The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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April 4. i - ■' ■ e i ' ... THE..NEW YORK CLIPPER, 145 L'HAlUJja FnonxiAX...jhti8. made ..arrange- ments by cable" with Ills brother, Daniel i.'rohman, for the presentation of William ■I llette, lit "The Admirable Crlcht.on," at ha newt-Lyceum-Theatre, now In.course of ns ruction on West Forty-fifth Street. u ; f,U t . It har been-settled-that Mr. Olllette would appear next season In, "Hamlet," and i he production was under way,. Mr. Frob- inii'n was so* Impressed with the opportuni- ties the pdrt of CrlcHton will afford Mr. cliiette that he concluded arrangements to ir'ive this: presentation the right of way for next'season. In consequence of this combi- nation Daniel Frobman. will defer the or- ,rnuln\tioa of-his regular stock company until the season following. Ciiaiilet OOTHiNGtn. stage manager, who has been connected with the Miner ontei- nrlses for many years, and Nat -Ooldcn,- the advertising agent, will bo tendered a benefit in Miner's Dowery Theatre on Easter Sun- iinv' night.. Many of the leading lights In ill,'' vaudeville world have volunteered their service", and the affair promises to be a surprise to Bowery Theatre patrons. A monster tkstimomai. In aid of the Actors'' Fund Home will be given at t ho Metropolitan-Opera-House on Sunday even- in" April 10, at which, vaudeville talent iily will be presented, and Daniel Frohiunn has arranged with the Important vaudeville imiriaRera t6 cooperato In bringing the af- fair to it successful Issue. The general com-. niltree Includes: Tony Pastor (chairman), ■I Fj Keith, F. F. Proctor, D. F. Ilennessy, llVde A Behmnn, Ted D. Marks, Percy 0. Williams', Hurtlg & Heomon, Kobert Gran, j Austin Fynes. K. F. Albee, William Mor- ris Wilson A I'llramer.- and James F. Arm- strong. 'Also on the list are Weber & Fields. In conjunction, with the above ex- cellent, committee many prominent song writers and music publishers have pledged i heir support. Mr. Frobmnn Is also busy now promoting Actors' Fund benefits to be •dven in Boston and Philadelphia. The for- mer Is scheduled for the Hollls Street The- atre on April '£t, while the latter Is dowu for 'Thursday afternoon of this week— April 2. At ' Whdeb , k Fields' Music Hall, on Sunday, April 0, a testimonial will be given fur Al. Mlnebnn, treasurer of the music hall. The entire Weber & Fields' company will n Plica r. »■•»•—^——• Harlem,—At the Harlem Opera House I Alex. Lltehensteln, manager). — Jerome Kykes, In "The Billionaire," moved up from ii down town house March 30. The house was well lllled at the Hint performance here. lluHlncss liits been of the best at this the- sitre during the past month, despite the Len- ten season. Next week, "The Country Olrl." \Yi:io:it ft Fihleb' West Knd (Leo C. Tel- ler, manager).—J. II. Stoddart, supported bv a good cast, In "The Bonnie Brier Bush," opened, to a well tilled house, SO, mid-met with a cordial reception such as is seldom accorded a star by the people of Harlem. A week of big business should fol- low. Next week, ."The Fatal Wedding." Mr/rnorrtMH (Henry Itosenberg, manager). —Kose Melville, In ".Sis Hopkins," opened to ihe rapacity 80, with one of the largest advance sales of the season, she being a great favorite here. Next week, "A Desper- ate Chance." The Stab (Wm. T. Keogh, manager).— 'The Sign of the Cross" opened ;io, and tho attendance was good both afternoon and ■ veiling, prospects being bright for a big week. Next week, "The Minister's Daugh- ter. - ' I'ROCTOn's One Hundred and Twiontv- iii in HTIUilST TiiE.iTiiB (J. Austin Fynes, general manager).—This house has changed the policy of attractions, and Instead of the slock company a big vaudeville bill, headed by Florence Burns, opened 110, for the week, others -who contributed tlielr full share to Die evening's pleasure were: Louis Simon mill Ornce Daraner and Co., Frederick Bros, mid Hums, tbc Kentona, Senator Frank Bell, Dan and Oolite Munn, James and Bonnie l-'arley, and Barnard Wllllnms. Hi iliid A Simmon's MUSIC HALL (Ben lliu-ilg, manager).—A strong bill was offered int. headed by Jas. J. Corbett, In new stories, in hers nre: Kennedy and Ilooney, Permnun llros., Maud Nugent, Wlnchell Smith and i'o., Heynard, tho Three Meets, Sherman nail De Forest, and the American vliu- griiph. Oi.YMric (Tims. W. Valentine, manager). —Business has been excellent at this house ho far this season. The Moonlight Molds o|ieni'tl, to a well lllled house, .'Id, and gave it very satisfactory performance. The llrst inn i Is well staged and full of laugh making iiuiiei-itii, and gocB with snap from start io i'iiIhIi. Tho olio contains good numbers. Next, week, Any Morning (lloi-les Co. < tui'iiKt ;.\i (in-. Leo Summers, manager).— 'I Ills house Is packed nightly. The bill open- lug :m contains the following names: Lil- lian Hurt, Collins and Heynolds. Nice and | oy, Uorellu, Belmont anil, Manic Long, ■rank Cummlngs, Brummel and Klmberley, Isiidn, and the sketch entitled "The Hotel Ituniiers." Brooklyn— At the Montauk (Isabel Sinn lleclit, manager).—"The Country Girl" i-penod March M, giving perfect satisfaction. I lie scenery Is magnificent, mitl many In- teresting features nro lntrodueed. Big busl- m-hs ruled Inst week. Stuart Robson follows. Miami Ol'KUA llmi.Hi: (Lew I'arker, mnna- gi-rn—Primrose & DockBtnder's Minstrels eiitertalned.Jhe patrons of Ibis popular play- bouse 80. Tills Is the last season that these rlover.performers will bo seen together. Ward niiei \okes made a record week, closing-^'S, l.'i'i.vlng to capacity houses at each per- loriiiance. Next week, "McFaddcn's How «t Flats." Pask (Nick Norton, manager).—"Her Marriage Vow" Is a very pretty play, which wnsiglven a good hearing 30. Home striking mechanical effect's were Introduced. Big business last week. "East Lynne" next week. Pavton'8 Fulton Btiibet (Etta lleed Pny- loii, manager).—"The Strange Adventures of Miss Brown" met with big success 80. Ktla lleed Pnytun appeared as Angela Bright-well, mid was well received. Walter Wilson np- Hiirs to good advantage. A record week wits iii.'ifle last week, when "Tbelnta" was prc- »-ti|ed.- t'Haiel Klrke" next. . .i.u 0l 'J! un ' A (Dave A. Wells, manager).— ragResurrection," with Marie Walnwrlght ".^..Muslova, Is tho attraction week of at). « nil special arrangement, the work Is staged n characteristic form. Good business Inst WW*. Next week, "CamHie." Hijon (Will McAiister, manager).—The f-poanei: Stock Co.. presented "The Secret •isntiteh" 30. Fdnn May Spooner Is Italy ., i'Si." B 4aS*ll Spooner, Etta Helntcmcycr, •i little Dutch girl. Commendable acting JSJ "bown oy the Aliases Spooner, while Au- gustus Phillips did capable work as Captnlu 'jfnv. Specialties were introduced by Cecil spooner, and Harold Kennedy and Clnutle ihr-rdo.' Excellent business week ending JS. .Next week, "Moths." Drphrvm (Percy O. Williams, manager), --ibis week's bill presents many headlines. i-i,"? e theB1 nro: Nea Wayburn'B Jockey < iiiu, a singing and dancing act, headed by , ' "".eas Olga von. HetzfeTdt: Tom Nawu v n ..L' ,H p *t and the Genii," which is u iS7<ff w, -SH- Others are: John Thome m .i. T«?. Cttr lton, Ed. Favor and Edith Slu- i- ill "I'tons, har performers: James T. i ™7 a "d Dorothy Kent. Jack Norworlb, ,« i D £ c, .» er i. Mr - " n <l > Ir »- Edward Dsr- *'.i.' a Bel L 8 Blanche, a dainty mimic, and 'be vltagr aph. iH * '3*f «brfMAN-'s (Archie II. Ellis, mau- i,7T.A'~^? »'EP B g bill was presented at Ihls ii.-^n? 0 -, 2 n * ot «bs principal acts on rn.^1 11 '* paon y a| c». the ever popular K'wedlenhe, who lias as & medium for her talents .."Surprises." As.a-special, feature l'.ugene ti'Itotirkc and rouipauy presented " la . r . ,or . A -" , -OUiera are: Fred Hnileu and Moltlc Fuller, Carroll Johnson; Cullahuii ami Mack, John and Bertha Oleason, Avery Str.-i- koseh, Scott and Wilson, and the Brothers Dillon. « > Stah (Wm. L. BlBRell. manager).—The Imperial Burlesqueis was seen here. 80, when a crowded house greeted Hie sluAv. The opening piece U "Two Old Spoils." and Is followed T>y a number of specialties. Kcllv and Adams, Etta Victoria, Ford and Dot West, CllfC Uoldon. Perry and • Itandall, .lames F. Leonard, Edna TJrllne. Grace For- rest Burke, Pattl Carney, and Sheldon Sis- ters nre among the principal performers. Ami-iiion (S. H. Cohen, manager).—There is every Indication that this will be one tit the largest weeks of the present senson, with the dainty "San Toy." The company In- cludes Samuel Collins. George Fortesque, Ho- bart Smock, Noglo Barry. Sarony Lambert. Joseph Cauto, Isabel Hall. Nellie Lynch and Nornh. Lambert. Business was good last week. Hobt. Erieson comes next. In "Soldiers of Fortune." Folly (Bennett Wilson, manager)—Ward and Vokes, two popular comedians, whos-i curning Is looked forward to hy the pitrons here, nre this week presenting "The Head Walters." Since Inst here some new dia- logue lias been introduced, and new songs lidded.. Big business last week. Coming next, "The Old Homestead." Oayety (James Clark, manager).—Rose Sydell's London Belles furnishes this week's merriment. The opening burlesque Is called "Married Mashers." It Is produced by some clever comedians nnd a chorus of thirty five comely women. The olio Includes: The Masses, Washburn and (U'tint, Campbell and Weber, Paul and Arthur, ltuth Denver and company, and ltose Sydell. Blc business last week. Next week, the Imperial Bur- lesque™. Pavton's (Fred Andrews, manager).— "The Stowaway" is this week's offering. Every effort has been made to make the scenic' productions the equal of any that have been seen. Una Aboil livinker has tho pun of Althen Dale, nnd Kirk Brown plays Tom Ingilss. Crowded bouses lust week. Next, "The Rivals," Novelty (David Itoblnson, manager).— Lottie Williams heads the company which produces "Only n Shop Olrl" this week. She was well received on the opening night. The company Is good and the scene settings elaborate. A big week Is nssttred. Good business last week. I'Mijn: (Frank B. Ciirr, owner and man- ager).— The European Burlesquers, with .luck Munroc, furnishes the entertainment this week. A handsomely gowned chorus Is seen In the two burlesques. The olio is ns good as It Is long. Big business last week. Gotham (frlmnnd Day, manager).—"The Silver King" Is this week's offering. The play Is staged under the personal direc- tion of Edmund Day. All the members of the Elite Stock Company are well taken care of In the disposition of purrs. Satisfactory business last week. Lyceum (Louis Phillips, owner and mali- nger). —After Its successful presentation of "Borneo nnd Juliet," lust week, the house company this week makes a return to drama. The pluy selected Is "Nevada." Special scenery has been painted for the product'mi. Big houses last week. Notes.— Edith Bills linker, late of the Baker Stock Co.. which was located at the Criterion, now Paytau's, is rehearsing her own play, "The Point of View," which Is to open at Montreal April 18 In a short time Watson's Coay Corner will bo opened. Treasurer George Davldge, who has been confined to his home ou account ot Illness for the pnst four weeks, was nble to venture out for a short while last week. He Is rapidly Improving and Is expected back In his seat at Hie box ofllcc In a short time. Manager Kills, of Hyde & Behman's, Is complaining of rheumatism and says that ns soon ns the house closes he will go to the mountains to recuperate Etta, Iteed l'nylon. 111 the role of Thelnm, last week, did clever work.... . .Cecil Spooner has only a few more weeks to be with us, nnd will then start her stnrrlng tour In her pretty Utile piny. ■>»» MINNESOTA. St. Paul.—At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott, manager).—The Castle Square Opera Co.. In repertory, sang, to very big business, March ','8-US, and assured the success of the engagement here. Tln-.v return April C, In "Hr. Cecilia Mass," and week of 0, In "Akin" and "Martha." Tho Mitrgtierlto Sylva Opera Co. fills up the In- tervening week of March "ii. in "The Strollers." Guano (Theodore L. Hays, manager).— "A Hugged Hero" was given, to good busi- ness, week of 22, Week of 20 (Hist lime hero), "Bolivar's Busy Day." "At. Cripple Creek" follows, Stah (M. It. Singer, manager).—Business continued good week of 22, with the Ilo- lieinlnns as the attraction. For week of 20, the Jolly Grnss Widows. The City Sports Co. next week. I'iMi-inE (A. Weinbolzcr, manager).—Busi- ness was satisfactory week of 28. For week of 30, new faces: The Four ltoberts, Addi- son and Livingston, Miss L. M. Dcllaburrc, Harry Barnhnrdt and Ed. Stahl. , Holding over: Louise Carney, Monroe, Conroy and Pearl. Piiopix's CiiwitCH.—The St. Taul Choral i 'liib, In Oratorio St. Paul, assisted by Kvan Williams, tenor, and (iewlym Miles, baritone, 27. This Is a line auditorium for concert s. .Mention'. —The Criterion Theatre Com- pany, of St, l'nul, hag filed articles of in- corporation with the Secretary of State. The company Is organized for the purpose of building and conducting a new vnudo- villa theatre la St. Paul. The location of the theatre Is not given, but It will be In the central rlai-t ot the city, and will lie completed and ready for occupaocy next September. The management propose to run the theatre on the most approved'lines and cater to the best patronnge. Tho capital stock of the company Is *50,0O0, and Its of- fices nre: President, John A. Burrlchtcr; vice president, C. It. Canroa; secretary and treasurer, Edward W. White: board of di- rectors, tha officers and William F. Hunt nnd B. L. Knege. All arc of St. Paul ex- <ept It. L. Kaege, who resides In Chicago. The plans are being drawn by Harry G. Carter, and call for it modern theatre, hand- somely decorated. The muln floor, the bal- cony and the gallery will accommodate 1.410 people. The plan Is to have a weekly change of bill nnd two performance dally..., Capitol Tent No. 07. Knights of tha Mncea- bees, gave a vaudeville entertainment 2(1, at Cdeon lla'l, Hint was well attended » Tito Y. M. C. A. are making nu npnenl to the citizens of St. I'onl for $800,000. with which lo imi Id nnd equip tlielr new building. Nan ilussell Dunnlgnn, who partici- pated In the recent V.\kn' show In the ''Naucy dniiRhler ... mini of this city. She Is a. graduate of the Central High School, and received ber musi- cal ediiiation at St. Agatha's Conservatory, this city. She Is very clever In specialty work. 4 »» — A correspondent writes that while the "Tracy, the Outlaw." Co. were playing Rochester last week, Llzsette Elvla. a mem- lier of Harry MocrJs' NlrhX-iUL-BrosdVu.v Co.. frraTtu'g'HlF'rtBftw'B»suniod-tlnTliart of Airs. Tracy at a few hours' notice, and, considering that Miss Elvla had never seen the play, ber rendering of Ihe character was very commendable. gHpptr Pott Off 1 ft. In order to avoid mistakes null to Suture the prompt "delivery of the letters advertised lu this list, au envelope tilstfiily : (Mldrettod mast be, aent for each letter, smd a written order for the letter,-aliened with the full naaie and address and tho line of'business followed by Ihe sender, meat also be enclosed. . Pleane mention the date for num- ber) of THE) CldPFEn In which tha letters sent for were advertised. LADIKS' LIST. Arlington. Alice Ameltn. — 1 tduncer) Anulnuldo, Hosle AUlMiii.PnttlB Ashton, Lnngt. Asbton, Langt AUthorpe, Flo Ark weigh t, Marie Addison, diss Burdock. Ten. Benin rillne, (ieorgla Biirns.Mrs.T.P Holiltu, — Belle, Min. Q. Ilui'iiette, Kdna C. Blackdel, Mln. BernUeld, Au.K Browning Slst Bcrnnrd, Klsle Buike. Itenagnrda Benncr, Umcllc Burgess, Lottie E. Beach, Flo Bcnn, Mrs. Ed Brink. Jessie Itluckford, Lottie Bell, Jessie Bluiiipkln, Jess Brlttncr, L. Bi'itlitnil, Istib. Ili-ecu, Mrs. T. Brown, Ida lliirbc. Oi-tuvle Blnni-hard, Amelia Brcen, Mrs. M Brown, Laura Bertrand, Hel Bailey, .Mnml Barton Mist. Sardownlc, l/OUlti.'l Booth, Julia Bui ues. Minnie Clark, MrsWIIf Clayton, Kato Claire, Cert. I 'lurk Madeline Carleton, Bird Clay, Sinters Courtney, Maude Colllsson, Alice Card, /.nra Clark, Mrs. A Clark,Mrs.A.O Cole, Killtli Clieeve, Clara Cnrdownlc, Jessie Conn, Mir/.le Clayton, Una Cnlvln, Mabel Cutty, Miss Clare, Helen Cheslyu, ltose, Alice Collins, Myra Cunningham, Jean Carson Marg. M CourtlaniL Oraco Condon. Kute DelVcccblo, Marie Darling, Hel. DaCostn, Fan DeTrncc.Miuie 111, vis, S ii die I,. DeLtippomme, (.'amine DcLussan,Zelle Dona bison. Alice Dlai-d.Mrs.S.D. DcIIaven, Edna II. D'Estclle Slst. ln-l.i'iin, Eva DeXter, Lldn DeVoe, l'ttsn. lieLonne. Kit. Drake, Ethel Duval. Ant. Dimple, Dottle Deaves, . .Mrs. Walt. Esmond, Flora Esley, Clara Elleeu. Alice Emmerson. Belle Elsie, Little Eckert, Carrie Eileen. Alice Earl, Linda Eddy, Jenny Emerson, Bell Espey, Lilla Eurle, Dorothy Esmeralda Sis Emma. Mine. Emerald, Nell. Evans, Lillian ElSnlto, Sign. Eileen, Alice Flynn, Knlle Francis. Corlnne Fischer, Susie 1'lcdora, Bess. Flelil».Mis.\VC Frolikniu, Kiln lelelds,.Mrs.O.B t'nbor, livelyi Eloyd. Josephine Fits, tilgtt Kernrl. ICmnni Fulten, •Mrs. J. R Frnnz, Alice Flint. Eva l-'rasler. Pearl Falrchlid. Leoln P. Francis, Vu. Mowers, Mamie I'r.iklln, Lydln Cralinni, Elsie Cray, Evelyn C reaves. Mrs. W. Olnditoue, Viols (lllisiio, Lottie flernld, Flor. (Inerltc, Ortice (Hailstone, Minnie K Gordon, Anna Oarnenu, l.ois (loobniiii, Mrs. E. V. Oath, Mrs. K. (irecne, l-'.inlly (iilerson Slst. Orny, Dorothy Clover, Ellz. (rllteu, Ornyce Henry, Adn Hllpert, Dor. Ilelsenniiii, (lertrude Howard, Madge lliibbin (I. Clnudln Hurley Pnullne HIIsimi, Viola Helena, Edith Hayes, Adu (tcl.) Hniel, Mnml Hall. Ell linn Uennessy, Mrs. Ames Henry, Louise Howard, '.May O. Hunt. Lillian Illllsdiile. Clara Herron, Berth Hamilton, May .lonlnii, Mmid Jacques, Ilnr. Jones, Minnie .luiiiies. Addle Kelcey Sis., .1 Kent, Eleimor Klssluger sist King, ltose Ear inn, Mine. Hoster Marg. Link, Aunetu Lewli, I'enrl Liiinberi, Mny Lal-'leldn, Flos r.iiii-tie, Kittle Lch'ebvre, Emily Ik Ixiiinborg. An. Leonard, Nell Lcncliener, Mrs. C. Lawton, Helen <!. Laugdon, Hardle l.ellerliis. Isolt Lynch Sisters Lundln.Jenn W Lenchncr. Hose 1/Ottle Adlbsou Luwrence, Mine. It. E. Leslie, Mrs. W Llills, Mny Leslie, Mrs. F. Lyle, Inez Lang, Smile Lewis Mtidgc Lewis, Pearl Lawrence. Oertle McNulty, Doll Marlow, Bess. Morion,ClorsL Mi Cn ii n, J. Monson, 3Inud Mnllette, Nell. Melford, linth Morton, Dor. Miisiiu, Kll/.ii Moore.Mrs-WB Miicdoimld. Marlon MlU'll'll. Allle Marguerite, Pel lie Mnencli, Tiille McNeil. Luttli- March. Marlon Mohawk. «o-Won-Gn Mack. Lilllsu Mortimer, Jcnn May, LoneHlar GBNTLEHEN'g LIST. Milton, Llllle Miller, Car. B. Morris, Dor. Miidge, Mrs. K. I'. Mudge, Eva Melrose, l-'cru. Xkhols. Matt. Nelce, Mrs. II. Nannon, Mine. Nolan, Belle Nlccs. Twill Nausun, -Mnml Newcomer, Esk'lbi Orr, I'eurl Oakley, Sirs. Frank Oakmon, I.. 1'omeroy, An. Plcison. Nlta Pin 1st cd. Lor. Pickert.Blniirh Palmer, I>cslle Ptirtell, Jennie l'liljncr. 11. Perry, Nellie Pnntzcr, Blnnclie Poiscll, Kule Phelps, Maud Powers, Carlet llldgway.Kiith Itemlnglon, Minnie Beeves, Addle Bogers, Murlc lleno. Dot BiiymoiulClnra Held Sisters Both. Londle Hose* Jeillielte IIOSC, I'oellln llontid, Vict. Itueggcr, Elsa Itnymoml, I.eilllll Itnynioiid, (Jl'Olgb- St.Clnlr, Hose Sanford, llelle Swli-kuril, Mr, & Mrs Selwvn, Edna Schwartz, Mln Scott, Delia Slegel, lOniinii Kniifoi-il Slst. Stnnrt, May Shelly, Mm.W Kohl.NIrsTrliin Stanley, Oert. Shields, Ella Sclgel, Eiuinn Sayler, Olpa Mevens. Mill. Saxon, Pauline Seymour, May P. Spencer, Marg StLcon, Daisy Sears. Betisle Solum, Dainty Stanley, Luc. Stanley. Mn bo! SI 11 well. I'll r Shaw Sisters Spencer, Violet Stanley, (lerl. Stiedden, Claire P. Trowbridge. Helen Tyler. Bess. K Tudor. Llllle Thome, Heat. Tudor, Llllle Tauguay, Eva TtlXKCIl, 0. Tysom. Mrs. II. A. Turner, ltuth Vyner.IdvllaM Vincent,Mn dgn Vance, Clarice Volga, 1/iiuiii Vlda. Mile. Valerie. lWllle Vanchef, Cecil Will kins, An. Wnlcott, Flor. Wugtter Hist. Wehih. Mrs.L.J Wllklns, Lll'n Wnshbiirii, I.H Wlnchell. Carrie Weller. Carrie Wagner, Clara Worth.Kdlth M Webster, Dot Waters, Kill li. Wesson.EilnuH Wculworth, Bosa Wagner, Murg Wlcliern. Mln. Whitman, llou Webster, Dot Mrs. E. II. Wood, Mamie Webb, Heillia Whlly. Miss Ceo. Walker, Kv. Young, Flor. Veugel. Maud 'A 1111 iii or. Alice B. Arundel, Fred Hull, Clark Ashton, Artb Avers, Sid. Allen, V. .M. Adbms, Oeo. Allyns, The Apdnle, Jack Adslr. Ait. Abt. Prof. E. Aroiand, 0. P. Alexander, II. W. Allen. Oeo. W. Adams, Ed. V. Adlms. John Allcr. J. Allen. Wm. Alhlitl, Herb. Austins. Toss. Arthur AStook Aldo Bros. Allen. M. V. Axtell, D. s. Ashworth, M. Atwood, War. Barnes, J. II. Bryants, 4 Belcher. F. K. Black, J. J. Baker, Chas.H. BardenUlohin Beahan. P. M. SSiuUk^- 3va .- Baailo Houju Buruell A Iturohardt Bovdell. Hsm Base, Frank Beane, Oeo. A. llo-vyer, (leo.A. Barlow & Will son Brown. David Bristol. W. II. Bell, Frank (i. Brecn, c. It. Baker, Tommy Bishop, IMill. Beers, Harry Bloketlee, U.B. lliifiuor. Juo.A. Bates, Wm. E llniknei-. Art. Bates, Clyde Brown, Walt. Barnes, A. O. Uoman, Amos llllllng«.Wio.H. BarrfUSallc Ilaisrord.W.W llurton&Uoyue Barnes, 3. II. ilently, Jack Ilartlno. MaJ. fletts. If. K. Harnett (B. k Weyerson Boon, J. C. Ilartlno, Hart Burlier. W. L. Baldwin. S. H. Brown Bros. & M'rlsht liUckson, liar lllumpliln, J.ll. Benson, 4. M. Baker. Al. Bl-yau, Harry Bentley,' Mus, Bedlnl, Jehnn Brandt, A. 8. Billing, Win S Barring Ion. i Chns. Barry, Chns. Bottomeley, i Joe Bronson. J. It. Brown. R. E. Bnulvlla, dipt BenOmor. AIkihs Blackitller. II. M. Barriemore, Jean lliirrose. Itoynl Baker, Harry Bnrr « Beaton Bliley, Bde. Cnsmore « Florence Curries, CUas. Cooley, W. M. Collins. J. J, Chester, Oeo. ft»|(VJ?-«^y Campen, H.L. Cook. Ben Campbell, Fred H. Campbell, tlua Claudius, Duns Cllfford.Jakt"" Charters, 8. Chtlstopher, Clark. Sunt Crockett, W Craig, C. L. Cnrleron « Terre Chaplu, liar. Cannon, Jack Conroy & McDonald Crowley. Tom Cnpron, I'.. A. Chalierton, Thos. Cancll, line. Coffey, tleu. Collins A-We Ich Ciwner & . .Bailey Dnsbtngtoii, A. P. Chaplu, Ear. Carey, Jos. P, Cunningham. I J. P. Corbln. E. (1. Cnlllcote, C. II Cohan, (liw Cameron, W.fl. Conrad's I nil Clintutierln'.n. W. O. Cox, Art. t?orr. Da v. II. Caltcrlln, War Chatty, T. .1. Cook, .1. T. Cussinoie & Florence Carcell. Hob. Cheney, Ji'.s. CilUlioll. A. W Crelg, Mnrse Cole. Hob Coburu, J. A Carney, (!. I Curson & Wlllard Case, Chas. Cannon, John Century Com -I Couture, Dav. I 'It 11II lis II. lino, W Cole, Art. J. Colinll. (ieo. M Cleverston. Chns Davidson, J.W Drew, I, N. Davis, Paul Davis, Ulysses 1 loner, Joe Devonde, Chcs Delnuey, Ed. Delnmnter.A.O Duuston, Pan' Dare, Ilnr. Deacon, Arclilc In lives. list'. I leVetl IIX, W.O DllllC, Nurmiin DllUU, 0. M. Deltimuler,. A. 0 Del^ysomme, I . Pierre Diane, 8am D Dawson, HenW Daniels, F. II DeClalrvtlles, The DoVerc, Ilntlor UhIjiIii, Har. DePew, T. E. Duncan, Kay Dell Ames, II DoAle*. John Dtiffcya. 4 DeloneyiKgnn Dexter. F. L. Doty, K. L. Davis, V. Dt|tton, Wm. Demon, 0. F. Deingoui, The Dengon, Ed. D's, Lawrence Dmtves, Ilnr. Delcunos, The Deugon, Ed. Dlnmond.Clias Dticrow, W. J. Dnltulz « Oranvllle DungoiiH, II Dalnvoy, W. lii-mpsey, J. W Dnltue, Hilly Decker, Frank llonnz, Pierre Duluncy, \\. J Dale. A S. Ditcrow.. Wm. Dtdno. lien. II Il.-dleilll. II. Vln,sl)lngtoii,AI. Dijly, wm. J. 1 mn lei s, Joe lwimpsey, .1, J Doyle, Edwd. Evens. Ted IChel, W. M. Ml swortli, -MaiInn & 0. l'.ltnorr, Oeo,J Kljlrldge, B. Earle. J. L. Kdsall, Demi El lolt, J. J. EMerbrooks. The I'vnns & < St. John Egener. Frcil Edwards, C. t. Eversou, Wm, Ellbogi'ti, Mr. EVersnn, Win, ElWert, C. ft EVers, A.St.C Egiin. Joe Elllolt, Nick Fqrbw, 11. F. Frwlrlck Bros. A- Burns Freeman, Ilnr Foi, W. II. Fredericks. ,- Conn. Ferguson, Mm; Fifuud, Alois Freydt Bros. , Hdr. John . Oeo. .. Oeo. K b'aust. Vic. Krtrress, Ilnr. Krlnk, Ed. b'oic. W. II. Fooler, Hoy Flynn, M. J. Faille, 0. II. Flood Bros. Kok-10, Wm. E Fartshuw. Al. Foi. Fred I). Foster, Oeo.T Fleet. John Kordlmni. Art. f Jlinland. II. D Oiidei'lan, Frank Oalgano, A. I'. Oarrlton,Mnap Olllihan It I .- Murray Orlnt, J. It flordoBTcilit ili-ant, Colo. fllljbons, 1. P, OllsMn. Tbns, Ollfuur*. Paul Ollmare, Barn Oorman & '.Leonard Oleason, It. E. Oreefie, 111 R Oftilkel. A. H. Orny, BHIle F (irnht, C.W..' OlVens, Stiui V tlonrnlcs. Adolph flray.'& ' Oondrou, Fred OoshhRi Oeo. Oarclncttl.Slg. (ii'ietic, Albert llaron, Andy OoiKirlel>,J.W; iirsnat, IxhiIs (lulnncss, t!hse Chas i'Orecu Eyed Mon»ter"Co (Irny. 8. (Ircgorv, Mnr» (li'itngliicr. Win. W. (Irint, CHIT Harrison, Jule tlnldsinllli. Mr (iunnali k l.fonnnl (luffeney, Jim (irnhnm. Fred D, (Irif.tlntt, Frank (Jolden, Oeo. l«* 11 rise. .1. 'Inrdnor, W.F. (illiiMcrcltl, Tony (Jl'II.VSOll, J. II. liooihvlu, "M- ' Ooodniini. J. Orent 2 U OMidron, F. C Ollllhin, Burl Oerninliie.Mlnr Hart, Prof, lisle A Francis Howe, Den Hoffman, Jack llefferoD, Tom High. Fred Harrison Bros I In bleu. II. M. Iliiiniuoiiil, (HI lltiittley Moore Co. Hayes, Ed. holt. A. Hundred, J. A Ilufmnn. Fr'lik Hunt, Joe Huffman, Dr. Harder. Will Hurt, 4, C. IIIII„T. I'. Hcrudon, L. B llowson, Ned J Hudson, B. h. lln/ulett. D. F Hanson ADrew Holt, Dan 8. Holmes, W. ,1 ilulton, Jus. Ilolibs. •> lluu sit. Leslie llyliunl, Jack Hufford, It. P. Henelln. — lliiblii.l'rankB Heath. C. 0. Illgglus, D. J. Ilnmllu, liar. Iluvcn, F. K 11II1 VI- v. ft", S. liepburkn, Frank Hunt, J. H. Hummed. P. < Helton. Chns.l' Illgglus. II. A. Illlsliini., J. II. Ilyliintls. Frtil Heiirlx k Piescott HWiiard. Mom Hayes, Tom. Iliti-vcl, Ueo.W II liber, Fred J Herman, Frank H llatncld, Ml, Hendei'MOii, Delliert Hnynes, Oeo 11 Hayes, Tom. Hart k Verono llcrinanettl. ) tii in. .loo Howard, ('. E Harris, Jess lloppe, (itiy llonlin k ■ • Kearney II n 111 away, Sid Hollls. K. W. Jos Heath, J. K, Ileuulgs Jr., John Hatfield, chas Harris, Bob llurne, Oeo. lliiirlgiin.r.iS Hnt't * Curry Imboll k Conn Irwin, Towns, livings, The Irwin; Fred Jerome, E. P. Johnson, C. II .Tack. Hunt T. Jenkins, J. D. Jameson, E, K Jackson, flcorge M. Johnson, Dav. ft Loi-elln Jolinttons.Miis Jiinn'Miii. E. E Jordan. Fred Johnson, II. A. Jeffers, Vic. E'oiti-r. liar. Kelly A. Vlolettc Kline ft Clifton Kennedy. W. J. Kelley, Tom P Keeley, Arlh. Klasey. M. L. K«»l«y*Keeley Knrtolll. — Keen, Julian Kllman. D. Kiusc, I'muk Knapp, ('.. II. K'ellnni, L. i. Kroilee, W. V. Knopporl. Ons Kcllcy, Jas. Kllroy. W. Kcrtln. L. R, Kelly ftVloletlo Kesne. J. W. Kelinedv, ' ■Memphis Kelley, T. P. Kelly, Ward Kline ft Oolthold Kinsley. HurS Kane. den. KenfleM, J. E. Kempton, 0. V. Kelly ft Vlolette Kelcr. AH. Klufman. Our U Ve.lle, II. 0. i^irJr Bros;* l.lltlefleldCliss Lewi*,. Artie . l<eManes, The LflMmtluAJos La-Mure. Msur Leslie, Bert I.arenio. Fra'k jjiwreuce, A I. Llewellyn, Ilnr Llob, ll'erm. Irf-roy ft Woodford I.ooiiey, Eil. Ltbbey, J. A. Llndeman. Oeo LnOell, liar. Lclgbtop, ' Frank LaPorte, S. M. .ownck. W. Leslie, L. A. Lively, itobt K l.nssnrd, Uavo l.lnd, Hill LnMotho Bros Love, Art. Lenlnnd. Ilnr. Loder, C. A. 1-ot'lng. i:. B. l.nVnunds, The Lyle. J. 0. Lclnud, J. J. Leltoy, Ches. Lee, I. 0. Lonolnc, T. 8. Iji.vioii, Oeo. Lewis, A. M. l.ncke, K. A. Undlcv. C. \V. Lyle, J. II. Lavender, tleo Leniion. Thos. Lucky Hill. — Learned, Oeo. lori'lle. li.iv. I^dgett. l-'red I^e, Jus. Lee, John Lyle, II. J. LolSuy, SeiV. I.esilrnllns, — I^wls, Win. E LnJess, Thco. & C. Lenny. Nnt Lucky Bill. — l^slle. L. A. Isiwe, Cbni ley MarlnnftUenno Martin, L. C. Mitchell, I..mi D. Mills, Jerry Murphy ft Andrews Muck A Elliott McDonald, Win Martin, II. V. Moore, Iluyni. MncKuy, L. B. Milton, (Ins Mitchell, Win. Morrlssey ft Proctor Mogce, .1. J. Modes, 0. McCormlck. Oeo. It. McMnbnu, Thos. J. MeCann, J. II. Miiriellcs, The Mackle, J. II. Man ii. W. D. Mavollo, is-u McOIII ft Sblnman Mnrron, J, J. Mortimer, E. J Miller, Ilnr. Moore, Thos, Moxlc, Ed. Martin, Felix Morellos. — Meeker, Oeo. McDonald, Mike Mason, W, K. Mntklinin. Ilnr Moore, Tom McCunn ft MeCann Mnrtelle, L. !'.. Morrlsey, Jno. Mngee, J. J. Menoiigh. E, 8 Mack, 3. W. Mel High, E. A Ml I liken, Win. Muyo, Leon Mci'ialii. Hilly Melinites, Thu McNnlr. J. E. Mack, II. J. Moore. Tims. MoiUrly. Mar Moore, Hiijin. Myers, Sam J. McQuliin. Wm. J. Mldgley. S. Msy. Allen Mills, ItilM. Melliilliilil. Mike Mnnlotie. liar. K. Milton, lilts Mitchell A Ward Moiitrell, chns Miles, II. A. Miilllniiil, Cnpt. I. u, McOliiiius. Charley Morgan, W. J. Mullnrkey. • .1. S. 11. Melville. M'l'tl .Mitrtynue. II Murnliv. I'. II. Mllchell ftl/ivit Miller. II. L. Melville, Frank Morrlssey.T.F. MrWhely.Frcil N'eiiinniin. J. Nalvry, II. Noiinini. Wm.A Norrls, K. M. Nelsim, Cltus.H Norrls, Hnrrv NlcliolsftCrnlx Newton, lltihe Nnsmyth, lllll Newton, Joe Nnlon, John 'Osnato, C. W. O'llninn, T. Olnoy, Oeo. Onxos, Tlie Olivine Uenks Overtoil, Har. O'Dole. Oeo. II O'Latighllu. M>J. OToole, Chnrl O'Brien, J. V. Oinv ft Dclmn Otis. (.'hss. W. Oliver, Kd. O'Connor. Herb. O'Rourkc ft lliirnelte Phillips, j. ii, Pray, n. 0. Palmer,. L«a). PSlrtt.— Post, W. II, Peastey. Bob Paddock, „, .Bert M Pitman. Hart. Perurhl ifelldjnl Co. Pa iii,. Oscar Pyke, c. M. PatiOB. n. E. Pofier. XI, li. rick, oeo. Polls, Chas, Price, II. M. liters, W. A. Proctor. II. A. lMlraer, Lew Piatt, Kdwln Phillips. ! . Chas. T. l'igu, M, A. . Pfke, L. I.. Helen, Phil Perry, Oeo. 11. l'vttcr, Tom Ntirson. Ed. Norrls, Wesloy Nugent. Will Norton. Clco' Noblle. H. V. (iverton, II. Ii tilt. J. E. Owens. J. t. 1,fn " ,SMn tv«H l'bclps. Oran Plckelt.OeoAV Penney, Oeo.A Oulnlan, Edw Ilammage. Itolnnd llonnld. W. A, Itoblsull, Jon llununell. C. E lleno. C. li. Illtti'li Joe lie into, Kreil. lleed. W. P. Ilentfrow, Jnp llovcc, H. L. llolson. And. liaison, l„ E. lltttllo, Oeo. ltose, Har, Hawli. Wm. llalTnel. J. J. Iteltr Bros. lillllUlKC, ItOl. ltiinos, Al. lllcliaril, Oeo. W Itossley ft ltostolln tloblnson, V.W ltoberts ft Smllnx Revnard.Ed.l''. Held. Hal. ltossmore, Itobln. — (Jllg Ithodes, P. II. Hussoll. I.llWf. Illnno.JW L'llc Ilussell. A. J, Itne. J. 0. Ilayraori' Bill. Itnynioiid. t'llllH. II, Heed. Karl Itallibun.Oeof Rowley k Oay Itoblnson, Oeo. (., Illchnrds, Ort ItOrtblllll. \Vm. It Phil Ittisn, Haven, Itbli, Hacki'tls, 3 Hounds. Chns. If. Sherwood, Fox AWnrilit Htlmner, Kid ShawA Roieqa SagPi Montg. St.urn. Ilea W. Shaw, J. J.,. Scllery, Win. Stookey, F. W Sben, 11. E. S. NtAuburn.C.F. Sorelle. 11. Stlner. F. M. Shearer, Tom Stanley ft Ciininirttn Seyon, Ilnr. St.Auburn, W, Sltumous, Low Sllrey. LeHoy Srunwells, Tom Sawtelle. Alb, StcFens, C. C. savlllo, A. L. Senate, Mack schwarti, Kd. Sutton, imotoman) jo, HI Ivan.Jno.T Seymour, C. II Stock, T. V, Snwlelle, J. A. .Springer, Cal. Sheldon. Wm. Snow, Oeo. W, Simpson, Lou Htetson, Walt Schnefer, M. ft J,, Allen Simons, M. J. Stilllgcr.OuyE. Stoilt. (Ieo. L. Hoymotir, Itotc Swnlu, W. I. Sil.eoit. (Ins StLcon, l'bil Selirnm, Ed. Storms, J. J, Sutter. J. II. Sclmcfcr, Mat Stevens, Jim Schiibert.llugh Sully, Lew Sags-irls, The Simmons, Dau Southern. 11.11. It a in n ndo A Sncdn Slnlier, Fred Small, Chns T. St.John, Allan Simons, Dun. Terry & Elmer Travis, F. II. Thornn, Frank A. Taylor, Bllllo Tfiiux, Har. A Trith man,Mart Tabic, Ira Tomklns, W. J Tobln, W. I. J Treloar, Al, TelilioUe, I. F. Trept, Art. Tosslck, Dp •I'obliis, I'll 111. Tyinon, lttiym. Tucker, J. V. Troy, Jack Tlinruton, Itlelinrd Turner, H. D, 'J'cimey, Ern. Torbeck, (Ieo. M. Tlgncr, Lew Tol.lns, The 'i'ecl. J. II. Turner, II. J. Tcnriy, C. B. NEE Sdl'ICB AT HKWt OF MAT. «»4> . DEATH* IV TUB l'ltOIENSIOV. Trevclynn, Art VanVechten, Ed. Vcnte, C. I. •Vernon, Carl Vroom. Wm. Vontello ft Nina Westnnt, M Warsiiw.Dav, West. J; W. Wheeler, W. 13 Willis, 'Ernest Weaver, W. II Webster, ' Oeo. II. Wnrdell, Har. Wnltlea, Har. Wood ft Bay Wilson, Jack Welsch, J. C. While, J. I. Wood*, Walt. Wllber, II. B. Watson. Oh p. Wood, Ed. Wilson, Fran. Walliu*. F. 0. West, A. C. Ward ftCurrnn Wlglilinnn. Allen Wells. CM. Wilson. Alec. Wild, Wm. 0. Wn.vite&Lamiir Weed, Hoy Watson, Chas. Winter. Banks Wills. John Wards, Hnr. Whitilcid, Oen Way, W. J. Wlttmore.W.J, Wllvcr. Kiig, Wllllnms, If. O Wnllaco, J, l„ Winter. Banks Ward, Fred Welch. J. C. Wens A Jnngo Weber, Har. Whiting, Sinn Whale Oil Oil*. —. Waddcll, Dno Weaver. Oeo Ward ALiwicr Webb, Jot Winters, Oeo. W. Wilson. A. W. Wycknff, F, C. Win elm- ft WI If on Warwick, Hnr Williams, FAI Wrlghtir, fine iVIttdlseh, J. O. Wesson, C. CI Whitney. A. l» wise, chns. Wllltflr-id, J.'l' Wlnstoln. Frank! Viiic, Art. Voting, Hat. Voting. Olllo Zitiolll, Joe /.evil, ICflwIn Inn tret I tt ft Mnnsllolil llminor, John '/.era, l'fof. Znrnnos HI It Cl.AtlK .Umiih WillTNgv, nn old theatrical niiniuger, died March HI, In the boitie of his son, I reili-i-lek (,'. Whitney, New York City, rrom pniiiiuionln. lie was Isirii In Mleh'l- finn, July VI, ihiih, nnd wus Intvresled n tbeutres In Detroit, Buffalo. Ib|s- lon, Newark, Toledo, Toronto, Ottawa, Isindoti, llnuillioii nnd Kingston, ns well ns In sovernl other , I heat deal onteriirlses. In lH7f. be built a tbentro In Detroit, which was considered (he finest In (he West tit that time, nnd which was afterward pur- chnsed by Ihe gnvrrnnient for a post oflleo site, During thu Inst twelve months he bail retired from business. A willow, two sons and two daughters survive him. Mum. II. Wii.iiHlt, nn artrass. who played as lending woinull III "A Toxas Sleet" some years ago, died nf her hninu hi Wnsb- Inglim, I). ('., on Hlinauy, Mureh L"J, ngeil iiveniy-iilnii years. Shu was tho wife of A. II. Wilbur, niiuingfr of "A Teias Steer" Co., who sin vivos her. II. ll. Ciiimiiv, who linllt Hin Crosby Opera House, Clilengo, which was a well known theatre before the lime of the great Chicago lire, died at his limnn In East Bniwsiur, Mass., Inst week. He wns Ih.i-d in mm, mid retired from business life In 1H70. FiiKiiKincK A. Titt'M.iv, n iimnngor, died • t his linnm In HIxiiii, 111., Mureh 'Jil, from s cuiiiplleatloii of diseases, after nu Illness of, I wo years, lie wits born In Owpgo, Tioga Comity, N. V.. Aug, HI, Ik-oi, nnd bail been uiiiniiger of the lilxoit Oporn House, DIxou, III,, for a number of years, lie had been elected mayor of Dixon five limes. Tim fu- neral services wore held at his late home on March 'U, and Interment wns at Otikwooil Cemetery, IMiou. Jiiiinnii: HiiiTit, an old time bniiiols( and song and dauce man, died nt Hie New Or- leuns,' I ji. , Hospital Fell, 'lit, from cancer. The remains were Interred In New Orleans hyi his i family. ('has. W, cniiiu,, a brief notice of whoso death appeared III our lust issue, died March ltl{ and not Mutch Ip, as was lln'ii staled. Hit was n native of New York (,'ity, his iwr- mils going to Han Francisco In the liftles. Ills llrst professional ciigiigement was In fancy dances with Ills brother John, III il Utile theatre on Htncklon street, San Frmi- eiscn. He then Joined liuinls wllh Fred (.'ooper, and Hie team, known as Coglll and cooper, came iCnsi, playing iirlucliml vnmle- villa bouses of those days. , In IM74 tbev returned In Han Francisco, and nfler u season at tho old Bella Union Then tie ihev want Into mnniigement on their own ac- count, building the Adelphln Theatre, on California Street, where they-played for u considerable time; «vent|ta)ly selling out in Nod Buckley, glwrtlv after the llrm of Coglll A Cooper dissolved partnership, and Mr;. .Coglll Ihen, went wlthOeorge Beynolds for a short time, offer which, in conjunction wllh his brother Harry, he formed lb« team kiiliwu throughout the States as (lift Coglll Bros. Togctlter, lh«y pluyrd engagement* 'Wllh nil of the best Itotntes In the Itost. and nfter seasons-with. Cnrrjcross* Minstrels, In Philadelphia, nod the late Hilly Kuacrxim, In San Francisco,'they were prevailed ii|h>ii by the latter to accept an engagement to go with ii I in to Australia. Ill 1HH.Y Thov opened in Sydney In,April of that year, uud wero at'once a success. After it six months' tour with Emernou, who tlieu rcturued n> America, tha brothers decided to remain In Australia, nnd went Into management on I heir own account, soon establishing thnm- wlves In their own theatre In Melbourne. where for over twelve years (hey played continuously, to good huitlnoSN, during whlcli time they were associated with Harry Hick- aids In a number of ventures, Mr. Coglll btlta flit Immense fnvorlle with the geu- eral Anitralla public In his comedy biislness. After n partnership existing for over seventeen years, and Charles, b*- r/jmlng tired of managing, the brothers mil- tnqlly agraed to separate, mid Charles'then ncneptaffl' an enianment with Harry .ttles- ard". n« prlmiStb couieillnoTa position 'he held for over three years. He came hack to America In lttuij, and bo and Fred Cflopej {r