, and Kittle Marks, Lvdis Harden Poe. Kdythe Wlnebester. Mile, i'iui- ette, Edna Baldwin, Ivy Lyons, Daisy Dare, and Lillian Brron. Paillette, the dancer, closed wltb "Maloney's Wedding Oar" to Join tbls company. — in Cabell Halter Is encaged for tbe leading Juvenile part with Willlt Granger, In "Ujpir Jack," opening March 16, at Wil- mington, Del. — Garrett Campbell, now wltb Lincoln J. Carter's "Heart of Chicago" Co., closes March 21. and goea to Chicago to reat one week, and then goes to tit, Louie, to Join Manager Henry Pemberton, of tbe Kclipse Stock Co., for tbe Bummer season, playing leading Juvenile bualneas. — Madame Elite I>e Tourney ctoied March T, during Lent, to begin rehearsals In Chi- cago for her new play, "Empress of tbe World." — Mrs. Owen 8. Fawcett li quite III In Detroit miscellaneous, Noras from Indian Hill's Wild Wist. — Progress It the word at our Winter quarters In Pittsburg. The painting la being done under tbe direction of Bob Roberta. When thlt ahow la ready to take the road it will be a aurprlte to many, as It will be a swell ouitit. Pawnee Bill and Col. M. II. Welib were welcome viiltort at Win- ter quarters laat week. B, B. Bmlta (Dia- mond) will be with tbli show the coming season. Among tbe latest to sign mar be mentioned: Alice Clifford, Wyoming Jack, Nebraska Nell, W. C. Lane, David Lowe, Toklomotos Boyal Japanese Troupe, Myra Deane and J. W. Kelly and wife, and for tbe advance: Ulchard Armstrong, Chester Wank, and David Derringer. General Agent Whlttler la on a bualneas trip West, and reports that he has already closed tome railroad contracts in choice territory. He will meet Manager Jones in Chicago, on March 21, and together they will make a ihort prospecting tour in tbe Northwest. NOTES rBOll TUB NEW Bid TRIPLI l'LATB It. it. Known.—This show will inaugurate its opening day April 28, at Lock Haven, Pa. Noblng Is being spared to make It one of the moat complete tented exhibitions that will sbow at the "two bit" price tbe coming season. Everything will tie new and not an old act or feature will be found with tbe Triple Plate. Tbe annex department will be under tbe management of Prof. Harry Uelmo. The musical organisation ot thin exhibition will be one ot tbe principal fea- tures, and will be under the personal direc- tion of L. J, Chamberlain. The dally street parade will be found a novelty, and many new Ideas will be found In tbe department uf our exhibitions. Tbe show will be under the management of tbe Chamberlain llros., aud although not among tbe largeat on tbe road, It will par the knowing ones to keep an eye on the Triple Plate. Robert Knight's New Novbltt Show Notes.— Wo will go out under canvas early In the season, opening near Chicago. The show will travel by wagon, and will exhibit under a 60x80 top, with a doxTO museum. Ten acts will be given on tbe stage, includ- ing ventriloquism, magic, l'uncb and Judy, musical act, and odd vocal specialties by Prof. Knlgbt. Chas. Cordova will be general agent: Win, B. Van Amburg, boss of canvas, and Mrs. Otlllle Knlgbt, treasurer. Roster and Notes or Eaoli Oil Meui- cimi Co.—In spite of bad, ralnr weather we are doing a nice business, and have not misted a salary day. We have the "biggest and beat" company South. Our offices and laboratory are located at San Antonio, Tex. Our staff is as follows: Sam C. Slack, presi- dent; B. Harrison, vice president; M. e. Hlndman, secretary; Dr. W\ a. Stewart, gen- eral manager. Hotter ot company: Dr. W. B. Stewart, lecturer and manager; Dr. A. D. Event, asslatant lecturer; Ber- nlce Ardell, aoubrette snd dancer; Metaker Bitten (Bills and Ruth), sketch and song and dance; tbe Stanleys (John and Leila), musical and •ketch; Phil it. Davis, black face singing and dancing come- dian; Prof. Preston Heller, Oriental black art, magic and ventriloquism; Prof. B. V. Hamilton, musical director. Company opens tbe tenting season on May 1. We bave our own car. Tub Old Reliable reaches us every Sunday, and Is always a welcome vis- itor. Notes raoii Cbaneb A Sons' Tbntbd Bhows. —We will open tbe first of May, with live brand new wagons, now harnesses, and a new sixty by ninety top. We have just bought six new head ot horses, which will make us a fourteen bone and eight wagon show. Will carry a band, and propose to bave the beat vaudeville show under can- vas In Michigan. ' Notes from Paor. Joint L Owenb' Ash- less Musician Co.—Wo are playing Texas. and doing a banner bualneas despite bad weather and rain almost every day. Was over In old Mexico and surprised tbe na- tives. Tbe protestor's violin playing, wltb bii feet, seemed to be too much for them. On Feb. 11, at Kingfisher, Okla., Frank A. Moore, contortionist, ot the Moore Bros., was married to Marie Ball (non-profession- al), daughter ot Councilman James Ball, who ? resented Frank wltb a handsome driving earn and a rubber tired buggy. Notes fbom Clifton Rbiiudy Co. No. 20, Dr. J. IJ. Fltigerald, manager and lec- turer.—Since our opening date, Oct, 14, busi- ness has been good, with the exceptions ot one or two towns, which were bad prin- cipally on account of stormy weather. No changes have been made In our company since our opening date, which Is proof posi- tive that this show la O. K. Notes mom Ukrub or Lira Medicine Co., No. 2, now touring Indiana, to big business everywhere.—Tbls is our twenty-third week, and we have tbe tame people we opened tbe season wltb, Sept. 1, 1902. Boater: Dr. Lew Walters, manager and lecturer; Mrs. Delia Walters, treasurer; Kd. Abl, stage manager and black face comedian; Mrs. George Abl, aoubrette; the Kepiers (Liouls and Adelaide), sketch; Bd. O'Connor, musical director. All are well and bsppy, and the "ghost" and Clipper are two regular weekly visitors. NOTES jmom the Great Pauline Vaude- ville Co.—We closed our Canadian tour at Sherbrook. Can., woek ot Match 2, and tbe rest of the season will be put In In tbe leading Eastern cities. The sketches for our new paper tor season of 1003-4 bave arrived, and from an artistic point of view they are second to none. Tbe Pauline Co. for 1003-4 will be one of tbe beat on the road, and. In addition to tbe phenomenal work ot Pauline, will bo an olio of Ideal vaudeville, embracing Illustrated songs, mir- ror dancers, poseii, clay modelers, and other big acts of vaudeville, and with all special paper. Time for 100H-4 Is filling fast. Mr. Gallagher loaves tor New York In a tew days to complete arrangements wltb one of the leading circuits. Managers everywhere are unanimous In saying we bave the most novel, scientific and pleasing performance be- fore tbe American people. Mr. Morse con- tinues to please them with his singing. Rovino Frank's Dio Orrsr Camp and Villaob is all ready for the rond. The four road camps wll open early In April. Tbe big gypsy camp and village Is doing finely at Atlantic City, N. J., and Manager Frank B. Ilubln writes that be Is very busy nowadays keeping everything moving for each camp. A special light wagon Is used for the Illuminating power plant. Cbas. It, Brown has signed aa manager of Camp No. 4, which makes a trip to the coast Nona vaoK Bombbvb Baoa.' Indoor w»- tir Bhows.— We ware billed for two and three night stands in the Territories, snd were almost snowed under In Roger Mills County, Okla,, by a driving snowstorm, wblcb lasted three days and nights. Tbe snow was over twenty Inches deep when tbe show left Cheyenne, on Feb. 2D, Cheyenne Is a county sest town, twenty-five miles from any railroad, but in a cattle country abound- ing In wealth. Tbe show did a fine busi- ness for two nights. In spite of bad weather and heavy snow, wblcb Is a very unusual thing in tbls country. The Winter sbow travels In a carryall, with a long trunk wagon to follow, and Is preceded s week In advance by a bill wagon, with advance ad- juster, who hills like' a circus. Winn W. Trousdale Is doing s refined silly kid turn. If tblt set may be classed as such. It la an Imitation of one of those ludicrous simple- tons that amuse people of taste. Tbe Musi- cal Brennans are favorites, and gain an ovation of applause at every appearance, Tbe Komlcal Kanlne Kollege, consisting of a troupe of ten trained dogs, especially educated for opera house work, are splendidly equipped with twell props, and do tome very One work. Roster or Mexican Golden Ban Co.— After a tour ot Nebraska, we bave returned to Minnesota. Tbe company will open Its tent season soon. Dr. J. H. Steward la In good health. Mr. Collins will go borne for a few months next week. Tbe company la as follows: Dr. J. H Steward, Mr. and Mra. Eddie Collins, Dana Lawahea, Mrs. D. Law- sbea, Frank Boylan, Neltle Haven, Werle Willie Ward, bock dancer. Dr. Steward and Eddie Colllna attended tbe organising of the Eagles' lodge at Sioux Kails, March 6, when over one hundred and fifty members went la. Notes rnox Quben Lilla's Bovino In- dun Villaob Camp.— We are touring Maine and doing nicely. Return to Old Orchard, Me., during the Summer, where LUlt pre- dicted drowning accident last Bummer. Re specie to Emery snd Marlow, and old friends. Db. Habtlet Snow, an old time "medi- cine man," who has been laying off at bis home In Norwich, Conn., for tbe past few months, writes that be Is framing np a strong medicine sbow for tbe coming season, after tbe camping season closes. lie will take a few picked medicine performers with blm on bis third tour through Ireland snd Eng- land Raymond, hypnotist, writes: "Owing to illness I was compelled to close my season on Jan. 2, at Dnquoln, III. I have now en- tirely recovered, and reopened March 0, at Napervllle, III. Roster of company: H. S. Raymond, sole owner and manager; Viola Raymond, specialties; Mary Walker, pianist; Anna Goodwin, hypnotic sleeper; F. J. Powers and Ed Delhi, subjects; J. B. Mit- chell, agent. The Old Reliable reaches us each week, and Is eagerly perused by all." Q. W. Mowieb, of valley City. Ind, writes: "I am preparing to put a river show out tbe coming season, to play on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivera. My boat will be one hundred and thirty feet long and thirty feet wide, and I will carry a company of from forty to titty people." Under tbe tents, Noras rnoM the miqiitt Haao Suowa, Circus, Museum and Menagerie.—We in augurate our eighth annual tour at Sbreve- port, La., March 14. Tbe abow will travel by wagons, overland, tbe same as It always baa, requiring one hundred and twenty-live head of horses. Tbe spread on the lot con. sliti of 100ft. round top, with two 60ft. middle pieces; menagerie, 70ft., wltb two thirties; aide ahow, 80x70ft, wltb one hun- dred feet of double deck banners. In ths rear a long line of bone tents, dining; and cook tents, requiring five acres of ground to fet everything up. Tbe parade consists uf wenty-tnree cages, tableaux and cbarlota, four open dens, two bands, and the usual array of mounted people, tandem teams and trained stock. All ot the cbarlota, dens, tab- leaux and cages are from the best manufac- turers, wltb heavy carved designs, scrolls snd Images, the handiwork ot skilled labor, fin- ished wltb gold and silver leaf, every one being new and as good as the best with any one of tbe greatest There Is no second hand or discarded property used wltb the show In any department It wood require a train of twenty-two cars to handle tbls show by rail. Its territory It In tbe South- ern States exclusively. Those who are In- formed In regard to the railroad tariffs of the Southern lines will understand why this slxed sbow Ib being handled by wagons, in- stead of rail. The Winter quarters are situ- ated just outside of the city limits ot Shreveport, on Fairfield Avenue, wMch It one of the principal thoroughfares of the city, being paved, and tbe street cars run within a abort distance of the grounds. Five fireproof buildings axe required to Winter the show, each being 80xB0ft. A beautiful residence, with fine lawns and concrete walks leading up to It, constitutes the Winter home of the Haag Shows. Miles Berry has the privileges with tbe show this season. Tun Peublebb Falicinebb hare signed for the coming season with the Walter L. Main Shows, to do their novelty hoop rolling snd Juggling' act "We have," they write, ''several new tricks and Ideas that will make our act the largest of Its kind." RoHTFin or tub Baiitinb A Db Onzo Rail- road Snows.—Cbas. Bartlne and Win. De Onxo, proprietors; M It. Williams, general railroad and contracting agent; Chai. Bar- tlne, general manager; Wm, De Onto, as- sistant manager! Juan D. Zamora, equestrian director; Ed. Spencer, general advertising agent, with eight bill posters and two lltbo- frapbers; Prof. J. Dell Smith, band master. 'erformert: Zamora Mexican Family, tbe ?« Monte. Pearl Mont, Eddy Martyne, Eddy Sawyer, De Onxo Bros., tbe Lamayoas, South American aerlallsta; J. B. Blakely, Doc. Morris, Emma Snyder, O. A. Tanner's Troupe of trained ponies, goats and monkeys; De Onto Troupe of dogs and monkeys; the Bar- tlne Family, Mr. Itartlne's stud of trained horses, mules and donkeya; Logan Venters, F. B. Paulas, N. T. Newton, Pearl Colwell, Addle Fenton, Geo. Bletiler, and Al, Sand- ford. The show will open at Connersvllle, May 14, and will travel In our own specially equipped cars, touring Indiana, Ohio, Michi- gan, Illinois and Iowa. Rats rnou Bun Bros.' World's Proubss- bive Shows.— Mike Carey bat charge of tbe paint shop, end be Is doing tome fine deco- rating. Mr. Carey came from Pittsburg, Pa., especially to do this Job. Otto Bummerfleld has charge ot the blacksmith shop, and the wagon repairs tbls year have been well done. The wardrobe and other department work Is being pushed All tenti will be new for both shows. A car load of draught horses have Just arrived, also F. B. Marvin, our new boss hostler. Uncle Bill Bandolt will act aa veterinary surgeon. Thos, D. Van listen, manager of No. 2 Sbow, Joins Pete Sun In Mississippi on March 18. J. L. Ltunbcrto has reported, and is assisting Geo. Sun at Norfolk. All paper for the sea- son of 1008 Is finished, and without a ques- tion It the finest line of printing with any small show in America. H. Ciiab. Mullen has signed for the ad- vance force of Rlngllng Bros, for the season. Will F. Nbtt leaves the "Bllver Dagger" Co., with which he hat been in advance all this season, and opent with the Barnum A Bailey Show for the season. Dbluont and his troupe of skaters have signed with the Walter L. Main Show. Bernardo and Houeill sre st work build- ing a new net for their aerial bar act and Vivian D'Arra Is working; on her flying Span- ish ring act at their quarters In Blooming- too, III. Boa and Eva HcGinlbt Noras.—We sre on the Sreat flax belt circuit, playing to gSodKJS aid fecelvliw fine £•»»;"«? ill along the line. Our work jeema to be list what they want. Mrs. Mary Hcainley J (Bob* mother) arrived from Beno,. Nev., March 3, at BoUleau. The old. lady li JcvcnTy-three years old, and came aHaloM to see the ahow. la early days, n the 80s, she wna tbe dressmaker of leading actresses _Fan?y Morgan Pbelphs, Bell Donatm. Julia Doan-Bayne. Lotta Annie Puley, Mice Oates find others, and was the mother of Sallle McGlnley the leading dancer of tbe Padnc coast She still enjoys Tji Clip- ran, and will spend the Summer with us In ibe Cass Lake Fetlon In Minnesota .Claude Woods, our planTst. receives his shares of ROSTER or THS NBW YOB* TllTIII i.—Dale Bros, comedy mnalrai „...'i u * Co.—Dal* Bros., comedy musical _ Balelgh, soubrette; Wm. J. McQulas Csnadlan baritone; Dorothy Beynold - Jea» "PI PAULINE SAXON, Known as the "81s Perkins Girl," baa re- ceived much recognition from press and pub- lic tor ber clever Impersonation of a little country girl, the neat but eccentric make up for wblcb, her versatility and sweet per- sonality, having won ber many admirers. She gust book comes of a theatrical family, and, although having spent most sll her Hie on tbe boards, both In legitimate aud vaudeville, she Is yet In ber teens- She recently finished a tour of tbe B. F. Keith houses and F. F. Proctor's circuit, and has much good time booked ahead 55555 and minstrel. Obbin Brothers have lately secured a number of flrit class actt for tbelr circus In Mexico, for engagements of periods vary- ing from six to forty weeks. Ax tub conclusion of tbe regular dra- matic bookings at the Grand Opera House, Grand Rapids, Mich., a season of high class vaudeville will be given at tblt bouse, to continue until the opening ot the Ilamona Bummer Theatre, at Seed's Lake. The vaude- ville opening at tbe Grand will occur April J. Francis Doolex Is now on the Keith circuit, and starts on bis Western time In April, being booked solid for the season. He reports big success in bis single act J. F. quiNN, manager of the Empire The- atre, Hoboken. N. J., writes, under date of March 8: "We opened this bouse Sept, 8, snd have been presenting tbe best vaudeville bllli procurable. Business since tbe opening hss been enormous." Billt Jennings, ot Jennings and Ren- frew, was Initiated In the Actors' National Protective Union during the week of Feb. Zi, while the team played Pastor's Theatre. Frank Moroan and Hadobi Chmtbb closed a successful engagement of twenty- four weeks on the Oregon and British Co- lumbia circuit on March 1, at tbe Madison Theatre, Seattle, where their travesty on Desdemona and Othello was a decided suc- cess. They will start on tbelr first trip East about the middle of June. Bosaow Midgets leave for Europe April 0, and will return to this country in Au- ■"ist, to'Join the Behman Sbow. They are >oked up for two years. Notes from the Great Conklino Show. —We are now In our sixth week la the South. Weather bat been bad but tbe sbow Is a hit everywhere. We are now playing one solid week of return dates Our band and orchestra la a big feature. Our route has been changed alnce we opened. Business Manager Walt Leslie has put the ebow Into the big towns, and we will run all Summer. The Conktlngs are the wonders of all who see tbelr performances. Dawson and Booth are making bits all along tbe line. They are thinking ot takln j a long European tour next season. Rotter ov the Beal Polite Vaude- ville Co.: W. E. Coikllng and wife, sole owners; Walt Leslie, business manager; Four Conkllng Suiters, Dawson and Booth, Beulah Deal, C Harris, James Bros., Prof. Martin, Yep and Gek, and Curly, the prop- . erty boy. Fields and Hanson report making a bit at tbe Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo. They ex- pect to head a minstrel company next season. Ben Sumuebs has Joined the Richards Sisters, and tbelr act will be known aa tbe Three Richards. Tbe Electric Clark Sisters closed In San Francisco at tbe Chutes, where they played a successful engagement of four weeks, and opened in Sacramento, Cal, for four weeks, at the Casino Theatre, on March 0, with Victoria. B. O, to follow. Thej sail for Council City. Alaska, June 1. Silver Family notes. —We are touring Northern Michigan, and playing to good business. Tbe company Includes: Bert Sil- ver. Earl Francis and Laura Bllver, Swiss bell ringing, Illustrated songs and character specialties ; Carl Brenner. In advance. Bbow Is giving tbe beat of satisfaction. We have been visiting the Silver Bros, at their head- quarters, at Acme, Mich., for a week. We close our Winter show at Standlsb, Mich., March 18, and will pnt out a vaudeville ahow under canvas on May 15, from Stand Ish, with all new outfit and Bert Silver and wife and alx children. We will carry about sixteen people, ten bead ot horses, a band aud orchestra. Lulu Kbboan has returned' to the stage, after an absence of ten months. She opened at the Howard, Boston, In tbe stock, snd on ber opening was presented with a diamond ring and several bouquets of flowers. ItLLE. Obdlar, wbo hsa been fulfilling a lengthy stock engagement In Baltimore. Is III at the City Hospital, that city. Tits Topbt Tubvt Tbio's new act "O'Dowd from Coboes," Is now In first class shape, we sre informed, at to costumes, photos, scenery, etc, and the act Is booked solid In the parka We abb inforuid that through tbe death ot Maurice Rothchlldt, in Sidney, Australia, Evallne Rotbchllds, bis daughter, profession- ally known sa Bva Mitchell (tbe "Bowery ?ueen"). received as her share of the estate orty thousand dollars la cash, and the deeds to the property known as tbe Rotb- chllds Block, located In Sidney. Tbe Great Musical Rikdb are playing the Kohl A Castle circuit, and bave signed with Forepaugh A Sells Bros, for this season. Stella kineiiabt's ^engagement at Keith's, New York, last week, was ner third engage- ment at that house this season. Bbe Is en- gaged wltb Sullivan, Harris A Woods tor next season. The Train ot the Oeartttry Is tbe 20-hour train between New York snd Chicago via the New York Central lines. "Ta* 20th Century Limited"—Adv. Babteliie3, foot Juggler, closed over the Montana circuit March 1, at Missoula, and opened at Wallace Ida., for two weeks, wltb Spokane, Wash., to follow. ^Villard and Willabd, bicycle slack wire riders and Jugglers, wbo are featured with North Btob.' Comedlana this season, write that they are pleasing the large crowds that attend the show. . Tub Fraternal Ordeb or Eaoleb, of An- derson, Ind., gave a banquet In tbelr club room on March. 9. Mr. Miller, of the Park Theatre, escorted his performers to the banquet, which, we sre Informed, was s swell affair. .. ._, , Au Lawbincb writes thst his original mimetic offerings were a hit at the Avenue Theatre, Pittsburg, laat week, and he has signed for a return engagement In August Josle Lawrence Is accompanying him on his vaudeville tour, which Is booked to Aug. 18, when they will both enter the fsree comedy ranks for tbe season ot 1903-4, with the •'Looping the Loop" Co. .... Steve Miaco, of Mlaco and Idalene, re- ports tbelr success at Pastor's last week. Tbls week they are at Atlantic Garden, New York, with the Howard, Boston, to follow. Harbt Db Lain has been 111 for tbe past ■even weeks in New York City wltb pleurisy and bronchitis. _ Evans and St. John played the Bon Ton, Jersey City, last week, with the Avenue, I'lttsburg, and Hyde & Behman's to follow. A 11. Woodhull writes to say that he will make a compute departure from stereo- typed burlesque next season with the High Rollers, and put on a heavy spectacular pro- duction, entitled "The Golden Girl." He Is now engaging people and working on de- signs for the scenery. E. L. Winchester, of Bedford and Win- chester, writes from London, Eng., as fol- lows: "This Is our fifth week at tbe London Hippodrome, and our engagement has been a very successful and pleasant one. We re- turn next year, tor two months. Clayton, Jenkins and Jasper opened on tbe sixteenth, and are meeting with their usual success. We go back to tbe continent on April 1, opening st Llage, Belgium, for fifteen days. wltb a return engagement at the Palais De Ete, Bruesells, for the latter bait of April, wltb Paris to follow." The Mi-bical Keikaets write that they closed a very successful week at tbe Military Carnival In Rochester, N. Y., where Mr. Reikart managed a large vaudeville com !>any. They are now getting their tents and wagons ready for the coming Summer, when they will take out a large show, with twenty-two people, opening at East Roch- ester, N. Y., about April 27, for one week. The Little Hollinqswobth Twins (Myrtle and Maud) are touring the South- ern States In high class vaudeville, sup- ported by Alice Holllngsworth snd Lew (Jleason. U. W. Shoemaker Is In advance. Jacobs and McCue, acrobatic comedians, closed with Lucler'a Famous Minstrels. Their comedy acrobatic act was-a feature. Last week they played tbe Avenue Theatre, Pitts- burg. Lolita B. Mather, "tbe California song bird" opened at the Exchange Concert Hall, Missoula. Mon., March 9, for four weeks, after a four weeks' rest at Wardner, Ida. Helens Moba writes: "For some weeks 1 have been 111 at my home in Bensonhnrst, L. I., N. Y. I nikTui Clifpbr to kindly correct a report which has gained some credence through being published In several newspapers, that I am very seriously HI,, one paper, In tact going so far as to say that I bad been operated upon for cancer. These reports bave caused me much anxiety, and I ask you to say that nervous prostration alone, caused by overwork and exceedingly long railroad tours during my last trip to California, Is the only cause of my present Illness, and that the rest and quiet I am now getting in my home Is all that will be need- ed to restore me to my former good health." The Great Adaus has Joined hands again with Major Jury, and the team will be known aa Adorns and Jury. They are doing a musical act closing with lightning baton and gun spinning, and open March 12 at Cleveland, 0„ with Chester, Pa., to follow. Fbid S. Stubkd, banjolat, writes: "I am In my last week on tbe Castle circuit, and bave met with great success. I have booked a great many return dates; am also . booked solid well Into the Summer." Collins and Hart will close on tbe Or- pheum circuit this week, in New Orleans, and will then play the Hopkins circuit, the Em- pire, Cleveland; Shea's, Buffalo, and Hurtle & Seamon'a, New York, which will complete an eight months' run, playing dates In the best of vaudeville bouses. Antrim and Petebs made such a good Impression at Fastor's last week that they are to play a return date there the week of July 0. They are at Sheedy'a, rawtucket, this week, with New Bedford and the Casto circuit to follow. The Wilson Trio report a bit at Cin- cinnati with Rice & Barton's Hose Bill Co., doing their comedy Dutch harmony act. Habrv Elvin Mack, of Barton and Mack, has Joined hands with Fred Nolan, of Mur- Rhy and Nolan. They will be known as olan and Mack. The Thbbb Bennetts have been laying off for the last month, working on a new act, which will be In shape in two weeks. They work in the West tor tbe 8ummer. Frank W. Blabber, known rb "Frank, the broom king," of Lawrence, Mass., announces his marriage In Milwaukee, Wis,, on March 9. to Maybelle D. Gunderson, of Canton, 8. R* k \,r^!' ey ar S. e, !* a K d t0T ma "en""" wltb the Walter L Main Show. The team or Tbnnt and Livingston have dissolved partnership. Mr. Livingston Is now working with his wife (Gussfe Addison). S hej Li ar !, ™ZJ> n tne iT »' Itn w «* at the Combination Theatre, Deadwood, 8. D., and report meeting with success. THREE-DAY TOUR TO WASHINGTON. Under the Personally-Condaeted Sy»- tem ot the Pennsylvania Railroad. The next Pennsylvsnla Railroad personally conducted tour to Washington leaves Tburi day, March 10. Bate, covering railroad transportation for the round trip, hotel ac- commodations, and transfer of passenger 5?7 iJfff** 8 " "t*tlon to hotel ,„ Washington, 114.80 from New York, S13.00 from Tren- ton, and 911.BO from Philadelphia. These rates coyer accommodations for two days at the Arlington Normandle, Biggs, Bbbltt Shoreham, Cochran, Gordon, Barton, or Ham: llton Hotels For accommodations at Regent Metropolitan, National, or Colonial Hotels! ,2 » 8 8 VTt 8Ded »i 1* lr 'P to Mount Vernon: All tickets good for ten days, with special hotel rates after expiration of hotel coupons. For Itineraries- and fall Information apply to ticket VT agents, tourist sgent, 263 Fifth Avenue New York; 4 Court Street, Brook- gaj 789 Broad Street Newark™!?. J™Tr address Oeo W Boyd asslitent general pas- senger agent Broad Street Station. PbhT senger deipnla American Trio, Joe Rlley.^Irle'h c^edf.?- Ditto Bros., trick and fancy blcyc ,•"'nifJ? ; and Lillian Begur, electrical dance* u'H ager-Begcr.writes: "The company i.j» ■!?; with phenomenal success through ivn D „v vanla, and Miss Segur's dances navv nmHli a decided hit The DItt Whirl, |, : 'SuS Ben DItt loops the loop backwards un » ff cycle. Is also a hit We will play US New York State until May, when w, ^S under canvas. Everybody la well and h«„„V and the 'ghost' walks wltb Its acc!,tomZi regularity. Brag Tbavklle, Illusionist and shadow bt in* Lillian Sanders, vocalist and crayon a'ru., report making a hit over the Lubukskl ch- ant Tbey open for four weeks at I.cadTlii. Col., after which they go East r " a "»«. Edith jlIi'rbat, better known aa Editi Melrose, was compelled to cancel al] TuIiS on account of Illness. She Is at i.. r hon. in Toledo, O., and will resume work f u abom two weeks. wul Kobwbon and Grant, the llllputlnn com edlans, scored a hit recently at the Ilovuti Athensrom. Boston, In their lively corned? act with boxing finish. ' mM) The Everetts and Master Edoeve cob. tlnue to be successful In "The Rival Uven!" being booked solid until September. Gbbtbldb Gifford has Joined tbe Aoord Sisters, to rehearse a new act for the parti They will be assisted by a small trickdot Tippel and Kliueni, musical perin rme n write that they bave Just finished tbe Texts vaudeville houses, and have met with sac- cess. They are In New Orleans, where thej are having made three original musical novelties of tbelr own design for their act Fbhtbllb and BADCLim report their continued success with their comedy dasclnt novelty, "Nobody at Home" Their part season opens June 1. Mobbisbt and Bich write: "We have closed a very successful engagement over tbe Orpheum circuit, and are booked up to liaj We play tbe Gorman circuit of parks, opea-' Ing in June." the Qaqnocx, now completing the Kelts circuit are adding new featurea to their act Geo. and Lobbtta Kpps have Just closed a successful engagement with the Laurt Blggur Co., and bave played Sunday night concerts in and around New York, with t return date at the Bijou, Peterson. Last week they were at the Bon Ton, Jersey City, with good booking to follow, snd have signed with Frank Melville for thta Summer season playing his park circuit Notes from the Jolli Entertainers Co. —This company has been playing to very satisfactory business, and has given excel- lent satisfaction all through Northern Oo- ■tarlo, and the prospects are very bright Manager Stantson bas spared neither time or expense to make this one of the best vaudeville shows on the road We are bead- ing for the Northwest snd expect to get Into Manitoba by May. On our way to the coast Nelson H. Bell, who has been musical director for this company for the past three years, will close on March 18. Marguerite M. Carson, our lady batonlst. Is winning great praise for her clever work, and Is tut becoming a prime favorite. The iufbbial Four report that thej are receiving flattering press notices of tbelr new act "Tbe Broker's Office," written for them by J. J. Warren. Violet Mascottb began her seventh sea- son at the Howard, Boston, on March 9. Our types last week read that this U her second season at that house. Hum, Boss and Lewis are entirely booked for tbe remainder of this season and daring the Summer season. They have been en- gaged with "Tbe President's Daughter" farce comedy for next season, to assume principal roles, also to Introduce their specialty. Major Geo. Nacel and Cabbie Adaus re- port meeting wltb success on the Southern circuit Tbey are In their second week it Tampa, Fin., aud have two mors weeks there. Then they start North again. Dan Lbno writes: "The Merry Wldowi Burlesque Co. closed In Chicago Jan. 8. I then took the company out and have been playing Syracuse, ttlca, Auburn snd Buf- falo. The company Is playing Elmlra for two weeks, and the show la booked solid until May 25." Sid and Pbabl Winters spent last week at Mr. Winters' home in Marion, 0. Best aud Max La Mont report meeting with success on tbe Western circuit, In tbelr novelty comedy swinging wire and juggling act They are booked solid for tbe Sum- mer. Borani and Nbvaso report success In tbelr new act, "That's A Cinch." La Pell and Dalt open June IS on tbe Gorman park circuit, for twelve weeks. Doodt and Wells are playing club wort In and around New York, where they report their Irish and Dutch act, "The Troubles Between Me and Him," Is meeting with suc- cess. Tbey are booked for Pastor s Theatre, with other good dates to follow. Marib Babtlbtt writes: "My partner, Elolse Mortimer, and myself nave Just closed with James B. Hackle's 'Grimes' Cel- lar Door" Co., Mies Mortimer playing Rote, ind I the character of Aunt Betsey; also dolDg our specialty of operatic and popular duetts, which was a hit We are booking now for vaudeville." The Stokbb Bisters, Mae and Martle, who have tor tbe past three seasons been with the Merry Maidens Co., bave closed with that show and bave signed with Gu* Hill's "Bpotless Town" Co. They will be seen next season In a new and refined nov- elty sister act. They have some very good booking ahead for this season. Jessie Couthobi, who Is South for a few weeks with her father and mother, writes from Palm Miami, Florida: "I can look from m» window out on the ocean and upon hundred? of waving cocoannt and palm trees, and highly colored flowers, which have added beauty against the heavy foliage. The c l- mate is perfect, and I was never before in such a beautiful place as Miami." Tascott, "the white man who knows how to sing coon songs," has Just returned from the West, and reports a big bit at the Park Theatre, Youngstown, 0.; Jaffer't Theatre. Saginaw. Mich., and alto on the EobI * Castle circuit He opens at Pastor's, New York, March 28. Albubtds and Jessie Millar will close their season on March 80, at Moore's The- atre, Portland, Me. They are engaged for the Orpheum Show season of 1003-4. . Thb Rio Bros. (Geo., Al. and Adolnbi opened on the Keith circuit In Boston Inst week. This week they play Providence, end have Philadelphia and New York City to follow. Johnson and Verona were at Fenton s Vaudeville Theatre, Buffalo, N. Y., last week. Bebt Batcheldbr, late of the team ot Batchelder and Morse, bas Joined hsnds wltb A. H. Magrow, and are now rehearsing their new trick house snd wire act. ,,. Db Petit and Wtlson are «» routt wito the Lemon Stock Co. .. ,. Tohxcx and Latjra Habbib are In their twelfth week at the New Odeon Theatre, Baltimore, and have been engaged for the remainder of the season. , , Von Kahp has closed a very successful twelve weeks' engagement with the Key- stone Dramatic Co. (Eastern), with wblcb be was a feature. Thb Great Mabttnnb closes his season as a vandevllle feature with the Mabel PaUf Co. at Newport News, Va.. on March » on account of the company's stock engnt?- ment there of ten weeks. He will finish tni season playing tbe leading vaudeville houses. and la re-engaged for next season at * spadal feature with Miss Ptlgs't Co.