The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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$i THE NEW YORK CLIPPEB. MAECH 21. .Josephine Snbol, Loucy Haskell, the Lamouts, l.a Petite Adelaide, trlic Reed Birds, Janicw ]'. Dooloy, Pongo and Leo, Limdnr anil Stanley, Four American Trumpeters, unit Tom Hefron. Ki.kventii Sam OrKiiA House (Frank: Dumont, manager).—William J. .Mil Ik nnili the two burlesques. "The Auto Moto Girl'" und '"Way Down Yeast," are continued on. i lie UIll tlila week, while n new feature l»> 1 ha first production nf "Do Harry, or thy Anybody." In. Oils latter burlesque Ilughey Huughortv la aunnuiM'i'il to appear as King KmilH Xvtli Ward, The audiences contlnuu of excellent size Lyceum Theatre (John (I. .Icrnwn, man- ager).—Al, Reeves' Big Show Is holding thn hoards at this house this week, Willi Fred Irwin's Majesties to follow next week. Kn- toitalnlng performance)* were given hy tho Thoroughbreds Inst wci'k,to large attendance. TnocAiiBno (Floyd Lnumau, manager).— Tim patrons turned out In force last week to sou the entertainment furnished hy Gntt- luild'n Ulgantoan Gathering, and tbey were delighted Wltb the entertainment furnished. This week the offering Is tho Parisian Ilcllcs. Next week, Relllv & Wood's .Show. Dunn's STAtt Tiibathb (Fred Wnldraann, manager).—Ham Devore and bis company nro furnishing tho entertainment for the dclccto- ilnn of the patrons this week. The Dainty Duchess BurlcsqucrB provided good onter- laloment Inst week, .and was rewarded with liberal patronage. Next week, tho Bowery Hurleiiquara. NiMH AND Aitcir MpsKUM (C. A. Brnden- Inirgh, manager).—Iu the theatre this week n spectacle, entitled "Los St awes VlTautB," la "lie of tho principal features, sharing honor* with tho moving picture spectacle, V 'A Trip to Mars," shown on tho elncogrnph. Other numbers on tho continuous vaudeville pro- umiiimo ore: Kd. and Kittle Deugon, Glenroy and Itussell, Evelyn Fonner, George Gra- liiiiu, John J. Hhenpard, and Mayor und Davis. In tho curio halt uttcnlloii is at- t met id by Lebur's barnyard circus, Olgu and her den of Indian pythons, Swain's perform- ing cockatoos, I in 11> m i mi. bunion salamander ; .May Knymond and Edith Surtonlu, lady box* t'l's; Bell, musical marvel; Horntnann, mas- ter of magic, and Mile. Beatrice, sword walker. Notkh. —The annual benefit of tho Actors' ImiuiI will be given at tho tinrrlck Theatro Tuesday'afternoon, March 31 Hurri- hiiq J, Wolfe, who was the leading man with the Owen Davis Stuck Company, which has lust closed Its engagement at tho Grand Opera House, la to fiuvo a benefit at that house on Friday nttcrnoou of this week, when ii special programme will be arranged...... It Is announced Hint Mrs. Lunglry will tnako ihe tlrst production In America of Puul Roster' historical comedy drama, "Mcdeuiol- N'.'llo Mars," on Thursday evening of the ■ omlng week during her engagement ut tho Chestnut Street Opera House Lloyd Os. bourne and Austin Strong wen- In tbe city lust week, consulting Martin Harvey in re- gard to the new phiy they have writteu for him A firm of local contractors bavn posted plans und am taking bids tor u new theatre to be built nt 200, 11, 18, East State Street, Trenton, New Jersey, for Oliver II. Wilkinson. It Is to be constructed of brick, wltb stone trimmings, measuring 1)1.6 feet front by I'M feet deep; there aro to he two galleries and tbreo boxes uii each side •it the singe Two negroes, wbo claim tn have been refused admittance to Keith's New Theatre, luive Instituted proceedings Iu the Common Pleas Court hero for damages. The suit should hi: Interesting us testing tbe color Hue In theatres. I Plttsbnnc.—Lent bus bad little, effect on tbeatrlcnl business here. Al.VIN Tllh'ATHH (.Nixon & Zimmerman, managers).—Mary Mitnnurlug Is playing a stellar engagement In "The Stubbornness of Gurnldltic, ' Its first presentation here. Shu begun March 1(1, and will close 21. E. S. WnTrirfl" closed" a must brilliant engagement 14. Julia Marlowe presents "Tho Cavalier 1 ' Jo, for tho nrst t line here. Bijou Tiikatiib (R. Gullck, manager).— "Hnppy Hooligan" 1(1 and week, "A Des- perate Chance" closed 14. Lottie. Williams, In "Only a Shop Girl," 2U-28. llMi'iiiK TtiEATin: (K. J. McCullougli, man- ager).—"Looping the Loop" took the stags Ml for one week, and has u big advnuco mile. Al. W. Miu-tln'H "Uuolo Tom's Cabin" drew an Immense week's business, closing II. Win. Itiiuelll and Hose Staid present Minilco MeredlUi" .;;. lillA.ND Ol'KUA IIciCKl) (IIlllTV DllVlS, llllll]- itger).—"The Christian," which was revived 10. In a very appropriate Lenten attraction. "Heartsease proved u big wlnnoi' nn to II. Tolstoi's "Resurrection" Is iinnuiinceil fur I'll. Duquksm: Tukatiir (Harry W. Wltllnuis, manager).—Johnny and Hmum Bay. Mine. Avery Strnkosch, Matthews and Harris, Lew I'nlliior, Dancing Doyle, Three Maearto Sis- ters, ilaymoml Teal, Leah Kussell. MeMnhnn a ml Cbuppetle, nud tbu klnetograph com- prlso tho bill (Ills week. standing mom only was tho rule during tho week end- ing 1-1. Avknue Tmv.TnB (Harry Davis, manager). -■Mine. Adelaide llerrmaiin. l.e Itov mid I'ltiylon, Iter tie Fowler, Johnson mid Demi. Ilarrliigtnn, the T'oblus. Clan JoliiiHlone Troupe, Mvuns and St. Jnhu, Al. Coleman, Nleo Twins, Nil. Foster and trick dog, and the cinematograph make up u very strong vinulovllle bill for the week of in. Business for the week ending 14 was very lnrgc. IIAIIHY WlM.IAMS' ACADEMY OF Ml'SIC i Harry W. Williams, manager).—There Is a hlg advance snlo for tho City Club Bnr- lonrpiers, who begun n week's engiigeuient 1(1. Tho Trnnsutlaiitlc Burlosquuis closed n splen- did week's business 14. DllQUKSNE GAitnnss (A. S. MeSwignn. iiiuniiger).—Imnieuse crowds continue lo llining this resort. The l'ortage Lakes, the Hunkers, tho Vies, and Did Keystones com- prise tho list of attractions for tho week beginning 111. Nktks. —Mnnnger Sam F. Nixon, of Nixon & /Inuncrimin, Is In town, looking after the erection of tho linn's now ibeativ on Sixth Avenue. The work of removing tho old buildings from the Hlto wan begun 1(1. There Ik to be a rnthskelliir In (he basement, mid Malinger Thomas F. Kirk Jr., resilient ninnii- uer of I he Alvlu, who Is also (o lmve rlmrgu of tho new house, has applied to the license court, fur it license fur same 'The Du- • liii'Hiie (inriteu him bum leaned liv n purlv '•i' local I'lipltallsts frum May 4 lo Sept, -I. for Hie usual season of Sumiuer opera. i bus. II. Drew, for so many seasons Idcnil- iled with the Slimmer tuieru seusou nt Hie Harden, will be associated wllh It again this year William Johnson has been tip- nolnted Kpechil ollleer of Ihe Diupiesiiu The- inc. and Is lining the position with great ability.. . .Charles II. Drew, the well known oiierallt- coiuedliin. Mliose borne Is In. this illy, writes from Haviiua thai ho bus closed his engagement there, and will nrrlvo In .New Yolk shortly. «'o. 10, 17,' Andrew Mack 18, Sam T. Jack's Burlesijimrs IU, "A Texas Steer" "JJ, William Crane 817 Notes. —Manager N. Appell wub In. New York 11, U, nnd socurcd tho plnns for his new theatre, work on which will Is'gln April 7 rlilllp Jacques, representing Mrs. Fluke, was hero 14 Vie Kdwurd.s, of Duroont's Minstrels, Philadelphia, wns the guest nf friends hero 15 Col. II. Illl- hourn Whlltler, poet scout nnd geuernl agent for the Indian Bill Wild West Show, was hern II, nnd wns the guest of the I'orsler Social Club. His enterprise Is duo here Aiirll 23 M. Henri Strange, colored Xluikespcrenii reciter, Is tho guest of Allwrt Duflln... .Arthur Snyder, manager of West- ern King Dramatic Co.. denies emphatically 1luit be Is connected with, the Katherino Da Wolfe Compnny In any manner. It was Muted last week that, next season be would have charge of Miss Do Wolfe, In "A Woman's Honor." KiUherlnc De Wolfe's Co. did well ut Mechanlcsburg, Pa., 12 Low Dale, musical performer, and Mrs. Dale urn at their home nt Boiling Springs, I'u., nflcr a two years' tour of tbe South George Beckley will bavo charge of tba second car with tliu W. L. Main Circus Kecne, tho magician, has closed, uud entered repertory Tho Brownlce-ltecd "U. T. «.'." Co. is resting at Dlllsburg. Fa., until the tenting season.opens Uobcrt Hood Bowers, of C'haabersbnrg, I'a., well known here, Tins composed all tho music for tho two net musical comedy, "Rubes and Itoses." the looks and lyric by linvmond W. Beck, nnd Hie production will be staged 15, at Im Salle Theatre, Chicago Porter J. White's "Faust" did well at Carlisle, Pa., 11. "Fast Lvune" had good business VJ. "Maud Mnller" comes 18. aud "Undo Tom's Cublu" 20 The Katherino Rldgewny Concert Co. Is due at Cbambcrsburg, I'a., 16. » lleuillng.—At tba Temple Theatre (Cbas, Bird, manager). — Morrison, In "Fnusl," March 17. "A Chinese Honeymoon," 21, In- dicates standing room only fur this pro- duction. Grand Oi'biia Hot/su (Geo. M. Miller, muuugur).—Uarstde, Condlt Sc Mack's Big Stock Co., 0-14. played to big business, nnd gave very satisfactory performances, making themselves favorites. Now York Imperial Block Co. 10-21. Buou Tui.-atm: (TJpdegralTe & Broiiucll, inunugcrs).—Al. Ucovcs' Big' Co., 12-14, idiived to fair business, wllh excellent per- formances. Fred Irwin's Majesties 10-21. Nori:8.—Clarence Updcgrarte Jr. is laid up with tho grip,... Redcay, Duffy and Bed- cay, returned here after playing four weeks on the Kohl & Castle circuit, and will leave to play the Western Park circuits shortly. Tbe funeral of Cutis. H. Leyburn, of this city, wns largely attended by tbe pro- fession. Tho floral pieces were niagulnclcnt. Karl Burgess und Wm. Myers were In this city to attend tbo fuueral of Chan. Leyburn. Sernnbui,—At the Lyceum (A. 3. Duffy, manager).—"A Chlness Honeymoon," March 17, matinee and evening; "The Sign of.tbo Cross" 18, Lewis Morrison 20. Elsie De Wolfe 14-, matinee und evening, hud large bouses. Acadhmy (A. J. Duffy, manager).—Mur- ray & Muckey Co, Week of 1(1. The Maudu Hillmuii Co., 9-14, pluycd to good houses. Dixn: 'Tjicatub (Henry F. Dixie, munu- gcr).—Weak of 10: Keed and Sbaw, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Maun, Itosn Naynon, Chits. J. Harris. Sherman and Du Forest, Cora GrlUln. w " ' * Stak TitKATnB (Alf. G. Herrlngton, man- ager).—Fred Irwin's Majesties 10-18. Busi- ness contuuM* good. >,.- ,. ■ AVI Ilium sport. — At Lycoming Opera House (Fl8k & Bcebcr, managers).—Stetson's "U. T. ('.." Co. Illled the house, two perform- ances, March 10._"Tbe Liberty Belles" cubic. to good MsTncsHriX. "Tliie'Nlglit'Tn "June" pleuucd a good imdlence 12. "Froucescn da Jtlmlnl" snttslled big attendance, both mati- nee nail avcnlng, 14. Due: Thomas H. Shea Co. week of ,10, "My Friend from Arkansas" 24, Fltzslmnions and Jeffries, spurring uinteb, 25; "The Hooslcr Girl" 20, Mis. FIsUo 27, "A Turkish Texan" 28. Nniiis,—Flsk & Ilceber, manugors, have about concluded the Until arrangements for tho tiasklll-Mundy-Lovctt big out door carni- val week of July 27 Rafael Joseffy, jilanlst, uppenred before a large audience in M. C. A. Hull 11. Ed. F. ScEmons. of tlie Olympla Opera Co.. who has been here several days, has closed a deal for Athletic Pnrk, and will open the Summer season with bis splendid company on May 3. In a repertory of popular operas. •Manager Seamons will lirliig back such old favorites its Ed. Kagleton. Harry T.ightwnod, K. L. Weaton, Carrlck Major, Wm. West, Boh Hicks, Theresa Barker. Lottie Kendall, •Musical lUrcctor W. II. Mnchett nnd it huge chorus. The Olymplns are very tiopular here Bunlnes) Manager Morris Marks, of the Grand Opera House, announces that ar- rangements have been completed with the Bljon Comedy Co. for un fndcilnltc season here, commencing April 12. Such well known fnvorltes as John and Mary Mnrbic, Otis Hnrlni), John Dunn, nnd others arc with this company Cnrlos Hlscanip, tbe well known trick bicyclist, hiiB accepted n posi- tion with the Atlanta B. B. C, of Atlanta, (In., ns ticket agent John Madden and Orron, the well known minstrel comedians, report big business with tbe Frank II. Bloc Great Southern Marine Show The di- rectors of tbe National Bill Posters' Associa- tion were royally entertained by Advertis- ing Agent Julius Garllck during their stay here Mnnnger Cbas. K. Bray, of tbo Orplieum, acrompnnled by bis wife, will leave fot a much needed rest shortly after tho closing of bis popular tbeatrc In May. 4-»* NEW YORK STATE. M1NSESOTA. St. Paul.—At the Metropolitan Opera House It* N. Scott, manager).—Louis j mes- and Frederick Warde Dad a phe- nomenal run of-biisluess, M and pleased Im- mensely In '.The Tempest," March 8-11. Al. II Field's JOtistrels came, to good business. l'i-11. Htiiest Thompson lectured oftcrnoon 1.1. on "The Indians ns I Knew Them. The Dilettanti Mnndolln Orchestra glvo two icerts. •ftwnoon and even iijr. lo. Tbo i.lolsis are Frances Vincent, Carlo Hscnci, gave it very creditable 'performance of ■Mikado,".matinee nnd night, March 7. i„ . fair business. "The_ Missouri Girl" |, uu light business 19. Vocel's; Minstrels drew ' pood business 12. "A Montana Outlaw" i« nnd night, 22; Delacour & Field's Ucuertorv Co. 2o-28. ■, " Notes. —Mannger Dickson will put on ■, stock company for the Summer months.. Fnlrraount, lnd., will-have a new opera house L. X French will Join the Walter Carles M.VbiWcT.™} John'T, Kyder. Am f£~*. uj.' French wm Join the wXr Held, in -"riie Little ,tti'-l«^''' A'' },. Main Circus, and have charge of sleeporV The Castle Square Gmud Opera Co. fol- '/....will st . Aubln. of "Peck's Bad Boy" IliilTnlo At the Stat- Theatre (J. B. Stirling, manugcr).—John Drew. In "The Mummy nnd the Humming Bird," apjiears March 10-18 ; "San Toy" 10-21, Kyrlo Bellcw, In "A Gentleman of-France," 23-23. Julia .Marlowe. In "The Cavalier," had a week of substantial business. CosivKXTiON Ham, (Henry L. Mecch, man- ager) .—Creatore nnd bis band 10-21. Mme. Barlll, lyric soprano, assists. The automo- bile show ended 14 aud was a marked suc- cess. An orchestra nnd the great 1'nn Ameri- can organ were interesting adjuncts to tho exhibition. Teck 'J'HEATnii (J. Luughlin. mauugor).— 'The Baldwin-Melville Co. Is this week pre- senting "La Tumi.u," with "Glsmouda" to fol- low week of "'J. "Antony und Cleopatra" was witnessed by large crowds opening week. The old fnvorltes of this organization met wltb a warm reception, and the entire cast und production was most praiseworthy. Acadhmy (Br. Poter C. Cornell, manager). —"A Fight for Millions" this week. la tho company presenting It arc: Richard Thornton. Howard Truesdcll, Laura Wull and Anna Barclay. "Down by the Sea" next week. Rebecca Warren, supported by a com- petent compuoy, found all tbe space occupied to see her One rendition of "Fast Lynuc." Lyceum TiieAthi! (J. Luughlin. manager). —Zeb and Zarrow, Anna Cassette, Brothers Kenncbel, Schrock and Rice, Ben T. Dillon. Go or Phillips, Ella Shields, Jans Barry aud others this week, In "Zlg Zag Alley." The Smart Set week of 23. Tbe German com- pany gave "Tho Star Spunglcd Bannor" 10. '■The Volunteer Organist" departed 14, hav- ing done very well. Shea's Gmuie.v Tueatbe. —Saharet,' the Great Goldln, Golenian's dogs and cats, Baker and Lynn, Smith, Doty and Coe, Blocksom and Burns, Browning Sisters, Stuart Barnes, and Mildred Grovcr. Tbe Buys, Lotta Gladstone, aud Mrs. Nichols' Ladles' Orchestra were largo winners last weuk. Lakayetie Thkatku (Charles M. Bagg, inouuger).—The Brigadiers, Including Mur- tell Family, John A. West. Palmer and Har- vey, Wills and Barron, Hayes and Wynne, Wilton Bros., arid Nellie Burt, this week. Weber's Parisian Widows week of 23. A Night on Broadway was greatly enjoyed by capacity gatherings lost week. Notes. —Bcbecca Warren proved to be thn lucky bidder for Mrs. Flskc's "Toss," and will produco tbe same the coming season. ' i. • SLL *■& WBnJi -Museum. has .reproduced the Burdlck murder mystery In wax. The Castle Soun (IKUOJ (Theodore L. Hays, manager).— "Lovers* Isine" hiul big business week uf «. "Hearts of Oak" comes week of lo, and •A Hugged Hero" conies week of 22. Staii (M. II. Singer, manager).—The Heutz-Snntey Co. had big business week of 8. For week of 10 tho Bon Tons arc under- scored, and tho Boliemian Burlcsqucrs week of 2" EmI'Ikb (A. Wcluliolzer, manager).—Bus!• continued good week of 0. New people week of 1C: Walton and Lamont, the Kings, and Louise Carney Monroe. Holding over: Irene (iodc, Cbas. Strobl, Arthur Gale, Hel- eno Mlgnou, and tlto stock. Curtain rnlser week of l> was n one act farce comedy, en- titled "Seoutor McPbco from Salt Lake City." 14, a wrestling mutch between Al. Hammer and Felkey, for a purse of $30. JIbxtiox. —The senior class of St. Paul s High School will present Sheridan's "Rivals" 13. Minneapolis.—At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. N; Scott, manager).—The Castle Square Opera Co. Iiegau a two weeks' en- gagement March IU. Al. O. Field's Min- strels drew fair business 8-11. Louis James aud Frederick Warde gave u mngnlllccnt pro- duction of "Tho Tempest," to Immense uu- diences, 12-1S. Bijou Owika Hocsb (Theodore L. Hays, malinger).—"Lovers' Lano" 15 and week. "Hearts of Ouk" Is announced for 22. "1'on Yonsou" bud big Iiousch 8 to 14. Lycedai Tiieatii); (Dick Ferris, manager). —The Ferris Stock Co. will give "Sbaraiis O'Brien" 15 and week. "The Deputy Sher- iff" Is underlined for 22. "The Resurrec- tion" will probably follow 20. The Lenten recitals (oniikcspcnreun) were discontinued by Ilea Johnson after tbe second recital. Large audiences saw "Monte Crlsto" 8 aud week. Dewey Tiieatice (W. W. Wlttlg, mana- ger).—The Bohemian Burlcsqucrs furnishes amusement 15-21. The Jolly Grass Widows will i(imo 22. The Bon Ton Burlesquers en- Joyed tbo usual large patronuge 8-14. Note. —Ernest. Thompson Seton lectured twice at T. M. C. A. Hall 11. Co., spent lust week bore. t ■» CANADA. Dulntb.—At the Lyceum (C. A. Marshall, manager).—Joe Murphy came to Duluth for the first lime In six years ou March 10, 11, in "Kerry Oow" and "Shauu Rhue," whou the business was fair. James and Wardu had good business 0, wltb "Franceses da Rimini." Field's Minstrels bad a full bouse 7, and gave a. good show. Anna Held comes 13, 14. and matinee 14; Mrs. Brune 10, home talent 17. "When Knighthood Was In Flower," booked for 12, was canceled. Mbthopolitan Opkma House (W. H. Rea- ncv, manager).—"The Belle of Richmond," 0-11 and matinee, with Florence. Lester us the belle, had good business. The house was full oa the first night of the week. "Tho Plunger" will be the bill for three last nights of the week. "Davy Crockett" had good business 5-7 and matinee. For week of 10, "The Two Orphans" and " "Way Out West." PAitLoit TKEATnu (W. J. Wells, manager). —Business for the week opening u wus big. The company nnd the show given was good. Opening 10, for,On; week, are: Daniel Gaus mnl-wi fe, 'Lcrttfo Travem Ford,'- Ihrrrcv -and- Montreal.—At the Academy of Mueic (W. A, Edwards, manager).—"Eveiymun" attracted fair business week of March 9-14 Herrmann, the magician, 10-21; Earl ut RosHlyu 23-28. Pkoctor's (F. Orsato. manager).—j,„. Welch. In "Tbe Peddler, drew fair husl. liens 0-14. Coming: "Resurrection" 10-21. "Wliv Women Sin" 23-28. Theatre Fraxcam (F. Haworth, maua- ger).—"The Fatal Wedding" played, to good business, 0-14, Little Cora Oulnlnu, anil Gertrude Haines and her Celestial Choir being big attractions. Coming: "Tho Price of Honor" 10-21, "Shore Acres" 23-28. 'TuKATim Rotax (F. Lo Clnlr, inamigcr). —Tbe Moonlight Molds, a strong attraction, had fair business 0-14. Coming: "Tim James Boys la Missouri" 10-21, the Cracker Jacks 23-28. Windsor Hall. — Symphony Orchestra (local), attendance fair 1!).. Coming at- tractions: Wntkln Mills and Mr. 1'urlovlu 20. Ada Crossley 27. num National Frascaih (G. (ianv- reau, manager).—"Lc' Concscrlt Imperial" mill "Ii'Abbc Coustnutln," to light business, 0-14. Coming: "The Pearl of Savoy" lo-aj. a'UEATBB DBS NotJVEAUTES.—"Lc Sphinx" drew fair houses week of 0-14. Coming: "Serge Panlue" 16-21. Pai.aib Royal. —Stock company. In "La Flllc Du Regiment," had u fair attendance 0-14. » Toronto.—^At tho Princess Theatre (0. B. Sheppurd, manager).—Lord Rosslyn's Co., In "The Voung Miss Pcttlfer," played, to good business, March 0. Otis Skinner, In "Luznrre," came, to fair business, 12-H. Week of 10, Rice's "Show Girl." OiiAND Oi'eua House (A. J. Small, mim- nger).—Isabel Irving, in "The Crisis," drew well. Week of 10, "Shore Acres." TouoKio ow:i:.\ House (A. J. Small, man- ager).—"The Price of Honor" played to good business. Week of 15, "Why Women Bin." Shea's Theathe (J. Shea, manager).—A good show 0-14. and a big business, with Murle Dressier, Smith. Doty nnd Coe, Bruno und Russell, Colby and Way. Kelly and Ash- by, George C. Davis, John Ucaly, Lewis Mc- Cord and Co. Opening 16 for week are: Henry Lee. Callahan and Mack, Keno, Welch und Melrose, Pantser Trio, Lotta Gladstone, Fred Stuber, Ford Sisters, Brown and K«- varo. Stab Thbatbe (F. W. Stair,'manager).— Tho High Rollers played, to enormous busi- ness, 0-14. The olfo Included: Carrie Frank- lin, Musical Klvist, Abide Carlton. Sam Howe nnd Bobert Scott, Palfrey nnd Hilton, and Dljcrii and Lang. Harry Morris' Night ou Broadway 16-21. V. Luuonatvr.—At tbe Fulton Opera House (Vecker & (Helm, managers).—Thos. K. Shea, Kiipimi'tcd by a fine company, in rep- ertory, had big business March 0-15. Lowls Morrison,' lu "I'aust," HI; "A Bunch of Keys" 17, "Tho Liberty Belles" 10. Sum—Joint Peoples, inanugor of the Woohvnrih Roof Qurdou, Is just back from Now York, where Iio secured a number of viiudcvlllo nttructlons for the coining sea- son, which will opeu Muy 4. I i LOUISIANA. f, llnrrlNuitrtc.—The llrst off wvek In n luug time wus exiierleueed Murch 0-14. duo to the fact that local iittracllolis predomi- nated. • iiiANo Oi'KRA IIoi'ni: (X. Appell, nuuin- Mer>.—■"A Desperate Chance" hud S. II. ()., ut'teriuioii mid evening, V. The May I'arker • 'oni'i'i't Co. ciiuni 10, under tbo imsplces of i lie Y. M. ».'. A. slur coui'He, to fair busi- ness. I'loi'iuiee Beckett, tlute soloist, with this company, was taken suddenly III ou the stage- with neuralgia of the heart, und it liliyslrlim was summoned from tbu audience. She wus taken to her hoteLJiid was lu a rollout, coudltithT Tvu eeveral days. She .efi for I'hlliirteiphla 14. "A Dutch Yankee." i.y .1. Holmes Grovcr and local talent, I i-J.:u'-" drew smnll niullcnri's, "A Itunoh nf Kers" nail goml InisliH'ss 14. Booked : I'helnn Siiiwk ^cw Urleiins.—At tho Tulunc Theatre (W. 11. Itowli'M, inonnger).—"Are You a Mason?" as presented by John C. Rice, Thomas A. Wlsn and their splendid sun- .porting cuuipuuv, proved a mast enjoyable enteitalmiieut Alnrch 814, uud largo aud I'lithusluNtlc uudlcncos applauded. Hdword Abeles, Gertmdo Wltby, Amy Mullcr. Mnr- ;ii ret Evhub aud Sally Cohen were desorv- ng of special mention. Tho advance sulo for Richard Mnnsllcld, who begins a week's eiigngemeiit 10, is very large. The Rogers Bros, week 22. CitliscEXT Thkatrb (W. II. Rowles, mnn- nger).—S. II. O. greeted "LoBt River" 8, aud big business followed all week. Judging fi'iiin tho iippltuise it pleased thn patrons. "The Heart of Maryland" week of 15, wltb W. H. Wests MliiBtrels 22-28. Geanh iii'imia Hot'SH (U. Grecnwnll, niitn- nger).--"What llappeued to Jones," wltb Geo. Ober as the star, supported by clever Carrie l.niiioia nnd tba house Block com- pnuy. was ptescntcil week of 8. to packed lioimes. Mr. Ober could hardly bo lmiiroyed upon, while Tom J. Kcoch was a whole show iu himself. Carrie Lumout made lots nut of u small part, aud ICstha Lyuu won many Innglm for her splendid work. "A Midnight llell" week of 15, "A Contented Wiuuuu" '.-'■28. St. Cii.vui.ks OniMtcuM (Cbas. K. Bmy, iiitiimger).—Appreciative audiences of goodly proportions enjoyed n splendid bill 0-14. It. veils evident that each net pleased. Tho bill tor week of 10: Franccsca Redding and Co., Frank Gardiner mid Lottie Vincent, El Zo- liedle, Sim Collins and I*w Hurt. Tom Muck. Ihe Tniiiikiis, mid the Benux uud Belles Octet Ie. I'omuused of Jnck Mason, Harry Wehsler, Wnliiit* Monroe, Jos Glllroy. Nluu Hunt lev,. Helen Chester, Dorothy Palmer, und Gcorgio lluriiuiiillne. Notes, —The Btildwin-Fourton Thentrical Cu., Ltd.. of New Orleans, was Incorporated In tills city March 0, with a cubital stock of $2r>0.U0o. A large amount of tbu stock has already been subscribed to by local capi- tal. It Is-the Intention of this company to build it modern theatre for tho occupancy of the Riildwln-Mclvlllc Stock Co., and Malinger l'onrton Is In hopes of having tho building lu rcuilliii'HH for next seusou. His associate partner. Walter S. Baldwin, is fully posted us to the vvtintR of local patrons, nnd will be gladly welcomed back Southwestern Ketiui'll Club (Juo. Dewburet, superintend- ent!.—The annual bench show of this club will tnke place AnTiMMXtL in the Lcb- munn Bulfilliig, nnd promises to be the largest nieolVng fiver held here. Press Agent It, A. Gttuinii. of the Grand Opern House. Is lu charge of the entries Manager Roohc'stcr.—At, the Lyceum Theatro (W. R. Corrls Jr., asslstnnt mannger).— Virginia Hai-ned, in "Iris," played, to a largo house, March 0. Henrlch Jcutsch German Co., ]<», canceled, on account of tbu illacss of tbo leading lady. Robert B. Mantell, after nn absence of nine years, de- lighted good bouses 1'J, 14. Booked: John Drew JO, "The Sliver Slipper" 20, 21, Nat C. Goodwin and Maxllie Elliott 25. National Tiiuatue (P. It. Lueschcr, mali- nger).—William Bonnelll and Rose Btnhl, In "Janice Meredith," 0-11, attracted ' line ' audiences. Performance wns excellent. "At I'lney Ridge," 12-14, drew fair business, Iloso Melville, In "Sis Hopkins," week of 111, Bakeu Tiieatru (Sbubert Bros., mana- gers) .—"The Sign of the Cross," 0-11. it line attraction, drew packed bouses. "Tho King of Detectives" thrilled lnrgc crowds .12-14. "Mickey Finn" comes 1U-18, followed by "Tho Flaming Arrow" 10-21. Cook Oi'kha House (J. II. Moore, mana- ger).—Big business continues, and tbe pa- trons are eiitontalued by Urst class vaude- ville. Performers for week of 1(1 ure: Tbe Four Lukous, James Richmond Glenroy, Eugene O'Bourko nnd company, in "Parlor A;" Young Amcrlcuu' Quintette, Hal God- frey aud company, Scott and Wilson, Kelly uud Vlolette. Faddctte Woman's Orchestra drew a large house 10. ' . KMi'iitu TnEATne (H. C. Jacobs, mana- ger).—Majestic Burlestpjors presented u lino show 0-14, playing to capacity nt every per- formance. A llrst rate show is given. Week of 10, tbo High Boilers. ■ Troy.—At ltuud's Opera House (M. Rels. mnnnger).—"A Chinese Honeymoon" drew n largo audience March 10. "The Village Postmaster" did fairly well 11. Virginia lliirned. In "Iris," lind it big house l.'l, Due: N. C. Goodwin nnd Maxliio Elliott 17, .Martin Harvey 10, Ward aud Vokes 20. George Sidney, In "Busy Izzy." 20, under the auspices of tho Helium Park Hose Co. Griswolii oi'eiia House (SL Rels, man- nger).—Go-Won-Go Mohawk, In "The Flam- ing Arrow." drew well 0-11. "Why Women Slit" bud big houses 12-14. "Toui Sawyer" 1018, "The King of Detectives" 10-21. Star Thhatke (H, R, Kellur, manager).— Tbo California Miners draw big houses 0-11. Serlbuer's Morning Glories Ulled the houso 12-14. Tho World Beaters Is duo 10-18- Manchester's Cracker Jacks 10-21. I SyrncuHc.—At. tbo Wlctlllg Opera Houso (John L. Kerr, manager).—Virginia. IInrued, lu "Iris," pleased a largo audience Murch 11. Elsie De Wolfe, In "Cynthia," had a good house 12. "The Sign of the Cross" did well 111, 14. Due: Robert Mantell, In "The Dagger und tho Cross," 17; "The Sil- ver Slipper" 18-20, Jobu Drew, lu "Tbo Mummy and the Humming Bird," 21. Bastaule Theatre (Chas. II. Plummer, miiuiiger).—The Bennett-Moiilton Co. played, lo fair business, week of U. Week of 16. vaudeville. O it ami Oi'eka House (Sam S. Shubcrt, uiaimgcr).—"The King of Detectives" at- Iractcd siuull bouses 0-11. Vaudeville, 12-14, bud good business. Bill Included: Clmr- lotta Delmu, Catherine Hayes, Weston nnd De Voe, Frank O'Brien, Mildred Grovcr and pickaninnies, James Richmond Glenroy, Ed- mund Hayes and Co., lu "A Wlso Guy," and Manning and Du Crow. Lyceum TnrATBB (F. R. Lcnscbcr, mana- ger).—"Tbo I'rlcc of Honor" 10-18. ' i Mlddletnvrn.—At tho Casino (O. 8. Hatlmway. mnnnger).—Lyman H. Howe's Moving Pictures did good business March 14. May Parker's Little Pickaninnies; and iVmcort Co, la duo 17, "Tho Fatal Wedding" 18. *> » INDIANA. -iiulliinnpolls—At English's Opera Houso (A. F. Miller, mauuger).—Mrs. I'ntrlck t.uiiipbell's engagement, 6, 7. was it social and artistic; event. "Tbe Joy of Living" was tbo •'IU nt the o|ienlng performance, "The Second Mrs. riuiimeray" was given nt the matinee, nnd "Magdu" Saturday night. There was n succosslou of audiences that illled the thea- tie at every performance. "Florodora," lo, 11, nnd matinee, gave a fair performance, to moderate business. Mrs. Langtrv, Iu "Tho Cross Ways," 12, had n good sized audience present. Grace George, In "Pretty tar." lo, 14. P. II. O. Eks. No. 13. annual minstrel genaflt perfonnanci? 10,17 : "Checkers" 2,'l-52, William l'nversbum, lu "Imprudence," 27. I'AitK Thea'xiu: (Dickson & Talbott, mim- ! , ,?, 0, '? ) ;T~ 0n lll .° strokft ot Twelve," 5-7, Illled its nnnutil engugemeiit. to the usual big business. Jmnes H. Walllck's "Buuillt King and "Cattle King," week of 0. when big liiisluess ruled. "Pickings from Puck" 10-17, ?. , ,! ftck . Pa J: u " Troubadours 10, Mrs. Fieko -10, 21, "Beyond Turdon" week of 23. GitAKD Oi'Eiu House (Sbafer Zlegler, mnn- nger).-—Adelaide Ilerrmauu, in "Muglc of the Ox-leat," was the feature of tho vaude- vlllo week of 0, and proved to be a very strong attraction. Glllett's musical dogs were- also a uovel feature. Turuer's plcka- ulnulcs. Hilly Clifford, Mr. nud Mrs. Robyus. Hnuk Wbitcomb, Znra nnd Zaru, and tho bioscope made up a bill that illled the house nt every performance. Paulino Mornn failed tp arriv-e. For week of 10: The Girl with the, Auburn Ilalr, Techow's cats, J. Berunnl London.—^At the Grand (Arthur O'Nell. manager).—Wells Bros.' Comedy Co. closed a,three nights' engagement March 7, to most gratifying business. "Gay LordQucx," 0, drew but fair. Otis Skinner, In '■Lnzarrc," had a very large house, the performance pleasing. Booked: Isalsjl Irving, lu "Tbu Crisis/" 10: St. Patrick'*.concert-17, State.. nle Brier Bush" 18, 10, Lord Roslyn 20, Frank Daniels 21. Losdox Oi'kha House (Alcr. narvey, man- ager).—-The Gllck Stock Co. remained week . of 9, und drew very good houses. Booked; Wine, Womun and Song 17. Note. —A. J. Small has purchased from n local company the Grand Opera House at St. Thomas, and will place It on bis circuit. « Ottnwn,—At tho Russell Theatre (P. Gorman, manager). — "The Burgomaster" was pruseated Feb. 20, 21, to big houses. "One of the Mauy" was booked 27T. 28, but was canceled. Ten Icbl drew good houses March 0-11. Coming: "The Guy Lord Ouex 12-14. "Hunting for Hawkins" 10, lsuliel Irving 20, 21, Herrmann 2U, Lord Rosslyn 24, "The Evil Eye" 20. Gkand Or-KitA House (It. J. Blrdwhlslle. manager).—Al. Reeves' Big Show packed Ihe house Fell. 23-25. "net- .Marriage Vow" played, to good houses, March 9-11. Coming: "A Millionaire Tramp" 12-14. iiiimiiifiii — At the Grand Opera, House (A. It. Loudon, mnnnger).—''The Gay Lord •Juex," March «, played to good business; Lnzarrc," 11, had a large and delighted nwllencc. Ten lent, Japanese conjurer. 12. had large audience. "Her Mnrrlage Vow" I''-, Ml "The Young Miss Pettlfer° 10. 17. "Tbo Crisis" is, "The Evil Kyc" 21, "The Show Girl" 25. "The Belle of New York" 28. Stak Thbatrb (J. G. Appleton, manager). —Week of 1(1: John Hcnlv. the Four Klls- worths, Graclo and Rcynohis. Oddcttu, Mas- ter Mar on and Baby Grace Ellsworth, Bur- den and Rehnn, Alfred Sflaco, Teddy Pas- oiielena, McCium uud McCiuin, und Miss MOOdB. ^^^VT^'Sm^SkTdmSL^tkm rt£S , 5G£r:'* t Jacques' Curtlcr Hull Sa Vans, Bryant and Wl e, Bruno. aid li^fKSSl m ^H»).— The Royal Opem ii„.«,,u :.«.i »i.~ »-i-„—»»»»«., u tua ( j(> .. In reiiertory, Indeflnltelv. The com- paiiy Is now playing In Its iifth week here, mid, although tbe Lenten season is on, busi- ness has not fallen off, and packed houses greet the performances nightly. m-JtIS* JjftWJt'' 8- WiUsh, manager).— Vatkln Mills Concert Co. opens Siiirch 10. Russell, and the bioscope. KMPTJH Tueatxu (Cbas. Zimmerman, man- nger).—lbo Cracker Jacks BurleBiiuers bud moderate business week of 0. Clurk's ltoyul Burlcsqucrs week of 10. /r. K T a i^ V, . ,l4 -''-- At tU0 Cirnll, ' 0|»>'«- HOIIM (C. J. Scholz, iiiaiiugcr).—Adelaide Thurston lundo a bit SInrch 5. iu "At Com Corners " Uar support was good nud tho lurge audi- ence showed Its appreciation by generous oneotaL "Xbeltua" wus given, mutfiieo nnd night, i, to crowded houses and gave satis- faction. . "Arizona" hud a good mile of scuts for 11, "Ihe Convict's Daughter" has tbe house, for matluco and night 14. Rogers Bros. In Harvard" 16. Mrs. Flske. in "Mnry "» Mu .$i lu ''.; !?4Ak W, !K" 10 ' n| K" School 20, "Florodora" 21, Hownrd-Dorsett Co. week of 23. People's Theatiib (C. J. Scholz, man- nger).—The house wug packed from bottom to top 8, uud the Knickerbocker Burlesnuers gave a pleasing performance, Introducing some good specialties. Clark's Royals Is booked for JO, Wee & Barton's Burlcsipiers 22, Transatlantic Burlcsquera 20. Notes.— Despite extremely bad weather and numerous drawbacks, both tho People's and (;rantl have been well attended. Prone. s tloas UN being made to build a Summer tbuatrc at Cook's Purk, with a seating en- puclty of about two thousand ticople This new bouse, with the continuous' vaudevlllo nt Street Hy. Park should keep thei amuse, went loving pw'Plo In a uood humor all Smuuier...... The Wright Carulvul Co. con" tlnucs to make extensive preparations for a grand opening here lu May Joe Burke secretary and treasurer of tho Grand ami People's, will bavo a bcneO In May, at the ui!. VS,* ,,ar , , ." e "— At th <> Grand Opera ♦ ?£" 1 ( ,C :ulu •■ *•• Wilson, inaunger).—Owing to tho Illness of Carl Hiuwlu "The Counter- feiters, which wns booked for Murch 6, was t'linoeleil. Rice's "Show Girl" played, to the ciipnclty^f the house. 7. "Tho Hvll Bye" {■yg business 11. Booked: Isabel Irving, in Tho Crisis." 17; Earl of Rosslyu, In "Tbe 3vI'J?S... M ™; ] ESj. t ' fep «" 18 : "Tbo Mllllonolre Hunting for Hawkins" 28. t , K nl*'—After a prolonged dark season ncotts Opei-a Houso (It. McMillan, mana- ger) opens Mnrch 12-14, with Wills Bros.' Comedy Co. J H. Stoddart comes 17, In Ihe Bonnie Brier Bush." nud makes n record, tho liouue being sold up ten days L* f M ro w. tnc „ ■"•vol of tho company. "The Lvli Lye," 20, nn d Toni i InrkB .' c „., ha SoW <My ' W 0f ' "^ tho Ihimedlotu /ro W,u ?, l,, , te . ,lr T' At tU6 Winnipeg Theatre (Chos. C, Linilsay, manager).—The Gordon- Shay Opera Co. presented 'Tnrmett" March | JgS. on , £ " splendid production of "H ttovatore' was given. Business was very urge both nights. Jules Murray's company. i „J'i mmf ' ^il? 8 !!' 7 - tc » K 00 " busings. "The Burglar and the Waif" comes 18, 14. • «» 1 NOUTH CAROLINA. /T A ?, ,,c ] r .'!"l B '" _At *ho~Gnuia Opera nouse (J. 11. Dickson, mnnnger).—The nunltn nf the Coascrvatorj: of W52& of IuJlanapoMs /t£?*c rl »M'*~ At ■ tha A ««1emy of Muste iffift *?-WWR manarer).—Tho much ber- ff,« kfflSL |,e ? rt , nce i ot R| cb«rd Mausfleld caused rnS5^. io 0n .° . nlB Mt March »• '-T 1 ** Four Cohans 12, Lulu-Giasar 13 •.. ■•-••*