The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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90 THE &E% YCJRfc CLIPPER. MARCH 21. THENEWtOSKOLifPER : • «<» [•' .i ' THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Limited,) • nbraxKQBa. A1BJERT J. BOME. KniTORIAX AND IlUHINBSB MaBAOKS. SATURDAY, MABCH 21, 1033. Zl=^- RATES. AdTertlwmentB—J2.S0 per Inch, ■ingle col- umn. Advertisement* set with border. 10 pet cent, extra. . SUBSCRIPTION. One year in advance, $4; elx month*, 92; three month*, $1 Forolgn postage extra. single copies will be tent, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cent*. On* Term* tre Cash, TUB CLIPPER Ib Issued every Wednesday morn log. The last four (advertising) pages GO TO PRESS on Saturday at 11 A. «., and the other page* on MONDAY and TUESDAY, The rerun Cloalntf Promptly, To em- day, at lO o'clock A. M, Please remit by express, money order, check, P. 0. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed with letter la at tlio rlek of sender. Address All Communications for the Editorial or the Daslness Denartment to TUB NBW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 28th Street, New York. RegMereS Cable Addrett, "Autuobiti." THE Cl-trllB CAN Bl OBTAINED, WHOLBBALB AND retail, at i lie CLIPPER BUREAU, B02 Ashlnnd Olock, CbicnRo, and the LONDON HuniJAU, Oranrllle Uoaiie, Arundel St., strnnJ, w. c.| aleo at our agents, Brontano's new* depot, 37 Avenue do l'Opern, Parle, France; SL Lillenthkl, Frlodricb. Straus 101 (TermlriasHotel), Ber- lin, N. \V., Germany; Diamond New* Co., 07 1'ruJo, Unvana; Manila Book and Stationery Co., 128 Eaeolta, Manila, P. I.; Albert & Son, 137-130 King St., Sydney. Australia. THE HEW YORK OLIPPJ2R publishes only one edition, and that I* dated from New .York. qUEM ES ANS WERED. No Ilepllea by Hall or Telegraph. ADDRESSES Oft WHEREABOUTS HOT OlTlN. am, in qubbt or sucir nuovi-a wepte to THOBB WHOM TIUY BBBK, IN CARE OV TDK CLIPPER post office, All lbttbbs will ItB ADVERTISED ONH WEEK. ONLY, Ir TBI HOIITH OP ANY TIIBATniCAL COMPANY IB HDUG1IT, nBKBb TO OUU LIST or R0UTBB ■ IN ANOTHER I'AOR. WH CANNOT 8IND BOUIEB uv aiail ou teleorawj. 1HIA.MATH .'. ,J. I*. C. Cutiisriuqua.—We have no knowl- edge or iin- present wliereiibuiitB of the purty. Address it letter In otlr rare ilntl we will [idycrllsc It 111 TUB CLIPPER letter list. J; B„ Slontrenl, Mjih. A. it. G„ Newark, li. K. T., Kansas City, I'. I.. W., Lukelnnd, S. li., CunimliuH. K. W. 8., Plymuntli, II. II.. IIUHtllll, 1111(1 ('. F, V'., I'lttMUurg, see answer to J. P. C, a bore. T^CftXHtisu ItHitffUL, New YorlL—nn character bus been need ninny (lines In mimical plnys iilul ononis, mid particularly In Chiistmlis piintomimi'jt In England, V. A. H., Phelps.—Advertise your wants In Tub clipper. O. ii, ),., (loshen.—Address !•:. Van Wyck, Cincinnati, (). it. W. It.. Colfax.—Tho Ingersoll Amuse- ment Co., 403 .Fourth Avenue. Pittsburg, l'u. V, II. W.. Pittsburg.— V. C, Vocgolln, 31) West Twenty-ninth Street. New York City. M. fi.i f« route.—Liverpool, Eng., for such companies Is luviirlnlily it ouo week or two week stand. P. H. St., Arlington.—John P. -Hojtnu, Majestic Theatre) lluihliiig, New York City. CONSTANT ItB.VJIHIl, WuSlllugtOtl.—TIlO BOllg l« publlslii'il by Shnplro, llerusloln & Co., 4u West Tweiily-i'lglith Klt'cot, Now York Cltv. K. B. C, Now York.—Bco answer to P. K. XI. .ii. J. W„ New York.- now kuuwii ua Hurry C. -Tlio nttraetlon Is Bryant's Uurles- nuer*. ft', IX M.. en tinite.— May iiO, 1804, came on Sundii.v. .on l!t Hip show played Beading, l'u.. ami ... Siiiiiiury. tvuuo Wmte. 1». C. It.. IllllKhoro.—Aildress Samuel l'rcucli, 20 West Twcnly-Bccond Blreet, New York City. C. II. W., lirtrolt.—J. C. Dwigou, 308 lieurborn Street, Chli'iiKO. III. .MinS M. I'i. II.. Wnyiumboro.—The letter lias not been eliiiimil. A. 11. 11., Nc.W York,—Addi'CHH tlio pur- lieu In euro of Hie I'l.iiM'Kit lliuvaii, Gran- \lllo Mouse, ' Arnudcl Street, Stnmil, lA>n- ilon, W. t' M liiitf. t.'uxiiuv. Toronto.—Prof. St Irk, Slh'k's Hull, ICust llOHton, AIukk. Miss A. It. M.. Toleilu.—Kdille Slmytie, 87 Wanhlngtou Slreel, Clileitgo, HI. (!. K„ New York.—Wo eilu not aid you. .Mub. M. T., Atlnntk' City.—Watch our route list. K X. II.. sinus City.—Klla Atkinson died Del. 'JO. WW, W. T. W., Clilcngo.—Wo luivc uo record of l he (lealli ol the party. M. K. P.. Providence.—Apply to uny deal- er lu url sttppllt'H. I-:. T. F.. liulriill.— The party was not In I lie production as orliilnaJry prcsonted hi .New York, hut tatty, have Jollied the com- pany later when It went upon the rami. t*. II. t:„ Platte.—We do uot dfiil In plays. Address Dick & l>"ltsgeruld, 18 Aim Street, .New York City. Miss I. A-> Tionlou.-—Advertise lu Thk Ci.lft'KI!. II. V. I**, Ilfooklyn.—J.. Yes. 'i. Yes.' IIari'imnk. —Tho supply already exceeds the demand. Tkxa.n. — Wltlionl rei'oiaiiiemllng any one In' pnrtH'ilInf, we ri'for you 'lo Franklin Ka'rgoenl, Kninlro Theatre Hiilldluu, New Vaei Clly. V, (.'., I'oenliini'las.—We can-nnl aid you. is, (i. «'„ Sen Cliff.—Cnlin's ilnlde, Kmplrc Theatre Ilttlldltig. New York Oily. I). A. II. McV., Wimhltiglnn.—AdvertIsn In Tut: Ci.ii'i'iiii. • See ndvortlslng rates at the head of tills depart men t. ... r\ U. It., linrtlllior.—Address' Klsher & Iti-le.v us pet route of the compiuiy III this Issue. M. & B„ Aiilmoiv.—I ami '.'. Kulrkeriineker Theatre lliiltdtng, New York Clly. ;i. As per viiiile of "TllP llevlls Auetlon" Co. t, llrondway Thentro rltilldlut,'. New York City. M. It. A., WMMliliiRton.—Address imrly In cflre of tho Itljnli Tlietilre, New York City. ,1. C. Colioes.—Advertise In Tun Oiiri'HU. Miss 1/. M. K.. Brooklyn.—We never nil- suoi' iiiierluB' rolikllhg to the private nffnlrs of iiiiyune. • c s. s„ WushliiKlon.—We iinve no knowl- edge ol Ike |irvHout wUeioabvuta . of • tbe imrly. _ . ' 1HI.MAHDS, rOOl,, ETC. M. H. P., Ilrldgcport.-—Will you kindly tilvc .us an Idea of too Information you do- slre regarding vmii- proposed isjoI tournn- Mii'iii. ToiirnamcuiH are played In varying form n* to cdiiilitlimH, Style of game, nod under ftnreral distinctly different rules, which must govern a tournament. li. 11. C, New JHJfbrd.—B forfeits tho second game of the nuilch hy Intentlonnlly disturbing several bnlls before that game wim flnlshe'l. Your other queries arc mat- tern of personal settlement between your- pelves. O. Axn fi,—"He wins by an many balls" Ik the proper form of announcement In a mm eh nt pool, CARDS. (J. II. ft.. Has I on.—If It had six cards, A was entitled m tbe pool, W. K. 1... New Britain.—A, who bad but one to make, won the game with low. The fart that the bidder made In play What he bid did not give lilru precedence In the count. W, and P., Oshkonh.—The Jack counts In both. The hand you quote amounts to 18 points. L. II. K., Hertford.—In such ense C would win the game. See answer to W. V. I„ ' W. W. !•!., New York.—You arc wrong. If the "age" pass out of tho gamo before the draw, then the next player to his left tin play), after the draw, must make tho first bet. or, fnlllng to bet, must pass out. The privileges of the "nge" cannot do trans- ferred. THE RING. iNGUMBa, New York.—B loses: Arthur Chambers never'fought, Hdm Collyer. V. W. V.\ Portland.—In case tho light tcrmlnntcd In n draw all bets nn the result would lie drawn nlsn. according to a special rule of the prl2c r|ng. MISCBIiliANEOt'S. P. A D„ New York.—In class competi- tion Hist prise, as Its name indicates. Is highest. A special prize Is In the nature of a consolation, prize. 3. W. P.. Halifax.—1. It Is correct. "Spalding Athletic Almanac." published by the American Sports Publishing Co.. 18-18 1'nrk Place, Now York, contains all the best Attic-Iran amateur records. 2. We con fur- nish Tub RltlrTDH As.ncai. for 1800. That for 1001 wnM the Inst published. J. It., Qtilney.—Wc are without the data necessary to enable, us to glvo the Informn- llon requested. DISTRICT OF COM'.MDIA. WimhliiRrtnii—Although It Is Lent, no appreciable direct. Is felt lit our playhouses. Tho audiences last week taxed tho capacity lu ncnrlv every ruse, and tlio attractions offered were siiilleluiitly diversified to satisfy nil tastes. National Tiiratiir (\V. II. Itnpley, man- ngeri.—Mary Jlnunerlng. In "The Stubborn- ness of .leiitldlne," gnve ihellrat local preseu- tntlonH of .this play, to crowded and well sai Islled audiences. "A Message from Mats." with Charles llnwlrey, this week. Robert Kdeson, in "Soldiers of Fortune," next. Columbia TiiRATHB (Iiiickett & Dwyer, iiinnngers).—Bxrn Kenuhll mndc his ilrst lucid appearance an Jo<* Miller, In "The Vine- «wr Buyer," and proved very successful. The house wns crowded all tlio week. David War- Held, in "The Auctioneer," Is current. "A country Olrl" next. IiAl'AYBTrK Orb*A Hot'HH (Ira J. La Mblle. maliileer).—The Pike Block Co. pre- sented "Nathan Hale" an Its third and last week's offering, sustaining Us excellent repu- tation. ThlB week. Kligcnle Blair, In "Zniu." Is repenting her stieceas of the early pnrt of the season, llils engngemellt holng n l-eturn dale. "Cnmlllo'' occupies the that half of the week. "Spotless Town" next. Ai'Aiibmy ov Mphic (John W. Lyons, man- ager).—"tlerirts Adrift" had a good %voek's business. Tills Week', "On the Suwaaee River." Joe Welch, In "The Peddler," next, -fHASE'aTirR.vtrtr (Miss H.-Wlraitfreil-De Witt, managert.—I-ost week n Hue bill kept the house crowded nt each of the twice a d«v iMM'forainnces. The current bill: Iiowls MfCiird and Co., In "Her Last Rehearsal:' Watson. llulehlnitH, Kdwnrds and Co.. In "The Vaudeville ICxrhnngc;" BrothersFredo, .less Handy, Victor Misirn and Pearl Itlght. In "Change Your Act:" Oca. C. Davis, and the Countess Olgn Von llatzfeldt. and Ned Wayhurii's Jockey Club, which holds over from last week. •LvcKt.'Jt TitKATiin (Kugcim Kernnn. man- ager).—The City <Uub Uurloiauera rcpcntetl Its former well merited success", featuring lids time Farmer Runts, the wrestler. This week, the Trocaderos. Tho Thoroughbreds next. KstrinR TlllJATRH (M. S. Schleslnger. nmn- naerl.—The Illjou Stock Co., In burlesques and an. oIK by Phil and Carrie Russell and their trained dons. ' Delberg Klstcrs. Sabliip and Mnllapey. Illllv Hnrl and La Hello Solorlto. rounded out n hill of unusual excellence, and nttractcd crowded houses all last week. Tlie Bijou Stock, Clinrnifon, ClnirleB Atkinson, May Stewart anil Kmmn Krnus, May Iloey, Hilly Hurt. Umpire Four, and moving plc- (uii-s of the lliilv City this week. Notks. —Walter Fox. the popular' head usher at the 'Lafayette OlM-m House. Is critically III with' npiiemllcllIs ...The new 1 stock "eonhpun,y for the Lafayette, now being organized lly Fiiil F. Better, Includes up to date: Ihuteiie Orinoudl, John T. Spl- IIvim,' Itolieit Rogers, I/Oiils<> Mackintosh. Freil Htilllvnn. Ornyce Scott, Susan Jnckson and Marlon lloneh. Cluirlcs Bench ati'd Fred Sjilllvan will have the direction of the stage. Sen son Will open April 13 and con- tinue for lliroe munih«. • — r-4-+ MAINE. l'oi-iiimil. —At the Jefferson Theatre (Calm iV Orant. managers).—Alice Fischer. In "Mrs.' Jack." was greeted l>.v good Mined audiences March l», 10. "King Dodo" drew n rifcord house 31, the theatre being packed to the doors. Heriiiinniiwas well favored 12. William-Morris: In''Whim WJe Were Twenty- one." Ill, 14: Mulie.lle Clliniiii comes, "Qulnev Adams Sawyei'" 111. Mildred Hol- land 2(i, 21. 'Mrs. i.e Aloyne 2o. I'lUITLABII FAMIIA' TltHATKH (Jas. K. Moore, mnnageri,—For 1(1-21: l.en»y and Wuod- fnnl. Klein and Cllflon. Furiniin Bros., Snm Prime, Qladstotw Slaters, Charley Case, Wurmwood'H dogs and nioukeys, blogrnph. 1 . <« . » ' OKI. \iv ahi:. AYIImiuiilon.—At the Grand Oiiern House (Jesse K. llnylls,- iitoiingcr).—Primrose Jt ItocksludoiH .MliiHlrels neve tbelr farewell perfonuamv, to n. lurgo lioiuie, March 9. "A llreiik for IJherly" did Idg business HI, "A Hunch of Keys" bud a fair audience 11. "A Texas Sleer drew well 13. "Renlien In New York" bed'a good hoiisc 1-t. Bonked: Andrew Mack 17. 'The 'Liberty Belles" 18. W, II. t:mtie 20, Jefferson Brothers, lu '.The It kills." 21. . Dui'KHTAMUtt's T iik li iii: (W. U IHK'k- slnder, iiuinngeri.'—For week-of 10: Lowsun llernian. Kennetlv- and .Mutlle llooney. I<es- lle Hrolhers, Wllllnins. Camiody iiud Wil- liams. Oxnv and Hcluio, WlIlium Tompkins, Itmlle Furninn. I«vlna ; and dray. Jnlln Klugsley and Nelson Lewis, lu "After tlio Honeymoon."' ■ ■ ■ . . . ■ LvoBi'M.—"The Minister's Daughters" drew large houses tMI. "Across the Pa- cific." S. II. O. every performance, -12-14. Coming: ".Only a Shop Girl" 1018, "(iypsy .lack" 10, 20. • ' ;.. . a j li» . . yi'iti: . Mi-Man,. liiUitiiiooKii. arc .coustitully nuaiug, uoTcltlc* te tUvIr nut. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston.—There Is nnlte a noticeable ab- sence of newness la local tliu&trltials tbls week. Henry Miller, hi "The Taming of Helen," nt the Park: Anne Hlankc, In "A Little Outcast," at Music Hall, and "Al- phonse and Gaston," at the Grand Opera. are the only changes nt the combination houses, the first two being novelties. New entertainments are given to entice slock, burlesque and Vaudeville followers. There seem* to be Just now a sort of a Spring dullness. While some of the houses arc doing a good business, others ore only showing to Audiences of Just about passable size. Perliaps the playgoer Is weary after the Winter's pleasures, and Is resting dur- ing this Lenten season before beginning the Spring campaign. Three days of un- favorable weather, curly part of last w'cek, had a great deal to do with keeping the average .attendance down for the week. It Is'rumored that Welier & Flclda' local house, now under construction, will Ik; opened In September, with Blanche Bates, In "Tho Darling of the Oods," as an attraction. Pa«k TtlfUnffl (Rich. Harris. & Chns. l'rohmnn, managers).—Monday, March 111, Henry Miller and compiuiy appear for the first time In this city In "The Taming of Helen," a new ploy, by Richard Harding Djivls. Mr. Mlltef lias not been seen In Huston for many seasons, and his coming In this much talked about offering Is one of the Interesting events of the season. An excellent company. Including Jessie Mlllward, surrounds Mr, Miller. Two-thirds houses wos the average during the fortnight's en- gagement of Mnbelle Oilman, In "The Mock- ing Bird.'' The comic opera gave better satisfaction than nnv other of Its kind seen here In many seasons. The music was ex- irehicly tuneful, the booh Interesting, and the company cnunl to tlie slnglhg and acting dc- mnnds. Mlsa (ill man scored a great hit and Will always be a welcome visitor. Hoi.lih Stiu'.bt Thkatiib (Isaac B. Rich, manager).—Tbe second and last week of Ktliel Barrymnre'B engagement nt this house begins on Monday ' of current week. The double bill, "Cnrrots" and "A Country Mouse," has been n good drawing card. Miss Bnrrymore has added to her local, reputa- tion as an nrtlsl, and the two offerings, com- mendably played, provide an excellent even- liig's entertainment. Two weeks of John Drew. In 'The Miunmy and the Humming Bird." follow current attraction. Themont TifRAThK (John R. Schocffel, manager).—This Is the second week of James K. Hnckett, hi "The Crisis." The patronage of Inst week was uot of the capacity size, us was the case at.every performance dur- ing his Ilrst (hcngehiont of u few months ago, but the attendance was of a goodly size and up to the general business around town', so no complaint was made. In "Thu Crisis" Mr. Hnckett baa a most congenial vehicle to display his ability, and the play, although perhaps n trifle snort, Is pleasing 10 all. Sirs. Flskc, In "Mary of Magdahi,'' comes March 3P. Boston MfBBfAt (Field. Blcli, Ilorrls & Chas. Frohmau, managers!.—Millie James, in the title role of "The Little Princess," has made nn emphatic lilt with local play- goers, and her clover noting Is the talk of the towh. The houses were not very large during the week, perhaps due to the fact that many think It a children's play, and It Is safe to say that better business will follow now that the.merits of the delightful little play ai-o being spread broadcast. This la tlie second of the three weeks' engagement. ICxtra nintlnces arc given on Tuesday and Friday of this week. Colonial Thratiib flitch. Harris & Chas. I'rolimiin, managers).—March 111 marks the lieglnntug of the seventh week of "Tho Bleep- ing lieiluty and tlio Boast," with audiences of a size and enthusiasm to warrant the con- tinuance of this spectacular novelty for some time to come. Ronton Tiikatiik (Lawrence Mccarty, manager).—Judging froth the gatherings of the past week lit this house, Cuanncey Olcott, In "Old Ltnterlck Town." .Is a draw- ing card of the most successful style. Tbe piece, which has been given a superb set- ting, Is the best Sir. Olcott has ever offered uk, and gives the stnr unlimited opportuni- ties to act and Ring his way Into the hearts of his many followers. "A season of grand opera follows this, the second aud linni week of Mr. Olcott. , M.ukstic Turathk (Stair & Wilbur, man- agers).—"The Storks,' now In Its tlfth week, ts holding Its end up with tlie other musical shows lu town, ami Is playing to nearly full houses ut every performance. Tho popularity of the piece has increased during the past fortnight, and the people are beginning to appreciate the fact that the musical comedy, .with its mnny Inducements, Is worthy of more than oho' visit. CoLt'JllitA Tiibatiik (C. Louis Cannot, man- nger).—"Tho Knickerbocker Girl," now two weeks old. Is progressing quite favorably, Since the premier performance many changes have been made, adding greatly to the musi- cal comedy. . Josephine Hull, the bright light of the piece, Is ably seconded by several fun milkers and a pretty chorus of excellent singers. A professional matinee was given March 12, attracting a very large crowd of Thespians, who were most appreciative of the work of those In-hind the footlights. .CUAMi Ot'KliA lloi'si: (Ilea. W. Magce, manager).—:Oho of the big sucoenses of the current season at this bouse. "Alphonse aud Gaston." returns Monday, Miu-ch 10. for n week's sojourn. The piece abounds rn good things, and niiyone who cau'hlt through the performance and not forget: their troubles should certainly have medical treatment of inline kind. Cuniputiv Is the same as seen here early In the season. "Over Niagara Falls" had a. protltiible. week, and there .was no question about he favorable luipresslou 11 made. "Saved from the Sea" March 23. Mrsic H.U.I. (Stair & Wilbur, niiiuiigcrs). —Nellie Sicllcnry. lu "Milss," Was accorded n big reception hist week, capacity audi- ences turning out to witness Sllss llvurv's artistic acting In the tavoiile old play. Anna Illaiike,. In "A Little Outcast.". A star mid melodrama new to Ideal theatregoer's, Is cur- relit .card, Mimy musical numbers are prom- ised during the action of the piny. ■ "The Fatal Wedding'' '.» the next attraction. Casti.b .Si)i aiih Tiikatiiu (J. II. Kinorv, inhtiiiger).—The house stock ts playing this week, for I he llrst time. "The New Magda- len,", a stagc'verslun of Wtlkic .Collins' novel of tho same mime, and which created a dra- matic success when originally, produced, many years ago. Miss LaWrance and John Craig essay the leading ' roles. "Iluniniiltv" wm> given a,most priilse.woiiby production last week. nod. wns enjoyed hy S,. It. O. bouses. "More Than Queen" follows on March 2:1. ' Bii.wnoiN Hcji'AliH TheaTM: (O. K. Lothron, mnnnger).—':Tho St.llI Alarm" went vcrv strong Insl week, the piny scorning to con- loin the requisites necessary - n> nil this house'.' 'The'Celtic comedy drama,' "The Shamrock," Introducing lldivln llniiford, sup- ported by the house slock. Is current un- nouncciiieut. Next week, "Alvbi .losllii." Keith's' Theatre (II. F. Keith, mnna- per).—Culver's bicycle loop 'wheel. Introduc- ing Tom Butler und Frank Caldwell, is Hie big.feature act'of this week's bill. .Sllltoit and Holly Nobles. In "A Blue Grass Widow;" Three•XemrrwvMontrell, doiiuro and Unliev, Sweat mini and Ms x well. Grant .aud Grant. Four IHiuios, William Cahlll. Adetlua l'no- loonu, Tom .Moore, .Lawrence Crane, .Siulrl and: Kessner, o.sirndo. and Hie blograpa complete ilie .announcement. Ltlsl' week's show coutallied more thmi the eiistoinuiv iiuinUer of heiiilltiie acts, and was, of course, greatly :nppreeliited by Uj« put ions. Hob- cr.t.llllllncil,liui'lc;hls usual hit. Howahp AriiKNAEitji (tW'm.-McAwy. nmn- agi'i').—1)111 fur week of March 10 Include*: TwKX,rP^er^|»^ c'uunIngbom nod Loi-d, Alabama,. Comedy v u • Katbrvn Slllcy. and a new bur esqne "11 c Home Breaker." with Joe Fields and Mark Wol ec ns tbe principal fun makers. -„i«i "a lisv and a Night and ' "fs ;7Throng X are the skl.s of the Moon- Igl.t Maids Hiirlesquers. current week's card. The specially nets ire : Willl.m. and Adam*. CrulL' and Arde , Frey, Allen ana '.vans. Toun Honlon the Harpers. Kva UtcMeld, BTtaStWti Hll. Harry Wffi5» liuiierlnls gave a performance last week dX'ent from the muial hurlesaue show, anU Hie change was quite welcome. V r > ™ housesTseemed to lie of the same opinion as y TvcE,TffiAT".B (0,11- nntcheller man- ngeri.-Fred Irwin's Big Show holds lbe boanls of this house current week. An o o consisting of the Snlvaggls, the Three Ho- !,avs Bison City Quartette. Btojjpm Heeler, Bennett and Jtevere. lister and ( urtlrt. J. u la"t and the burlesques. "The Knelpp^Ciire and "An Operatic lteucarsal." constitute , he nerf "rnmiice. The, Merry Mo Men* fared well'last week, cnpoclty houses approving of the burlesques and vaudeville. Austin & STOSli's MiSRCJl (Stone & Shaw, managers^--Vallecl.ta and her den of wild animals hold over as curio hall beadllncr. Iticton, Anger Brothers, physical culturlsts, Alice Snblon's miniature theatre, and Al- weefc Thl* «reek: Wbteeler j ft Wilson's Georgia Troubatora. preBeutinB; "Getting laKieoontown 8oc|ety," with Mr. and MrsT lloselle lu the olio. • *J> Note.— The Wheel0t * WllBonTroubadours sUtt oufon the road,irpm this city mis week, under tlie nmnBgement of Fred \V Homan. The troupe; Includes ten colored performers.. ■' ■ Sprlnnfle'd.—At the Court Square Thea. trc (W. C.I-e Nolr, manriger).—"Tq Old Ken- tacky," March 12, was welcomed by its usual big house. W. II. Crone, ln"Davld Harum," IX once more filled the house. "Alice of Old Vincennes" was presented by Gertrude Cogh- ian. afternoon and evening, 14. Coming- Springfield Turnverln 10, Louis Mann, in "All on Account of Ellxn," 17; Martin Har- vey IS, Otis Skinner 20, "The Burgomaster'' 24, Herrmann, afternoon and evening, t!8. New Gilmobk Theatre (Jennie (1. Smith, mnnnger).—'The Convict's Daughter," f).u enjoyed liberal patronage. 'Teck's Bnd liov, 1 ' 12-14, kept Its audiences in good hu- mor. Business was fair. Due: Howard Hall. In "The Man Who Dared," 1018; "The. Road to Ruin" 10-21. "Ah American Gentleman" 23-23, "Her Marriage Vow" 26- 28. Grand Orr.R.i Ilovsa (Charles W. Fonda, runnuger).—One of the best melodramas to visit the city, "Lost in the Desert," played, Jill, and drew well, the acrobatic work of the Arab troupe being a strong feature, Clnra Tfcropn, In "A Gambler's Daughter," 12-14, played a return engagement, to well filled houses. Booked: Gay Morning Glory Iliirli A Ice Sal Ion's nil attire theatre, and Al- Bnrlesqtiers 10-18, Broadway Burlesquors 111. ben? and La Brant, arc other features. i;i, •ropsyTurvy Bui'lesquers 23-25. "A Hid- St "o: Sullv and Phelps. Vice and Viola, den CrTine" 2U-28. .,„.,. Slav Ireland; Tommy West. Jones and Rich- Nelson TiffiATitB (J. FBurke, mnnageri. aril's, Strauss mid Young, Bebo Mereson Crowley and Foley. Helen Clare, Kennettc and Patterson, La Frcre, Miller, lludd and Archibald. Thornton Sisters, Ylalker and Wise, nnd Lizzie Clifford. BownoiN HqtTAhE Museum (J.J. Strom, manager).—Vnssarlo Cameronl will continue to make his "slide for life." Nellio Braddon nnd Nora Glhsou. lady sharpshooters: Ralph Clark, harpist: Alice Clark, musician:. Win Morris, lady ventriloquist: George Brown, high jumper, nnd'Chasm nnd his mysterious box conclude eurlo hall features. Stage: A big burlesque company alternates with Don- ngan's Plantation Co. In providing enter- tainment in the theatre. Nickelodeon (L. B. Walter, mnnnger).— Week of March 10: Stage—Novelty Bur- lesque Co.. In "Ills Niblis and His Nobbs;' Hie Doltlnos, the StrnndR, Loralne and others. Curio hall: Professor Howard's per- forming sheep and dogs, Burnett's Colored Comedy Co., Florentine Trio, and Charles Jackson, contortionist. .Rumors and Facts. —"Lovers' Lane" comes to the Boston about the middle of April ...Alexander Clark, now In tills city, has been engaged by the Shubert Broth- ers for next season Henry J.. Slnc- Mahon Is In town, ahead of Mrs. Le Mojito, In "Among Those rresent." Slany of Hie local houses give matinees on Evacua- tion Day (March 17).. ...Edward 3. Con- nolly has been engaged by II. W. Savage for "Peggy from Pails'' Co John J. Don- nelly, until recently manager for Bertha Gnlfand. is now acting in a similar capacity with "The little Princess," nt the Museum. ......Josle Infropldl, of "The Storks," has signed a contract with Klaw ft Erlanger'for next season Sunday hill at the Ma- jestic, March 10: F.lltn Froctor Otis. Wi- nona and Banks Wliiter. Pbroso. Wesson and Walters Co.. Inez Stecusker, West nnd Williams, Andrews and Cariin,' Clipper comedy Four, Clifton and Browning, nnd Carter and Harris... Through the generosity of Richard Hat-ding Davis the entire population of .Marion. Slues., will ' bo given 'nn opportunity on tlie afternoon of March 23 of seeing Henry Sillier add his company in Mr. Davis' play, "The Taming of Helen." No tickets win be Hold, and every orte In Marlon has been invited Ldtta M. Crabtree has given Millie James The. noting rights, prompt nooks nnd everything else connected With "Musette," "Bob," "Zip" nnd "Little Nell." It Is stated Miss Jiintes will star In theso pieces season after next It. was stated last week by n local paper that Jas. K. Hnckett. Henrietta Crosman and Mrs. Flske would play their Boston engagements next season nt .Weber ft Fields' new house. Your correspondent Is quite certain those stars have signed contracts for next senson to ap- pear at their usual places Music Hall bill March 13: Phrosn, Four Emperors of Sluslc, Geo. Neville nlid company. Transatlantic Four. Cooper and llnlley, Agnes Holland, Jos. W. Smith; Seeker arid Seeker, Owley and Ilnndall. and Johnson and Preston... From Mnrcli IS to 31. Inclusive, "Hiawatha;" Hie Indian mifslenl play, Will be presented at Mechanics' Building Lizzie B. Raymond, who married a wealthy- Bostonian last sea- son, made her reappearance In the profes- sional world as hendliuer nt the concert, Starch 13, nt Hie Boston A Jute rumor from good authority states that the Columbia will be dark March HI. nnd will probablv re- main so until next senson, when the Shiibcrts arc slated to pilot tho house, It Is hoped, Into smoother waters. -Lynn— At the Lynn Theatre .(Frank G. Harrison, manager).—Mildred. Mnllnnd pre- sented "The Lily and .the, Prince," to a fair audience, March 0. Qulnlnn & Wall's Min- strels played. In good business. It). "Saved from the Sea" bud smntl houses 11, 12. "Tlio Climbers" \\nil full- returns' 13. aud f'Foxy Grandpa' played, to packed houses, uftor- uooii and evening, 11. The .Ben'nctt-Monlton Co. Is the current attraction, except 17, when !.',:; *V, Ma S ll R w ., T -. A - "' -Society present "Hie Irish Exile," with a local,cast. Wec»t ol 23 Buy W, Averlll will present his ex- trnvugnuzu, "Slbulbi,".-with local talent, for Ibe.benetlt of I'oquaniim tripe of Bed Men. Gem Tuhatke tC..W..SIieufc, mnnnger).— Business continues...excellent. This week's bill' Kusch,. Joe Morgan "iuul Lllllnn Crane, l.d. nnd Nettle Mousey. Charles Howard, .Tacs and Gulldu. Cnunon. I'M.'ft. Chirk. Slorrlsou und Berwick, aud the bioscope pictures Bishop's Conixut Haw, (Major Bishop, mnnageri.—There tins been n steady Increase In attendance here the past week. tbe-S It (J. sign being displayed on several oa£> kIoiis. Present week: llado nnd Bertmnu, Johnson, uinglenn: Al, Anderson, Edith -W Itlrnards, llcllcnn, female Impersonatoi-; Sinie. llohce, and tlie BlHhop stock com! AVpsDKn Wiiiu.n (Snm .1. Howard, man- ager),—Sadie Knnwllon, longdistance blevcle rider, conlinues to be n grait drawing card. and Is playing n return engagement? Tlie machine* have new pictures and general good business Is reported. • ■ ,»vim* ^"M"*. ?"*«■». Samsji. ' SfASS. iWllllam II. Hlckey. mnnnger).—Business continues satisfactory, and Mnnnger Hlckev Is constantly lidding attrifctlve features Cur- rent bill: Itaymnn Sloore. West and Wli- nins. .lames II Kelly and Dorothy Kent. .eorge W. rtlissev. I,ouls A. Simon nnd Ornee Oiiiilnef, ltnstus and Banks, the IffiS^tS ,'. ,w Trnnxutlantlc Four. Slllton mid Dolly Nobles..Crime Bros, and Belmont, and (he-Great -Rio Brothers. . .' Sai.eji TtlBATUB,, st.vss (Harrv-E. IKed, iiinnagtfi i.J--Khi B Dodo" • was' "wii- iicssed by a good house 10. "The Climb- ers played, to fair business. 11. 'Stuart ltobson. cainc,'12. and SKfij'Grandpa" had ti jocsl house .13. Mildred Holland appeared bMfore a large ntidience 14. Booked: Tho Oknhahwls Slllistrels. local. Id, 17—their an- nuiil pe-rfiU'imiiice: Mnliellc Oilman 18 Sirs 1.0 Stoyiie 111, "'Way Down Fnsl" 20,'."Side 'I rucked* 21.-"Mrs. Jaek" 20. Chauncev Ol- cult 27.>':l,lberty Belles" 28. *TV™1 V (G. U. ARrood, man8sw),-Gaorl RouaesTftot den Crime" _ Nelson Theatre (J. F. Burke, manager). An old Springfield favorite, Kathcriae lto- bcr, In I'erierton' lest -week, drew one of the best weeks business of the season. "Madam Hans Gene" nnd "Bapho" were tho best at- tractions. The Smart Set 10-21. Notbb.— Edward Clarence, formerly man. nger of thp Casino Opera House, I'-lttsfleld, was found dead in bed at his home In New York 0, death iielng due from heart failure. He leaves one daughter Marcus Slayer was In tho city tlie past week, arranging for Martin Harvey's appearance here 18. After the close of Mr. Harvey's tour Sir. Mayer will sail Xor England to complete ar- rangements for an American tour of Forbes Robertson and Gertrude Elliott, in Kipling's "Light That Failed." Bill Posters and ntllers .Union, No. 10, was organized In this city March 2. with the following officers: rnul Davis, president; Fred Belmont, vice president; Bert Busha, secretary: Joseph Nlhlll, treasurer; Qus Miller, sergeant nt ntnls. The next meeting will be held March 22 Tessle Unyncs lias been lit this vicinity the past week, doing advance work for "The RoSd to RUIn." . .State Presi- dent Adrian L. Potter went to Southbrldge 14. where a new aerie of Eagles wos Insti- tuted, the degree team of the Worcester eerie officiating Andrew Mack Is to have a new cottage built at Onset Humors have if that Wallace and Gllmorc. of Oswego. N. Y.. will next season add the Wcstfield Opera House to their circuit, ami C. Clinton Clark, the present manager, will continue In that capacity. —. i e . I.owi-ll.—The Lenten season has had uo visible effect on the attendance so far. Lowell Opera Houbh (Fay Bros. & Hos- ford, managers).—Joseph Hart and Carrie Do Mar, in "Foxy Grandpa," opened the week, to only a fair hottsb, owing to Incle- ment weather. The company nnd play de- served capacity. Nell Burgess came 11, 12, with "The County Fair," to big business. Sllldred Holland, In "The. Lily and tho Prince," 13, played to a capacity house, at advanced prices. It was one of the most elaborately staged productions seen hero this season. ■ "King Dodo" l-elgned 14. matinee nnd night, to excellent business. Kathcrine Uobor and company 10-21. •Academy op Mijbic (Chas. V. Dempsey, manager).—"A Hidden Crime," 0-11, was presented, by..a.'Very: capable company, to rilled houses. "An American Gentleman," 12-14, .featuring Palmer Moore, did excellonc business, nnd pleased the most exact'ng. For 10 and' week, the Parisian Belles, with matinees every day excepting 17. ' Boston Theatre' (J. .11. Tebhetts, mana- ger).—Lost Week's bill drew S. B. O. houses. "A Trlnl by 'Jury'! was very laughable. Cm- rent: The Math fens, Tom Crowley, Dolly and Dick Brirry, John T. O'Douncll. Jac. Ban- croft, and LettO and Dello. The comedv stock company, In "A Ticket of Leave Sinn. Peopi.b'b tiikatub (Billy Nelson, mana- ger).—Tlie burlesque compauy'of Instweek's bill .proved a strong card, and overflowing houses ruled. "Ten Nights In u Bar Room made a big hit. 'Burlesque will open and close the bill, with the following olfo: nan- ney and Hnnncy. Pearl Frasier. Mabel Sllvii, Dick Collins, Blanche Decottlc, and Smith and Ealv. Mention.— John N. Phillips will be the new.resident manager for Al. Iluyues at the CaBto Theatre Pete Griffin was nn ac- ceptable addition to the bill at the.Boston, announced for last week..... ..William Cor- liss, of "King Dj)do" Co., Was "taken seriously 111 during -the matinee performance at the Opera House 14, and the attending physician pronounced Illness appendicitis, William Owens will play the ', part' assumed-by Mr. Corliss until the latter's recovery.. '. .. .The Vlctorlnns were home last -week. They pro- duced their- new act, "Tho Soul of Sclma, at the Boston. . ■ -Fall River,—At'the Academy ,of Music (Wm. J, .Wiley, manager).—Uerrmaan ap- peared, lteforo a large audience, March 9. W. U. Crane, In "David Harum," drew u fair audience 11. "Side Tracked" played, to llkhf returns, 12/ " 'Way Down East had Targe business 13, 1'4. Coming: Sirs. Le SioyiiP m. «To» Burgomaster" 17. "King Dodo" II), "When Wo Were Twenty-one •JO; "The Vlllago Postmaster" .21. "Liberty Belles" 23. "In Old-Kentucky"-24, SUIdrcd Holland 23. "The Eleventh: Hour" 2U-28. Bijou Theatre (Ucnr.v.Myers, manager). -^-"Only a. Shop-Girl," 0-11, uroved to bo one of Hie most pleasing productions seen at this bouse this season; and good business prevailed. Vaudeville, 12-14, drew fair re- turns, With ,1.. K, Murray and Clara Lane, Raymond Fin ley and Lottie Burke. Hanson nnd Hari'ls, Jaek Cohanc, Kitty Dixie, and Kclley and Harrington. Due:- Nellie Mc- Ilebry, In "Sl'llss," 10-18; "Alloa Account o£. EllBa": 10, ".Tom Sawyer". 20,- 21, "Her Marriage Vow" 2a-25, "The Night Before Christmas" 20-28 , . .Casto-Tiikatub '.(Al. Hayncs. .manager).—- Business last week, with, George Neville & Co.-topping.u strong bill,.weis up to a_good average.- Booked 1.(1 and week :.Rbbt; Henry Hodge, arid LlllleHall and Co., Bettlnn Gi- riird. Dohei't'y Slstcls.' Farrell and Furcy. Abbott-Davison, the Casto Qbmedy,Co...wlth Sir. Htiynes. In black'face: the trdVeloguc, and "Joan of ,Arc" ■ (hiovlug pictures), . . Ricu'h Tiibatiib (II; E. Rich, .manager). —Parlblnn Belles Burlesquors played, to fair rctnrns. B-ll., The Trov Athletic Club gave a - boxing : ruralva) 12, to a largo andlcnce. liic Utopian Rurleaquers played. „to good business. 13, ll.'clvlng a. good, clean.Bhpw\ with Alliert nnd.Rose, tnvclle.,Joseph Mod- den atid John W, Jjlss, and Jbe 'Monia worthy-of mention. Due: Dew6y Buries- quers fi3-25, Jllss Now York,Jr. 2ft-28?'. , .SliEfUY's Tiibatub (D- R. .BUfBnKtpn, manager).—Good allows and good .business ruled , Inst week. Week , of I«: , Edmdnds a Ad Cisln Ire; Alice ' Thorn t An, Ladg hwl SUiupu. Wood and Stoue,.J«llly Jnckson, aud Nouparlel Itolrm. . kluB - ■-'■ - ...?." ' .. •' „ aeW'""ii^dlorii^Tuc"' lieiilen .'s'eoeon. coupled . with - tho very inclement Wcttttioc