The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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31ABCH21 rv» •», THE_NE% YORfe OLIPPSM. i<fe iVIVI> OPU.VljifO A. WBST END SEASDX, IX B Felix Dumas, BSS13BS AND A1AIVAOURS Theatre Circuit, PLAYING HIGH GLASS TO MANAGERS of first class theatres we can offer good opportunities to join our circuit. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS, send open time. Nothing too good.. LEADING DRAMATIC PEOPLE, write us. HIS FABISH ,i lis. W-Ml flflTY IDS.. Ill, ILL. TtlE FAMOUS TROUBADOURS rnhfttd Comedy Co., under llio management K. W, PALE, has proven to be the real hit ol iwi-x Tliu company presents a New MuhIciiI Coiuedv, lui^lit, sparkling, refined, amusing and up to date, entitled llio , ■ i I • "Ex-President of Liberia." D .« T s.MiKitH, 25 ARTISTS, F||fet?OT co * lKaiAK *< Kll% Q MUSICIANS, ' biniffB^ I HPKCIAliTIIif* UbUI dangers. ALL STARS. rillLVI costumes. FIFTEEN STYLES SPECIAL PAPER. Our Motto NOT QUANTITY, BUT QUALITY. ' Tito Uliow lias been greully Improved ami augmented. —~ NOW BOOKING FOR SEASONS OF 1003 and 1904.**w Wnnt In hear ntoncu front High Claaa Colored Porformora wlili ulonn, up 10 dato SpcclallloH »nU Novelties, also Oliorna Olrls. >'ull particulars linn teller. Kickers suyo slump*. AiiiircH» eommuiticaiionn to E. W. D ALE, NTgr., Cape May, N. J. Traveling Variety Managers' Association. NOTICE An important meeting will be held Sunday, March 22, at 2 P. M., at Bon Ton Music Mall, 23d St. and Sixth Ave.; New York. It is Essential for each mom- ber to be present. By order of the President, SAM A. SCRIBSTER. JUST WHAT WE 1PL0 YOU IT W-QJIJI BE—A GREAT BIG HIT. By WM. H. WINDOW and HARRY ALFORD. uJS»8 fo 5 "'.''!"•' 1*0 Bl '"* Hwa Wnrdsniid Mush: taller than the llllc. Enough mild. If yo ■M $ w,ni """ Sn,l K. y»» WWM «'"K " nn'f. Orchestrations now ready ami will In Kent pi 'o uiiy uddriui on recelpfof 10c umtamps for malice, .. . ,.. V^JVI. M. WIIMDOIVI, _.Mer. Professional Dept., Thompson Mtisic Co., 296 Wabash Arc,, Chioago, III the Frost Is On Ihe Flower. THE BEAUTIFUL BALLAD SUCCESS, By BRANEN & BRAMHALL, llhLte "f ."Swwllicarimihil Hose," ""TwoCongicgnllous" niid "Tell Me Will My Dream Come True." mV •i l i v,lH ' n' 01 " iwntillfitl set of ORIGINAL slides (from Cullf-milii wench)ever made. IT re for BWI ndar*. U per set. NEWTON I'lIIIMSIIINIS I'O., SUlloiirlmrn St., Chicago. n IIV ALL LIJV15S, 'VKI^^^/LMAN; Capable-of navlm* Nlnui'ir U»* > , >«&J^2'^^£, l WS,iS! _. / ■ ■ ""• Am ' L " cc of ririind Vm Hon-*, Term Ihmlo, H»lla,iii. wimlwGE^S |P»|* join'im; to Brieh- ! n'A ( LP ,lnrt . ftl "» Good Trump lllrycl.... fan Kmh 5 i GO0I) "AN" LEADER Wl O CAN PUT OX (1000 RUIIE PAIUUE. UCHK; JllBT JOIN' IMMEDIATELY; a "Sober, .. t> ul -ts ami • work aite«fr«»nr pile who e«ij;jj»_nirts ami KIDDER" CO. Reliable Man. n> Feature on ho 'III \lso Mii-Uelmis llial «ii», A.i.i.-,.„ • , "i!" 5 ->"M*eiiii-eiwuite on en. Jimsi no nn JACK «%S^K^ A - u - "«W u '' re Mel'hec't! CONCESSIONS TO LET SEASONS OF IMRi iM> 11104. a! the irarden mm of the Wesl .mil vcrliaole geU mine for legllfmaie eonee^loiter!'. K b OMAHA, SEIIIIISKI Will lease lo responsible ronlcs fnriilsliliip inmrt. THE HANDSOMEST MERRY GO 'ROUND. ROTARY SHOOTING GALLERY. $6,000 SODA FOUNTAIN. Ail positively the IMM ever eretled onanv park. AND ALL KINDS OF LEGITIMATE PRIVILEGES lifT ETilYHSK MIT5 SUJUB lii moneygeiilnitiiovellles. PeiTrniiiiri- o'ronirlirlil. PARK CONTAINS 18 ACRES. »iW,000 KXI'KNIIRI) IK IIKALTIFV!.N'(I. A GRAND RENDEZVOUS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. SEASON OPK\S 11 \V 1$. AI,OH B9S ^ W COlE( ^^ 0(n|ha THEY GET THE MONEY PICK OUT CANARY BIRDS, I" ANY t«K QXS WtlRK tiiijm. 4Trained Canaries 4 (Joniplele Willi 1'iiRe, liu.v mid ciiiiIk. (iiinmiitecil to wink. Sent any placebv oXPfOM, i-ii. J. K. DAVIUHON, Till K. !■.'. Kaa«as Oily, Mo. WANTED, FOR THE GERMAN MED. CO. IVrformiTM' tii» In tlie Med. HIk. A Gooil Sketch 'renin, alao A No. 1 Comedian and Itattcer to open nt once. I'nn nxc Ijullea mid lientleincn only, (ir^an players clven prefcronee. No 'i'lileveu. Tell It nil In your flrat. nit. .1. It. I'UMUIK. lii-l No. Dltmvii St.. Uriiiiil Kaplils Mleh. FAIR MANAGERS! If yon wlah ono of tlio very bc8t Kuroncau Nov- elty Acta, aecuro the Kalklner, Rohc-wooiI Hex- ti'fic of Grotesque Avrolmtlc ComcdlniiH. We offer fllK ONLY KKATi Trick llonac Act ever placed before the pulillc. And tho onlv Tlio Hoop Act In tlio World. These Acta nre not HiirpiiHHed. l'or time and terms, MldfMl O01». U. II. I108H, I/tnk llox 10a, Rochester, N. Y. SANS SOUBI PARK. Concessions Wanted. Bare good imoe for new featuiM on porcenUf e. Write full paruonlara. ALFRED ltTISSELL, Manager, Boom 811. BTWtBnlnrton 8t. Onloago. III. SUMMER RESORT, Must Be Sold at Once TO CLOSE AN KBTATE. KIiichI resort In Central New York, locnlud on a beautiful lake and live miles from a vlty of one hundred and llliy thousand In- habllaiils. Willi wlilcli It ll connected by ll>u Del., lack. * West R. K, Trolley and Steamboat Line. KiKiuy acres of Kroniid, Ilolel, KaiiclnRl'avllloii, llowlliiij Alloy, Carousal, and oilier buildings In llrsi class i-epnlr. The proporty lina always paid uooil returns, l'liotoirriiplis and full narilcnlars Uv addresslDK "LAKK." care N, Y. CLH'I'KH. FERRERS KNYVETT, or 02 SPRINOKIELD KOAU, HIIIGUTON, ENOLAND. Last hoard of In March, 1001, now supposed to ho In America. Late of "TWO UTtlU VAGABONDS" and "OUH NAVY" Cos. Anyone glvlnif Infonnn- tlon lendtnir to ihe lludlne of above, will rocotvu TWO POUNDS KKWA1II), 11. C, 70, Walcl'ton Iload, I'addlDgton, Loudon,\V'., England. I'HOFKMHIONAI, NINOERHI If you cna use yonrsjw lo mlvn iiIuk«- YOV CAN JIAKK A BIO HIT with The Laiesta'inKJroalost or All "KYE" Soiiks. 57 W. 'JKlh ST. UKAMI OfRRA JKMJ8K. nnnrrodnuic Stamps and i'lotiniliiincs are P ROFESSIOHA S, iwrnSmy. WrileKKlay. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. JOMKPII T. CIIAMllKUS. run n'almit HtittU ■• ■ nt- J^>ui H ^ M o- ISABELLE WINLOCHE Will eonsltler offers for Summer Stock. CHARACTERS, HEAVIES, 6RAND DAMES, OPERATIC CONTRALTO. Mef. .Stoi'k-I'o.. Lincoln. Xqli.i Marcli 2X week. Do You WANT MILITARY GOODS? BANO DNlPOKMB, ARMY or NAVY 8DIT8. TENT8, OONS and BQUIFMBNTB OF BVKRY DKBORIFTION. From Government Auction. No matter wbat yon want In tbat line I can nprly It. New or second hand. Bond tor catalogue. D. P. ABKAUAUS, j m SoaUi St., InlUtdelplUa, Pa. Leader, Violinist, At Li ber ly. tinod llin'ary of mindi- LOeftfe oriravel. Afhln-ss -- 'iiisici AN, Lock llox ill, North Demi, M-bra«ku< Experienced ami sober, Altbfn BklM.' "" The Taylor Stock Co., Direction HARHY O. TAYLOR, HIIV ARE WE BKEIKINO AM, RECORDS? «* »•>«»••" Want Heavy Man At Once. Ilnleaa yon iitvt At WhiiIioIh', aail ran make Kooil, n*vti >tniii|i«. Address, per route, IItiiiouHi, Mass., week Mairli in;• Cloucoslor, )Ih«j„ week Miireli, z\.\ THE COX BROS., 1925 and 1927 Archer Ave,, RKPLTAHLK ARTISTS OF TWKNTY-PIVE VEAHS' EXPKHIKNCf;. DOST ll.VVK VOIR SCKNUItY PAINTED IN THE COlINTRl'. \u; no IT iikttkh run i.i.hs mh\kt. white to IM. Exhibitors Can Rent Films Weekly LARGEST ACTIVE FILM STOCK IN AMERICA Vrlllli'.l Kll-.iis, i,nc rui'i'i;il nuitl-l.M , ,.'U A-lilunil lllin-k. Clili-nao. HI.' E BUCKROE BEACH, VA. DANVILLE, VA. This Beii.ou will lie devolcd lo STOCK DRAMA AND Ol'EIIA. MftiiaKeuielltof«'. If. HEX. I'm i.niiitiiit A,lili...», AIAURMY MP NI'HIC, KICIIHOND, VA. CENTRAL TRUNKS. -.Mill., f7.uo; Mill., JS.isi; iL'In., ju.oo; lUUii., f lo.isi; MtK., < ClrctiH Trunks, -.UxlKxlS, »7.00. Illll TriniCs, ailxa.M.'i Inside, * I l.iKi. Lllho Trunks, ii!,xtl\xtt Inside. Shipped on rccelpl of fn.wi, lull. C. O. II., exeept over .'KMi inlli-N, I hen remit whole unioiml. SIMONS A CO., CENTRAL TRUNK PACTORY, Eslnh. ISM, SMI Nmlh 71 li SI.. 1'llllailclpliln. N. Y. AGENCY, Cor. 30th St. Si Broadway. Prlcn 7Sct«, more thin at Phlla. Faotory. A SOLID SUMMEFT^NaAGEMENT. BARLOW & WILSON'S MINSTRELS, SOW IN OHIO, PACKJNO THE H0U8ES TO TEE DOORS. \MT A rV'I^Wl'fc ' ,w " '-' "" n 'l Tenor Hlum-rs, two (2) Good Troinliouus, Iwo (2) Cood Cornels, «w -i*-i» RMUMW 9 wire us ami be ready lo join on wire. III. I ll. -Ill CLIP I -Ell. HARLOW .<• WJI.HO.V. Grind Opening ELDORADO OPERA HOUSE, Eldorado, Arkanm. «.KO. VV. SCOTT, Soli- u»ii.r on.l <h ||.r. Slronucst Iteportoire Co., harrlliK mini!, loiirllitf llio South, InvltcH oilers fnuii Operit lloiise Miumgeis for season won mwi. ••Tin- ubove eoiii]iiiiiy ojieni'd my new Iioihi- Mmidnv, .Marcli n, lo Ihe largest liiwl- tiesscver known In Hie history of llio lowii. Eiillre IioiisuhoIiIoiiI for llielf engageiiienl, linen ulghlH andouo nintliii'c. Tolal receipts for ■■ugiigeiueiil lin-J.o:. Coiupiiii.vlln-hesi llial ever plu.veil the loan I have emu of llio Illicit Iioum's In ihe Slide, mnl olio of iliu Im.'sI show towns. Truvellng malingers auml for o|>Mi lime for Oils nfiisnn and next.'J J, J. hiiinki'KN, .Muiiugor lloiian. Bvujslby 1 5ih>jk.' Shows WIIJIj OPKN HATVRDAy, APRIL 18. A I.I. PEOP1.B KM1.IOEII WIM. I'LKAWK Al It \ IIUMflKd! THIN < 11,1.. ' AV ANTED—A few more good Clreiia Arils, good Miislnhiiis mill Working People lnever/ depart- in. nt. I'ORTHE AIIVAKVK—Contraellng Agenl, Rill Posters, Llllingnipliers. EOllHALE-OHU Sifl. Sleejier, -Jlseisrif iiaii.l Uniforms, one InivC'RH. UagBiigi- Wiiguii, en. . t . '. BU6BY BROS., Pana, 111. miTIC-E TO M VlVAiiKHN AiAli AKKNThT THE LA REANE TRIO, 1M1II1Y, EVA anil IIIIIY t'lllilHlll,!, I'rescnllng a Novelty, Aerobatlo Singing mid liauelug('oni<'il.i Skeleli. will be Al Liberty April iM, for Mumnier ami WlnlerSeasoii, Have -l\ l'lr»l Class Aei- Lririrr of llmnl (Cornel), Lmly Plays Trinu- bone. Haby Eredora Is ibe iiiosl Versullle Singing uml Haueliiu I'htlil Arllsl on (he Aiiiei'limu NUMO All play parts. Tlllll now being IimiiiitiI Willi A-MEIIit'A'K IIIIKATKHT VAUDEVILLE HTAIIH. AiIiIivks HARRY LA Itl'.ANK. Manager Amerlea's UreateHl. Vaiidevlllo suns, Roikvlllo, Conn. WANTED, REPERTOIRE For Weeks of April 13, 20, 27* Must liiive '.slroiig tine of plays and apHtalllra. You r-nn g'l Ihn inoiii-.v here. Him now booking for season. Managers of Elr»t Class Allruellou^ wille "to Hit- city llnil ploiluees the Imslness." Popula- tion, IU.0W. . ' ROGER W.IWT. Mauager. Now Monnmoutol Theatre, Rnlctgh, W. O. DISXSNGAaEII llALANCE 01" SEASON AND SIJIMKIt STOCK, . «- ralfh Mcdonald, HUM ANTIC ANli JUVENILE LE.IIIS, Al REPKIlTOIHE OR ONE PIECE. .. ...i i. i in* iTt'r uicrl- III Hi'ii'kf w.i... ... i i.. -l. .■■■■ -t APPEARANCE In -nil THE RKHT. "HTATEALL IN Vill'sT.' Uriie 'or ftiNVpil'e.k.Vnre of HKBAIJI M)IAIli:i;o., Alliens, p., mull Mjireli ■-'<. Periiiiiueiitni|ilr<i«H.l l>E« UV AVE., Lowell, Mass, h^iiiiww UKO. TAYLOIl, AMD OUTSIDE UOBTB. VT Cliff Stra»t, Hew Vork MR. and MRS. HARRY S. BARTLETT ..CUnHlC CAPCBS. AND PLAYJNO TUf<F8 gfU.'fflMI MINIStER^ rJAUGtfTErl" CO. THIS WliKK, PUOVIUIS.-VCK, II. 1.