The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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100 HlCH TIDE You nre nlwiiyM mm of itoiul wnlcr nl nur bencli lit mi)- lInn- ilui'lng tin.' hciihihi, lint rli Ih work tin* wnvi'M im iiiniiliiK iili'ivi- nil tin* old top iiinrkx. And mirli n hunch of ImtliPi'K an Mp doliiKN hIiiiHh! Tin- con- dltlonH nrc perfect fur a .plunge, mill It ilqcaiTt require uiiyhnuy to -any, "Own In. the water'* rich I," to mnke yon niixloiiH for n dip. The ruft will he your goal flu- mo- ment you lilt tins briny, for there'll be it group of the real mien gathered iiround that you'll lie K'nd to declare yournclf In with. AT TUB OIJ» HOWARD ATHEN/EUM, Boston, Mass. t Aiuerlen'H Oldest Variety and UurteHipia Theatre) WEF.K OF MARCH im THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. Makch 21, Kdwnrd St. Favor ..Killlh Hlnclnlr BDHOND IIAYKH ami Company lleturn engagement of one of the moat popular comedians ever In vnudevlllo, hi hi* fainons iiklt, "A WI8K UUV." TUB CAST. Hplkc Ilenncmy, "A WIbo Uuy," Kdmund Ilnycs Lord Otlhecoln Ilurr (1. Ili-no Walter Ited U. Darling (iertle WomlcrWIt, an hcImmi. ..Glory Ilnye* Thin Ih another fenture In the cap of the party who IuiHtlcM for headline™ for the i Inward. Ilnye* Ih one of the lilgg^t Huh In the variety lake, and landing hint ruake* u man lilsk line. I.uughter will have lo hold It* Hldi'H with a linn grip and have n In-avy weight oa top, or tin re 11 he a nerics of explosion* this week. l<;mVAI(l)M.PAVOIl.VKl>ITll*INCI,.\lll With iir once more, an<! glad we arc to NM lhem back, for never havo two enter- miners hit tho Ilownrdllca any harder than litis clever eotiplo. The vehicle In which they will continue their ride along I'oimhir- lly Avenue Is called "A' Hlfill 11(11,1,1:11." TIIR UIIAIIACTKIIK: llltnro Holler, n man- ulraut-town .' .Inim'H, n Hcrvitnl Mr. Jones, a guest.... In the hotel Bertie, looking for it rival Susannah Oreen, Holler's sweetheart Maggie Dugnn, n female linrlier Scene—1'arlor of the Wnldnrf-Astorla, or any other hotel. Tim Four MrNULTY BWtrrn "HlrangerB Monday, hnt favorites Tues- day" lolls the story iiimui these slick hoii- lili'ltCH, in- we w.'ro nil' the eourse entirely. mill needed to luive our coinpitKHcH ndjnsled. 1'ii'ii.v girls, who nre wonderful ifiiiu-ci-H mid elm lining singers A great ciiinliliiiilliui nl' agile pi'dnl* mill sinonlh pipes. Toliy LYONS lly Is 111 Hie middle of the hill In a new spichilly, In which he Is usslslcil hy a ipinr- li-l. of oiii* own fnscliiatnr*, namely, (Unify* llsher. Nellie llnrll'.iiil. Kltly llliiglnim null Kitty Hartford. Among the feiiiiircH arc Hiiine fri'Mi mini lor Hint r.iminis hour. "Illnkey lK'v." Tlic Two ItA( It KT'l S Krnest Itnclicit, forinorly of the Three Itneki'tl ' llrni lier:i, .mil rinrn Douglas*- iineki'ii. a pli'iulng comedienne, In it new act, IntrothichiK ihc great noveliy, "The Htceplc mi Ho- Hill " VOMEROY One of the lirlelitcM of HOiilircllcs, In n lu-ei'zy Im of elm meter songs. She's the original "I,It Hi- Sunshine." \V Villi nml RAYMOND Marry Ward, it great iiII-uioiiikI dancer and I'uneillnii, ami ll.utlr lliiymond. n .'linriiilng soiilireiie. Iii a mixture of merriment and fool work. ClINNINUIIAM imkI LORD Sonm singing, some talking, smne dnnelng, hy a cniiplo ot cnlerl a liters who arc luille siiinc. ALABAMA COMEDY 4 These- lire the boys who put the genuine Southern fnvnr Into their songs ami itimces You can almost see the feathers lly when tlmy slug nlsmit vlitckeu. PARKER n ml EOIIERT There tire many people who present Il- lustrated snugs, hut few In the class will) tills pah-. KATIIRYN milky A songstress who Is fortunate enough lo have ii liiindsiiiini t'aee and llgure In go with n sweet voice. It's a winning combluiillou. TUB UARONn '.Tnelii ltogi-i''* Visit" Is what they call their swift skit. HAN FORI) NIMTL1W Two vcrBiitllo iniisleliins wnrlliy the name. Tliey play on, not nl, nil of the InstrumeiiU they I it l rod nee. DAVE UALUNTYNB A IiiiIIiiiIIkI of wliiim llostonlaiiH are proud lo Pliant, for his tenor voice Is one of rare iiimlliy. VHB m Hi.KNiti r. We're or. liiind with the goods again this week, llni kind of goods worth looking at, for tho styles and materials are even up with any Spring Hues Ihal ever were or ever will be opened In any burg. The bar- li'ltn Im :i sitiii-r sullre «u some mailers of jilMMBt moment, entitled "TUB HOME HHKAKBII8" i TUB CAST. lleinmiilortTcr, n (lermaii Itroker lust landed loo l-'lehls 1 Ilium, it Weallhy llrewer... .Mark Wulley Allout, l'roprletol' of "The llrnkeu Home," t'lniN. Hnnillton Indolent Isaac Kdillc (I'llrleu 1'nddy, the Purler Will r.iv.inaugh Ultra NnlIon Lulu Keegitu Sully siiinileir.h, a Tough 1'rotiosiiiou, Nellie lliukley Mary Anna illndys Flshe,- .Molly C'slille Kltly Ithiglinin Ti-mis Tllilii Kilty llnrtford Sillrey Sin n 11 1.llllan lluuslou Meggs l.unni Houston Nance Dot King I iIikiIi Marie tinkhutd Mellmln Jane t l.llllau Taylor Holla. .Illllll Crosby Nugget I'l-iiin-i'i, lloyt AMONO TUB CROCKERY CRACKERS Ada Homer Ciirrlo llarrett Kelly Clalie Itonutlre May Aiinsirntig l.enh l.n .tole I'rurl Irving Kiiiiiiii Illlssell Henrietta Hilton c'lnreiice Carlton May Arthur Kvn Homer Kltly Stewart Bilnn Stevens .Vilille Millard Lottie ltcymilda ilrneii Asblwit Irene Sliiiniioii. ALWAYS ■OMETHINQ DOINfJ 1 TILL H P. St., AT THK OLD BOOKINO A0KNT8 New- York—Frank Foriister, Vnudevllle Association, St. Untitling, liroadwity mid 'Jtlib St. l'„isiini— t-.'cl. Keiiey. tt.'i Court St I'iom matter and photographs for news- paper cuts hiioulil Is- sent lo Curl It. Lo- iliroii. l'ress llepreseulntlve. u ' AiilroM nit other tuniniimlf at Inns. Includ- ing hilling, to> WNI. MoAVOY Mutiiiger ll ovvtird Atuuuiuutu, llostou, Mass. fMADISON S BUDGET. NO. £ l 20 great 1'iiroilies, five new Comedies and Afterpieces, two Original Acts for sketch tennis, eight (irand Monrilogues, _ Including two fur Tramp and Hebrew, I new Hebrew Talking Act, besides hun- dreds ot Origami (lugs, (,'omlc Kplinph-, Doctors' Te-tliaiiiiliils. etc., etc. OS pages, ONE DDI.I.Ml per copy; "Your liuilgel Is worth s.'.ii in nay mini who wauls In Is: up lo date. - ' U. II. PKKIIT. Send all orders lo L. .1. K. HF.ll., (agent tor JAUK3 MADIHON), MM Third, Ave, X. Y. City. X W A N T E D \ von • 'OM.V A WUIIKIVt; OIRL" CO., Juvenile or Heavy Nan, Woman with Clever Child. Also Plnuo I'lnyer. Cnre of Crawfnrtl'i Tlteutre, ALKX. LKONAIH). Mgr.. Topekn. Kansas. AT WB1JHTY, E. C. WOODRUFF, JITKNILK LHAHH, HKAVIR8; flERTMOE E. RIDGELY, JIIVKNILKS AND INHKNUKM. Kxcelleut wardrobe. -Write or wire. CHICKAMIIA. INDIAN 'I Kit. WANTED, FOR TWO MERRY TRAMPS, Two Cornet Players, one that can Act unit Slug. March lio. Chlllleothe, 0.; 21, Xcnla ; L'.'l, Hamilton; "A, Newcastle. Indiana. HIIIHIMAN Ml.'VHXN. SOME BAR6AINS! A Fine New Marimbaphone, Cost *r.'. only VI.". All kinds of Uctnodeled Moving l'li-tnre Mnchlnes, I, 'J mid :i story Stereopt Icons. Hong and other Slides. Films samens new : all kinds of lenses, lumps, etc. Send he ii in ii for Hat. Chicago Professional Sup- nlyOo.. 4-It I Jackson lllvd.. Ch icago. I II. T*r BANKS' IDEAS * No. Dvli i- giius.i'iri sjust Issued. Thellnesi work for Yande- llle performers ever Issued. Mano> giles, I'arislles, Knd lings, etc. Semi sliuiip I'm list of contents. I'HICK, (inc. Nns. .'• mid II. soc. <;t s n.wtts, -ji l.ockwimdst., I'lovldeiice.ll.l. -k B'ANKS' IDEAS "A' sthom; ATTBAITIIM kiiii tiik 'POPULAR I'llUKII <Ilttt IT, "Land of the Cajuns." I'o hoi ral Melodrantn. li.v Mvron Lellliignell. ON HDYAl.TY TO IHSI'DNSIIIl.K PARTIKK. Will lie pies. iile.I lit Phillips''iim 'l'h«Hlre, llrooklvn, N. Y„ iliiilug Week of Blarrli III. (In see II, A st'ltl-; WINNKH. b'or parliciiluni HildrcMT. II. Wlimetl . Agt„ MM ll'wiiy, N.Y.l'lty. WALTER L. MAIN Treasurer and Bookkeeper. Itolhniust have hud experience In Circus, The- m lien I or Amusement tniidiies*. Can lite Hook- keeper liiiineillntcl.v, Treasurer inlildlc of April. siate lowest salary In llrst letter. Those Hint have written for I he position heretofore, write iigiiln. AlldrrM IIKKBVA. Om ll. .list I MPUK'I KII I ■'«<!>! tci Itoi't:. All sixes, wllb llortl mid Trumpets, for Shows, Merry-tlo-ltoiinds, Klc, Several Omit lloaril iii-gnns. wllh Drums, Cymbals, and Jlust liriiin trull haiiilt, siiHahlu lor Summor resort.-, hulls, Klc. 11Hi sai.i-: cill-:.\ c. Address Lot IS HKUNI.TOA first Ave, (-lomuUliNow York. R. J. ERWOOD l.esillng Man. Lending l.nilv. Cliariieler Coiiieilimi (with S|n-clHitii--!, I'hmisi (Sight Itcailcr and Ar- ranger). Man for llcuvlus and old Men iSiuge Mutiiiger). People signed fur Full. Stale Sniiiiiier siilur.y. _ H. J. K tlWOttlt. I'rtSsHlc. N. J. '" AT LIBERTY.""" ■"" Crailarluk Unav Charaeici's, Heavy Ia'iiiIs, etc. rlOUCIIlin nucj, (rnmpclcm Stage lllri'ctnr); LOUISE POTTER, Cluiruelcrs. Old Women anil Light Juveniles. I'.otli experienced and rellablo. At wardrobe. (Have several splendid pluysl. Addrcs IIKN. ItKI.IVKUY, Wtlkesbiirrc, I'll. USEFUL REPERTOIRE PEOPLE For Spring and summer; also PIANIST. Tell all and lowest salury llrst letter. Must lie tire. pared lo Join mi wire. Address K. L LAMPKIIT, Colltllielllill, Ohio. MUSICIANS WANTED for the Great COLE YOl'NIHUt unit I'llANi: JAMKS' Wll.n WKST, l-Mliit I'liir.. Alto, Train., Ilnillile Vliilln: 'lliirlloiie Slid Tlihn. siate lowest salary llrst letter. All Musicians holding contracts for the lltickskln lil'l W. AY, bold gissl. You ran have them cxelnuigcil during rche.ii-uN. Aildlvss K. I). HAYWOKTII, II. M., m (Imiliv Slri'i'l, CuIobbp, III. HORSE AND PONY PLUMES FOB SHOW l'AUAPKS. IIOIISR AND TONY ACTS, AD- VKKTISINH I'UHIVBKrl. Ktc. Manufaetiinsl l.v M. SCHAKMHS. liiJiill Melropoliiiin AVBinte. llr.Mikl.v u. X. Y . Send f or prlco list. A FIRST t'LAHS AND PICCOLO PLAYER w.niiii Ilka to secure Sutuincr cngugeiueiit ul smue lurk or resort, t.ood references f iirnl -dtril. Aihlri" s WIl.llHltTSllllI'l.T/, Hs W.riihuiSI.. l.aneiisler.O. rum: BOB WATT Writes Songs, Sketches, ComeilliM noil Dramas. Ksl. IHTU. Itest Original Work for I'rolusslouuls. SOU WALNUT ST., I'lillmlelphlq, I'a. Absolotely New, Humorous Vaude- villi- Monologue; t'liiirncler, Down Kits) girl or sixteen, For terms address F.VANliFXINi: M. I iKXT. asi West ;ist Stree l. Xe w York 1'lly . _ Wanted, Band of 6 Moitti Pieces, Performers and Canvas Man. This is n wagon show. Money sun*. Inn low. State nil llrst letter, open lust of Apr il. ItllTKI, SHOW. Forest. Clinton C o .. Inil, yilCINVC LllTINK, llni tireat Lip lne.Vhaiisiltilr. ■lOluMIO. a tliild that hardens the ll|is like ruli- lier, enriches the tone, cures snif lips, eicnnd saves the lungs, lly mall HdiilidAOe. t'lrculsr Free. TIIK IdlTISK 111.. 411 llirk Ave.. Clinton, Ohio. A LADY PAltMIST, AtfNjHfw'lM UfD "Header, will .engage ivlthn I'liinp for the season, ttooil apiienranee, goml aitnuWi fa«t talker. 0, YKSE'ITA, imm CUPPER. TERRIFIC SUCCESS UK AMERICAS GREATEST SINGI1TC COMEDIENNE, WITH THE 1UU3 NKANOM 1001. Burton's Comedians WANT Repertoire People In all lines, Musicians for it. and tl. l-'uli dues hi Iowa mid Missouri. Season opens In August. Address All'1'Nlil.SON. BMW, t'ejMeiJ'nlni, In. WANTED AT ONCE, Ml 'Round Medicine Performer I'lui i can change tor in days, Skelch Team*, Irish, Dutch, Pluck l-'iice Song slid Dunce I'eifuriaers, tlrgnn Havers. You imisl lie up lodalc kooiI dressers on and nil shigc. Tell all In Ill's! letter. State salary III llrst teller. Nn tickets to stranger*. .Ol.l ■ lilt. II. J.ATKINS olMINNLTONKA MKD. I'll., Wooilhllic. lOH'll. P. S NoC. O. II. telegrams. milk- ing WANTED, RELIABLE PROFESSIONALS olio uight slands to curry our lino of advertising Funs, which uro Hold lo Druggist*, Shoo Dealers, lluniwiire Men, tleiiural Mcrchundlso Dealers, etc. Otitllt couslslaof an as-iorlinunt of 30 designs, put up III convenient shape to carry. $11 per duv can easily he niado by giving I lie business a few lionrs of your time each day. OKO. 11. JUNO A CO., ion Walnut St., Cincinnati, O. WANTED, Piano Flayer, Sight Iteuiler uliii K.Nperleiiecd In Vulietv. Salnrv f lo per week, room iirnl lioiitd. Also TEN FIRST PART LADIES. Hood Mian and percenlugc. Address lillAL'K IIKKII ADAMS, Liverpool Theii tre, N ewpnrt News, Yu. WANTED AT ONCE, Singing mid Uiiii('lllg»UllllUKTTK(TO FFATI'ICK), Twu singing and lliilielug Conicdtiins. sister uud Sketch Tennis, Pianist and oilier vaudeville acts. Statu lowest wilury and Just what you do In llr E t loiter. Ladles send uholns. wlilob will he ret Hilled. Address THK tiltKAT ItOSTKI.I.K. Towanihi. I'a. Scenery and Manusoripts tor Sale Cheap. 11'liluce Areli Hacking (very llnuT.1 Mill Droji mill l Cave (liotli lien). Scripts and Paris of Jesse James, Her Isird and Muster. iJueeu'sKrtdeuce uud The i.uiid of Midnight Sun; 1 large Property Trunk. Kntlrc lot, tin, or will -i-ll sepnralelv. Ail- dress V. P. Irtllll! it's W.Viin Hiireii Si..Chicago, IP. WANTED, PUTNAM'S THEATRE, RICHMOND, VA, Serin Comics, Sister Teams, Specially People, etc. Address F. U\ PUTNAM an mmm\ mm Anil Ihirliniic Player seeks an ciigagemoiil. Thnr- ouglily competent In Theatrical and Variety Husl- ucss. Hesp.nsllile Managers address "I.KAIIKH.'MiH Parade St.. Kile, Pa. AT LIBERTY, APRIL I, ADVANCE AGENT, OK WOl'MI TAKK ANY HOOD POSITION. No Iniin shows. Could lake small purls. J. It. HANKS, caroors and loe. Sloi'Mluuiha.Xrb. Repertoire Managers, Notice.—I Paint and Hepulnt all SCKNKIIY required for the road, and ul the lowesl prices. Write me. WOOD'S SCKN1C STI'Dlll, DiniklrkJnd.OKOHIUM'. WiMll). Mgr. Opora Souse. (loud Shoiv Town. Hull will seat 2oo. JOIIN.M. TUOMPSUN, Alauager, Drakesvili^, la ATTENTION! P ERFORMERSI RIVILE6E PEOPLE! ERGENTA6E SHOW OWNERS' Of CINCINNATI, OHIO, .......... ~. a «!■« nnvn * rriMfJ «rn*!vnia and operating THE WILL S. HECK CARNIVAL COMPANY CAN A Few More Performera for Inilln. c, Village, Dancing Ulrls, Klc |^J E EI US> A Few More Uooil Aiilmiil Acts. - - --- . m* f— tuMgnr* 'I'" their AsKregntlon a Few fiust Wrl L.L. A.LD IVI IT class monev oEtting peh< extahu SHOWS, both Tent nnd Plutrnrin. 1VII.L PI.AY A CIOOD C'UKIO OV PRRCENTAGB. Also Oood Dok nnd Ponv Show a nil in, other reallv Meritorious Show. KEMKMIIKH, lids is the Bltt COMPAKV this Seasnn mm ,;. are CONTHACTINO THK GOOD SP«tTS ONLY. WK TRAVEL ON OHH »| W v sphciai. Tiivix. Cai'iihalC'oiniulltees.liciir III mind that wc Deliver tho Hoods. We nn h,. I Hank, Wesleni (icrmin FULLEST 1XVE.STI. " gollcn our propicillin,. SPECIAL THAIS. Carnival t'mniiiltteca, ncur in iiunii niai we nciivcr in cortioiaicdwltliu Cupltul Stock or JIOO.OOO. References: Murkci MhMlI Hunk. Second National Haiik. all of Clnciunail, Ohio. WE COURT THE Fl oatiojv. close nn eoiiirael for Attractions for Aour carnival until yon have Hi .nl our (ileal Hook, entitled "THE SPIRIT OP CARNIVAL," SENT FREE, POSTPAID* ON HKO.CKST. Address THE GENERAL AMUSEMENT COMPANY, Wo Open S.i.siil. IIii) 1. WILL S. HECK, General Mnnager, 101 Hell Block, Clnclnnmi, 0, $.20 PER HOUR BENEFITS, AT TEN CENTS EACH PERSON. SYNDICATE TO BE CONSTITUTED [•'or pultliiK on market u i'livt Class I'litentcd and Ktillroly Xcw NI1VKLTY, which Is a tilt HAT .sir CL'SS. Kverv eapltullsl or serious promoter will lie lunch iutcrexted If he comes to see worktop a urw nateiiled uiui ulimctlve iipniiratus, wlileh will irlrc etiornioiis prollls lo any one who Will |iHI II mi exhlliltloii. TTie Inventor, Mil. A. K. UKOMHBT, will iiiuke the demonstrutinn every day, Siiiuliiv In ehiiled, from3 In A, hi a sloiv, Ml West Xlth Street, Xew York, or at any lime on iiiipolnlineill. This in venlor, wlui Is n Kreiiclinmii, will mil aiiswcr lellera. The worklujr aii|inriilus must lie wen. The invn; Hon Is I'lillrelvperrei'leilaiid rciulv lo he [Hit on the iiinrkel. Knell ali|nirallis earns fltticvrry liuiir. Will sell llcen'si-s Tor I'. S. A., Kuiihiuil, Duly, Heltillim.ele. SPLENDID BUSINESS TO START IN PLEASURE PLACES. SHIttoi s PROMOTEHH IN HI ill CM . SEASON 1903-4. EMMA BUNTING CO Under the Management of Aminos ALL ( oiniiMi \ i to\s 1358 Broadway, - - - New York, N. Y. FOR APRIL 13 AND 20, STRONG CURIO HALL FEATURE, ADDRESS QUICK. OPEN TIDIE AT ONCE FOR CURIO HALL NOVELTIES, Address' C. A. BRAPENBUR6H, Ninth and Arch Museum, Philadelphia, Pa. LONDALE THEATRE COMPANY STRONG REPERTOIRE PEOPLE AND TWO SPECIALTY FEATURES. Join In North Dakota. I.iiter |ilny clilcs Id Iowu. Uefeience. l-'lrst Nuilonul Hunk, Hock llupiils ll1 A 11 ' 1 "-'"^ HAL UARUEIt, Illlnol, NorlIi UmUoOi. Wanted, for Stetson's Uncle Tom Co. ' IIALAXOE OK TIIIH AND BCHHRR MKASON, PEOPLE IN ALL BRANCHES. -Men who ilouiiie in iihh the |irefercnce. ODUIHKI) I'KOHI.K tluil can hIiiu nnUiliinco. Mtuleloncm ""I" c Iirnl Idler. Anmver us per route, or Stiuiilnril ViIiiIIiik Co., St. IMul, Mum. OKO. l'KUK.MuiiiiKi'f' On account of tho cloulnjr of The Jlnjor nnfl tlio JuilBe'Co., CLARENCE WILBUR COMEDIAN, 1b nt I.lliei-ty to neeept offers for bnlnneo of this nc n non nnd next. Aildross CLAllKNCH WILHDlt, 248 W. Joth »t,\ S7T? P<L. QBNTR? STOCK COMPANY JUVENILE HAN, HEAVY AND CHARACTER HAN AND PIANIST. . Ail'lrcsi HAUL L.COKTKY.Muillson, Intl., week of Mnreh 16; Lctmnon, tveetof -Mlir" fr $250 BUYS A SHOW! 'iW l ? < f r . <, * <) *.. B *S-«»»»"X«Kh«". tnily equfyrni ,1 with a» MMm Flk^/W^* 1 *? **J*""'«• |>»««"«'o;vn i..oii.y, I..v«..l..«ei.l b«ct III 15 SUMST Ml'wHei'r* «'• "-"'v *i«ry; will Invert % for 8i Olien Envler. Aildreu quick, If.tUCB CIIMEDT, 'l*rcj:,P» >■