The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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MARCH 28. THE NEW ^OBK CLIPPER. 113 MiCK asd Anxoni, who opened March in nu'tlio Kohl ft Castle circuit, at tlio Olympic, Chicago, write that their new act. "Silver Service,' was ww well received. They pluy tho Uaymarket Theatre this week. Mr. Mart odds: "We havoten weeks Isioked lit Summer parks, and In August Mack & Ar- mour's Comedian* opens the MM of JtllKI- JM The show la booked for thirty weeks, with gois! Hmo su " Im:, " k offered, and wii ure Kungnlno of success for our new euler- ^ItAC'lCBTT AND HA/.AIin. "V. 8. A.'TnilDUCt- ira," write from England: "The Ilftlctli an- niversary number of Tub Cliitwi came to lumd In due time from your London olllcc. We can truthfully any that It caused qultu ii sensation among tlic Kugllsh and Amor- Irun performers. The pictorial work l» a revolution in this country In. a professional impcr." Kiki.iis asd IIaxson have .Inst closed sue- ci'sxhil engagements over tile Kohl-Cnatle and iirplietim circuits. Fields ft Hanson's Min- strels ploy the parka thla Summer, under llie management of Maurice Doom. Tin: Tiihkk in: llol.IKN BlIOS. will an It on March 20 to till a one year's engagement with the Orrln llros.. In Mexico. lllli iJ i iui t fiMjnr iiii lwi W W w m gaged with Harry Itlckards, In Australia, for another six months. H.vhnkv First. Hebrew comedian, was at tlte tilyiuplci Clilcngo. last week, end reports success. Thla week he plays the Unyinarket, mill will play tho entire Kohl ft Castle circuit. _ ,, _ . . • Chas. asp Fannik Van nail on Saturday. March in, for 1'orto Itlco, to stay two mouths or longer, to nimmge the stnge and put on vaudeville sketches. . II.Miut Fki.umax, eccentric dancer, who tins been with the Irving French Co. for lifty weeks, doing hla soft and wooden shoo dancing, cloaca wltli the company on Slay L'it. at Buttle Creek, Mich. llMtRR anp Lvss were compelled to cancel Shea's Garden Theatre. Buffalo, on account or Mian Lynn spraining her nnklo while plnvlng Detroit. They expected to resume work this week In Toronto. This, they In- form us, la the flrxt week they hnvo lout this season, and their new act, "The Klcctrlc Hoy," hns been n aucceaa. Dawnox .\xn Booth have closed with the Great Conkllng Vaudeville Co., and onened at the Grand Opera House. Nashville, Tenn., March 24, They open with J. H. Morgan's Vaudeville' nnd Circus, under cuuvus, April in. for n ten months' engagement. DrriiKK axdHpi'iikk hnve Juat llnlshed the ('ustlo circuit, and are playing.the principal houses in the Most, They open ou the Keith circuit In April. Little Georglc (Text) lb now working with them. N'OTKH rillUI GlIAHAM'H Sllt'THKUX Sl'K- Co.—We have been doing a tine bual- iicsh through New 1'ork. regardless of the l.eiiteu season. The company Is very strong In all departments, and Includes: Mnilam Flower, Tom .Mcintosh, May Hyera, Vor Vnlln nnd (lodmau, the Harrises, McKay and Croaley, and a big chorus. Fiikp S. Htvukii, bunjolst. writes: "I nindo a lilt st Shea's, Toronto, last week, without wlro strings or pick. 1 am at Shea's The- atre, Buffalo, this week, with the Cook Opera House, ltoebcster, and other good work to follow." ,. , • TlIK yUAXV.Ii ClTV Ql'ARTBT (.lolin I'lerl, Harry Kriirnt, ISA Hanson and B. S. I'ni'nos) arc now playing the Keith circuit, 'fills week, In Boston, Is the fourth time the ipiurtet has played Iloston this season. They are booked for fourteen weeks at Gorman's parks this Summer. Geo. X. WiLMox asd Cajiilu: IM Mox- vii,i,b i»tav the Texas circuit, then the parks, 11'ftcr which they will lay off In New York City until Mr. Wilson takes out his own company again, playing all the Western I'll los. Hi Hi- Huimikins, of Hodgklns and i.eitii. mourns the death of his mother, who died Hiiddeuly on Murcli 10, ul lior home in l''ltehliurg, Mass. Mvui'i: Cot'HTNHV, "Tlio Amerlenn Girl In Song MM Story.'* writes from Knglunrt : "I .wiali to compliment Tun Cmivhii for 1 lie splendid meuiorlul ii'imbcr." KorfK writes from Norfolk, V11.. Unit llio Vale Hiiound himself pluyed Ihe. Muiihultuii Theatre'on .March HI, nuil produced a three itft. .which mot wllh success. They Intend in Minn' Ihe net before, the pubHc next Kail, mid Ihey will also produce other new novel- ties. .•I'msw L. Dkxtkii asp IIjsmiiktta VKI.L- 1 Mm in hnve llulKhcd eight weeks In Den- vor, three weeks lu Hillings, Mont.; four Weeks ut Dcadwood, S. ■ l.)„ and open March 2,'i at the People's Theatre. Seattle. Wash. They have six mounts' work booked uheud through the Northwest. 1 TlIM llJii'inr. Tiicatiih at Aahtnbiilu Ilur- Iwr. :U., will open April 20 as a vuudevllln Ihnutrr. wllh J. <M. Foley proprlutur and unningcr. ■ • ' III ■w.miii Lkhlik Is a patient lit tlio Kings C/il lluspltul, ItriHiklyn, N. V., under treut- iiimiI for a nervous disorder. Visiting days are Hominy anil Wednesday, from » to 4. ■ Tub Tiiiiki: Rio Biioh., otlo Wo, man- ager, have closed a successful engagement of fourteen weeks with U I,. Weber's I'nrbdau Willows Co. They played the Avenue Thea- tre.Detroit, last week, and arc HiIb week ul 1 lie Colonial Tlieutie. Cleveland, O. 'Ihey JiUn lilngllng llros.' World's tJlfiiteat Shows Mnrrh «V, for tlic seuson, with Huropeau eiigiigemeuls to follow. l .., •TMH Kacmt TWO (Victor .leronie,. Lottie Ffvmunt and Hick Gurnelln) report siiecess w.llli Ihelr new net. They are booked at Shnync's circuit of parks during tho Bum- mer, " ... • 1,11.1.IAN WASIIIII'HN AXI) ApA j-AXB Will Iks seen In a new net next season. Mil. ami Mlts. llov Hurril report doing a good hiiHlnesa lu the small towns hi Michi- gan, working for lodges nnd mnklug week slhnlls. The Knlamo Lodge. K. O. T. 31- In'hl a meetal meeting In order to Inlllnto Mr. Smith, and ljid u bunnnet afteiwiirils. They will work lu hulls until tho middle of May,"when they open under ciinvns. /hey get rlie 01.11 lti.itvim: each week, and It Is u'most welcome visit or. . I'iikv axii 1'ici.iiH have Just closed n auc- cvsat'ul engagement over the roll circuit of 1 hentres. ■ at Wr.lerlmry. New llnven and Bridgeport. Conn. They played week of March 10 at the Trocudero Theatre. 1'lillu- dnlnllln, and are thin week nt the Orplioiim 'I'hpnli'e. IJtlcn, >>. V., with other Kootl work to follow. • • NKMVtN Lvrrox axii Rnu MTti.Kfiiiwi Intro joined liniuls. and will soon pa seen In nl ncer sketch, replete with songs nnd dunces. 'Wii.t.A KKOt.11 left New York Inst week for a'Spring visit to her home In California. !<mwAt.u McUiiv.KW, tlic baritone singer, has just completed a six montliB course of vocal music lu Clnc.luuatl, nnd opens his l'i'ivk bookings on .Mini' J. . . • lt.MiTKi.MRH. comedy foot Juggler, opened n» the I'uslno Theatre. 1'alrliaveii, wash., March l£ for nine days, with Ihe l'eoplcs Theatre, Seattle, Wuah., to follow. ■ Ml.t.B. I^tixa, In her clever posturing and physical culture, net, won »u« of the effect I ro ••nlertalners of the Hreul Lafayette Sliow ut the Circle Tlieatrc, New York, last week. < »» — Callfornl* Flits. 'A.great dent has been said lately In re- gard to raising figs In California and the Impoi'tiiiion of the Hmyriuj wasp which ninkes It possible to raise figs. '•'reserved CaUforula figs are taking a pince beside the California primes, and for fllnlivg car servlco they hnve pro\en a very popular rtlsli. ' On the New York Central dining cars .there were served over 7,00« ..filers of preserved California tigs during inV-year .IIMK. and this delicious dlnh is lituiviug lu favor every day. I'EMIVNYLVAMA. I'liilndelpliin.— We are to huvo four new ofrorlngs this week, all of them never before seen lu this city, and one of them a ilrst production on auy stagi; of a new play. These four novelties arc: "Iris," pre- • sen ted by Virginia llnriicd. nt tin; Ilrvud Street Theatre; "Mrs. Jack," In which Alice Msclier appears, at the Gorrlck: "TlieCrosa nays." which la .Mrs. Lunglry's offering (luring the early iwrt of the- week, nnd "Mademoiselle Mars," which she produces for the Ilrst time on any stage Tliursilny evening, at the Chestnut Street Operu Huumv. With such an array of novelty it Is to be expected that the business during the week will show an Improvement over that which has prevailed during the past fortnight «e so. with ono.or two exceptions the the- atres have been quite dull. With the opern. season nt an end. and the Boston Bvmtihony Orchestra nnd the Philadelphia Urcliestrii both through with tticlr regular scries of concerts. It will be seen that the harbingers of Spring arc not wanting lu theatricals. AcABtOtX ov Mrsic'.--The lust perform- ance of the operu seusou occurred on Tues- day evening of last week, and was larxcly iiTteiTdcdr—The-HoatcaHymphon y Orchestra— closed Its two series of concerts here on Monday and Wednesday evenings of Inst week, both concerts having the usual filled houtes. The Beethoven Cycle, which wna commerced by the Philadelphia Urclir«lru last ivwk, Is closed this week wllh three concerts, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day. llitoAt) Brawn Tukatiih (Nixon & y.lui- mcrinuii, managers^.—-The long mid iiniH- peri'-.w engagement of Mrs. Leslie IMrtcr, In "Hit llnrrv." came to tin end last Hntnr- day evening at this house. The attendance was of record breaking size throughout Ihe engagement, and the prollts were undoubted- ly largo. This week b.'glns the engagement ot Virginia llni'iied. In "Iris." G.visuiCK Tiimatiu! {Frank Howe Jr.. man- ager!.—Audiences of excellent slue attended the performances nt "Kveryman" lust week r,t this house, nnd nppcercd to be deeply lin- presscd. This wecK Alice Fischer Is seen In "Mrs, Jack." The engagement la for one week only, being followed next week by the return engagement of Viola Allen, in '"Jlie Kternnl City." CiiKsrsrr SttiKirr Onuu Il.nsii (Nisou ft SJltnnicrmnn. imiuagers).—After n week ot "Klorodorn," to fair business, we now have Mm. L.'ingii'v nt this house fur a slnglo \v ( 3Pk'a engagement. For the first thrco nights noil the Wednesday mntlnue she pre- sents "The Cross Ways:" on Thursday night Will he produced, for the Ilrst time on any s:agc, 1'nul Kestcr's new play, "Mademoi- selle; Mars," and this Is to ho continued through the week. The announcement ,for next week Is a return of "A Chlueso Honey- moon." CitKHTXCT 8riii:i'.T Tiikatui: (Nixon * Zim- merman, nmnugers).—"When Johnny Comes Marching Home" appears to he meeting with considerable success nt this house, where It Is now In its second week. It appears to ho concocted of melodrama, comic opera, farce, comedy and oilier thlnifjf with n liberal allowance of musk- 1 brown Ip, An nttrnctlve chorus, arrayed In crinoline, Is a distinctive feature, anil one which .attracted a good deal ot attention. However, audi dices of goodly size have licou 111 tending Iho performances und displaying sufficient Inter- est, und thnt is conclusive. W.u.xur Stbkkt Tukatiih (Frank Howe .lr.. manager).—This week, at tills house, lieglus a fortnight's engagement for David Wnrlleld. In "The Auctioneer." rrlnimse & Dockstadcr's Minstrels, lust week, kept tin house tilled, nnd presented an array «t nl< cut which fully deserved tho IHsiml jmti'oii- ngo lwslowcd. Next comes "Tho Knicker- bocker (llrl," opening April (I. At'liirouii'M (Stiilr ft Hnvllii, ninniigers). —The offering for the current week nt this hoiitc Is Louis Mann, In "All on Account o( Hllxii." "Across Ihe 1'oellle" provwl a liopu- inr offering Inst week. Next week, Huvorly's Mustodou Mlnslrels. J. ■• I'aiik Tiihatuk (F. 0. Nlxon-Miillliiger, niuiiHger).—"The Slpn of the Cross" comes 10 I his lionse this week. Next -WOOF. "!• »XV ilraiidiNi." The performances of."Spotless Town,' lust week, were enjoyed by audi- ences or excellent slue. • N.VTUlXAI. T'JIKATIIK (.TcKCpIl M. h<'|lj'. RHIHSmr).—"At the Old Cross lloads' was 1111 oiTorlng last week which proved very atlrucHvc lo the pulrous of thla house. Ih In week Ihe offering Is 'The Uttle Outcast. Next week, "The 1'atul >Veddlug." 1'KOfl.K'M Tiikatiik (F. O. Mxoii-.S nt- llnger. managerL—This week, "lluppy lloo- llgun." "T'lie Night Before Chr|slilltts' eii- lovcd llhcral pulronugo Inst week. >ext Week. "MoFiiddon's How of Flats." Kkxhiniitox Tukatiih (John Hart, iniui- auer).—Uesslc Clifton and her eilmpiiiiy IM itpixvirlng this week In "A Hoos|cr Daisy. The aiiiiounceroenl: for the coming week, is "Cypsy Jack." The performances of "*or Home and Honor' 1 last week ware well ul- teaded nnd heartily applauded. FoiiKi'.u.'oli'H Tiikatuk (Miller ft huut- nvan, managers) .—A double bill Is'the offer- ing ut this house this week, I-ouls l.eon Hull nnd Florence Itoberts, siipiigrtwl |iy Ihe other members of the stock coimmny. appearing In "The Turning of the Hhruw," and Mortimer Snow, with the same support, ap- pearing In "The Fool's ltovengu." "Almost 11 Life." u thrilling melodrama, wnsi'iiimbiy presented lust week,, lo tlic evident satisfac- tion of Ihe pstiims. "Tlio Secret Hlspiiteh Is In reheursal for tho coming week. (IniAtiP Avksi'k Tiikatiik (Miller k Kuiif- iiiun, managers).—"The Voice •»( Nature Is the offering tills week. Ihls being aniioimced us the Ilrst stock production of thin melo- drama. The lending roles nre. In the IiiiuiIh of George Bnrliler and Hcurloltu Tlrowne, While the other mcinbeis of the slut* ciiin- puny nre suitably cast. For next week it la iinnouneed thut ihe comiiunv.Is.nrepurlug 11 produethm of "Tho IXinllcs." "The Mer- chant of Venice" ami "Turn lllm Out' intidn out nn ndiulrnlile bill last week, and una which the excellent nlteiidnjico showed was to the liking of the patrons. . OkAXn Oi'iniA Hut-Hit HI. A. Wegcfailh, •minuger).—Tl'.c new opera company made 11 decidedly favorable Impression In "Tin! Serenade" Inst week, and had the very heat of encouragement lr. crowded Ihuuon. The coinpanr Is 1111 evenly bulanced one, tlio excxlleiit ensemble work Mug Its,meHt dis- tinguishing feiiture. This week "li.b Itoy Is the bill- while for next week It Is an- nounced that 'Holla Fox will be seen hi I lie Wedding Bay." l"Hces range from.l'.i ccnls to 7,-i cents nt the cv»nliig nerfnriiinneeH. and In the nflernomis. three nrntlm-cs being — 'Jo cents. rilim. resident given ouch week, nil tents are.j Kbitii'n Bl.iou (John heir manager).—Bouclcnult's "Ihe gaging the attention of the stock company nt this house Ihls week. Admirable ricr ; of "All tlio Comforts of Home vert given Inst week, the member; of torn company distinguishing themsc ves for their rlevcr work In farce: "Christopher .Jr. Is finnennced for the coming week...' < 01 imiii v TilHATnt: IIgniie(>,'Murtlnettl, i.iaiiager)-''0urs" Is the offoflng tar Carrie KadclTffe and her slock company lids week at this house. "The OctJ«»rooii **•»,,•"„«:; hearsal for the coming week. * Not tlulltj was an admirable vehicle for tho display of the nbllltles of all the sMrtfrm.C ^tttJp te; pany last week, and they availed -themselves of every op|»ortunlty. Htaxdabu TiiKATtiH (Harry■ ft Hpeek, man- agers).—The engagement of JC S. wood Ml been extended at this bouse, and (bis week ho will appear-In "Tlic Boy Detective," sup- ported hi the members of the,stork roni- pniiy. The patrons turned 'our ln Y largo «nn- U last week, ond bestowed -tliolr (rpplause ca Ihe performances of "The Orphans of New York." Next week, ."Devil's Island." Alien Btiikkt Tiikatbi! (Alexander Wur- Klcr, ma nagcr).—'flic dramas announced for the current week at this house are: "Hubert and Itertmn," "Lumps,:!' Vngiibundus," Got- rcne Splnnc" nnd "W lldc Jugil," ' Kkitii'h Nkw Tiikatuk (II. T. Jordan, resident manager).—Business continues to bo nit that could lie desired nt this house, anil the excellent bills pmvldid leave little doubt ■is to Ihe continuance of this. Ssuilow,re- mains for his fourth nnd Inst week, sharing Interest with vjeorge Kvuns. Hal Havls ami ines M'lcaulev. Swenlmnn nut) Maxwell, He- mini and Bailey, Mme. Wynne Wlnsluw, Wll- llnui Cnhlll, Three 1(1. > BnitherM, Lowe nnd Hughes. Ituinrn nnd Arno. Grant nnd Grunt. Kcnned.v nnd James, Cook and ('Union, tho (Ingnoiix, Cantwell and Jcuulugs, Tom Naat Jr., and the Sully Family. Kl.KVKNTit Stiikkt Oi'Kii.v Hoihe (Frank Hnnuint. manager).—The imtrons contlnuo lo fill this bouse every night, and therefore there Is no change made in the current bill, which Is meeting with such success. Sev- eral new burlesques are lu preparation and will be put on view In a short time. Lyckcm Tiikatuk (John'G. Jermon, man- ager 1.—Fred Irwin's Majesties holds the NM 'HtlS""weekr-preaentIng-nii-«ttr»etlvo olio and two burlesques, entitled "Hack lo Ireland" and "King tor a Day." Next week brings the Utopians. Liberal patronage was iH'stowed on At. Beeves' Big Shon* last week. TkocAUKlio (Floyd Laumiu, inanngor).— It'Illy & Mood's Big Show Is the nit ruction lit tills*.' Ihls week, presenting a hill 1 lint Is snre to please the patrons. The l'arlslnn Belles scored well wllh the 111 led houses Inst week. lH'.sx'H Utah Tukatiih (Fred Wnhlninnn, manager).—The offering this week Is the Ilowery Burlesipters. The i«iIrons turned >.ut hi force last week und thoroughly en- joyed the performances given by Snm Be- van and Ills company. Next week, Vanity Fair. Ninth and Alien MfiWOI (C. A. Ilraden- burgh, mnnngcr).—The living statues nru coiillnucd ns a pronilneiit feature In tho thrill re this week, the rest of the contlnii-. .111 bill Including: Gordon II. Kblrld, the T.inenns.' Nevada Fnrrlngton, Lcou nml Hertle Allen, John J. Hheppnrd. Brady nnd Bray, and Ihe clneogrnph. In the rttrlo hall the features nre: I'lof. Levlun anil Mile. Gray, exposition of black art myKterles: Itavnioii'l and Smtonln. !ady Kwnln'a biiroyanl circus: Bnlhromn, sila- niuniier: Lelinr's perl'oniilng RMJMtsMJ Ilerr liulier. armless nrtlsl : I'lgu. Indian iiythoiis, and Beatrice, sword walker. Niitkn. —James K. Hurkclt Is ta iilay nn engagement of live nlghls and 11 Saturday n.allnee. Iieglaiiliig Tiiesdiiv. Ul. nt the Acade- my of Music, presenting "The Crls's."....... Victor Herbert oernpled 11 scat In one of the Isixes ou Thursday afternoon nt Iho Grand <i|»cr:i House, witnessing the perform- ance of "The Uercnnih 1 ." ish>. V. Wright, formerly In the chorus of the Im- perial Operu Company, which played a short engagement nt the Grand opera House the early part of last year, secured 11 VuTdlrt for $0S hi tho Common l'lcns Court, lust week, against William HuBcnbach ami Lewis Ncckmnn. the managers of the enmnnny. The claim was for 11 balance duo miner 11 five weeks' contract both for himself and for five other singers who had assigned their claims to him. ■ Pittsburg-.— There Is nothing specially new In local showdoin. Our local iiiuuiigcrs aro hoping that the erection of three nc.v theatres In our burg for next season (which now seems un assured fact) will relieve tho present congestion In their houses, which nre much too small to accommodnto the crowds that flock to them. A fortune awaits Ilia lucky monager who Ilrst secures a poiiulur priced thralre In Allegheny, which. Willi Its population ot one hundred and forly thous- and, and its thickly populated suburban towns, bus not n single place of amusement of any kind, and furnishes more than lifty per cent, of the patrouugu of the l'lttsburg theatres. Al.viX Thkati.h (Nixon A Zimmerman, malingers).— Julia Marlowe presents "Tho Cavalier" '-','1 und week, for the Ilrst time hen-. Mary Munncrltig played, to a good week's business, dosing Hi, In "The Stub- bornness of Gernldlnc." I'Mhel Ibirryuioro comes :i'i. lltjoii Tiikatuk (It. G11IM1. nutnugcr).— "Only a Shop GIH" Is tlio hill for the week beginning 'J;t. "lluppy Hooligan" closed -I. "The Viilunlecr Orgniilst" will be given 110. 1 -: 111 ■ j 111: Tiikatuk (K. J. McCullough. man- ager).—Win. Boiielll and Hose Kliihl pre- sent "Janice Meredith" Utl uiul week, slid hnve a big iidvunce sale. "Looping thn Loop" pluyed, to Ihe cupuclty of the house, during the week ending HI. Illsck 1'nttl nml her li'oiibndoiirs ure lo arrive HO. ' (iiiAXti OriniA lIiiCMI (Hurry Hiivls, inn ngei'l.—"llesurrectloii" vvus very eluhorulely produced Vt, fur the Ural time here, und will hold (he biuirda for 11 wck. or iierliuiis longer, uotwlthstaiidlng thai "The tMilldreii of Ihe Ghetto" Is underlined for HO. "Tlio Christina" wns admired by many up to 31, AvKXiu: Tiikatuk (Hurry Davis, mana- ger).—Futilities Women's orchestra, John T. Stilllvnii, Crime Bros, nnd Itelinont, Fields and Wunl, I'urros Brothers. Zelina Itiiwlslun, George Alexander. Olive Kerr, itolff Brothers, At. Wnllx, Drawee. Ituymoud nnd Vis;k, 1'ns- calel, and the cliieogniph comprlMO a leinpt- lug hill during the week beginning 23. Lust week's ntlendance wns very large. UraenXH TitKATiti: (Hurry V. Willlains, malinger).—-Tho Hungarian Hoys Band, I'll- sun and Krrol. I hi. Lalell. Klein. OH llros. and Nlckersoii, George Thatcher. Thorne mid i' Murphy and Nichols, llvn Miulge, Jess Hniuly. und tho Four Nelsons nre Manager Williams' offerings for .Ihe week of 251. Business coiillnucd enormous up to 21. .. llJUlttl Williams' Acaiikmv oh MUMfl (llnrrv Willlains, inaimgeri.—The Trncudero lliirles'iiiicrs ciniie L'li. anil will visit with M for a week. The City (Jluli ltiuicsi|Hcrs did tho usual In rue business of this luitiae during the .week ending 21. ' Dfoir.s.vii gaiiiikx <». »■ McSwIgnn, mini- nucrl. — •|'h 1 , Hciisi.u of sknl lug and hockey nl this lionse •■loscd 21, There will he the iisniil setison of grand oiwrn by Hie company from tho Melropolllun 0|wni House. New Vni'k. hi April, (hen will come the Summer oisM'ii Ncnson. us heretofore. Stiiavs.— At Carnegie Music Hall, after- noon ot 20 and night of 21. I lie I'lltaburg Svuiphouy Orihealru gave Its Inst nmceiN of Hie present season Iluxter. the Seidell basso. Is to give a song recital ut Car- negie Hull 2il Arlluir Myron scored IIP Ilium use success 111 11 broken (leriniin dia- lect part while stnitsirtliiK Mury .Manner tig here Inst week. He contemplntits starring jfft". Is en- next seuson. His appearance here recalled lo our old time thenlregw-rs very plensiiiit memories of the duys. many years ago. when hlk father. Oliver Douil Byron, was lending ' mini of the Opera House (now the Avenue Theatre) stock company, and his mother, then known ns Kilty trXcll. was a member of tho same orguillzatlotl Mamie Wllizek, who plays wllh the I'ndctt'i Women's Orchestra at the Avenue this week. Is n l'lttsburg girl, ami wns 11 great fnvorlte here, under her mulnden uuine of Mamie lteuck, when she murrled Franz Wllc/.ek, a Hungarian violinist. Her many friends here ure preparing n rousing wel- come for her Charles Blaiiey. manager of the Hlnney Thralre. Newark, N. .1.. paid us a filing visit to see 11 performance of '(inly ii Shop Girl," In which he Is Inter- ested Stage Manager Jack Huffman, of the Grand Opera House, purchased a num- •ls»r of nihinlil* things nt Ihe recent sale of ' Atigiislln Hnly's stage erects willed to Ada Uchan. Hnr^litmrg.—lluslnrs.i showed a alight Improvement ov^r the previous week, but the Lenten Reason Is having Its effect. . Giiaxii ,oi'i:iia Hoi'HK (N. Apuoll. mnnn- gerl.—Tho I'liclun Stock Compnuy did well March III, IT. Andrew Mark came lit. to DISTIUCT Oli' COLl \IB1A. rt business, and won great favor. Snm Jack's Hiirlesipiers followed 111. to big iiiisliiess. ' "A Texas Steer" did fair husl- •WnshlnBton.—With one exception Ins- week nothing new wns presented thciitrlcut palrotis. Business was below Ihe nvctiigu of the previous few weekn. The only new thing prcs'iulrd was nt the Nnttoitnl (W. II. T. Jacks BurlmpiewfoTlowcil,!!*., to big it,ip|,. v . wlicrn Clmrles Hnwlrey and his excellent Mi.gllsli coni|iaii,v gnve "A nisui 20, and wiiiiiiui II. Crane' closed tho' week, lo big huslncns. 21. In "David Hnriim." William - Hiipont. 11 fornler llartlsbtivgcr, with this company, was warmlr welciuned. Tlic coming nn ructions nre: diaries Haw- trey. In "A Messenger from Mnrs," 251; Y. M. C. A. slnr course 2-1. Four Cohans 251, Mrs. Flsko 20, "Florodora' 27, "Denver Express" 2H. Notkh.— Manager N. ApiHdl was In New York 21. nnd closed a contract for the erec- tion of his now theiii r.-. it will be known as the Lyceum, nnd will be much larger than at Ilrst anticipated. It will have a seating capacity of J,T.M) Hani T. .luck's Ihirlesipiers will appear nt Middle- town 23 At the ltosedalc The- atre, CliumlsTslmrg. the Olllc Italford Com- pany did well 17. 18. "'Way Down Kast" Is duo 2-1 At Carlisle ,! Mniui Muller" did well IS. "A Warm Match" lind fair business IIIU. -"I'ndc JTom's Cabin" (Hlct- snn's) had good business 20. auiT ,- TTid new York Girl." with Kulalln. 21. did medium business Welsh Brothers' Clreua will he liern 27. 28-Aiirll 0. Frank aud Idu Me- Cormlck. and Ueorge Boyd, ot thla city, Joined Ihe circus at Lancaster. Kd. Ken- ncdy, ot Hits city. will, again oftlclato as treasurer of Ihe show. ■ ■ AHoona.—At the Klevouth Avouue Opera House (I. C. Mlshlur, manager),—Business has been fairly good week of Murch HI, "A l)os|M>rnle t'hnnee . dhl well 111. "Tho Ki- rn Is." 17. nnd "The lloosler Girl," IS, had fairly good houses, and Andrew Mack. |n •■Tlic Hold Soger Biir," drew well tilled houses 10. Belininil Thoinpkoll. In "Tile Old llomesleiid." hn.l n full house 20. "A Turkish Texan" 21. W. II. Crane 211. "Foxy llmnilim" 21. "Beck's Bad Boy" 2fi, "Not Gullly' 2(1. Ilnverly's Minstrels 28. Notes. —Mnnngcr I. C. Mlshler nml several other gentlemen have purchased n piece of ground. 1051 feet front by 120 deep, 011 tho weat side ot Twelfth Avenue, nlsivc Twelfth Street, 011 which n new modern nnd up lo dale Ho'litre Is to ls> Imiii tills Slimmer. The plans will bo very much llkn Ihe new- State Ml ret Theatre now building III Trcil- I1111. N, J I'orter J. White, In "Fran- cesca dn Blmlnl." plays In tho Acndnuiy of Monte, Tyrone, 20, nnd Wurd Kelly's Lndy Minstrels 21. 1. ■ 1 ■ . Mrrniiton.—At the Lyceum (A. J. Huffy, maiiiigerl.—Clmrles Hnwlrey, In "A Messngo from Mnrs," Mnrch 20 (return dnlo). Viola Allen 2.1. Louis Morrison. In "Faust," 21, came, matinee nnd evening. Ar.MiK.11v (A. J. Huffy, mnnnger).— "Mickey Fl 23-3-1, "Tile Convict's Unngli- ler" 'ill-28, Murray A Mack .111-21, had giHid houses. Dixit: (II. F. Dixie, manager).—I'eopln ■iis'lilng 251: llmviiiil und Hiatal. Bros. Itnssl, llnrrv Le Clair. Ihe Hnvlllo Sisters. Herbert nnd Svilllng. Hal. (imlfruy and Co. Stau (Alf. O. Herrlngton, mnnnger).— Tho Utopians 22-25, tho Dainty Duchess 20- 28. Knstoii.—At Abie Opera House (W. K. Detwlller, manager).—Denmnu Thompson, lu "The Old Homestead." wns greeted by S. It. fl. March 17. Lewis Morrison, lit "Faust." came, to good business. 18. "A Chinese Honeymoon" pleased n huge atldl- enco 10. "Florodora" 251, Viola Allen 20, Chns. Hnwlrey 27. WllllnniNport.—At Ihe Lycoming Opera House (Flsk fc Rector, miningors).—TliomuH H. Shea. Co. pluyed, to largest receipts 011 record, at this house week of March 10. To arrive: "My Friend from Aikitniiaw" 24, Fllzslmmons nnd Jeffries 255. "Thn lloosler Girl" 2(1. Mrs. Flsko 27. "Turkish Texan" (cntlceled), "Tho New York Girl" Jin. "Florn- dorn" April 1. I'orler .1. White's "Faust" 4. #s» ; • KIIMKKV. Messngo from Mnrs." business wllh which In- creased as tho week progressed. The stnr nnd his support made 11 decidedly fnvoriililc impression "Soldiers of Fortune," wllh Hubert l.'ilcson lu tho principal role, Is cur- lcnt. , Col.i'itntA (Lnckett ft Dwyer, ninungiirsi. —Dnvltl Wnrlleld. In "The Auctioneer." iimilo his second visit here Inst vvecl,. to (air busi- ness. Tho current alirnctlnii is "A Couiiliy Ulrl." LirAVKTTB (Irn J. La Metl, nuinngor).— L'ugi'iile Blair, In "«" nud "Ciimllle." threo nlglits each last wt>ck, phiywl to gwjil slxed audiences, ond i-epentcil her success of curlier la tho season. •'Spotless Town" this week. lAiubj Mann, in "All on Account of Kllxa." next. Cuahk's (Miss- Wlnnlfrcd Be Witt, man- ager).—The vaudeville bill last week .was the equal of Its predecessors, nnd, us usiuil. Kept lll<> auditorium well tilled twice a (lay. This week the MiitoglfTls Th«rtoptlneir-wrHt the llnrrows-I.iinrnnter Co., l.nrls and All Inn, Maud II111I1, Hekert and Berg, /axello and Vernon, J11I111 l'e Gilbert, Acaiikmy (John W. Lynns, mnimgnr).— "On thn Suwnnne lllver" sustained the repu- 111 ilmi ot this house, and the pntrons thereof kept the place well tilled. Jon Welch. In "The l'cdiller," Is current. "Alphonso nnd (iiislon" next. Lvck.'m (Kugeue Kernnn. mnnnger).—Last, week the Tmcitdcro|iicis gave an excellent show, and iho twice it day sessions wero Invariably crowded. This week, Iho Thoroughbreds. Al. Hooves' lllg Show next. M.mimiii: (M. S. Hehlesliiger, miiiuiger).-- Tim HI but Stock, supplemented by Clin union and oilier excellent vatidovlllo turns of tho better class, played l« big bouses, Current: Hello Stewart and Hnvo KMtzglhtHins. Is-s- 'le Bros., I'lla Shields, Irene Vonng, the Cus- tnnos, nnd I'hnrlle llolnlke, wrestler. Notkh. —Mne Cselior. formorly of thn chorus nttnehed lo.the IHJ011 Stock Company, of this city, committed suicide HI, by Ink- ing carbolic nclil. Despondency and fulling health worn Ihe causes alleged. Her Imity wns sent to the homo of her mother lit Phila- delphia, MAUYI.ANI). I.iiolsv lllc. —At Muciiuley's Theatre I Jno. T. Mucniiley. nisnuger).—"Tlio Bogera Bros. In llurvurd" enuie Mnrch 17. 18, drawing big nndlencea, nt Increased prices. Tho plocu wns full of humor and music, giving entire snl Infliction lo I huso thut ntlenilcd. Coming : "ClKickers" 20-28. Al.uiToniiiM (James II. Camp, mnnnger). —.Mrs. Flske cumo 10, 17. presenting "Mary of Magduiu," to large and brilliant audi- AviiXiK Tiikatuk (Chas. A. Hlinw, iniiiiu- Rl ,|.),—-At Crlpplo Crock" wns the attraction week 1.1, drawing good houses throughout Ihe engagement. For week of 22, "Two Lit- tle Wnlfs." TnMI'I.M Tiikatuk (J. D. Hopkins, nmlin- ger 1.--The iiiiiiiiigeiaeiit conthiuos In pro- vide nu excellent programme for Its pa- trons, which lit lugs prosperous business. The bill for week 22 comprises: Juiiies J. Morion. At. Bellman and Lottie Monro, Haves und Henley. Ward nnd Cumin, iho original Itozlllns, Kllxnbclh Murray. Flolibi nnd lloiisoii. und Sophia liiiriiliiini. Hri'MMiii.vvi Tukatiih iWhiilten llros.. miiiiiigors).—Bice Sc llailon's Hose Hill Du- glish Folly Company pleased large mull ilices during week IS. For week 22, Truns- ulliiutlc lliii'lcsipiers, Notk, —Win. II, JosNctyn enme 10-22. giving 1111 exhibition of Ihe Hlustrilled story of "Ben Ilur." The cntcrlnllimcnt wns nu Instructive one, nnd pleased Inrgu audiences. ■ I'liiiiicnli. —Al the Kentucky (Jnmes V.. Kngllsh. iiiunagcr).—Harry Beresfnrd, In •The Wrong Mr. Wright,'' March 111, nnd "Floiiidoru,' 17, hud good business. Al. Wilson, lu "The I'tlnco of TntteW." 18. hnd full' business. C.iiilng : "Tim Fust Mall" 2.'!. "The ITlsoner of Zcndn" 21, "llolhi, Wll." 25: Georgia Mlnslrels 27. "Other People's Money" 28. "King Dodo" 510. Notk. —Work was begun lust week on thn I'aslmi. the new Miinimer theatre to 1m oi-eeied bv Ihe street cur I'liiiipuiiy nt their West I'nil park. Tlio structure will lie of Iranie. iii.d uuslelml after Din Kentucky, nud splendidly eiiiilppcd In all details. Mr. Kngllsh. of Ihe Kentucky, will ha lessee sad inn anger. Iliiltiiuoi-c. —At Fortl'f Opefn Hoiisn (clinrles Ki Ford, manager).—The ntlrac- thin for week of Murcli 251 Is "Tho Silver Slipper,'* with tlm original ciiinpuiiy. In- chilling Sum Bernard nnd Ihlna Wiillnc lliiii|iei'. Hum Keudnll nniitscd good sUed aiiilleiiees Meek ot 1(1, Willi "The Vinegar Buyer," Week of nu, the lloslonlnns, pro- ducing "Itnlilii Hood" ami •'Mold Marian." Acaouviv 1 ik MiSH' (N'lxon ft Zlinuiei'- man, milllilgors).—"A Chlueso lluiieyniooii." which iiiuile such a lilg lilt ham curlier In the seuson. plays a roliirn ciigngeiiient week of 251. "A Country (llrl" did falrlv good business 1(1-21. Week of DO, 10. II. Sothevn, In "If I Were King." Ciiank's Tiikatuk [P. II. Chase, innim- ger).—Tim Fnwcott (.'oiniiaiiy, with I'erey llaswell, will present "The Tinning of iho Shrew" 23 mid week, and week of III), '8I111 Stoops til Comillel'." Hril.l.tPAV Stiiixt 'I'iikatiih (ICeriiiui, Klfn ft llouck, imiiiiigiirs).—Al. W. Martin's "Irude Tom's Cnhln" did good hiislucss 10- 21. This week, Thus, I). Hlion, In repertory. Week of 30. The Smart Set, AliiilTiiliiiiM Mi.'su: HALT, (James L. Ker- nnn, miniuger).—Hose Melville, In "Sis Hop- kins," comes for 23 nud week, and will ho followed week of ,'Hl by "Happy Hooligan " Itrllly ft Wood did big business 111-21. 1 Kmi'iiik Tukatiih (l/oulsi fl. linker, muiiu- gee 1.— Tlio nit ructions for 23 nuil week In- eliido: Four Amorlcan Truinpoters, l<oiiuy Haskell, Iho Two Olid n Half lie Grciiiis, Gorman and West, Ustelln I'liinkutt. Wil- liams and Willlains, tho Fennels, Gilbert Mavoiiy. - CoNVHNTinv Halt, (Junies L. Keruun, luunngei-i. The Mctllll mid HI1I10111111 Stock Co. will produce, week of 211, "Bupho'' and "Tho II11111I of Man." Momimkntai, Tiiimtiic (Jnmes L. Kernnn, iiinnnireri.— Al. Iteoves' lilg ciiinpany appear hern ihls week, giving two burletlns. "Mr. Hooley" and "A Morry-Oo-Houml," nud tliero Is also nu ul tructlvo olio. Week of 5J0, tho Mnlesllcs. Ohk.on 'I'lik'.'.Tiui (James Mudlson, iiiiuiu- Iter). --The (lilcuii Stuck company will glvn 1 wo new farms, "Tliu Now fiurtuiiiler" nnd "An Ocean Voyage." 2,'l and week. Mile. Ordlar reappears after n severe Illness. \oir.. —In the proHciicc of several liiindrerl friends nud spectators James L. Kernnn, on March IP, laid G10 great live ton gruulln cnriierslone of Ihe Maryland Theatre nml CiihIiio nnnex, which he Is having m-eeied on Fraukllii Street lietwis*u Kuliiw nnd How- ard si reels, Tim reruinoiiy wns brief, hut Mr. [vermin's ninny friends gave Ului uu ovation. 4 ■ » HIGH A Itll ITI'HOT. <«» MAIWI'L I'nriliiiiil. —At the Jefferson Then Ire (Cnhli ft Grunt, malingers 1.—.Milhullr (ill- mini. In "Tlie -Mocking Bird." wns Ihe at- traction here Murch 111. 17, large und highly pleased audiences attending each perform- ance, "Ouliioy Adams Sawyer" came 10. Mildred Holland, present lug "Tlio Lily nnd the I'rlnce." wns thn attraction 20, 111. Chuuncey Oleolt, In "Old Limerick Town," 24: Mrs, Le Moyne, III "Among Those I'ras- enl," 25: "In old Kentucky" 20. Gertrude C'ogbluii. Ill "Allen of Old Vhiceuiies," 'J7. PoiiTLAxn Familv Tiikatuk (James K. Misire, liiuliogeri.—During Ihe Week of 10 the bill Included: Charley fuse, (ilndstuii" Slaters, Leruy nnd Wisidford, Mnlu nnd Clifton, i-'iiriiuiii Bros.. Sain S. Briinc, ond Worinwocsl's dogs nnd monkeys, to satis- factory returns. For week of 2!t: James Thornton, thn Two Itniketts. Tom Moore. Illsaonnett and Newman. Donahue and Nichols, liirron nnd Herbert, and hdwln Baker and company. ♦♦» — Margaret A. Marston, of "Hnlly In Our Alley" Co., was married to Edwin Gordon Httlbert. s non-professional, on March 7, In St. I^iills. " In l lie deeelopinoni of vaudeville In Amer- i.ii lllclinrd I'llrot hus pluyed 1111 Imisjrliint part during tho past lluw years. As ngeiir und iniiiiuger hn bus successfully Inlioducnil the very cream of l'.iiriijM>uu nnrollleg to American uuilb'niTN, Having a pleasing per- sonality, l.igelller villi Mll'illgllt fill vvnl'il Slid honest business principles, hn has mini" hosts of friends lu the pi'iifaiotlnli. Hn bus traveled lu nil purls of iho world In search of novelties ami nets llini lie could con- scientiously recommend, nnd uvnrywhern ho hns established Hill most oiii'dlnl rnlulloilS with inn lingers und perfoisncrs alike. Tho iniii'Veil success which Iiiih nlli'iidcil his ef- forts must uccessiirlly hnve excited tho envy suit JciiIuuhv of nn which every successful iiiisiniss mini iiii'ois with, nml viirbaiM mcllioils have been rnsorled to, from time to time, to weaken him Ifi the esllias- ' Hon of those wllh whom bo has been doing business; hut bis honest efforts lo benefit both the iiihiiiwi's nml performers hnve won for him II loyal silpiHil't thut cntinot bo broken down by false or mlMleiidlng stntc- ineuls. Being generous lo n fault, much of the work which he has dotia has heeti gra- tuitous, nml solili; of (lie greatest successes III vaudeville were discovered by liltn. In 1IH)g lie produced "The Dark Secret," In thn I'ni'l 'I'luait le. Ill V leu mi. Hi; also llltro- ( the fiilhiwlng American nets In Ku- ropn: Hurry llniulliil, Wood and Hhciipiird. Ihe Four Kiil|H>i'ors of Music, Nelson Downs, I'liiully, and Cook and Clllilini : but Ills prlui.lpul business Is ls)ok- lug Kuropeiin ncls lu America. In this work he Is extremely cousi'loulloils, and never rncoiiinienilM un net unless hn Is sure Hint It' Is what It Is represented li> be, The follow- ing Is a stcllur list of iillriiclloiis which bo hns Imported und nmimgeil: Cliuiuevulll, the Svengalls. the Four M^ulcnps, Willie llrofli- era,- iMccubiiim Horses. Three Yoscnrys, the Sftlvuggls, Klnrciiz 'I'nnipe. lleris Fiimlly, .lnci|iiu I nn mil. Hollar Trunin', Hie Knrsrs, I'nrros Bros., Scolt liros.. Mux Wnldon, l'e- nltd Arngiiu, I'm ion Living I'lctures, Flni lie Liiccns, l.'uur Madcaps. Lieut. Chns. Noble, Three Itminv Mlslers, CIlMI'llu Ulld Willie, und niiiiiy olhnrs. <«♦ The Lake Shore LI ml Ic.l Is still tJio great 31-lioiir Irnln to Chicago: leaves New York Il.tIO V. »i,. srrlvtrs Chlcugo 4,:ill next afternoon; luxurious servlcoi all 1'u 11 nut n cars.—Jifr,