The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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MARCH 28. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 123 M M t»* £{»<$> vhtbb rnoM TAJfMe BnoaV OsMt UNITED ,. ,■ niiVn SiiowaT-Col. Dick 'fanner has re- , •, fn.n i trlpbvor a' portlcm ot our ,■■ »rv for tbc com)ng season, and reports ",'', *17 Isdear sullYus for Hie "big allow." !" .?. L.Jnrf?wM'fiu arrived.'ana some re'due to reach un tills trefck;' Oar » l SS»aSSK- under tn» PewcMjal n> lun if the well known. Harry Dl.ckln- ..will be one of the ttu*est and bent ^i„»ed ride "hows over operated In the "J ' J St. Bclino will' har5 charge of our Innia and Is now at Winter quarters. .line lils nselatanco In all affairs pertain- i'" o fc c US top. Ewryttii* to taking jJPagr iSfor, and fii.a -» short time "the rfriint In all 118 lied" will lie ready to appear S»l Bl'tt^lng grarideur. K ISXTM BUOS.' NOTCB.—t. S. i— ,i„w(i as manager of '"Th uh closed m "janigw IfrlairoRO he Uottent S: "attoiM Show, No. 1, a»K«>ern agent Jari raffle manager. Thlg malies his'eighth S ., J.i with Uetitry Blui: ShoWs. Jnu, L. i'Liinmi lins signed tot Oie deftson oe geu- .rKSntunci traffic tanHagcr of their No. " kIiiiW, this being the second aeauon for Mr (ilcunan with the Gentry Bros.' Shows, ilr' has surrounded himself with eight ca- iilile assistants. , John E. nicllardson, Who i„„ been wintering In. Bloomlngton. Ind.. ,is decided to remain w ft the No. 2 aliow. (■has. Hkhkbu,.. proprietor of the Berke 1 Show bus concluded not to take out lis clriiis the conilnc season, and lirts sold his • ill "o outfit to Kmll Selbcl, of Wuterlowu, Wis Mr. and Mr*.' Berkell I«t Des Slalom la., i*'cl>. 28, for California. In ihe party were Lena Kllnd. C C. Matthews, line Dnlr and, 1'rank O'Neill,: who have been, wit It Mr. lierkel) for years, AvM now In- Hnn. Fmuclneo, nlpht prclng. Mr. Herkcll will'opctt-under canvas April 0, near San Ifranclsco. , ■ . h. sui.r.s ft Dow«« Notes.— It Is reported lliia a man Is going through the State of Inillnna representing himself as local con- tractor for Sella A Downs' United Shows, mill called oh aome dealers In Anderson, luil.. recently. Tola Arm has no one on the ntitd. Mux. Joi: W. Cousins lias perfected her Iran jaw net. MyinriN Milmcian, of Proctor's theatres. Mum signed us lithographer with Sun Bros.' Shows. I'd iTi-.ii and I [Allium' have been obliged to innvcl eight vhtIi' work In the South, on in i .Mini of signing, with A, II. Reed's Clr- mi. to open April 4 and close Nov. 1. 11, vim v Die kin hon has the side show privilege with Tanner Bros.' Circus this senson. I'an-Amebican, Snow Notes. —W. S. Dun- nlngton 1ms engaged eighteen first class hill posters for ndvertlslng car No. 1. also twelve for advertising car No. 2, and eight for the opposition' brigade.' Tiiey arc all union men, and arc In'good standing with tiit'ir reipectlra un'iotis. ■ 1!. J. Goaney has been engaged as. general. local contractor. l.iiiirni.ii'H UlinAT London It, It. Snow Ndtiis. —Tbc following people hove been en- gnged: The lnmiuii, contortionists; Leonard i 'lurk, slack wire and tmpeae; Patten and Morris, sketch. Tbc outfit Is a 00ft. round top. llllft. middle piece, and will carry twenty- live people, maturing l'fof. Pe Knlh's baDd of fourteen pieces.' The show will travel by rail, and the advance. will be headed by Will K. needier, our gonial and obliging idiot. The n)iow opens May 22. touring New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland. linn- SiiankUn, contortionist, lias signed with Tanner Bros.' Show for the coming neuson. Due w.Miiii.-i.r.. ndvnnce and contrnct'ng iigvnt, has signed with the New Big Triple l'lnle Shows for the coming season. The following performers have also been en- Kiiged: .toe West and Ida May Lewis, pro- ducing the only act; tlie Dcnontas I Joe and -Viie), liiu)|i rolling and cluo. .swinging; the Troys i.lnck and Bessie), with their troupe nf educated dogs, ponlcn and . goats; tlie Wilsons (l'i;eil and MtUjel). king and queen of Ihe trnjior.c; the Gront Lennf, aerial con- tortionist and comedian;. Ilnlnes njld Idls- iin'ii', In ihcli; i.p to Onto slnglitg nnd danclug Kpecliiltlcs, and tlie Howard Brothers, baton swingers nnd gun Jugglers: A band arid orchestra of (If I ecu musicians will also be ciirrii'ii with this urgnulzatjon. OiiAs. K'Uniri'tw and all the othor privilege iicople with the IlulTnlo BUI Show will sail March 2s for Mngiaud, with the show, under canvas, at .Manchester, April 13, The season at London closes April ■(. I'll! YD , .Ill-UN A mi. win. WIIH Willi Howe's i;ri'»u London Shows Just Benson, has signed wlih Cumpbcll Bros.' Shows. Next season he will tie with Gus Biin'B American Min- strels. ' • v l.lll'IK AND JOl.T.V IttHlKIIK llllVe SlgDCd wltll Hie t'hns. itiiriines Shows for the coming ■■i-ni.iiii. to do thole new tuapoito act. ItllHTBll IW SU.V BltOTHKIlH' (No. 2) World's l'rogi'esslvc SIiowb. —Bun Brothors, lu'iiprlciors : I'lion. I). Van. Oston, manager; iliH'K Bledsoe; ndvaucc. representative: J.I, l.iunl)ort. trciiBiircr: Prof. C. 1'. Brown, Imnd director; D. II. Lnno. museum mnna- -it: 11, J. siivicrson. supcrlutcadent of can- vita; If. A. » uiiiiiiii.' equestrian director, pdr- lormers nnd ntuslclnns signed are:'The Gll- llam Knnilly.'th'o lurlngs. Josle Brown. J. W. Dillon. AJax. thoTcircat Lamberts, (,'hns. i\IIIIr, .lolm Walters, Kenniuil Walters, ninlt Lyton. B. V. Harrington, A K. tlsby, (leo. Block, Mrs; Lana nnd Little Irene. Blierwcll ttlce, Fred C'. ! nubbcll and Murtin Mllllgon. This show opens April 4. wllh nil new tents and nil' special paper. I Ida Is a three ear show, and will tun con- tinuous. , Jack Bat. Dub, has'signed with Snjlth's Imperial Circus, to do his slack wire' and '■mils. This will mnki! his third successive season-with tlio show. Will) tbc Bill Posters. S. If. Itoblnson now owns, the Al Inn tic J Uy Sign Co., which will control tlio signs In and around Atlantic City, ;N. J.—an uujirrnous run of wnll and bulletin space. The plant formerly belonging'to the B. II. i.ovvninn Co., at Kewnnh, On.,, tins been "Might by will .T. Perry, who announces thdt '"'(■•inning. In April he wljl send bis sign wngon on the road, covering 180 miles ad- Jni'i'iit to that city.' '' Hie, bill jiostlng plant of Messrs. Flsk ft i eelicr. miinngers of Lycoming Opera House. " Illlnhianort,. To., will: bo Added to, and will have, when" completed, over 2,000 run- •'In*, feet of boards. . ' >« ■ , "ibI*. L. Myers Bill Posting Co., nt •iiineavlllc. WIb.. will have Its pjajit cphu'ged '"'tween that cltyv nnd' Bcldlt. The boaj'da nt I'.vnnsvlllc have been put In first class coiidltjon. ■••••< • , " • ' ■ | ' Hill PoHlcrs' nnd 'Blllers'' Union,' No f5, wna organised In Sprlnjellold, Mass., Munch r; "nir■ the folloiivlng offlcera were chosen : i i.'.Jldent, Paul Davis: Vice president, I'rcd iK'lmont : secreturv, Bert llnsliu : Irensurev, •I'tHppli Mhin ; Mei-gcant as? arms, litis Mll- ' 1,r ', VcetJugH will lie held from time to time, IIH wcnalon may flcinnnd. i.. . n 6 oolman hna retired from, the show ' islncas, npd Is operating a bill postlui: plant at Charlton. In. • •. r Mm! A--.MarBfe|Ul will build 2.000.. feet. of 'IHlKinrcls in Buhith; 3lluti.. nnd 1.000 feet bSS! •"?*'».«-.clly.-Wert Superior. Wis. „ ''«JlwlicRter Bill Posting Co.. Boch- esinr, Mleh.. Is erecting lionrds at Oxford, Otlou and Kofflep. thnt-St«t«. " DON'T Keep-your ammunition dry, your-eye on the sight, your hand steady nnd snoot when the mark Is deiid range. Above n!)'things, don't get buck fever, lor if you do,'It Ib all oo*. tt you follow these Instructions and have the proper shooting Iron, you'll llnd no trouble In lilttlng the target lo a spot where all the lead will count, ' ■We've been out after gnmc many a time, but seldom have we brought home surli a bag as.we put the pellets Into oii 6ur last trip. Von'll find our trophies of the chase on ex- hibition AT THE OLD HOWARD ATHENE DM Boston Mass. (America's Oldest Variety and Burlesque 'Tbcairt) WEEK <W MARCH 33 CARROLL JOHNSON "The Minstrel Beau lirifnuncll." Neatest nnd mostgraccful of the burnt cork comcdl- nns. 1 le was the first to Impersonate nn ultra-swell coon, nnd still has a style that Is all his own. He always has the goods. Edward M. Favor and Xditia Sinolalr The people who press out worry wrinkles With their hot comedy Irons. They are pre- senting their smoothest sketch. VCmsnr's Angel.' with Mr. Favor as "Julius Crcsar Uufc Unrden, a cmshad tragedian," nud Miss Sinclair as "Julie (jotrox, on heiress.". BARONESS ELSIE VON RAWLY jV beauty from thifunnks 'of' fri6"'blne Dnnnbc, who Is the bright pnrtlcnlnr star of this week's burlesque. The Viennese belle whoso hunt, for her lulsbnnd has woo her so Dutch notoriety of Intc. If you arena admirer of blondes you'd wonder why lie ever ducked out. l'lissllilv her millinery bills bent his Income a few blocks, but you'd be willing to go over the Jumps If you could buy tier hats. TALKATIVE MISS NORTON The gayest gabber of them all. A. charm- ing girl, whose'"comedy chatter i» so'bright nnd hn-cny that she has won the name of being the cleverest monologue comedienne In vaudeville. TOBY LYONS lie's leading out some new "Illnkey Dcc- iels." assisted by those demure damsels, Wailys l'Msher. Kitty tllngliam, Nellie Hart- ford nnd Kitty Hnrtford. It'a no wonder the coal trust .weakened. HARRY and 9 AD IE FIELDS Thcfr dellhrntldns of characters as seen on New Vdrk'silCrlqt.Hldo.Breitrilc'.to life. Tile Hebrew enkrwalk they Introduce bus made them fnmotls. : ... RASTVS and BANKS A supple sou of Hum nnd a chnrralng Creole iclnlty called "The Ma It Ib swift In the bu- bclle lu a snappy speclnlty called "The Ma "' ild." perlatlve. Jor and the Maw TOSTER and "MIKE" Never was n more Interesting exhibition of what pnticncu will nccorapllsh In the way of iinlnml trnlnlng been given than that ills plnyed by l'i'Uf. h'osttr nnd his mimical dog, "Mike." MIACO and IDALtNE I'.ri-en'i lr In the extreme Is their turn. They arc uddlclnns from Oddvlllc. MAY LEON Here's aiiofher novelty. A little contor- tionist whose nsslstnnts arc u trnlneil dog and an educated rooster. Can you beat the combination?' ... ROBBINS and TRENNAMAN Will HdliUlils, "The (,'hatihcey Olcott of Vaudeville.'' and Shiy Tl'ennanian rt sweet iioiibretie, in a most attractive slnglug hpe- ehiHy. ' WIS STANLEY and SVLLIVAN Tbesc are the boys who wear Ihe ehnmplon- ahlp nicilnls fur clog dimcliig, nud arc open to accept all chullonges. PHIL MORTON As n singer of Celtic comtc songs he sweeps Ihe board. BURLESQUE Anotlici' lirlllliiiit Is nclilcd to oilr biincli of sparklers' this wee'k, ami Its lustre Is equill in that of uny we have yet found In our bur- lesque dlumund fields. There's not n fiuw lu It, It Is purfect in shape uud color. It's unmu Is WfcM" ...loe I'lelds y., ..Murk Wollcy Charlie llniullton ..Will Cnviinuugb Knfly "Kly.." Gladys tflabar V'erujibldj Nichoins hoehnttilbKI. Mike O'Brien... Alllo Tooty Huron o'l.lyun. Connie Itlley. Itosy Ames. . Uuby Uoynl.. ..Dot Davenport Lulu Keegnn liltiv Hartford Lillian Taylor Holly I'pp Mnrlc Oukland Hudle Liown. Kltly Bingham Mnnilc flwlft Julia Crosby Nellie Marl ford I.mi ni 11 mi si no I .111 Inu Houston Kfanccs Iloyt Dot King (.iicy Coy..... Maggie Dunn....... Julio May Ger.tle Arson Tvsslc Moore among sally:s ALLIES Ada ' riomer " ' Claire" Itoimsire Lizzie Kelly t.cnll La JOlo May Armalrong, Kminu Kussell Pearl Irving Klorauce Cnrlton May Arthur Mm Homer Kitty Stcwnrt Lotllo Keyiiolcls Addle Millard Irene S'lanuon (Jrucc Asliton Muy lliimlllon Lottie 'Nnvctre ■ Sybil Illvers Marguerite Mnson Margnret llowurd Mabel -Moore Kucy Lnwton The most mhgnlllolont sccnca.of. nrtlstlc reprodu'.'tlon.s ever iircsenteil nt-tlie Howard, mid this goes. Ail of our former visions or loveliness ore excelled. Twenty of the most perfect models the most careful search could ilnd art exhibited In the doaen or more pictures' shown. The corps of* poser* Is I ..... .... . I... ...,.,i.|... i |..uii.| I cvlnn In. ■ended bv the neerless 1'enrl Irving nnd In- cludes: libzlu Kelly. May-Armstrong. Kitty Slewart, Addle'Millard' and tlrncc Ashton. ALWAYS SONlfeTHINQ DOINB 1 TILL 11 V. M., AT TUB OLD BOOKINO AQENTB , , ' New York—Vynnjt, rorVc-sfe'l, VnudeTllle Association. (It. Jalnos llullrtlug, llroiidwny and 20th St. lioston—I'M. Kelley, 93 Court 8t l'less mill tor nnd photographs, for news- faper' cuts should be sent to Carl I). Lo- brop. I'resH Iti-firi'seiitii IIve. Aiclr-'H nil other coniuiunlcntlons, India!- Ing billing. !•» , WM. MoAVby „ Muungcr Howard Athcuauui.' lluaton, Mass. wimp, m mm, * . i." Soubrette; ALSO JUVENILE WOMAN. AT OHCE. W'rAe oiwlrej.' ',' '., m ASIILRV ni.SH "CO., t'leburnc. Texas. SUMMER SEASON. SHEEDY'S THEATRE SEW BEDFORD, MA8S. BIFFim STOCK CO. WILL UPK.V .linvilti. MAY tK WANT I'KOI'i.K In Ml liner; also scenic Arllit. Can uhi) several good plays. AddrcsH DAVIB R. BUFFINTOli, Sliecily'i* Tbcajrc, Fall Itlver. Mum. WANTED, FOR SUMMER SEASON, People lu nil line, Actors thai ilnulile In liritss, Concert People, Mu-lcisii-, lloss Canvas Man, Hill Posters. State salary first letter. Privileges for sale. Addrons 1VB. KIIIHLK. liT East Bill St., C'lni-lnnull. Ohio, or ss per route. PICTURE MACHINES. Kew nnd Second Huml Sicrco]itluons, I'linw, Song Slides and Siip|ille«. Pieture machines re built wltll all liniinn cincuis. lthcoi«liils nliv voir age. Mcolmiilcnl cimcts for nets made. Kxpcn repairing done. NKW Volt K FILM KXCIIANOK. N. l'OWKIt. Mgr., 117 Kussau St.. Now lack, Phono 38A0 Cortland. Three More Shows and Two Free Attractionsifor Indoor Carnival, AT SYRACUSE, OPBNIKO WKPNKSUAY, FOR TUN DAYS, TIIK I'F.HCY F. MKHAIUIKLUAKMYAI. CI). Harry Tracy, the Bandit. Tlie four act HcusHtional ilraoui of tho life of this il»»|iiii'iiilo, ivltli a'llhc line ut printing, consisting of nine dlifcrentstylos, by one of flic boat hoiisois In tile United Stales. Price for c.onipHule< playing small towns, $1U; towns of 10,0cm and upwards, Heml il.tHI ciihIi, Inilance ('. 0. I). WHIllllT, mtMUla Klont HI., JlmiKiiln, Minn. J I."i to fill BI.HA I WA|MTED, For WALDO ft 00. Railroad Shows, LEADER To furnish HANI) of Ten Pieces. Cmi nsu n few more First Clinm Act'. Address II. B. HAllltlHON, l»> « »>.- II ii I Mi n u. I'll I rug... 111. WANTED, MINSTREL PEiDPLE. Wanted', Musical Team unci. Strong Hml .Man or ItlAck Faced 1'enni. Slule nil .mil lowest llrst killer. Mlist be able to Join on wire. Summer nud noxl season's work to rlglii uoopte. I,. II. ItflYKII, Mgr. Who, What, Wficn MliisirelH^llrs/.ll. luil. "THE WANDERER," SINGERS, MUSICIANS, MANAGERS, I have a Moncv Making llnintu/.n for you. Write uillck. I'l.'lll.lSllLIt, P. (). Dux, Han, ' CJhicl uinill. oliln. Wanted,! Good Versatile Teams I (2 Ladles, ailelils), lliut can (loblls. Also, MAN with MOVING PICTURE or GHOST SHOW , TONY ABHTOBT, Loud on, Ind. Resurrection Manuscripts INTERNATIONAL PLAY EXCHANGE. ROOM 10, IS! I,A SAL LK SI'UHKI'. rillCAfiO. ILL. k\ Clarionet and Trombone AT LIBERTY. Travel or locate, out v tlie liest need uuswer. Ail drcss I'KltltY JAfK HON, Frederi ck, Mil. I AT Lli l«RTY, Minor, Comedian, with Kveelnllle*. : Address No. low FIN HI, A V .ST., C'IiicIiiiikiI, I). LIKE TO INVEST A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS IN, A liOIH) HllOW, AND ACT AH MANAUKIIOH THKAHirUKK. CAPITA!,, careofJ^I.IITKIII. Partner with $500 to $700 for Repeiiilra CKIMI'ANY Tor licM season. Time all hooked. In- viiriin'i'siiimiinii. riirlcilj IcKlllinntc. ■MIL IIAYRXI'IIRT.-J*! \V.HlliHt.. Now York. WANTED, Hustling Agent. j . HALAI1YOKIITAIX. HORMANl) 4i FOHII, Wortrilrr, If. Y. Briatest Side Show or Platform Attraction CIS' KAItl'll. A Two IIuiiiIciI Clilni'-n llockadolit, aiieiu Wt.; oulv MA. W. SKIMIK, 8 Yan Kurdvn Si., No. Csmurldfc, Mass. 50-54 Bowery, JS'n New York City. 7 ESTABLISHED 1858. OPEN ALL YEAR AROUND. WILLIAM KRAMEE'S SOUS, Piopriot ors-Managers. CIAS. H. MORLATH, • • Assl. Nan. and Treas. GHABLES E80HBRT, .... Booking Hanagfr. THE GRANDEST AND M08T POPULAR FAMILY RESORT IN AMERICA. Every Evening at 7.30. ' Saturday and Sunday Matlnoe. Grand Concert and Refined Vaudeville. OVLY A KEW AHTISTK THAT II^VK APPKA IlKIJ i • t '}' HAJIAUKT, PAGMAtt. MAUD VAYMON1). VJUTOIMA wai/ii;rs. MA,lin HVOKKT, until lunr, FISHElt 4 CAHHOLJJ, HIOKEY t NELSON, MR and M1IS. HUGHES, HINES&llEMINO'L'ON, BOYXB «v. (iBAHAM, DELAUR A DEBRIMONT, BNYDERA: BUCKLEY, THE MUSICAL CDLBY8, 3 HICKMAN BUDS., BAKER t LYNN, AMANN ,t HABTLEY, MHKE&OUDEN, DEA'N ct'JOSK, ■ STINSON <v MEKTON, THE 8ULT.Y i'AMILY, LLOYl) k WALTON, MEEKER-BAKER TRIO, BABTOjS « ASHLEY, LUTLE .t PHIL'^KOW, KAE * BR08CHE. rOSTifcCLIUCON, HoBBLDE .t GOODRICH, THEl'ANTZEl'.THtO, TERBYAi ELMER. THE KCMIN.S TRIO, KMTRL .t KESSNEU, LA\VRENO£ &. HARII1MQTON, JOE WELCH, HARRIDAN, SPARROW, STUART, MIKB WHALI.EN, FOX <V. FOXIE, EDOAR ELY, CHAS. LITTLELTELD, WILL H. *X)X. THE DE WITTS, THE BROWNINQ8, MoWATTERS * TY80N, CONWAY & LELAND. MABOE EOX, ELINORE HISTEUS, 1MOOENK COMER. MADAME FLOWER, MAROARET WOTT, MAMIE REMtNOTON, BISON CI1Y QUARTETTE, SWAN it BOMBARD, COLE & JOHNSON, PHOTO, .JOHNSON A DEAN, 'MAS. ROBINSON, MANLEY At R08B, WESTON ft YOST, RARTU8 A BANKS, :l KEATONS, THE BRITTONS, WILEY &HAM1LTON, THE BAILEYS, HOWE X : ROUTT, SULLIVAN k I'ASQUELENA HKRJIERT BROS., 8 FORTITNE BROS., LEE ft HOEY, BICE BROS., BELL TRIO. ford & Dor wesv, MOHELLAEVANH, RACKtTT .t HAZARD, AMOUR ft BAOULEY, THE LA YELLED, TBE DONOVANS. CASWELL k ARNOLD. lMNOOALEO, BEHNAII A MILLER, KINE ft GOTTHOLD, MILLH ft BEEOHEU, HEED ft SHAW, FOWLIilt&OO., OUVILLE ft FRANKS, ROBINSON ft ORANT, SPECIAL, NOTICE. Friday Evening, May 8,1903,45th Annlverr ary Celebration nn; nitAMJKST I'EiiKoKMinK i\ riiK'cirT, ;■,;. r.ll V\l DK.V11.I.IC NI AKM. 1 WCI HAM fC, 111 MlhlC 1AIVH. i • " i ; i . MM , i !■* - HEW YORK, PKltfBTLVARiA," OHIO and BAST Of BIB8I8BIPPI BIVBB OEHBHALLY. The Best Organization You Can Book This Summer Is Harry Nye's New Empire Minstrels, A HTItOKU COMIMJJV, KLKdANT I'lliKT I'AUT HKTTIMI, A HI'I'KHII KI.KC.THIO DIHI'I.AY, ••'I'll K I'MCIN l-IIIIKlKIt," Mil 01,11), llltll.l.lANT t II.MTUMKH. Addrttaa II \1H«\ NVB, llitoms Ml .. ml U, Maiihallan Tluuttre Ul.lg., N. Y. I K>. ai mwruKli i-Koi'Mv, nitiri:. 1-" 1 . ...' 1 . 1 ,m ^vu People l^iitKttfcctici ' • FOR HARGREAVES' BIG R. R. SHOWS, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. Aililrt'ss' II. 1,. UOW.MAN, UMaftr, I'm. TXr^J^'JJlsXL)* CI3E5CXJS FOIl POTTER & RICE'S ATHENEUM CIRCUS OPKNIXIIATI'AI'I'I'AH, KV..MAYII, U ITII PKIt.tltl IIIIOS.'IVMINIVAlJ d.. ! .. IllK Atrial Art, Jiiii", Mum, llioiliors, I'oulorlliitilsls, Miilu iiudlllili'i-, i!Iiiwii», 'l'ni|i.<, Hire, Juvuli-r*, HI''. All imiisI ilo'l'iio ,\i-is. Mlnleliilvci-f sslHf.v. Vim uny j'liur iiivii liniuil. All wsck hIhimIs. IIiiIIjIwih l*uii|ilo ntiil l^rlurum tt'siilcnlfiir Mlilwuy Mliutvx, Miller I'mnllv, Miirruluus Miilsli. Duns 'I'liuuiiiauii, Mlflner lliiillicrs iiuil IMily I'uiiiII.v, wrlti:. AdclniiH POTTER t BICE. 346 Wabash Ave., care national, Chicago, III. SIDE SHOW PEOPLE KiirliiiiKHiiiiiiiicri'' ni: no (rnvHIim; Hliski- C'li.iniirr H'llli simkiis; Mini Willi )», Fill Woman, l.ivliiK ski'ii-imi-, Krrnks of nil kinds, Mini Willi Tniliii'il Hour, Wnlliirc Art; Hlrnnir rciiliirn fur 0|H'iilnus. I,.nn-l -iiliiry llrxl li.'llcr. Ii.iii'i wHsl«sfani|i Willi lilic sfllurli-s, \aVIL.L. BUY A rnWMilliiiiilcssiliI MlutTL'it Suiiku It illn clicii|i. Write ciuick. CHARLES 8AUNDER8, Hf«4 Coin ml. ii t Ay*., Maw York. Wanted, All 'Round Comedian. fwiiirt iliuati.i' low: ujs sure. N»ruuin, u<> Huk- 'rjiAxrAijijii (iKifiiAN ncn m., -.. No M l.luo sit., Huiiliiiij, 1'a. Ma, ciiuiiNo, I'niin'.' 0. CODINO, MAXAHKII, .:',. lOOi W. 25lh Street. The Only Profetiionil Artistic Theatrical SHOEMAKER. I,nli-nf Hmluill Mllsiin. ciniiiil l)])hi\ih< I'iii'h. I.'iivelil iliircli'ii, For Repertoire, Summer and Next Seiion, l=»«»o|olo la-l All Llnua, Mnn wltll IMi'tiii'i' Mni'liliic unci yluy linrts, Hlii'fllnlly lenm to fiitttui'i'. KIiikIuij anil Dane- Ihk <.'oiiii.i)liiu, yniins; l.mi.v Hliiiier Hint pluys Jiinuitli'H, (,'luiriii-tirr W.iiiinii. Juvi'tlllu nn'l ili'iivy Mini, mill AI I'lillilst. Hulilfy low, nut sure. ItelietirsiilH April .1. I'M. Kuiiu. wrile, full nr wrlla HUH. IIIIIMMILVWHTOIJK CO., 84.'l W. 45111 St., New York Clly., i ./. ,.\. i *,,...