The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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U4y TEppy Jp&W ^Q3&g ¥^CH 2$ THE pWYap; OL^?EE »»» THE FRANK QUEEN PUBUSHINQ CO. (UmlM.) ntomiBTOi*. alb^tTbomb, Editorial amp * BpainiwCi Maiuoib. HATUBDAY, MARCH 28 1933. RATES. Advertisement*— $2.80'pe' Inch, alnsto «* : umn. Advertisement* Mt with border, 10 ptt cent, extrs, ■ - lunscRiPTroi*. Ou year In «<Wtmce, »4: OS months, »2; three'montlii II.' ' Wrelgn tfentfo''BrtlBV Single cotfe* w |f be KU, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cento. ' Onr Term* ere Cash. . THE CLIPPER Si Issued every Wednesday morning. The Inst four (advertising) p*ge» (Jl> tO PRB88 oa Saturday «tf 11 ».1t,tjj(r tbt olbW pagei on MONDAY and TCESDAY. Tbe Forms Cloelnjr Promptly. Teea- ' ' • «uf, at 1© o'clock A. 11". v ' v PIMM remit by express, money o rder, chef k, P. 0:'order or registered letter. All casta en' closed with letter 1m at tbt risk of sender. ' Adtlrc 'Alt towiauiilCBlloui for the) Editorial or the Iluilocu ■ ' Department tO> '■ TUB NEW YORK CLIPrKB, 47 West 28'U»' Street, New Xprk. Rtglitered dalle Addrcu, "AuTiiomtt." tjiu Cr>irpkB cah bb obtainxd, wuoirsaib aw> retail, ni tl»e CUMNgK BltKBAW; COV A.hlaud block; Cblcngjo, aud tbe MINUUS BUKEAU, GruuvHle House, Arnhdel St., Slraud, W. C.| alio at Our omenta, Brentanos hews depot: 87 Avenue do ropera, Paris, . Prance; M. Llllen'tbal, Frledrleh Btroase 101 {TerminusHotel), Bet- lln, HY W., Gerrusuy; Diamond. News Co., 07 l'rado, Guyana; Manila Hook and Stationery Co., 128 Kscolia, Manila. V. L; Bon, 137-139 King-St. Sydney, Australia. THE MiW Y.UKIC only one edition, and that la darted from Jic,w York. No Replica by Mull or Telegraph. v - ■ ADUUKSBKH OB WUBDBAUOUTS MOT OITBN. Al.l. IN quksi or BIJOU SHOULD wbitjtto TU08B WHOM TUB! BEKK, IN OARB 0* Ttllfl Old 1'i'Kit I'osf omen, ali, Lscraus wiue; I1B AbVBKTIBBP UN a WEEK onlv; IV TBI! HOIITB Or ' ANX TBHATUIC1C' COMPANY IB HODOUT, HEKRH TO Oil II LIST OT ROUTE*' ON ANOTHER' l'AUK. ' WE CANNOT BIND BOOMS' HI AIAII, (JU IKL BQBAyU. DRAMATIC. W. I*. II., Smith St. Joe.—Wo have no knowledge of the present whereabouts of I he imriv. Address a letter III' our euro ninl we, will uilrertlNo It la Tim Ghll'i'Kw letter llflt. ■ ,1. A. A., BiwiUlyu, I'. II., Anliili'ii, D. 'A, MontiiMler. II.' V. I.., AHlilnnd, • M ism 1*; K. ■ A.,' KvanHvllle, Miik. V. 1>. H, rhliiigo, and .1. K., KuHtnrln.—Nw- iiiihwoi-'io w. P. R. nlKive.' .. . ' ■ • .'•• ' • ^ II. <\V., Nntlonnl Mllllnry Hotne.—Address ('. II. lmy. M'tiltiii-yvlllei «tmn.' -< _ ■ ' \V. <!.', Nfiw'.'Xork.s—AiWreim' J. P. Hocan, Mntosl lo Tliontrt- IUiIIcIIiik. New York City. K. IW I., Alncdn.—Ad(Fr»BM Ji'CjDrnaon, !KW penrlwirn Hlreet. Chlivao, III. AV. VJ Ml. Welwlor CllyJ—Wo hoyo no record nnd thci-efor enn not ntiRwer your ijdRxtiiSn. . ' , . ■■■< ' •'■•'. 21""- n * ' =" ' T. A, J., (iermnntown.—1. Adilrona party earo of KelthV Union Sipiare Tlieatre, >few York Olty,"• •-'. Addtess paitty 'In .care of- TitK Cumav i • .; .. ( llAui'Kii, Marine.—We can not gita you nnv InrorhHituiiKou.tho aubj»ct; \ •»! '••■ •* It. I>. T. t'lcvcimiil. —AtblreHH tlio author. Win. lliiwortli.At lir core' ot' the 'Amerlcnn UrttiuntlHtH* 'Cliih, Now York City. " ■ * 'N; m.' Iloalon.—Wo have no record of lllK llll'lll. ., II. ■ Hi; Now York.—Sketches are UBtially wild ouirlKht. nnd the prlco dcpendoupOn tlm merit of the Nketch. .1. rfc I K Lakcwooil.—Wo have no means of knovvliiR. ■•■• < ' IlKL-K.-^Consnlt n lnwyer. It. V. P., Mcrldlnii.—1. We do not know Hie- iimuM ' HiilAry. 3. We oan only advleo ynii lo HilvertlHc In Tun Cmi-fhr. II. 1>., t'likago.—WiiU-I) our route Hat cneli week. ' " " " _ „ !•!. II.. Omnha.—1. Clyde Fitch. . 2. l>en- iiinii Tlioin|iKOii mid (Icorire W. ltyer. (j, 10. It.. MurliK'tte.—Aildress any of our iminlc iiiiIiIIrIiIiib udveitlwiw. t!. \V. M.. i:iovelnnrt.—Wo hnvo no knowl- cilKe of the imrty. 1. II. I*i ITpner Troy.—Wo are unnUle to old you. W. II. 7... New York.—Wo have no record of (lie death of tlm unrty idol | -We hnye no Miin. ('. A. C. I'lillailoliihla. record of the death. - V. »1. K., CMuelunall.—Wo hove no record of the death of Curl Halm. A notice of tho death of Henry lliilm nnpoarcd In 'I'm: Ci.u-- ikk dated Jan. 10, niiiil. • • .1, t\ W., Crnftoii.—1. There nro a number or Hlmllnr iiuaileU now appearing with auc- cess. S. Advertise In Tiik Cl.ll'l'Mi. SI. !•'. U., l'liim.—Wo con uot aid you. W. M., Jersey City.—Advertise In Tn« cr.ii'i-Rit. • • (l. It., Ilolioken.—Wo can uot advise yon how lo proceed. • V. T,k II., llaltlruorn.—Make application lo one of the local managers. J. r., New York.—'nie latter has not been claimed. I.. CJ. S., Norwich.—Wo are unable to In- form you. Advortlxe in Tiik Ci.mrftR. W. II. II.. OreehfleUI Centre.—Watch our mule HhI, or address party In euro ot THi' Ct.ll'I'RR. M. I'\, llulTnlo.—Advertise In Tub Clir- MM. ' • II. ]. C, New York.—Aildress the I!lnte^ prise Music Publishing Co.. 411 West Teranly- eighth Street, Now,York City. HII.MAHDS, POOf,, RTC. . A II C, Kmib.'^-A's (lib player failed to innko nn object ball ulrlke n cushion, and oIko fulled to innkc the rue bull, utter con- tact wllh an object ball, strike n cushion, he forfeits oue hull oh the stroke. CARDS. T. McA., New York.—If the mutual ngieeinent you i|iiote wan made before enrn- nieaclng play It- held good till tlio end of i he game, which was avou by A. J; R. II.. Washington.—It In right. In < illibnee a HiikIi does not count In piny, T. I>. T.. Spokane.—'Konr Hovens niul nu nee count 20 In crlblioge. J. V. S„ Mont teal.—In the regular game of euchre only one lone hand Ih permissible, mid only twoVpolnts—cmv-lie <-oul*ted• for ■■iirhrelhg kiu-Ii u baud. H, U- T. r Ht <- UhiIs.— Although B made In. play, the two be .bid,, A, having but one to go, wots tho game when be ployed high., The ' siicressful bidder I* not given prece- dence ,ln .the coonjti' •;• .'•'.• V'' II. A. N., Chicago-—According to "the, ntfavw HW. gamiri Iff fMir litmded plnochje eiiieh plnycf.UAkea his melds beforcihe.playa his: first ulrd. and'In case'he falls to take it trick he loses all the raelde lie may have made In that band. •. i.. *VRF. J. R. It., Attleboro.—Write to Roodwln liros., 1440 Broadway,' New York City, for the Information. :•« v i. > 7» i»«' . H. (I.;. Ottawa.—The mateb race between " miles, 'took plan*' I 18SO. >rword IB Mon- Solvstor ngftln winning; ifo other starters. RIS«. A. 0. W.. Wnshlngioti.—1, You will bare 1o nsk 4h« iinrry referred to for tbati Intor- niatlon. 3. We believe, the belt bears that Inscription. It was for gotoe tune lo the iMikseHHion of SuHlvan'a, principal backer In his urntcli with Kllrain, MISCl'I.LAMEOfS. A. II., ChrlHtinn.'-^-Tfiey Mean the same thing—a |»rfi1lelogrnm- havingr four egliol Hldei, ench twelve Inches In length, and four right angles. ' • • 'I '" '' . - - ' ' ;■ ' II.. liflftwnrao.-—The cable system Is stlM In. use on- the Brooklyn Bridge. '•• •■ ■ •A. <i. W., Washington.—Brooklyn, N. Y„ nniedntes by many years the other city you iiieul Ion. »■» • OUR I.ONIWN LETl'EH. . . i ; 1 f ■ i . , ' (FR0U OCR OWN OOBRRRPONDEKT.) ■ h i I > . '..^"< . ■■' ■-• Clipper* Burean, (•rnnvllle Hoase, Arundel Street, ' Strand, l.iindon, W. (:. " ••••' 'March 12. Richard Gnnthony's new romantic play. In four nctst "The l'rophesy," was' given , It* llrst I^ndon presentation at ■ the Avenue Theatre last night.. When the curtain rang down on the clone of the fourth act tin.' general impression seemed tar be one of vogiio.gloom, for "The Prophesy" Is Indeed an uncheevful entertainment. It lias nsue nl the hninoi' of "The Shessiige from Mars,'' ami the uiithor's touch Is heavy throughout. The story dents with two weird brothers (twins), FJcitndiMivluii hunters of an early ceuluiiy, imm-iiT. u moment of. strange por- lents ajadparrsurd .by'the baneful Iniluence of nstronnmlcnl phenomena. They lutvebut one soul Iji'iwiftii -tlnun.-and nothing can be ilinii! to 'rcnietlv tldo effect until the eclipse of the mm which obscured their birth la. reheated. Tho two, lntlilel anil Jiavnl, ara i niVM'diyiilstK. ■ ,'J1ie uppenrunce. ot Wlnellln. dniighti'i' of Baron Itudbeck, is the signal for u- violent ntlnchnient of the two loher, and of her to the two. At the castle hlie | mnkes i lore to jeuch, uot, u[ip.treat ly, from mere vicious coquetry, but ou-account irf tho fatal corarounlty- of souls, which nuikcH: love for Unvld equal love for Daniel, nnd vice versa.. ICacb of the brothel's, dis- covers the fact that she is in - the liuhii of ' being . embraced by the other, nad) there would have- been n light with knives—which the audience would have en- joyed If It had-been woll stage managed—but foe the fact that WlnelUu announces to i hem thatslie has been making fun .of both.- in Hie next uct harmouy seems to hnve been established between IHuilel and David, and. tlie. tndy npiiears. In a sort of disguise as a. gypsy, unit' explalus to them that. Wlnelfln had merely' lieeo'lu. love WlUt their 'comipou niul uncommon sntil. They, simple ' mind- ed creatures, nccept thl.s explanation. Then (he eclipse came on, but-ft bad no effect; Whatever' nis>n the characters. During It the. twins fought, hut were Interrupted by Wlucloii,' who ailiioiiuccd c preference for the fair haired one, but as she saw that trouble .must result- she conveniently com- mitted self slaughter. The .three'principals' were the only- parts In tlie piece, and tficsO were -plntyea-by' l,yn llaitlliig, Frank- ittlls 1 nnd Const a nee" Collier, whrr worked hard to deserve success..'-' <• i > • •'• * Tho J'dncs-Wnlkley, Bonrchler-IIenry Ar- tliui' Jones itUittirimiice hiiB'Ulled 1 the papers this week past ;with ' eorreHpoodence, but!' tbe net • ii'sglt, of It nil la tliut Mr. Jones nOw dccUles.luagreement'Wlth M,r. Uourchier, .that, his grievance being- retttllated, -Tka 'J'.lmca critic will. In future lie placed on Ihc same level nt tlie (iurrlck nn the critics of nil Ibe other flrsC'class dallies. - -•Tile Now Theatre' Is to he opened In St. MartLn's l.atiB by i Charles,, wyndham: on. Tliursdny evening next with a revival of "llosennarv." to'lin replaced In. five.weeks' time, not by "La Chatelaine," as had-been originally Arranged, but "Tlie Light that 1'oiTeil," transferred hllher by l-'orbes KolNirt- Kon from the Lyric on April 20. The prices nf the seats have' been raised for the oc- ciutlon, nnd as Mr. Wyndhain and Mary Moore, who is bis partner In Ills latest ven- ture, ure : personally defraying the costs of Hie performance, the whole ot tlie recelptn will be avullahle for the deserving public charity to which the. proceeds were, long ngd illumined. ' Of the bouse Itself there wns u private view- on Thursday afternoon, when the New was pronounced to be a very handsome addition to our-Loudon the- atres. It. should prove particularly coin- lorlolile. nt any rate, white its stalls and other seals remain spaced as liberally as they nre ut. present, in nppearunce the lu- torlor. wllh Its three tiers of dress circle, I'uinlly circle nnd gallery, strikes one ns nvlher lofty, while Its light and dainty col- oring of white and gold, and general Louis XVI decorations, rather accentu- ates this Impression. The curtain nnd hangings ot ltdse du Hard silk nnd brocade: and velvet are. very warm nnd cheerful in effect:, the 30ft, prorenlnm :ls hold In style, nnd the upholstery Is admirable In taste, helping, together with the beautiful wall ornnraentntloii, to make the King's room — iirtarlivd to the-royal hot—Well worthy of royalty. Although the passages are not very wide, the entrances ami 1 exile meet tbe full official requirement of tire day, and In the mat- ter of lighting; 'heating and ventilating tbe New Theatre will-be found quite up to the newest standard ot perfection In such mat- ter?. A very pretty souvenir has been pre- pared for the opening night. The great attraction nt tbe Hippodrome. Introduced Inst Monday; was the return and last visit of *IIrrr Julius Seeth with his troupe ot thirty-one lions, presented to him bv.tlte Emperor Menellk, of Abyssinia, sad transported by him from the continent to ICuflniid at a coat of something like £500. Joy reigns' in. the tepees of Col. Cody's red men at Olympln. During thopa/it week they have received from the reservation In South'Dakota a large parcel containing many things dear to the heart of nn Indian. The-parcel, included, among other things, a large unmunt of ingle fenthera, for the mak- ing of head dresses nnd war bonnets. To- utMher with .this highly valued package ot writ rent hem there were various Indian del- Iniclee-which appeal to the palate of the red man. < CoL Cody will hid farewell to liondon at the tcrtomatlon of the perfnrm- r.nnt of Salurdhv- evening, April 4, mid the few reiiinlllllig weeks of his engagement will I'ltdnubledly he-most-NiiccesRfuL •At' tlie Apollo Theatre, on March 17. Aubrey I'Mligernld will produce a "farcical ndventnre.", Ill three. •cts l ; .culled "The Lon- doners," liMhg an ndaptallnit , or . Hobert lllchen's novel nt .that uaiue. Kdinuud Mau- rice.. lAMiimx l'owle. Hldttey, I'aXtou, lleu- rielta Watson olid' Florence-- I.loyd will be in the cast. Tbe loot representation of "Tbe Unfore- seen," which has made, up.for an. unprom-. lelbg start by reacWng Its one. hundredtli perforroatice, is announced at the;UAynujri«t for next • Saturday evening. IW: Mceajsor, the fttmods, Ifupfamlllar. •'C!anai«tlae «ar- rl4gc,'' of Carrlck aud the eld«r;Colmao,.!a to Be given next Tuesday nigbt. wltii.n cast having for Its most, striking features the Lord'OgKby of Cyril Maude,, and the Mrs. Heidelberg of Charles Calvert, tile one a probable and the other a proved success. The Miss Kterllng will be Beatrice Fer- rary, the Love-well, Mr. Ilallard; the Sir John 'Melville. Allan Aynesworth, and tbe Canton. Krlc Lewis. :■ „ Charles Frohmaa has acquired from II- V. Esmond the right io produce bis plsy, "Imprudence," in this country, and will present the piece in .London next September, The programme nt the Palace Theotne, al- ready decidedly strong, bos now ,a valuable addition in tbe appearance of Ksroe Beringer a* reciter. The talented young actress., who, in- the estimation of some critics, Is likely to take quite - the leading place In Kbakesueoreau and romantic plays, shows her v«rsittlllty by clvlug three pieces of different kinds. One Is a dramatic story la Verse, called "Lanka," In which the rich voice and admirable style of .he reciter caused a deep Impression on the audience. Then she re. cited a aort piece, colled '-The Widow Ma- lone," In brilliantly humorous style, and con- cluded with "Tommy Atkins In Love," tbe comicality of which she rendered capi- tally. Miss llerlncer's recitation Is of quite remarkable quality from erery point of view. Z'/le fcople says: "When Dnndas Slater resigns his general moUogershlp of the Al- harabra Theatre, next May. K. A. Flckerlug, his'assistant; will take over bis duties. Mr. I'Ickeolng, although tbe youngest ot London managers,- has served a long apprenticeship to his profession." I gave nn Indication of this a week ago,- bnt even now the announce- ment Is premature. ' At the time of writing tbe plans of the Alhambra directors'are not definitely settled, but'-Mr.- Pickering's pro-' motion Is extremely probable. As I have said before, a better man could not pick up the reins laid down'by Mr. Slater. • Beerbehm Tree has definitely decided that ho will produce "Richard II," at His Ma- jesty's Theatre, at 'the oilenlng of his .Au-i tumn season. "Besurrectlon" will 'go on tour at tbe end of the nnonth. starting at Plymouth. The success of "Resurrection' at His Majesty's Is even greater than that of the Purls' production; and tbe bouse has been .crowded erery evening. Herald du llnurler and Muriel Bcanmont are engaged to be married. They are both plnylng lii""J"he Admlruhle Crlrhton," and.In the Inst act of that piece one churaeter says: "We are going lo get married," and Miss P.euumont, as r.ndy Agalluv Lasenby, as the Since of tlio ifou. Ernest Woolley (Mr. du anrler), says: "And so arc Ernest and 1." Oeorgo Alexander announces tbe last per- formance of "if I Were King" for Friday evening next, nnd ■ the" production of "Did Heidelberg" for the following Tliursdny. Madeleine Lticetle Ryley's four act com- edy; "The Altai" of Friendship." will follow "A Clean Slate" ar the Criterion. The King'and the Princess of Wales wit- nessed the performance of "Whitewashing Julia" on Thursday' evening. So great is the success of the piece that Arthur Bour- chler . bos decided to give Wednesday as well as Saturday matinees. ' Ellen' Terry has decided that Ibsen's "Vikings" shall be.the llrst play to be given' during her season at the Croat Queen Street Theatre.. The production will be directed. by Uordan Craig. ■ ■■...- Produced In October, 1001, "A Chinese Honeymoon" will soon register Its. Blx hun- dredth performance, end Frank Curzon can boast that it bus Tun longer than any other play now In London.' ' . 1 hear .that Walter Gibbons has taken over a large interest In the Balham Theatre. which is to be renamed the Duchess Palace Theatre of Varieties. It will open 10. ns a high class vaudeville theatre, and will be run ou tbe two performtnecs system, the. ILrst house commencing at (1.40 and the second at S.riii. ' Mr. Gibbons, who Is pro- prietor of the lullugton Empire, aad director nl the Empress Varieties. Brixton, and the Itrlxton Theatre, will be managing director. i News. is. to hand of the successful pro- duction nt La Scale, Milan, of the. ballet, "in Japan," the music by Louts Gnnne, re- cently seen, at the Alhambra here.- Tbe spectacle bus been greatly enlarged, no lees than 000 performer.s; taking part In It, with new costduios designed by Coinelll, tho whole being produced under tbe direction, of Signer Coppi, of urury Lade Tlieatre. " it Is said that a,big theatre nnd circus Is likely to occupy the site of Meux's Rrowcry. at the corner of Oxford and Tottenham Court Itond. Everhart opens a starring engogemeut at the Circus Carre, Amsterdam, this month. McKay aad Laurence, recent arrivals from America, were Bureau callers this week. Lltttlc Fred, now starring at the Empire, with hlB continental dog act, will sail for A nierlcii in January, 1U04, for a long engage- ment. Morrell nnd Evans, who are Immense fa- vorites at the Standard, Victoria, have been rotnlncd as bendllners again this week. Weston and Yost, and BIJou Russell di- vide the honors nt the Middlesex this week. The letter's clever dancing' 'and tbe bright comedy of thb former act easily keeps Ameri- ca 4o the front. ' Barton nnd Ashley's Tlvoll engagement has been extraordinarily successful. They nre ploying to crowded and enthusiastic; houses nightly Tucker and Fay luivc a good place oa the Metropolitan bill this week. They are only recently In partnership, hut their work Is clever, and should be In demand. llupp.v I'Ninny Fields Is nt the top of the bill nl tho Nottingham Empire this week. Ilelnioie and I<h> nro now playing a series of Important provincial engagements. Their net wus u big draw nt the Empire, Wolver- hampton, last v-eck, nnd the papers of that city, speak highly or their ability. Mamie Courtney Is starring on tbe Mc- Naitghten circuit. Jenulo Jacobs reports from Berlin the Im- mense success of her troupe Of cuke walking Creoles. . America was well represented at the an- nual charity BiK'its, Birmingham, The Em- pire tally ho carried • the following Ameri- can acts: The Manhattan Comedy Four. Kittle Kiamett, the New York Zouaves,.and Rackett and Unsaid, II, S. A. Trumpeters, In full U. 8. A. mil form, who ployed tlour- lshcc upon their trumpets all the way out to the grounds. Radford and Winchester write to say that they have Just signed return, contracts for thirty-two weeks on the Boas A Stoll tour. They return to tbe Hippodrome tor eight weeks in July and August. 1004. They go-to. the continent In two weeks for au engagement of six mouths lu Brussels, Paris I*Tpilg, Amsterdam. Rotterdam and Russia. Jerry Hart, of Hurt aud Leo. writes de- scribing I lie hospital tuntloee beucflt at-the Huektiey Empire. All the star artists ot America and lSoglnnd appeared. Jerry Hart's net ball -players sold programmes, chocolate nud bowers. While Hrnnsby Wliihtum was dolbg his specially baskets of flowers were thrown on the stbge for hhn to auction off. The llrst iMisket Was bought Immediately by Jerry Hurt. The lord mayor, who presided, lhanked Mr. Sloll.-Mr. Hart and all who nsslsled must cnrdlallv. . , ... The memorial number of Tiir CMPpru ar- rived laid week, and the fact that It wns u few days hue nccenlunted the eagerueas wllh which Hie profession,. anfiN ■ It. livnrywliei-e I hear etpressloils ojr utiprovnl ciuieerulhg II. nnd my good colleagues .ot the professional press lu London have frankly and unreservedly ^"^"""'^'Hmtart o&bEjr*ib.t-V^ cntldn otriinlquevlataresr. 1 - ■ m fclJrr.£L ,hi.e!n«r«. wrlt*s: ggfJ^PVliH ^.rhav'e ever seenMuB S^PWillllBW E££2v8. it woSd^be dluVmtr to Sttd S£ nmrtoilcal pi%?tVin tb* Kagtlsb lah&v usge toto ibe lr7aad'aot ^rtojrtofiwbat nSi woi^ wish to convey. The' cov%r atone is aT a of art that puts the old masters •»*" - -;;i.: - n.nsois. ■ ■ • i ' " . (■ Chicago.—Sunday, Mg'rcb 22, ushers lu one of the most Important theatrical weekB of the c^renTeeasoa. Tbe first three even. lags will each have an Important opening, beginning Suaday matinee wltlt r-tederu. Warde nud Louis James, tn "The Tempest, at McVlcker's;- embracing the Introduction hi "The 8tubtiornn*ss of Geraldlne,".by Mary Mannermg.. at' Powers', and;the' reappearance of Blchard MarHfleld. in ^Mw^B&S the Grand, Monday evening, and climaxing In the widely heralded and long expected nrrlval of Mrs. Carter; In "Du Harry, nt the Illinois, on Tuesday night. In the cus- tomary shifts at the other combination thea- tres there Is much to Interest, nnd the offer- ings are varied and entertaining at all of the mln6r resotts. last week a sadden brush o? early Spring weather put a noticeable clamper upon theatrical' patronage \\ ednos- day and Thursday, and Interrupted wbnt nroinlsed to be a highly satisfactory ruu of btreisess. However, the results averoged very well for a week which hod as Its only novelty ■ the > production* of. "Rubes and Hoses/' at ihe fca Halle, and-one day of 81. l'strlck excitement everywhere. ■ Illinois Tubavre (Will J. Davis, mnna- ger).—Eight weeks; and not three, -wit! be the length *of Mrs. Carter's' engagement, In "l)n Harry," which opens Tuesday evening. after David Belssco has ispent a day and evening in supervising the - proper placing' of the scenery and equipment of the great- est novelty of the' local theatrical' season. Manager Bnvls is qtioted as Baylug that the demand for Seats -surpasSeir any similar reo- ords for as purely dmroutlC' attraction in the history of Chicago theatricals. Francis Wil- son ended three weeks of phenomenal pros- perity Ut presentations of-"The Toreador". 8L During the hist week of the engagement Mr. Wilson was Ont or tbe cast most of the time, owing to a'severe throat' affection. William Loverly, his-understudy, gave sat- isfactory performances in his stead. "Bie Toreador" left with the beat record for sat- isfactory entertainment the'season bos thus far-afforded. "Its bl| was'pronounced. McVickkr'S Tni:.«'m: (Sol' Lltt, business mannger).^—Frederick Warde, Louis James and Wngenthai & Kemper's sumptuous re-' vlvnl of'^iTie Tem:>e8t" Is the llrst of- this week's important'openings. Mr. James will piny Caliban nnd Mr. Warde will appear as' Prospero; their ' two weeks' engagement he- gtnning Sunday afternoon, March 23. An- drew Mark will lie the next attraction, open- ing In a revlvtl of "Arnih-na-Fogue^" April 12. for a run. On March 21 James O'Neill concluded a fortnight of -phenomenal Irtisl- ness for his artistic -portrayal of 1'ete Ouln- Isn. In "The Manxman,'' a play! which Leibler & Co. have given n-suniptiious mount- ing nnd in-which Charles Kent and Annie Wood nre noticeably artistic In a fair 'sup-> IsM-rlng compnny. "Wlien Johnny Comes Marching Home" is scheduled for an all Summer run nt this . honse, beginning in May. UttAND Off.RA H-oi'Ri: (Harry 'L. Ilnmlln, manager).—The return of -Richard Mans- field, lit his scenlcally splendid- and ar- tistically Mnnsfleldlaa production of "Julius t'a'sur," opens- Monday evening.' He will stay for a' limited engagement, perhaps to present later a Hh-lkopcnrean repertory, and perhaps to fill the entire period with "Julius t-'esar." Tlie phenomenal success of his engagement last Fall Is still fresh In memory, and advance Interest and seat reservations liespcak a. repetition of the gratifying-con- ditions under which Mr. Mansfield last en- tertained Chlcagqans. Henrietta- Crosman's two weeks of "The Sword of the King" aver- aged well from a box-office view point. Powkbs' Tiibatbb (Harry J. Powers, manager).—.Mary Mannerhog • plays "The Stubbornness of Gemldlne" for two^ weeks,' beginning,March 23, for the first time here.' Win. Fuveraham, ih '.'Imprudence," ended a"fortnight's eagagenlent 21. ••■. * . — -" : BifiotBAKBii THKXTKif (Charles C. Curtlss, dlreetor).-^ < 'Peggy from 'Paris".''gOes rner- rlly on her way,- entering Monthly night up- on her ninth week;- Georglb Culne, hi the pi ese nt e d t o tiuoded houses by nn cxcellenr osmpaa^'wbl»b o)a»rlaed:-Albert CowteL gSVea; rWkJarfln Pi&.t W. Ii StVfi drew Jackeone Cari Haitftos^Uerreford Wekh <fco,-IftiBa«ll. ir..iSdward. Dlllon.'Jaraes MiV: tl». Watsen Tombery,. W.i C. Lowther, C AVcIraer;- Hart \\. Wallace, Ceo. (;iaa ( »v (irai* Lespell, Marie, Kreek, and Mercelfa ICsmonde.- •-.,.-. " ..BMoa'THEAMB (Wm. Newklrk, resident niaaager).—','Yon.Yonsoo" Is-the current at. traction, to be followed by "The White Slave."- -last week's, altroctlon, "A Raeeeil Hero,", drew evenly good business. The nre sentlng coawtny was headed by Julia West and,includedr Hal Brown,- Albert BhlrW .loan S WaJlaca. J. Phillip Smith. Ali, P ,i Sldwell, Frank' Boll, Norma, Itoberts. .Mark Webstar, Thoa; O'Mslley, ltohert Hendrkk. son, Albert Rowlands. Marcus Stone, ji,h» j. Kearney. Kath'erlne McKay, (iertrude SwIggert.'.Hattio L. Fielding' and Dixie MoKtyii <• - • , GticKXAx's Thbatbb (Kdward A. Iielkln manager).—Ellis Ollckman's Stock Co nre! seating dramas and operas In Yiddish, con, tlnues in profitable possession here, giving performances Friday, Saturday aud Suudnv with two matinees. . " Columbiih TllKATRH .• (Thos. p. Hanks. btslLcss manager).—Billy it, Vnn and Kelly O'Neill heat! this week's presentations of "Uollvnr's. Busy D«:y," with Hngeubark's Trained AnlmaJs th» ensuing Bttrnctlon. Last week .Jules Walters > presented "Just Struck Town," for ihe first time here, to splendid business. Loufse Llewllyn was' featured and tbe pertoraunco aleo engaged the ser- vices of Adelaide Walters, Marguerite 'fiinv. er. Little Mlldted, Harry Tod, Frank W Burton. Robert . Unrlaud. Chas. Md'ash" Chas. Brewer, Ben S. Kellogg, Will I'eirle. W. W. Wilcox ana Will Herty.. Al.fUMJUtA Titl'ATRG (James II. Browne resident manager).—Turning from tlie ex- citement ot prairie sensatlonnllsm, putnuis of this popular theatre.will be eatei>iaiupil by "For Her Children's Soke," a meludrnini of city life, -but they will cease to lead Hie life strenuous, for the nonce, when "Yon Yonson" comes next week to mnke them laugh. ■ James U. ,Walllck's revivals of "The linndlt King" and, "The Cattle King" di- vided last week Into two exceedingly prnilt- alih» halves. John J.Parrell acquitted himself creditably In the leading .roles. There was a big support lug company of players- nud horses. , - •;. : Criterion - Theatre (Lincoln J. Carter, manager).—"Sporting Life" will be depleted to the residents of : the Criterion's quiet neighborhood rwlre dplly during wW-t of"' James II. Walllek's "King" ruelodrttiuos wlTi follow, with "For Her Children's Sake" next In line Lnst week Will E. Nnokevllle's iirodlictton of. "Tlie Little .Mother", attracted large patrannge every afternoon nud even- lag, JCaliet. ltrowaell ■ headeil a gnod com- pany, which nlso'Included: Kdllh Tslboit Mono Diss, Klltobetb Hunt. Ella Davis' Evun Brlce, Chas. Folsooi, Arlhiir Collins! A Frisco Meglomery, Phil. MeCnrtbey Har- ry Mack, Edward J. Phillips and J. Frank (Jlbbons." • .... Btlsif Tkmpt.e op Mosic (T. C. Gleason, manager).—The Players'-Stock Co. presents a double bill for' week of 22^—"Kdlthi's Burglar."-and ."Her. Husband's Wife." Last week the presentations of "Sliamus O'Brien" employed the»» members of the comiuuiv Joseph i I. Sullivan.'Howard (.'. Illekinaii! John Daly Murphy, Ashlev 'Miller H v iMing; John J. Gleason, Arthur II. Taft Kr- wyu Connelly, J.'Edwin Brown, George F tlurroll, Grace Heals. Ethel Browning, nud Carrie Clarke Word. An average week's business 'resulted.-'.'' . ■ ... mtm ANBmcAs Thratrr (John Conners, manager).—"Our Boyk" goes oa Sunday,-32, for tlie customary two. doty stock conipauy I>erfortnauces.. Ijiura Albecla. and .Lawrence, tirattnn, leading. The house was packed to lie? capacity timlt dt each of last weeks fourteen performances of "The Colleen llawn." MnGrattau.iMlRS Aherta, Stanley Johns, James Fitzpatrlck, Cecil Owen, Saiii tli Hunt,- lieo.' Haunti, I>. (J. Alger, J. It. Goodrich., Jec Demlng; Frank IMark, Ixuils (arjer,- Helen Davenport. Wtihma Bridges. Jane Hatnptilh and Mario Donnlson were employed in the presentations. • Gabbick TneATnic .(Matt Kusell, rnann- cer)^r-^lust how "Quo Vadls" is to be pro- duced on. this little stage, week of 23, will be Interesting- to note. "The Black Flag'' the: ensuing; stock company .presenta- tion. Another chnnge In leading Indies has been made, -Vale -De> Vernon having super- <;i*d«l Ivdtlierine KUndlsh." last week's pro- dtxcUen of "The Shop:Lifter" employed the services of Wlllard • Bohman. Paul Harris, \ incent McCarthy, Sam Wheeler, Frank Keu- title role; and Josie Sadlw are still In pop- ; ,n i cen ! ^*.cC«i-thy. Sam Wheeler, Frank Keu- idar vogue with-the throngs which fill this! WL 1 ' °-"S i l P, rt '"J 0 ?'-?-" Murphy.- Vale De pretty theatre to Its capacity at all ner- > er non, Madeline Wheeler and' Loura Pier- pretty theatre to Its capacity at all per- formances of George Ade's cleverly satirical and Wm. Lorraine's musically fetching en-' tertalnment: ■ ' -.'.-• GiusAT' NorrtiERN Theatre . (Edward Smith, manager).-^One hundred nnd fifty blids and -nnluials,' comprising Hnaenback's trained animal exhibition, will entertain during the week of March 82,.opening-with Hie customary. Sunday, matinee, and con- tinuing twice dally throughout . the week, last week proved again the.ever green pop- ularity of Joseph Murphy and his twin bread winners, "The-' Kerry . Gow" and- "hhaun Rhue." The Rpirlt of St. Patrick seemed to focirs Its influence here, nnd- the house was- packed at all performances. Mr. Murphy divided the week between his two old stand-by plays, nud one seemed to draw just as well as the other—capacity. ThkaTbb (W. TV. Tlllotson, manager).—The Dearborn Stock Co. will this week present "Wliat Happened to Jones, and will In-another week, give. Ha last play and disband ns a permanent or- tanlrutlun. The theatre, will then-pass frum Manager Tlllottson's • hands, and be trans, ferred to. the management of Shubert Bro- thers and Nixon a Zlmmermnu. Last week's performances of "Pudd'nhead Wilson" were redolent of the; nrllstlc atmosphere of this c.t-ver organisation, and Howard Gould,-Ma- mle Ryun. I^tllu Real and the other favor- lteB further renewed their personal poim- lnrlty mid demonstrated their ■•■artistic worth In clever port ray alB of the various Interesting roles Murk Twain's classic affords. Masonic Ttmi>i,K Theatre (j. j. Mur- dock, manager).—One-of tlie surest signs of 'Spring In tin— wide) of Spring li ;)i_: now-•- nttr-vodeb the- upper" sto"rles"ot iheso precincts Is tlie actlvltv the. Mason c Temple, where Stanoger Mur- dock has-his offices, and where Chicago's most popular, summer resort Is located. • n /.i° T "nnounred as tbe opening date, and. the Intervening weeks will,be devoted to booking attractions and generally furbish- ing the theatre nnd Its environments Man- ager Murdock promises that there will be no diminution In: his eudenvor. to present tbe best vaudeville programmes obtainable. »»d be Is now planning a coupe which Is likely to create more excitement and at- tendant gossip than has Buy of bis other original moves in a theatrically efficacious line of.effort..' t.^ffiS*SB Stp.rrt Theatrb (Charles & ^ lll ?. ,t ,' BgCfl -T-TbtB week's offerlog of the Columbils Stock Co ; --is "Snpho," with Anne Sutherlnbd niul Richard Bubler, In the name role and Jean (lausslu, respectively. The ensuing bill Will be- "Tlrlbv/' "«»• weeks-ruidloBces In sttendnncc upon artistic preseiitathmH of-"Hubert Knimet" were large iind most nppi-eclatlve. The ColtimbtM StiS' Co. has won pernmnent favor halts new h> diiction' ot '''WniSM^S^STiSS^S^ to follow. "Last WeekV'SpMtlBg: UU" WB8 pont.' -This (house enJoy R a splendid rim of business, and the stock company Is giv- ing good satisfaction. • > • MARQun-rTE Theatre (Henderson, Riley & porniRn,. msnagera).—"Uncle Tom's Cabin" takes the centre of the stage this week, with Marlon.'St. Ckilr ond George A. Hen- derson leading, the stock forces in Its pro- duction. Last week excellent huslness re- sults attended the presentation of "Kathleen Mnvonrneen."' ■ .,-.-•••• Calumet Theatrb, South Chicago (J. T. Conners, resident manager).—The bookings here have-the Fays for week of -23-2H, 'I»avey Crockett" 28, "Rrown's- in ■ Towu" 2!>. Howe s moving pictures an, 30. "Yon w°i n ?? n ,, A ,Pr, u •'• ° ver Niagara Kalis" 11, Vl'ello. .Bill," 12, "PJnafore" 14, "At Plnev £""5* «. 1 5- The past week opened with S. R. 0. fortbe "Katzenjammer KldR." in, nnd splendid business was done by Al. W. • ! a , r ".Vl V. 6 . 11 N 'Phts In a Bnr Room." 21, and "Jhe White Slave/': 22.: Tills theatre finds the Southern portion of Chicago's corporate limits a. fruitful field, and Man- ager Conners states tbat business was' never better. . HowaiuVh Family Thratrb (Howard A Doyle,.managers).—Residents of the North- vveatern.section:of Cook County flock hero in evenly. profltnble numbers.: attracted;br I? rln .„ J - Howard's 'Stock. Co; Last-week Jm bill was "The Black Flag," and It Is billed to be followed by "The Golden Giant." A little -house, a little Btnge—big business. • Hopkins' Theatre (Empire Circuit Co.. directors).—Louis noble's Knickerbockers is announced to start tbe current week with tho neual -Sunday matinee. last- week's business: with Phil, Sheridan's City Sports was- above tlie average; aad the performance gave general satisfaction, many of the nilm- . V ,1? ?*'entlonalljr popular. "A -MIh- tnKe in Society was made as the opening skit, and, "Pun' at Brighton" was Indolged la to conclude the show. The Intervening pHo employed: John 8, Renretta and Harry Iji Hue. Itaiel Burt, Harry I'trrgeson anil Jom and Lulu Becson, Tony Kennedy and led Evans, James Short nnd Bernard Ed- wards, ami the Everett Trio. CrlBBle 8ber- lann wne: the ruling spirit among a bevy.of pretty- women, haudsomely dressed: there jvere some funny comedians and much pleas- ing music, nnd the show, taken Hn-Its en- tirety, was nbove the burlesque average. n Jr,1 0P ''? B T," ,UTRn 'Millie Wlllard Nelson, inonoger).—May Hosmer nnd her skillful Block organlieailon will be seen this week iiii?^'^**! <* " l 'nele Tom's CaWo." wllh nlllt r,. Barlow as Hucle Tom, and Miss Hos- tricr ns lopsy. "The English Itose" attract- ed excellent kindness St. Patrick's week, Its peffprniaro employing: Francis Began, Jan. !,'i. f^.v.' oeglnuld ltarlnw".-Prnnk Be-Camp, »nhi'^ W r n|, t' ,li° ra 'RMUiskey. Leon Hst- lenbacli_Alliert West. Frits Llehler. Joseph Lynch. Sam Steveuson. George Thorne, O. RiSl^ & *t Perrlne. I^llie Wlllard. LfJi^L \ nl . , . n . ,r ' K«nlco Munioek, OertiuOe and Mis* Hosmer. , J,' , „„,!;* s i* , ; U! '''"^I 1 " 5 '"'"k 0- •'"♦wis. busi- nosi manager)—Afternoon ot Sunday, 15, th«