The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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124< THE "STEW YORK CLIPPER. March 28. THE GREAT OWN COMPANY. Managers!!! Artists!! Now Booking for 1903-1904. Only 7 Open Weeks Up to Date. Managers picnic luhtrcss all I'liiiiiiiiiiilcniliniH IJIIUICT, I am M)T I niei .-.1/ d in A N V OTIIKIl enterprise. All contractu must lie signed by SOLE OWNER AND MANAGER. $150 per HOUR. Ilmerlts, nt ten cents ench pu ma with n flrnt cIohb patented ami entirely JJKW NOVELTY wlili'b 1b a great succesa. Every i-atiltallHt, priuiiotoi- or iinmttement manager will be 11111H1 Interealed If he cornea to Hee working n new pwentcd nnd attractive apparatus, whirl will give KNOIt.MOIIH I'HOFITH In nny one who will put It on exhibition. The Inventor, Mr A. K. Rrnssct will mnke the demonstration every (toy, Sunilny ln< hided, from 3 to <i}:-iu n nrlvnle Hloie, 245 W. SIR III St.. New York, or nf nny time on Appointment. This Inven- tor, wlm Ih ji Frenchman, WILL NOT ANMWKR I.KTTKKH. TIIK WOHK1NO A1TA11A- 'ii is MUST in-: SEEN. Apparatus wllh fid sti-iiily poats giving one race every two Btnu les. line rni'e produces 50 X lucent*, eiiunl *f>. One every two minutes permits 30 rnces per hour.' .'III rnces ttt Jfi produce *loO per hour. Ten hours per day produce Sl,. r i00. Five months—1BO days nl Sl,5on—s:."jr,.(ioii result! by only one apparatus costing only MI.OOli, nml SOT Nia-KSHITATIKO GKKAT 1'LACB. XKITHKU KXKAM, MOTOR ANI> MUCH 1>EKH0NAL ATTENTION. The most beautiful, the mo*r esthetic and tlie most iiniiiHliig appnraliis of iiuiUBcraeiit ever known up to date. Splendid business to start In pli'ii.Hiire plni-cs. Serious promoters In request for syndicate to constitute. The inven- tion Is entirely per fueled and ready to be put on the market. WIN sell licenses for every pleasure place, 1). H. A., England, Italy, llelgiiiui, etc., or will sell entire patent. T PATENTED IWEXTOII. f 44", W. :11th St., Mew York. DUQUESNE GARDEHO Pittsburg, Pa. V OPERA SEASON OPENS rviAV 25 PRIVILEGES At a LARGE CARNIVAL in p^-.-,— , the Busiest and Best Money TO RENT I City in the United States, SCHENECTADY, R. Y., APBIL 16 to 25, 1903, SSoSK™ ('uncrossof IWioiis Fair and Cnrnival Company, wniTn nwK, Spiicn limited. Hcnil Odlce, No. ii Unzelle lliiilillng, Hclienceiady, X. Y W. A. J. FOSTKIt, lllrerlor. rVl l_i_EI. ALINE PREMIER LADY JUGGLER AND HOOP ROLLER. Address AVENUE THEATRE, Pittsburg, Pa., this week. THE 4 ELLSWORTHS, In the Society Comedy Playlet; M«i.ii!i' .Miirliui, the I It l It? Imiv with Hie silvery voice. I.lllle Miss lirace bus no equal an u coon shoutcr mid will win nnv mullein-". Week Mnri-li u, liockHiader'n, iind closed Hie show mid held them. Week ID, .si*r Tlieulre, lliiiiilllnii, Camilla; rr-fliKSKi'd week •£*. MICUM1AK. Oetrolt At the Oelroll Optra House (('. 3. Whitney, unuinger).—Kyrln llellew openm! l» i-iipm-lty luiNltieHH. In "A (ienlK-mnn of l-'ruiK-e." neck nf Murrli 111. anil the ntlcnil- iiiu-e conUiiuud nt high water mark during the entire engngcmeul. Andrew Mack, In ••The Hold Soger Uoy." week of 211. N. <:. liiMidwiu and Mnxlne Elliott, in "The Altar in' Friendship," week of ill). l.vciuiM tiikatuk (K U, Slalr, manager). —"The Volunteer OrgunlHl" met wllh a fair nieiisure of suucchs week of HI. '1'iic piece uiih well Hinged, nml the characters in cupii- lile" linuds. "Arliuna" week nt S3, lliu Four i'oIiuiim week of Ilti. Wiiitnkv Tiikatiib (E. I). Stair, uinun- • gert.—"On tbo stroke of Twelve" opened n week'H engagement in, to n packed house. The utti'uUnnce, both nfternooii and evening, was euornioilM. "The l.lltle Molhor" week uf '22, "A Kentucky Fend" week of 21). 'I'KMi'i.i: Tiikmiik (J. II. Moore, imiuager). ■—Week of Mni'i-li il.1: The Mnrreloiis Allios, iierolmtN; Matlln Keeue and Co.. In "Her Flint Divorce C'nse:" Kelly and Violetle, Muiul Meredith. Kne nnd llrosche. Hnilih, I inly nml t'oe, James Hlchiiiond Ulenroy, Young Ainerlciiii Quintet, headed by MhiiIi- llniii'iiin ; .toe Maxwell and Ills Fireman's Qululel. Last week'H bill whs first cIiihh. ■mil the nltcndnnce ufternoon and evening up to the limit. AVKNl'K TllUATHB (It. It. I.nuikln, mali- nger).—For week of 23: f.ydln Yeauuins- Tlrus, supported by I-'ri-d J. Til us, In the imisli-nl skit, "The Wrong Organ;" Harding nml Ah Hid, the Vive lie I.ui-ens, aei-obiits; .Mile, olive, Juggler: Agues Miles. J. l\ Nu- gent and Co., In "A 1'ecullnr Proposition:"' Tin ii ley ami Jnrvls. Will M. Ol-essv and lllain-lio Dayne, In Mr. Creasy'* "A village l.uw.vei-;" Anirrli-iiu vllngriiph. The hill for Ihhi week wns up to the usual slandnril. mid drew packed nouses. I,'Ml'I UK Tiiuvik I Dr. Campbell, manager!. —Hire & I In Hun's lllg Ex iriivugnuzii Co. ofl'ei-eil a pmd vnterlnliiineiit, to fair slaed houses, week of lr.. lleiitn-Santley Illg Ilnr- leMpie Co. week of 22, Don Ton Hurlesipn-t-s week Of 2U. .N'iitks. —The new Colonial Theatre. Cleve- land, was opened to the theatregolng public nf.tliHi city March 10. The Colunliil Is . nwiieil by llie same company that owns the Avenue here, nml will he booked lu iiiujutie- 11nn with It. hv II. II. I.nmklii. It Is clnlined that it Is one of the Immlsumest ami llucst m inuited vanilevJIIc lilnyliuusesin the country, lieu. A. I-'. Miii-Hli will inniiiige the new lioime. Mesnm. I.nwi-ence nnd. t.amkln attended the opening C. J. Whitney, llie veteran ii.aiiagei* of the Detroit Opera House, lies, ihingcrously III lit the home of his son, 1-". C. Whitney, of New York City. liminl iiii|ilil«. —At the Now Powers' t.t. W. Summer, manager 1.—"The Suburb- an." Miircli IT, played lo a crowded house. Crunk Daniels. Ill "Miss Simplicity," U>, Id S. It. (). .Coining: "ArUoun" 31, Win. l-'uvershiuii. In "lniprudcnre," 2S; W. II. I'rAne 27, "Arc Y'on a Masmi?" 2S, (inrdon- .Sliuv opern Co. April 2. Alum Held 8. liiiAMi oi-i:iiA llui'si; (Orln Slalr. maim- geri.—"Just Struck Town." March 12-1-1. iiluyed to excellent bnslness. as did "Down Iiv Hie Sen" la IS, t'nnilng: "A Kentucky l-'euil" 111-21. Jon. Murphy 22-2i'i, "On the Slroke of Twelve" 2U-2S. Sturm's Oi-iaiA iliii'Mi: (Mrs. W. It. Smith, iiuiiiiigeil. —Week of 111 llie Tuxedo (Hi-Is Iind n good week. Coming, week of 2,'t, the l-'reiieli llemitles, and week of !H), the Monte Carlo CIHh. •*-« Himni: isi,\m>. >*rnvlil«Miee,—At the Providence Open* H-otrmi (Felix tt, Wvodeisc-Uaeter, uiannneri. Foil ttUMiThe best bargain of llie season, While Tent. Good as new, 15x30ft., only used u weeks: 2 centre poles; every- thing i-uiuplete ready to set uji. Guaranteed every way. Will sell outfit, 25 dollars cash: l"i dollars with order, balance C O. D. Tent llox goes with II. Address, with stamp, Chns. K. Weston, 1^2 Spruee St., Lawrence, M bms. —;"Klng Dodo" proved a .strong attraction lbe ili-si half of lost week. Not so snecess- I'ul wus Htuait Kolison, in "A Coiaedv of Krorrs," which nnlshed the week. In fact, the house* were distinctly disappointing. Otis Skinner, In "I,BXai-re,'" the tlrsi hnlf of the week of March 2.'t, bad a Inrge advance sale. Kzra Kendall, in '"i'Jie Vinegar Biusr," l;i tit the house the Inst half of the iirei'l;. Millie James, in "The I.lttle l'rlnecss," the Ural three nights of next week, wltli.u Wed- nesday uuillnee. *■' liML-im; Thkatkk (Spltr. & Nuthanson, niiiiiagi-i-sj. —"In Old Koutiieky'Vwus the ni- trncilon for the week.ofMu: Road houses are drawn by "The Village l'ostmnster" this week. Nellie Meilenry -will be seen lu "M'llaa'' week of Jit). , . I.mi-kiiiai. 'TliEATnn-'(Folic 11. Wcmlel- scliaefer. tnaiingei-l.—Alice Flselicr drew well In "MrK."Jack n Inst.week. I.uurn Ulggur nlnys "Kiist l.ynne" all the week of 2,1. She Is followed by "At the Old Cross Roads." I'aiik Tiikatrk (Spitz & Nuthanson, innn- ngersj.—"The Minister's Daughter." week of 10, proved attractive lo many- people, and Ih followed this week by "A tiuuiUlcr's Daughter." . Kkivii'k I'heatrk (CluiHes Lambert, roslrient maiinger.i,—The IVtlte Flormlora (.'onipiiny heads the bill for the week of 23 Josephine Saln-1, the Three Ncvnros; tier- lrude .Mnustleld nnd Caryl Wilbur,. I^iltu Gladstone. Dongo aud I^o, Jones nnd Sut- ton, liiiliuir and Conn, Mr. and Mrs. llari-y Tliorne, Ad:ilr and linlin. I.'d. Mullen and his dog, and Hie blogrnph round out the pro- gramme, - Wkstmixster Titmrnn (George II. Iltit- cheler, niitiiagoi'if- -The Merry Muldens' Bur- les(|iiers, headed by Nellie lliialy. eiiterthlned the natrons week III. The Moonlight Maids Co. Is the bill for week of 23. Nutks.— Kddle (J. 'Wooke, of the "Sleeping Homily nnd the IteiiHl" Co., was. In the cltv week of !>, nml did some good work wliti local papers ^Charles Frohaum's com- pany, la "Kveryiunn." will bo seen at infan- try Hull Wednesibiy and Thursday, 25 nnd 2(1, with Thursday nintlncc. The pioiluellua of IIiIh curious old play made a decided Hie iiresslun -when given nt Siiylcs* Hall, ttrowa Vniverslty, it few weeks ago The sub- nerl|illon list for the stock conipanv season at Keith's, to begin April III, opened .Mon- day. 118, and there una been ll grnllfylug pn- troiingo. thus curly. Thcro will also be it Summer slock seoRou at the luiiH-rlal, the del nils for which have not vet been nriiuiKvd Among the Induce menls Mmiflger Uivcnberg offers for constant attendance nt stock compauy liei-fiiriiiimci'R la a souvenir book, giving imr- trulls nnd blograplilcul sketelies of the mem. Iwrs of the eompiuiy, to each subscriber who misses lot more than four weeks' perform- iiiu-es during tho season The Kninlre will uIho have « Summer slock conipanv. opening In May. A number oX cOpviiel'it royally plnj-» will b»^ nrotlneed.... .. Robert Milliard, who was at Keith's, In "The Ut- iles! Ulrl." the week of-111, on Friday af- ternoon, 20, producer!, by aiiei-lal rcnitest, u ffi? SSI. "'} l''«y.. .'•No.;-7l>3." wrlttesjHiy Mr. Illllliird nnd 1-Mwanl Holland, a niem- hcr of his rompiiuy. Isabel Mnrllo, n child nciress, t-nnio on from NerC.Ynrk'.for the iiei-fiu-maiiee, which was farornlily reviewed in rrovlilenee m iners. - - -— "^gV' e ; i , i n, - ■•. --, — Itarr nud Kvana Jlosed wllh "Uoalu the Lgoa" Co. at Colfluibus, u„ March i*I' ...; .»■_«. • Principals and Chorus apply direct or through Agencies OPEN TIME fAPl MAY SEPT OCT K « 27-4,11,18-714,21,28-5 Garden Theatre ***** March Time all Open. Address GARDEN COMPANY nil 1 Prick Bids;., Pittsburg, Pa. PICTORIAL LITHOGRAPH, FOUR COLOR STOCK PRINTING, WIU UK Ml 1,11 From One to Six Cents Per Sheet. METROPOLITAN PRINTING CO., >»a Weal Itnth St., New York. L WANTS QUICK, Property Man, Specialty Parts, Specialty Woman for One Part, Threa Nights Repertoire, State lowest, pavown. J.'C. WELSH, l. nnsfonl. IM., JH.aT.a itlllplianuPa^ao,31,April 1. AT LIBERTY, SPRING AND SUMMER SKASOV, Gordon McDowell, I.eadK or Principal t'omedj', Willi Speclallles. DOEOTHY WALLACES (McDowell), I.eiiils, Juvenile, Ingenues. 1IABY 1IOPK, Five Years* old: Pans and .speclalllei. Can Join nl once. Address liOllDON MeUQWBI.I- r«'>la, Kansns. "SHE'S A REAL SWEET GIRL." Professional Copy Mailed ■ Kree. FttKD W. KlNd XlUSIO L'O.. CHICAGO. For Hie FLOYD R. BRIGGS CO.. FIRST VIOLIN PLAYEB B^TJftt woods .t nniaos, Mlirull 311-Aprll 1. lltlnl t, Km. WANTED II OM, For the San Francisco Minstrels, lVi-fonncrj and Muslclnna Unit Double. Jliu Car- roll, write. Ariiln-s-. . JOHN IIAI.1., South Chelmsford, Mng-i. EDNA WOODS, LETTER II CUPPER OFFICE FOR YOU, Yours Arrived Too Late. Write Again. VIOLIN and CORNET AT LIBERTY. Al header. Kxperlenceil nil liraurhe*. Travel or liicnto. Can furnish small FAMILY CONII.. for hotel or reson, that Is an attraction. Foil SALE CIIKAP, complete Moving Picture Outfit. ^L. R. PKA TIIKH. Ilimklrlc, » . Y. POODLE DOGS FOB SALE CHEAP. Medium size While French I'ooilles, large alite While Itiisalau l>oodlt>s. large size Hlaek French Poodles. Very flashy fur dog show parades. Address M. A.MEKIIAX, Vila Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. WinteiLat Once, 6o9d Cemedlan, Sketch TEAM, Silent 'I'mn. any kind that ran ehuuge often. Tell all. IIOII HOLLIilKlt. write. OUKUO.N &1ED. CO., Qramplau, clcardeld Co., Pa. Al I. PEOPl.K EViAfiEll FOR THE ADVANCE OF TIIK WALTER L. MAIN SHOWS Pleue renert alfiKXKVA. OHIO, TIIIMDAV. Al'llll.'-'. All tlins.- who would ralhcr report at Sl'lllxt;. FlKMI,Xio*rin1towuliArrfll.4. acknowledge tills f » 'Ljj^'gf ^Jffi^^^ ^ AM. PKKSHNS KXUAC.Kll WITH The Walter L. Main Shows PIJ5A8E NOTE THE FOLLOWIXfl IXSTRL'CTIOXS: APRIL W, AT SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, Wardrobe People lo MRS. WAX TAVMIK. Animal and Elephant .Men to WILLIAM WiXVPP Canvas Men to JAMES WHALEN. iJroems and Drivers ro W. W. SCOTT. THE SHOW WILL OPEW OH Ex-soldlem, Rnera and olaers ■.fSSSfJSS^t for the Kpeelacle. re|iort at <-';>' i ,\ A 'ii I 1 ' PA IT P. 8. VISSER, on MOXDA1. APRIL 8. All otlicrs report on MONDAY. APRIL 13,9.M A. M., at SI' the heads of the dltrenl departments as follow*: All Circus Performers lo II. II. DOCKKILI.. Al. Hide Show,Concert ITIvllege IJftl*,"^ tlindv Butcliers lo WILLIAM ELLIOTT. Meilianli-H to DAS TAYUIH. The ptsslug nnS ^'iVlVlonV,'acknowteUwciil toJOIIX "OII.U Ctrclevllle, O. X. II.—I have forsale Pair Extra Flue Uons, also Camels. Propertv Men and Assistants to GEO. II. SIURIUT Train Men to JOHM B. DAI LY. * Chandelier Men to GEO. DAY. Ticket Takers and Ticket Sellers to 1WX McKEN'/IP' CsbersloMARK MOXROE. All other* to ■ C. M. 8TUIA, Sup',. e idiow trains will leave Geneva. Ohio, on Saturday, April 11, via Lake Shore A nig Four Ri«<h, fflliroturh Cleveland and Columbus en route. All employes that prefer to join in lleiieva rw ! \\ 8prlng«clil free. Acknowledge call to the heads of the different departments to fieneva, iihla, HONEGGEI World's Greatest Monopedes. A refined Daneing Equilibrist and Acrobitic Act. Only ono legRed team in tlio world iloing Land to hand stand and top mounting. AT LIBERTY after- May 4 for vaudeville and parks; also aeaRon 1903 and 1904. Address care GBAUMAN'S THEATRE, 7th and Market Sis., San Fniueiseo, fid; t 4 Emperors of Music 4 Have been SPECIALLY RE-ENGAGED with REILLY & WOOD'S Big Show. Have some open time in April. Address as per Route, or all Agents. €. H. UNTHA1V, TIIK \ It M 1.K-.S AMI\ IIKIt. Anirrlcati Represciilnllie, lllehiinl PIlrot.KF.W VORK CLIPPKRonioc. WANTED, A FEW MORE FIRST CLASS ATTRACTIONS ON PER CENT. FOR Retail Clerks' Mammoth Inside Carnival and Industrial Exposition. Columbu9,0.,April 2 -to ll,lnolusive. '. - CLARK O. DOUGHTY, Secretary. J. ALDRIOH KATHARINE LIBBEY AND TRAYER. CIIIOOT SAYS OF TIIKIK NBWACT, -TIIK WRITINU l,RS80N" A CLBVEK SKOTl.ll TIIKIK liKKAT S<IS(i HIT IS .: "ANNIE LAURIE IS MY SWEETHEART'S NAME." Published Iiv W. U. V \STEAD, 51 AV. Wh St., New York. SIX CHACMA BABOONS. TRAINED DOGS FOR SALE. Six fine, lienlltiy Olmctna llalioona, tiro 0111-1-4, one liljt Male lleaua, lug liolilcn llaliponn; oilier llalwini* large and uninll, Ant Kalers, i'acan^AKoatla Lemurs, Civet Cuts, Wild Calx, Lvnx, Ticnlota, Aruiaill!la>, Iladiiern and variety of other Animal* ami lilnls; also compleic Troupe of s'luire Ilrokc Iw^miil M»u- keya ilulutr nil up to ilnte tvli-ks. This liu-lmlei the best Hark .Somernault and Front Pool Dair in Ho' world. Prices riitlit for the ipialiij nf thla sleek. Fir-! i-ome tlrst nerved. No more preferred eitnnntei* for me (my last one hung inc up). .1.1,. ill'CK, removcil to 941) Oomniunlpaw Ave, jeraey city, N. i. KEITH'S, IM. Y., THIS WEEK. HENDERSON and ROSS Novel RurarComedy, "FUNN AT CRIGG'S CORNERS." InirodniJlIU Nit. 1IF,N1)EUS0\'S COMEDY HOUNDING TIGHT ROPK ACT. Manattrra and AurtlB i-nll nml fxv ns. Invite utlbrs Parks, etc-. Also Faree, Uoinedv or Vaudeville for Next Season. 1 Addi-eu KEITH'S, II. Y., or ALL AtlKXTS. VAUDEVILLE ACTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION For 1 lie rest of this season and Summer's engagement, and Al Advance Man who understand* llonkliis nml limiting. Write. MAX WESTON, Hotel Metnipole, HuiTalii, X. V. Money mire, llefcreiice, Marine Hank. ill II. ALL BILLPOSTERS ENGAGED BY HOWE'S GREAT LONDON SHOWS, REPORT AT WINTER QUARTERS, CENT0R0PUS. M0„ NOT LATER THAN APRIL 8. Pleaae answer thla rail liy mall. M. f'. COOK«TOV, Manager of Advnnee. \\T ANTED LEADING WOMAN For Kepertnlrc. capable nf playing 11 strong line of pnrts: Propenv Man that can act, lllnalralii! S""K Ai'l,High Class Vaudeville and Useful People III Hlllln»s. AdrireKS . •'■ T. II. IIAKIIY. Care of People's Theatre, Kvansvlllc, Iml. POSTER EJ0CRAVER and DESIGNER WANTED A-First ClasM Poster Kngravtr and Designer for all kinds of abonr work, from large.** stand' tu date end. Steady job. Wire, aletlng salary wanted, etc., ..=.-' 1; ■ .. _ COTJBJEU PBINTINO CO., Port iejden,. N. V\