The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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104 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. *MAU CH21. STRIKE UP THE BAND, HERE COMES THE S AILOR S^ and OURXIIM THE ORIGINAL MAN-O'-WAR'S MEN. > On l.nar.l their own Man of War. producing (he bent tad moat novel scenic display ever .eeompliHbed by comedy acrobat*. Have never lo«t a battle ^acclwviuR port " One graml anil glorious crnisc of victory. PlR ATEs rtKWAIlE. Act duly, ■qw ngfcUd OTdjt ntected, A»v tofttograwtl on MM will be'folly prosecuted. Oar lawyer, Emanuel F. Goodnow, Mouadnock Building, ^"'^tw^^^^^ { ,6 STATE ST., Brooklyn, N. Y Week of March 523, DEWEY THKATKK, New York City. 1903-4, "HARBACH'S ' Rex, Professional Siercopticon TUB ACME SOSli ILLUSTRATOR, wlili Short or Ising Pneus lenses. $15 IT' /l T> 11 /^ SONS SLUES, 40c. SONG SLIDES. 50c.-. Ill Sri KOllerS V^O. Serpentine and Cloak Effects. MAGIC LANTERNS, Dissolving Stereopticons, (Ell BEST 2 STOHY-KICKEL FINISH. ■ IIU FINE LINK OF SECOND HAND FILMS. CHOICE AET AND COMIC SLIDES, RICHLY COLORED, 10 FOR »3.W. PICTURE MACHINE 4pp. Programs, $2,50 p« 1,000 UNIVERSAL EDISON EXIHBITOns ' KINETOSCOPES. SEND FOR LATEST CATALOGUES OF • FILMS* mr VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS IN ALL LINES, COMEDIANS and CHORUS LADIES. All chnru* wardrobe fiarnUhetl, even to shoes and tlKhlx. No Living Pictures or Oriental Dunces. NOW ENMAOINO. Address, ns |icr route,CLIPPER. A. M. AVOOUIULL, Manager, PalnecTheatre, Huston, week March 2S\ Pcniiuiiciil address, COURIER CO., Huiralu,N. V. For Rent or Sale. Manhattan Beach, DENVER. Includes Large Handsome Theatre, Beautiful Grounds, Restaurants. Apply for Particulars to Southern Investment Co., Denver, Colo. WANTED, UNCLE TOM PEOPLE hi All llrtinelies. Ladle* mid l.entloincn who piny IlrflsH or who do SnccltiHIes. Want a airoiig TupH.v who docs Kpcciullli'H. nun Willi Child fur Kvn. A (inod Uncle Tom who can do S|piv!nlt v. Hood Musician for Hand mid Orchestra. Three (iuoil Itlll Posters. Ross I'liliviiH Mini, who undi'ixi mills Lights. 'J'IiIh in it two oar show. Open near Chicago. AddrcHH, stilting liottoiti Hillary, ,1. \V. IIAHI'KTRITIO, enre Sliindmd l'rlut Co.. Will lniv :i tiiwnl Turn Hogs. Tom Scenery, Reserved..Senlu. St. Paul, Minn. I-'OH \)\xw & Braul's Young Americans, m wSSSm"' All KM of JCVESILK TALENT, from H In In In vein-. Ihiys Htiil (ilt'ls: .sinner*, Dancers, Acrobats, liar PerformcM mid Kiyliiu Rings, MiikIi'hI ArtUlcs—auytlilng that Is a nnvellv. Snlarr must Im' low »» It I- "»iir(!." Cnmpiim forming for Summer ami Winter Scitwiti. OPENS MAY 16. WANT A SHA 1,1. HAND, JUVENILE, OK EKUIT PIECES, or AN ADULT FEMALE HAND. All nmsi Double III II. 1 tinil II. Managers hi X. Y., Ounn., Mass., Now liuinnslilif, send Summer 0|ien Time, with verv liesl slinrltig for the grcnlesl and grandest of hovclllos. UIAUV ,v URANT, AeiKlelllJ Of Muste, l.ake« nfiil. New JiT-ey. Robinson's New Opera House ARDMORE, I. T„ Will lie completed A njr. 1. Modern house. .-Senlltin eitpuelty. l.oon. Hesi ami largest show town In lilil. 'for. I'liuiiliiiiim, lil,unu, Hooking season lim'i ami 4. tin Santa Ke, Phoeluiv and 'Mm ILK. MORUAN ,\. llOSNER, manngFri. COLIBRI MIDGETS With UUS HILL'S ROYAL LILIPUTIANS SHOW. Op>03ri. Dates for Suminer. Address nil eninintiiili'iitloiiK, PROF. ANTONIO, Malinger, cure or CLIPPER Olllee. Tlie McCords, OLLIE and FRED P., JPYKNir.ES, LEADS AND HEAVIES. LEADS, HEAVIES AND SPECIALTIES, FOR UAIAMF. Ill' SKSSON t\l» M JIMKIt. Lung experience and good wnrdiolic, laitli modern and square eul. Address FRED P. Me(Oltl). Madison, Mo. AT LIBERTY AFTER MARCH M, JOHN MORRIS, The Modepii Irish Conu>(litiii. SINGING AMD DANCING SPECIALTIES. Address XBWYORK DAV IIV DAY CO.. I'liirlnniill, Ohio., week of Mareh IS; Indianapolis, I tut.. Mnreli 23, ill, •£>: Columbus, Oltle, Mnreh Ml. 27, :». THINK OF IT! I, «IN«J, SUCCESSFUL SEASONS UNDER THE SAME MANAI1EMEST. SAME TITLE. SAME OKIIANIKATION. ui:mfiiiiu's hi<; stwk co., the JOLLY PATIIFlNDKUS— Prize Idfnl Sliver Cornel Hand mill ttnenilic tuvlieiiini: MusleUim, Capntile mill Experienced Repertoire IViiplo. all Hues. Those dolnifHpi'ilallleH Klvnii iirefereliei'. Nnvell.v Arts: ativililiiK that urn's to make up a Ural elasa enter- tainment. Write for lialaiiet! of litis ami next KcaHnn. Must slate iiko, lulKlit, welaltl. lowest ►alary. Photos and protrninis, nhleli will lie re- turned, Ahlili.v ami waiilniiie ittti liesl. Want » Suinuier unite. Ail. J. N. Itenlfrnw, Lewlaton, Me. FEATURES: SPECIAL SCENERY AND SETTINGS FOR EVERY PLAY. THE REST OF PLAYS. THE FINEST WARIIROHK, IIIOII CLASS VAUDE- VILLE AITS, CONTIX- L'OI'S SHOWS. HIRDIK MAC RUTH Juvenile Artists, In Military iiroiip Daiieesnud c'hnnifttii'Sonus ami llatiee Novelties, o|«:u for Summer UiuriiireniL'iiis and Road Ciapaules for next seasnii. (lifers sutlelied. Makltiii a hiu hit at Hitrrls'0|H'm House, MeKec-pnl I. Pa., tills week. Perinanent addre-s, XS3 WOODLAND AYE.. Clevelnud. O, A PERFECT (ii»ii>i,i:\in\, CHUMAR'S CREIWE ROYAL USED BY THE THEATRICAL PROFESSION FOR MANY YEARS. PRICE $1.26 BOTTLE. r.XXoX, WILLIAMS A FAXON. Itiilt'alo. N. Y., ami Corner 3MW. and Kill Ave., New York, Sole Aeeuls- kmm D'ARVILLE SISTERS >» Til BY ARK HORN ARTISTS. IIKACTIITL SINCEISS AND CKIJIHRATED COIt- NETTISTS. Arc inaklns n tleelded lilt everywhere tliey played with ".Mickey Him" Co. SUPPLIES.- HADFSL'PPUKD, CI.VHS, RATON8, tjlNS, KOLLINO HOOPS, -(;LOOKS, ROMAN AXES. AnytUin( In the JllKirllUlt Line. lle« (emiis. UiweW Prices. A slump Tor B 1W>3 CATAI.OO AND NEW JI'OOLEHS' HOOK. Address EDW. VAN YVVCK, HM IMHIaU Ave., Cincinnati, 0., U. S. A. NEW &SE0OHD Hand PIT/r LAHTERHS flVnLKS&SLTOES BOUGHT 8; SOLD MINSTREL BILLY GLARK ARTISTIC MONOLOGUE COMEDIAN. WARNING! I hnnrhy l'iriillely Atinounee lliat I will liro- duci-nr my LEE AVK. TIIKATUE. llmuklyii. for One Week, eouiineneliti; MONUAY. MAY LS. 1!lo:t. the Htf Act Urniiin. by Mr. CJeorge lloev. my Since Director, entitled, THE PACE THAT KILLS!" u 1 All rights to (lie Title, Dialogue and Situa- tions of this Drama are my Copyrighted I Personal Properly, nml I hereby Worn all .UituitKcr*. Actors and others ngnlnst using iliein. under penulty of lite law. Very Knrnestly, yours, __ _C0_RSE_PAYT0N. TRUNKS, Clrotu Trunks Now Ready. Bend for Circus Leaf and Catalogue. C. A. TAYLOR Trunk Works. The only places Taylor Trunk* can be bought. We hare no Agencies SO and 41B. Randolph St., 130 W. Madison St., CHICAGO, 131 W. 38th St., NEW YORK. Thomson & Vandiveer's Circus, Menagerie and Tents 11 u Ve a record of over forty years as tielntr superior hi Material, Finish, Workmanship, Style, liiimtdl- lly ami Economy to all others manufactured. Es- tininles given on application. No. 330-232 E. THIRD ST., Cincinnati, 0. H1UH CLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At Moriet.ite Prices. Largo Stock, Immense Variety. Illnstrated Catalogue Free. A. HOT F.ltHKRO, 148 l llluuls St., Chicago, 111. " EZKA KENDALL'S 2D BOOK—ALL NEW Aflflfl CDAIfV A pure tonic of witaud UUUU ttKAll Humor. JiiBloiiu SPOTS —Of Wit and Uutnor. Ezra Kendall's lot Book—10O.000 oold. Uj Mall, 26o. each. Address EZRA KENDALL, M South 7th Ave- Mt. Veninn. N. Y. CIRCUS CANVAS AND TEXTS OF EVERY DESCHIITIOX. Second Hand Tents In stuck. Write for eslliiiules. THE T. W. XOHLE CO., n to la Woodwanl Ave., IH'trnlt. Mleli. S. SHINDHELM, Theatrical Wig M AK ER. tlood work forlow prices. US West 20th STREET. New York. Send stamp for price list. WIGS OPEN TIME FOR FIRST CLASS ATTRACTIONS Auditorium, Cape Way. N. J.; Hand Shown pre ferret!; good business to good shows: otic itud two nlglit stand*. K. W. DALE, URnngtr. Another Great Ballad Hit! NEVER KNEW TILL By ARTHUR GILLESPIE and M. AMSTERDAM. Sang wttU Gratifying Succn* by the Well Known Voeiillit, Professional Copici and Ureheslratlons PREK to Recognized Professionals or tboae Mending prog mm me. MO CARDS. M. WITMARR <a 50N^ PUBIvISHERS, WITMARK BUILDING, 8 WEST 29th STREET, NEW YORK. IIV If on Can Positively MAKE a HIT Willi Either of the Following Brand New Prodiiciimi,: "My Little Cocoanut Maid," ny j. m. noma and w. a. pratt, "Oh! Babe, Won't You Take Me tonk?"* ,1 $ES£F&SSr »» HyW. A. PRATT, niitliorrt-'lf I but Knew," "Willi You/'Kb. "My Heart Grows Fonder Day By Day, PROFESSIONALS, ADDRESS. WITH STAlll'S AND PROGRAMS, LA GRANDE BIL'SIC CO., Urnnd Opera House, < lileago, I . S. A PAHK MANAGEB8 IV OHM). MICHIGAN, PENN- SYLVANIA AND INDIANA, NOTICE A GUARANTEED ATTRACTION. Russell's Minstrel Comedians. 15 Minstrel Stars. Special Electric First Part, The Dawn of Day. The strongest drawing attraction playing Pnrks tills Summer. A mil city show. Few weeks Open In June, July nnd August. Wanted, First Class Dancing Team that do ends. Strong Single Silent Act. Leader who doubles Piano und Violin. Performers address FRED P. RUSSELL. I"nrk Managers, address CJUS SL'X. JIrt. Parkersbuig, \V. Vn., Mavcli 111; Weston, \V. "Vo., Marcb.25, Care of Gus Sun's Miusterls. SOON EVERYBOBY WILL BE SINGING WHEN YOU WED A LAD WHO WORE THE UNION BLUE, A SOLDIER MM WHICH UNITES THE NORTH AND SOUTH, AND I'LL GIVE YOU A HAPPY HOME, I'rcillesi song ever written. The words tell it pithctie love story of a girl on the stage. Will louch MY uiicllcne.e. The melody Is a pleasing Inspiration, with a lirllllani waltz refrain. The people will -luim" itufier the show. FREE to Professionals who enclose late program. Hisses Lillian S'ewloii, Trille F.vaus, Kitty Deutilng, and Mr. Hurry Mnatcll, write In. Address DECKER MUSIC CO., Newport. It I. KURK'S UIVCI^E} TOM CO. WANTS ALL KINDS OF TOM PEOPLE, All MEN must double Hand and stage or 11. and O. State ngc, size and weight. Must have i!»sl Instrument, open Omaha, Nob.. Aprllsa. The difference between this show snd olhers: YVeluvr our own electric lights, make no parades, hare Ibe flncst earlutlic allow biz. NoHucs. Xn Imam. No hold luiek. (loud treatment n feature. Life Is worth living here. Address C. K. liEYKRLE, Prop., Louisiana, Mo., care of Klmdalc Farm Co. CONCE^SIONiS FOR SALE. AM/ LEGITIMATE CONCESSIONS FOB SALE FOR THE SUMMER SEASON, MAY I TO SEPT. 12, 1903, Chestnut Grove, Providence, H.L • THE MOST POPULAR. SUMMER RESORT ON RHODE ISLAND. Vandevllle Acts •Wanted. C. A, POTTER, Manager. • THE GREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER, T » E MUSIC HALL AND THEATRE REVIEW, AOI Strand, London, \Xf. O. - - - - 8s. 8d. PER VBAR Od., Single Column. Inch FOHEIGN SCBSCniPTION, PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, Hi. The Thebus Brothers SINGERS. DANCERS and COMEDIANS. Two Surcessfiil Seasons a FEATURE with tlie Chaae-I.Uter Co,' AT LIBERTY, PARKS FUR THE SUMMER. "" ^'U^^J^^X 1 ^'^'' .; Address CllA8E-L1STEB CO.. until Mny w. 1-er. XrSl, tin EHUAB St"! E^llfe lml._ I313VI1V15 AlVr> WOODS' COJiXI5DIAX«. . . Presenting a New, Screamingly Punny Version of "THE GREEN EYED MONSTER." wvvii i> 4iP t n l v 1 rK 1, !r, sm ! , . ,ll<; , 1 LM n, ! nB U - T Great Western Show- Print. .i J . ° ■CJ- wo .i.* ood sln R |n K "ml I'nnclng Irish Coniedlnns; also He" cupabU; »f playing lnide. Trnmp Negro Walter mid Keeeutrie Uelectlve Chuntrtcrs. \) omen for tulliiwliig lluea: Souhretle, two large, liaudsoine Siniliur Women Sister lesiu und Six f'liorus Women. All muat .lo S|.eclnltles Mi^isleal I)frc?tors. write. S.-I..I Iihotos and stnte snlnry. etc., In tlrst letter. Address H J. DI-JVIXB Mg ? Yonkcrs, X. V. JESSIE G0UTH0U1 MOW HOOKING THE NEW ACT FOR NEXT SEASON. ADUBESS HOTEL ROVA1. PALM, MIAMI, FLORIDA. SKETCH WRITERS ROAD: t JJ?&& n&nESTUK&g*"* AND "*SI1S0JIB VOVSO LADT in vaudeville s?.nd l^S'RII'- TIliA UltSl LETrtH. Address I. M. 0„ rare CLIPPER BUREAU, m Ashland Mock, Chicago, III.