The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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MABCH'28. ••Tom-Tow. , ffiJLt." ;|- S jtjtu JjMwi by rWul nnd bVt b5£fi ?i CC V ho mn « l «**■ 'Uri&J&ffSbi by-Robert Hood Bow- KIM Ihivo ctci MtartS2SL , £ ,,r tho local '£*•■" rnmiJe of carJy Biicce*) I seems, on oMk Its ilnniial ("hiiim. JSSSSl. r,mH K< irc. I* ?°„,, 0 |V„v(« BC.of,l«'««:intMt than Coliseum «mi T , rs,h 7? v«^5" 8C * n ' 0 i'■ t . ,,, ." ,,! ■g g.gggJS TK i'iiIm popiinf. house How also bo^luu nc » r L « ?' B '™ pr " "• thmi iJ'i^fiTrun in «S piUiit-him fcumrely ,iartmc3t. mule' , h f ISZLJteJ 1 *? "«" H II "'.""," „.i.„ «j«f. ' Hiram fntehem lit, H....I.. .:„'. '■•'*■ -nirertlcn of James Her- blot -m hraHw tiw "saw sTsySSK Sffi *■«» here, from Smw shout the THU ^TEW yOKK GiL2^>P^IK. lib <^v!!^4J C hi : fe Tailor, ii. w> Hboi-h "Hula* un<f'Hoses la not all that nn.l Monti. Mil?. Welch. JaASDwrnTtSod "feSSo'SSy^m; fKoni.& c» 8 t.c. SB»MleMft«» ST5KP niunugertf).— r ' r ~" Mr, and Mrs. ailttU'M *RK^222*mSlS ? m mS B L 22™& nml urminuui's, Sacramento. "Owlns **««.JMfflBf^JSS 0 ^Sj B ^H2! ™& f«>ct thut tills same T.u; once before Isiiett ior. . imtMHM, ond Hose and Soverns. The 'Jriiu- OrntA tloTTsn fKonl & Castle, man theatres comnrhe Ursi»»'. ,ii.,i i„. -For 211 and weef the bill natties: Unique, Smt S„ • ™ "* Bra« t • r». Noi o, Mr and Mrs. ltccil, Oakland nnd Kresoo; the Unapt SmjSS .lime, Mignonette Kokln, Nick Lone and Idellano Cotton, Nat M. Wills, Gallatca's iiioukeys,' ihe Melanl Trio, Mclntyre and Heath, many of these nets constituting the tiipheuni Show,"which Is booked"In conjttnc- attempted lo Ininsport a large parly of nee foni'crs over the same bookings, and had mic carried tho advance arrangements to a satls- factory ' culmination, there were many ' Thomases" among those who were tlon'willi the rwilorhouae.bookings. Last bnokcii and those who were not book" I. The week's bill had: The Three-JMgtetli. Ml affair created much comment and TillI proim- their artistic nud tUverslBed specialty; Ua (ban, the .armless .wonder, In novel and won- derful pedal manipulations, and Cressey and ii.-ivne, in "Hill BlfiW Baby." as effective features of tin evenly good show. On sev- eral occasions the standing room capacity of llils spacious house was tested to Its rapacity by lore.ra 6f the best In vaudeville. Olympic TjIkatuii (Kohl. m. Castle, iraiim- gets).—Hooked for weekntartlng 23) Kath- rvne Hayes,' tn caruioniollu. the Lcc ItrMhera. Ihq Skating. Itexes. the Crlorsnn Sisters, Vox and Koxle, Mclniyrc und I'l-im- iniie, l>rch'ln and Hrecn,. Bcrtlc Fowler, Hilda Thomas & Cov, John Kernel), the Brit- lohs. Kdniand Ilnyes & j'c. .and the klno- ilrome. The Clayton Whltc-Marlo Stnart i■«.',. In a new sks|ch, entitled "1'arls," were Ihe rtghlful features of a splendid bill last week, winning salvos of applause for their iirtlmlc efforts. Mzzlo Evans and Harry Mills Worn llkcwlsn In I'lciMitlnnully strong fnvnr for ineHoutatlgus at a good Kkctcli well played. , llttwley and I^csllp scoreil a. pro- uotinceil hit nnn Jjcw Hawkins easily won his tlsunl laughlug success. Ituslness Is iniiiirnse here and the vaudeville bills are the best In town. lUTStidrtcm THKAtm (W. AV. Freeman, manager for..Kohl & Castle).—This week's bixiklngs are: The Itohcms. (bp Brothers Mnrtlne. Bai^tt'y I'lrst, Mack atitl Armour, Harry /''It/.treraltl, Jmlk Hbot, Uowley and l."i<ll<\ the Whltui'V HrotUcrs, l.lzzle Kvans and Harry Mills; Ix-W Ilnwktrls. bt Troupe Carmen, I'hll. "npd Neltle Tetors. Colo and .lohnson, and the klnodronK ' In Inst week's hill l-'lBhcr. and Carroll, Jules and Kiln Gnr- I'lson,')f| 0 Irwin' arid Walter Ilawley, I,a Mnr and t.'abrlel, np,d Flske and McDonough were lauRlilfit fcnliiros. making hits befoio audiences which continually tested the ca- pacity. HaJi T. Jacic'u OpKttA' HoirsB (Shlncy J. htimiii, miinager).—Kd. V. Uusli's Bon Ton itnrlrwpiers holds Iho stage of this popular theatre, starting wth Hunday's mtitlnec, ^'J, and continuing for two dally performances throughout tho week. The splendid bur- empio mid vaudeville performances offered by Alio LeavHt's Itent/.-Muntley Co. lost week served to attract the chstomnry large pnt- ruflsm which Is iv-cordcd good shows at this IHipufair resort. "A Trip to thn Coronation" was the main feitture, with Lottie Klllott leaning |M festivities. "IIc-IIoeksln-Here" yi"! V 1 !'. f? 1 !""''• *»* lli'J olio eiaiilprnl: lihlmrd Wild. AH. Hunter and All. Kathleen ■ o n ?. h .Uvtlulte, Cliurles Itoblnson.James am sadln l.cono,rd, and .lohrt Lyon. .1 MMMMfto Tiikathk (UpHnrt Knlti) ugei'l.—rim Troradero Itiirle.««|uc Ion, man- _ ..rleK(|ue Htock « potttit asscnilily of entertain- eix liiiKlneiisum.lnlalidiig nn averago of even ... proba- bly be a fruitful topic of discussion for some t mi! to come li'r«i M. Barnes desires that the gender of IiIk llrst born Ik> correctly set forth. It Is a girl—born on Washing- ton a Birthday K. II. Macoy departed last week fur a pleasure trip Id Ihe i'nclhc coast. Wheri he returns the National rrlutlng Co: will have moved Into the new 7'rfbitnc building, If present nr- rnngements me carried nut. ns planned Martin Beck loft Thursday'night for a flying trip to the Orphenm, Snn Francisco, to ho gone about ten days Clayton White, Marie .Stuart and company lav off here this week, lo resume the hohl 4; Cnstlc tour :!•». Tom Morrlsscy iinil Anna B. Bleb. Just hack from the nrpbeum circuit, were In town Inst week, en' route to plnv their last three weeks of vaudeville, previous to faking up their Summer residence nt their borne In Fair Kavenoh-thc-Shrewsbury The rcilnorc Sisters send newspaper evidence of their popularity nt several thnntrctf on tho Orpheum tour, which they have Just concluded. At the Temple. Louisville. Inst week, their sketch was given a splendid jourunllHtlc send off Tdwle's Opera House, Hnramnnd. Ind., a mlghly busy town. Just outside the Chicago city limits. Is tinder tho management of James .WingUeld, adver- tising agent of the (irnnil Opera House. Hero nro thn buoklngs: "The Christian" "-• "A Royal Slave" 20. "Tho Suburban," 1.1, mid "lloanoke," in, were Inst week's at- tractions, to capacity business. The theatre was dedicated <pilte rcccutly by Otis Skinner, in "Lnr.nrre." A I. W. Mnr- tln and his general manager. W. <-'. (.'uniilnghnni. were In town last week, heralding Mr. Martin's "Ten Mghts" show, due in a fortnight at Ihe Acndomy, and making some ndvnnee nnancements for his big production of "Uncle Tom's Cnbln," under cinvas, for the Summer Col. James M. Fennessy onrac up from (Mticlnniitl Satiirdnv to look over his locnl tlieutrlcnl Interests..... .Annln Onkley's "A Western (ilrl" Co. mis In town all Inst week, having practically closed the season Ilowlcy and Leslie, who have both played tho West with other partners, are now playing their f.rsf ennatontent as a team, over the Kohl & Castlo circuit. Their success at the Olympic was a propitious start for the tour..... .(I. f), Slmw has closed as advance for Blanche Walsh's <'o., und gone In advance of II. It. Tbcrle's Swedish Ladles' Quartet, which left here for the Northwest last week Ilavbl Ilelaseo mid John f.'ithrr Long will urrlvu here Sunday, with Jlrs, Carter. continues and ttbundnnt prosperity. Last week's bur- WUMO was cnlltlcj "Tntl-Krultl," for I lie «SS "'whit* mm in the wny, of I • ime. M, y OvWnfH 'Wd * -ci>pIoiim bevy ot prefly women, preltlly costurocil, »nd Alex J lark, M-iink Diimsel.nnd Otiy ItiiWHon wero -.0 prlnelpnl comedians. Auiong those who HP'.'arcrt In ihn opening viniiluvlllii bill ?iu? S ™iS? J. ,l,rttl Hfotbers. the Hawaiian i7mi »i Vi'•' W * y "" u Halthind, and Menlcy ■ml Mullery. 1'i-orln. -~ At. the Grand (Chnmberlln, llnri'lnjiloii & Co.. managers).—"Tho Light- house Robbery." March 1.1. had n pod Sun- day house. Walker Whiteside drew well HI, and "Captain Jinks" had u fulr patron- age 17. Indications arc good for "King Dodo." 20. und "A Royal Slave," 31. Coin- ing: "Hunting for Hawkins" 25. "At Cripple Creek" 20. Al. Wilson 27, Vogel's Min- strels 28. "Railmud Jack" 20, Main Stiikkt 'I'iikatiib (Willi Nub, mana- ger).—Business baa been phenomenal, con- sidering tlio hot weather. Wonk of 23 : Lenoir's marionettes, Bennett, Harmony mimd. The beiioOt to Slansllebl, 10. win a y niln. Ho Is very . x, and the tlrrmau. Business continues good. Niw:s,—Miinager Nash, of the Main Street Theatre, bus ronterl Trospect Heights, a popular imrk. and will run n vaudeville bill there this Summer Mr. nnd Mrs. i_ u „ "—..j"'",'!"-" "5 -.»-«u , in cm in nun- \v& l /! , ," lc ,." nl, .' )o »y Jiidch. noidy Nl m«iii i" !""" MHl Wtilo Monday, hi... \\",}u " e i l0 ,-. Stago—Madellno Kalrelillds, M.idolhie zcllcr, Helen Conger, Ilabo AV1II- ('uicAuo' T^»nr.« v„ i n o i n r,,-,,' held '" social 18, and showed themselves lo EKf3°5" "•"! ovetilng. 10. The gross re- >»«-alng, irj, 'i'he gri 2S*1."I8 , H ? ld ,0 •*" I'Mched f3,not). a Rg'W WM will bo doniited to tho famine S2ETS5 5t J*»*< Jlarry^J. Armstrong, "onklng Agency ■ m, the, pntcrtaln ""' "»'' l" kft Rosenthal acted as stage ,il ™ r o^ , t,,0 w,llt0 ' Hats' Booking Agency, lietil Ke -?n,r ',' ^'Pel'Vlslon' of the, jJnt&aW ^S^^SSSNiSSLiSn*!X bas-comidetedyarrangemeals Will, a |. f'wn afternoon nn'd evening, to tl»e capacity who. under the iiois < « iihwtf <>(<,< o «}.tho theatre, the house having Ici'ri com- Ftemliilt. adnptist Kipling's "Light: 11 li™ i,"£ A ol,t '" ndrtnceiaX n tinlforni Failed." to makc.tbo singe version of "I..i Tin ml.? 1 I , «Seat-^lli'st'come, drat served. N ? M a «?.?? b l". cmj»l«yec5! Fmnccs Dowoy, llnreJ' a^"! 1 !' Jo,,n '•'•' WcIc h- Kitty' Stevens. UmS WSSSH an" Mabel Casedy Itosnlr, jft^Sffe^SM^IsShS At a Holnt 145. miles north of Toronto on Man:" Maud I^ta Bird the llndd Broth- the Hranrl Trunk Hallway.System Is reached Ef». Alls-rt Klir^^ KKlSSJ^E? ." r S 'J o e of the most msgnlllwnt illWrfcta Irt thel rilage employe.. on the night of their benefit perforinnnt'C. *>* — A cable from Knglnnd stales that "Lndy Hose's Daughter." Mrs. Humphrey Wiirdes latest novel. Is lo l>e dramntlned and pro' iluced In this country In September, Charles Prohmtin seciirwT the American rights, and ■ lndy orgrt "hat idy ltosc's Daughter." 4»» A. BIT OF SCOTI.ANO IN CANADA. Lim nnJ iB «i,hh i.iiacuy, Aniuir w:n- Sdii,? d i! Wen - 1 }»W. **3 O. Clllvert, .Toslo •'lirsii "^{""vIK 1 , »t"l-Clark, Baby Luhd, rnntcffca-pnrlty of the nlr one brt;nlhes upon Us heights. The visitor forgets nt* ijis. ' I'rlsly amf Wl 1«, vVra Rlnl' James Dum" under lis reviving Influence In less than n ft' X£2iZt. U, f"»' ■««* tlS• iixJngton Qua?: week, and sees, ll&s problenjs In , »n.oother ^t, cpninrlslQg J. S Mnibonv W J Hrookes Unlit, enjoy ng tbejjood things In this lite Hnlin "VeS "■ ^ Jmndlcd, by J Helen P. for him. 1 tall 'T'SftL 111 ro»H. trerie F'rlsell, llonnle "f id. ^ h,ce PWM'wId Kiilalle .Innseu. ii flrhSil- .SS y fr "" 1 >'nrhi" Co., wlthmng- nrwn«L.«?" results. Vlie. commlrWi of Itarrv 8 ! it™ w u «-. 5?- It. Heea.clmlrmnri; Couls •L A ^. m 2 fr «''«. secretary; ff«n F, hube), «»UH M. Cohan, ^en.M. Olroiw,, Geo. WJ is bracing morning breeze, which celebrated ntninsphore of Pikes rivals the 1'i'iik, Col.. Ini|>arts new fresh vitality. lung isiwer nnd aiASSACHCSRTTS. mSpy Vfrr* r»<w observathm of last SZSiii!S!S lta <!S: ■«•*«■* It was not ewnly dlstribuifd. The weather was vcrv »nch on ine spring order, and oremxits ami other J nler garbs were discarded for the time being. Hut It »s srtfe to say ttiev wUI come in linndy before Spring Is with us for Rood. A season of grand opera nt the llosion; John 1 row, In "The Mummy nnd the Hum- ming Bird, nt the Unllls: -Sated from the «S U '. „? 1 ,J Uc Urwnt Opera, add "The ratal HediUHR" at MMe llsll. are thn chief amttsemeiit clianp-s for current week; l\m- Inmnd carvls huld sway at thn Mq«eum. lark, tolonlnl. Tremunt and the M.»Jc«lc. More Thau Queen," at the Castle Soiutre. nnd "Alvln Joslln." at the Bowdoln Square, are the stock productions, while new scenes mid faces are noted at the vaudeville and burlesque show houses. Boston- Tiinvrnc (Lawrence UcCarty. ninuagdrl.—Tho Metro] sill tan Ojiern House Co. commences on Monday nlghl. -March 33. n fortnight's engagement nt this house. In repertory. Chauncry Oleott, In "Old Lim- erick Town." dosed Saturday n fortnights enpiRenient of crowded houses. In fact, tills house has been more crowded during the past two weeks than any other In town. 'Old Limerick Town" -was very pleasing, and Mr. Olcott. with his tuneful songs, was greatly applauded. Rice's "Show Clrl" fol- lows the grand opera sea sou, for n week's stay. ImtMN STnKCT TitKATiti: (Isaac It. Rich. manager).—Monday. March 20. John Drew begins a two weeks' stay ut this bouse, pre- senting, for the lirst time in this city. "The Mummy and the Humming Bird." If re- ports are true we are In see Mr. Drew In the greatest success of his career, He has a line supporting company. Kthcl Barry- more ought to feel gratified at her recep- tion during her fortnight's sojourn. Stie has Improved greatly since Her last appear- ance In this city, and Is fast ascending tho ladder of fame. K. II. Sot hern. In "It I Were King." April 0. Dark Tiieatkk (Kirn. Harris & Chns. Frohinan, mnnngers).—Henry Miller, In "The laming of Helen," enters March 23 upon the second and last week or his stay. Mr. Miller has scored n substantial success In a role that Is one «f the most plenslng lu which he has ever been seen In this city, while the new comedy has proven a very delight- ful nnd wholesome love slory. Much of the success of the play Is due the commendable work of the supporting company. March SO, Clara Dloodgood, it, "The vilrl wllb the Green Kyes." Bosiox (Field, Itlcli, Harris & < has. Frolituan. nintingers).—"The Little I rlneess" Is now In the third and last week nt lis engagement. 'Hie advance Bale predicts larger houses for the farewell of Ihe dellght- inl comedy drama. All classes of people, young nnd old, hnve l*en captivated bv the wholesome, pleasing story, and the prnlne- worlhy ncilng or Millie James. The attend- ance was good during the past week. Km Kendall. In "Tlio Vincgnr Buyer," Is the next attraction. TiiKMii.vr TnBATMt (Jun! B. SrhootTcl, man- ager).— -Currenl week lx the third and last n( James K.llucketl. Ill "TheCrisis." Business Is not us large ns the management exported when u return engagement was booked, but, considering the nearness of the engagements. the attendance, which hits been good, ought t» be sntsfnetory under these clrruuistamres. March :<0, Mrs. l-'lske opens a three weeks' stay of "Mary ot Macdalu." Colonial TllKATM (Rich, Harris & Chns. rrobnuin, inaiingers). —^ Uniformly large houses nppcnr to lie Ihe rule with "The Sleeping Beauty nml Ihe llenst," now In Its eighth week. As there Is no prosisvt In slglit of nay decrease in the Interest ot this wonderful stage production. It will undoubtedly continue mull tho llrst of Mnv, when n Slimmer seusnn will be Inaugurated. The Summer uttructlnn will be nnnoiiuccd Inter, although It Is sold to be "A Chinese Honeymoon." Ma.tkstio Tiieatiik (Stair & Wilbur, man- agers).—The sKth and Inst week of "The Storks'" run ut this bouse beghm on Mon- day uf (Ills week. The musical comedy or cxtruvngiinzn was not quite strong enough to do a multeity business. Tile book Is wit- ty, and there Is an nbitndnucv of catchy mush-, bur something | H Picking lo make it a complete success. Richard cm-le mid Ihe members of the company have worked hard lo make the piece a hit, but, hh above stated, it would not do. nils Skinner fol- lows currenl curd, for two weeks of "Lu- zarre." Ciii.u.MniA TmkatiIb. —"The Knickerbocker (ilrl" closed Sat unlay night, nfler t In co weeks of not. very successful business. Thn piece was not to blame for tho Inck of put- rouaga. nnd hnd It ls>en hiuuched at nn- othcr house n good business would huvu been Ihe result. Tho house Is now dark', nail will probably rcmniu so for some time, unless Hie Shtiberls, who have a lease of the i iieal re, take control tit once. <;iiam> OPIUM IfUVHH (flea, W. Mngno. man- ngeti.-"Savisl from tho Sea," n isiWcrful mimical melodrama, Is the attraction for current week. Lnilra' llulbert heads a cap- able company. "Alpbonse and Clnslou" had a most successful week and was it great Im- provement over the llrst presi-iilalloii In this city, earlier lu Ihe season. Neil week, "Tho Convict's liar ' Mrsn: < Stair & Wilbur, managers). —"The Fnlal Wcdi|lng." which was seen lit .-mother local house curlier In the season, Is current curd. Company Includes: Cora l.'uliilen. Baby Kelfe. Severln lb- Hcvn. Will- tor ti. lloiioa. Win. II. ltnlley, Charles Wars^ baiter, Zi-ll,. linvenpnrt, Julie Itulph, Louise Oulnten arid Alice Kelle. A spcelul feature of the priidiirtlnii is ticrlrude Huynes and her llundsojue Illustrated publications scot free oil application to Frank P. Dnycr, »IP. AgenTGrnnd Tmnk Hallway Syitcm, alw llronaifay.New Xorfc , . . . , \ •• '■cliolr piMestlnl 'of twenty live boys, with Mas- ter Robert HutiilHthosolulsi. Anne Uliitulie, In "The Lltlla Outcast," wns' cordially re- ceived on her Initial appearance In this cily as a slur.' iVflc'ndaurc was gisxl during the week . March HO, "Tho Night Beforo Christ- inns." CASTI.B Sijiimik Tiikatiib (.1. II. Lmcrv. manager).—"More Thnn Queen" Is put on Ibis week for Hie llrst time ut this howsi by the slock. John Craig and I,Milan Law- inice,,an usual, have the principal purls. "A New Mngdalep" wns u successful revival, Judging from Ihe size, nnd enthusiasm of tbe. houses during Ihe week. "The Black Flag" will be done next week. llnwnniN SquAinj Tiikatiib HI. K. Lothv rop, mnhnger).—The selection of "Tho Sham- rock" was n very npprunrlnle one Inst week, enormous; crowds turning out to sen thn Celtic druma. "Alvln Joslln," with Chnrlcs Willnrd In leading rule. Is tho attraction for week of March 211. Willnrd Hlackiimro and Curl Key have prominent pails. "Devil's Island" Is lu rehearsal. Kkj.tii'h Tiigatmr (It. F. Keith, mana- ger).—Culver's bicycle loop whorl, which Is one of (he marvelous nets of current sea- son, holds over another week. New fai-es this week arc: The Hernia Family. Mlflo l-'uy. Kathryn Osteriuun. supported hy John I.liideiaiiui. In "The I-Mllor:" tleorge II. Wood. iZrorgn Fells and Lydls Barry. (Junker Cily Quarter. 1'aiainn Brothers. Cook and Sylvia, tint thews and Ashley. Ynckley and Bunnell. John Xlnfmer, Hnm I untie. Murphy and Willnrd. the Three Mitchells. ICmntonds, I'.meiNon and Umnmnds, and Ihe blngrnph. The nttendnuce wan large Inst week,' nnd patrons were . well repaid for turning out In such good numbers. BowAitn ATitKVAr.t:>f (Win. McAvoy, man- ager).—Carroll Johnson. Kilwsrrl M. Favor anil Bdltb .Sinclair. In' "Catsar'ft Angel:" BaroneM Klsle Von Itanlv, Miss Norton, Toby Lyons, Horry nnd Sadie Flel4fc, ilnstns nnd Bonks.'Foster nurl "Mike," Mluco and Idalcue, May Leon, Ilobblaa.aua Treann- man. WlnslaQlry nnd Snltlvnn, ami I'hll Morton are. the vaudeville mi-is for this week. "Dalty's Alley" is tbe title of tr,..- week'M barlesque, (ninKtadne the favorite iMmeiliaos. Fields and Wulley. A series of trig p|i ihe Ting bill. 1'iutcv. TitKATgt: (Cbas. II. IVnldron, aian- nger).—The High Hollers Co. Is the-current magnet. A It nuiway Olrl" iu«(."Heart of New York" nre the skits. .Yntidevlllc bill Includes: Musical Klelsls, l'aKrrj ami Hil- ton. Abblo and Ballerina Troupe, Dixolt and I-aagy, Howe and Scott, Frank- lin Sisters. Violet tlusvth and Kva Mitchell. Ituslucss was O. K. last week with the Moon- light Maids. Lyceum Tupatsk (II. it. Rateheller man- ager).—Uood results attended the perform- ances "f l"rv><1 Irwin's Big Show Inst week. "My Son's Wife" is the hurlcsquo which serves ns a vehicle for Scrlbuer's liny Morn- ing Olorles, current week's card. Clifford nnd Burke. John mid Lillian Howe, Cooper aad Schiiil, Couture Krothetv, tho Bijou Cniiiedy Trio, nnd laKlle 11st us ami Harry Hastings constitute Ihe vaudeville contin- gent- AlSTIN & Stonk's Ml'REPU (Sloan & Shaw, managers).—Curio hall features for this week: Albertlnn's Monkey nnd ISig Vaudeville Co., tbe Great Atuttln, lady tam- bourine Juggler ; Mercer, bnsl Icon thn urn n- turtrist: Knocli, under the water liiuslclsii ; Cullnirtte, and llanlta Sisters. Stnge: Amly and Maslo Csron. Hosle Duran, Smith nnd While. (Jraele l-ogiui. i-'ugaii and Merrlaui. cladys tiraham. Sanfonl Sisters, tlerstrom Urotiiei-s, Melrose and l'.lmer. Martin and Klex.inder. Ueo. and l«vrvttu Kpps. Hotel nnd Jenklnn. Veruells Hlslers, Jaurs nnd Mor- row, Smart and l.'puaui, and lite Spencer Trio. Huwpoin Mcst.i u (J. W. Strom, manager).—Week of Mcirch 311: «!iirl« hull '—May .York, Hi mevs on home trainers; Slg. llalaros, fir,* king: the Itobertos. Int- pulcment act: l'rlnccas Hirma. Hying -rings; Chasm, the mysterious, ond Chns. Huberts, the expansionist!. Stage: l'eto Murray's Burlesque Co. aud Donegnn's Southern Belles. Mi-Kn.ota.iN tl,. If. Walter, malinger) — Cbas. Jackson, contortionist: the Cnlcninns. tattixHHl is'opie ; Louise lVrnud nntl her titty Ihealre. Kecton, juggler, anil the Florentine Musical Duo nre curio hall fenlitres for this week. Stage enlertntnmrnt Is furnlsjied by Hnnsev Dellntn's Royal TrcoiM<ra llurlcvquD Co.. Iri a prmltictlnn of "Klttie's Kiss." CONOKKSINU Pl.AVS AMI PtAYEliS.— I'ltlllp M. Jauues Is lit town, represeittlng Mrs. I'lske, In ".Mary of Mugtliiln." Isabel Hnderwood, who slurred In litis city recently. has an lo St. I^mls fur n Ihree months' visit to her mother The Majestic Thea- tre bill March '-"-• was: Kmmii Cams.Chnrho Case, W'esf nail Williams, lite llrnlinms. Joseph W. Smith, lfarrlngtnit. Kimball and Donovan, Wc-ion and Ixilan, Ismls and Shannon, and Nellie Mercer A. 1,. Kr- bnger, of the Arm "f Klnw & Hrlnnger, was In town Friday and Sitturdny of Inst week. A Huston netvspitper man Is consider- ing the possibility of driiiuullzlug the success- ful novel citllrsl "Soltnlre.". ...<iloticeslcr Is to have a new theatre, lo bo enlbil the Kllic. A new theatre Is also lo be built In Xe»hury|Mirt SIuiohm nml (initlner. Sparrow, Charlie fsse, tleo. Ilttsscv, Hor- miin and l>vnanl. Craig and Adell, Sanford Sisters, the Barrings, nnd Msrgaret Webb constituted bill nt Music Hull March 33.... The following advance agents nro In town: A. M. I Must v* Miller, Kara Kendall, In "A Vinegar Ituyer:" Frank niukley, Otis Skinner, In "(.nsurre." and Julian Magnus, In ndvnnce of Clara llloodgood. lu "Tito tllrl with Ihe Creon Kyes." The Hoyal Llll- piilhins come lo the tirnnd (l|S!r« very soon. '"I'ho Teuderfoot" Is thn namo nelecled for thn new Cnrle & Here, musical comedy, In he presented by "The Storks" Co., itt ttit) Heaihorn Theatre, In CMcUfli Boston Theatre talent Mtirc'h 33: .1. K. Kinmel, 'llinmas Nnst Jr., Churles (Snitily) Cliatuaiiti. Olio Brothers, llollls and Howard, S. Flolsn Chute, .tack Irwin, Conroy BrotherH und I llll in Hennessey "On the Huwnnee Itlver" Is nu early comer to Music Hall Harriot Klanilon will tcrliilnali- her Since career with Ihe Inst pcrforinmten of "The .storks.'• lu'ilits city, next Nnitinbiy evening. Mny l>»veii|Kirt Seymour, the dtinghtcr of William Keymotir, resumes Iter pluce In the cant of "Tho 1 .lltl" Princess" on Monday of this week. She wns III when the engage incut opened, but Is now .entirely recovered. Joseph F. Wugurjr, formerly Holism or of lite llollls, mill llovy nciing uinnnger with Henry Millers Co., wns given n coiupllineatnry supper nt the Touralne one night Itlst week.' lohn Cntlg. for n long (line Ihe lending man or Ihe Castle Square Co., Is lo star under Hie management w tleorgo W. H.tnunls. Mr. Ci'ttlg will llrst appear In "I'rlncn Karl" May •(. at the IIIJou Tlietttre, In this city. He will lie supported by Mnry Yoilllg nml o ,timpeteut eonnmny "itesnrrectloli" Is now In preparation at Ihe Howdulll Square. Clinrley Miiekey. formerly nf this city, bus signed with the Klllrli Harden Co., Heaver, Col., for the Hummer, iiud will liegln his engiigetnent ,May .'I Mllllo James offers a fen del four gold plecb la iho ls>y or girl under flrieetv'yfiirs of ngii who will write the best eumjHisItIon on "Tho l.Hlli; Princess." • i i > I Nrxv St. ' 1'nlriek'H ' week proved a psht oia; to all Ihu local theatres, full houses being the rule. NtiW IlKIIKUHU 'Tiikatiih (Win. II, Cross, laanagii i—"'Wsy Ikiwn ISitsl" renewed Its bud season's success March Id, IT. "Tho Btirgoi)|asti>r" filled (lie spiiclous hoiiso and delighted Hie audbpico IK. "Allen of Old Vlucennes" met wllh a silocetisfiil reception IB, Mrs. tm M»yne, III "Aihoiik Thoso I'reseu't," drew tho cupuclty 30. "King Undo" iiiiue, lo S. II. 0., 21. Current week j "lu Old Kenlurky" 2U, Jero McAullffu Hep- erlory Co. 24-2H. Hiifcr.tiY'H TtiKATim (Thn*. It. Iiaylles, manager).—A good hill pleased during lint past week J. K. Km met was Ihn head- liner, lu Ilia clever monologue. I'liniso proved mystifying, anil Kdwnrd Hart and Mile. Bessie proved clever performers. In fuel, (he allow was up l» (he toji nuleh. This week's hill: Billy Johnson, the Droit SB (tenia, Wood nntl Htitiie, iliime. Boss nnd Ix-wla. the Myslerloim Ha lllere, I.lllluii Nenvlllc, nml fount IVHiiutcrlvii's colored moving pictures ( re-engaged I. I'TaiWiiliK' TflBATKM tl-lowera & Hbnniinn, inamtgerMl.—Miss New Y'lirk Jr. Burlesque Co. proved n |'sitent ilrii'vlng card the past week, (lypseno nnd Hnmn, In Ihelr' iriins- fonnatioii poiiloitilnin net, led Hie olio turns, nit bough t.'nltoli anil Harrow, nud Marion nnd I'eurl deserve nil the encoiuiiiins he- slowed :tpoit their clever work. The show wns lively, and Pleased large uiidlences all the Week. Thn house will bo closed 2X23 for nlteriitiiuiN. The Hmudway Ittirlesqucrs 2d. 27, 2K. .lack Mnuroe, tho pugilist, Is fcnlilreil wllh Ihls Niitkk. —All tenanls who Interforn with (be reimslellng of Sheedy'H now tin aire have been ordered 10 Vllelite, nml work will be pushed ho us. In enable Ihe new house In 1st In rriu'lness tor nn early next sensoii's open- Pig. Bn old house's lease 1ms nsveml years lo run, anil Mimager Sbeeily'a llileutl'ili Is lo lei tl for lei nl socliil fund Ions Jnsh Benelt, a well know'n bntl is?rforuier. Inw epcited n small vnTlrtv hail at the norlh end of the e(|y.. It slioultl scftiri' llfocriil pittrAtl- are' from n class of mill people whti cannot afford or spate the time lo visit Ine down town Iiminc*. ... -Tlie Little lllriird Sisters, of lilts city, who r'centl)f c|iisi'il wllh flln Itorkwell Iirniuqtlc Co.. are meotlng'wltli sue- jwrtn their vnitdevllte engngemants rfellle Hlrel; recettlly HCknt seller *t Flowers' Ideal bouse, Is leading a newly formed ladle* orchestw at Huston I*. she w»a fortVerry Keith's house tot* a'long period. She la sceontplUhnl .violinist st an Sprtntt-rteid—|ji«t Week's set of atlrar- llons Ml one of the best ut tho season, nml enjoyed liberal iHitronsge. t.Nicr.T SqCACKTuntTKii (W. L Is»\olrjn«n- ngen.— Martin ll,tr\ey. lu "The Only Way," made n_Tety favorable Impression March IS. K'fcire a grsri liutise. MM" skiuuer. In ••Is\»arre," 20. pave a fine performance, be- fore ■ large ntullencv. Booked: "The Burp> utusler" 31. Mary. Shaw. In ''Ghosts," 2i : Ifermiann. nftrrnistn nud evening. 28: " "Way Ilowo Istst" JU-Aprll 1. "Tho Little Out- cast" 2. ."l. IJebert Kdeson 4. New iJit.Mditv: Tiikatki: (Jennie C. Snilth. manager I.--'The Muu Who Htinsl," Itl-lS. with llutvard Hal! ami Mini Morris, is better thnn tiiost of the popular pri.-ed at- tr.tctions plaving here, being staged upon a grander scale, while the stun are ably sup- isirtwt by n finished' civiununy. "The Hoitd i« Kttln" 111-21. played to fair returns. l»(ie: "An American tlentleman" 23-23. "Her Mnrrlage Vow" 2B-2S, "The I.IUIc Outcast" Mi April 1. tln.tNH Oi'KitA Hoisr (Charles W. Fonda, nmnager).- -"I'he liinise wns elven over to Mirbsjqui' Inst week. Srrlbner's Morning (Horles lllllng In the llrst three days, giving n very entertaining shew. Business was llrst class. The UmadWay IHIrlesquers ID- 21." The olio contained a nnniber nf nets or merit. Itaslhess wns good. Coming: 't'opsy Tnrvy Hurlesquers 2:i-'. 1 ,'>, "Tho Hidden Crime" aa-SK Nki.shm thkathk (J. F. Iturke, mans- P>ri.—litis Hill's Suptri Sol, Hl-21, served up Ihe entertainment, nrhlcli whs greatly relished by large audiences. Tlte eonlpnny Itself Is tar superior to nny of lis colorrd predecessors In voice' un>l singing. A re- turn lo vaudeville will be made week ot 2:1, the bill conslxtlng ot: Snyder anil Hack- ley. Hill and Whlttnker, Annie I,mine and coatpnny. Hello Italhawiiy's bnlwnt rlrctis, llcnry lierlt, J. W. Harrington, JUhtison mid Harry, Frailer and I'etersoa, and Margaret Webb. Sxap Sltors—Among those of Ihe prolcs- slou Who have Ihs'II recently nest,si In tho locnl nerlo or Knall's nre: "Sid" Alcolt. Tbunnis S. Nolan, llomee T. Tnber. of "A tlnmbler's Daughter." nnd laldlc 1*0 Vue, of the Broadway Hnrlosqtiern Creatom nnd his bnnil will' plnv n return dnte nt the City Hill 2R .lumcsi Kane, of "Thn Dnleliniati's lloneynteon" Co., Win been spending a short tins' nt his home In AdntitH Nugene Casey, violinist, who Imh been tilling nn eiigtigcuiciit with the or> chestrn of I'roctnr's 2IUI Hnts't nnd Fifth Avenue theatres, hits resigned, nml returned t» bis home lu ihls rtly. .'... ."Jack" Mon- roe, tbe Hulle. miner, rejoined the Broadway Burlesqtiers in (Ids city on having left Ihe comiHtny to meet Jibtklns 1.1. <'oti ; tore nnd Ue Visy hnve lusut ndtletl 1i> Ihcmllq nss s|>eclnlfeitliire Stntel'resldt'tit Adrian L. I'oiler, of the tingles, WIIM III Haverhill 22, where a new aerie of Kugles were tilled wllh winus Henuinii Mnley, or fins Hill's "Alpboiisc nnd OiiMon" tsnintmny. Mopped Mtiltdiiy. IS. nt his Imlne III I lot}nice. 1 ti bis wny to Boston Hie Union Hiinjo Qtiurtrtte. iissIhIciI by Frederick J. Hncon, gave a concert at the High Hchonl Hall IT, which wits thoroughly cnlnrcd By 11 largo audience The Sprliiglleld nerle of Hilgles liwik In seventy tlvit ciinllldales nt Ihe meeting on Tbttrsdiiy, whlrli brlnns Us total ineniliersltlp up to nbmit 4hU. The locut de- gree leant, whlelt Is one nt Ihe llnest In thn order In New Mngbiiid, Is plnnnhiK to com- pels for ihe .«."i(M> prl/e fur the best tenin work exhibit Ion lit New York In September, Lowell.— everything has been unusually quiet in theatrical clrvlcn Ihn post week, with n ipqieral reaction In business nl all the hollies, without any visible cnuse, I.iim 1:1.1. tlpi.ii.v Houki: (Fn.v Bros, Ik llm- ford. 111,1 migiii nl. ■The Km hiM'Inn Holier Co., In rcpcrinrv, gnvu general satisfaction last wis'k. Mlns Hober's work lit "Mndnmo Sane Oenn" nnd "Hnphu" Is worthy of rami- tlon mora, lady iierbillKt : Ihn Nn minis, .Inpaiiesn Mci-nlNits, nml lliulnble nnd Htock, lliiisirnit'il songs, were very plenslnM spc- elul lies, cm nl in:: ticrlriidn t'oghlnu, 111 "Alice of Old Vlnei'lilies," ^.'1 : .Mrs. Le Moyne, In "Among Those P re s en t . 1M; "llumnti Hearts" •.'?., "Liberty Belles" yd. "lu old Kentucky" 27, Cbatnicev Olcott 2R. Actnritv or Music ll'lms. I'. Ileinpsey, inaiintreri —The I'ltrlslnii Belles hail good business Ihe past week, Ihe olio being very strung. It included; Mile. Ardnlle, Air. Holt, Nellie llevcatix, Led Stevens, Ilnvn Warsaw, and Cooper and llallry. Current: i.ornuni's lirniniitlc Co., In reperlory, 2.'l-2fi j '•Side Tracked"' 20-3ft, Huston Tmhatiu: (J. It.. Toldietts, man- ager).—A very gaud bill Inst VMS, headed by Ihn MnlhieiiH, linil good business. Tim Coiiicilv Spick Co, imitlit it hit III "Ticket of 1,0a\e Man." Current: Solorn will play 11 hi nin ciigiigeiaeiii. und liencl the follow- ing bill: Solnra, Keelev and Keeley, C.1I1II11 (I'Brlen, (Icnrgo 1,. I'latle, l.oeen (Irlntcs, Morrison nml Berwick, The comedy alack number will bo "Tim Burglar." I'Hoi'i.u'N THttATRtl (Hilly Nelson, maun- get 1. - liuilesipie has been the si mug card nl lids house tlio 1111st week. Current! Is>t- lie BnpiH'r's lturfii«|ln> Cir. Dlfn'i llejiry und Fruiiels, Violet AuSfoli, Tommy fatter, b'litiiiln BnlcH. Kittle Noble, I. utile Hopper, liiuiier nud'Wells, nnd flertlb Collins. Af- lerjiliH-e, "Mniije tMuiltlitaH." HHKrmN,—-Tht) fourth of the series »if nuisli'itles hy Lowell Orchestral Society will he Ihe nttritetlnii ill HuiillilgtOn Hull 22. The Hlnru life: Newell W. Mansfield, pi- anist: Kllxnls'Hi Wright rlhnw. eoprnuo The Temple Theatre Ms (innouiieWt to open ;ai fur Hie Spring seiisiin The Crystnl 1'hentre him been leiiseil by llostuii people, who will relit II ns it gatnliig'lntll. ■ ■ Fall River,—At Hie Aencleitiy nt Mush; (Win.".!. Wiley, iiiiiiingid'). -"Aiiinng Thosn I'reseiif." with Mrs. Hiirnli (!otvell Lo Moyne, was tvilnessed by a Mir sl'/cd ittldli'lice March HI. "The lliirgoinaslnr." I?, phiyed Io good fetariiM. "King HimIu" retvncil. Ill, lo Tt. II. li biiMlneas. "When Wo Wero Twi'uly-oiiC." 2(1, hnd a full- bouse. "Tim Village I'osliiiiistor," :l played In liirgehusl- tics Hooked: "Uls-rly Belles" 2U. "In Old Kent,aliy" Zt. allhlnsl I lei land "o, "Thn I'levoiith Hour" 21I-2H. Alice Flslinr, In "Mrs. Jack." April 1,; "Oulaey Aduins Snwyer" 4, lit.on! 'I'm:Milt: tHenry Myers, manager) lu "M'llits," H) IH.playis: 'All on Account nf Kllxa.' yeil --Nellie Mellcury, lu "MflJ>S.r HI- lo fnlr relitrils. "Alt 011 Account 1 IP, had 11 good liotise, "Taut Sawyer," 2fl, 21, phtyeil In light htntlliess. Booked: "Her Mitrrlugti Vow" 2:i-2ri, "The Night MM* Cbrlsliniis" 2II-2S, .Inlues K. Hilckell, III ".Tho Crisis," UO; "Thn Muu Who Harml" April 21. Css-ro 'J'iikatiim (AI. Hnynes, mnnnger). — HuslnesM wns very girnil week of HI. Boohed, 2.'i mid week: .1. K. Murray nud fjliirn 'Amtv. Brooks BrotherH, Kadi Kantian, lollligs nnd Hronks, I'liarb-s Kennit, Trave- logue, Aladilln nnd tin. Wonderful Lamp, nnd Hie Cttsin Comedy Co. IIten's TtlKATliH (A, 1{, Itlili, mniiagerl. --lievvey BiirlesipierH .-L'.'l-. 1 ,'., Miss New Vork Jr. 2H-2N, Slll:t:i»V'H 'I'llHATUH (I). 11., mnnnger).—Thin hmisu did nxculb'itt Imsl- nes lust. ,wupk. Week of 311 r Lnng nml flinrpe, John Knrley, thn He 1'outas. Toledo, Man Hlanle/, Fnrrcn nud Winters, und Ihe Hlnnclmrds. "Worcester. —At the Worcester Thenlro (Foilx. It. Weudclsi'linofer, ninnagcri. - Wil- liam Morris appears. lu •Whan We Worn and Darn Kendall Twnnty-dnn" March it'A grven two ' perforir1n?i|rtjs of- '.','Plin ,Vlnif»iir Buyer" 20. 'Ononis" In due 28, 'M'oxy,