The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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IOC THE 1STEW YORK CLIPPER. MABOH 21. SEASON 1903-1904. Preseat* the Emotional I*l»y, A Wife's Confession, By LANODON McCOKMICK. Address all limine™ communications W. 0. CUNNINUIIAM, Oeneral Manager, Broadway Theatre Building, Room IB, Now York. Ackermann-Quigley Litho. Co 512-514 Main Street, JUST COMPLETED FOR "RESURRECTION." M Sheet Pictorial Tile, each 18 Sheet Pictorial flOc. each e Sheet Pictorial Me. each Two atjrle* 3-aheet Pictorial 010.00 per hundred Two etyle* 3-sheet Block, two colon 8.00 per hundred Two style* l-*heat Block, two color* S.M per hundred Two style* Half-aheet Block, two colon 1.99 per hundred Window Card., 11x14 1.110 per hundred Tack Card*, 11x14 1.00 par hundred ftoavenlr Photo* |6-BO and 88.SO per M Kngraved tour page ileraldf #1.80 peril To-night Dodger. 80c, per M HARRY TRACY, THE BANDIT. N Sheet Pictorial 98c. each 3 Sheet Block, two color* $8.00 per hundred Two slylei l-.heet Block, two eolora 9,80 per hundred Two styles Half-iheet Block, two colors 1.98 per hundred Window t'nrdi 1.80 per hundred Tack Card* 1.00 per hundred Eniravrd lour page Herald* $1.60 per M Soavanlr Photo* $0.80 and $8.80 per M To-night Dodgnrs 80c, per II ALL OUDK11S SHIPPED SAMR DAY AS UKIK1VEI). NEVER-LATE DATES SI.OO per Set. Our Engraved Work I* the best produced In the United states. Write for prices and sample* on *peclal work. GOOLEY and BOCK'S NEW HIT !!! I'mTakin' No Chances Ob Missin' Ma Meals THE SARCASTIC SATIRICAL COON NUMBER THAT IS WINNING FAVOR EVERYWHERE. •»—SUWO BY—•* LOUISE DRESSER, PAULA EDWARDS AND OTHER ARTISTS OP NOTE. Specialist* Desiring a Number that will 'Tell" Should Send for this Song. Professional Copies FREE I .WITMARK&SONS NEW YORK. 8 WEST 2Bth ST., A LITTLE BOOK OF TOASTS. ON K Hero'H to the girl Mini's atrlutly la II, Price UK Who doem't lute ber hoad even (or a minute: 10 'I'llKM. Playa well the gamo and known the limit Cent*. And Htlll getM nil the fun there's In It. Thin liook contains 200Popular and Up to Date Toasts, and In Jimt what you uiint when you are out at an evening supper, part; or with u crowd. New Joke* and Monologue* by Old Joker*. CHOP No. 1, S CENTS. New Joke* and Monologue* by Old Joker*. CROP No. 2, -0, CENTS. New Jokei and Monologue* by the Beat Jolteri. No. 8 (Heady April 16,1903). PRICK M CKNTS. Thcuo three Joke liookn contain the brightest stories told on the vimdcvllle Huge by tho best oomcdlaiw. All three booka entirely different. Are Just the books for theatrical peoplowhu arc look inn for now monologue und Jokes for their act. Any of the above books sent postpaid upon receipt of amount. Send for our catalogue. I. & M. OTTENHEIMER, ooi \V, llaltiinore Street, Baltimore, Md. .. 1) Cracker Jack A delusions Pop Corn Confoctlon, psoked In moist proof packages, that keep it fresh for a long time. A QUICK 8ELI.KK for theatres, Parks. Picnics, Carnivals, etc. Retails for 6o. A MONEY MAKER >r the oonoesalonlaL ASK FOR PRICES AND samples. for i RUECKHEIM BROS. & ECKSTEIN, CHICAGO. For *H< .argest »vil!on UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CO. opl in. 11 in Actor* that Double in llrnn, Musielanei Colored People.Male and Female) Colored Mu.lclani, with specialties; Child fur B»a, Concert People who are ase- ful, Uoort Chandelier " who Double. Drivers, graiumeri. Address .141 Fifteenth Street, Detroit, Midi villi specialties; Child for Bva, Concert People who are ««*- •r Man, Unisim, Canvas Men, Property Man and Carpenters a, Cook House People. Bill Pollers, Lithographer* and Pro- H MANAUBH, MAMMOTH V8CI.B TOM'S CABIN CO., II ATI nil II TilFaTRtPII ElP.UlUGF "On tho Omtid and Square." Long Distance'Phone. Main RRMURAL inCAinibRL CAunArlUC. 40M< iscoill'OllATKI). CAPITAL STOCK, $10,000.00, (iciieral Thcatrloal lluslnoas. Hooking Pairs, Parks, Opera Houses, Theatres; Homing Companion, PliichiR Actors, IUmuIIuk PIii.vk, etc. Send for ciitulnmie. Lvgul Department, L. J. DKLSON, Lawyer. «:hargos reasonable. Al service. NATIONAL THEATRICAL EXCHANGE, 01IA8, J, CARTER, Pros, and Troas. Chicago Opera House llldg., Chicago. Season opens April 8, under canvas; oan place White Ticket Seller and Spell, er. Music Pupllsners send In late siuff tor Band, Orchestra and Voice. Colored am write. Add. PAT OHAFKLLR, Tamps, Kla. LUBIN'S tS° riLIVi ^^ IeIwTedTnD tUBDBKD PERFORATION, DOES NOT SCRATCH OR BREAK, UNKQUALED FOR INABILITY. PASSION PLAY FILMS COMPLETE SETT, 81 SUBJECTS, 8,760 FEBT LONQ. Will Sell In Leagth. of 50 Feet If Deaired. SPBCIAI. PRICK, 09.50 per SO Feet. REPRODUCTION OF THE . . . JEFFRIES-FITZSIMMONS FIGHT at SanFrans^Cal.. —»«»?—. THE DELHI "DURBAR," 150 FEET, *N1> 76 Q-imJUg, AXX «S.50 r^EIEfc SO FEET. ^•^ ^^ ILIUSTIIATRD SOSGS, THB LATEST. 8BMD FOR LIST. 8TBREOPTIC0NB FOR PHOFKBSIONAL. CBK FROM THN DOLLARS UP. THE CINE06RAPH, EXHIBITION MODEL, Complete, with Stereoptlcon Combined, »aasBBBj eraaBBn**a.asra»ir**»mBa**nssasBBBkBBSBj LARGEST MANCFACTTJRBR IN THB WORLD m JHJUjl VsBsf DaKaSfSBaLJaUAII g PHILADELPHIA, PA-, U. 8. A. Onr Plant Covers Over Three Acres of Floor S pace— We are Always Prepared to Show BOO Pictures In Life Motion In Oar Show Room ■ BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBssBsa.asss lW '"Tlae lVicmgaraL of tlae Miclclle West." GRAND FALLS PARK Joplin, Missouri (INCORPORATED.) Will Open. Sunday, May 3. WANTED FOR THEATRE, Al Vau&vU^PM|»le. HHIIIII r*Ar"a> TS I fT Miniature R. R., Black Top Crystal Maze, Boating Privilege, Ground apace for Sbootlnz HHIWII PllElN I El Ltl nnaGallery, Bowline Alley, Merry Go Hound, nnd other Reputable Attractions. b ■ nSwlBafliVJIaalVJ lli Bala I " B " GRAND FALLS PARK CO., Joplin, Mo. Til 1 A1IOVE IR A SPECIMEN OF 1 COLUMN HALF-TONK FOR NEWSPAPER OR LETTER HEAD, FOR 76c., POSTPAID. SPECIAL PRICE ON LARGE CUTS. KNOXVILLE ENGRAVING CO., SIS HAY ST., KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE. Send 4c. in Stamp* to CMA8. D. HESS, B!o3 8. Fltihugh St., for The Art of Making Up. Patents and Jrade-Marks, Ml CopjTlgl ■ODgS. I 1TES. ht your acts, plays, sketches and tonga. It will PAYyou. Many Copyrights are worthless, because Invalid. You oan- not afford to take such chances. We guarantee a valid copyright at small cost, pinions and legal advice. Patents and Trailo-Marks. Send stamp for particulars. Columbia Copyright and Patent Co., Inc. araapta stoo. w«shinqtow.d.c WANTED, A Man of Good Reputation Among Managers, Prom 25 to 80 years of age. with PRACTICAL knowledge of all parts of tho country, who does NOT use tobacco nor drink to excess, can hear of something to his advantage. All communications contldentlol. Address, en- cl osing photo.,■■■■. ,jf. p., care CLIPPER. NICKEL SLOT MACHINES. Mill's Owls, H5; Mill's Judges, $80; Mill's Dewcys, »M; B8W CenniM Munlcal Detroit*. *JSj Koorer Name Plate Machines. $70. L. 0. ORUNI), 108 N. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa, Great Success of SWEETHEART OF MINE. By MAURICE JACOBS and HARRY I. ROBINSON. The best ballad of its kind since "WHEN YOTJ WERE SWEET SIXTEEN/' A Big Hit with Young America Quintette, Lloyd and Walton, and other Prominent Balladists. F"REE ! Professional Copies and Orchestrations. M. WITMARK & SONS, F»XJB1VISHE>R{S, 8 West 29th Street, New York. LAGOON ISLAND. The Uraat Family Resort of the North Hudson. t for season of 1003, Pop- nlatlon over MUM in close proximity. The weekly salary paid out In the cities of Troy and Albany nonnts to hundreds of thousands. Applications from excursionists coming In daily from all Pictorial paper and advertisements liberally distributed for 60 miles around. ThemoBtsensa- Openlng season of '97 a brilliant success, Improvements fast i —tlon over 6OO,000, In close proximity. T*-- alone amounts to hundreds of thousands, points. Pictorial paper and advertisements uueroui uiain__ lrrtm?. U H ™° r Vi^'lT w, "iV e glven free to mo P UD "°- Th « P |cnl « 8Tounds are beautifully ehaded ggg Hh, JftLPSX"** 8 sites are unequaled by any Summer resort In the country. The following GrmKuhhKJ'i&USffi IM S«»JP 8nd Soda/Fruit and Kuts, Canes and Knives, Ball Games. rtri^£^°ySf?;.^ oot ' n8r ? ,, i le . , 7' p IS CornandCana y- No gambling on the grounds. Brass an J tffi m^JJl 1 ?L v . e conc ";^ iM y- TfanBportutlon facilities 7&,0ooa cfay. Located on the American R «i«S'^ml wa / ,°^ twe . e ? Albftn J and 7r °?> tnree i 1 ' 168 'rom either clfy. Uniformed police fine, rh.Sf«r«^5 n ,L°L^ pta . ,I l al !, dSe J« 8l, J? ti * ,rer of ^stice, Court Room and PolloTsFafionrflnc»t It ill«nnl^VH n n n^Si^ Wa 5 dUnd ^ tn JOHN F. WEBER, tO WtOUl ?hen taSmoS lii.5d M&2T8 v' "Vn'BSB I and y»«»5SSBl Btreet, fiwoktyk, N.Y., until May l, tnen to Lagoon island, Albany, H. Y. All desiring prompt reply enclose stamp. "A WORLD WIDE CIECULATIOF THB OL DEST AND MOST INFLUENTIAL THEATRICAL AND VAUDEVILLE JOURNAL. THE ERA. ESTABLISHED 1887. ' 49 WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON. W.C. aMERicM ^^Jg^gggggg^aga eea offices 2,600 ARTISTES ADVERTISE IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLY Feinberg's Studio. TOB P AR^^t*^rSi 0 ¥» , ^5,^? l %rSL 0WH PB0FK8810KAL BTDDIO ABB HOTHT* FOB ^B^THLTaASr- b¥o»TaM HISH * HD "" «™WL W™F«mB tiPipn and ProfwW, jbiW to U 'UUh S^Rd. Aeadid lbs ATTENTION! DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN. aelvlst F«w«Att ???? Jon °» n ^n* 9 8°°** »»»*«1 sell tteit- froni w» aiaiJ aSk?LSS . l V°° S 6 ' ioz - <° *«•<»• Large variety to select tmrdcash ssssSS^° aft'aSS °\ A ? t llan 2 M «tM»M««Ucsl BattMles. One Eonal to wuiisnV*^ Tr^S 1 springs Sulphur 8oap, wrapped, $2.10 per gross.. 3^uJI?23 *Je* « Wi J" convlnoe. Lsrgost Manufacturers of wecucBciia and Appliances Inn, a. a. Established 1878. OatalogTjefwe. THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., Birlington, Kan> THIS LIVERPOOL THROAT H08PITAI- REMEDY 18 INDOR8ED BY THE PROMI• H I KLYJ 0 . CA . U8T8 a ND ACTOR8 FOR ALt THROAT AFFECTION3, COLOS, Elo DRUGGISTS, 2B«. D"BARK5- KfHSTIltES