The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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MABCn 28. trcnl. Can., Mch 23-28, Boston, lisss., 30- CiA'ciab (tools Harris, mgr.)—Cincinnati, crnwford's Vandevllle Start £V7: 0. Boiell, ■alary Tmebem <I>. a WMM Weber, mjT.) —Heading, Pa.. M<* SS25, Scrantou 28- 28. Pfwcj Extravaganza—Fall Hirer, Mass., rmulre Vuoir (/ule Delmar. ragr.)—Syra- "& N. y.,Mdi 23-28, N. X. City 30- ray P Fo»fer Extravagaaia—Brookljn, N. Y„ llch 23-28. . - .'• : Crahnm's Specialty (John Graham, mgr.) — (iloverstll'e. * #a Mch 2<J 27, Johnstown S Schenectady.. 30,. Saratoga 31, Cohoes (ia» Morning Glories, Sail ii. Scrlbner's— foston, Was., Mch 23#8. . . IIlKli Hollers (A. 0. TCooabull, mgr.)— Bos- ton, Mass., Mch 23.28. - . Irwin's Kreu, Ulg Show—N. X. City Mch 23- 28. . •■ Innocent Beauties (John Burke, mgr.)— Hln- ton, ;W. Vs., Mch 25, Huntington 20, Charleston 27, Aabland, Ky„ 26. Jollv (lras» Widows (Qns W. Horao, mgr.) —JJInn«anolls,.Minn. J Mch 22-28, 8t. Paul Lls-Apr 4. • '" ■' jiik'i. Ham 1'., Own (Mabel Hojtelton, mgr.) —Uahanoy City, l'a., Mcli 25. Pottavllle. 20. WJIIIamjport 27. Milton 28. Knickerbockers (Xottls Itoble, mgr.)— Chicago, 111, Mch 22-28, Milwaukee, Wis., i-irnyette. the Great—Brooklyn, N. Y., Mch 23-28. Syracuse 30-Apr .4. Iji Keane's.Harry. Vaudeville—Wapplng, Conn., Mar • 23-28. ■ " T Loudon Belles, Hose* Sydell's—Brooklyn. N. Y.,Mch 28-Apr 4. Mis* Nev i'ork Jr. . (Joseph Oppenhelmer, mjrr.)—Hrockron. Mass., Melt iUI-25, Fall Klyer 20-28, Newport, It. L, 30, lllverpolnt 31, Manchester. X; ft., Apr 2-4. . Merry Maidens (Jacobs A Lowery, mgrs.)— X; 1*.. City Mch 23-28, Newark, ft J., 30- Apr l \_--i- -■ -. •; , . Majesties (Fred Irwin, mgr.)—Philadelphia, Pa.. Mch 23-28, PaltlmoTe, Md. 30-Apr4. B. I, Itch TgB JSTgT gr TQE? .fmUPWWB. M^ca. De 30' & *-**» ** Menominee, CUnMie1 t % ShMran,> ' **• A P r »• ( Ua tf6S^Ohl« C ^ rl, t. 1 Tr ?l D f (1 „- A,,lolal Eihlbl- K-nA^iir ,n L c ** 0 ' ?"•• M< "' 27-Apr 4. £%'?• 0 ^P notl «t jHlmer C Knowles i- "?;K r '—ShreVeport, &£ Mch •>3-'>8 ' Ar?X'^,X^ ty31 - B ^W: • Victor (0. B. Cahlll, mgr.)—Welllmr- "Jfc"?. H ch r 2 ;"' 20; "itchWon 27 28* ? t Cfr.. I : pof :.'W J L-Blg Magic Bbov-lore- <119 Wltm "«>r»f, kelth-a, Mim., Mcli O-M. 5*£"*, : ^:™ i 'w''. Washington, vet. »» WjjonU, * Uwjn Orclieuiri. a. V. C. Meh H K. T ^SSFin!!!.'Sl}'"*■'*• Bo^lo, Jlrh fflffl; 8hea1, To- I.<wsn, Oracle, A. A 8., Roatna, Mch IMS. , Iji Vans. The. Umpire, oiey-clawl. MMi«»i 1* 1W, Krimlre. Clevelami. M^h a-W. {.onirA Cotton. C. O. If, ChtrSso, Wrti a a Lmrtlwnl Biriil., (iinr.llmilTi.iii. M. Ratraina, rirele, N. |T. 0.. Mch »«. S«iinU#r», riiAlX, Prw««rl, - r - St»^ili6lll», |Ji iSSTioiwiu. Mcii a-*. 'wlQr'iE^ St., Mrh nmh. CL2u -i'A■,' :B •■ "0-ttlcboro 27-29. SW* Jtj—I MI .I H ll sa i a , KtaK M, Whltoaeld, X. H Mch 23-28. Lisbon. V *» tlv M S'"•*«* w»*«i>- - «. Full Ki w .)ioh H,i 30-Apr 4. • ' r "r K)I1 ' ■« Human. Ridle.Cmto, rtt HNr.JU fll. T<,nu.» April*. J/.rin» Lluls Hunmrket. Chloiiro. Meli »«. SC Sgfr fijL 1 ^ ' \ * S »0.t«., Mcb U 8. "■-Il:» otth A Ban. Arcide. TnloJo. Mcli 23 ». i«ln«rjld«, Orphenni. Krduii ply, Mch »8. KiigliBh. Irene, Omi, Lynn, Mch &»«. tnunoiiUj, Eratr-oo t .EmniondA, KcltU'ii, Bonlon, Meh MR MS ■ cli »W. it. tws. as*. List. Halds—rrorldence, Clark, mgr.) — .Moonlight 23-28. XeW Ro.vnls, Ciark's (P. S. St. Loals, Mo., Jltch 22-28. Night on Broadway (Barry Morris, mgr.)— Itoehester. N. Y., Mch 23-28. : * Oriental ; Biirleso.iiers (W. B. Watson, mgr.) —Kllsaieth, N. J., Mch 27, 28. Iarrslnn Widows (h. Lawrence Weber, mgr.) ItnlTalo. X. Y., Mch 23.28. : Bose-Hlirs English Folly < Rice & Barton, mgrs.)—Iudlanapolts, Ind., Mch 23-28. IlpntJi-Santley (Ahe Learltt, mgr.)—De- troit, Mich., Mch 23-20. Itlce* Barton's Big Gaiety—Cle-veland, O., Mch 23.28, BurTalo, N. Y.. 30-Apr 4. Ite^res. ( Al.—Baltimore, Md., Mch. 23-28, Washington, I). C, 30-Apr 4. Ufllly & tWood's (Frank D. Bryax, mgT.)— Philadelphia, Pa.,' Mdh 23- 28. Trans-Atlantic Burlesquers, Hurtle & Sea- raon's—lyouisvllle, Ky., Mch 22-28, In- dliinapolls, lnd.. 30-Apr 41 Topsy Torvy Bnrlesquers—Springfield, Mass., Mch 23-2w. nartiord, Conn., 28-28. Trocadero Burlesquers (WAldroa & Bryant, mgrs.)—l'lttsburg, Pa., Mch 23-28, Cin- cinnati. O., 20-Apr 4. Thoroughbreds (Frank B. Carr, mar.) Washington, D.C., Men 23-28, Pittsburg, Fa., .lO-Apr 4. City 30-Apr 4. , ^* rt , t S' QI1 i V' n Tii. D ' nkln 8. mgr.)—Scraaton, 'ft" %?\ 28 'F- R «nd"iB 20-28, Phlladel- poltl JU-Apr 4,- - - • • Vanity Fair (Robert Manchester, mgr.)— PMfe JV*-' Mch 28 ' 28 ' phlIlld wP«>la, Wnrld Beaters, Roble & Mack's (J. Herbert SWSWf CUy Mch 23 - 28 » Jer - MINSTRELS. A T. rlc \ n ^ (0 r H ' , m Su "' mK* 1 —Weston, W. SkSi&i 'ni SS Unlon -°- Oratton 27, sistervllle 28. Coshocton. O., Apr 1, Mount Field's. AI. G. (it j. tllegle. mgr.)—Ana- conda, Mont., Mch 2B. Wallace: Ida., '20. Spokane, Wash 27. 28/ Seattle 28 30 Victoria. B.vCl, 31, Vancouver Apr 1, Xew ] Vn » tc ; m . Wash., 2( Kverett 8, Tacoma 4, Fortlaad. -Ore., 8, 7. «M?'?« (C ;. C T? r1 ' ""F-'—Newton, N. J., Mch 25, Morrlstown 20. BMRtn (Harry F. Cnrtls. mgr.)—Berlin. Wis., Meh 2B. Itlpon 20. Fonf du Lac 27 Watcrtown 28. Appleton 20. Guy Brothers' <G. R. Gny, mgr.)—Bennlng- 20, Saratoga 27, Glens Falls 28. " «. BS*?TL. MsMtimilina, . ia„ Mch 2S. "? t f r ."" , „2u. Independence 27. Dubuque 28, Clinton .U). Manqnoketa 31, Morrison, 111. Apr 1, Syracuse .1,-Atirora 4i mLl y . B jjy- F>. - N ' n nkevllle's (W. F. Riley, ,n Johnstown, Ta., 27, AI- lierlnnd. Md.; 20. toona 28, Fhlladelpbla 30-Apr 4 Prlraro*o & Pockstader (J. H Dec Z- J i rse Z City, X. J., Mch 23-28, Brooklyn, I\. Y., -30-Apr 4. • • : . ' Q "H!l.*.hl*ll Wn "'^ (DaI,le, Qu'ttlan, mgr.)— <£££&** Ma ?"- , Mcl ' - r " POtnam, ,il r i tle , n tn> w "t1eid. Alnss.. 31, Middip- town, tonj,, Apr 1, Wllllmantlc 2, Bristol, -A*x 3. L Xew Britain, Conn., 4. mSSi ff ,f rm <S. B, » <nuB «° * Holland, SlS&% 5 7 'J 7 ' Loirlavllle 28, 29 KSrjF t '"Vi -l0 x "antlnjtori, W. Va.. Apr 1, v n JH?.°Fi ?•• 2; Portsmouth 3, Jackson 4. fli , »t ( -i" h o n , ^X; Vow! ' mgr.)—8prtngfleld, '"•• Mch 2n. Mnco a 26. iBtoomlngton 27 Sr^gJP. Jnoksonvllle 30. wStSEsL Mo SisTBE JI J'' J 401 " S Keokuk, la., 2 J ?'» d . l «"' ;i A Burlington 4. vests (Sanford B. R1cjI>t. mgr.)—New Or- ieana, La:, Mch 22-28, Mobl?e. Ala., 8l" CIBCISES, aSJS* Ba"ey'«—X. Y. City Mch 23, ln- Xlckel Piate (W. H. Harris, mar-)—Cal- 20, South Pittsburg 27, Shelbyvllle 28 Jarl. SO. Clarksvlll?31, 'RbSellTllle, Kv yi?l8 4' GlM * 0 * 2, Lebanon 3, Campbelfs- S P ATi*£.^r A tJl? n *• °«- M* 1 " 20. Comer 26. vn£^'k. 8 ', C V 2«-28. Lumber SO, Hart: "He Apr l, Lamar 2.. ■ MISCELLANEOUS. Achcnbach'g Big ffliow—Honesdale, Pa.. Mcb ♦«i'; vV w te ». rfl i 1 " ao - Hawley. 81, liiddle- town, X. l„ Apr 1. Buffalo Bill's Wl/d West Col. Wm. V n^^ nd< ff' ""f" Mch 23, Indefinite. ^»M>iil r HMsWC lad. n0 M^; 8> M?h i ?8 d 28 Atl,ln,,1 Afen »- P1 " l ' fl * ia ' ^"uJh 1 ?- H?* 01 '"., Show—Centerfllia. Ala., ton 28 Prattv,lle ' M < Kingston 27, Bloc- CryMsl Xye Glass Show "L» Mt. and Mrs. Herbert '.'•'■^Herbert L. Flint, mgr.)- Mch 83-88. Rock/ord. Ill Thla Hat la maoc np su nearlr ao- eurate u. It la possible to »" k«? »" ..«■«:-o« vaudeville booklna.. ErS.i5 2i£. * n, " r •»»*•»■ •»«» thl» depart. *£L"fi ,0 . , ? te —■■jjtmiaM or trans- Si? f J dates, of which we have to «s225?„? PO £ tb .t performers for no- tUIeatloa. We therefore ask all per- ■MMn to co-operate with na, and ■end ua all cancellations and .trans. fera tut soon aa they occor, ^Itta^afe,^ ***-« »* tM6: Antrim A retem. Sheniy*, New Bedfnrd, Mch »«.» ^^k2sasa*™ ,,b ,sc L ™ 1 "' Mci ' •■•« °- Jig"" 4ji v,n ?" , ,' in . T" - " 1 '. Msnksto. Mch 53-April 4 ton'»Ajru"<!. ' ,r< "-' Ue h ,a - a ; K.iihVso». Arma'tro^K * Uolly. Poll's. K«w Hstss. Kch B-8. Au«tlu, Goorge.C, (l II.. Chicago. .Mcli aai. Anialii k Msuolo. liuber'n, K, Y. fc, Meh »» Arscon.Peiil.ts, Orpheum. Son Kran.'Mca SB Aouran<ii Bros., OrpliRnm, Xo* A., Jl«h JS.JS " AmAun.t'..Or|>lieuoi, Oinahs,'Mch. 22fei ' AnUorion 4 Wallace, Orpheum. Rev Orlaaos Mch 23.28. Ayenr * Hart. II. A H., ji'kln, Mch »*. ArnaldnDD. Ada, Era|ilrc, Cohinihii*. .Mcli 23^28 Adams A Rowp. Gem, LjrnK, Mc|i 2t-58. Alleh, I#oii t Burtie, Bradculiurit'i', l"hlU., Kch •n.ffl. Arnntroos* Casaldy, Colnnihln, St. Ix-.ul». MchZt-aT Atho« mnlly, T«mple. Detroit. Mch »-M ^ " cn "-^- Adelalile. La I'etite, Shea's, Bullalii. Mch »Apl I Hluqn AHuwll, Columbia, Cincinnati. MchB-M. Harry 4 llalrcn. Poli'x, Hrlditpport, Mch 21^31 Hjintrolt. Jnck. Ca.«lQo, lAwratice, Mum. Ifcti2!23. Hellman A Moorp. Temple, Louisville, Jloh 2Va< Kurnhain.t<oph|f. Tem|ile.Loui«vlllo, JlcLa-2t HallryM, Thr. SIisuN. Ilurtaln. Uch O-K. Bercere, Valerlei Co., Slicu'n. Butrnio, Mch 23-2< Hnnl.r a Bray, Bradcnliuri;'*, Phlla.. Mch «-«. Bnrnm«-Lanca»er(;o.. Chasj's, Wailiinctoti, jlcli2J2S Bhlticlinrds, Hie. Sheedr"", fall Klver, .\cl.2V28. Brookn Brtithfn', 4'isto, Fall BIrer, Mch zm llrya.itt Civil le, Columbia, Cluclnoitl, Men 22-23- O O B.,SpriDifleU, 30 April 4. >»*«-«, u.u. Bracfcard. Julia, heck'K, Oakland, Mch 23-28- reck'a. Krcano :»• April 4. ' ' ' cfc *■ Barnallii. The, Paator's, N. Y. O.. Mch»28. Barken. The, Atlantic Garden, N". Y. O.. Mch 23-28. BwsaaKiM, the, Keith's, N. V. C. Xch sS Keith's, Boston. 30-April.4. ^ Baldwin, Kittle, Park. Worcester, Mcli 232S Blocknom t Burnt*, Hhaa'^ Toronto, Mch 23-tf Browning Slatcra, Slieu>, Toronto. Mcli 23-28 ' Ball, Frank, Proctor"". Newark, Mch »2». Jlaker i Lynn, Shea'«. Toronto, Met »2i Barnes, Stuart, Sliea'n, Toronto. Mch 21211 Brown k Xevarro, Kelth'a, Ji'. Y. C . Mch 23S. Bcrol A BcroU Slicedy's, PawtuckeUMth 2328' Sheedr'H New Bedford,30-Aprill. ' 0 "" a > "• Bayem Norah, Circle, N. Y. (1. Mch 83-28. Bailey A Madloon. Circle. N. Y. C, Mch 23-28 .Bumnan, Frank, Proctor's /ith Ate., N. Y. C, Mch 23-28. Burkes, JugjIloR,, Fltcliburr, Jlch 21-28! Bohroi', \V. A. A Lottie. Haymatket, Ohlcaira, Mch 23-28. Bruns k Nliia, Brook, Mnrlon, Mcli 2J-2& Brlttonx. The, Olympic, (Britain, Mch IS.28. Bourali-Ueren Trio, Mau lisltui. Norfolk, Mch 2)28. BartonTtlo, Ailaotic ii»rden, Norfolk. Mch 13-a. Burton A Brooka, JeflTerV, Sairlnau.'Mdi 2123. Bectley. Musical, JelVer'a, Sap;lnu\v,Mc!i 21-21 Bennett, May, Main Strrei, Peoria. Mch 23.28. Belmonr, May. Pntaco, Manchester, ilcii 21-28. Burkh&rt. Lillian, Urphcttui, San Frail., Mch 23-28. Barry, l|r. and Mra., Jiinniy, Drpheum, Oniaha. Mch 22-23. Bismnetto A Newman, Family, I'orilnnd.tlt., McUS.t-28. Joker, Edwin A Co., Family. Portland, Me.. Moli 23-28. Benner. Kmllie. Orphrnro.B'klu'.. Mcli232i Bohre. Mine., BiBhop'it. Lynn. Mcli 23-23. Buckh-y, Joe, Caslnu, Worce-ster, Mcli 2S-28. Merll, Uenry. Xelaou. Sprlmjflelu, Mch 23 28. Bond A Jenkins, A. * s., Bcton. Strii 23-28. Burtinn k Cavana, Cream City, Milwaukee, Mch 23-58. Barton Sister". Cream City, Milwaukee, Mch 23-28. Brusr, Tallies, Forst-Keller, Milwaukee, Mch a-28. Hell Trio. Empire, Clerolaud, Mch 23-28. Cook k Clinton. Keith'", Phlla., Mcli 23-28. Cahlll. William, Kelth'a, I'M In., Meli 23-28. Cuntwell A JenuloKs, Keltli'», Plilla.. Mch 2J-J8. Cole-Pe r.oieo Duo..Columbia, St. Lotds, Mch23-28, Crnoin. Morris, Proctor's, Newark, Mcli 23-2S. Carson A Wllliard, Bon Ton, Jersey City, Mcli23-23, IMdleux, Mon>„ Cook's, Rochester, Mch 23-28. (,'only 4 Healy. Empire, Wsshioctiai.Mcli 23-28. .Oanuiuos, The, Empire, Washington, March 23-28. ■ I'n-w A Day ne. Avenue, Detroit, Mch 23-38. Culleb, James If., H. * S., N. Y. B, Mcli 23-28. Colllnla (4). H. AS.; K. Y. C. Mch 23-28. . Collins 4 Welch. Proctor's 23d St., X. Y. C, Mcli 2S-2S. Carmen Sixers. Euiplre, Clerelaod, Mcb 21-21 Connelly A Buine, Eureka, Ironton, Mch ti-'S; Ashland. oO-April4, OktsWA Don, Keith's, N. Y. C. Mch 3>-April I. Callahau A Mack, Keith's, N. Y. ft, Mch 23-28. IToriroy k Pearl, Empire, Kt. Paul, Mch S3-2K. Carter 4 Ross, Peoria, Mcli 23-28: Dsveuport, 30-April 4. Cannontella. Olympic, Chicago, Mch 23-S; Uavmarket, Chlrnim. 30-Aprll4. Clarke A Temple, Keith's. Prow, Mch 23-38 -, Keltli's. Bos- ton, .JO-Aprll 4. Colby A Way, H. A B., Bkln. Mch 23-28. Colby Family, Orpheuin. New orisons, Mch 23-28. ccclllan Four, 11. A11.. B'kln, Mch23-28. Crane, liwrence, proctor's 23<1 St., N. Y. c, Mcli 23 25. Callahan A Mack. Kelth'a.V. Y. C, Mch 2328. t'arlln, Rose, People's, Cincinnati, Mch 2,123; Iluckliic-- luun, Loatsvllle.SO-Aprlll. . * Capltalue. Alcldo, Keith's N. Y. C, Mch 2128. clioale, Charlotte. Proctor'n 23d St, N. Y. C, .Vch 23-28. Caldwell, Anna, Proctor's, Newark, Mch 23-28. Empire, Cleveland, 3*Aprl! 4. i ■■■—■ ■— Mch 23-28. Lark n, rannis, J-utnam's, lllchmohfl, Mcli SM4. Ivifsvette, Tlie On 8t. Ornlioum. B'kln. Mrh 23 38. Lelshtoii * Ulshuiu.iisai. I.Mm, Mch 23*. HE S % S ^fM 1 - I'srk, Wotcusitr, Mrh 23 28. Laflnnns, The, Csslim, Worcester. Mrh 23 28 Leon, May. Howard. Boston, Mcli2i-2X JJnsun Sisters, Casino, La* rence, Mass., Mrh 23-28. Matthews 4 llarrla. I'nrk, YoonRstowa, Mrh 23-58 Mark A hUlott, 1'ark. Vouuastunn. Mch ■ 28. JJ?"?* - . Itllfahelh.Ti-si|He, Ijiill.rllle, Meh 2158. ifovrtin sK< ( Mhls Marti 3lccusk«r Iiiei, Kniplre. !lol.nken. Mrh 2MB."' Merrills 13), Empire. Ilptsiken, .MrhSt'fS. mSS? ii 7\" V," "»"*".' Tnn; J e"ey City, Mch 2358. Merrill. Hal. Cook's. KooliestiT, Mrh Mf Murray;4 Ijlie. CjisI.i, Filf HU,t, Mrh23 2* J<« VII Moure. Flnrehre, H. A s., N. Y.t\, Meh 23-28 Mcllrlde A troaklev, II. 4.S.. N. V. C_ Mcli 2128 Marline Bros.. Ilsyiifarkct, Cldesiri., Mch 23 28. le D't it*" a" M " k ' * m "S"*** MrhZS-MtTein. BtsnKy,AC«mmerts;Adint<iriiint. Sc.>folk,Mch53 28. ' artln A Onlsir, Cnlnnius, at Louis, .^oh 232s" hlaeley-A, Einidre. lloUikan, Mcli 23*. artinl I Mstnillllan, Mnifsi 11 ,ven, Mch23 J Flhml Bros., II. AS,X T.C- Mcli'2328. Favor* Sinclair, Howard, Boston, LSI 2328, Orpheum. « SflH**!fl»l**>B86*»J« Bkln.3i-April4. Fields 4 llauson.Teniide, Loulsvllle,Mcb2S28; Orpheum, Terre Haute, SO-Aprll 4. " Forrester, Sebna, Parlor, Dulnlh, Mch23AnrU«. ray. hllle, Kolth's, Boston. Jlch 2*28,Circle,N. Y, C.,S>- Aprill. Foster, and Dos, Howard, Boston, Mrh 23.28. Frey A Fields. Orpheuin, lltlra, Mcb 2328; Bon Tod, Jer- sey Cltr; 30 April 4. - . _____ Farnum Virus., Keith's, Boston, Mrh 23-28. rreilo 4 Dire. proctot'sSl) St.. E Y. C. Mch 23-38, Ireete DrOK, Proctor's 23d Su. N. V. C. Mch 23-28. FIMon 4 Errol, Duguesue, Pltuhurtr, Mch 23-3B: Temple, Detroit, 31) April 4. Flunlgsns, The, Brook, Marton,,M«h 2348. Fox 4 Fo.lo, Olympic Chicago, Mch 23-2S. Fowler. Bertie, Illy uiulc. Cldcairo, Mch 23-28, nlfcv > _ !S!V , * , I"_ t li. , » r ' "■'•"""». Mch 2328. . J-m-W gWp llsjtlSB Street, Ucl.ilSS, Sitilth A WliKe. A. 4K. Huston, Mrh 23n. Satanikoa, The, Orpheum, Lw A-, Mali 2»28. 8wttrT™..i^hin.Vl«.(!incliiiiaa3?eliTt32.i Babel, Josephine, KeltlVs, l^ov.. Meh 23jn. fJaaforaSMerikA, AS., lloston, Vch 232)1. fsyaaeci'Trla a. ,t s.. Huston. Mch »_■ Rmart AUll*api. A. 4 K. Huston, Meh ii 28. j££ ,m f.Vt YV& l''>«". '■flu'i'l'la, Cincinnati, Mch 23 38. Thro. Mils. Poll's, Xew Haven. Mrh 23 28" "•■"'"• Ttneaits, The, Bnulenliurirs, l'lills.. Mcli 1-. J-< Tyler. Knsa, Ci>IiiiiiIiiis,m. I.,nl«. Mch 2:128. Toledo, Sheelly's, Fall Hirer. Meh Has. -.."."^A 1 ''ift. V ' * K ."' J '• *""»'• Ikftrolt, Meli 23-28. Trutuivriera, Aiiierlean, Four, Kmplra, Bsltiinare, Mrh r-eltli's Busion. an-Aiirll 4.. ' Thomas, Hlldo,(llytup[c,4^ilra».i Mch2328; ll.iymsrWt, kldcaao,.iiApril t. ' • Teal rtayiiinnd. Main Slreol. Peoria. Mch 23-28. Terrlll 4 Slmtui, Prustiir'a, Albany. Mch 23.28. Mrh 21 28, Mitmii.Keekir Cn, Orpbeiini, Kew Orleans, Mrh S3 23. Morton. J., Teini.le. IssUiWa, Mcli »28. M .r rt, A.i t ra^ l «A l !,;l v i ,, * r, ' ,,, • «"-»** »*ft«r First. Barney, Ifaymarket, clilcnjo, Mch 21-24. Frey.lo Bros, Empire, f.'livelsud, Sloh 23-28., Hurry, Haymatket, Cliieasro. .Mcli 23 38. Fennel*. The, Manhattan, Norfolk, Mcli 2328, Field* A Whallen, .letter's, Saginaw, Mcli 23-23. Fee. Eallier, Orpheuin, San Fran., Jlch 22-18. Foy A Clark.'Orpheum. Sin Fran., Mcli Z22M. Fnrriier Jones' tralnef Pics. Orplieam.Ln* A., Mcli 23 28. Fklds, W. CL Orpheum, Kansas City, Mch 23-28. Flynn. .loe.Orpheoin, Bkln., Meh2328. Forrester A Floyd, Empire, Columbus. Mch 23-28. Fra.ler4 I'o'.ei ...... Xelsun,Sl>rin,n(ld. Mcli23-28, Felix A Barry, Keith's, Boston, Mrh 23 28. Fields. Harry 4 8.idie. Howard, Boston, Mcli 2338. lugan A Merrlnm. A. 4 S, B'Ston, Mcli 232a (llrard Sister", Casino. Lawrence, Mu-s,. Meh JJIU. liodirev, Ua! AC,., Iilxie. Scranton. Mch 2323. Crant A firaut, Keith'B, Philil.Mch 23-28. tinimoiix, Th", Keith's. Phlla. Mch 23-38, Ceusro 4 Ba|ley, Keith's, phlla. Mch 23-28. (filbert, John D., Chase's. Waalilnstnn, Mch 23-28. Cleorny, Jnines R. Temple, Detroit. Meh 8.28. (Irapewln. diss. A Co.. II. as., N, Y. C, Meli Zt.28. Cirnrd Aliardner, Poll's, Kew Haven, Mch 2323; Wash- lnKtoD,:skAprlll. Uston, Aiidr A Mssle, A. AS., Boston, Mrh 2333: Oem, Lyuo,.1l-A|irlU. Garrison. Jules 4 Ella, Columbia St. Louis, Mch 23 28: a (>. 11.. Chlcajro. :«)■ April 4. Grade4Potter.CBStsj, Denrer, Mch 2328. Gray, Ed., Kellh'a, K, Hub 23a. Goldln, llorace.Shea's,Toropto,Mch23-28. Goblman'* Dogs ,\: Cats, Shea's, Toronto, Mch 2328. II rant, Svilney. Proctor's 23.1 St., N. Y. CL Mch 23 28. Gould, Win-Circle, N. Y. t!,. Mrh 21-28. Gllssaiidoa, Two, Circle, N. V.«!., Me|i23t8. GlaJ.tone Slaters, Proctor's sth Avo., N, Y. C, Mch 23-28. Galert's Musical Data, Cklibaaiaa, New Orleans, Mch 23 28. Ganln A Plstt, Mechanics', Ralem. Mch 21-28. Gladstone, Lottie, Keltli's, Prov., Meh 2128; Keith's, Ko*. tuu.3u.A|irU4. Gcller Troupe. Baetahlo, Syracuse. Mch 23-28. Gallettl's Monkeys,!;.ii. II., Chlcajto.2328. Grierson Sisters, Olympic, Clilcstro, 3Ich 23 28. Glllahan A Msttnnr, Manhattan, Norfolk, Mcli 23 28. Graham. Oladva, A. 4 S.. Huston, Mch 2328. Gulllmette, Slgnor. A.4S., Bostnti, Mch 23 28. Greene 4 Werner, orpheum, San Iran.. Mrh 22 28. < ienani A Theol, PaBtor'^ N. Y. C, Mch 23-28. Gllnwrettla, Orpheum, San Fran., Heli 21 28. Gerstroin Bros., A. 4 S , Boston, Mch 23-28. Harris, Charles, ISill's. New Haven, Mch 2328. Hickey A Nelson. Park, Younasiown. Mcli 2328. Haves k Ilealry, Temple. Louitville, Mch 21 28. Hawanl A Bland, Ul xie. Scraiitou, Mcli 23-28 Herbert A Willlnit, Dixie. ScranUm, Mch 2328. Mntoslrl. lYaallltuilon,, Mch 23 28: Hoboken, .VAnrll 4 Murrdiy 4 Andreas, Proctor's Firth Are., N.Y.C., Maishall the Mystle, PnMor'a X. Y. C. Mch ».Aprll 4. MorrU, Leon, lll|>p.»lroine, Louilou, Ki|k., April0,,lni] Mch luilofl- . N. Y. B, Mch 23-28. Herrmann, Adelaide, Shea's, UntTalo. Mcli 23-28. I lallen A Fuller, Cook's. H-ichester, Mfh 23-28. lluib, Maude. Cnaso's, Washington. Mcli 23-28. Harding A Ah Sid, Avenue, Detroit. Mch 23.23. llanley A larijs. Annuo. Detroit. Mch 23 28. Hill A Whltaker. SpringUBul. Mch 23-23: Chase's, Wash- ington, 3T3 April 4. Herrmann 4 Sohle, Dockstader'a, Wllnilnrton, Meh 2328. Harmony Four, Main Street, Peoria, Mch 2328; Temide, Detroit, 3d-April 4. Haskell, Loner, Empire, Baltimore, Mch 23.28; Cook's, Rochester, Sfl-Aprll 4. narrlngton, Master Koiit., Proctor's Fifth Ave., M. Y. C„ Mch .-33-Aprll 4. Hammond A Hammond. Park, Worcester, Meh 23-28. Ilerron, Tom. Empire, ilobokeo. Mcli 23-2S; Keith's, N. Y. C.,3o-Aprll4. , Hew|t^ Two. Main Street, Peoria, 4. llndgcs A Lsuduuers, Proctor's 23d Si, N. Y.O., Mch lliiliaiil. Robert, Keith's. K. Y. C. Mcli23-28. Hacker A Lester, Keith's, N. Y. (.'., Mcli 23-24, lleoilenwa A Ileus. Keith's, .V Y.C., kch 23-28. llanrey A Dooue, BIJou, San Illeco. Cil.. Mcb 23-Aprll 4. lledrlx A Preacotl, Paslor'n. N. V. C, Melt 23-28. Hayes, Katherlhe. Olympic. Chicago, Mch 23-28. Hayes, Kilmund. Olympic, rthlrsijro. Mrh 23-28. Ilowley 4 Leslie, llsyinnrket,Chtcftgo Mrh 23-28. ll.iwl.ios Lew, Itayninrket, Chicago, Mch 23-28. Hall. Irene, Atlantic Garden. Norfolk, Mch 23-18. Hutuei 4 Lewis, Military Cumlval. CaiHklll, llch 23-23, Henderson i Row. Keith's, N. Y. C, Mch23-2«, Helena, Edith, Arcade. Toledo. Mcli23-2S', Columbia, Gin- clnatl,3U-Aprll<. Hampton, Mary 4 Co., Empire, Coliirobua, Mch 23-28. llewett 4 Mack, Piitnatii's, Itkumond, Mch 2328. Hathaway A Wulton, Weast'n. Peoria. Mrh 2328. llerrns Family, Keith's. Boston. Mch 2328: Rhea's, Buf- falo, 30-April 4; Hale 4 Francis, Empire, coluinlm", Mch 23 28. Holt, AIT., Me-lurilcs, I.inu. Mch 23-28. Humes, ICots 4 Lewis, sllecdy's, New HeJford, Mcb 2328. Harrington llro-, Park, Worceeter. Mrh 23-28. Harklns, The, Cisluo, Worcester. Mch 2I-28. Hathaway. Belle's, Dogs and .Monkeys, Nelson, Boring- lield, Mch »-28 llarrinirton, J. W.. Nelson, Sprlngdeld, Mcli 2328. Irwin A Hawley, Colomliln, 8t. Louis, tleh 2328. InnessA ilyau, Snillli'a, Grand llapld". Mcli 23 April 4. luihoffAC*inh, Keith's Prov.. Mcb 23 28. Johnstone A Oooko, Keltli's, K. 3'. C, Meh »2S. Jordans, .lugplln-, Culuinbla. St. I.cul-, Mch it-28, Hay market, Cbirago. 3D April 4. ; nlte. MllesStnvonlnleQuintet, Krltli_,. Moore Bepnetr, Forst-Keller. Mllwnnkee. Meh 2328. Muroby A Wlllsrd. Keith's, Bo-tnn, Mch 2128. ■MM Armour, llaymarket, Chlrago, Mch 212S. ffiSaTlil l L U w 1 "' *?'l\ V "»»e-"'"»n.Mc,'l 23-28. Meers, Three, Bistable Syracuse, Mcli 2 24. isS'i'^J?"' fl r" vk i M " r1 "". «di a-s*. Mllclisll, Flora, Brook, Marleu, .Meli It M. Mlstla' »ogs,C O. II.. ClilcSko. Mrh 21 5, Mrlaol Trio C. o H.. clilcngo. Mch 23K Miami A Idalene. Ilowanl. Boston, Mch 23 28 IS clptyrn AH.*th,C. O il.,cideago, Meh£i-2» » 'IS V ir* C r . m i ro "?' 'HvjlM'h.'. Chicago, Mrh 23-28 Marre 4 Itrht, Enip re. 0 eyr-land ESVlS Montrall. I)lyni|iie. i.'liloigo, Mch Morris ,t Morris, Atlanltrllsrik-ll, Noitiilk Mch 23-"8 .Mlllnrd's Three. Slat, Hamilton. Mch 23-5 Morton, Phi)', Howard, stash*, Mrh 23-2M Jlncarto elsters, Amuts. Tolnio Mch 21 "h.' Mitchell AJIerlnn. BmrtlT IlllSaasjil Mcli 23-28. llstsln A Crouch, Wenst's, Peoria' Mrb 23-28 Melroan 4 Elmer. A. * X., Boston, krli 23JH7' Mart nettls. The. Orpheum. Iimnhs, Mch 25-58. Martin A Alexander, A, 4 S„ Ikmoa, Mch 23-28. JlcCue 4 Cahlll. Orpheum. New Orleim*, Mel, 13-28 Moore, Tom, Family, Piirtlaii.l. Me., Mcli 23-28 Madeaiss. (4). Comedy. Jlanrtuslor. Eng . Mcb' 23-Anrll 4 Mullen Ed. Keith's, Pm»., Mrh 23-281 * Manstleld 4 IVIhmr, Keitira, Prm-„ V| c h 23-^ McCm. Sister" III II Bkln, MfSESk Millet Is family. Empire, Col uuihus, Mch 21-28 Mosber Houghton A Mrisher, Park. Worcester? Meh 23 ■» Mark, Chan. 4 Helen, Cos no. 3Voi T ester Itrl.^lI'JS Mathews4 Ashley. Keith-, Iliwlon. McliilS Mitchells. Three. Kelth'a Boston. Mchri-2s Marlon 4 Ellsworth, Star. Iliinilltnn, llch 23-28. Murphy 4 La M.irrho„Creaui city, Milwaukee Meh M-» No, worth, Jack Park. Yoiinest,,;;,, Mch 2328?' M Na«t,'riio*., Jr.. Keith's, Plilla., .Mrli2C28. Nevlno 4 Arnold. Einpire, llnbokeu Meli XI28 Nugent, J. c. A Co.. Avenue, Detroit, Mcli 28 M Nowlln, Dave,Orpheum. Lih a.. Mcli 23.A rils Neville 4 Co.. Poll's. Hrl,l K r-,iort Mrlfifil ' Nosses rl". Orphenni H'klyu, ileh 23.28. Newell A Nlhln, Park, 3 oinigstown, Mch 23-28 Diiiinrxis Pittsburg, 31-April 4. ' " u, i»«mis, N'm. n, Tom anil Co., (3rclo. N. Y. O, Mr|i 21.28. Nngent, Maude. Unstable, Syracuse, Mch 23.28. Nofie. .31r.AMr».,(^i. lUCIilcago.' 83SS „ He*cn 4Nosjcn. Main Street. Peoria, llch2328. Kraft* (31. Keltli's, Prow, Mch 23 28 Nol.les. Milton A Holly. Mechanics, Lrnn Mch 23 » Norton, Miss, Hi.war.< Boston, Sa KK O.iri Family. Poll's, B Idmport, Meli 23 28 Gsnatos (31. Coluiubis, St l.nnH. Mcli 2128 Orth A Fern, Cook's, Itoehester, Mrh 2128. Il'llimnr i*lii4ipip|-i C/ilL'^ l>, nl ... -i 11 .i ?a«ot|, Pastor's,>', Y. <.'., Jlch 21 M, oniklns, Wm. J., Psator's.N. \.V.„ _. Titus. Lydla3aanisiw, Areaiia, Dtttt-olt, Mrh 13-28. Tanuen. Julius, or I'hi'U m, Nan Iran., MchIH-28. Thornton, Jntnea Fsnillr, Portland, Me.; Men. 113& Tmld Judge Family, Mtrhanlcl, Lynn, Meh tWo. Tbonias, Killtli.Ca-lno. Wi.reister.Mrh2328. Teo,l 4 lAssII. Keith's. ». Y. ('., Mrh 23-2? Tippell 4 .Kllmcnl. Turt nnopbi.s. Mch 2128. 'E!''"!'.;' •» •'!■ <»ll"l'!Uliiiia|H.n,, Mch 2328; Coluni- bin. Cincinnati, .m-Aprii 4. Van Hants. feHMi Elsie, ilowanl, Boston, March 2»«. Y l l Ss U s Sisters. A. 4 s., Hiiston, Meh 23 28 Von Onftv, Anmiilo, Man hattan. Korfnlk, Meli 21-April 4 Yj slljce, Lew. Pull's, MlMsfL Mrli 21 28, ' IanIA Ourrhii. 1'euifle, isiuisrllte. Mcli 2328 Wiilson, llutoliliigs i Fiiniinli,Shea'e,nu|fal.s,Mcli 23 28. Wlnslnw. Wynne. Keith's, piiiln., fich[SZ WyllS's Dog*. Prnrior's Newark. Melt n 28, Wiinlalte 4 Kussoll Pns-tnr's, Allmny, Meh 2328 W aterbnry Bros. ,t Teno), II. 4 8.. N, V. C , Moli 3323. lYarledlie™ llros , II. 4 K, J*. V. 4',. Jlcil 2328 Mrl| l, 2llci ,lllD '"' W ' K ' ^" r ** u, °" l "'»'' Aroatle, Toledo. W«-l I Kor. JelTer'^ Saginaw, Mch MW; Kohl A Csalle, Cbicagu, 3d Alil-tll. ' "Hpjjja *■ • J « k 'f 'I"'', Prnrior's Shi St., N. V. C„ **BL£-»ft i M*»* Toledo, Mel, 23.28; Kmptre. ^A^RtejyB^ Mc " "* SSP * Kayuiollil. l-aslor'a, .V. Y. lT, Jfnli »28. W lis 4 Hassan, 44l*ii Linn Orrln, City or Mexico, until April,,. ^heatrajiaVriu"'- T " ^0I ""• WC " aMi Km """' JYs.le 4 ilasting.!. Ilronk. ilarlnn, Mrh »28. JJInstanlsy ASolllvnli. Howard, Bn-ton, Mch 23-28. Wadriin JIijis., V, t», II Chicago, Meh2128. Wells, Nat M.,0. (1. ll.;<ihkili<o. 3IcliII-28. Wbltiuy Uro*. llaymarket. (llilcago. Jlcli23-28. Woodwards. The. Star. Iliunlttnu, Meh 23 24 W'lillher, M lldreil. .feirer's, Hagttiaw, Mcli 2328. Wiiltijii, <:»rrlo, I'milanl's. Itliiiiiionil, Mch23 28. \Yliiner, (Vrrle, Weast's, Peoria. Mrh 23 28. Winter, Hauks 4 Winona, Meohanles. Salem. Mrh 23- Aprll 4 JV«tA Van Hirletl, 11.4 a, IPkln. Jlch 2128. Wlllhuila4 Tucker, (irplieiim ll'hlyn Mcli 2128, Webli, Mamiiret. Xetson, Si.rlngtlelil. Mfh.Sies. Mmsl, lien. II., Keith's, lif.stoii. Melt 41 2S. ' Whltuiiy jlro^, llayiuarkei, Chicago, Mch 23.28; Coluni. bla, 8t. Louis, id April 4, Voting, Irene, Kulplr*. Washington. Mcli 23 2*. Vouiin Aluyrlran "dlilittt, Trlliple, Hetrull, 3icli 23 28. YorkhA Ailnois, Giplieiim, Now Orleiuw, Mcb H-28. \ aekley 4 Buiinoll. Kelt h's, Huston, Melt 23J.S. yj'"»Ks A llo»iks,t:s«lii. Fall lllier, Mch23-28. Ylisrrl,Mlie. Ornlisiiui, tImnhs. Mrh 532s, /llniner, John, Kellb's, Huston, Mrh 2321. Staiell A VeriiiHi.Cliase's, Wnrlill(Kton, Mch 2128, We have in urepnratlon liniitlr nisUJInw cards which will, •xrcatly liiL'llliutf miiii.Io lllt> iierruriiii-rs lit ai'iitlluil his their liutikliiifN, In iislnit these t-ii ril* the per f nrmer merely kaa t» Mil out the dates, name sit theatre, nml city or town nud State, lilnee a. one cent xttiiup In eorner and mall. Thry will be furnlsltea on apiillintlt.ii to this ufnee cither lie r son ally sir by letttir. .,.... LlliATIlS IN llli: I'IKII'KSSIO.V. (Meo l'aice 112. j O'ltatnevfieiirgln.Cook's,Ilooliestert Mch 2328 Olive. Mile, Avenue, lletrolr. Mcli23-28. Otts. Four. Circle. N. Y. C, March 13 2* o'ljrlen. Frank. Pastor's, S. t. c, >1 t, 232s (Irvlllo 4 Frank, Pantor's, S. Y.C., Mch 2328, 0'fteillv4Mjunlug,(:.O.H ' ■ Bl Cody Ter., &%*■ G " 7 ' *«*> Cotrely.Emmn, Military Carnival, Catskl!l, Mch 2328. Carroll, Johnny, O. 0. If., Indianapolis, Mch 2328. Carmen Troupe, llaymarket, ciilcago, Mcb 23-28. Cole 4 Johnson, Hnymarkot, Cliicaao, >Ic:i 23-28. Clarke, Mable, Manhattan, Norfolk, .Mch 2323. Collins A Collins, Auditorium. N'orioik, Mch 23-28. Collins 4 Flynn, Atlantic Garden, N'orioik, Mcb 23 23. Ctpell, Mllly. Orpheum, San Fran.. Mcli 22 23. Clnqaevalll, en route from Austrslla to England, caron A Herbert, Family, Portland, Me., Mcli 23-28. Clifford,Thoi. E,, Mechanics. Lynn, Mch 23-W, Claire, Ilclen, (Jem. Lynn. Mch2328J. Culver's Bicycle Loop, Kelt h's, Boston, Men23-28. Cook 4 Sylvia, Kelth'a, Boston, Mcli 23-28. Cotton's Comedy Donkcjs, Poll's, New Iltren, Mcli 30 April 4. Cllrford, Billy S.. Empire.Clevelansl, Mch 2323. Dillon Bru»., Poll's, Bridgeport, Mch 23JS. J)e Catret. lllanehe. Casino. Lawrence, Mans., Mch 23-23. Doherty Slaters. Poll's, New Haven, M:u 23-28. lin'sacr. Louise, Park, YonngstcTii, Mch*328. Davis 4 Mncanley, Keith's. Phlla., Mcb 2328. Day, Geo- 33'.. Cook's, lluchcster. Mch 23-18. Del'oiitas, The,Sheody's,Fall River, Mch t 2J-28. Durand, Marie, Gloucester, Mch 23-28, Denting. Arthur, Urpheuiu, Oniaha, Mch22-28; Orpheum, Kansas Cliy.lfuAprll 4. Dooley, J, Francl^ Proctor's Fifth Ave., N, Y, C, Mcli 30- Aprfl 4. , Dylljo, J. Bernard, Columbia, Clncluniti.Mch 23-28; II. * 8., If. Y. O.,30-AprU4. DeLueca Troupe, Avenue, Detroit, Mch 23-28; Park, YouDgatown, M-Aprll 4. Doras,Hnsle, A. AS.; Boston, Mch23-28 Deiter A Wellington. People's. Seattle. Mc'i 23-Aprll 4. Draoe, Ssm D.. Keith's, .Boston, Mch 13-13; Kelth'a Plilla., Drjikriy, Will, Proctor's sth Are..X. Y. C, Mch 23-28. Darts, ffeo. C. Kettles. N. Y. 0., Men 23-28. llslrrttit Aorle, Kelt h'a. N. Y. C, Mcb 23-28. Kilo AZelia, Psator'o. .V. Y. C, U:)i 23-28, Drako's Sheep aaii Ooats, Proctor's Sth Are., N. Y. C, M| 23-28. Darmraly A Careno, Proctor's 231 Kt., N Y. C„ Mch 23-28. Dressier, Marie. Empire, ClerelsuJ. Mcli 23-28. Useey, Chase A Ward, chutes. Ban Frsn.. Mch 23-28 DurysaAXearnei.ll.O. H..indlnnapoll>sMcl " Johnson A Weill, Orpheum, llkn, Mrh 2328. Jackson A Douglas. Star, Hamilton, Mch 2328. Junes 4 Sutton. Keith's, Pror., Mcli 23-24. Johnstons, Musical, Wheeling, 5V. Vs.. Mch »28; Cleve- lan.l, SO-April 4. Johnson 4 Barry, Nelson, SnrlngAeldMcli2328. Johnson, Carroll, Howard, Boston, Mcli23-28. James A Mortimer, A. AS, Boston, Mch23 28. Jackson A Leondo, Creiun City, Milwaukee, Mch 23-28. Koonedy A James, Keith's, Polls., Mcli 3-28. Kiinorali, Cook's, Rochester, Meli 23-28.- Kelly A Vlnlette, Temple. Oetrolt. Mrh 23-28. Klein 4 Clifton, Keith's, Phlla., Mch23 28. Keelie's, Mottle, Co., Temple, Detroit, .Vch 21 28. Klein, Oct Bros. 4 Nlckeraon. Uiliimsne, Plttaburg, Mch 2328: Empire, Coliitnlius.JO-ApriM. Keicy .'Mr. & Mrs. Alfred, Bon Ton, Jersey City Mch 2328; Orpheum, Utica, 3d-Apr 114. Keatons, Three, Proctor's 23J St.. X. Y. CL Mch 2328. Kins Alio'.tlio.d, Pn>:or's, N. Y.C., March23-28. Kenna, Clias.. Casto, Full Hirer, Moh 2128. Konisi, Atlantic Garden, N. V. (.'., Mch 23-K Kokln.Mlgnonette.O. 0. II.. Ciilcago, Mch 23-28. I'tnplc. Chleaio, fjih 2328, .Mignonette, Kernell, John.*llyn.,._ King, Vera; JcnVr's, Saginaw, Mcli 23-28. Klngdon, Casino, Mbrceeter, Mch2328. Ksnno, Welch 4 Melrose, II. AH, B'klo.Mch 23 2K Kartelll. Albert, Orpheuin, NerOrleHUa. Meli J3-23. Kesler, Ethel, Atlantlctlsrden. N'. >'. «.. Mch 2328. Le Roy * Clayton, Columbia. CliicloDlti, Mch 23 2s. Lytlou, Gerard A Co.. Poll's. Bridgeport, Mch 2328. Urkln A Patterson, Poll's, Bridgeport. Mch 23.28. Leecli, Al A 3 Rosebuds. Poll's, Hrliigeport, Mch 23-28. Lukons, Four, Shea's. Buffalo. Mch 2334. Lowe 4 Hughes. Kolth's, Phlla., Mch 23-28. La Mar 4 Ushrlel, Coliimlila, St. I^iois. Mch 23.28. I.TtchfleW. Mr. A Mrs. Neil.Proctor's, Newntk, Mch 25 28. Lauiler A Bhanley, Empire, llolHiksn. Mcli 23 28. I< Vltie-CstucTiin Trio, Bon Ton, Jersey City, Meh 23 28. La Belle. Blanche, I1..11 Tun. .lerseyClly. Meh 2328. LlaytlAWaltuie.Cook 1 . Leslie Hrns., F.iitplie. Washlnjton. Mch 2333 HociiOSler, 3li:li 73 28. Mcli 33-28. Ik, hy-DDO- -M11 sen tine, IMi Apr 4. . Indianapolis, a _ Derenda A Brean, Olympic, cliicaao, Mch 23-29; Hay- . market, 33-Aprll 4. Daly", The, Star, llsuilllon, MchZT-W. Drawee, JrtTer's, Saginaw, Mch 23-tB. lmpne A Dopree, Tlvoll. Bntrslo. Mch 23-23; Stir. Hamil- ton. lAM 4. lie Mollis, The, Atlanticnarden, N. Y. (!., Mch 23-28. Dunn, Ullle, Plitcini's, Klthninixl, Mch202*. DeltliioA Delinore. Wensi'i. P^.rls. Mch JS-JB. Mch 23 28. IleW' oT^ , ,ch r. 3 .' i! \w Rl ^ u ^ 2 * a8 ' Em«st,-aiar^P6lPa.Mewli.rin"a«fit3-»8. "eitDj, maglclsu (F. W. Uroolu, mgr.)— Klilrtl.Uoalonll^ilrsdeiiburf's.l'liUi, Mch 2328. Lyons, Jack 4 Clara, Proctor's, Albany. Mch 23 28. Lor sine 4 Marshall, Atlantic Harden, V. Y.C., Mcli 23 28. Lang A Hbrlrpe, Shenly's, Full Hirer. Mch 23-28. I/iodon Oalely Ttlo, Dockslader's, Wilmington, Mch 2328; Bradvohiir«'B. Phlla, .3)-April I. Lavlue, Annie 4 Co., Nelsoo, SprliiiUelil, Mch 2328. I.uells, OrcanPier, Atlantic City, Mch 21-28. la Fleur, Jrweph, Orpheum, Sew Orlesas, Mch 2328; 1 ir pin uro, Sin Frsn. dUAi.rlt 4. Lee, Usury. Avenue. Detroit, Mcli 23-AprlM. I^vina A limy. Hradanhurg's, Phlla, Meh 23-Aprll 4. La Clsir A West. Iliiher's, N. Y. if, Mch 2328; Urand, lll»UaFills.:«J A)irll4. Le tnslr. Harry. Dlsle's. Scranton, Mrh 1318. laXeMi Bros., Arcade, Toledu, Mch 23 28; Dlile't, Scran- ton, SU-Aprll 4. ' Lyons, Toby. Howard. Boston, Mrh23.28, Lawrence. Al, Arcade, Toledo, Mob 23-23; Temple, Detroit, JfKsiirll'l.. . T Loljulrs, Oertle.iirplisum, Kansas <ity. Mcb 23-18 If Roy. Talms i Roacu, l'roclor's. Kesark, Meh J3 23. Unfoota,-TIM, Keith's. M. V. 1:., M'ls ISM. . Lewis a Hyati, Pastor a, K. Y.C., Meht»*. Lanadsyn, Hirdle. Park, Worcester, Mcb 2318; Nelson, Sprjngueltr, 30-April A . tiilcago, Meh 23-28 O'lloui-Is A llurnetle, Arosilr. T0U1I0, licli232s &TOS* Bu«on.Mch 23-28; Piccolo Midgets! Circle, N, Y. C., Mch 23 2* * P Pelol. Dockstader'a, Wllniluglun, Mch 3328; Keith's, N. Petchlng Bros . o. O. II.. Indianapolis, Mch 23 28. I'ernne Bros., Bostahlo. Syracuse. Jlch 2328 Pullman, Dot, Brook, Marian, Mcli 23 28 Peters, Phil 4 Nettle, llaymarket, Chicago. Mch 23-28 Potter 4 llnrr(s, Atlantic Harden. Norlolk. Mcli 232& Paichin Bros.. Wnlth's. tiriinj, Mcb 2328- Kockev's, Juliet. 30 April 4. ' ' J,CB Iva ' Psrker, Alice, Piitiiom's, Itlclinistnl, Mch 23 28 Plamandon A Amotnlo, Wenst's, I'enria, Mch 23 28 Pomberton, Uoldie, Palace, Maoches'-or. Mch 2328 Prevost 4 I'niyost. Orolieiioi, omstia, Meh 23-2S Parker's Dogs, Park. Worcester. Mcli ■ 28. IMper, Franco, firpheum, Kunsns city, Mch 2128 3'nngn A Loo. Keltli's, Prov., Mrh, 23 2s7 Hussy, Char., • Cn., Orplleuni, B'kln. Mch 23 28 Patterson 110s. ""Cli'mlc'*, Lynn, Jlch 23.28. Pliroso, Meci anlo's l.vnn, Mch 2328. Parknr 4 Alvu.u ilevi Lynn, Moh 23-28. Parker 4 lvghert, Park, "oirester, ,Mch 23-28, Pierce 4 Rojstyn,>'<..•! Ks 'sr, Milwaukee, Mch 23 28 ijnakor Mtyyoarteiu, adth's, Uostoii, Mch2128; Keith's Plilla,, ;>i■ April 4. ' Qunntor Hnwiue. Orpheum, Lcl A., Mob 2328, Uululan A tlnwaisl. tjein, I.yuu, Meli 21-28, Sulitley, J., Kniidm, Urn-eland .llch 2k28. lanos (1). Poll's, New Haven, Mcli 2328 Hoilnoa. TliB. Temple, Louisville, .Veil 23 28. Hoakl llros., Dixie, Scmn'on. Mch 2) 24. Ilussoll 4 Locks, Hon Ton. Jersey City, Mch2328. Huberts, Ilnyas A Roberts, Bon Tun, Jersey City, Mcb Ii To 4 Brosche, Temple. Detroit, Moli 23 23. Reeds, Musical,!). O. II .Chicago, Mch 23-28; Main Street. Peoria, SUA prll A llamta 4 Aruo, Keith's, ChlUL.'Mcli 23 28. Hays, Johnny A Ktniiia, II. 4 II., B'kln, Moh 2328. Itoliyns, Mr. 4 Mrs., Vckstader's, rVlfmingUjn,lfch 232S: Einplre, Ssllliiioro?.3iJ.Aprll A ' ^ """• Kin Brothers, Keith's, Plilla . Mch2328 Keith's, N, Y, c. 3U-Aptil #, KcinaeyA Bradliavi, Camp St., Dalies, Mch 23Acrll -1 nice A Walters, Oryliaum. Los A., Mcb 23-AprlJ 4. Rolaow Midgets, Keith's, N. Y. C, Mcb 2128 Retos. The, Olympic, Chlcsgo, Mcli 2328; llaymarket, J0- Rlo Bros.. Celutnlils, Cleveland, Meh 2328. Kackoit A Hazard, Empire, I-sjedi, Kuc., Moh 23-28: Em- pire, Relfaat, Ir-lund,Si Aprlll. ' Karnard, Kennedy A llopney, Bastahle, Nyraonse, Mob Holla, Zslmn, Brook. Marlon, Meli 2318, Rawson AJuno, C O, II.. Chicago, Mch 23-28. Hoot. Jack, lUynurket, Clileogo, Mcb2328 Randolph's, The, palace. Mancjieatar, Jlch 23-28. Klce. Perclval, Cream City. Mllsmukee, Mcb 33 28. Itastns 4 Banki. Ilowanl. Boston, Mch 23-70 Russell Bros., Orplleuni, Kansas city, Meh B-28. Ills I. VI ra Oi pht'Um, Kansas City, Mch 2328. Itiecolioiios Horses, (Iran Clrco Orrln, City of Mexico, MchZI-AprRL Rowlstou, itslnia-Aranuo, Pittshurg, Mch 23-28; Olympic, Chicago, Mcb;SjAprll4. ' rH liscketls, (2), Family. Portland. Me., Mch 1328. Roses (2;. Empire, Collltnbus, Mch 2128. Hnbbibs 4 Trvriiiainau. UowarJ, lloilon. Moh 21 28. stioson A Mcrlmi, Poll's. New llaycii. Mcb 23-28. Seymour A Hill. Park, VnungstoHii, Mch 2328. Savllle sisters, Dltle. S> rantun, Meh 2328. Sn«n 4 Bllnbard. SbrS's, Hullslo, Mch 23-28. Sbeppunl, John ,1, lirsilerihnrg's. Phils., Mch2328. hnridow. P.llgene. Keith's. Phils.. Mcli 2328. sully Fsniily, Keith's, Phlla.. Mch 23 28. Sseatnain 4 Maswell. Xeltb's, Phlla., Mcli 23-28. Mch 23-28. er. Miili 1 (ton. V on, Empire, Wnshl,,,,. Htsii loy , Jessie. ShecdyV, Fall River, Mcli XI28. Sullivan. Mark, Empire. Ilnbokcn Srinlnaryillrls, The, Conk a. Itocliestsr, Med 23 28. Shields. Ella, Umpire, Wasblnktan. Meh 2328, Siawart 4 Fltrglbboti I'lnr.lre, Wellington, Mch 23 34 Mill llli, Doty 4,Cue, Tsifople, Detroit. Mch 2318. Stetson, Walter 4 Co., F.uitdre, Balllinore, Mch 23 28; Harris, MrKoes;ort. *JApril 1. Hiuber, Fred S, Shea's, Hullslo, Mcli23 28; Cook's. Koch. ester, 30 April 4 Snyilcr 4 Huckley. f.'olonlsl, Cleveland, Meh 23,23. Haharet, shim's, Toronto, Mcli21 Ml Aseime, Detroit, 30- April si Seymour A Dupre, Avenue, Olsieland, Mch tlxS. smlrl A Kessner, Keltli's, N. Y. C, Mcli 2328; Empire, Hoboken, .Hi-Aprilt Scott, Csnie M , Auditorium, Newport News, Mcli 23. APIII4. Syluntids, Jack, Coeur D'Alene, Spokane. Meh B-Aprll i hlrnod Oarduer Co., Proctor's JTW Hi., H, Y. t'., Men 2314, AnniF. liAititiiTT lions, wire of a well known niusUiliiu, l.ciula y. Uooh, died rtt lint- hoiae In .lackson, vidi., iStit' 17, (row pu<mujoii|a. Sbe vvtiH a mcuiDiir of (he Murray k Muryliy t'limiiauy for n ntimber of' yfSrs, nor link- Imnu JJonig lender of tliclr bujicl aatl orutius- i«. Hlio also iilajrittl loatllPK I'arts. la, tun "Hiiiicibu" Co. a number of yours ago, but for tliu oust tea years lias iioen llvlujr quietly tie ber borne In dacksou. '.'... . .t'lisiiLKS Wv (Jiiiin.i., a vaudeville tier. former, well known In this country nuti Aus- trslln, In Hon ■ li'rnnclsco on Tbursduy, MArcb 111, from consumption, agod lifts - Hires years. He was born'In .New \vik City, and buloUKt'tl lo the Illkw and Masons. A disi'atcii ram' Kanhas ! city lust 'I'litirsdny, .March III, staled that Julin W. Ituhlnaoti, IcttdliiK man. la "Otber L'ttuple's Money,." was killed by railing from u train. llAllllY H. DliriltlN, Of iJiJilijll suit I.vslltv died last week ot lilt* liomb in Townudu, l'a., fruiii llrlgbt's dltesse. after a lingering Illness, aged thlrty-llvs years, lie was. born In New oi-li'iuis, and hud Isica in tlie tlieut- rlcal profession fop I bo past tweuty-yeurs. When be began Ms slago career lie furnivd u luvrtnerslilp with rllitye Miu-holl. and Um li'itiii of Drydeu 1:nil .Mitchell uppfui-cd wltli Wobcr & Jlclds' Npeclulty Co., (jus Hill's HpeclnJty Co., I''red irwln'a t.'o. and Mulils & Uanson's Co., besides nluylng leading vaudeville houses. Lntnr Ifr. Urydeu uini"- rled I'nnnlo Leslie, and under the tonic h. of Drydeu iiiul lA'slle tla-y tilled engagements Willi Htisb's WliJte tirtioK, Weber's Punslun Widows, and Hcrlliuer's Clay Morning (llorles (for two seasons). Their last en- gagement was wltli Phil. Sberldnn's City HpoitK, from vrhlcb attraction Mr. Urydeu was compelled, to retlro becttuse of Illness. I'tioerat scrvlccu were held on fluntlay, Murch 22, and lnternicnt was at Hlrcrsldu Cemetery, Towanda. Ills . wife, oiotlicr, two brothers and a ulster survive him. John J. Collins, a showman, died at the Urban House, llaraboo, Wis., March IT. Jinrlal services were held at 8t. Joseph's Church, Thursday morning, 10, and tlie in- terment was nt the Catholic cvmutory, lie vvns about thirty seven years old, and was for a number of ynnrs connected with tbu ItnlTalo lllll Wild West Kbow, but was with HlDRllng Hrotlutrs for the last three yt-urs. lie was a natlvo of New York City. isKoKrjB I.i: Hebishikb, of the Ih- Herlsslur Iiroihcra, knockabout couiuitlans, died at bis home at uerlden, Conn., Starch II), from riHituro ot the heart, due to An Injury re- ceived during the season of 11102 while tour- ing with Ibo Han I'mnclcco Minstrels, lie was born at Newport, Vt., April 18, 1882. At the early age of five years he made bis lirst stage appearance, at the local theatre, and since that time was continually before tlie public. During .the season of JfiUtl ho funned n partnership with his brother, Uregory it., and toured wltli iho Wnlto Uiru'li Co. The scaioss of 1N90, 1U00 and 1001 found him on the end with the Guy Urns.' Minstrels. Me was taken 111 IJcc. D, 1002, and was compelled to retire to bis hums, where tlie host medical inlvlce was secured. Despite all that could be Odne, he grniliiullv failed. Interment Was In Hi. I.nurrnt '* Cemetery, Jlcrldon, Conn. A. 8. Illinium, general manager of the raclilc ami Northwest Vaudeville Circuit, anil manager of the Iji l'etltc TMMtiv, Siaitle, Wtisti., died In that cily Mnnli U, from abscesM on the bowels. Ho hud gained a reputation ns d baritone singer, and had played villi many of th» high class companies up ti> within two years s»o. 4c» — Lorn Rogers is now convalescent, after having undertone a very severe surgical operation on lVi. 14, at a private sanlini'luni In I'rorJdsnee, K. 1, H'io lias been removed to the home of Iter sister In that cily,