The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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MARCH 21. THE 1STEW YORKrOLIPPEB. 105 NTBD, for ^^^ w ORRIN BROS S3d tear. MEXICO. *3d Tear, IB ALL BHAMCHKS ®f 0 C «|^ 8 A *'»J> V*OT»«llLLB BUSINESS. _ „ „,UTY WEEKS' ENGAGEMENT. ACROBATS AERIAL AKT8TS. PANT0MMI8TS, DANCERS ?.S» VlMAL ACTS; In fact, any act sellable for First Class Audience In RING or on STAGE KSS mid In Mexican sliver dollars. Half fares paid both ways. Outward fare Sfi&l In writing, state lowest salary ; also If you do more than one act, describe Id li Jn'rt send photographs, If passible. Have yon /our own printing or photo- 2JS, for front ot house. If a family, give age of each. Those who have wrlt- {e^before kindly write again. Give route ahead and permanent address. Addresa ORRIN BROS., --- - city of Mexico. .PAKTAPO H353. BEFOR£ CONSULTING DOHT BUYJKffii IPTCONfflOT SLIDES AND, f linOI ICC OP ALL KINDS. -. SUPPLIlJ —t-. CATALOGUE FREE: _ STEREOPTICON AND FILM EXCHANGE- 106 FRANKLIN ST.- CHICAGO. - W. B MOORE M C'R. - F*AJIVl*I]SrO (STILL LIFE, LANDSCAPE, PORTRAITURE) CRAYONS (PORTRAITURE) WATER COU)RS (varied subjects) IrXA-ANTOIJVG (BALL ROOM AND SOCIETY) THE COLONIAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL (Inc.) catalogue Free. SCRAWTON, PA. Miniature Railroad Co. 40V BROADWAY 407 NEW YORK OITT. H. Y. Gold Medal Special. rur Parks, Summer Resort., etc. Haul- ing Capacity, 35 Tom. Earning $1,500 la jlx days. With proper care will last 35 years. CAQNEY'S LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. muhcai;novelyt Instruments, Bells, etc., Invented and mt by J. O. DEAGON, 318 Dearborn St., Chicago, u. S. A., 111. Catalog and names of lead- ing artists of the world free. Our latest big bit: Organ Chimes, Aluminum Chimes, Steel Marlm- bapnoDOs, .Ssthetlphone, etc. A FEW BIG BARGAINS, second hand, as good as new, all Hits—18 Aluminum Chimes and Rack, $60; 17 Aluminum Chimes, $40; 16 Bar Steel Msrlmbaphone, Bows and Mallets, $18; 10 Rattles, $20; 16 Organ Chimes and Floor Rack, $70; IS SUIT Bells. $20; 3 Octave Chromatlo Rosewood Xylophone, $12; 12 Straps Sleigh Bella, $18; 8 Four In Hand Bells, $12. Nine pieces of np to date Hits, Sheet Music arranged for Aluminum Chimes or Steel Marlmbapbone, etc., for two persons to Kay. Price, |l Sllkollne Tight., 83.30; Worsted < Tight, •a.ffo, Cotton Tighti, II.DO; Silk Tights,from 0Ms. up; [ Shirt, to ranter, all - ers »" —— price tlght«< Pomps, 315 cents} Gal t- ««"., Jl.OOj Elastic Supporter., tl.OOi Cloth Supporters, do cents' Bend tor catalogue and aamples of tight, free. Positively a de- posit reajnlred. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded. SPICER BROS., .-.. M Woodbine St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. JOldBtand address.) AHalf-TonB ENGRAVING- This size and style, from uny good photo, for li.oo. Salt- able for let ter heads, oards. etc. Circular for stamp. STODDARD Engraving Co, 746 Chapel St. New Haven, Conn. STEREOPTICON. $17, SS& BI ««trte Arc, Calcium or Acetylene SB 1 mEteSriii Song Slides. 25c., col FmJP&i BOUGHT AND BOLD . L. UETZ, 802 E. 23d Street, New York City. ^fJMBOaTIJTg CO., 18 Qllg Street, N. T. LI thosraph. le. each Any style. 6 color work, unlettered, cross lining space, Drama. Vaude- ville, Opera, Burlesque, Minstrel. Send $1 for 100 samples. Opera House Contracts Wo. per loo. llow to become Magl- clan.Ventrlloqurat, Mind Reader, Magician, Fire King, Hypnotic and 64 other books, all for 60c. Postpaid. Acme Lltno. Co., 293 W.Ysnbrjren St, Chicago, Ml. II fl-olh.r HIT !l WVtiSQrtbi.' NEW CENTURY GALIGMPN before purchasing. For catalog and particulars address, CHICAGO SALES OFFICE, AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE COMPANY. ELY JHANUfACrURER'rtrSHOVV CANVASSES NOTICE. IV*T r T T?T> The Leading Theat- , r i c »i Shoemaker, Has Removed m & Hit. ■at 29th A 30*h Sts. New York. Now Ready For Business. fmmm WINDOW CARDS " LErTERHEADS^NTRACTS- 3.44 (,LArtbORN SI CHICAGO Tnjim pttv k\m mil Will U11 Siereopikoii Co. 720 Hennepin Arc, Minneapolis, Vina, Largest Stock of Slides, Films end Supplies In the Northwest. Cata- logue and Bargain Lists GAS ORDERS FILLED ' PROMPTLY. WIGS A.M. HL'CH & CO.. .Wit: Makers, 119 N. 9th St.. Phil;delphia 3RLASE PAINT, powders, rouge SEND STAMP FOR C ATALO GOE jf Fine Magical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Etc. Grand End of Century, fully Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, 26c., free by mail. Catalogueof PsrlorTrlcksfree. MART1NKA*C0.,M 4»3 6th Ave. „.,Mfra., ,N.Y. THESUCCESSFUL sag* tat, Iw Man) Mi szTfs&ittiSrti. Tremendous Success!!! Of the Popular Waltz Song Nit, "WHILE the Mood Shines Bright By HOWARD, EMERSON and STONEHILL ORIGINALLY RESTRICTED FOR THE CHICAGO PRODUCTION "THE PARADERS," ALSO SUNG IN "THE LITTLE HOST," AND BY THE LEADIN6 SINGING ARTISTS OF THE PROFESSION. ONE OF THE REFRAINS OF "WHILE the Moon Shines Bright." "WHILE the moon shines bright with the stars In night. Then Johnnie takes Kitty, who looks sweet and pretly, to stroll at night; There's a charm it seems in the magic beams Of the silvery moon, for sweethearts love to spoon WHILE the moon shines bright." DO NOT FAIL TO SECURE "WHILE the Moon Shines Bright," With the "Extra" Comlo Choraiea, npon application to til* Pnblishers, By HOWARD, EMERSON and 8TONEHILL. Song and Orchestration Free to Recognized Professionals or those sending Prog. 910 CARDS. M. WITMARR ®. SONS, gfgojgl, S West 29th Street, New York. $25 Weekly Ha. Been Earned by Onr Latest Hare*.., THE PRIZE Candy Machine NOTHING LIKE IT. Pat Prises in the Candy and the receipt, will surprise yon. ROSENTXEU) MACHINE CO.. 686 Hudson Street, N. Y. City, Inventors of All the Latest Slot Machines. CONJURING Apparatus. Best Quality. YOST & COMPANY, 43 N. Ninth St., (Established 1870.) Philadelphia. ^Descriptive catalogue for stamp. CO* ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS, alsi BAI3D INSTRUMENTS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, fWD0LIN8, ETC. a/S 0 ** 1 " of wtat u mssst FBUli, '«:::::;• General Sales Agent tor FRATI & CO., CIRCUS CANVASES, > Poles and Stake*, SEATS, nags, Etc saSMOCraD'S PATENT GIICUSUGIITf. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. FRONTS ANU BAN- NERS FOR STREET FAIRS AND CARNIVALS. BLACK TENTS FOR MOVING PICTURE WORK. OUR NEW OFFICE »d SALESROOM. 273 Madison St., near Market, CHICAGO, ILL. "UHER DAZZLER" uoio. bp«h. L*ay or Gent's Ring, uke eat, by mall, Mo. Send for Catalogue of M*DDI- CUB AMD Ola-T Show Goods, Watches, lewelry, spectacles, Silverware, Bong Books, areate Paints, Bornt Cork. Cold Cream. Eto. Cheapest in the land. THE OLD RELIABLE R. O. DHER A CO., 12S Dearborn St., CI1I0A0O. SHOW PRINTING »,O0O - a color UH sneet., SIS. «UO Special Engraved Stands, 1 S-*t. per .heet. Interchange* able Stands, 3 colors, for Stock Companies, H 1-Xe. per sheet. Catalogue Free. Stock Street Fair Paper HORRISONjHOWifilE T - ^ Detrolt/MlcnT>—TS53f r BRASS BAND ^n i^o^jm-JJA-^JJ Z~~put*la* la lMSr» sasCIa »tue> iroiuHrUlV.OTMsnsJL. i: h»RT W. sfVmUV, Thentsieal Attorney, 111 WaaMxiftOB St., OBICAOO. BOOKING 8EASON 1903-1904. AN AMERICAN PLAT BY AMERICAN AUTHORS, AL. W. MARTIN PRE8ENT8 THE LYNDON BANK ROBBERY. By MELVILLE 11. RAYMOND nnd JOfl. LA BRANDT. Address all business communications, W. C. CUNNINGHAM, General Manager, AL. W. MARTIN'S BNTERPRIBE8, Room 18, Hroadway Theatre Bid., New York. PHOPESSIOPf AL SINGERS, SEND He. STAMP FOR PUOFUSSIONAL sMsrT. «-DT3 f-MytrnvT rpiTTiiei" By D. JOHNSON. A BALLAD DESTINED TO SWEEP THE HEART 8TI11N0H OF TUB CIVILI/.ED WORLD. For who has not felt the seversneo of ties so palbollcallr described by tills gifted composer. The songlBOf medium range and difficulty. The Introduction of llu Wedding March from "Lohengrin," is a pleasing Innovation, and this, followed br the and refrain, forms a truu picture of the Hurmhlno and -'.WrLCC" shadows of life. vi.unvu ..., luiuiaaiiuu I'llllllQiil lliu .uunillllU nil 0. W. WILCOX MUSIC CO., Publisher, lwu Uroadway, New York. EVUE TOLEDO. OHIO, J. W. MeCORHIC, Lessee and Manager, ^2^11^1^ OI»EMV ABOUT JXLA Y 145. Illsrli Class Aerial Gymnast and Novelty Acta, Knockabout undOomody Sketch Teams; In facl, any act with life and action. Performers who played me last season, write. WIRE ARTISTS Largo catalogue with 1.000 IliUHtratlons of new quick sellers, snowing bo* to make thcin. Largest line of wire made Kpccltilr for wire men. Cat Eye, Shells or Bangles, till you see our new •EARL BABE -LATES, ™ POP OsMti, . * . . 60e, >v l h •w Brtsu, .... BfJ.BO Chi. Don'tbay Wire, Heads, igles, till you see our new CatiiloKiii 1 . ready April. Hencl »cririannnt address for free y. BOUEHH TIICHM AN <b CO., Wire Art lata" fioleaale h Chlesgo, III lu|>|ily Ilou.e, ilia Dearborn St., A. AT SOUTH SHABON, NEW BROADWAY THEATRE Now booting season 1903 and 4. Want to hear from good Vaudeville People for Summer season. Will offer extra Inducements to first class Ilurlcsquo Altractlons for March. April and May of this soason. Our pay roll exceeds $00,000 mo. Pay day every Saturday. Works all running stoady. Population, 12,000. Lrawlng population, 46,000. Street cars Join three nt her towns. House Is modern ibrough- ont. Electric lights, natural gas, hot and cold water. Stage eoft. wide, 40f I, deep, 60ft. high, Capacity, 1,400. Address all communications to II, j aiivih F.LDHEI), Mgr., South Sharon, Pa. XTotioe to Park and Carnival Co. I I1.V0 a vory fine Steam Riding Gallery; can seat TO people. All the latest Improvements, mounted with the great Seine Cabinet Centre, and tbe Famous Panorama Attachment of Moving Pictures, making swell outfit for Parka desiring location where ihey want fine at 1 rue lions and plenty of boalMie. Managers of best Parks pleas* write. Address MANAGER, Opera House, Scnuylerrllle, N. Y.