The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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108 THE 2SJWW YORK OLIPPiEB. March 2l I M ORTANT ANNOUNOEMENTIIi THE HOOVERS UHUFHCTURIHfl CMP/MY begs to announce that the price of the $70 Seventy Dollars $70 ^ .— - --.. -._.?£. ana. -■«H IU « Mil* IAAA Tit IJAA BI1TEC That these Machines can be IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES. IHGLUDINe ALUMINUM ROLL, CAPABLE OF JURNING OUT 1200 TO 1400 PLATES, for n VJE2 C£SMTS or ONE CENT, at the OPTION of the PURCHASER THE R00VERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, "Z^S^^ST*' Send a cents ror postage on oetalogue and Price LUt of onr Uteit designs of theatrical lamps. We aHocsrrj In Block Movlna Clouds, Lightning ana Fire photographed from nature, which gives per- spective that on not be eeoompllsried by the de- sign being painted oa glass. Also have llaln- iiw, Water Ripple, Band Worm, Rain and Snow*. New and novel effects made to order. Estimates obeerfnllv given on everj- UilrjK In the ELECTRICAL ttioatrlcBl line. Follow- ing is a partial list of NBW YORK OlIT PRO- __ iiuctionh that 1 pnt on last season: •'Bleeping Beaut* and the Beaat'» at floe Broadway Theatre; "Soldiers of Fortune" at the sTvovT"* OenUeman of France," at Wallet*'! Henrietta (/reman, at the Republic; Amelia B| n? - torn, at the Blftn:™Ohlneee Honeymoon," at trie Casino, »Fou Grandpa," at tfie Fourteenth Street; "Ariaone," at the Aoademv; B. H. Sothern, "If I Were King," at (he Garden. DON'T fOTBlT THI MUMBIR, NEW YORK 1937-1280 BROADWAY, g^gB —— AL. W. , y\^ Al. W. Martin, Sole Owner. O. A woll balanced co., with capable people In the loading roles, and the clatjoruto Rtago nettings add much to tho success of the Al. W. Martin production or this old play at Hurt's Theatre tills week.—TOLKOO, O., liKil, Mon., Mar. 8. AL. W. MARTIN'S 130,000 I'rmliii'tlcm, "TKN N1011TS IN A IIAK ROOM." GEO. H. FORKPACOH, ActingMgr. MARTINS ENTERPRISES, CUNNINGHAM, General Manager. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" does not have to be revived, It just goes on forever. We can safely say there Is no play on the circuit wlitcti supplies the Clove- land Theatre with attractions that draw better. At 2 o'clock the lines to the box office tilted the lobby and ex- tended serous the street: hundreds wore turned away. — CLKVKLANO PLAINDEALER, Mar. 3. AL. W. MARIN'S $80,000 Production, "UNOLB TOM'S UA1IIN." ED. S. MARTIN, Traveling Mgr. HARVEST TIME C0ME8 IN THE 8PRINC FOR NOW IB THB) TIME TO BVT SLOT MACHINES PH0T0S00PES, Tbt New Automatic Nlckel-ln-the-Slot Photograph Michlna. Onr recent advertisements In THE CLIPPER were bo effective that the orders received quickly ex- hausted onr supply of machines. We have recently, however, greatly Increased enr factory capacity, and we are again able to meet the demand. To those who get their orders In at once, we can promise quick deliveries. The big season ror all slot machines, particularly THE PH0TO8COPE, Is now at hand. If yon are in the market for the biggest money making proposition of recent years, NOW IB THE TIMK FOR TOC TO ACT. A delay of a day or a week, will be money out of your own pocket THE PH0T0SC0PE. Illustrated Booklet and Sample Picture for three two cent stamps. General Automatic Photograph Company, Territory Wont of the Mississippi, The Photoscopo Company of Missouri, sll-812 Holland Building, St. Lools, Mo. 1813 FULLER BUILDING, Now York City. PUT A NICKEL IK THE SLOT GET YOUR PICTURE ON THE SPOT. WORKS EQUALLY WEJX BY ARC LIGHT OB OAT LIGHT. -WXSSMM The American Vitagraph IK NOW KNGAORD AT AM. TIIK. ^La#*^ • And will bt Featured at the Beat W A NAURU N ARE HBAI.I7.ING THAT THE VITAQ1UPII Ig AN ACT Our prices havi never been exorbitant, but It It noteworthy that we receive Just tho same amount per week NOW at we did five yearj ago. We have no BARGAIN COUNTER RATES ! Cheap competition III not caueed w to cut price. It hae INCREASED OUR BUSINESS! REMEMBER I A Poor Moving Picture Show Is more torture to an audience than a bad act aajera who have been Infllelea upon OK Picture Show III more torture to an aodlenee than a bad act. It taurU their eyes as well as their feellnga. We particularly recommend the Vltagraph to ■1 ii iion by one of the cheap "Ba«Veye-o-graphs." The "Poetry of Motion" Is realised to perfection when projected by the mmmm mmm w nvaj r Ihots AMERICAN VITAGRAPH f| afTV _Pfcaf~kaf~'at T^^#ffaOh-aWaCa\-<^l 4* afBaV* < #^^aOhar%w^aawt R »»« , »g *»"» the Most Remote Corners of the Globe to Every Day Loeal Views In your own town. M>\Md%J%J\J A^JJe.JL«e?J. CI11 K» ILalrLPJ«t?«i^ S.v» 9 ALL THE M2WEST PANTOMIMES. ALL THE LATEST "NEWSY" PICTURES. HEADLiN RACTIONS! ! ROBINSON CRUSOE, GULLIVER'S TRAVELS, LIFE OP AN AMERICAN FIREMAN, AFTER DARK-LIFE OF A LONDON "BOBBY," THE WORKMAN'S PARADI8E, THE LITTLE MATCH SELLER, LIFE OF A LONDON FIREMAN, THE FAIRY GODMOTHER, THE DOC'S FUNERAL, . A CRI8TMA8 STORY FOR CHILDREN, PUSH BALL CONTEST8 AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE, MOTHER C008E NUR8ERY RHYMES, THE SOLDIER'S RETURN, Jules Verne's Wonderful Story, "A JOURNEY TO LUNA." 8IX 8ISTER8 DAINE8, Most Marvelous Acrobatic Act on Earth; ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES, 8AMPSON AND DELILAH, THE ENCHANTED CUP, ! ON MAN'S FAITHFUL FRIEND-Prlze Winners at the recent Dog Show, THE ASCENT OF MOUNT BLANC, TRIP TO THE LONDON ZOO, THRILLINC LOGGING SCENE8 IN CANADA, HO ai!!;la.f RKAKINC, SALMON SPEARING and VIEW8 OF THE GREAT NORTHWEST, NEW KLONDYKE SERIES, GERMANY AND THE RHINE, THE VITAGRAPH IN ALGIER8, CAIRO AND THE ANCIENT PYRAMIDS, A JOURNEY THROUCH INDIA, THE RECENT UPRISING IN MOROCCO, MAGNIFICENT DELHI DURBAR, EGYPT AND THE NILE, AND IN FACT, VIEWS FROM EVERY COUNTRY ON THE GLOBE. NOTE.-WE ARE EXHIBITORS ONLY. WE DO HOT HURT OVR PATRONS' INTERESTS BY SEIZING OUR FILMS. Theatree and Parke Engaging the Vltagraph are SURE el EXCLU8JVE PICTURES end an Entirely NEW SHOW Every Wo** AMERICAN VITAGRAPH CO..^^Kn», N .v. S.W-V