The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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31AECH 28. TTIE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 125 OHIO. Ijivlnla Shannon, lu "Heyond l'arduu," two performances, 11), hid splendid business. *.,_Mnaa.<l.—Although tlie I^nten a*a- Jl""* i^ttl s Troubadours, -JO, 21, to good Cl , .. mlm'ill the nttJndance at tne local hmiaea. Coming: "Pickings Irom Kef »a ^,l«Tthe decrease in not an marked ''i^n former years, an* the managers are ^'^"'oraxd OmuHocm (Harry Rain- r.ith and Jobn llavlla, managers}.— h 8. wi lord in repertory, will open March 23. V ii. varlowc. In "The Cavalier." made a J ","'\irt imDreainon with the large atteml- *£Et w5>kWin- Kaversham March SO. "SSojrtOfB" House (David II. Hunt ?„»»rl —The Nelll Stock C'orpauy will man- Hnlr > "The Red Knight *-. »• •«-»■»«- I « «iisi given tbe company last week, In l.T na>helor'8 Romance* . ..- . rouJMHU Thbatmc («. C. Anderson, ..__TLe Girl Willi the Auburn fJSa'tne vaudeville bill 22. which Includes: Knnw ? s trained caU, Leroy and ClaytoD, ', nno and Ruasell, J. Bernard Dyllyn. Mor- seand Rid.. Bryant andjavllle, and Scott 85 Business fairly good. ... _ iv.rviT StbeBT Theatre (M. C. Ander V.M.M*.", n». «lrt. f« KIiaIIo r.,u.i-u Soldiers' Home Theatre. —"In Gay Pur- ls" came ID, to good business. Coming: Tbe Metropolitan Uurleaqtiers 2". ■ > Cleveland.—At the Opera House (A. P. Hnrtz, manager).—Kthel Barrymnre, In "A Country Mouse," Is the attraction week of March 23. B. 8. Wlllurd, la repertory, bad fair houses week ot 10. IjYckcm (J. D. Cookson, manager).— "Superba" week of SSI. "Peck and Ills Mother-ln-lJiw" bad good houses week of 10. "Princess Chic" week of 30. l.vcr.uM (J. K. Cookson, manager).— 'The Volunteer Organist" week of 2:i, with a good advance sale. "Not Unlit v." with :i Cleveland girl, Hermlne Schoen, as leading lady, bad the usual good crowds of this popu- lar bouse. "A Womon's Sacrifice" week of 30. Chase's Empire (Chas. J. Stevenson, SW £ iimick's Opera House (Heuck, Fennessy Sa Vans, and Le Page will complete the State managers).—Urothers Byrne, in bill. Tlie Miles Stovordnle Quintet was n k Stni new "Eight "Bi Is.'.'.nre booked 22. JUIlly greatly enjoyed act week of 10 is. Van profitable The Moto- 2ft. I'vnn and Nellie O'Nell last week did a girl's work was marvelously well done. Some i r ntnble business. "Tho Little Church of the work of Lit Nolo Bros., comedy gym- Xroiind the Corner" " LYCEUM THEATm Stair, umnngeis) seen In "Bast L| i'rcrtiM Thkatkb (Heuck. Fennessy ft Hebecca Warren will be vnne" 22. "New York Dny wo nasts, was tbe best ever seen here. The Empire's usual crowded houses materialized last week. Star (Drew ft Campbell, managers).—nice & Barton's lOxtravnganza Co. week ot 23. Jjiwreuce Weber's 1'nrlslan Widows bad good houses last week. Colonial (Frank Benl, manager).—Al- though there were almost a hundred artisans EDISON KIMKTOICOPK, Oil OTHER P1CTIIIK MAl'IIIXK. ALSO A LDTHFFILMSWANTKD. I'OASK. tare of N. Y. CI.IFTKH. WANTED—lllack Fire mid Irish Ciiiu-illans: alsngixHl I'anvas Man to take charge of lop. No Imomrs, mashers or kickers. Xo fare* advanced. Addrei* Dr. Thomas, -JKB Hld^c St., Lull Ward, Pittsburg, I**. DOCTORS AMI PEltKORMKKS-We want liiiitnri who can lecture, get I In- money audsell medicine; Fei formers In nil Hues, single and .'.ouble; Comedians, Magicians, Acrobats, (Jyiunasis, sensational Acts. I'onlorlliinlsls, llyp- nollsts, lllack and lliislcal Acts, etc. Those who have pleliiro machines and piny piano or iirgMli given preference. Other Musicians write, Slate all mil do anil lowi'iil salary hi tlrst letter. Dr. U. II. K earns, Dr. O. <;. Klweri, Dr. John l/i>, Dr. Win. W. (iiauglner, the I'oxes, John Fay.wrttc. We nay iu money. Ask tlio-i- wlio work for us. IION-lll - Id) DRUM CO., sw DrlggsAve.. llrooklyn. N, V. WANTBU-dciitlcuiuii Willi Moving Picture Machine and intuit; also Tenor Singer with Illus- ir.ue.l Song intuit . State evert thing. Cnnslmil Joi.. II.. care of I'LIPl'F.H oitlce, K.V I'. I'lay for churche s. ^ AT LIBERTY - LKaTKI-fit ami ttrTICR WUKKKIt. Ten years' exiierlence. Dress and look tlie pan. Cum p. Hull or street. Slmlgbi In Acts. Ticket, ir too far. Hit. «. II. KKAItX, Ueneral D e livery. Ilarre, Vt, II ■■IIIH Ml II Hll TKAM IM.MKIIIATKI.Y: also lllack Face and Irish Dancing Comedians. .Money sure each Sunday. Prepay your telegrams. All must change for one week. Dlt. S. F. DKH'KY, rninfoi il. Inliin Co., N. J. oy Day" <1!<1 a/a'lr business last week. "Ti '•'ploP^E's^TriEATRB (Heuck, Fennessy «iiir manogers).—The City Clnb Buries S , \1„ is due 22. iJtat week the Transat a tie- BurleBquer8 was patronized liberally, putting on the finishing touches to this beau 'i-r iV-ndero Burlesnuers 20. ttful house fifteen minutes before the doors t'nssip of the Lobby. —Elsa Buegger. the opened, the theatre opened promptly at the '-.liist was the soloist at the symphony appointed time 10, and everything was In i esrt at Music Hall, Friday afternoon excellent order. This speaks volumes for ri Saturday night Julia Marlowe the contractors and for Manager Heal, for ins the guest of honor at a luncheon given the building has been reared, furnished and Was 1U B '.. . ■„„,„,,,, Ttnolniiua \t<in. nnanwil In n ruirtni-Lnlil v alinvr ttmo The Vianneer Hunt left for New York last „•,.!■ " Lafnl operaUc aspirants will Is. civen nil opportunity to take part In me of the season's repertory operas nt Tester Park every Saturday during the Summer season.... ..Oliver Morosco, of 1 e Pacific const, president of Hie >elll- Vornvo Enterprises, who was here, confer- riTwIlh James Nelll, left for Los Angeles, J5r The mnnv friends of Admiral Nel- son' Foster were grieved to learn of his ili-nil«e In llonver, Colorado, where he had ,;„ue for his health. ,He was treasurer of Tleuek's Opera House for many years. His rrinnlns will be brought to this city nnd In- icrrcl at Spring Grove Cemetery. .. .James ItTlt^i ***■ "k r* m,• "tin _i__»i. -»- ■-*- - - j-j M ■'* nr« iur..^titr< \«». «i i.icuiuii, n*iiiiui,Li / . Nelll, Kdytli Chapman, Mary Kllzabeth toibea _ A „ (Ml a | 1<iw €nine t folP nudlences, at Ibis nnd Lillian Andrews, after the Hose of ■ the Nelll Stock Co. season at Robinson ■ diH'ra House will leave for Kurope for a i wo months' stay..... .Nellie Hawthorne Is here In conference with L. J. Uoderlguez. ailing manager for Julia Marlowe, in re will give two performances dnlly except Sun- day, and will vary vaudeville with the legitimate. Week of 23 another excellent bill will be given. i C'oiumiiuN.—At the Great Southern Thea- tre (Lee M. Iloda, manager).—"Hen Hur" had S. It. O. houses sold from 10-2S. limit Strkkt Tiikatiik {'A. (i. Ovens, manager).—"Enst Lynne" played, to a fnlr business, 10-1*1. lllack Patti comes 2:t-2.">. (ir.Axn Oi'Kit.v Hi h.'sk (A. (I. Ovens, nian- agcr).Wm. Bonnell and Hose Stall played, to large audiences, 10-21. Mrs.. Klske, In "Marv of Magdalu," 211. KnpiitK Tiikatrk (II. Wiseman, manager) A gmjd show came, to fair nudlences, nt Hit house week of 111. Hooked week of 211 Mary Hampton and Co.. Ellnore Sisters, Hie Mllleltes Family, I'cirrester and Floyd, Utile and Francis, Two Hoses, Ada Arnold- son. LITHOGRAPHS le. each any style. Semi f I for liu samples. llUuk Opera House Contracts sue. per 1W. Ilinv In Itu-nll.e M.lgii l.lll. YclllrlllH|lllsl, .Minil lteuiler. Hypiiolle anil ftu other iHioks. all for ">ue. Acme 1.11 hofn..-.".I! W. YiiiiliiirenSl..l'hii'iigo, WANTED - KKI.IAIILK PlttlPESSKI.VAI.S, Making oiieiilghi stuinls, to curry our line of Ail- vert isingKans, which arc sold to Druggists, Shuc Dealers, Hardware Men, General Merchandise Dealers, etc Out lit consists of an assnriiuaiil of 30destgi»t. Put In convenient shape localr.v: f:i per tlay can easily la' minlc liy giving Hie business a few hours of tour time each day. i.'Kti. II. J UNO k CO., loot \Vulnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio. gun to their proposed venture Into the mil- Akron ._ At tlie Colonial Tlicatre (S. slcal """"Jy," 6 '^"" SW'iVeu 'lii e Vail, manager).-(Jeo. Hall. In "The An proceeds of the benefit to taJJWWJJ , ( .„ n ' Hustler.i' pleased a fnlr sized audlc Arlmnn. the crippled child dancer, will be Viarch io used to scud I wne to Denver to help re- • til ore her health. • t ■ Toledo. —At the Valentine Theatre (Olio Kllves, manager).—Frank Daniels, a *reat favorite In this city, presented "Miss Simplicity," to capacity, March 10. "Tlie Suburban." a splendid drama, had good re- turns 20, 21. Jefferson Dt Angells conies 23. LvckIiH TttKATKB (Frank Burt, manager). —"Superba." week of 13, had S. It. 0. nt <very performance.. Mason -and Mason, In •nutlolph and Adolpli." 22-25 • "The Little Church Aiitiiml the Corner" 20-28. Kupiiik Tiieatub (Max Hurtlg. mnnn- Ker).—"Qito Vndls." the most pretentious production given at this theatre by the stock company, was produced 15 and week. Cos- 1 tunes, scenery nnd stage settings were fine. All members of the company did flue work. "The Nominee" week of 22. Aiicai»: riiKATUB (Cooke & Oreene, man- agers) —Business Is good. Week of 22! I.e Nole Bros., Al. Lawrence, Sir. and Mrs. Murphy, the Three Sisters Mncar'e. Weston iiim! Allen. Eugene Hllsworlh and Madge Hurt. Edith fl«lene, Wlncliermann and bis bears and monkeys. I'. 1 itr's 'PtiE.virr (Frank Burt, nintmger). —"A Kentucky Feud" gave good sotlsfac- ibm 15-18. "Down by (he Sea" drew pay- ing business 10-21. "On the Stroke of Twelve" comes 22-25, "For Her Sake" 20-28. I Canton.—At the Grand Opera House (IL C. Hnrter, manager).—"A Poor Relation." with Horace Lewis, came March 1(1. to light business. "Eight Bells," 17, bad good slzwl midlcuce, and "Under Southern Skies," IS, pleased fair sized crowds, while "Down Mo- bile." 21. came to n fair house. The Cook- i bore* Stock Co. week of 23, with the ex- cepilnn of 24, when Mrs. Flske plnys "Mary '»f Magdaln;" Joseph Murphy 31, "Tho Vil- lage Postmaster" April 2. Uaiiiikn Thbatbb (Frank P. 8pellmnn, manager).—Maude Heal Price was the'head- Ibier week 10, and the others were: Chris- topher, the mngiclun: (Jrace Sllllan, Patched mid Clifton, Lee Ingham and Jack K. Wal- ters. HuhIiiprb rouged from fair to good. -Notes.— Alexander Pollock, of "Under Southern Skies" Co., was entertained while !"*"? ,, *.J > ''' IInrr T A. March.. The Ma- Jcsllc Trio irhilllps, Nlner and Floydl Joined Uloiidell's "Ccntro of the Karth" here Jti. 'ElRiit Bells" IS. a Auier- ntllencc Human llenrls" had two big houses 21. The Ten Iehl Troupe comes 23, 24, "Zig Zog Alley" 25, W. II. Cruue 20. Grand Oi'kua House (T. K. Albaiigh. manager).—"Weary Willie Walker" cuini) for 1IJ-1S. "The Spnu of Life" drew big houses 10-21. "Down Mobile" comes 23-25, ••'Ilio Village Parson" 20-28, "Alaska" 30- Aprll 1. Miinxflclil. —At Memorial Opera House (Bowers & Mlckley. managers).—The lllon- dells. In "Through the Centre of the Earth." hnd good ntteuihmcp March 13. Lnvlnla Sliiinuon. In "Beyond Pardon." satisfied a fair sized house 14. "Joshua Slmnkins" hnd a topheavy house 17. Wine, Woman and Song gave no uproarious show, to a medium audience, 10. "Under Southern Skies" satisfied two audiences 21. Coming; Adelaide Thurston, lu "At Cozy Corners." ■24 ; /.r-li & Zarniw, In "YAg Zng Alley," .20: Al. Martin's "Uncle Tom's Cabin," 28 ; Cook- Church Co. week beginning 30. Meiiiien vlllc — At the Ornnd Opera House (O. W. It. Lips, manager).—''Down Mobile" pleased a fuir sl/.ed audience March 1(1, making a special hit with the fire scene. 'Alan to Man" played to n small house 10, giving n verv good performance, llnverly's Mlnstrjls will play to S. It. O. 20, as the house was sold out before arrival of com- pany. "Fogg's Ferry," matinee nnd nlirht, 21 ; "Looping the Loop" 23, "The Village Parson"' 25. Stetson's "Uncle Tom" Co. 31. Zoiiosvllle.—At Schultz Opera House (II. W. Hobs, muiinger).—The Cook-Church Co., week of March 10, drew fnlr sized mi- dlences. Coming: "Tyranny of Tears" 24, Black Pattl 2-1. Adelaide Thurston 27. the Bonnclls 28. Mason & Mason 30, Eugenie Blair 31, "A Desperate Chance" April 1. ♦ < » LOUISIANA. Nptv Orleann At the Tulane Theatre (W. II. Howies, manager).—The grand pro- duction of "Julius Ciesnf," us presented by iiicbard Mnnsllcld and bis excellent com- pany, pleased cultured audiences nt this pluvhoiisc week of March 10. Tlie reception accorded Mr. Mansfield and bis splendid com- Finny must have indeed been gratlfylug. The .en'len season was unniiestlouiibly a biff draw- back to this engagement. Tbe Itogers Bros. _____ - _____ nre underlined for week of 22, to be followed Yonn.r......... ,; ,., T" , T 20 by Lulu (Baser, in."Dolly Vnrden." (Y^w«,H u S^S rn '~ Kt the Opera House Cimaen Thkatkh (W. II. Bowles, mann- HSVSLiB* ntanager).—CheBtcr De Von- ger )._-The Heart of Maryland" opened week Kernell lii. i?ii« A 't 1u " ■■.'.' .' •"", OliAND OPB1U HOUSE in. ureenwuii, uiiio 'J;',* ''lyeDc Luccasand klnetogrnpb. „„,..—fi eo- ober, the popular comedian ' i Hi \tl rt k x?^ 23: r M ». taw SH anS $"; 35 supported by dashing Carrie Lamoni Nww rth Mn,^ 6 !" 0 ?' , r <?,V'?! D Z? aaer ,i Jnl 'S an" <"« '' ol,8e B,ock (--opapany, oijened week vim, I ' Maclt an<l EHlott. Newell and of 15 mntlnee and n gut, to S. It. O., nnd W *& I S3R2L«3* "'H', 1 "" 1 , k' net08, ''} p 1 1 ;' K<*»1 inShSSTtolloweJ all week "A Mid- Ing S™ rt,r WiSSS lR h . ere ' vUlt " *Sm »ell" was tlie offering, and the entire ntthliil i , ,'. ,!cl Myers, road maungcr ,., iul nany gave an excel eut uccouut of them- rlend/ „^. nnd Ie ^ onCo " lBnere 'B roet ' n ' : se ves Tom Keoiigh, Geo. Ober, Wilson ,???• ant \ s ?°n leaves for an extended rfeni Estha Lyon. Lizzie Montgomery, Sue .' t.rX'nM„ lrlp « 'i the lntcrp8t nf vaudeville, van 'Dum- anil Carr e1 Umont were ueserv- iX. ^" ne Wel * f & B»»h. !»'» intention i-J n f sneclnl mention for clever work. For ls>lng to secure new and novit net. week X*' (Mr. ObeVs farewell week). "Slaves of Biissla" Is the bill. The stock co. has "Under Sealed Orders' In rehear- sal for week of 20. St. Chaki.ks OurmsuM (Cbas. E. Bray, manager).—Business at this popular vaude- ville house continued good week of 16. when n splendid bill was presented, and won the performers well merited npphiuse. Die Mil for week ot 23 Includes : The Colby family, Vorke nnd Adams, Olllett's musicol dogs, Mason Keeler ond company. Albert hnrtelll. McCue and Cahlll. tbe Great I-afleur, aud new moving pictures. — ._ Note.— The death of Ann Magregor. In California, was heard here with much regret, she having played here two WitwM to Baldwin Co., and wns a big favorite with ■ se cure new and novel nets. l't,m'i!!o 0,- " At tne Auditorium (Lewln hnri „ ' , m |>nager).—"Audrey," March 10, I'/LK b !, ls vl* S9 ' Coming: "The Irish ■ aunbrokera" 17, llobson 18; "Lost Blvcr" ns wo Jl 1 ' 1 '•♦.fonpleted by next September, " » 0 wwen will begin In April. inS ygr-At Ute Victoria Theatre (C. O ^ l ^5^»?S n ^,Vatrs^n; the^esee^Wna tr ons. " i'».,I; •. " Uhl Troupo 27. * ... ! t. 1 mii7^JE** B»J M B5 ML Felcht, mnnn- — Mme. Fmma Kames-Slory. who I. 'rV l ;io" ,l ' a r[- Wll » e wi..l.n "A Thoroughbred wiirerlug frnm iiervous prostration, JiiiiiiL" mw.-~2 1 ."• ,u « 1 iioroiigiiiimi nuiieriws i»< .«...- has been bus al- WANTED, for Medicine Co.. A No. I sketch Tenia; 00c muse play piano or organ, Ixilli do singles and doubles; work lu acts; change formic week. Salary sura every Sunday In people wlio arc O. K. up lu medicine biz. Must tie lady ami geiitlcmuti, solier anil reliable, good uppeumiiec, earnest workers. Could use 1'lalio Player ttolug Muslt-al acts. Others tvrlle. liicoiii|>etenls closed without uollcc. Address MOK. SKW CXXtVRV CO.MKDY CO., cnrrollloii. llo., Carroll County. a<;i:\t wawtkd uiick, fuk HlSSKl.I.'S COMK.niA.NS. Tlirrje Nights and Week Stands. All kinds of Special Paper 10 work with. Route hooked. Ite- mcmlicr, this is Lent, so make salary accordingly. We pay expenses. Will advance iraimpoilotioii. Address AI.KKKD J. HI'HSKI.I,, Carlyle, III., 1111III Sunday; Klora, HI., March :», Ml, April in. ■ WANTEU, Tor llnppy Hob Knblnsnn's Con- gress of Vauiicvlile Stars, Ibiud ot six Mouth- pieces, to dnutilc orchestra; any good hcI, sull- nii.e Tor Vaudeville Show, under eanvas: Agent that Is a Im-tlei, ami tiiiiterstands bookliig; per- formers iloulilliig lu band given preference. No Imozer nt- cliBHpr. iImiii it mind renderj. One to four ilay« iu each 1 own. Travel by rail. Furnish board mill iritii-poclitilon. No Hekets. Show siart> inlilille of April. All lelterato heaili|iiarters, Hqppy Hob Holiiiisiili. Iliild Knob, Arkansaw. IjI 1VC W1TI1 SCKXKHI AND I'HINTINd rl il J '" Leaso 011 Royalty. Itrs|K»ii»llih> ■ ■"« 1 w parties only. Plays for Stock Thea- tres ami Repertoire Cos. 1'iitys iHiugli], nnd sold, re- written unit lu order. Attractions now booking. Local managers l'ciin., W. Virginia, N. V.. Conn., Murvlaml, .terse v. Ohio, send In your open time. Wanted, Stock Theatre, for the Witiuelt Slock Company, controlling one thousand plays. Woubl ulso entertain ptoposltion for Theatre to bu ile- vutedto Vaudevilli'. Aildress all comniDiilcallons T. II. Wliinelt, Suite UM-fiOU, Kulckeiiiocker Tlicu- irc Hldg., N. V. City. Phone, No. IIII mill SI. Cubic undress, "Iblent," K. V. Hei|<l for "The winiieii" I p 111 Hate Calender. For First Class Attraction, COBIEE PROPERTY, Witll liril.DIXd, TKNT, Klc, occupied liT Un- lock last season, oil Stale llonlevuril, (ItKsi'KNT IIKACII. facing ocean, next Stale lluth House; upuosllv It. it. Slation. Steam ami Trolley Curs, Tic. fare from Boston, Lynn, Klc. Apply lo i;. S. cikiDWIN. Pox tela. Ilostnii. WAXTBD, PUTNAM'S THEATRE, RICHMOND, VII,, Serlo Comics, Sister Teams, Specialty People, etc. Address t. W. PUTNAM MANAGERS, LOOK! A ileal Sensational Feature, I'l'itVlS' \l AltV KLOI'S AMMALACHObATSund AtTDIts, the most Novel and Accomplished Dog and Monkey Act of 1 lie day, barring none, and this Is 110 idle boast. After April 1 all time open ror Parks, Coiii|utnics, Klc. Address liOH ITRVIS, -JKtt Collngo drove Ave., Chicago: permanent, cure of CLII'I'EH. For Sale Cheap for Cash, Ml. IL T., Skin. M. P., all poles, Slakes, Hopes, Lights, 11 lenglbs ; Her Seats, large .Munpie, Ux •Jtlft., Portable Slage.r, Drops, Si-envry frame, cloth for iiuiskltig In stage, Reserve Heat l.'urlullis. Out- lit complete, ready lo set up. Cull !«• seen any time. Address J. C. IIA.NK&, Dowry Cafe, Syra- cuse, N. V. madm mm mm. Afteruminsat 2 ami Evening* at S o'clock. Doors open an hour earlier for a view of the Manage! tc-, Warships, Kreiiks, Prtuliiites, etc. Ml l-HEK TICK.RTS TO ANYONB. BARNUM &6AILEY GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. America's (inly Ileal Itcpreseulalive Show. ■ 'resenting tile M oinlers of the Kailli. 3 Cirrus ( ompaiiles, '4 .Ttcnogr 1 le«. I1I1'I'«I1)HI»IK. AKHIKI, KMI.AVK, SPKlTACCI.AKPI:KI,COK,llAl.l.r.ltV(lr'l''HKAKS li.VK IHVIlUl.l) HTAllTLINti ACTS. CVCLO, the Kinetic llviiun, PATItlOTIC KXIIIIIITHlN (»K It. S. MKN-lH-'-WAII. 3llKI(l)S<il-'KI.KI , ll.\N'TS,«DKOVRSOK0.\MKI.S. HAMV KI.KI'HANT AND UOTIIKIt. 2 JilltAKKKS. SHALNKST IIHHSK IS TIIK WOltl.l), JHMI'ISI! imitSBS, I.KAI'INO I'ONIKS, DKSPKKATK llAUBS.aV.MXASTIC KKATS, ACItO- HATH' SHRI'ltlSKS. AKKIAL WOSDKMS. TUM- IILINIi AND LKAPIM1. TRAINtCD ANIMAL. KAHIU1TIOV. Riles! Colled loll nf (pnnlriipeds III the World. Oierflowbig vrllh New Attraction*. Two l'eifni oi«nr>.» Dully, ul ( iV » P. M. 1XMIIIS OI'KX AN Itiifll KAIII.IKtt. Admission to nil, IneliuHitg nilliilH'red seat, 2A and .vi cents, tiiitb and '.'Jlh St. eiilrniiee* only). Iteserved seats, T.'i cents, ft and tlM, iiecordllig lo location. (Madison Ave. enirnilee only). Private boxes, six seals, *|-J anil $1.'>. Single bog seals, $'.' ami tL'..V). Itox oilier now open, .Madison Ave. entrance, trout 11 A. SI. low P. Al., for advuueu sale of scats from (I npnunl. Xo seals reserved by telephone. WANTED, HUSH, DITCH AND III.ACK l-'ACH COHKDIAX. tlOOl) DAXI'KK. Drunker, chaser ami cigaivllu smoker save your Htainps. Do you waul 10 Join 11 gotnl eoni|istiy ? Travel long season in small towns. Your money sure every Sunday. Your salary, HI week. Write i! nick. II. AXTKLOPK. Kmislmir , W. Va. Al Comedian,, callable of doing all Hie Comedy with Medicine Show; one ami two neck stands; Al Orgaulsi st read hiiiI rnke ami work In acis. All people cal mid sleep In I cuts. Open April M, Ticket, to people I know. Answer by teller, slat- ing rull pui■iiciiinis, wlih lowest salary. Address .1.1'. \A0Klt.iH4 Wiutldiiglou St., Louisiana. Mo Orator ami Hide Show Manager, at liberty. I'oi- inerly wlib Htwlock, Turplii Kxposliloiis and Car- nlvals. I deliver Hie goods. Mil. (illKKX, las Market HI., San Francisco. Cat. A No. I Clarionettist at Li High and low pitch. First class engagement only. Address. K. P. WIHTiOMII, 01 I'nsliley Ave., Trenton, X. .1. WANTED, for the Wixom Bros,' Wagon Show, Two Comet I'lurem; also Itariione, Alio and Slide Troinlioiie: also a Cook, and lo liny 11 Small Hand Organ. Aildrots WIXO.M IIKOS.. Iluticruft. Mich. Casino UIIOIfHiyP l.iri'INK.tlic (treat Lip Inexhaustible. lUoltlrlllO. A hardens the lip* like wi- lier, enriches the tone, ciirea sore lip*, etc.. ami nave* the lungs. Hv mall If. and We. Circular Free. TIIK LIPI'INK CO., 411 Park A ve., Canton, Ohio. wanted, performer 'lit it fitkes orgau. Uust open Monday. Adilreei UKHHA.N MKD. CO., Cratiford, X. J, .Managers and NIXON .V PHODICTIOX, 11 roadway )uithSi reel. Tclephonn tllliil—'Jaih. MATS. WKI). and SAT SAM S. aud LRU Sll UIIKIIT..... MKSHHS. SAM S. cHIIHKHT /.IM.MKUMANS HKAITH-'CI, "A CHINESE HONEYMOON." ww,-, m ^Ltr1 StJUAiti: TTIllATUi:. lll^lMlll snm S. Sbnberi, Muiiager. Mnlhiees Weil, mid Sat., ul 'Hi. UKACIC UROUGB. IN FIUXCI8 AYJIAH MATflKWICUn'E ST0KY l>F Ol.ll LDXIHIN TOWN. PIIKTTV 1'EIIOV. Coniiuiliy liii'Hide* ItOIIKIIT LOIl.MXI-:, AXNIK WAItl) TIFFANY, and Ik) Others. DDIVPPBS "'«'") It -"-"I' !*• T.-l. -J4S-J Mail. rninlillDO Mats.,Tluir*. A Sut. Messrs. Sllllbert nmli'liiis. K. Kvans Lessees, AMELIA BINGHAM I'UKSKXTH IIKit OOMI'AXY IN The Frisky Mrs. Johnson. HyCI.VDK FITCH. . HVItRAT liii.1. THKA., Lex.AvO.AOI SI Hvetilugs a.14, Matinees ••. Hue block oust of tli'iind Cenlrul llnpot, I'HICHS .Til "k F.Alt Henry V. Donnelly SKM-k «;o. MAiui: cm I&TfHEE 25c. EVEBY DAY. KI.I.I'S POWIOIIFt KVF.MMJ atf-as-M I. II HA MA, PASTOR'S Df.yy.eY SORROWS OF SATAN. Week March :», I.IIYKKH' 1UNK. Ily Clvdn Filch. Continuona Performance. TOM I.HWIS .<; MAM RVAN. (J F.N AltO .« TIIKOI., UINK A I.OTTIIOLI), Fit AVIC (I lltm.N, TAMCO'l'T, tuna Slllgei-l Hodrlx .V I'icscotI, Dan A Dolly Mann, orvllle ,v Frank, Wanl ,1 ibiyiiioud, Hullo* /.clla, WlllbiiiiTomkliis, The Harnells, - Kohhtr A Murloii, Tm velgraplileiui A the Vltiigni|ib. TIIK .Vlmlnee Toilll). Irwin Bros.' Burlesquers. "KNKIIT' CHHK." T BI... ****-* _"HHKAT NOVKI.TIFS." B. F. KEITH'S Iaterimlluiiitl Circuli. Theatrical KlilerprlscH. K. F. AI.IIKK, (leneriil Manager. IIIMII CI,Ass VAI'UICVILLB, S. K. lltiHliliDX, Hooking Mtiimgrr, Assucintlnn of Vaudeville Maunders, St. James Hldg., llrouil- way and ailli St., N. V. Huber'st *V Museum OKI). II, IKHKlt, Piopi. WANTEU AT AI.I.TIMKS, Living Citrlosllles, Fteaks of Nil til 11'. nlso First. Class VillldDVllle Acts for'flieaire. Address J. II. AXDKItsiiN, Manager. WARNING TO MANAGERS. THE FREEZE BROS. Are the originators nf spinning and Juggling Tain- bourliie* oil lliiliils, Knees, Head nnd Fuel Silllill- tummus. Act copyrlgniedaiiilpaleuleil. Tho JUU'krl t Fiimiljt. HBKATKST OF AU AKItlAI, (IVMNASTS AND AVKUIIAtM, iiavb a fkw OPKS HATKS. _Ad»Jre»*_IHIANII ItAI'lliS. Ulan. mm nut 1 INTIIBIK OPBRLTTA, •I A JAPANESE COURTSHIP. FlltST WKKK I'HOVF.D ITS SUCCKSB. MAXAOKMKNT O K AI.BKHT HUTU KKI.AND. CORRIGAN I DOVE, 3d_Sea$onjyilhJi Henry Mipslrels._ A NOVELTY, NEWTON BROS. In their original 1: dy entitled "MIXTl/ltK." K11 rinile (i'oloii's MiiislivlA. Zeima Rawlston, How On Tour to the Coast. This week, AVH.STK. Plttsliitrg: next week OI.VMI'IU, <;iilcugi>. Address All Agents. Per. uildrcss T4 WKHT iWlh ST.. N. V. <-'. TWO IS A '•('OI'I'LB," THRKK A '•DIVOIlOK." This week: ATLAHTIl! IIAIIDF.X. X. V. Next week: "ATLANTIC OOKAX." THE MUSICAL H0LBR00KS. Kiatirueluglhe I'HHMIK.II l,ad\ Suxaplioltc Soloist miilMr. Holbrookilie WDXPKlt. Aildress Care of F. A. MILLS. Is We«l -jut11 St.. New York. it BANKS' IDEAS lV No. 6 Jtlsi Issued 11111I Hie llniiium of ilieiu nil. II eiililuluss Parodies itlie lies)), II Moiioliigues (one for ladvi. Cross Talk. Comic Kpltiiplis. TOiisis, Sketch for tjiiurlet, Knd Hugs. Sketch tor 1111. If.: Keelliilloli. Short lings. Palter, etc., enough 10 pud out iiiiv an. This iiiink.wiil make a imti act good BANKS' IDEAS No.6 ami a good net lietler. It Is the largest I ever put out, tun the price Is Hie suiiie—.Vie. Per (Spy, Kverv line a till. Nothing Old or Worn Out. one page' alone north four times Hie price charged fin- all. If you use lay work ton know all. if not, gel 111 Hill'. Ideas Xo. a, Met*. Hot It books for Nile, IIPS HANKS, '."Jl Loekwood Si., Providence, It. I. it BANKS' IDEAS i: THB GREAT BURDICK MYST15RY. I Acts, a Mules, a Females. Klillirl) orlgluul liluv. Written iiiiirnni tliedrcul llutruloTrugeilj. WANT TO IIUY IT! Address FRED B. MOULTON, Arllutflon Hotel, llnille, V, V. HAND TO HAND ACHOUATS. Kail WKKK • ■ - - MAM IK FLKM INf) t.U FREDERIC LA DELLE, mML ■ na*—»^ M , m ro •SIIK I.F.t Fit DKroNK'MlieysaylsgoiMl al lining tricks with "a of irood." Per, nil,, CLEVER CONKEY, 1184 W. folk Street, Chicago. SARANAC LAKE, N. Y„ HAS OPEN TIME IN APRIL, MAY, JUNE, FOR GOOD ATTRACTIONS. Can pluv one night a neck 10 good business. Kvcryihl'iig bus plated I). Ilcsi scutum hi hlslorvor house. II. A II. It. it. Imve lurge gung or men working here. Xo minstrels for Iivuyears. Wrlto or wire, _ F. M. JAl.'KSOX, Malinger. Wanted,Jay "&, M FIRST CLASS MUSICIANS For a I'Jto 14 piece Hand. Mosl ilonlili luoli hcslrn*. in play al park. Hacked lit the foremost electrical rnliwar coiiiliunv In ihe Inlleii Slates, Pay s 11 in all sen-oil. Hooters uinl kickers nciid not apply. Address CHAS. A. IIALDWIN, AlidiMson, Hid. AT I.I HKH'l'V, for Siinitner and Ncxl Season. VICTOR E. LAMBERT, I.RAIM or IIKAVIllS, four years repertoire, five years Htnck, four years of one nlidit-; will eiiiislder oilers niilv from Muiiagors Willi reiiiitalloiislliat ■•1111 ami will pav for I lie goods. Adilrnss nit com- iiiunteiiiIons cure uf t-HKIi, Drntiiiille Ag'lll.t'llleiigo, III.. Annul tl|HTn House, Trap Drummer and Clarionet Player, Limit season: join April i; iiuiiin lowest salary. FiirSaie,4li'ligllisof Deserve Seats', High Dive Lay mil uinl Xel cnmplcle; siifl. Telil, small Tents cheap. SIN IIIIOS.' SHOW, Ai Mn T mt Kontrtk. V* . At Liberty for Summer Engagement, VIOLIN (lead , doulilo linrni Ti op Driini. iiiee. (nil fiirlilall orclie.liu fui re.oii, A. Me('ANN,_AMiUt.irl«ii». Klttlli'w, W. V. AT LIBERTY FOR SUMMER EN6A6EMENT, THE DEMERGES. -'Kloimr," Cliiuarlcrs und Heavies; "Deni," I'liini Lcailer i(.'oriu-l|. \Ynrdr»l>c mill ilblllty. _ FltKHH ItlUK.MarrllllHl. GET OUT OF THE RUT Deliver the Goods and Get tlie Money. Monologues-, Dutch, Irish, Jew, l.'ooti, Itulie uinl Kid, Sac. each, six for ft. Sketches from #1 10 ♦'•0. le. stamps taken. Address (iK(i. II. AI.I.KN, _Nil*M K. *i«I^SL,Ji.'ow Yurk.ttlly. WANTED, " . ('oiiil)iiiarnHi Diniiiu iiml Kb|iin^ Cur, Slxiy-llvc or seventy reel long. Will piy spot, utsh ror same. Hlale run nun Iciilurs. ■fllF. «1. DIlVAIII'F,. HiilHnulon. Knn»H» . $100 GUARANTEE For Good Farce About Mnv 1. S'linr ror I'atrlolle I'lay May lloit.c m- wlv relllled, lleildv to open April '.II. LOHI (H'KIIA IIOUSK,, Ohio. CAR FOR RENT trucks; large cellar for In It bath T-trt, long, piis-cngiT eipllpuieni; si\ wheel ..r liuggage, Mircc slate roinii-, largo parlor, dlnllig room, biuret, klleiuui ■ '..i... iniNV |.......i, a ,....., n<>. fiiriilslicd couiplele throughout. Kspcclnliy cipilpticil for n S'iMIl or traveling Specialist who can afford luxury, far now In .Minneapolis, .('nil give biniiedluie jio-si ssloti, Write or wire J, T. II. (JLAIIK, IWUIijitHliillilliig, Kiuisi«2Htv. Mo. WANTED. Good All 'Round Sketch TlvAMTIIAT IIAM'KH, MISIttAI. AITS, STIHlNA Sll, KM TritXS. uiiylhliig Hull will pleiise 11 lilif city ainlleiice. Also people for the Summer seusnti. Hit. I. II. IIAIlllllMAX, iVIiisbiw, Hid. ■ inv P I'ltUHPKHT, fl Ihiilup HI., I'rovl- fllflO I II., ,|,. 11, 1 Writes Skelclics. yiolio- logiieH, I'aroflles, Klc. Al llKKttllKM'KH. {fiifei We.a hitiiMiohilwrHt}. MI8C ELLANEOU8. M. STRASSMAN, ATTOiUIKT, ua Broadway, N. V. City. p i for KIDNEY TROUBLES «« CATARRH •I tKo BLADDER Cum I All Dltcharjw In CAPSULE1 kW ID^ L hWfM 148 HOURS f Fs»ehO»p<ulabaari