The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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B&AB09-38* trrnl. Can., Men 23-2?, Boston, Um, 30- ( 'ityClpb (k»h 8 H *^.'f> mfi.)—Olnclnojitl, riawfortn. Vaudeville Start (W. G. Bozell, Cr ^r)—Owftn, Mien.. «& 28-28; iuilnty Ttofbess 'J'-.">wrt»«( Weber, mgr.) —Rending. Pa., Men 23-25, 8erat>ton 2«- 28. Dewey E3travagarr.a—Fall Blver, Mass., rmnlre "Sliovr (Jule Deimw, mgr.)—SJra- cilae, N. 1.. Uoh 2S-28, N.X City S0- l«y P FoSter Eitravagania—Brooltljn, N. jT„ (irnhanVs Specialty (John drahara, agr.)— (i|oVewy'"«r« N - V-. Mot 2<i 27, -8. Schenectady 30,. Saratoga 91, Cohoes i, 3v Morning Glories, Swn A. Scribner's— Boston, Mas.. Mch 23.28. ....... UlKlj Hollers (A. il. ^Poodhutl, mgr.)—Boe- fon, Mass., Mch 23.28. luvlns Kred, Wg Show—N. r. City Hch 23- 28. . ••-' > ■ ... Innocent Beauties (John Burke, mgr.)—Bin- ton, W. Vs., Mch 2. p i( Huntington 20, Charleston 27, Aabland, Ky., 28, j,.ii>- (imes Widows (Una YV. flogan, mgr.) —Minneapolis, Minn., Mch 22-28, Bt. Paul 21>-Apr 4. . " :■ ,.. Jack**. Hani T., Own (Mabel Hazelton, mirr.) —Mahanoy .City, l'n., Mcli 2R. Pottsvllle 20, WHIInmsport 27. MIIton-28. Knickerbockers II.ouls noble, mgr.)—Chicago, 111., Uch 22-28, Milwaukee, Wis., liu-Apr Lafayette, the Great—Brooklyn, N. I., Mch 23-28, Syracuse 30-Apr .4. - \a Heane>, Harry. Vaudeville—Wapplng, Coon.. Mar •■ 23-28. ' London Bcllefc Boae- Sydell's— Brooklyn, N. Y., Men 23-Apr 4. ■-...-; Miss New 1'ork Jr. (Joseph Oppenhelmer. mrr.i—Brockton. Mass., Mch .BJ-2D, Fall Jtlyer 2A-28. Newport, R. I., 30, Itlyerpolnt 31, Manehester. X.-tft, Apr 2-4, .- Merry Maidens (Jacob* & Lowery, mgn.)— % T.. City Mch 23-28, Newark, N. J., 30- MaJestlcs (Fred Irwin, mgr.)— Philadelphia, Pa.. Mch 23-28, Baltimore, Md., 31)-Apr 4. Moonlight Ha-lds—Providence, R I., Mch 23-284 . . -. ■ ■•.. .,] New Royals, Ciark's (P. S. Clark, mgr.) — Bt. IxHlla, Mo., Mill 22-28. Sight on Ilroadway (Barry Morris, mgr.)— Rochester, N.-Y., Mch 28-28. '. " Oriental ^Burlesrruerg (W. B. Watson, mgr.) —Elizabeth, N. J., Mch 27, 28. rnrfalan Widows (L. Lawrence Weber, mgr.) Hiiffato, N. Y.. Mch 23.28. I . . Rose• Hill's English Folly -(Rice & Barton, mgn.)—Indianapolis, led., Mcb 23-28. Rentz-Santlsy (Abe Learltt, mgr.)—De- troit, Mich., Mch 23-20. 3i* r i uet .& ^Y 1 *.. Mch iTjhe jsrgr^r -yoios: jq&ippiir. ai9 SffcB, m! 3T 8 Bhaw« h no 2fl W.'a M in? ,0 l lne 5 1 K»gMftJWMaJM>. Xd,**. "ST 0 h K yp 2 0t,9t 'iHJmVr B. Ki .. BC't:ShreVcport, U.. Mch 23-"8 Ke ''/;. hyP" 0 '""- (R- 0. fcelle" mgr) ti^Zf'r 0 ^* ^.•^a.a r J, I P r*f; JCnowles, -Mln- ArvorJia . Lee, Victor Lebo 3. (O. B. Cablll, mgr.)—Welling- ri-psceile. hypnotlwt (i j n »" Whrltedel/, N. If, ( Mch ^-^."Llrtc.V'N: , »B"r.)— H„ 30-Apr ittBpstt Toll Rl»»r Mch n-lK PlUjhurf. »Aprft4. n'ntfjnV'Jil«"*'"• Boir » In . Mch SMS; 8h«a'«, To- 12!!i. C itt*- .* i.®'< •"«««»'■»• K»w»rt. Xch »». g«LJB«»A l « | l >K A,' * 8,. Ilcicn, Mcb M-J8. Si* 0 *}? * Burt. Arcarf*. Tniedo, ilcli 2118. Best's 111 .*' Orpfcewn. KauxuiOliy. Kch a». En(ill«li. Iren*, 0»ni, Ljim, Mch a* S!a" Em,rM>0 * .Einnionita, Kelth'a, Boaton, Mch W ott *t l !', l * u *. T '" ft KeUl ' r . HHwamS Met. n-» Kcaiion* uonloDLEmpjro, rtevelanil.'Mcli 23-2S. Mrrtnpnn, V«i«iT», Bmilfnlinni'n. riill»., VchBW. JI»K.8 t Mrllaiimiltli,(W«mlila,N. tooln. M<ih »J8. J l«oer a Carroll, Columbia, si. Lnm«, Mch I«8. arrvn£ p Inicn, Wi«.l)•* Kail ltlver, Mali JS-J8. Jjwo, Ortclf, A. AS., RomoD.MchiUN. , L« \ ana. The. Kinjilra. rimlaiid. Nth CT» LlTljmooa;ThttB,U.Hi!., 1 ndlmlliwlla, Mch nH. J*JPi"g»'i,Bo>»lre,.rletjlinil. Mc.b.aMS. I*ha I CftMon. 0.0. «., Chicago, K a-ta. • Ujiii|.|c.. i-hlcaau, \jcb23 Sit. ITinn "" ■ *M* "•« *■ .»»«• np aus nearly •«. Ug flig " U KOMlble to make » ifS*.^ ** nd eville bookinir.. Brron JZii* £? r ■»»«■»• *n *!»»» depmri- ? < ?L^*^ 0 . ,nt * **■—llwllsjllai or trnna- Cera «« dates, of which we have to ?.« P ^? n »°n *he performers for no- UOcntlon. We therefore oak all Ber- formera to co-operate with us, nnd ■end us all cancellations and .trans- fers aa aoon aa they occur. Armttrong * Wri K lit, Poll'a, Waterburr. Jlch »-«• AfMsidlUan, MknaWa New Bailford, Mch a-».t A W!"cbic«S:'.| ) r A , P 6 r , i , ;i! bla ' SL ^"'^ *« «•; c- o. Addison *TlvlD2Ktf.n.Tlroll, Mankato. Mcb23-Aprll 4 ton'so-Ajfift. • ""*•■ m**pBB*mm. ArmstroiiK k Uolly. Poll'». New Hateo, Mch 23-28. Aurtlii. Uaorge C, () II.. Chtcaao, Mcb »**. Apialu AHanolo. Huber'i, N, f. 6., Mch JMS. Ataton, reiil.tA, Oriihettm, Fan Kran. Jlcb »•» Aoilrawen Bro«., Urpbenm. Lo« A., Mcli 0-28 Amaun.P..Orpheuoi.Omaha,'Mch 22SB ' '5n c i^1'5' Anaorspn A Wallace. Orplioum. Nw OrlaauJ, Mch 2J-M. 30-Apr4. Ayory APart, II. A B., B'kln, Mch23 is. I., Mch ArnaJdaon. Ada, Empire, Colnnibu*. -Mch 2M8. Adanw ARowf,'G«iii,"i,ynu, 'iSjia-JR"" Alloli. t#on ABertiv, Braclcnl.urB'n, Phlln., Mch2l-I8. ArmatrnoRA CaaaUy,Colunllilrt. St. Ixrali. Mchffl-28 Athos Family Toiqplc Detroit. Mdi 23-a Adelaide. La Petite. Shea'n, Bullalo, Mcli »Apl 4 Rlre'>- Barton'sBlg Gaiety—Cleveland, 0.. Mch J3.28, Buffalo, N. Y., 30-Apr 4. Rentes. Al.—BaJtlmore. Md., Mcb. 23-28, Washington, I). C, 30-Apr 4. -. Hfllly A .Wood's (Frank D. Bryan, mgr.)— Philadelphia, Pa.; Mch 23- 28. Trans-Atlantic Burlesqners, Hurtle & Sea- raon's—Laulsyllle. Ky., Mch 22-28, In- dianapolis, lnd.. 30-Apr 41 Topsy Tarry llurlesquers—8prlngfleld, Mass.. iMch 23-23, Hartford, Conn., 20-28. . Trocadero Burletquera (Waldron A Bryant, mgrs.)—llttsbnrg, Pa., Mch 23-28, Cla- .Innatl. 0., 2«-Apr 4. I.inroiighbreds ■ M'*rnnk R. Carr, mgr.)— Washington, D. C, Mch 23-28. Flttsburg, 30-Apr 4. : N. Drew, mgr.)—N. T. Pa Tiger' Mllles (W. (Mty 30-Apr 4. Vtoplans (T. W. Dlnklns, mgr.)—Scranton, Pa,, Mch 28-23, Rending 20-28, Philadel- phia ,iO-Apr 4.' n Ynnlty Falr^ (Robert Manchester, tngr.)— gW*6«N N. -Y, Mch 28-28, Phlladflphln, W'oHrt Beaters, Roble & Mack's (J. Herbert ^cWa^V- CUr Mch 23 " 28 - Jer - MINSTRELS. '. 0 _ ua _J5"n,'' mgr.)—^Weston, Jlupo * nu»dell, riilonibla, Clhcinhau'.'iich's-a Harry A Halverm PollX Briilceport Mch 2VJ8 Hancrort, Jack. ra»tao, Lawrence, Vasa., MchXI-lS. bellman A Moore, Temple, Louisville, Mcb2348 Hurohain, Sophie, Temple Louiaville, Mch23-2S Baileys, Tin-. 8hen'<. llullal". Men 2ta. Berlrete, Valerie A tt'-i SK-n's Bi'tulo, Mcb »24 BrnUv A Bray, BradenliutK'.*, Pfilln., Itch W Hnrnm-K-LaacanterCo., Clia««'a, Waablnatou,t(cli2S28 BhinchanK The. siheedy'p, Kail Blver, Mch »« Brooks Brntliern. r»«o. Full River. Mch »*). )lrrantiK»Tllle, Columbia, Cincinnati, Mch 22-28- 0 0 11., Springfield, 30 April 4. ^^' Uracilard. Julia. Peck's Oakland, Mcb 23-28- Peck's. Krc«no»AprlU. u. **•«, r»u,i, BarnellK. The, Pastor-n, N. V. C. Mch 23-28. Barkers The, Atlantic Garden, f>. V. (!., Mch 23-28 BaggMaenj, The. Kelth'a, N. Y. C. Mcb ZI-2!: Kelth'a. Boston, 30-Aprll .4. m Baldwin, Kittle, Park. Worcester, Mcli 2J28. Blocksom A Burns, Hliea's. Toronto. Mcb Z).2t Browning sisters, Kbea's, Toronto, Mcb 23-28 * Bell, Frank, Proctor's, Newark, Mcli 23-2S. .Baker A Lyon. Shea's, Toronto, Mch 23-28. Barnes, Stuart, Shea's, Toronto. Mch 23 28 Broun A NeTarro, Keith's, J*. Y. 0. Mch 23-28. Kerol A Berot, Shci-dj's, Pawtucket, Mch 8-a- Shecdv's NewBed(c.rd,30-Aprti4. ' °" BCU> "• Bayes, Norah, Circle, N. V. C 5lch 23-28. Bailey A Madison. Circle. N. V. U„ Mch 23-38. Hnoman. Frank, Proctor's fitli Ave.. K. V. o , Mch 23-28. Burkes, Juggling, Wliltney O. H„ Fltcbburg, Mcli 2:1-28. Bobrnc, \V. A. A Lottie. Hay-market, Ohlcagu, Mcli 23-28. Bruits A Nina, Brook, Msrlon, Mch 2328 Brlttons, The, Olympic, (Iblcago, Mch 23.28. Boiirsb-Deven Trio Mauliattan. Norfolk, JMctl 23 21 Barton Trio, AiiantlcCnrden. Norfolk. Mob23-28. Burton A Brooks, JouVr's, Saul nan, Mch 23-28. Bentley, Musical, Jelte.'«.SaRlniw-, Mch 21-28. gsnneti. May, Main am, Peorls, Mch 2128. Plnmnr, May, Palace, Manchester, Mcli 21-25. Burkhart. Lillian, UrpbeUni, Salt Frail., Mch 2228. Marry, Mr. and Mrs., Jlinniy. Oriihemn, Omaha. Mch 22-28, Blssonetle A Newman. Family, Portland.Me., Mcli 23-2S JBakcr, Edwin A Co., Family. l"ort!an<t, Me, Mcli Zi-'U. Beiiner, Kmllle, Orpbcum, B'kln., Mch 2328. Bohee, Mine., Bishop's Lynn. Mch 23.29. Buckh-y, Joe, Casino, Worcester, Mch 23-28. Berll, Henry. Nelson. Springfield, Mcli »a. Bond A Jenkins, A. 4 S., llo-ton. Mch 23-23. ;rtirioA Fields A Ward, Assam-, I'itlstiarg, Mch J lavorA Sinclair, llonacd, Boston, Mch Biln,;u.,lpril4. Fields A Hanson. Temple, Loulsvllle.Mcli2328: Orpheum T«rreHaiite,30Aprli4. forre«ter, fcelma. I'arlnr, Dulolh,Mch23-Aprll4. lay. hide, Kolth's Boston, Mcb »»2a,t'irt:le. N April!. . Foster, and Dog, Howard, Boston. Mch 23.28. Frcy A Fields, Onilieuin, Ulira, Mcb 23-28; Boa Too, Jer- sey City, 30-AprII,4. Farnum Bros., Keill.'S, Boston, Uch 23-23. FYeilo A Dare. Proctor's2UI St., H. V. C„ Mch 23 38, Freeze Bros., Proctor's 2SJ Kt. N. V. C. Mch 23-». Fllmn A Errol, Du.ju,-»ne, Flitsbunr, Mch 2S-2S; Temple, Detroit, 30-Aprll 4. Flnnlgans. The, Brook, Marton.Mcli 33-28. Foi A Fusie, Olympic, Chlcnao,,McU 2J-n Fowler'. Bertie; Olympic, Clilcairo. Kcb 11-28. First, Barney, llayoiarkeuCblnieo, Mch 23-28. Freydo Bros, Empire, Cleveland, Woh 23-38. Fit««raUl. Harry. Haymark«t,Ciiic«*o, Mch 23 28. Fennels The, Manhattan. Norfolk. Mch 23-28. Fields A Whal\en, .leircr's Sna-mew. Mch 23-28. Fi«. Esther, Orpheum, San r'rno., .Mob 2! 24. Foy A Clark. Orpheum. Rnn Fran.. Mcli 22-28. Farmer Jones' TralniH 1 Pics Orplieum.Ixis A., Mch 233. Flllds W. C, Orpheiun. Kansas City, Mch 3*28. Flyon. Joe, Orphemn, Bkln., Mi h '.i 28. Forreau-r A Floyd, Empire, Columbus. Mob 23-38. Krajlor A l'otersoii. Nelson, S|>rin?nel«l, Mcb 23-J8. Felix A Barry, Keith's, B>»tnu, Mcli 23 28. Fields, Harry A Bndie. Howard, Boslnn, Mcb 23 38. Kagan A Merrhun. A. A »., Boston. Mcli 23-28. (llrard Sisters, Cnslno. Lairrence,Ma>«.. Mch 33 21 Uodircy, Hal A('o.. Dixie, Srraoton. Mch 23-28. tjrant A Grant, Keith's, Plilla. Uch 23-38. i.'asnoux.The, Keith's, plilla, Mcb 23-28, rieiiaro A Ba|lry. Keith's, Phlln. Mch 23-28. (lllbert, John I)., Chase's. WashiaKton, Mch 23-18. (lienroy, James R. Temple, Detroit. Mch 33-38. (Irapewln. Cbas. A Co.. II. A K, N. Y. C. Mch 23-28. (llrard A tlanlner, l'oh'B, New Haven. Mcb 33 23; Wash- ington, 3D ApriM. Oaton,, A. AS.. Boston, Mcb 23-28: Oem, Lynn, 30-Aprll 4. Garrison, .tides A Ella, Columbia, St Louis, Mch 2328; C. O. II.. Chicago, 30.April 4. Oracle A Poller. Crvaul. Denver, Mch 2123. Cray, Ed.. Kallrt'fc N. V. C, Men 23/33. Ooldln, Horace, Shea's, Toronto, Mch 23-23. On'olmao's Dogs £ Cats. Shea's, Toronto, Mch 23-28. (irant, Kvdney. Proct«r's23<l St., X. Y. C, Mch23 28. (.'mild, Wu>.. Circle, N. Y. C Meh 21-23. Ollsssndos. Two, Circle, N. V.C., Mch2V28. ofadstone Sisters, Proctor's Ad, Ave., N. Y. C, Mch 23-28. Oulett's Musical Do^-s. Orpheum. Sew Orleans, Mch 33 a*. Ilalilri A Piatt, Mechanic.'. Salem. Mch 23-23. Oladstoue, Lottie, Keith's, Prov., Mch 23-28; Keith's Bos- tou. 30-Aprll 4. ' Oeller Troupe. Bsstablo. Syracuse, Mch 23-28. (ialleul's Monkeys. C. I). 11., cblcairo. 33-2S. firierson Sisters. Olympic, Chicago, Mch 23-28. lllllahan A Murray, Manhattan. Norfolk. Mcb 23 28. (Irabiiin, Gladvs A. A 8.. Hoslou, Mali 23 28. flnlllmette, Slgnor. A. A8., Boaton, Mch 23 28. (irceue A Werner, Orpheum, Kau rrao., Mch 22 28. (lenarn A Theol, Pastor's N. V. V., Mcli 23-28. (lllnserettls, Or|iheum, San Fran., Web 21-38. Oerstrom Bros., A. A8., Bo<tnn, Mcli2328. Harris Charles Poll's Be* Haven. Mch 23-21. Mickey A Nelson. Park. Youiiealown, Mch 23-28, Haves A Henley, Temple. Louisville. Mcb 2328. lloivan! A Blnliil, Dixie. Scranlofl, Mcli 23-28 Herbert A Wllllntr, Dixie. Scranton, Mch it- a. Herrmann. Adelaide, Shea's. BnlTalo. Mch23-18. Ilallen A Fuller, Osik's itorhester, Mcb 23-38. lluib', Mou.le. Cnase's Washington, Itch 23-28. Harding A Ab Rid, Avenue. Detroit. Mcb 21-28. Hanley A .larvis. Avenue. Detroit, .Mcli 23-28. Mill A Whltaker. Spnngaebl. Mch 2KB: Cliise's, Wash- ington, 30-Aprll 4. LoulUnl »r<i«., .<, Mch 23-28. Larkla. Kannle.l^inarn's KIchm.iM. Meh 33-24. J*RS Ir l! Warldnettes Mivln street, Pe.irls Mob 23 28. t-alavette. The fln-at, Orpbeunl! B'kln, Meh J338. I^lghlon A U-lghtim coin. I.vnn, Meh 2V3S. Uiwe a \,,n spelgrl. I'srk, \Vurcoster, Mcli »28. lainnons, The, Cnslno, tforrrstrr, Mr1i232& Uaa, May, llnwanl. Boston, Mch 21-38,. MaSunSisters, Pasta*, Lawrence, Mans.. Mcli 21-28. Matthews X Harris I'nrk. Yoongstos-n, Meh 23 "8 Mack A EUlolt. Park. Youug'low n. Mcli a 28. Murray. *llr«l*th. Temple. Loiil.vlile,Meh2328. Marun A Oulirc Columbia. St. Louis )loli 2338 Mblgeley A Caillsle, Ellil.lre. Hulaiken. MchJ32>'. Martini A Mexmllllaii. Kinplre. lloboVen Mch 23 24 .Metusker. lne«. Kniplra. Hoboken, jjrh 21S Merrills (3), Empire, llpboken, Mch 2128., Lewis ACo., Ron Ton; Jerievt'ltr Mch ■'323, Metlltt. Hill, Couk's, Kochestrr, Mi'li Xl-28. . Murray A l.ane. Cs.i.i, Fall Klver, Meh 23 2\ Maxnll. Joe, Onlutet. Temple, Deirnlt. Meh 2V28. JJeredltb.Maude.Teuipio, Detroit, Jlch2123. Miles Aanes Avenue. Ticrn.rt, March 2S28. M.Miw, Florence. II. A S., N. V. <;., Mch 23-2S McBrlile A Coakley, II. A. .8., N. V. I'., Mch J128. Martlue Bros HsyumrV.t, ChleagrL Mcb 2328. Murphy, Mr- A Mrs Mark. Arcaile.TliInluY Meh 23-28; Tem- „ ..•"•• Detrolr-SilAiirlU. Y. C, SJ- M«ire A Penrlj Kiii^lre, Clerelaml, Mch 2129; Uu.|uesn». Maain K.;el'er<'«.. Orpheum, New Orleans Hfh 5328. Morion, James J., Temple, Louisville, Mcb 23-38. """> ■"J? & I t' ll ;-,{ , "' or ' , > »■ T. C. Mch S3-23; Proc- s l2Stli St., Jt V. C..'«) A | riL*. , Mch 2328, Satauma, ClrcK ». Y. 0., Mch tt-ja. - Saumlers, chalk, l-roetor'afld 61.. Mrh A». Stephens, lui, u. n. |l., IrsHlanapplls Meh 2S.J*. 5^rr*lt*iP' *'""*•'• BsaUbl*. nyraediw'/ Meh JS-St gabln A Mnllancy, Manhaltao. Nurlulk, Mcli232n. Stanlkv ACaUimrfM/AtlfllttiMiini, Xo'rftilk.V St'aukllnB.ritar. Uutnllu.n. Meli»3H. I Z)!Zi T l BStnOA M » l ° Street. Mcli M ». Smith A Whits, A. AK, Boston, Meh 332S Salandiaii, The. Oriiheuni, Loe A., Mali 2H.M. ss-.^tt Hn»,. Columbia,Cincinnati. Mrb2323 Haliel, Josephine, Keith's Prov., Meh23IS HaBford Mlflers A, A*., jloat.m, Mch 23 28. S<yonter"iTlo, A. i s, m.mnn, Meh 33jn Stnar A L'pbiiin. A. A ».. Hiiatea. Mch 21-3*. Techow'M'BtsA l><'gsCQliiiiibla,i:inolnn»il,Mcli23» Then. Mile. Mi's New Haven. Mrh 33 2H~ ■-»*•■■* TaneaiisTbe, BraOeniairgs, Phlla...Mfli n 2S. Tyler, B.isa Lee. Coliimliii", st. Isails Mcb ii-li Toledo, Khwdy's rail Itlvrr, Meh 23-28. Titus L.ilin. V. A Fied J., Aieuiie. D.-trnll,Mel, 23-28. r "it!, , „?. ""£?'?• ; r ?<'tiir-s. Allmny, Mcli 23-SH; Caato, Fall It iter, ^l- April I. •. ~ * Truiuis-ters Aaierlcaii, Four, Umpire, Baltimore, Mrh Mr. A Mrs Harry, Kelth'a, Prov., Meh 2338: ilnn tl l.,,l I A , " h'lcago Mcb 23 23; Hiiyitnil'et, swan tor' . "SHS *-V ul £*- IT«>iiiarkei,'Cl7lcago,Mcti tJ2S; B O, If. I lilrngo. "AlApril 4 - ' Sabine A Yern. II. A 11.. B'kln, Mcli 23-33; Paa tor's, N. V. i'.., Sn Aiuli 4. Mot.! Ma . 2323. Thnrtt.'. Keith's Boston, au April 4. Tlmmss, lllliln, Olympic, <" ChlcaBP,3ilAurll,4. Tesl lUytnnnd. Main Street, Peorls Mcli 23 2s Terrlll A Nmnn. l*rneior's Allmny. Mch»28. Tascolt, Pastor's, >', V. 4'., Mch 21 28. Tomklns «'bi,.|., Pasliir'a, N. Y.O., Mrb 23-39. Titus LydiaYaanians Areas*, ttetrolt, Mcb 13.28. Tanneu. Julius. Orpheum, Kan Fran..Mcha28. Thnrnimi, Jsmea Fniullr, n.nlind, Sle., JtehSlSS.! JiHlge Family, Mechanics Lynn, JHeh tVSs. Tbonia«, ll.llth, Cashw, Wnrcisirr, Meh 23-21 Teo.1 A lAaell. Keith's N. V. I.',, Mcb 23-28. ' Tlppell A Kllinenl. Tun. Meuiplile, Mch 2t33. I nibnn.C. II.. ti. a, II. Imlluoapsilis Jlch 23-28; Colum- bia, Cincinnati, :ui.Aiiri I 4 Van Bams. |tar,mess Elsie ' ers .1.38. Ihivvanl, Boston, March 23-33. lt.lstnii, Meh 23 28. Mch , Antonio. Manhattan. Nnrfnlk, Meh 23 April 4 *w. Poll's Bridgeport. Meh 21-28. ilrntii. Temple, LoiliHrHIp, Mfai 13 29. Huflalil,Mcll 23 28. tor'sN. V. 4 .. 311 Allrll 4. " - ' Intoglrl Washiugiou.Meb332S i Ih.bnken, 30-Aprll 4 ajWar* Androas, Pnictiir'a Fl/lh Are., M.Y. 15, Marshall. thoMystlc, Pastor's N. Y. €.. Mch 30-Aprll 4. Morris, Leon, Hippodrome, London, ring.. April QsM iIo^VT 1 »ltl^!Jl ,rt •l!5* l, , , !.'"•?• ^ • ^ •L ,,c^ » ,8 ■ irtelanannlA' itV'.Tl'l'a"' Uluc '»»«'. ^ 33-28: 0. O. Waleihury Bros. A Tenlly II. A 8., N*V A Moil »». la&auT SSSS a"u '.t 1 ' 4 - o^ . - • Wartenbergllms,H..«H.,N. Y. C. iieh-ii-B SSB&BsiS&iffi*?!"?? W Mc'i'. l £T ,,!, '"' w - ''• ^""* " ,,,,ik '-"' ^ T0, " ,n ' Vemella slsie Vun tloire Wallace, I- Ward * Car VVaisoii, llutohlugs 6 I'M" null, Klie Wiiisln*, Wynne. Keith's. Pinls, Men jj-jk. W.nie'is Dogs Prnetor's NVwatk. Mcb nar, Wimlattf.A Kusm.l^l'riiclor's Albany. Mjli 23-29. Moon-, Bennett, Forsi-Keller. MllUaukee. Mch 2328, M nrrliy A ft lllnnl.Kelth's Bn.tnn, Mch 2128. ekAAr - "' nour. liaviuarket, Cblnijro.'ilcii li-JS. t HurrLs Park. Vuungsloan. Mcli 2V2S Mack A Armour. Maltbews*llurt_, M ^!'23 & c.&; , B'i!Kterri l r' f "' " ew B,i,roTj ' Merabuid. Beatrice, o. O II.. Indianapolis. Mch'2V28. Melville A Stetson, litl. 11.. Indianapolis itch 21 28 Maers Three, BasuMe. Syracuse, Mch 2itt Morrises, T1,e. BE Marlon, Mc i 23 is Mitchell, FTOin, Bmol, Msrlon. Mcliitfw. .Visits' Dogs, C O. II,. Chicago.'Mrti B 2H Mrlanl Trio, C. O. II.. Chicago. Mch rtJB I Mlaru A Idnlene, llnwanl, Boston, .Veil »2A J rlPtyre A lleatll, C. O 11.. Cblniiro, Mch 43-28. J Clntyre-t Prinirose. Olympic. Chicago, Mrh 21-24. Marre A 1 -eht, EmpIre. Cleveland. Mch 21-28. Montrall, Olympic. Clllcagu, Mch 23-28 ^^ KS^ Morris, Atlantlolinrtlen, Norfolk, Mch 23-28. Mllliird's Three. Star, Hamilton. Mch 33-2N Morum, Pbl|', Howard, Voa|iin, Jlch 2i-2s' paeaN* sisters, Arc.ule. Toliiln Mcli 23-24.' MitchellI A Merlon Empire, Cleveland. Mcli 23-24. Jbitsln A Crouch, Messt's PeorlsrSICh 23.28 MrlrosoA Elmer. A. A S., Boston, MTrh 23-28. ' Martliiefil", The. Orpheum. Omnhn. Meh 22-28 Martin A Alexander. A. A M_ Bual.ia, Hob 28-28. McCue A Calilll, Orpheuiu. New Orleniw, Mch 33-28. Moore, Tom, Kmiilly. Pnrtlnml, Me, Moli 23-28 Mailciips ||), Manchester. Enir , Mcli 23-Aurll 4 Mullen Ed. Keith's Prov, .Mrb 2V-2-I *>"April I. Mansilebl A Wl'bur, Keith's Pror., Mch 21-28. MeCuo Slsu-ra II. 4 lb. B'kln. Mch tl-28. MUletto Family, Empire, Columbus, Mch 33-28 Mosber. Houghton A Moslier, Park, Wnrcesier Meh 21 .«L Mack, chaa.. A Helen, Casino', lvorrealer McliiklS Mailiewa A Ashley. Keith's. Boston, Mch 23.29 MltchelK Three. Keith's Boston. Md, 23.S ' Marlon A EUswintb, Star, Hamilton, Mcb 21-28 Murphy 4 Li Marcho„Creaiu city. MllivaiikeoMeb 23-« Nniwortb, Jack'. Park. Yoiuigstow 1, M c b 23-28 ' MC " ZVB Nast,TlKK.. Jr.. Keith's, Pblla., MrliKsi NevlnoA Arnold. Empli-e, Ilobnilmi, Meli'23 28. Nugent, J. C. ACo, Avenue, Detroit; Meh2328 .Nowlin, Dave, Orpbeiiill. Los A.. Mch 2V1 uril 4 ' Neville A Co.. Voll's Brhlireiuirt, Meh ii 28 Nosses Five, orpbcnin, B'klyu, IS 21-ls Newell A Nlhlo. Park, Youittpstotiu, Mch 23 vYeiNl 4k Hay. .Tefrer's, Saslnaw, Mch 23*8; Kohl A Caalle, Clilcago, 4) April I. Wsvhurn's Nc.l, Jockey Hub, Proctor's 23.1 St., N. Y. C„ Weston A Allen, Arcaile, Toledo, Kelt 23.28; Kiniiur, Ciilumhiis ,11 Aprils. ' ' White A Simmons I'rnetor's Newark, Mcb 23-23. Wals Al.. Keith's N. V, C„ Mc|i 2i2t Wanl A Hnyiii.iiul. Pastor's S. V, t7„ Mob 2328. Will. A Human, oratii.'lrcu limn, city of Mexico, until Aprils, Waat, John A.. War, Toronto, Meh sj-SSj Empire, Hochcii«r.SU-Aprll4. , ' . Wail* A Hastings Brpnk. Marlon. Mcli 23-28. KlnsMnley A Sullivan, llnwaril, llo.lnn. Mcli 2128, Wpblnin Jfrus, c. o. Il„ Chicago, Mch 2128. Wells. Nai »., P. II. Il„ 4'lilcitgo, Mclifit*!. WhitneyMms. Itaytuarkel.Chlcags Veb2V28. Wmslwnnls The. star, llainlltnii. Meh 23-28. Whllhel-, Mlhlreii. Jetrer's, Santnaw, MCh23S9. WalUiu, tjairle, I'liiiuuii's. Illiliuiimil. Mnli 23 28. Winner, iSrrlii. Weaat'a. I^Kirl . rla. Mrh 43 28. Wlin,in, Menhanles Salem, Mch 23- inner, Winter, llauka' ^AprlU, We>t A Van Slelen, )I. A ll, ll'k In, Mcb 23 28. Wllllauia A Tucker, Itrpheuui. H'klyn, Ucll 23 28. Webb. Majgiiret. Nelaou, Sjutiigllehl, ili-li.23-2». Wnml, Hen. il, Keltli'H, flb\t«iu, Mrh S *"■" >Vbluiev Brut, llayiuarkel, Clilraitu, Mch 33.23; Coliim. Ida, St. |siuls30A|irtl|, Young, Irene. Empire, Washlncion, 3[eli 13-28. Vontiii Aiuerlaiu Qnlut*)*, Temple. HwMlt. .Mch 2128. Yurke A Albuns, Oivlirillii, Sea- Orlenlta Jleli 21 28. Yaeklsy A Blllllloll, Keith's, HknIoii, Mcli 23-.V Youngs A Hiooks i.'u-l... Kail Itn or, .Ut-b 21-28. 31i«rrl,MII8. Oiiiheiiiu, Omaha, Mrh SI 28, /•iiiitmr, Joliii.'Krllh's Husbm. Mch 232s. Xazell A Irriion, Chase's Ifarhliiutou, Mcli 2338, llttsbiirir, SD-Auril J. Nawn, Totti anil Co, circle. N. Y. C, 28, Du'iiieane, Mch 23-28. Herrmann A Sohle, Dnckstader's Wilmington, Mcli 23-28. Harmony Four, Main Street, Peoria, Mcli 2328; Temple, Detroit, 'it- April 4. conda. Mont., Mcb 2K. Wallace? Ida., 26, Spokane, jVaih.. 27.' SSi'-gtiattle -29, 30 J etorla. B.-1C1 31, Vancouyer Apr 1, New Hhatcom, Wash, 2( Kverett 3, Tacoma 4. Portlaad. Ore., 6, 7. . Mch 23, Morrlstown 20. : Clrlnon's (Harry F. Cttrtls. tng-r.)— Berlin, Wis., Mch 2B. Ulnon 26, Foucf du Lac 27 natertown 28. Appleton 20 ' Guy dUrothers 1 (0: ft, Ony, mgr.)— Bennlng- ou Vt,Mch 25. iH4»sIck 8 Vall«, N7Y, .'0, Saratoga 27; GlensFalls 28. " ™ HpnrT »—Marsballtowu, 1 la, Mch 2S, rV,? t ? rl,v !,^ 0 '„ I " de l> en ('oncc 27, Dubuque 28, Clinton -A Mnntjuoketa 31, Uorrlaon, III., Apr 1, Syrni'iiae n, -Aurora 4i • llnerlys, W. H. Nnnkeyllle'a (W. P. Riley, UyT l T < 'Il rkBbur «"' W.iVo., Mch 25. Cuin- Wrland. Md.; 20. Jo-htsmwrj, Pn., 27, Al- t<»na 28, I'blladelphla 30-Apr 4. Prlniro*o & Pockatader (J. H. Decker, mgr.) KX?l32; S J " McU 23 -, 28 ' Br'ookfyn, t * t &m&&S Sv ICMsM Qnlnlan, oer.)— S?.Sn. hbr n4 ge i Ma ^' . Mcl ' -'"' rftnain, v2Sfi <!e ^;« Jf f w ' ajondan-ar. Ntirwloli 28, Mrrlden -.<0, Wentfleld. Miibr. 31. Middle- town, Qn1, Apr lj Tvllllmantlc 2, Rrlstol, „,«; iu 3 .,New Brttaln, Conn., 4. m SSSi S .Prinff'e'a (Bumo A Holland, W7 1 n ' ,0l V, Ky. Mch SB.-Cairo. III. 9E. W eW w Ja, Ky„ 27> LotH»yIlle 28, 2I>, riijilHlp iijafc Hs»>JlMg»st; W. To.. Apr 1, ..»»■ » p. 2. Portsmouth 3, Jackson 4. iff ■it'iP'kl ^ V6R&1 ' mgr.)—Springfield, T.»•o•etV <! c?o 2;, ,' r .' lneol P 26 ' Bloomlngton 27, Efi"lB 2". Jacksonville 30, Hannibal. Mo., rr,;^'!-".^ I»- AP*! 1. Keolcillc, la., % wrF^r 1 -)' adl «on 3. Bui'llnirton 4. « eat a (8naford :B. Rlcabr-. mgr.)—New Or- leans, La-., Mch 22-28, Mobile; Alt, 81. CIRCUSES. m&Sml Ba "*y'»-^ N - y - C»ty Mch 23, In- "S P i ate . ( . w v H ' H"' 1 '. nrO-Cal. 20? h£k' &&J?lL < iH» tt IS???.«? l ?... T * n i»;i Jlurtlrio A Cavana, Cream City: Milwaukee, Kch 23 H, Barton 8lntcra, Ctenm <3ty. Milwaukee, Jlch 23 28. Bruit. Taguea. Forat-Keller, Milwaukee, Mch 23-28. Del) Trio, Empire, Cleveland, Mcli 2328. Cook A Clinton. Keith's I'hlls, llcli 23-28. Cablll. William, Keith's i'hila., Mcli 23-28. Cantwell A Jennings Keith's Flilla.. llcli 23-28. Cole-De I.o«ce Duo. Columbia, St. tools Mch 23-38. Cronln, Morris ProctoriR, Newark, Mch 23-8. Canon A Wllllaid, Bun Ton, Jenny City, Mch 23-23 Ca«lleuir, Mons, Ciajk's Rochester, Meh 23-28. Cody A llealy. Krpplro, Waablnctop, McJi 23-23. Canunos The. Empire, Wn.ihltmtoo, March 23-23. - Creaav A Oayue. Avenue, Detroit, Mcb 23-33. Oulleii, James If.. H. Aa, N. Y. C. Mcb 2S-2S. Colllnifl (4). H. AS., K. Y. C Mcb 23.29. . Colllba A Welch. I'roctor'a 2ld St., S. Y. 0;, Mcb 23-2S. Carmen Sinter,, Empire, Cleveland, Mcb23-28. Connelly A Ruine, Eureka, Ironton, llcb 23-28; Aihland. otf-Aprll 4, Cooke'A Don, Keith's. N". Y. C Mcli 30-Aprll 4. Callahan A Mack. Keith's N. Y. C, Mcb 2S-28. Coriroy A Vearl, Em pire, K4. Paul, Mch 23-28. Carter A Moss Peoria. Mcb 23-23: Daveuport. 30—April 4. Carmontella. Olympic, Chicago, Jlch 23-28; Hay-market, Chicago. 30-Aprll 4. Clarke A Temple, Keith's Prov., Mcb 23 S3; Keith's Bos- ton, 3ti-Aprl[4. Colby A lVay, II A B, B'kln. Mcb 33-S. Colby Family, Orphauin, New Orleans, Mch 23-23. Ceclllan four, II. a 1).. B'kln. Mcb 23-28. Crane, Lawrence, I'roctor'a 23d St., N. Y, C, Mcli 25 28. Callahan A Mack. Keltb'aN. Y. C, Mcb 2328. Carltn, Rose, People's, Cincinnati, Mcli 2328; Bucking- ham, Loulavllle, 30-Aprll 4. Capltalne, Alcide, Kelth'a N. Y. C„ Mch 2328. Choate, Charlotte. Proctor's 23d St N. Y. C. Mcb 23-28. Caldwell, Anna, Proctor's Neivurk, Mcli 23-28, Empire, Cleveland, 30-ApfH 4, Cotrely, Emms MllltarT Carnival. Catsklll, Mch 2! 28. Carroll, Johnny, (1. O. II., Inillaiiapulla, Mcli 23-28. Carmen Troape, Haymarket, Chicago, Mcli 23-28. Cole A Johnson. Hsymarkct, Chicago, Mch 23-38. Clarke, liable. Manhattan. Norfolk, Mch 2328. Collins A Collins Auditorium. Xonolk, Mch 23-28. Cellini A Flynn, Atlantic Garden, Norlolk. Meb 23 23. Capell, Hilly, Orplieum, Son f ran., Mch 2128. CluquevaJII. en route from Australia to England. Caron A Herbert, Family, Portland, Me., Mcli 23-28. Clifford,Thoa F... Mechanics Lynn, Mcli 23-28. Claire, Helen,Oem.Lynn, Mch»2& Culf er's Bicycle Loop, Keith's, Boston, Mch 23 28. Cook A Sylvia, Keith's Boatou, Mch 23-28. Coito'n'a Couiedy Donkeys Poll's, New Haven, Mcb SO- dg* " Wiin. 19m *. -9L. Mch 20, Comer 26. o 3 oStc 2 » 1 7 's A l bber, ' ,e 8 . C - 28 ' QWnW0Od *tBSW£^BLW* N - c-.mcb 20, y^ 0 %r a ,, C rJ.£ Z8 2 . Lu,nber * »»"• MISCDLLASEOlg. Achcntach's Big; 81,ow—Honetdale. Pa., Mch Sown NY A ^f 16 ' 81 - Mida, e- nuarald' Bill's "wild Wett. Col. Wm. F Cody it^""" 3 *?' Ea «''< Men 4 8 . Indefinite. IiSh > 25 B « t,ler ''~ Cn,CI ' , * Ba ' Ind - ' Ier ' nostock's^i^ined Animal Arena—PltUfield. mass., Bfich 23-28 li^or t**** 1 '" Show—Oaterrllle, Ala., ton 28 P^lltt,fl,l8 2a ' KlBg.ton.27. Bloc- fryatal^Rye Glan Bhow^P. R. Oray, m|T.) M&.^EaJ*! 1 Mr «- Herbert I,, hytnio- nrllV JS^S nockioM. III.. llfl-Apr 4. 7'ii.Mi , S klll,-Hhow < WI " t'onklln. mgr,)— S^S*?^.-"' * ch "■ Kbo "" 1 " fl '!jPjJ?f' i»P°o«»t» (J. H, QllplD, Dlt')- Troy, ifo., Mch 23-2B. Kllberry 2«a8. Brooks, ragr.)— „.iord, Billy B.. F.mplre. Cleveland, Mch 23 23. Dillon Bros., Poll's JfrldKeporf, Mch S3-28. lit Catret. Blanche. Casino. Laivrenco, Mass., Mcli 23-28, Doberty Slaters, Poll's New Ilareo, Jlcb 23-28. nreaatr. Louise, Park. Youuntotrn, Mill 13-28. IlsrlaAMacauley, Keith's. Pblla., Jich23-28. Day, Ceo W., Cook's Itucheatir, Mcli 23-28. lieVontas, Jlie, Slieedy's Fall River, Mcb t J3-28. Duran J, Marie, Clouccstrr, Mcb 23-28. Uemln». Arthur, Orplieum, omuha, Mcli 22-28; Orplieum, Kab«asCllv,W-Aprll4, Boolev, J, FrancU, Proctor'a FIRh Ave., tt, Y, C, Mcb 30- Dyllf n, J. Bernard. Coluinbls Clnclnnall, Kch 23-28; II. a e.. k. y. o„ SD-Acru 4. Be 1 Lucca Troupe, Avenue, Detroit, Mcli 23-28; Park, Youngatovn, SO-April 4. Duran, Rode. A, 18, Boston, Mch 23-28 Belter A Welllnaton. People's Seattle, Mcli 23-Aprll 4. Urane, Sam D., Keith's, Boston. Sich 15-28; Keltb'aPhlls, 30-Aprll 4. rieSraV, Will, rroctor'aBth Are.,!*. Y. 4!., Ilea 8-38. Darnt, tlen. C, Keith's N. Y. U. Mcb 23-28. llarrelk Aurls Keith's N. Y.C., McbO-28. Dafto A Zella, Pastor's N. Y. C, Uch 33-28. Drako'a Bbeep and Ooats, Proctor'a Sth Ave., N. Y. C, McliJS-i8. narmiKly ACareno.rroetor , »»l St..N. Y. C, Mch J3-38. Iirel.ler. Marie. Empire. Cleveland, Mcb 13-28. Decay. Chase A irard, chutes San Fran., Mch 33-28. Duryea A Kesrne., II. O. II., Indlnnapnlla. Mch H-28. Derenda A Brean, Olympic, Chicago, Mcb 23-28; Hay- . market, 30-Aprll4. Dalys, The, Star, llsuillton. Mcb 23-28. lira tree. Jrffer'a, Raalnaw, Mch 23-38. " Don April DeMutbs The, AtlanticCarden, N. Y. C, Mch 23-28. llnskell, Loney, Empire, BaJtlmore, Mcb 23.28; Cook's Rochester. 3d-A|>rll4. Ilarrlnirton, Master Rolit,, Proctor'a FIRh Ave,, N. Y. C„ JtchSD-Aprlls Hammond A Hammond. Par*. Worcester, Hch 23-28. llefriiii, Tom. Empire, Hoboken, Mch 23-28; Keith's N. Y. C, 30-Aprll A. ' Heiv|tts Two. Main Street, ftorla, Mch 30-Anrll 4. Hodges A Lauchiuere. Proctor'a 2U Bt.. N. Y. C, Mch 2)18. llllllanl. Robert, Kelth'a, K.l'. C, Mcb23-28. Hacker A Lester, Keith's. >'. Y. <:., Mcli 21-2>. Hendersoa A Ross, Kellh's N. Y. EL, Uch 23-28. Ilanvey A Doaue. BUou. Sun Dloso. Cal.. Mcb 23-Aprll 4. He^rlx A Preacott, Pastor's, N- Y. C..«cH21-23. . Hayca. Katlierlhe, 01>innlc. Chlcaifo. MchS-28. Hayes, Edmund, Olympic, Clilratfo. Mcb 23-28. Una-ley A Leslie. Ilayuniket, Chlcairo Meh 23-28. llairiiioa. Lear, llayoinrkat, CbicaRO, .Mcli 2338. Hall. Irene. Atlantic (Mr.len, Norfolk.Mcb 23-28. llutnea A Leuls Military Carnival. Catsklll, Hch 23-28 Hi-iideraon i Ro»», Kelth'a, K. V. C, Mch 23-28. Hclcne, Eillth. Arcaile, Toledo. Mcb23-28; Columbia, Cln- cluatl, 30-Aprll 4. Hamptun. Mary A Co., Empire. Columbus, Hch 23-28. lleaett A Mack, Piitnaui'a, Rlclimonij, .Mch 23-28. llatliaivny A W'ulton, IVeast'a, l'eorla, Mch 33-28. tlerra* Family, Keith's Beaton, Mch 23-28; Shea's Buf- falo, SO-April 4/ Hale A Frauds Empire, Columbus. Jlch 23 28. Holt, Alf., Mechanics I.vuu. Mcb 23-28. Humes, Roes A I.e»ls. Shindy's, New Bedford, Uch 23-28. llarrlngtnnBros.. Purk, Worcester. Mch 23-28. Harklps, The. Casluo, Worcester. Mch 23*28. Hathaway. Belle's, Dors anil Monkeys, Nelson, Btirlnir- llebl, Mcb 2128. " " Harrington, J. VV„ Nelson, Sprlnfrfleld, Mch 23-28. Invln £ llawl'.'y, Columbia, St. Louis Mch 23 28. Inneaa A Ryan, Smith's llratnl Itapltl.-. itch 23 April 4. Iniboff A Conb, Keith's Prov., Mcli 23-28, JohnstoneA Oooko, Keith's N. V. C, Mcli 23-28. Jordans.JuirKllng,Columbia, St. Louis, Mcb 23-28, Hay- market, Chlrago. 30-Aprll 4. Jolinson A Welle; Orpheum, llim, Mcli 2128. Jackson A Doaglas star, Hamilton, Mch 23-28. Jonea A Button. Keith's Prov., Mch 23-28. Johnstons Musical, Wheeling, W. Va., Mcb 23 28; Clare- land, 30-Aprll 4. Johnson A Barry, Nelton, HprinRfleld Mcb 23-28. Johnaon, Carroll, Howard, Beaton, Mch 28.28. James A Mortimer, A. A S , ldoitnn Uch 23 28. Jackson A Leondo, Cream City. Milwaukee, Mcb 23-28. Kennedy A .lames. Keith's, I'Ula.. Mcb 2328. Konornli, Cook's. Itoeboster, Mcli 23-28. Kelly A Violette, Temple, Detroit, Mrh 23-28. Klein A Clifton, Keith's Phil*.. Mch 23-28. Krone'*. Mattle, Co.,Temple, Detroit, Mch 2328. Klein, dtt Bros. A Mckerton. JJui|U»ue, 1'lttnbi.ri, Mch 23-28: Empire. Coliinibiis SI -April 4. Kolcy.'Mr. i Mrs Alfred, Bon Ton, Jersey City Meb 23-28; Orpheum. Utlcn. 30-Aprll 4 Keatons Throe. Proctor's 23d St.. K. Y. C. Mch 23-28. Xlne A llntthold. Pastor's N. Y. C, karcb 23 28. Kenoa, Chaa. Cast... Fall River, Mob 2328, Kopr*, Atlantic Harden. N. V. (,'., Mch 23 38. Koklli.MlcOuliette. C. O. II., Cblcairo. Jlch 33 28. Kernell. John. Olympic. Chlraao, UlIi 2328, King. Vera, JeflVr'a. Sagluav, Mch 23-28. Klncdon, Casino, Whrcealer, Mch 23-28, Kenno, Welch A Melrose, II. A H., B'kln, --. Kartelll. Albert, Orphrum. New Orleans. Ueli 2328. Nugent, Maudo. Unstable. Bvroinise, Mcli 23 28. Noilo. Mr. A Mrs, 4;.o.|(.. Chicago, Mchaiii _ He'tts-'n * Ne»«en, Main Street, Prurla, Mch23-2a Jlevnros IS), Keltli's Prov.. Mcb 23 28. NoMes M llton A Holly, Meebanlr.-i, I,vnn Meh sn -at Norton, Mlsa, llowar.l. Boston, Meh afl 28 Onrl Family. Poll's B idireport, Mrh 23 28 Osnatos (31, Columbia, si Limla, Mcb 2:1 as Orth A Fern, Cook's Rochester, Mcli 23 28. O'ltamev. (ioorgla,Cook'a, lluclie«ter<Mch 23-34 Olive, Mile, Aveiiue. Detnilr, Meli H-28 Otta. Four, Clrrio. N. Y. 0., Marrli 23 28. O'Urlen, Frank, Pastor's, N. V. V. , Mch 23-28 Orvllla* Frank, Pastnr'a, N. Y.C..Mcli232s O'Relllv A Manning, C. 0. II.. Chicago, Meb 2328 .O'llnutke A Burnelto, Arrade, Toledo, Mcli2*2a ' A Co., Keith's Boaton.JIcl oacerman, kathryn - r»Koltli's, N.Y. O., 30-Aprll 4. O'Riiiirke, Bugeuo A Co.. Empire Cleveland, Mcli 23-28. - " tea \f rail limi kJoiillls Ir.l. >i, a*. • r . . ""^ i'S Boston,Mch 23-28; I'hllllpe A Hhaup. Madison, Seattle, Mch 3D Anrll 11 Piccolo Midgets Circle, N. Y. C., Jlch «.2J., Pelot. Hockstsder's, WiluilugCQ, Mch 3328; Kelt Keith's N. Petcblni Bros ,'tl. O. II., HiUbinapnlla, Kch 2328. Pernue Bros.. Bastable. Syracuse, Mch 23-28 Pullman. Hot, Brook, Marlon, Mcli 2.1 Ji Piters, Plill A Nettle, Haymarket, Chicago. Mch 23-28 Potter A liltrrh), Atlnutlu Garden. Noriolk, Mcb 23-28 ' Paicbln Rrns., Smith's, (Iranil Ita.ilds, Mcb 2t28- Risrkev's, Jollet, 30-Aprll 4. r ' ""' Parker,"Alice, Ftitiiam'slllchmaml, Mcb2323 Plamantlon A Amotion, Weast's, Peorli, Mch 23-28. I'otobcrtnn. Ooldle, Pahee, Macclieiter. Jlch 23-28 Prevoat A Pn.yost. Oriiheuni, Omaha, Mch 22-21. Parkcr'a Doga, Park, Wurcester. Mcb 23-38. Piper, Franco, Orplieuui, KansiiH city, Uch 3328 NMS A Ixn, Kellli'a, Prov., Meb. 23 2«. Pusay, Char., » Co., Orplieum, B'kln. Hell 23 23 Patterson 11os Mechanic's. L)mi. Mch 23-28 Phroso, ileci »nlo'< I.vnn, Mcb IB 28. Parker A Alv u .a 0»-n Lynn, Uoli 23-29. Parker A Kgliei t, Park, ■"oerrater, Mcb 23-28. Pierce A Roaslyn, > Ke '«r, 34llwankeo, Mch 23 28 Quaker City Quartan., halih'i, BoaUnl, Mch232»; Kaltb'a Plilla.. .il April 4. ' ' Ouantnr Has.iue, Orpheugi, I.cs A., Mrh 13-28. Oulnlan A lloaiml, (lew, l.yiiu, Mrh 21-28. Quljley, J.. Empire, Cleveland, Mcb 3b2«. l!)ano« (1), Poll's Na* Haven, Alch 23-28. Koalnna, The, Teniplo, Loulavllle, Mch 23-28. ROskl Bros., Dixie. Scranton. Mch 23 28. Russell A Locke, Hon Ton, Jenwy City, Mch 23-28. llolierts, lluyea A Roberts, Hun Ton, Jersey City, Mch IUC ABrnschc. Temple, Detroit,Moll 2320. "?-i!r.'i!:;r, i .s5'r/i y 4. ,; ' ro "'' *■ r - c - M,li&ffli Ar,nu » Reeds Musical. C. O. II., Cblearro, Hch 2328; Ualn Street, l'eorla, 30-Aprll 4, _ Itaint* A Aruo. Keith's riillu..'llcli 2328. Rays Johnny A F.tnnis 11. A n.. B'kln, Mch 23-28. Rnbyna. Mr. A Ufa., Dockalader'a, Wilmington,Mcli 23 28; Empire, BeRlmnre.'SO-AOrlU. * •""•"*»•"• 10" Brritbeti, Keith's Plilla, Mcli 23-28 Keith'i, N. Y, C., ilradbam, Camp St., Dallas. Mcb 23-Aprll 4 _ . Iters. Orjiinuiu. Los A., Mcb 23-Aprll i Ilouow Midgets Kolth's N. Y. C,Mch 23-28 i-Aprll«. RciiiaeyAl Rice A H'AlMrs Oriiheura. Lo< A., Meh 23-AnrU 4. Ilouow Midgets Kofth'4. N. Y. C.Mcb 23-28 R«os Tlio, Olymplt, Chicago, Mcli 23-28; Haymarket, 30- ^__ Jll, VSWNV, „',UCB,B,| J.\ II ^.r^, Kenno. VTekh A Melrnac, II. A H., B'kln, Mch »■*. Kartelll. Albert, Orplieum. New Orleans. Mcli 23.28. Keafer. Ethel, Atlantic (Mullen, N. V. 41,Iftji 23-14, I.e Roy A Clayton, Culiiuibla. i iiiclnnatl, Mch 332s. Lytlon, Gerard A Co.. Poll's. Bridgeport, Uch 33 28. Urkln A Pattenoii, Poll's, Bridgeport. Mcli 23.28. Leech. Al A 3 Rosebuds. 1'iiliv. Bridgeport, Mch 23 28. Lukens Four. Shea's Bmlaln. Mch 23-34. Lowe * Hughes. Keith's, I'hila., Mch 23-28. Ia Mar A Oahrlel, Colunibla, St. Louis, Mch 23-23, I.ltcbflrld. Mr. A Mrs Nell, Procter's Newark, Uch 23-28. Lauller A StknleJ, Empire, Hoboken, Mcli Zl 28. La YlncCanieron Trio, Ibui Tim. Jersey city, Meh 23-28. La Belle. Hlanclie, Hon Tun, Jersey City. Mrli Aprll.4. Rio Bros. Columbia, Rlarelaiirl, Mch 23-28. Ilackett A Hazard, Empire, l^eda, For., Uch23-38! Em- pire, Belfast, Ireland,91-Apr 11 4. ' Rafnanl, Kennedy A Itootiey, Bastable, Brraouae, Mob Holla, Zelma, Brook, Marlon, Mch 23 28. KAwson A June, c. O. II., Chicago, Meh »-28. (toot, Jack, llnymarkat, Chicago, Mcli 23-28 Itani.olph'a, The, Palace, MancJivaUr, Uch 33-38. Rice, Pcrcl val, Cream CltyTUI jwaukee. Uch -' Kait'M A Banks Huvanl. Hoitno. Mch 23-ft, I-latd A Waltono, Cook' i23tS. , Kocbesier, Mcli 3328. isglliaw Tftoll. 1 liapn* A Dnprer. Tlvoll. Bulhilo. Mch 23-23: Btar. Himll- ioii. SOAprll 4. Delias, majician (b'. }V\ Imnti, Llllie, Putnam's ltlt-binonil, Mcb23 28. Hrlftno A lleliuure, WrastV. penrla. Mcli 23-28. Hi ion. HnrtA Lron. AtlantloOsr.len, N.Y. ('., Mch 2323. Hale. Morlcal. Orplieum hat A., Mrb 2318. He Foneats. On.heoni, L.WA„ Mch B18 Donalnir A Nlelinia. Family. Portland. Me, Mcb 2321 De Haven, Carter, Trio, Orpbf up. B'klyn, ifeb 3328. lie tlreav. Emrlfe, Halttmnre. Mcblilr? - Ernast; Charles Poll's. New Haven, Meh23-38. Eldrld, uordou II., BrailenburCe, PhUa, Uch 23-28, Malle llroa., Umpire, Wanhlnittoii. Mch 33-28. Lyons, Jsck A clsra, Proctor«, Albany, Men 23 28. Ixiralnr A Marshall, Atlantic Harden, N. Y. ('.. Mch 23 28. Lang A Hhrtrpe, Sbenly'S Full Hirer, Mch 23-28. London Ualety Trio, Uockatailer's, WilmlngU/n, Uch 23-28; Bradenbnrg'a. Pblla. 30 April 4. lAvlne, Annie A Co., Nel'on, 8|irlDgfl«ld, Uch 23 28. l.uells Ocean Pier, Atlantic Cltr, Mch 2128. 1> Fiaur, Joaeph. Orpheuoi, New Orleane, Mch 23-28; (IrplKiiin, Han Fran, 30A|irll 4. Lee. Haury, Avenue, lletrolt, Mchl3-Aprll4. Levlna A urn j. Iiradeuhnrj's Plilla, Hell » April 4. La Clair A Wast, llubcr's N. V. 41, Jkh23-28; Urand, (Ileus Falls .TO-Aj rl[4. 1* 1,'talr. Harry. Illvle's, Scranton, Mcb tj-28. lANolABros, Aruade, Toledo, Mch 2328; Dlile'i, Scran- ton, Si-April 4. ' Lyons Toby. Howard. Boston, Meh 2338. Lawrence. Al, Arcade, Toledo, Uch 23-28; Temple, Detroit,»-A).rll 4. , ' I/ ! l.'Ulr..«ertie.prpbeam. Kansas nty, Mrb 23-24. Le Roy, Talma A Boacn, proeu,r's. Newark, Uch 2328. Lamemtl.' TO*, Kelth's V V. C„ Ucll 33 28. . Lawli A Ryan, Paator's N. Y, i;„ Mch SMB. Lanj.lon. Hanlle, Park, VorceiUr, Sch 23-23; Nelson, 8prluftKld;»AprUt Rice, Pcrclval, Cream City, Milwaukee. Uch23 28. Rait.ia A Banks Huvanl. HOitno, Mch 2378. Russell Bros, Orpheum, Kama" City, Meh 13-28. Rial, Vlra. Orpheum, Kansastlity, Mch33-24. Itlncobooo'a lloraes, (Iran Circo Orrln, City of Uealco. Mch 23-Aprll 4. w, Zelma, Avenue, Piltuhurg, Mcb 21-38; Olympic, Chicago, Mch JO-AnriH. Racketls. (1), Family. Portland, lie., Mcb 23-28. Rosas (2;, Empire, Columbus Mcb 21-28. ItobiiUis A Tretlnatnsri, Howard, lloiton, Meh 23-29. Stio4on A llertfin. Poll's Haw llnvcn. Mob 21-18. Seymour AUDI. Park, Voiingatoan, Mch 23-28. SarllleSixers Klalc. S unini, Mcb 2028. s«*n A Bamtinril. Shea's, lliiltslo, Mcli 23-28. Slieppanl, John J., Iiradeiilmri'a, Plilla , Mch 2328. sanibiv, Eugene. Keith's I'lills., Mch 2328. Sully family, Keltb's Plilla, llcb 23 28. Saealiiam A Mas well. Keith's Pblla., Meh 23-28. Sullivan. Math, Empire, Huhokcn. Mcb 23M., Seminary lllrls The, think s llnclie.ter. McL 23-28. Shields Ella, Umpire, Washington, itch 2118. Htewart A Fltzglblmn, Empire-, Washington, Mcli 2328. Stanley. Jeule. Shreily's, Fall River, Moli 13-28, Smltli, IKity A Cue, Temple. Detroit. Mcb 2328. letsun. Waller A Co, Eultilre, lialliiuore, Mch 23 28; lUrrls McKeesiiort. 30-Aprll 4. Hml-ar, Fred R, Shea's Durinli,, Mch tl 28; Cook's. Recti. eater, 30 A prill. Rpydtr A, Buckley. Colonial, Claveland, Mcb 23,21. Mellaril, Hlieu's Toruuto, Keli21-28; Avenue, Detroit,30- Aprlli. . , Seymour A Dupre, Avenue, Olavelano, Mch 39-18, suilrl A Kaaaner, Kolth's >'■ Y. c, ilcli 2328; Empire, Hoboken, 30-Aprll 4. Scelt, Carile 34, Auilltnrloni, Newpmrt News, Mch 23- AP1II4. . Kvinorirfa, Jack, Coenr D'AI»a*.%s,kaiie, MehlJ-Aprll t bfmou-Oanloer Co., procuir'a23d Hi., N. K C, Mch 23-28. We linv4» Ita prs'itiirntlon Imtiilv ninJlliiu; card* wliloli will, trendy liic'lUtutf Mtuilcvlllo Itertoniiora lit K.iullnu its their bookLnuN. lit ualuig «•■«■■*• cnnli llu- iicrformcr merely luua tn rill oat the Outea, niiine. .it theatre, and city or tmvii aua htair, Iilitce n inn- cent atnnip In corner nntl iiuill. '1'licy will be furiilaliel on- applltsntlait to tliln utTlce either licraonnll j or l»>- (letter. .< ,...- IIE.VI'HS IN Till: I'llOI KSHIO.V (S en l'a,B 1 11'.) AlUHH JlAIIRF.TT lloos, wife of a well known rousliUnn, IxiuU V. .lloos. died at tim- home in JuckHou, .Mich., iiui'i.'li 17, from puoiituauln. She wns n moinb'ur of lite Murray. & Murpiiy ('(inipany for ft niitnbor of'years, her huh- hand heme lender of tut'lr' bujid and orchea- U'u. Hite «lrw iilajrcii luadlUK piwla.lo tun "Huperlia" (Jo. a number of yearn ago, but for tho puat ten yi'iirs baa been living quietly lit her home lu Jiis'ltson. -. i . , iJuahi.ks W, Coi.n.r., a vnudovlllo per- former, well known In this count cy anil Aua- tralla, died In Hun 1'nmcls'o on, 'Ditirsdiiy, MnrcU 11), from consumption, aged llfty- iliree years. He waa bora ■ In >ew iork City, and bolonged to the l-llks and .MuaoUH. A DISPATCH FROM' KAKMAS "CITY lllHC Tlinrsdny, Mnvcli 111, ntated that John- W. Hohlniou, leudliiic man - la "Other L'eopla'M Moiioy,." was kl|lcd by falling frvui a train. IUbitY 8. DiiviiK.v, of Drydeu mid I,e»llm died lust week at ills liomo In Towitudti, I'b., from UrlgliL's diteatie, after a lingering lIlneaM, aged tblrty-llva ycur«. lie vvus bora In New (Jrlcimti, and hud lieun in tliu (beat- rlcal nmfesHlon for the iin«t twciity-yeurs. When lie began lila itagn cureor lie formed u iiortjiersblp Willi Uteye Mitchell, nnit tbn teiini of Uryden auil Mitchell niipcurcd with Weber & k'lelds' Hpeclalty Co., (Jus Hill's Specialty Co., -Kred Irwin's Co. and ileitis & Uaoson's Co., bealdcx pluyltig leading vuudoviUo Ihiiisl'h. jjitci' Mr. JJiydcu inar- rlcd I'nniilo Leslie, and under the toitlu i.. ' • of ilrydeit and-lA'sllD-tboy filled ongoctementa Willi fltivb's White CrooK. Welier'n I'arUluu Widows, and Hcrlbner's Oay Morning Olorli'H (for two Hcasonal. Tlielr last en- gagement wan with 1'bll, Bherldan'H Clly riports from which attraction Mr, Urydou was compelled, to retire becnuse of llln«»«. I'urvoral services wcro bold on Hunday, Mareli 22, and Interment waa at Illvorsldo Cemetery, Tawondn, His • wife, mother, two brothers and a sister im-vlve lilni, John J. Com.ins, a. showman, died at the Urban Houie, llnraboo, Wis,, March IT. Iturial service! were held at St, Joseph's Church. Thursday morning, 10, and the In- terment was at [bo Catholic Cemotory. lie - was about thirty seven years old, and wan for a number, of years connected with thy ilulTalo Hill Wild Wan', rthow, but was with Itliigllng Hrotlimn for the last three years. He was a native of Now York City. ClK-OsQB I,R Hr,BIr48JKD, of tlic L? HerlMll-r Itrothers, knockabout comedians, died at bis home at MDrlden, Conn., March IV, from rupture of tile heart, due to fln Iniury re- ceived during the season of 1(102 wblls tour- ing with tbo Han l'i-nncUeo Minstrels. He was bom nt Newport, Vt., April 16, 1882. At tbo early age of live years he made hi a Urst stage appearance, at tho local theatre, and since that time wan continually before tlie public. During Uio terison of lSUtt bo formed u pnrtncrHlilp with his brother, tlKrgory M., and toured with the Wnlto Slock Co. The scaaons Of 1HS9, 1U00 and 1U01 found lilm on tho cud with the Quy llrrw.' MlnatrolH. He wan taken III lice. II, 1002, and was compelled to retire to his home, where tho beat meillcut ml vice was seemed. Despite ail that could be done, he gl-ittluully failed, IntiTineitt was lu Ht. Lnurent I Cemetery, .Meriden, Conn. A. M HiriiRKa. genernl manager of Hie I'aclllc iind Nnrihwest Vaudeville Circuit, nnd inoiiilEi>r of (he I.n l'etlte ThMtre, Healtle, Wnsli., died In that city March il, from nbacets on tho bowels. .- lis Itud gained a reputation as a tinrltwaa singer, nnd had played with innny of the high,class companies up to within two years ago. . »»» — Lont Roger* I* now convalescent, after luivlng undergone e very severe 8urgltHl operajflfm on, Keb. 14. at a private sanltarhitii In J'rorldeoce, ft. I, Hlie iias been remnved to tie homo of her alster In that city.