The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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126r THE JSTEW YOBK CLIPPER, Makch 28. CANADA. mm 'drew jroofl limi«fn ln-Jl. .Coming: \viiv woiiiuii s(h"'ad-sn. viwuy fW ap- TiiEA-cnr -Ji'ijajccaiji .(Fred Jlajrprth, taan- Afres*' iwaS, "The MliiUtcr'a Da"* 1 "!*" uu-4pril'«. iicnt Kii|ik company, In "Hcrgo 1'nnlnc," to V".'r -I'.'iiitcii 5,0-j!l. __, Coining; "Lc Hiipnllco enjme :>;i-'.!S\ i 'a i, ah) Uiival. —The Open Stock .Co., In "I." I'crlcliole." to fair business, 14:1. . .Wljiimo* Ham..— WiUkttm Mill*, KnRllfiU IikkkIi, naslsted lii Kilouurd 1'arlovlti, pianist, JU, lu large audiences. M ...E. , „ v ;„ ., .^ *t. John,—At the ObcrA House (A. O. NhHinrt-.'" mnnnucr).—Th«- McCiitrhcorT-tfliis stotlTf'o, rcldrned, utter aauccoaaful trrpMo llnlirrfx, N. KHUN opened a tnrcrV nlghtt' enticement 'Mrtreli 12, tirosenttnjt "All Amrrlcnn-'ClflM'n,'" to ardcnnlrt buolitMm. Ab in i'Ii member made hjs. or her appearance they jccUlTrtd fl warm Welcome. Kil. Kill*, "'hopias, :Wm. Hurt, Mela llrlttanl, ionwa pad Ju.lle.ttt! Atkinson, dc Ion. Tin' compaay ji.'lvc ii double Mil 1.1, U, ■•Sweethearts" nnd "Hla i.iist Uas." Mela KrKfAnl,'Ufa Tlmiiiiia, Mi, Mills iinfl Hdbt. Ii. HoniHn* carried off the honors. St. .loscpli'M Society ■ (local) (rave 'Tike o'.Cnlttthan" IT. to-.capacity, lor the benp- (It of the It. ('. urphnns. 'lho Cnrlctun (or- net Hand (local) ■ (five n "inlhalvel jpfrform- iitice IK.'l'.i. iTomttiK :■ llni'i-ltf MustcM Kea- IIV4I Cuntpcd 31, April 1, 'Tho KvII Eye" . 3, :4V -\ ' ToitK TtjKAiiti:.—J'hp Canadian .Tublli.j Klniaira played.14-1(1, to fair' buaincna.', ..rffiriis.—Manager. A. 0. Bkljiijcr hat (jlveh I djlA-. thorn serve mention n .contract for a ;ieV srcil iwt for tli.e Opera Iotls,e. AltenitlimB which arc now bclnii made In the'lobbyof tho Opera House will facilitate Hie emptyliifr of tho botiac in uimh 'leas lliuc fluin fijnuei'ly. Tlie re- moval of an arch,' auliHtltutlnc an Iron iillliuV'rfhfl the tearing down or a "blind" ImrbfllcA greatly naslst lu tllM. Tito removal of ,tbe refroatipienf. .room to another iiart of rhv-"Hoimn ; *mJ"iwlhif-tlie' old 'rooir/ fiir a ladle* retiring room Is a change noon to bo mode ' .Manager Arm.stn>iic, of the 'York 'I'lil'iitrc, Iiiih tn view' the enlarging of the nCHtlnjJ capacity of 'Mm IioUhc; ffnu some other iiuprnveineiilay which wlU'coai alxlut t:i,oofl... TI«VMcT!utcliccihU!llla' Stock Co. reft Tor New Tor* 111." They made litany friends here, who lobk forward .to tl)plr rettf/n 'In |hp uei\r fnt'iu-e. I(|u A. Thomas, of (lie coin- I iiiv. \v'r»H iiK-sciucil by Mela Hclltiirjl (Mrs Mc( iitclieou) Willi a gold and enameled inii'plo leaf pin, ounuounted with a splendid lie in-1. . ■ * ■ Toronto—:AT lite ITIllCDHir Theatre (O. Jl-'tf)i?Vl>Vfd. ^tlnager).—Rice's "Show (HrP Irew" good liuslYiess Murcli 10-21. Fnink Daniels; III "Miss Simplicity," this week. (:i; a V11 rii'ntiA irursi: (A. .T. Smiill. niana- ger):—".Hliore' Acre*" hail lilg Itliaiiicag' last wenk. .1. II. Htoddart, la 'The lionnle lliler llttsb," SKHL T'i::.imh oi'kba IlniiHK (A. I. Small, niari- I'lfer),—"Why Women Sin" lind.good hual- wes's. Week of'!!!!, "King «f lH'tectlvoa." Hiika'm Tiieatiib (J. Shea, manager),— lllg'itiiklncuUal week. BUI opcolng ll.'l, for week, Inclmlcs: Saharct, Horace (loldln, (inolinan's dogs and cala. Stuart llnrncM, HlockHom ' find Iluius, llakcr and l.yuu. Drowning Slstera. MahskV Ml'^ic Ham. (Stewart lleuston. i|iiiVtnger).—(Ireatoro and lila Italian hand, iisslsled by Mmf. Harllli, coiiiph 20. Mtaii Iwanw (f. \\. Stair, manaiier).— I In toy' SfrtrrWi' Nlplit on HroliUWn> drew n IniHlnexs' Tnfr week. Tuo llrl£iidlcrs large IniHlnexs mar w Is iJio cijrccot be^klitg. lie (A. It, V«ny." Mn ■pptilUr Minn.—At the tiniiid Opera lloiiae "llerJInrrlrttc Inrue nnd d Ifantyw, I'etllfer," IB. 17 siiidon, manager).-^-"ll'c ari'ti'ja. 14.'played to [ileaxed nitdleilccs. . l.ur with -Tho ,Yp\ing Miss I'etllfer," IB, 17, liild simill lioliteaT Hu)IhM Irving, In' "The .IT-Ua," IN.'lind oTio of tfie IIirkesT atnllenre's ut Uio scjiKon, and. Rave. com|>lete Hnllxfftc- tloil>' Hlih r l '''llie' Kvll Kyo" •_*1, '"nie Mil- lloiiali-i Tnimp'' .U4, "The Miow-tllrl" 'J5, •Tho. Hello; of Rew V«rk" 28. "MIhs Slav lilliitly" :ll». "Why Woimm Slu" April 2, a, "Jftltieti Hoys In, Missouri" 4. •,;l»TA1i VinCA-ran-(Vf; 41. Apflelon,- tnaaii- Knr ),_Weck ot'M«»'H 23 i Swilldlnir. l'lclda nnd' Whuhili. lhn .Threo AllllifrdjK. the llalyn. .Iiickrou mid lkiiiKlaa, (lec-rge and Lin-cim MpiiK. I.umlmril Hioj.. nild, the Woodivitnls. HiiBlncjs co ntlhttmt gctidi'' SI. CniliHrlucN —At tho (iniud Opera Iliinso (1'liaB.ll. Wllkon, malinger).—Isabel Irx-lnp, In "The Ortalt),'' lMtckHtlie Iioiiko, mill (lellglitetl tho nuil enve, Mnrph 17, The Kail of'lJoHHlyn, lu' H "J'he Young, MU« l'elil- fer." Iiiln poor liiislnesH 1K. Hooked: "The MUMoniilre Tramp" 211. Thn Hello of New York" 25. "iPmilng for Hawkins" 28, Marks BriiS. SreeK Ot 30/ Ilcllcvlllc.'- —At I he Carman Opera House (S. yi. Cai'iiiHii, mattuger).—"A Mlllloiinlre Tiilhni" ainie.' loliehyy pnxlnes", March 17. IhrnkiW: ''Rvll l'.ve A 29. 'Neat laair" 27, "Jutui's UoySr !ti AllHBjoirrP' Apl'll 1. co ton a no. llrwvcr.—At - (he Tabor Grnud Oiieru House (I'eler Mctloiirt,' naLnagor).—"A Trl|i (o Chinatown" did- big business March 15- 21. "tiur New Minister" 22 and week. IltfoA»>wA¥*" , nujAT«»"""<i , <Her, Mr(:otirt. iMuniiscr)'.—l-'loroticu llohprta, In "Kassa," plnved. to Hue houses, 10-21. Shu reuinlus 23-28. Kmi-ibb TinUTU (Peter McCoiirt. mnriii- ri>r),-f-"Thn Hpenister" played, to fair Coiises, lo-2l. I'urrta -TiiutMl (A. It. Velton, tnnitn- ».t»-».^— "Saplio."' in Um M'l'oiul week,' luined iHHinle iiw'ay 15-21. "Tha Mini fiiira Mei- Go? 22-2B. t'livsTii. TiiH.iTiiK (Ceo, Ira Adnnis, mnn- Hpcr),—Week ot 10 tbla vaudeville house ilUt a . big business. A strong bill, opculug 2:1: (Iraifiy knd I'otter. Arthur l<nnc. Kelly- nod Kelly, Lelaeuilng Children, Uro. Camp- bell. . Mention. —Tho Uroadivny and Talsiv tlVnnd Tlieatre will not go Into the hands ot a receiver, aa a result ot the eltorta of the heirs of the late William II. Rush to i-eciive a half, luleavst In tho houses. A loinpromlse iirviingenient bus been made, whli'li leaves the manatiemi'iit In the liaiulu i.t I'eler MeCoiirl. .Imljte Hi'llctt Inlemleil to appoint a, U'lhrr. Aelulluir a Dual de- cision In llio Untied Btatea District Court. Kocian, the violinist, at llroadwny Thcatro matinee of 20.' ' , t > » - ' ■ - — Prnneea Aymar Mnthews. the novelist, la gOlhg on the alngc, arrordlng to nu nn- iioiimi-meiil.'uinile Inst Week by Wl'.ll. in A. Itrnily. ' She" hopes to uiake.heir stagi-dchiu iitit Heptember in a society coniedy written by bet-self, which Mauagcr Brady la to pro- duct. ' k«,. —, 1 . ... «yag(!u>,f|it.Mod)l,'AII lUliann.l K^XlMAt, l|« «n(l; UaanstapVii|)d 1O0 other troisl >'llm». Bust 1ms Ill M cqnilllluii. Itehd Hit of what you lave. weiihye\h'ryWlfig'iri Hie Shrfit l/n'r 1 . ODIOACO PItOPWWIONAI, HltMM.Y CO., •MtJackson ill»il..-« , hlc«sii, hi. HVMG CVMPOiao ASD AHBJJKiKI) lor'ahy Instrument, of tylmlicr of liistruitients. Song*, wordsand iiiusln, skclciies, elc, Send siamn. CflAH I^I.KWIH. 4J Rli'limoml Hi., (ilnclnnatl. ()■ ttwr, cfllcV. I Can't $mg Tonight. "TIUP SpiltlT OF '76" and many other late'Bits; lot of .ice. band song tildes. 2Rc. eaebalide; our KRItO OIL, ARC LIOUT tbe ^'JTA BOO CAUDLB POWBB, BTHHEOI' TICONS from *12 up. Cloftk and Kffect 8iid*4,now.nit ready, list fob STAMnB. ACME EXCHANGE IBP E. 14«h »T„ N. Y. • FOR HAIjB or Hear, Mechanics! Wax Figures, Illusions. . I'lne Snakes, Msrlnnctles, Jidiuiags, Hliitfed Animals, show Hdiir. send siainp. I buy Show Sluff:" J. P. BtVKKT , A tlanllc Cliy, X. J. A. GOODRICH, LAWYHL \U Dcurliora St., Chicago; eatabllsheil 1A04. liusincss legal and qtilnl. llranuhes and frtcllllle« Iti oilier Stales. WANTED, F8R -MY COMPANIES, Maying Uio Hiimnior Parks. "Sol T U,\F.* hltl- SKan 'i'lne*. i-itt-i-'fer. .«iwas«ts» muw CUMI^NIKM. MlOT BKJJtli KH «*i , 3Jr^ MEft, andkimw how lo.anin-CL-latc M> 1 WjAT- jjKST.auil llielr.SALAttV II.CAUAN rKKU KAOH WKBK by the "STKBfn.«AII.WAy CliMTAMhS. STOCK RKtlAliKlHlNT. TWO -BU.I.H esc 1 week. WASTTHItKBCArAllbR ACT*l|tS. with MS.?... for sfAIIK DlltglTOKB. Mill Willi I'lllTI UK MA- CHINKS. U<M>|l Vaudeville people. Prois-rti-Mi n. All MUST WaVSOMK parli*. HONTMISKhPIIK- HKMT. A»IAfKtniH and (lUAFfKHH closed «n SirlllT. Miisf DBI.lVKIt TIIFUlKIIjS Willi lllC-"- SHOWS. "MANAtlKltS OF MTKKKT ItAH.WAY PAItKS, SOI.TII." coliinidUldlte Willi me AT ONCK. Jlavn Hoinetlilliir flOOIl ftirvdii. Udli'l dclsv. Also TllllRK Ml'SICAI. IHUKCTOIW. Address AU, mall to HfMA Illl.l., Msiugcr. ■. care of «Sen'l Del., Tmiip»,+1;i VALUABLE OPEN TIME FOIl A MAIUHIAIjI'TOWN— AVceka of April 20, K, May 4, 18, ■£',, June I. CMNTON-Wcck* of May 11. Juno 8. Wire lll'dllV 11KOS., Clililon. In. IX DKASK Vlint SAI.AllV.-Si'U.l fur otiF lainlf of valuahlo Inriiruiiillou. 300 pa(te*. 2,000 methods. Hook cloth inioiul. PanicuTara for stamp. r TUB r.KB R0V CO., ., 43111 Bvans Ave., Chicago, III. When Yen Are In .Necrl of Money ^ , ,UALU AT . LAWRENCE'S MIAN DKKIl'K, HWt First Avenue, Itet. ltlli and l.irh SI*., N. Y. It HalBM No JIIITcrcnoOllow Ijirgc or Small the Amount Itcipilri'd. or What the Arth-lc i'oli Wish 10 Pledge, You Can llo Rclter ttcre Than Klscwhcrc. Kxccpllonsll.r l.llK-ral l.naii" to the I'rofessloii. (Irsxls Forwarded lo API Parts or llie ITillcd SlMcx'aud Canada. AH Pleilgcs Kept One Year. Kslaldlshed 1SR0. .WANTED, Agents <o make lots or money sell- ing Hand Painted Pholo POCKKT MlUHOItS. Itc- proiliicllons from photographs. Novel and nil mo- tive; fast sellers. Assortment of 12, GOc., postpaid; cheaper In quantities. STv LOUS ItUTTON CO., St, Louis, Mo. . MOVINU PICTURK MACHINES, Films, Slides and Acecsaorlca; New and Secnbd lluiid, Manufactured, Hougbl, Sold, Remodeled and He. paired. KQlertulmneills furnished. (Icnnan-'Amcri- rni ti Clncioatogrsph A Film Co.. 175 K, owli St:. N. V. EI1.EKS1KV NIGHTS IN A BARROOM \l aUis,Tulia', Clarlohet and Double I)riun<« ror II. * O., also Cood Acl for Concerl. t. L. Polls, wire. Oilier useful people send'per. add. Show opens April 4.- Add., OljtTIIK, Kansas. WANTKI>, JFor Ollilia Fanilly Biilertalncrs- All Arnmid J'crformers doing sonic . ailenr. arts, who change for 1 wedk.' Musi hike organ. Mustlie slrlctly solier nr all times, or closed without notice, Suite all Brat letter. No llcketa. YV. II. Olblw, Carthage, a..y. WAWTKD, for Kliner t Jaek'a VkOiIevllie Co., under canvw, a Cornet Ilaycr, to Lead Hand snd Ofdibxtra, atul Muiieisns of All Kinds, lo i* m . ine 011 Stage or Iti orchoifira. All suiiuiler Jolt. Ad- (Ireai B. Ilsner, carouf Opera Hume, JJolvi.lcre.llt. AT I.1BERTV, HAS AND WIVR-Msn, violinist; wife; planlsl,also guod ballad Hlnger. Up In show bualness. Prefer Muuiuu-r Hivort or Ilolel. Oiil/'rexncctable parlies write. HENDRICKS, Biol Normal Ave., Chicago,' III. To sVe-t On Royalty, AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS, (Original Copyright Version) AN1» SEVERAL OTIIKIt KWUALl.Y STKONli IIUAMAS. Address W. J. PI. KMINII.-atu W . I'.'lili .St., ,\. y..i;iiy. A'i' X.IUHHTV—Tiiahlnskya Celoliratwl Or- chestra (Russian Hussar onahinuvl ror Motels or Parka. Mauayors, here's, yuiii- ehsnee, A No. 1 »l- tnictlou forSamntcr mm: llrsi couie ilrst served. Answer (Mlok. to FEI.IX TUSHINSKY, Leader, Hotel Essex, llostoil, Mass. FRANCBflf'A B«8»A,Mi;.SICAL lll'ltKCTtli:, LATE OF KIIKN MUSKK, N. Y., OPEN Knit ES- OAOEMENT . Kefe reuep mven. IMS K. litlh, N.V. WARTCD AT OWC-B-Mod.~Jrrwtuer7, Man and Wire. Skvh'lies and specialties ror one week: Coiiicilliiu ihal'ilaiu-es, ' tauig. pteasani eiiHiigciueut for resiierlublu people. Trip Trlplclt, y;r»e. (i. M. FLOiIeh, Mgr. Eg.vplUi) Kcmedy Conoerl Co.. 1lelutt,K*n. Hi UK'S ••DBIUfcU TOM" CO. WANTS—a nod MusjIclsiiH, vlr-: Slide Clarionets, Cornel, Trap Druinnier. Tiiha. All must double Siago or Orchestra. If you uro not eapalilo »r playing staudsril muslvdou'l write. Slatu lowest sulai'T, age,size. Oilier good luioplo wrllo. 0|>eii at Ontalia, Neb., under lent, Aprir-JS,'IU. Pn-rer- ence 10 Ihoso ilniililhig singe Hmt concert. C. E. IIKYI■ WiB. Oniaht,Ji'pli. Wantg»|od fook. — AUF.NT WANTED ror Hie Henderson Slook Co., to work guarantee or percent. I'lclereine given in man who eiiu double on aiagc I wo nlpliK Can use Agent with tdurer Wlfo who doe*, lien. Hi/.. Ismg m>a«nii. Address ItltlllAIIO HKNHKHSON, Mnimhenlcr, Iowa WANTKP AT ONC-K, SKBTCI1 TEAMS, Novelty Acts of all kinds. Join on win-. . OCAKK It MEDICINE CO., I'lll s lleld, Pa. WAVTHI) At ouec, Klrst class «-lurliinoltlsl ror l-Jtuoiiilis'ciigsueiiient. Suiiiiiicr, llcsort; and XMnlcr,'In Italelpti 'llieutre, Kaiu-es.Cimcert, ole. Miuinl, liHlglng, Hiclndeil. Salary must Ihi vcrv low, as Ills sure. Must Im solier aud reliable, anil able Hi play standard iniislo. High price men, kh-kers, and liuoxer*. save yuiiralainps. Wire at once, price, etc. No tickets advanced under any consideration. Iion't misrepresent. . Wire Prof. J. lasvln, Box ;m;, Itslelgb. N.C. WANTBW-F..r |lic Now lllg Triple Plate shows, a row more good Muslrlans, Al Tnlia, Slide 1 romlioiie, llrv-hcslr.i Leader, doublo bmss, wrllo. Allrttvsa -'-^-? l !*?!^* { JM!* lx _» n J fM » '' ( " , K "»veu, Ta. UUA1 K UCUDKTTK Invites offers for next «».H»»li! also Summer ctigtgciiieiii. Juveniles, irt-:vvlc-l and UW. Juvoullo Lead hi Younger Huh. Address Hut So. Chicago-Ave, Chicago. HI., or en route. PHONOUHAPH, 8TBRKOPT1CON, SMHBS, nvmti MACHINE, FILMS. A rull out lit wanted. ■ * ORAY, earo ol t^LIPPKH. A I suxu HOOKS. Our latest ami beat SONG lloiiKSjiinrctlS per IO0HI, have,t.l)« hatulsomesi llhisiraleil colored covers, piliiii'd in two color* aiidcimtalesla pages, sine alaiiit llxir* im-lies. The followlng-lnl* of Ihi'se Hooks van l>o hail free of charge by slniiilv paying nioKxpri'sscbargeii—ailOtl Hooks al lbui- dolph, Nilir., raelHc Kxpros Cu. ohanfes $i:>.;o; Udllu Hooks at lleealur, III., f'nelllc Kxprcss Co. charges *S: 10O0 Bis.ks, Hisniark, N. Dak.. Northertl l*acllld Express Co, eharaes »8,IO. If you w>rtl any one lot or these Al Song Hooks re- mit |hcamount of charge* lo Ageiil ot Express Co. at'polnt haiiieil with instructions whereto ror ward I lie, iHHika.. (,'iiushlp llooks'dlreel from Avon for •4 iter uto or Ail i*-r 11100. - A. w. W Aim, sum; HOOK I'I'HLISHKII, AVON, N. Y. WANTBD-KILMS,second hand; aeveral luili- diodsubjevls; hlghesfcash price bail. CHAS. HAY, Cuntberlfuu, Md. Wanted Qtilclc ADVANCE MAN. WHO CAN ALSO ACT AS MANAfiKR it neeessury. Salary low but sure each week. Write quick. Work all Summer, suite experience, etc., aud salary expected. ' BERT HELZIC, Mason City, Iowa. SECOND ADVANCE TO DO BILL POSTING. Address Ellin TEN NI6HTS CO., (ILATHB. KANS. DCMUrS ROCSSLtltfUmtto* ne-iH fui/ooiAfsr. 1 cuaoatAN KOTti chicaOO, ILt. Central Location. Elevator. Steam Heat, Rnnnlng Wator, Bath, Electric Light and Telephone In every room. Both New arid Great. A Historical, Entertaining and lulcnsely Dni- mallcl'oem: "CHAllOK OK MUaUT AT KYI^i:." IT IS A CLASSIC "HOW Hi:iTKKINK WO*, or THE RACK IN THE PANTRY." A Dratuatlc'illv Humorous and Sirikiuglv Original Foeiu. IT HAS NO LiH'AL. I'rii-c *1 enob. Aildress Hie author, K/.ltA COItNKI.I, MONHOK (Permanent address), No. n.'.a Main St., f.iwMi.ket, II. I. AT LIBKRTY, KD.MINI) II. FLAKI, ELKANOItK LK CIIOIX, Leads or Characters. Soithrcltvs and Juveniles. . MR. UNO MRS. EDMUND«. Nil, Kor Summer Slock. PonuanOui preferred. Ward- robe, ability, experience, ipilcky sluilv. rclislile. Address Ratite Creek, Mich. __ALL I'KOPLK ""Engaged with Swallow & Mirkli's Grand Floating Palace Heporl for relii-arsal at I'AltKKItSKI'IIC, W. VA., Alitll. .*., Please acknowledge call, ll-llat Clario- net wanted lo complete hand. Address SWALLOW a MARK Li; (Tare of Man|iiiHHii C ure, l'a i-fcrr>h!irg,, W. V.i. EM AGKERMAN WANTS RBPKRTOIRK 1'KOI'I.K. Slate lowest aalary; send photograph and full par- ticulars. Address, hv leiier onlv, care or NEW YOHK Cl.llTKIt,or iOWasili SI., New York City Waited, for Street Fair Attractions, Fonr SHOW OUTFITS. Panics oivniiigu.iiiplclu oulllis prercrrcd. Also Pcrl'orhicra lor Frit Slj-cel Allmc- IIoils. l'.oo/.9 tlghlars, please ssve isisline. Can jilsce right purlles for season, i-oiapiciidliig in Mav. What have you got* Stale purlicularalu lirsl Icllc'r. No colored people. Address !.. C. COL.MAN, Miimiger. I.lli-hlleld, HI1111. W4NTLI), Comedian and Sketch Team. Must Play. Pluno and Put on Ada. Nauio lowest salary. All Summer's engagement. wini-ii Ksri'iu • woods coMEIiians, March -JO.-.1, as, Cape Vincent, N. Y.; March 30,31- Aprll I, I'lllLAUELI'UlA, K. Y.: April 1 3,4, Antwerp. X .-Y. ,■ j ..- .-. . ... "TAT .. UIBJCRTY^ JAMES THATCHER, LEADS or Light Comedy, Willi A No. 1 Specialties. Will close season of X' weeks with Sullivan, linn Is * Wood's "Head to Huln" Co. al Third Avenue Theatre April 1. Adilress- . JAs. nJATVHBB, T hird Ay».Thnatta l n. y. MERRY-GO-ROUND. Nearly new; Electric Molor; Pino Organ; every- thing tirst class; cheap ror cash. NKUOIIiClX- SI'ILI.MAN CO;, No. Toiiawanda; N.-Y, JBERfV," CHARACTERS. ■ H(»X 3ai, JAMESTOWN, N. Y. 3lld€» Tromfciorie AT LIBERTY FOR SOKHEF SEASON Double Violin ir necessary. Park or ltcsoi l prc- ferrcd. Address l» Pllll.l.lPPS. Sub Stal Ion No. i. Pouithkeopsle, N. V. 01 IVCJ Kor stock and Itciwrtolro Companies ' LA In and Amaieurciiibs. Our new 108-pngo ~ Cabilogue will lie sent tree on rcnuesu TI10 Drniuutlc Publishing Company, M DearlKirn Street, I 40 West'aRlh si reel, Chicago. , ,.|. New York. 1; WASTED. TWO GOOD E5TERTAIM For Out Hoor Medlclno Show. I nay transport* linn. MCHPIIYand PKANKI.IN.nnd MISS PAN* MK SAXQS, wrllc. , U. HANIEIjS, Uoslon,-M*ss'' Ivcliifi TOR SALE CHEAP, SO Foot Round Top, With two 30 middles, Kails, etc. _^_ L- N. STKVKNS, Nonlello, Wig. "PET"—Letter Received AMI A NSWKUKH. I'ROIIA HLY NOT KKCEIVKH. WHITE: PEK K ut i TK - Ladies-lake Good Pocket leney Quietly U. M., fiox 150, Detroit, Mlcli. HOWLEY I LESLIE OPENED ON THE KOHL M CAittE. CIRCUIT .. /.AT TUIi OLYMPIC, fftCMttn t&AR Vl} *» ,' At>D . MADfi Om Of -iMM *»» Hlf 8; 6F THE SHOW. ON AT 2.59 and 8.33. y.. • -•:.. . . fs .'-r .. . "'•:.-.':;.. . . m - % asri . i . a i itm « . * . . ...... MOOBBf CIRCUIT TO KdLr.oiv I I in .1.4 WAN B.J. Jefferson's] IXHKU flllllls CANV.Ui, CoimI All Around White "Tom'' People, Leader ror Hand and Orchi-slfn 'and Musicians *h,. douHr Trnvellng in our owu special car*, the lies! ei|iilpped cars In the bimhiess. To Mdica »nd I'rallnan who can appreciate Tnlr lrratm.!Ut iinil will work ror llie Interest of the Show. caOolTor n lOiig, iilcssaai Would huy m„ ap,... season. Want a slrlrllr Miner nnd rcllali|e lloss Canvas Man who understand-; lights more llrst cla-s Tom Oiiga at a reasonaldo ilgnre. Address (V Wl LANftSTAI'K, Ceftersl Jfatlager, 1=27 lnwiiod'Rr'.;'Tlllsliiit TTV — WMTED, SIDE SHOW ATTRACTIONS FOR THE J. H. Sparks New Big Virginia Shows Freaks and IVMSttMs a Yol'NO MAN lo do talking flciirc, »re ai-i, etc.; l><H>r Talker who will an- nounce lu parade and work behind mil.-lde candy sliuid, and Colored Hand, six pieces. Musi i* sl ,i wr and hidustrloiis people. Year's Work.' Full particulars aud salary In'lHvl lelli-r. Addre "TTIK, Maiiiigcr Prlvlle JAMES tT. IIKATTI eges I. II. SPARKS' SIIOW.s, Chester, N. C. s Bros/ Company, . BELL MAZtSS, WANTS LEADING IVIA.N. Wire, LONDON, ONTARIO,ugci weight, height, salary. I pay expenses. H.W.MAHKS. Vt/ll-L. RE5N3T Side Show, Candy Stands aud ill Legitimate ft ivileges, EXCEPT CONCERT AND RESERVED SEATS, T«i RESPONSIBLE PARTIES o\l.Y, THE CHftS. BARTIHE & DE OHZO SHOW, Connerstille, Ind. Fair and Carnival Under auspices of Schenectady Division No. 2', I'liirorm Hank Knlghls of the Mucaliccs, at Sclim-ctaib, N. Y., June -l\-X, 37, -JO, ;io; July 1,1,3,4, HWS. WhiiIciI, ror outdoor Fair and Carnival Shows, Electric Thcairc, Statue Turning lo LHe, Palace or Illusions, Snake Show, Hog iud l'nnv Shows, Port one Tel- lers and all other clean and legitimate shows on |>crcciiUt£c. No Immoral shnns' need applv. (Sin um: Vaudeville, PfaUo'riii or oilier free at iracllons.. .Si'licinilnily istlie liveliest town anil lieniiinncvrllylii llieStlK'or New York, riailieeled villi l»r<ri-etttm lib-Tmr, aHmuv, Cohoes, Amsterdam. Wrltequl.k. Address comhiililicalloiis to'K. M. VAN ALSTTMRL SccreWry Pair Coul.,:t*o Ave. A!, Schcneclvlv, X. Y. I : 1 : . . ..: *- : : 11 TWO MARVELOUS CEYERS, AT LIBERTY, Famous Acrobats aud (Mha AnLsts. Three Dixlinclly Diilercnt and'Feature Acts. AcrobaU, Hulling Clobc and statuary Po.-i uring Ac'. Wardrobe Al. Rcspnnsllile managers, communicate. Pi S.—Kindest rcgnrrts lo Charlie Case. EDGAtt (iEYEIt, InlerOtx-aii Hotel, Chli-agn", I'l. AT 1.I1IEUTY FOR SU.11.1IBR SEASON. JACK BENTHAH and BUN CHE FREEMAN, Specialty and Parts. iiAHIK Flit \TAf Jf CO., t;ulcin., Kanaaa. Slide Tromlioue In Band. SPECIALTY PEOPLE, MALE nn.l FEMALE TEAMS and SINULES. PIAMST, \ IVA.-VTEI) (ICIC K, fin Farce Coiiinl); smnll purl.: sse Slighter. Allures*, with ' full |in i Hi iilur-. WILLIAM P. TAYL4IU, Alfiady, N. Y. BBYOIWiTIBiY? Yiiii Can Miikc S.20,l)UD Xnxt. Season on a $3,000 Investmcul. FOR SALE, Outright or Lease, an Up to Date . . FAROE COMEDY. PRODUCED WITH GREAT SUCCESS. Scenery, t'oxt nines, llii.uijful Litlin. 1'n |>fi lu Ci'out Vuiliiy: In fuel, livirj - thing Reudy (» (i|nn. GREAT DRAWING ATTRACTION IN NIGHT STANDS. Address Profitable, 8733 33il Ave., Brooklyn, ». Y. VERSATILE LEADS, Cliiso with Hcuvcr Express (Weslcru) Murch 20. Opeu for Spruifr euaalehiriil or Summer si nek. ii.'.- HKUHJN'r AVE.. Chicago, III. TASilAllT INTERNATlbSAL SCHOOL OV STAOK DAKCISH. I'ROI'. UATT KARNAK, III conjiinrtlon with I'rof. Mctz. has opened u School fur n Ihoroiiuh educa- tion In all branches of "Vaudeville aud Slapo Uaur- Iiir. Send for Ciri'ul.n' or Phone Scnoca am V. Address PROF. MET/, hi Wesl Eagle St.. HutTalo, N. Y. A. New Ozo-Carbi Gas Making Outfit,' Complete; cost %'\ will sell for $50, ini-liiilliig leu dollars' worth of c1irinlcal«. Ileasoii for sell- ing, gas can't in; iIIssoIvikI. Permanent address. S. P. IHIWMAN, So. Haven, Mich.. 1'rop. bowman's Big Clljr Show. Attiberty, Clyde E. Granger Kor Summer aud ucxt season. Juveniles, (leu: bus snd Cdmedy, wllh Spe'claltj. AddressCARLILIi, 111.* Can join ou wire after March 28. "NATURE'S REMEDY'CO." In All Lines, Ihal rain ill.MB ofleii. ' , IF VjOII.CAM PLAY OIHiAN, PLEASE NOTE. PIAiVO PlyAYBR THAT CAN WORK (IK STAC E. Stale salary, wlrcn .von caii open, and parllcii- lars. Can offer long ensagcnii-uist" useful peo- ple. Those who have written iH-forr, write again. Address CHAS. ALLEN. - ■• -• • • B«x 8J«, Phil.., Pa. I WANTED, for P1W * SELLS BROS.' SIIIE SHOW, An, A No. i MAGICIAN. One Hint can positively niiikc Uie people lunch. Straight salary. No book or trick privilege. AI?o can use , ... . 2 or 3 GOOD FEMALE ACTS lleiidercd l.jr Hue anpeariug ladlei ivilh wardrobe according, unil' HOVEL ACtS of all kinds. Address (IKO.V.C0N;vt<Ht,Clillllrnlhr,o A."r LIBERTY, For concert, vaudcrllle,e<e. Anv unui'ier of pieces. AI lu every reaped, lnstruineiital and v.ftjI Soloists]in iiuartelles, trios,dnelts,vocal cbnriiH" 1 , etc. Fine repertoire or classical anil up to dale music. Warned. Isidy Musicians. Address HEIXKICHDAflM, M fl. fearl SL.CInc l niiall.O . WAKWDa FOR beyer k mm IT. 1. 1 Slimmer season uiulor canvas, Ufa* 2. ■ Man for l-egrceand I'hlncas. lo cloiibl. bund. T«'o Clarl- o-nel llnjcrs, niiorubn. Boss Canvas Man, two S*coiid Agcnls, not arrahl lopOst bills; onoC.r Cook. Flnesl rnrsiiowon the road. .Stale all llrst Irtier. (1KYKII A CHI SW0 L1>; ^uxlnglou. Mn. Wanted, For No. 11, DR. t. (I. SPAKkLICR'H MRUICINK CO., HOCSTOX, PA., All 'Round Performers, prefor thwc who plsy Music; Hutch, lrlsb, Trapeae' rerfomters, Sons and lfance, oues ihatcb.nge for seven nltrhls: one (rood Man for Caiivu. IlR c. 6. Iloustrj)!, Wnslitnyton Co.. Pa. WANTED TO BUY— Set of Traps (Except cymbals). Tell iual what'foil h» ve Hlll i pr i c c them right and net the cash. . . Bi&L lAATTOH, Bngliiwar*rw~—