The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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,^3SP -srajrw- yflJRlg OfripFfift J^f?flg 28. ' jLTL ■ci«yOTttrTrc(rrG6o<iUD(! & In order to avoid tttujuklcea And'to HUfiM tie pfoini.t tin'- -elfcri ttAvcrtlr I* . ftarerUsttd in nveloj.e- ulntnly addreiucil jnun' ent forcuxh letter. «nd a,Trrlti«u ':«■;»»• the letter. «lfl:uea with the lr«Me4. jnwtt i WO tfnd ftililrcn. nod the Une iHialiie.s Mlpind 1 :.»I*v Jf«,«uajp'^ed. io«x 'followed i,y the Ifinler, I Adeline, t.nurii flraut, Mrs. M lelUfc, mention Hie date tor num- ber) cl TtlU iliiti;h In wlilch the letter* sent tor >vcto advertised. 1AUIHS' LIST. O'Koefe, An. Adgle, Henoru (llposon, Jullii Oakley. Annie ANUiorps, (leorgo. «i». 1'nlil, Nina »■-.«■ Florle Uariincr.ICinlle I'ulmer, Nelllo Allyn, Until (lint, Eleanor Hotter, Nellie Adorn Bisters Upper, . 1'olachok, Adams, flora Urn. Win, E. ■ Mr*. L. M. Alltliorne, I'. (! reader, Luc. . riuminer, Inez Allen, i'carl (llbncy, Hudle 1'llon, Annette Aroner, nor. Uoodnll, KHz. I'nsiiuelenn. Adams, Adelle Hoyes, Gertie Teddy Blmivelt, Iill'n Hyatt, Mabel rage, Electa Hensoii, lidlth llnys, Uertle l'lulsted, Lor. Hnbcocki' I Hudson, Mabel 1'nyton Slaters ■ .Lbretlc J. Hurst, Jduy.H . Co. Delmont, Hellc Hading. Jane I'rctyman, Hrandtm, Hall, Josephine .Edith Hamilton, Bfllc 1'llon, Annet llnlhawajr, Paula, —Miss ifrs. I!, i'untzcr, lloyt, Hthel Illnnche Holmes, .Lot. Trice, Georgia HewlDB, Car. Uullter, As. llaferraaly, RabsOn, Llll'n < Lizzie Ituyaiond, Holmes, . . Alice • CeclloG. Rockwell, Hayes, Ada . . ■ Clara Holt, Oertlo Raymond. Ilullis, Jlyjilll . llattlo Uarlowe, Heal Itiigglos,-Olive Kayos, Ada lluymoniU'iiir. Ilnil, Artie Russell, Miiy I,. Huntley, (.'ryi Itinehart, Mlii Humphreys, How, German Bindley Georgl ay, PS ne lor. Harrett, . Mrs. Pntsy Brandon, Lot. llertram, liel Bennett, • • .Johnstone Bailey, Helen M. Boyce, i.\ r . Mrs. .Tflhn Bnllej, Maud ■ Ilurdette, I'"" Butler, Laura Butler, Kelt J. Bernard,-Kan. Bltutt, Mlneryn Hruboion, Bet Brown, .10. 1). Browning, Louise Baldwin, Anita Iltillcr, Helen M. Blake, Alarlon Illll.tOIII, Ag Brown. Laura ltaldwln.Lausu BuLtner, L. M Bluncbard, Ma<~ Button, Air. Barlow, Maud llecson, Lulu Chambers. . Leyln Chcove, Clara Cooper, Ltuia Cheney, Mrs, ciilnquflla, Princess Collins, Aggie Comuietta. Nellie Chase, Lena Cox, Maud Cardownle, , : Louise Curtis, Vel-n Carrlngton, . ., ...Mils Cnrmnnn.Mllo. Canada, Creit (.'layton, Delia (.'ody, May Unify, Maud Dlckeraqn, Mrs. T.J. Davis, Uewdo IH'ew.Elnlile-M. 1 Hxon, A mm . Davis, Anulo Dnly, Mrs. Geo lNiKoy, .Graids DeKonzo, Mrs. A. DcTm-k, Mllle Dugwell, Amlc Dale, „ • Adele K. S. Dohorty Mint. Betty, Maud Davis, Badlo It Hurling, Bella D'Arvllle 81st DeKoe, Josle lH'll; Murle DeVere, Dorn ElUworth. Grace Enker, Evn Elmore, Marie Evuiw. Itul'i Earl, Hazel EdAall. Beau Everett, Enu. Errol, Gay r.vaiiH. Minn Billy l'ox, Do)la l'nller. I.iile Eorreater, C. 1'Vrr.lB, Knn. C Eltdds, l''loi-. IMoyil. Edna r'auallna, Mile Erutiklln, Mlldri-il Flllmove, Nell Vlowert, _ May C, I'Mnmmo, Gukk I'\>inniii:i, Mild l''ox, Wuilge Molds, Mra. W.C. Kraneta, Va Erencll. . Mra. Irv. Fauat,' Airs. L, Aiinotli'lltleliarilH, Eureunnali, ancle Healy, .Nell ),. Irvlrif, Alice Jobustonc, • , • Pals; Jean, Mrs, J.V Jnrqucs, liar. Jonnnon, Hone Jones, Sin. Kelly, Amanda Kellogg, ■ Clara L. Knight, Lot, Kennedy. Eileen Kelcey. Mr*..!. K. Keley Hist., il KoIIIur, lldnn C, ICplcey, Kellle Kellogg, Berth Kemvlu, Ella Kulght, fun. Karlnn, Mlsi Ketchutn, .Kilytha Klrktinin, ' Kitty H Kennedy, , Mm. Tony r.i'ivlH, Elsie Lluk, Anneltn I,awreuce.B.E. Lnvlue, Altty LllMont, Otlle Lleslei'luK, TontBlo Lvie, luei Mwrence, Bell Lund, Mra. LiiVacl. Mi-h.E. I^'l'iiMliii, Lulu Lung, Dully Lliwnnii-e.l'.lllc lAngtoid.lleat IJliyil. Annie Ltiv»udcr, Ada Lavi'iider, Mrs. Geo. Leslie, M nbel Lutlnu, MdlP. LuMoyne. Mrs LcaBlnp, Mario fxing, MrH.Jno. l/IUCll, Mrs. Theo Ma ye, Lillian MiiMiotte, Vina D, Moore, Jesse Mitchell, Louise Melrose. Kdlili Mllc-v. Kadi. Mnusllolil. L. Edith Itobson, LIH'u Itlcbmnn, .Mrs. L. K. Bice, Murg. ltyan, M. Undo, Mrs. I'll Itayinond, I'cari Itousscau, Ircuo Itocamore, Musle Hose&.Teanette Hnrgent, Vivian V. Street, Muiule Sulour, Loulaij Slninnon, EUlu Siilherlinid, Annie Sanderson, Blhyl Stanley, Mnliel Seyniour, Eileen Slngletou, Ag. Htctson & Nixon Shields, Gertrude A. Seymour, Mrs Sutherland, Lllllo Spiers, Annie Sylvertor, Louisa Silencer, Malie Starr, Ida (2c Smyth, Ella Stiiulon, Vesta M. Silencer, Violet HlBSon. Elliel Htraiid, Nellie Stuinin, Mrs.CC. Scott, Carrlo Tannor, Cora 'I'orrcucc, Miss Tetuncst, . Mario S. Tuxcn, GiiHtl Tiiylui-.l'inillne bridge, Margaret T MW brlil Mldgluy, Fan. Mnrnhy, Mih. Murk Ollle Axtoll. Dwlght Avis, Edd, Alyorn, Edwin Aarak, Marcus AiniHtrong, Wm. M. Allmon, Joe Allien, ltolii. Arnolds, The Allen, V. A Adams, Sam J Burton, Henry llai'iiellg,: Tho Brown, Tbos. Bornuiiiu, Alt. Baker. II. J. Biuelmnl.riiiil Buruhaui, Geo. L. Biigbce,, Geo. Barton, II. It. Bagley, Ed. Brown, Jnck Beane, Geo. A. Biownleo A Iteed Ballsy, FVJ, Blirk'j. n. Burtlrtt. liar. Buidiwuld. Emll Homes, nowd, Belmout. II. V Butler, A. 11. ltlllz, Geo. W. I Iosco. A. B. Blown. J. W. Mlnell, Moore, Mrs. I "hi ill; May, Bertie Moutngue, ' lleil lie Marcler, Klls. MonlroHe, >,i. Mume, cinrlnc Miller, Ella Murine. Mile. Milnlyie, Edvlhe Mi'i-i'elln, Mile Mnrloii, Jell. Morion, Clara L Moore, Ethel Neville, Dor. Nichols Hist, Nielsen, Allco Norman, Mary Nottou, Miiml Norton, Eay Oakley, Mrs. Frank Gale, Minna K O'Nell. Nellie G1BNT1.KUKVS LIST, Terre.dd, Jlay Thorn, Julia Tninx, Maudo Toliln, Irtittn Tredvell, Ad. ViuiZamlt, Marie Vnntlnc, Delia Vcuottn, C. Victoria, Etta Wright, Ml. Wllllni;!oii Sisters Wnlkor, Ev. Walton, Helen Wllsuii.Lonoru West, Ella Will I inn, Helen Walters, Soph Wlllou, Bello West, Myrtlo Wlllliiglon Slaters Wlllmotle. Grace Wllle, (Hive Woodward, Emlllo Woods, Edna W|iss,AtrH.G.E. Wilson. Ella Wright. Blnnclie Wall, I/nura Wellollu & Frank Wilson, Uuiorii York Bessie Zenln, Mile. Baekuiaa'.'J. R*nakei', II. J Bneluiuiun. ■ -Max Burton, J6hu names. Stu. Blnke, B. J. Burton, Court Berry, P. VV. llureMII. Wm. llueher.Ul|. W Tlalih, llowen atirlce A Merrill Brill, Ned Boaco, Tom Brown, T. R. Boryer, Gno.A Brooks, Mac Bailey. Ed. Beu. All. Has. Bryaon, W. II. Baclcley, L. w Bollport. Claude Bnrtlnco, Del Bell, Jack Byron & Hpaun Soaarltn.Cnpt urto, Joe Boone, J. A. Bulkloy, li. J. Brown, I'ercy lk'ini, Ed. Bourle. Geo.W Bnrtlett, II, S. Byrnes, .1. M. Burton, K. t', Billion. A. II. flench & Bowers Borelly, Art. Bell, II. C. Brlggs & Mills Bnliler, Win. Black, J. J. Burrlugton, It. A. Blssoiinette & Newman Barry, Chas, 111■ownlee A Iteed Bailey, Fred Barron, W, W llaruey, Art. Bannister, J. V. Olarke, C. A. Couover, How. Onoihbc, J, f, Connor, J. M, Cole. King Corrlgnn, Jns. Clifford A _.. ■ Burke Clifton, Joe Cooper, C. II. Collins it Collins Callahan, o. 10 Carroll, Tay. Caldwell. Lex. Cohen. Wui. Cnslle, II. II. Cowles. Albert Raeni, j. j. Cuhlll, Percy Crlmniliis, Dan CamnpelL Uy. OQiU»ftjJ>. v,.- (.'artntMiTii J, K Crane, Wm. A Curdy. J. M. Clayton, Fr'nk Chandler, / Geo. B. Clarke, 11. B. Collins, J. ,1. Crane Bros. Cannon, A. W Comer, Geo. Cook, C. W. Cadliy liar. Caproa, E. A. Cnmeron, W.G Clcmlnga, Jim- Cannon, A ,W t^irrollCom.Co Carktek, J'. Crowdus, ill. I Capron; E. A. Couture, Dav. Chalmers, j '. i Harold Cooper, Mr. CollnnH, W. D Casmorp & Florence Carlton, At. Conlon, Billy Chamberlain . ■ Bros. Corbett, J., J. Caamore, vie Cahlll, Wm. Caldwell, ,Dav Courtrlvbt, . WT.D. Clnre, Bar. Chandler, .., Geo. D. Clifford, J. VV. Cameron, Tlico. XV. Cardiff., J. W\ Cunnlnghuni, ., Jerry Carlton. Ed. Clark i.Tcmiile Bale, A|ex. llore, John Dixon, II. & D Dclauy. Billy Dawson, 8. J. Drone, Sum Dlcklnson.A.T. Dnvldao'ii. J.W Deylne. K. J. Detinore.ll, O DiiHhlngton.At Duoley, J. V. 1 leaven, E. J. IMIuriiin. J,T Dcnn, W,m. c. Dllger, K i. lieu by, W..G Davis, Erank Gsnaro Dixon, Henry DeLiiiin. Walt Drew, J. N, Button, Wm. Hue row. Win.,I Deagnns, .'1 DoBiut, liar. De.lA'eelio, Jno Donnldi.oii.i'.A Denver, Ed. L Daly, Ered&N. DIcKeraoii.TJ. Denn. CllfC Diane, Grant Delaney, Tim Downer, XV. L, Mr. DeEorrest.Har Bale, John Dove, J. II. Donley, lifr. Douglass A ' Ford Dresbnch, Kd. DonaltlBon. I'en Iris DeCornni,' J. T U'Arras, Mrs. (OrS DrlBCole, Ilnr. Diimond Mliis Donaldson ",: R B. Dllworth, O.W Delmuln, . ' 'Ernnit DeCornni, J. 11' Dolley.itobt.I Dclmont, Jos Dovero, .\Vni. lKiluti k Lenhnrr Doltonfle. Edg DuiultreRCii, M i hi vis., c. i: liiirniul. llnmpt. Dayton, W. W Deulouay. ltnoul Donno, F. II. Hovie, Jns.. Hav Ik, Kd F. DeMiieli, lllllle Datvsou, liar, Kd wards, Al. Ildmonds, Joe Enk, Thos, W. East on, F, II. Ernest n,Bn roil Edwnrils. Gen. II. Eslerbrook. h'reil Edwards, C. L Ho mi num. Itlcliard Kapy. W. it Evuns, Geo. Eno, liar. Hniesl, Chas. Eaton A Jackson Erwood, It. J Elmer, 1. D. Kleins, Matty Kulipra, K. 1'leldlng. W. J I'lsber, C«pt. Krlable. Steve M. Hulling, J, L, l'ox, W. II. Kltcliclt. , . Bon T. Floyd, 1'aul C. l'ltfs. Billy V'ranels. Lew Elske. Ed. KloyddftFlnek Kox, W. H. Felt, K. H. I'l-olininn, Chns Fltsglbbon, D. II. Flatow, John Fultou, J..C. Fisher, D. E. Forbea, B. F. Fllsgcrald. XV. J Fields & Wolley Fowlcr.Krod D Foster. Wll. Fowler, II. J. FergmoD.D.M Felix A Barry Ford. Dan FMrJer. Dan Fnuat, Eugene Fnnihawe. ■. A J.; Frey A Fields Frpderlekllros. ft Hums Fields, Wattle Fauulng, X F. ... #jj.|.*wll«y Gleason,:,Thoa Gotham . ..■'. Com. Co. fireenway , / ■•■■. (Jug.) Grieves, joun Gordon. Steve Glasgow.JooO. Gale, Geo. Glbaon. A. W, Gardiner, Sid. Gnno. .Charlie Golden,. liar, Gllmore, ,R M Ulnnlvan. F.It. G 111 nl van. Frnnlt Gordon,Harold Godlng, . i . i Frank L. Gmcey, Dan Godney, M. B. Golden, Geo. F Gnrrlty, liar. Granadan. ... , .-Mark Grant, C. W. Galla«her,B.F. Goodwin. Jnck Gray, Howard (^irdner. Den Green, Corbett AAVood Gagnon, E. W GrfrUn, Chns E lirifTy, Thos. Gano, CIibb. Goldle, Sir. Gilrwereltl. T. Guyer A Daly George, Jacob Geyer A Grlawold GUnserettl, Alb. Galway, Eug. Gregory, . .. ?T tfrankL. Oolteney, T. T Gily Stock Co. • lariliitr, W. V GpHiatn, . Canimly Co. Oahdy, C. II. Graves, Ed. L. Goldon, Don Gladden, . Frank GolT, Wm. Gllmulnq, C. G Guy, Geo. it. Greene, Hprag flrosa, Win, B (oldawortlJ. The Ilutclilnson, Bobt. Ilnrtleb, It, C. Holt. Alf. Howard, II, E Hurt-Is. I'hiiH. llnrris. liar. Howard, D. II Hollnuder..T.M. Hart, Chus. Hepburn, Frank Henrt, Harry Iliullleld, II. H Hill, G. A. Homer, Ben lloldeb. «. T, Hill, Tommy Iliinllng. E. Huniinoiid. , ' F. W. Hdwnrd. Bert Hayes, 'J'oiniiiy Kelly, DMT, Kllce, S. J. Kstsnnds, Bill Kane, lid, ; Kelly AAfilihy Knapp, E. W. Kelly, AV I' telly, rfftvlB, Cliff Jlomui.vid, Gllmore Ilnvenn, Ern. Howe & Norrls Howell, Elmer llnrrls, Harry HiimIinii. J. II. Ilnrpslrlle. J. W. Hnmuinml,F,II Hals, Selli C. Ilnlls, Frank Henley & Fnrnum I In in 111 on. Wiley ■nrd. Clar llealy, John Hoo|ierL Mux Hays, Kd... Hart & liliien Harris, It. II, (2c.) Hoffman, ,Goo, J. Hayestl Tom. Iluumn, Gwcn I icily? Mart Higgens, B. I llnn>y, M. E. Henry, J. C. It, E, lleavv »t Vim nn jllgglns, J. (). IIiiKliea. Chns. Hurt lawn, W.J. Hoppe, Guy 1 Illllie, Itio-H & , Lewis Heriman, Carl Hustings, lien llawlluirne, A Itol lander. Joa Holmoa, W. J. Horner, Joe Holmes, Thos. null, I'nnl Hadley, B. F. Irving. Cliarl, Ireaon. F, 0. Inghmni,IIerb Jeuulnjs, DoWltt Jordan, Fred Jnnea, Irving Jewett, Henry Jenkins. Al. Joyce, H. M. Johnson, Carroll J, Julian. Mart. Jones', Andrew JohiiHon, Dav. k toiellu Jennings A Bent f row Jentry Stock Co. Johnstone. Lorlmer Jam,e«, Frank Jennings, W. Kenna. ChaB. Kcrtln. Lee Kelly & Kelly Kaplan, II, Knraiunt. C. Kelly, Thos, P King, Joe Klbber. ,W. B. Kerr. Geo. XV. Kelly, Chas, J. King. O. W. Karl. A. L. S Kelly, Ben T. Keno, Welch AiMelroso J^Wla, Claude Logan, J. W. I/ergb, Bert LeFiiige,. Fran. Lelgbton, Frank Leslie, Geo, Lambert, (ins Lcvine. Cam- eron & Co. Llsk, Kd. Lewis, Claud Leslie. Jos. Leo, Bob Leigh ton A i Lclgliton Lewis, Geo. W Lawrcnce.J.M. LaKoux A Davis Lucas, Sam Lang, Morcy LaBreck, ' Hnrley I-nng, Eddie Txiurence, Wnlt. Ldno, D. It. Lukcn, Wm. Leslie. D. W. Lorain, liar. LnToy. Joe LaNole, John I/ing A Sharpe Lyne A Kennedy League, Jim Lowe. Allan I/Ce. Victor LaVqn, .Ins Liicna, Sam Lnsley. Art. Lime. Grant Lnmbson, . ..Geo. D. Mttleheld.C.W I^ex, ir. c. Laurence, E. S Leach. Bobby Murphy A Andrews MrAlplne. J. T Mavre AMorrls "McCarthy's Mishaps" Co McGulrer. Wm Moouey A ■ Wnlbe.ln Martin. Felix Murray, J. J. Merrltt, Hnl. Mulvey, II. Jtnaon, W. K. Morris, It. B. Mygrant. Emery Miller, Cnro Morgan, W. 0 Myn, Mg. Miller A May Munson. Ed. Mock, Wilbur Munro. Wall. Meeker, Geo. MclteynoldH, Leon Maxwell. Bar. .Morse, D. L. Mates. line. Monroe, John Montnguc,Fred MeNntty, John McEnri Orlando, Vine. onrl Family Ott, J. 10. Ghtnan, Ed. "One Night In June" Co. Qzav A Delmo O'Brien. A. J, Brlce.,'11. M.' Frescolt, V.r l'rcston, J. A. I'oivlln, J. IL I'lnkbnm, It. A }elot,.F.A. J'olrers, 3. I'ugc, Justin IViehlng Bros J'urkall, Carl Bowers, A, A. Button, It. E. Bnrkyn. M. C. I'arls, Lionel l'arker. C. M. 1'owley, Wm. Botter, C. /, I'ouers, The (2c.) Tay ton, It. 0. Bowel, Paul Berrlno, Prof. Bhlllpn, Clyde :,Geo. oi', Joe Muck, C. 0. Moore, Geo. It. McDonough, John Mitchell, Joa. .Miiihieus, The May, Geo. McAvoy, Hnr. McGlll A Slilpninn Jlorgan A Zaro Man- .John Murphy, Oscar MlllerJr., Fred Mead, W. J. Meyrlck. Hnr. McDonald, IV. L. McAndrews, J. A. Mosnrt, Edw. Mclvnight: II. A. Moore, XV. B. Morion, J. P. McDowell. J.G. McDonald, Mike Merrltt. Frank T. Madison, Chns. A. MrCnllum.W.B Morhnrli Jr., Edward Mai do. Peto Monlford, F.L. Mouiitsi Clark Marts, Al. Monroe, Ned Meneer, Curl Munson. K,l. .Mitrkhiini, Hur McFarltiiid, Phil, Mnxnm. W. E Mundy.fiiisklll Mathews, J. C Morrlsscy, Dave J, Murphy, Stan Mal.or, Phil Mack. It. J. Marline, Bobt McAndrows, J. A. Masse, Ed AN. Murphy, Ed. C Mayer, Dolph McGlotcy, w Ben A E. Morgan, Joe Marsh, iMarv. Mnek. Ed, McDonald, C. Norrls. F. H. Vye. B. n. Nugent. J. Nolly, II. L, Nlner. Ed. F. Nowton. B. 8. Nunn, W. P.. Norman. C. A, Nngel, Geo. Neglcy, W. H. Nelson, Leu Nciimcyor, J.D Nelaon, Fred T XIbio, Fred Nolan, IJ Beck.Geo. (2c. I'helps Cullcn bine Trio rhllllps, Boy Qulun, Paul (juarles, II. C. Qulgley, Bob. Boas, Chas. Kocjcwell. J. C Iteld, Mr. Blgby, Arthur Buaieil.Kred J. Udberts, .0. \Y Itucker, John ltaymond, Tj Geo. C. ItoblnS (jug.) ltclyea. Clias. E. Rose, run. E. Itowe, (leo. U. Beed, Prett Itlcll, A, L. Ranson, Chas. H. Boblns (Jug.) ltiimuaiige, Itnwlond Beta, Frank Ilochwi.od. H.G Iteynnrd. E. ¥ Itozelle, XV. 0. Roberts. A. II. IturnmeM, C.E. Ill xf nrd. Con, Itossl Bros. Itynn, Ban Co Jtodney. G. B. llnehnrt. 11. B Itlo, Adolph ItnwBon. S. J. (2C.) nien, Geo. ltaymond, Fred Rice Bros. Held, Jack A Elln Rnle. M. W. Roberts. Flar. Reynard, Ed.F. Reynolds; L.M. Rose, I.iinis Itninmiige, now Robinson, Geo. C. Roberts. Mr. liiimo. Mr. Rockwell. J. C Rover. Archie ltoosley A Roatellc Ryan, Rul>o Reed, II. J. Rlano, Jack Riano, J. W. Snyder A ; ■, Buckley Simon. L. A. Sldonla Smith, L. G. Scott Bros Slbbey, V. M, Stenley, W. C. F.E. Hhermnn, J. C Swan A . v , Bombard Sccardo A IMctilson Sherman A DeForest Stetson, Walt Subl. Jobanii Hheridflb, ■ Wm. L Sprogue, T. S, StaaJey.^Art. Shunk; tt. C. Kanford. Jos St rook, J. M. Stnrkweatlier, U. A. Scovllle, Nesb. Smith, W. C. Stout, (leo. L. Sweatmau, W. P. Stevens, \Vm. H. Slukom, John Spootior, Sluson, 0. P. SmitU, T. F. Schuffer, Matt Sliver, 0. L. Stanley, Chan. B. Shepard. T. S. Stockdale, Swift. .Herb. Strong, W..C. Stanton, Hugh Sun. Gus Snyder A . Buckley Stetson A Nixon Sully, J. C. Sabel, David Sldonla, — Smith A .... Bowman Seaton, .Scott Sharp. Chas. Skalfne'ln. Mr. (Oc.) Shea,.'Tom SevengaliL AValt. Sylvester, S. S Sheldon, Fr'nk Savllle. GusC Sprinkling. Mnrv. Sherrnn. Jns. Slater, Roscoe Stlnson A Merton Silver, J. B. V Seymour, 0. G Spencer. D. 8. Smith AFullcr Sun, Giir Stanley/}hasd : Slegrlst, Toto Sullivan, T. Sanford. L. 0 Smith, F. C Stewart- Hobson, R. Stanton. Hugh Terre, XV. E." Tenff, Chas. Tabor, W. IP. Thomases. The Triiunm, Mart Taylor, R. V. Thompson. Monte Tliurber, P. n Tlior. Musical Toddt, J.H.W. Turner. J. M. Thompson, Geo. L Taylor, L. 8. Trocndero Quartet Tnhnr, Iladjl Tracy, Itny. D Trlplett. W. E Talbot A Rogers Taylor, Fred To bins, Tbe Trohmnn. Mr. Taylor, nnr, Ilnlta A Paul VanDeburt. ., Cornelius Vlon, Joe Vine, Jack Viola, E. Venetta, C. yibsrt, Mr. Vlztards,. The Vorusjv Anson Venetta,. C. Van, Wm. B. Voce, Tom Vcnnctn, ,, .,', Frank White, E..F.... Welcher, Lynn Wood, J. M. Winter, Banks WeJustcr, H. V ar. A. 8. WAKTBD QUICK—For "street""work, All 'Round Comedian. 'Mast pUyatrlnglnstrniitent; banjo preferred. DriisJnv cloned without nolle*. Hood salary to right..people, and season's wort. State 1/ yon dance. Work.clUes. .Write or.wlre, HotSnringiiJieiu.Co^vrairieciiy,Ui. WASTfeC-Motlnn Picture Outfit with Slere oplicoh, ifms, slides, He. Full b9rtlcularmylth I lk (oiriplete. Bake, condition, sfee and make ar Lenses, how long.onlllt has been used, lowest cash figures. Address. J. E; GARRETT, Lbck Box TO, peira-Clty, Mo. 'nyl 'rip lett. Vic; Toddt. J. II. v Tliocnas, Vern Tailor, Blllle I'oblrm, The Tlior, Musical Toole. J. H ' WebBtor, WUIb, W. 8. Chas. P. Wilson, Fred Wenona A. Frank Warren A Blancbard Welsh, L J. Ward, R. J. Ward, liar. Waterbury, Ed Welsh, J. C. Wills, J. B. WUson, C. H. Waters, M. F. Whlttmore, Wm. J. Wyckolf, Fred Walters, Jules Watts, Chart. Wardell, Har. Wise A MJlton ward, BJcbard Wallace, J. L. Way, Wm. J. .Whale Oil Gus Walton, Orv. Whiting. C. II Wilkes, Ern. Ward, Tbos. II .Welch, Itube Wills Bros Williams, Frank A I. Wilkinson, W. If, Wolf. N\ J. Wlkoff. W. J. Wing, Win. Wllbcr, 0. B. Wlntprs,Banks Wallace, J. h. Ward, C. F. Wlchcrh, M. West, W. G. Wlnnett, Oeo. W, White, Harry West, J. II. Wild, Wm. G. Walton, S. F. Williams. M.B. Wilson A Leicester Wihltc, Coltcn Warren, Percy Welch, Lorn Winchester, Ed. N. Wilson. John Wlllord. Frank A. Wormwood, V. P. Weber. Will Youngs A Brooks Yonng, J. A. Youngs A Brooks Yorker, Chas. Ynnkee Com, -I Yenger. Hnr. Youturkcy, Y. Znreettls, Tbe Zliardua, — fcoyarrn, Ed. /.limner. Dave Zwelfel, F. R. /Immer, Dave Zat Zmn Ziiimnn, Henri Zerectb, Ed. Zaniora, J. J. Znzell. M. Zaronl, Geo. Zel, — (ban]) Zclvardo. Geo "tVASXKD-HBSTLINO YOUSJM MAA, Wltji espcrlence bi !silvabce work,.not afrsld or Sisilv. to ptotfram and contract for my (lho»t Show. usl tie aobet and reliable. No booze, dopo or clgatelto (lends. Sober and reliable. Female Bn- penioualrtr. MustAaregoad coflttilnc. Those who wi-oie. write again. Letter too late lo answer. HaBttV l?ElJI I'ONTAINE'.S GHOST SUOW, ■ ;.,••• ;, llomkljl, Mlna. WABSINO-l'IVE NEW PAItODIES, ICnKurc to go gags; Comedy Irish, Letter slid Circular; Funny Monologue. All new, never puhiislied. Hunch for onc.dollar. IIABBY 8.SAKGEMT. .'. . . .1 Fourth St., Lowell, Mass. WASTED, for Small'Wagon Show, Specially People who play or fake organ, tuners write. JIake salary low, It Ik siire.'llugcrly lire-"., Frankton.linl. PARTNER WAMTED-Jew Comedian for Novelty sketch. No amateur. ,F. FORBES, 8 l'rosiiect PI., New York. SKETCHES, and Every Form of Stage Novel- ty Wrltleri to order. Stamp reply. JOS. KEllSIIAW, ■ 8i9 liultonwood Street, I'hllada. FOR HALF., ONE 80\60 K01N1) END TOP. POLKB AND ROPES, ALL ANo. t CONDITION, »30. K..V. l)OR|W,Buiiesdalc. Pa. , GBADVATK "Boolor of Optics," with good outtll, wants to knows how to get bmdhess. Dr. 0. II. BEAUMONT. 728 E. 17th, Kansas City, Mo. . ■■.... . . . , WANTED-C'OMKDIANS to read this. I wl|l send you monthly a batch of up to date Oaga arid otorles Hist are positively new here la New York, on receipt of $1. LB HOY FINN; Care of CLIPPER Offlce. TENTS FOR SALE, 40x60. Murray make; Poles. Stakes, .Ropes, Marque, Heals, Lights, Etc., fTC. One l.i.xLj'.; Poles, everything;:complete, $20. Six Slotc Show Paintings st s bargain. - . ■ LOClv HON 4.8H, Jamestown, N. Y. WANTED-SIhgle Specially People; change for oue week. Steady work; salary evcrv Sun- day. No tickets advanced. Plnsileld, X. II., week of March 2;i. Pcrninnent address .. J.CAUMONB.NO. Sillton, N. II. WANTED, 20 Lengths of In t'oubt? Tien play a b'lack or blno doubls breest«dl It's always the correct thing. Th's feanin it must be 3 bnttom Ion j, v't i moderate' lengthened lapel and big, oatslnnding fhoald»A. It mnsn't 6et os-si o*ose to ths folm. 820 will say "open sesame" 13 double breastedsuits ol imported w ji sleds, with pantAloons of the iwihe ma. teriajs or (ii'prefewed) of real English striped woistei ti'orjBeririgB, '■' $35 wouldn't be overohorge—t'other way, indeed, $20 is a ridiculous under-asking, Polks ont of town can measure thenn-elvrn with our wonderful little dulnt, which we'll send on request with 8 style cards ami sam- pies of any goods. moAdway Aid sth street, s. y. Ten or Twelve Tier. YKTQR D. LEVITT, 80 fast 116th St. , New York. SKH NOTICE AT HEAD OF LIJT. Very Desirable Property for Bent for Amusement Purposes., Land litis lieeii recently nlircli - iniiirovcd hy re- moval of ferlillzer pliini. Aililrexs • • ItUll.MAN II. NEWPOKT, -101 Ilrexcl Uulhlliip, Phlladcl[i|ila, Pa. anted Quick, AI JUVENILE MAN AND WOMAN. Wire, CJ.W.ROR, Managor Camplieil Slralton Co., Chelsea, Mass. P. B.—OAN USB (JOOl) MUSICAL ACT. NAME PLATE MACHINES \WA NT ED. If you have any laylnir around idle write to us. \\'c will liny them at nfulrciiMh value. Wemaiiulanliire, Imy, sell or oxcliniiKO niiv slot iiin- chltioou the inarkul. M'rllcfornur Ihii'K ilu lint liefore Iiuviuir else- Where. MOOS AML'MKMKNTCO., Nob. Jl-w Unlverslly l'lace. NKVV VOIIK ClTV. WANTED—Medicine Pcrfnrmeis. People thai moUaJtsM and Kale orirau, writo. aNiRiil stain*. 'Iell all yon do hi tlrnl letter. All people muttaiwlsi on uauvaa on rnovlnirOny. Show opens In III. April M. lMriiinneiil, add., STKVKSS ft MOSSMAN, Musical Arliuls, 30H K. lillli SI., St. Louis, Mo. FOR SALE.—Olltllt, consisting of the foll.iwlna;: roles, centre, quarter and aides, for TOfI. II. T.: floats, Jacks and Stringers; six Longtlm and <iroiind Seals for 4O0: four Medicine Itoxcs, two good Trunks, four sets of Slides for Ilnrrla' late songs, three Lnmps, Stage, Stake Tuller, Sledge, fltnltea and other Bluff for .Medicine Show or nmall circus, (ioods Htorcd nt Cherltoh, Va.: Songs, trunks and boxes at l'lilla. Send In your Beat offer. Will lie sold to highest bidder. Kvorytlilug guaranteed perfect. Ad. Mr* Slnggln Carr, 12111 So. Ulnsgold Street, I'lilladelplila, l'a. KUR SA1.K—Only B more weeks to get flalalen. flint Inrns stoue to life. The latest llilng In science. Will guarantee It to clear 0 thousand dollars In the next n months If put at some «ood park. Better think quick, as no nnioiint of money will get one after May 1, Must have stamp for circular price IfaC-Ma full particulars. CHARLES B WK8TON, 182 Spruce St., Lawrence, Mass. FILMS AND SONG SLIDES, Aa we liurc tin- largest stock of same in America. Air i. H ARSTN 4c CO., I3&K. l*iss1ai., < M. V. City. ' Tel. 3sia-,iNti l . GARDEN THEATRE, CANTON, CHIO ' 0. J.Mullln and Frank P. Spellman, Mors. WANTKli, tlood Vaudeville 'Acts at all lliius for OABbw. I'HKATRE, canton, <il,lo, Wd CASINO UloVclanil. Can give t?ood acis 9 lo 6 wooks; aols must rnuku gooilon lliclr alilllty. As wo cu er to NO WINK mm, I will not piny a doad one These nre tlie flnest Mush; Halls in tho State and wimt good people only. All loiters answered Immediate opeu lime. Address HUME V. Si'ELl,- HAtT, Uaiileu Tlioairc, Cauton, Ohio. ONE COMBINATION MOVING PICTUfiE MACHINE AND STEREOPTICON, J35.00. Sent toToxn'mlnalliiiinn rocolpt of *6.oo. LOTS of Kllmsuud Song Slides cheap. KERO-HR(}-LIDHT-' 1 " R u Hd',V.!S) T 1N T,,E AL1\ I,. 1IAHKTN A- CO., 138 K. lttli St., N.Y. Tel, SUt-lHta, nocu. getH three new and up to date parodies "On latest popular aongs f ' and lots of ftiutiy dialogue (by the autlior). Send 3! ,lck . A wh !! e "? hol >' Hofbcrt Van Ness, N %rJA"i, , . ! "f t ymn st r««t, lllchniond, Vn. TUB ItllAL wn.ITBlt. Kennedy. J, S Konlla. Wm Kelly & • / Vloleltc Kalmo. Olias. KHHtMU, I.W Kluistler. Kmll Kalle:- rtrcs. Kijisey, Mr. Doyd I Nelsons. 4 Nnnkeville.Mr. Neville. Geo. Nicholson. „ . ' Roxle Nash, Albert Nown. T. J. Nlltp. II. K. Orrs, 2 Opponhelmer. «,.-. . Jo* O flrlen, Dave Oberworth,. _ .-. j. Louis Oino. Oeo Caai. G. ORICilNAL SKETCHES, typewritten copy, Jl each—"The Fearless Allan Bold" flu. If.), l'nlmlat and tlie Widow dm. If,), Ilrutus ond Adonis, travesty sketch (2m.) '•Hearclilng for Bill," conversation act (2m.) Miss Silver's Slipper (2m, If,), "A Domestic Squabble" (low comedy act for 2 IrUh girls) : Jew Monologue, Straight Monologue. Money order or 2e. stamps, prompt dellverv. Bx- elusive sets, *II0 iin. Address Bernard Kllng. Playwright, ia4 West 28th St.. N. Y. City. SHADOWS OF GREATER EEW TOlK. 110 with full rights-, 4 nets, 6 Hud's. .'Groat oponer. 5° n ?i »« ne , ctl ' ," ot V ncorc 'or your vaudeville acif ■OIAIfa. lor pljy titles It kills tgrn, Oon>t you wantu new sketoti* KHKDEitioK II. WlLSOK :■■ _ . :. MOporilaud Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. MUSICIANS AT LIBERTY. IConiet, 1 Tromhono and 1 Trap llrummer. All Irst clam, and experienced In B. and 0. Locate or travel.. Sober and reliable. """ or HEMItr (1UBBLL, 14th AVe., Vallshnhr. N. J. WAJNTHD, Treasurer and Tlckot Seller, ady or gent, with ,*1B0. Money secured hy mortgage and returned In five weeks. A pleasant Summer engagement and fair sal- ary ltcp. Co. under canvas, week stands. Address MCUAIID CAVANAQH Gen. Del., Kingston, N. Y. Wasted, Good Comedians who can do "• ! •c!r l81 ' B ? A Dutch, end work acts. Also gpod Silent Acts wanted, l'osltlvely must change .specialties nightly for one week. Opeu^Mny 1. Organ players preferred. Dr. J, B. Bpangler. Mlllcrstown. Pa. WANTED—Achcnbseh'* Big Show: Man with moving picture machine aud plenty of new; fllma. Must be able to operate. Klec- trlcltv or gas. One that can make good (wo n i*. nt ,?; MSH* oul( *' Sctul P orolctures and niustrjtea sonn. j. w. aobbn-bacii, «n .Inmea Street. M ddletqwn. N. Y. ro« BALK—A Jlllft. R. Top. In Al con- ;1 Ittoni alw ten secllous of Scats, seven tiers ''"vv-iuyja" H* a J n .r?P e<1 °P te 0'- New drt Open about Aug. 10. A Star's kalury to right RMiOtl- AlHO WANT Al .SOUUKKITK AN1I MAN KOIt LEADS. Aiiilress W. F.O., ; Mo. 221 li.N orth Avcimo, llalilmore, Mil. LTJCIEB'IS MINSTRELS U'A¥ r l n S ,,;|lls ' 1 ' violin, to doiiiiu; '" *»-A» *" Trombone or liarltono,■Trom- bone preferred. Name salary In llrst letter, or you won't tie answered, ns wc have no tlmo for nn- necessary correspoiKlcncc. Address l f . J, I'ALMKK, »4 Ilcliiionl St., Worcester, Mass, AT LIBERTY, E.M.Pyrkiss VBnSAflLB LEADrl, CIIAIIACTKHS, HKAVIKS. Ouo piece or slook. Address t'olioes, M, Y.. -*>i; Amsterdam tt, Schenectady M: tlidu ilOOIf «, ISM Urwdwny, New York Olty, euro A Fight for Mil- lions Co. WORKING WORLD, BIG MECHANICAL SHOW rig* Made, imuck ariiy low' send for •swr. ciIas. Boon, ^^ 108 ,\ an NoKien St., No. OunibHilgo, MasB. AND ALU THBATR1UAL OOOlis. flcdliory palhlcd ejejgly'Mfl quickly. Amateurs supplied 0IIAB.RMlf.IJI.4Hr W. 41«t St.; Now Yoi ' York City. Three English Madcaps. EinlOI'EAN NOyfflJrY ACItODATIC DANCERS. Time open until June 10. Addreao ' ^' •J45.EAST I3lb ST., NEW YORK 01TY. BILLY, BAB AND MAY DE RtlF. IMca'so send lii'r yoiir address. Dr. \y.,ii. loxo, !Kio3o. loth Birect, l'hlla., Pa. HARPISTI AtLlberty After Apiil I.—Harlilst AMtom LOOK POX II, JelTCrs tliilo. M Black Tent IIOX gg», JIT. I'LBASAKT. I'A. Wanied, Operator, With or Wlthovli falls, nfl com"nlsre!.iuIii' rjo'l'es, S^iaf I MOV 1NM ritT^I't'UMeiliKK s.«™ii".Zl" (' seen »>y,Uas«ntrVVtllshero. R. Y. |**l. Slam iowntsalar A,i ut" 't'n-X Address ttii. li. C. UllACK, Maluue, N. Y. ' T1IKATHK, caro ol' KKirYOltK! CLIl-rKill - ° WAITED, CUBAN anil SPANISH DANCERS. Also Musicians/ SoaSon engagement.. fitftW low- est salary. Aildrosa Ntllt. OUHAN Vll.LAUK, care of NBW YOItK CUPPKlt.. ... TO SELL, One New Ball Bearing MERRY-GO-ROUND. Complele New Outfit, Cheap lor Cash. Write for price. SIIECRXBIl UltOS;, Wsaiilngton, Kansas. I WljL-L- Ani roprenenryoiir atlractlon frorh mv Ne\V York olllce. Experienced, hotioBt service guaranteed. Terms very moderate. It Is your advsnlago to be Rooked from a Now York onlcc. . NOW18T11K TIME TO HOOK NEXT gjftsOH. Address . KELIA1 I1 MTY, Cam of OLlPfKB. . At Ltiheviy. chas: §cli ad, ABTElt mAhCH' 88. FOIlTULANCE OF SEASON' AND SUMWEIt. Comedy orflcnoral lluslness, Monologue and Sing- ing Swclaltlos. This week. Oiieonnv,IN. 1'.: week ota), Troy, N.Y. . . Care of OAltNElt STOCK CO. I SODA^OTOIN^/llEGE At- good Park, by one who can mako It go. Must ho cheap. 11. HOKTON, caro or CI.IPI'KK. WANTED FOR CASH, All UMI 6f^I.OT MAOlilNliS, NcW'or* fteiond lland. lmmcdlato Sale. Care of cliiTek. d