The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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m THE NEW 'YOEK CLIPPER.' •MftRCH 21, GARTER'S NEW PRODUCTION FOR NEXT SEASON NOW IN PREPAllAf IGtN. A WONDERFUL SCENIC EQUIPMENT FOR till J GREAT HfcAKX PLA Y. TO BE PRODUCED MAY 24. 1905 . 31st WEEK WITH THE TJTOFIANS. AT LIBERTY FOR NEXT SEASON, Dancers, AND INTRODUCING OUR ORIGINAL KlrtCKNACK.' DOUBLE TWIST POLKA, FANCY HCHOTriHCHEAKD GROTESQUE DANCES; ALSO OUR LAUGHING OIUUTION, THE SPIELERS, AND THE flVENGALIED DOLL (MISS LA VELLE BEING THE ONLY LADY KNOCKABOUT DOLL IN THE .WORLD). An act that mnst be seen to be npprcolated. ' Acknowledged by press niul public a gemiino Nctvelly .Act. Time of net, lu rain., or can \m epllt into ;i cli«tlnct specialties, if necessary. AT LIBERTY for Extravaganza, Farce Comedy, Repertoire, Combination, Pantomime or Burlesque. Doth play responsible put in. Address THE LA VELLES, This week, l.nhdoh Theatre, K. V. ('. Onrc of I'turiuim llnrlcsriiie Co., en nunc. LSMF'S ST. LOUIS, MO.. I'tllHT CLASS MINSTIIIX AND VAUDKV1I.LK PEOPLE; KND MEN OK HEPPTATIOX. • Also wish to hour from Soiiwitloniil Free Aius fur PurV. Hooks oncn May 10. AdilroHK . , .1. I.. W \I,I.HAI»P, »lnniiK«r Lenip 1 * I»»rk Tlirali-n. tr-i -• ■ j' I, at ..liberty for rifMnian sEakon, JACK BENTHAM and BLANCHE FREEMAN, Proaenilng tliolr ono net comedy, "Ahead of the Uamo." band. I Ililll MA It! iluv imriH. Double Hilda Trnmliouc In H f or ntaik 00., Carthage. Mo. LADY MUSICIAN AT LIBERTY FOR SPRING AND SUMMER ENG. Linnie G. Sanford, SI.IIIKIVROMIIONK AND PIANO. Bight reailcri Kxnci lonccd. Ait. na |ht route lien- ucl-.Motilioii Co. A. I', HEED, Miiiinger. ' , ,1'er. ml.. 41SMV. IIIkIi hi., UxIurioii, hy. mf&EMCgU gfwnHQMMNagimi *IM Ipaa PWNTINO CO.. CrHCACftf 11T lltCNUi ' QAii^ca. nam en. *cx- Pkg. 8TAflE WONKY, JBO. THICK CAHDS, 8c. Tlouk of Ouih 200., containing over WW Slyloa. WANTED, - & GOOD ACROBATS, Miint Dance ii Utile, fur liig Act In Viiuilovlilu. l.o»K MIMNMMOti goml [inV. <; iv.- mil |>iirtlcular«lliflr»1 leltor. Slate what tricks you do, clc. Also Ktalc height iiinl wclglil. Wiuilil like to hour from Two lloutl Amnlonr*. Cull in 'addruiw, M. KNK"K, ■ 110 K. I'lli HI., Kow York Oily. W. V. 4 MEN for 'I'jiile Whirl, Who cun double trajw. All umniiiitus fiinilihcil. iiHilCuluicil HriiH* liana Wild CAN DOIillLE FOIl MINSTREL H1I0W IN Til K CONCERT WITH BALDWIN-MELVILLE . . . . MUSEUM, MENAGERIE, CIRCUS. Also I10HH CANVAS HAN to IiiuiUIh 100-MWtOft. Tons, niul L'HANDKLIKIl MAN. Address ANDREW MAOKA Y, nuilo Itiwe MELVILLE -Sin Hopkins" 00., or Star Theatre, II11II11I1), N. Y. flll I THE EIBEHAiTH-HEHDERSOH fill I UfllL FLOATINQ THEATRE. UmU ..11 ivport TUESDAY, March 81, lit Pittsburg, I'ii. Kliuil v acknowledge notice lo New Martinsville, W, V«„ ill 111100, WANTKD, Calliope itiul Piano PhVYOI', Strong Clarionet hiiU HII1I0 10 report Mnroli 31. Adili era NEW MARTINSVILLE, W. YA. FOR LEASE, IcAiRVIErW PARK UP MIDDLEPORT, o. Only pink III null ii" <>f KM iiiIIch. Will lease for 1 null or iiiirci'iit. Moiic.v liliikor. Want a good nun to himllo IIiIk properly: 3.1 acres. Wrllo JOHN I I. DO WNING JU „ Mlddlepoi'1,0. WANTED, A PARTNER With some oapllHl, m take half Interest In cstab- IWIiuil iirganl/.iiiloii. I'hlril M'lihun. Hilllllllor block In Hiii'O Kooilclllcn. Mnal ho Bx|icrleiu'Pil, Cn- miblo UiiHlni'M ManiiKcr. A .-1110 IMuk lo 1I11I1I mini. Artdltaii , MANAUKIt, Lock llnx 73. H|>rhin Vnl loy. Mlnu , WANTED AT QNCE-600D S. AND D. COM KDl AN, 11 ell rial Hii-uhchx Womiui. Woman to l'lay rhino niul I'uiIh, Klrat Cine* Lecturer to (loiihlo hi«kc. All iniiBt tin Hiicehilth'i*. Hillary low, hut suro. Answer, Mmvli til, I'ailiuiHbiirii, Mo.; Nnron23.SI«nherry. Mn). Tlien Oniiilm, Neb. FOfJAttTY » IIIATT.lliini. Gerniau Meil, Co. I'. H—Will buy Moving Ptoliiro Maolil ue 1 f ohm p. AT LIUKaTV, OiTlng to Com. Cloatng, Lera Delston, OHARAOTBRH ANU (JKN'I. BIZ. (iooil dreaaer on and off. Aberdeen, Huiuli Dukott , . WAHTED, AN AI PIANO PLAYER oiie who oan pl».v kooiI averiutw^ will rug 1 hue. J. A. t J. 11. cams Ell, lilmca Hotel, llliuea, K. Y. WANT First Class Will liny, louse or innko percentAge nr- rungcincnt for aenson of twenty wceka. Best carnival towim In Ainorlcu. Aildrcvt. <.i:oik.i: .1 Alien hi. email Opera House, Ht. I'nul, Minn. GIANT IT LIBERTY 7 Foot 2 Tall. Can malt* good wltii Mlnctrol t'oin- pany. Active *vnd very attractive atrvot imruili' ilium iiiiijin . Wardrobe India- ponauble. MAJOR uii.AHiui., Hf.ii Broadway, N. Y. Special Values In Fine Violins anion* thinking of pa* chaalng a ana violin aliould land thrao two oant Mampa for our Flua Violin Oatalogna, It contain* fao-almtlM or Lali*l.prlr.ltdtnoolor» i .''lllnt.ontb»J'roi>«r Idiu«tm»iitofaVlonn. ,, Pbi>lo-Eojini\rlniaof BOIM ilollna and a oomiilata l)<acr[pllT* Lltt of Ui.IliiaVloflqiioirc.raJ for aalatu ot. In oar prwwit nollooilon ar* aoparb Inalramanta *taiorllo«rraogoof|irlo«a, LmiiIh. IB* - brataa llawlu oollootlon of HirnJWi Quarnailot, Amatl and oihar rni daalrod,satoral HnoTiollm will tOraaponilbloMraon* for Inapeetlon, or.tnar Siat bo ordered d I rojt through the local muilo aalar. Kur noatbtr tmjmonU mar bo nrrnuued. Th. WarlJ'a I.argc.t Uuale ll.aae. ■ Bella «K»*rrthln« Kaiaa l» aalln." oala- lua aalerplaoan. It ' baMittdlraot STAGE EFFECTS I)oslsiin\ mid hullt for every coiu'olvnhlo kind of play. Advice cheerfully tuibmltled. I'rleea nlwnyn rcnsonnhle. IIIkIi I'owor Store- optleonx. ltfpplcs, Clouds, tinow', Itnlu, Italn- bi>W, Ilciiven. CIIAS. I. NRWTON. Unind Opera House Illde.. 200 Mluhlh Avenue, New York. FOR SALE, 80ft. Round Top, soft. Middle Piece, 'stake*. Polea, Llirlit-. Scut.-, Jacks and Tackle Block; a fUifl. lloiiuil Top, with isft, Middle l'leeo, with I,l8liis, Stake*, 1'oleo, SeMP. and loft. Sldo Wall* 10 both lops, AT A BAR0A1K. Addros* ANNA M0I.I.1K0BR, Corry. Pi. K HERE! Meillcluo and riclnre sIiowk are hot complete with- out our new Disk Talking Machine. Loud as 11, • liunutlivoice. Kni'iiWie* i 'imislc Slug- for III11-- iraled songs, Comlo reeonls hmkes Ine crowd yell. 1'rU'oa 10 su.liyou. V, M, lhirkce, Suriugileld, Ohio. POH NOTHING. 1 COPY EACH OF TWO NEW IllilOS. "THE ETERHflL CITY," "REDEMPTidrS SOHfi." Hotli new. Try Ihem. Sure to make lilts. lU'iiiilnr Kill I Ion. Semi Curd or Prograin. Only a limited niiiiiiicr for this purpose. 1X1 I'KALKItS: Keep llie-e III mind. Ynu will need tlirui. HAL1>MACK CO., PI7BLI8IIBRH, 101S-1020 Arch HI., IN llflh Avenue, l'llila., Pa., - A .,, . ■ NowYortcCUy, X. Y. Don't Be Too Fat Don' 1 ruin your stomach with a lot of useless drti ga andcalomruedlclnos. Send to Prof, V. J, KeJIoirK, 4i'4 XellogK liulldliiu, Puttlo Creek, M IchlBuu, fnr a troo trial packaso of o trontmont that villi reduce yourwelsbtto norranl without diet or drugs, Tbe treatment is perfectly sale, natural and scientific. It tukoa off lb« big Btomach, givestbo heart froedorn. enntilos tlm lungs to expurid niitnrally, undynu will fool a hundred tunes better tbo llmt day you try tbit wonilorful homo troalmeul. WAHTED.forCapt. W. 0. Ament's Carnival Atbadions First Clnsa Ucniiiin Coniedlan who docs strong cumuli In 'M lulu, acl, no specially required; .-mail, well foriueii slnvliig or dancing soubrctle: one mini liaiul who |ilays huriuoiilcu, gniiar and buss in urn; speller lo innku principal openings, man ivii'u can do struiglit hi nets or work vciilrllo- i|iiiii llgiues preferred: mun of generul work wlio lint siiuic knowledge of elect! Icily. Season opens April 1&; week stands; s 1110111111' engagement, Scud photos in nuke up. Address CAPT. W. 1). AMKNT, Aurora, III. P. H.-JIniuile hums an d U iunley Shu n-, write. SLEEPERS and DINERS (With Collars), lletltled Cullman, unft.; 4 Slate Rooms, It! si eel Wheels, (Milek Acting llrakc. both couplers; Alr.sinnals, sieam Pipes, Kitchen, llukcr Healer; sleep- Xi 10 Jo, Partly Kuriilshcil. $30 per ivi-ek, or sell for tS,uuo cash, (iunmiitco e<|iilp- nient for any road. Also Itelltled Pullman, fidft.; linker lleuici anil Steam Pipes, Kitchen, 1 State Kimiii, Five PulliiiHii Sections, Smoking, Wash Itiioiu, ciurtet, etc.; Partly I'm ni-inii. Will arcom- module Hi lo 40 people, s Steel Wheels. Iteiitnl %i(t per week; sale price $l,(iM cash. Address CAMKRON 11II0WN A CO., lie llcvlllc, Canada. •WSr FEATURE ACT, 8C1TABLE FOP. WILD AVEST, WANTED FROM APBIL 18 to 26. Would like lo hear from mi art shullur In Aurora y.ouavi'H. Address hnmedlaicly, l.uellu Plan Rooms syn-sjo Planter's Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. KENNEDY PLAYERS 143d Consecutive Week 143d WANTS Useful Repertoire Sluto lowest salary, (lood wardrobe esseiulal. Address CII.Mtl.KS W. OTIS, Mgr„ Ceillralla, III. WANTED. Perf or mo rs, (iOOn OXKS ONLY. Sobriety lCHBcntla* steady work nud Hiiro inotu'V. Have I'm' Kale : I'lue Kxtrtietlng Ontllt, :;u Pair I'or- eeps. Syringe, XeeilleH, Kte. Kverylhlng com- plete. Including the llcst Annenthetk' In tlie world, lhir .None. Will buy Cook House on AVheelH. Stole full nnrtleiilnra. MA.V.VOKH MKUIOINK HHOW, Ilnrmoiisbnrg. Crawford Co., fa. WANTED QUICK, TO SUPPORT THE TALENTED ACTRESS, MISS VESSIE FARRELL, I'sofnl iicperioire People In all line*. Those with Rpecinllles preferred. All Summer engagement. KAWK A MOI UIISO N. Oklahoma City, Okla. Tor. WANTED, PERFORMERS. Prefer those working alone. Corbet. Clarionet, AIM. liHilioiu' ntul Tuba, Hill Posler>, Working Men, etc. Name lowest salary. Address WIXTKUMP TK BllO S., Hebron, Win. WANTED QUICK, Small, flood Looking Young Lndy; must be hot organ plarer nud well up lu acts. Hue who will not fall In lore with performers. ,u comedian; change for week. Must lie hot dancer; violin nMvrr preferred. Other useful people write, can't use disorganizes, nr rulio mixers, diamond DICK MBIHCINK CO., Rockland, Maine At Liberty, After April 5, PROPERTY MAN. ,'lnv Paris Cell. Hus, Canvas or House Show. .Must have tickets. Regards lo friend-. WM. K, IIASKt'lT, Duiiglieu Hotel, Thurmond. W. Vu. FETES OF CARNIVAL at Nice, France. Procession of Floats and Masqueraders, , Battle of Flowers. Battle of Confetti, • Panoramic View pf Monte Carlo. Opening of Parliament, February 17, 1903. A ROYAL PAGEANT. Showing the King and Queen of England. Panoramic View of Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Traders of- the Indian Empire. Buying a Baby (Extraordinary Incubators), EDISON Exhibition Model, Universal Model, KINETOSCOPES. $115.00. $75.00. Send for dialogues Cllvtng Complete Deiorlptloiu. EDISON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, ^oJSgffiJftfSr™' NEW YORK OFFICE: S3 Chambers 81. CHICAGO: 62 SlBlc Sheet. PACIFIC COAST 8RLL1KH A0T„ TETER DACIflALUPI, 033 Market 8t, San Frailclsco, Cal. OFFICE FOU UNITED K1NUUOM: M Cliancery Lane, London, W. 0., England. EUROPEAJi OFFICE: 32 Rempart Saint Ocorges, Antwerp, Beln. ATTENTION, VAUDEVILLE PERFORMERS! OF SEATTLE, WASH., EDWIN R. LANQ, Mgr„ IN CONJUNCTION WITH ARCHIE LEVY'S AMUSEMENT ASSOCIATION OF SAt. FRANCISCO, Mulling it the lurgeet Vamleville Circuit in America, owing to the cheap railroad rates from Chicago niul Mmxouri Kiver points to tbe l'acitlc Ooast. Performers who ire noL afraid lo work, and are new to theeonst, ean secure from 3(1 to 35 weeks' work, combining biui'meai with pleasure. Make your Balary reasonable, and you can work nil Summer and bo in the most delightful climate in the world. Only two weeks' time lost. One from Cbicarjo to the const, and one from Portland, Ore., to Sun' Francisco, Must of the thoaties on this circuit play lady audiences, and performers will not be compelled to go in wine roolofl. You. will be treated an ladies and gentlemen, and the managers expect the eamo from yon, Correspondence solicited from everything in the vaudeville line. Special Inducements to novelties. For further particulars iiildresK EDWIN R. LANG, Manacer Pacific tost Aaimteil As'i, 39 Hlntklq Block, Seattle, Wash, P. S.—Good open time immediately if salary is made reasonable. .« Combinations \Vanted AND ORCHESTRAS,FOR BACH PARK, IWCLCDINO PIANIST, FOR Susell's Warm Weatiior Circuit CHAMPAIGN, ILL,. WEST END PARK Seullnrr Capacity, l,Mo. KANKAKEE, ILL. POP. '^2,000. NEWLY EQUIPPED.' Sentlnit Connelly, 1,00, T.A SALLK, ILL. lnl<-< Bibun 1'iiik. Flint Bea»oti,uow hotiHC. LtiKellu, Siirlnir Valley and Peru lo draw from. Pop. "5,000. Weekly pay roll MARIOK, ILL. 8 lowis to draw train. All Miner*. Hi n* $1U,000 weekly. m ; \v iiovsf,. ALL PARKS OPEN ItKCORATION DAY, MAT :W (cxeenllUK Kaiiknkcc which oneiw J Conibltjat Inn, mtiK. elianr-e Mil tbree times u wt, ah.Iuhs ),.i comnundcMoi . Mwcily » 108 tl. CUANIILMl, AaaoelBluMltr. MATT Ell8KLL, M«r.. flnrrlok Theatre, OH tine 14. Olilcauo, III. AT LIBERTY, foi Ihe Balance of Thla and Hammer Sea.on, SAM CaBLTON. Tho Lit tio Man, Agent or Manager. .. , TOB. "W. SOLAN. riaiilrtt, Musical Director, Arranger. WAKTKD-A lady or gem to Invest *J00 lo $1,000 In a first class Repertoire Company. Handle your own money. SnkSw .von mean biialnoaa non'iTwrl'teV AililrcnaSAMCAltLTON, carc oCCcncralljeUveiy, Wllkcsba rre, l'«- WANTED, DRAMATIC PEOPLE FOR DOC RAY'S STOCK Coi Leeaing Man, Lending Lady, Full Acting Co. (ieiitu must nanhl* hiaua. Nrt PVtiln«ftoll FOOT. S4SWK*(* , u5**ffl E i ¥>*h rjStt^etltftS.* "(Tlla"i7u" .Imiblr^ira'r'No'p.tKAIlTB'o'N FOOT. 'laying largo cities only, ferine ..,r l.,...„ ..,.^i,„ i,. Lin,- muter ■V •«""« """•," «»»■"« l.nuj, run ACIlllgl.O. Ci'lll, must lllllllllo 1 lita la to be the graudrat unu lurgesl aggregatlnti ever orgaiil«d. Plav i-.., i ,^.,. .-,„,.,, ,,,„,„,, ,,n,n [,,i,<iv nviiii'iiirs —llie Oil riinvuH, with 30 people, liaiul niul orrhealrn. Addieaa IKJti,1UV, i'Von. and Mgr., p. o, Box eT4, Kaiuas City, Mo. ■ S.—wauled, giioil .stage Direc tor uml Singingund Danclnn Sonlirette. LORRETT DANCINC JUGGLER. SYMPHOIT PUBLISHING CO. W e wrllo SketeliC'i, Parodies, MonologneV, Muie lo Word* nnri Wnrri. m Mucin We nnv rov. ally, flctoarierwi. Adurme HALTJMimE BlVj^A^^i^^'SnirMll. 3 KB ATOM'S Thli week, Proctor's, Sewark, X. J. Thla week taking money from .„ ays Little- Uualer Is Hie c« , <«! MR. PROC- TOR, who sayslliMtlc'UMfcrlJiilie ffi Little Hiinch of Conieity Hut ever wlggi" 1 lu to the hcartsof an AlUHEKcK. iicxt week, Proctor's, Twcnty-tUlnl St., New York,