The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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p 146 it&E INTEW ^6rk cLiP^iiB. lUtg iii.Ii Mj'n'iri' •' ■•<■ ■■■■ ■ • li mr t :l. -■>■ ■-'■ ■ -■ ;';y[- A . ,;a ::'. '..':■! April 4. njJUln foi'mril a pnrlnoi-flhip. linuy Qllt through: tho.Weslc: ing corncdlca entirely.'. 'J'uey ,. taking a com- Nlcrn mate*, play- Tliey then separated. Mi-. CopIII conilni on to New-York to play clnti'H, but finding* Immense changes In cv;i7 why from the olden times, be won decided tlint lie would rqlurn Went. He, However, contracted- a severe cold, which developed Into consumption, nml lid returned to 'Frisco, ii wreck of ill* former,oelf, and (o'r the nine moiillin previous to hIy death he wiih con* lined to liln rooirl, nutTerlng Intensely, lie was one of the organizers of the Elks lodge In Bun Francisco. ' Ife wan a inaniher of the Knlghte of ; I'.vthlaa and n Knight Tcinplnv In th* Masonic order The MiiHiina 'look entire charge of the funeral, nnd He wits burled on Wednesday, March is, from their hull. On Post. Street, Hah Fran- claco. • There trw; n very largo 'attendance. and the flornl olfcrlnga were Iiandsolhe and niiniui'iiiia. He wni Oftj-turcn years and nine moniim old, and leaven n widow, n daughter by a former mnrrlng«, Ills mother, who li aril) living In Wan Francisco, nnd bin brother, Harry, who la playing around the Kant with li Ik wire. Puumnxfl M AnniTtoXAt. data concerning I lie. career of WlnfleM Scott Clark, who died I'eli, IT In Mnlkcytdwn, III., nml a brief mention <if whom} deinleo appeared recently In these columns;'. Mr. Clark wan born In Kentucky, but at in enrly age moved with Ids parents to Southern, llllnoia. Ho nnd liln 'brother Finnic embarked In the show hiudiieim about the'year 18(10, playing the Kinnl) tmvns (if their neighboring counties. Tliev nonn gulnei^ mirh a reputation na to Justify their Piilnrglustho show, which for a nuniln'r uf yen rat wan kuown aa Clark llroa.' MluHhelH. In 1R<c, tin. name wuh changed to Ctiirk and fttrpuhtbr, Frank Clark re- Wring. In 18KK Srott Chirk becnuio ftole owner, having mMUMd Mr. Cnrpvnter'a In- teract. ■ Mr. Clark Immediately remodeled the ahow anil the'following scnaon launched <'li!j'K>. Minstrel find Vaudeville Show, under a mammoth witter proof pavilion. " Mr. Clark preferred't» temnln in the territory where he liiul esiithilshed a reputation, to venturing forth In new Held*. Jin annually exhibited In all the larger totvim, at atrcet falra, coun- ty fnli'Hi etc. Mr. Olnrk was twice married • both times In min-pntfcKHlnnalH). Ilia wife, two noun and three diiiujliieru aurvlvc him. .Ioiin V, Iliirce, well known ns a com- edluii died at Philadelphia, March '.'R, from consumption, aged thirty-seven yen ra. He wna born In 18(16, and muds liU llrnt no- tieiirancu twenty ymn ngo, with (JlevclnndV Allnalrels. He wna formerly n partner of 'J'niu .lamls anil Tiu-k Crawford, now of the I imi in of Crawford anil Mnifhlng, and wna nlso with the late lllrhnrd (Irlllln and Al. I'nttcrson. Mr. Hryce wna well known ■tlii'iiiighiiiit the country an one of the heat luirlesipie roniodlans ou (lie singe. He anil Tuny. Kennedy wero once partners, nnd after. their, aepnrntlnii Mr. Ilrycn went buck 1i» hla uld partner. Win.' Inmnn. und together •they iilujvd Uic ICililInK llient rca. Ilta widow, Jennie llryce, nntm hlin. The rciunltis wero Interred In the Holy Sepulchre Ceino- ii'i'y. I'llllndelphla; A milky ItiiHii, formerly a member of the M'oodwiird stock Co., died hint Cle- Imine, Tex., from pneuinnnlu, aged about thirty-six years. The remalna wore aent to Ncoahn, Mo., for I in ei men t. Kmz.uii:tii lldWAiai, an old time circus pevformer. died suddenly In New Orleans, l.u., March 1!5, fimn n iii'iiiorrhnge brought vu by a violent III of. coughing'. it, KAiArtiii.ii died In Chicago on March l!!l, a tact of which we were apprised by telegram from (but city jurt previous to going In presH. ■ ' . ■ I ! aT LIllERTY, for H|irlnu nml Suuiiiicr. II AUH V NIC1.*II\ .....I KIUCNCII AUNKa, COMEDIAN and SOIUIItim'K. Dutch, Irish mid llluek I-'uee Coiui'ily AL'lH, lip tO dilte Sinign nail Dunces, llnlli idiiy strong, rcnuoiudhlo jnuis. ih'iiiiuii, Irish, llluek Knee ami Old Mun; Hnu- I'l'elici, Ingenues nml llny's. Ilolll Haul Workers and ((alek study. (Miiiiiclent. Htngo Director. Adilruas. . 11 All It V VKI.HOX, Ansoiiln, Ohio. AVANTBU- I'eifor rs to (hi i or 11 Turns for hiiintr wagon show. Miliary lo\y, us you get. II. n ill HAl.i:, llluek Teal. :H)\M, coni|ilelu, t ■:■: Sluiil- o» kiuiiIm, Fllnw.JJIgli Diving Dog, lloiils, l.'oncerl Iti'cmds. PJtOK, 1IAIIUY SMITH, drill/.,l'a. ~WAX KIOirnEH, Illusions, llluek AVI, fligiin, l'a la i log-, Vcniilluiiiilst Figures, Mnglc Ihiiiks, etc. ■ ■ W.II.J. SII.WV, Yleloilii, Mo. \VANTIUU TO TKAItR I'lllt A HIDK •AMI'tll'TI'lT, (INK 1,1'IIIN CINKOtlitAI'II AND KIKIlKdlTICUN, CtlMIIINKIi. OKI.Y IMIill SIX 1W:KKS. Mumil to new." Wlmt have von looilei? .1. U RltQWN'. Henern l Delivery, llsuover. l'a. If 1 YOV WANT ■ Climl Piny ftr I'nrce Conicdv wrlltcn, aililrosH IIMIINATtl) Kl.lXtl, I'laywrlghl, ' 1IU West T WHiily-u lglilh Sl icul, W. Y. "tYPKIVRITTBIW Copy of Any Sketch I have inrji. Sew this week: "June lliii'dhick's Cimi" (I in.', 1 M, "I'm Your Honey" (1 in., 2 f.i, "Miss Sliver's Sll|i|ier" (J m.2 u.lirulin mid Adonia ('i in.) oilier net-: si'iiil'slamii forllsl. Cash with order; proinni delivery. Address liKUNAltl) Kl.lMi, Playwrl glil, 1 11 4 West -.Mil St., N. Y. ■\VANTK1)] III.AC It FAGK AN1I HUSH SINOIXO AND DASCtNtl COMBDIAX. Must lie strtmg In acts. Change far one week. No old has beens wanted. Slnle age, uld. KDlV Altlt WIIITH, Vermin. NcwYork, MURllC COMPOSKD AND AHKANOUlV for any lustruuiunl or number of liiHtruuiunts, Songs, words and music, skete lies. otc. Send sin inn. C11A H. \„ I.RWIS . ^'.1> Itto.luu nini St .. Cliie tnusll. O. " WANTH1» — ItEhlAlll.K PllOFI-SSlONALS, Nuking one night stands, to carry our lino (if Ad- vmilsliig Kaus, which are sold to Druggists, Shoe HeiiU'is, lliirdwiiru Men, (ieueral Muichaiidlse Healers, etc. (Illltlt euli-lsls III nil USSOrllllOllt of ;nideflgii9, Put III coiiM'iileul sli;i|ie |o eiiriv; jti per day can easily be iiuulu by giving the business a lew hours of your time each day. 1:1.0. II. JI^_NU_A CO., Iuot \Vahuit sc,(;lnuliinnil,Ohio. _ AT ItinKVT- A1TKK Al'llil, t, Al,. DKASl.BY. Al Agent, Ucpertulro or one Sight, (live uid the mnterliil, I'll got the business, or will ae.eepi engagement for lieu vies and Juveniles. ivaritroiui the host, street and btage. Consider any reasonable niter. Address f. _ Al., HKASI.KY, Clinton. Mo. l/oii SAi/b or llent, Jleohiiiiicui Wax Klgnrcs, Illusions. I'luu snakes, Marlonuttvs, Puliiilngs, siiiiibd Anliiuils, show Muir, Scud stamp. I buy Stiovf Stuff. ■. J, 1). SWEKT, All unllo C ity, X. J. AT MllKllTi-l.tlilKX/tr I'HK Oil II AT i.dild.lNS. KTlllll,, whli luo high class featured nets—1st, doiihle contortionists, warhrola) and act theswellest lullie lainiitess:'Jnd. a double coiurilr in-rohatli; lilgli-klckiiur art, tenlurcd Issl season wllti«lh« l-:. i;. KIseiilMirtli-lliindi'nuiil Show Dual, and had them bilking Irani the bend or the Motion- gitliclnlttroriolliu Sinillichi Mississippi; now open tor unythltig piiylngsulnrles; kindly -emi tlekets, If wauled, i|iiIck. 1», S,—Wli esirya luitiy iwoyenrs old; no trouble whatever. Address, wile or letter, V.'K. Ylooj<U CbnrhniaO^Oldo. _ WANTKU,ForCnqrlHtOH "Med.'"ro„s'li'cicli Tennis, llluek I'acc, Irish and Dulcli Comedlana; two [good St, I.e'oUiiL'is. to work this city, No ilraiiksnls or cigarette llciuK state If you dunce or play piano. Must, lie ready to work, Tho l.oigiicviilso Tresscr and Diamniid, please \vrllc. Ilr, jf.V.tM y»IAMilUrtlO8t H ClevclHtuUlhlo, ' AVANTED, II. li. BAM IUK1TDKK, THOtU HONK, OOKKKtH ami Cl.AlUnSI'TS. to Piny III Mniir itriij^piiuio Fact <>r v itafid ami worktnViie- larv. Mit»tt>W*r*''''i"'i'd Workm en nnd JfpolllHU. -lc!tMwr fi*ii a-MteVhtbiu, JuXawm J. I,. HIVIIIART, lliiniliiitislcr.Jluuthlglou. lad. "'w ANTKU-tihuwi "iiu.wers, i.mlies or tteliis", wiih |wo ilresaiid imont shiulea: reedy for store show,. I.uil.v Canton in ni-t, Wire Walker. A iear's i'iic.i«;niMil:'f Itlurv sure: make it right J AS.' KI.Y, (;<ncr«IDelt\fr\-. btuiu. niiin, p, s.-.Mould like' Lifti from J aim soiittivid. TO THOSE WHO rVEflE UNABLE TO SECURE C0PIE8 OF THE FIRST EDITION, or THOSE ' WISHING ADDITIONAL COPIES, IVBJIAVJBSKX'UJtED A I.IMITGDKI'MBKROF -OK THE CLIPPER 'AN|t Vflijl' Sl'Pl'I.Y T1IKM AT 10 CENTS PER COPY. Send orders to TUB FRANK ItUBRN IM II. CO., It doosnot seem to be gen- erally known by members of the profession that when in Chicago they can place advertisements in THE NEW YORK CLIPPER atourWest- ern Bureau, 502 Ashland Block, on the same terms as at our main office in New York. The Western,Bureau is not merely an agency, but is a part of our organization and entirely under our con- trol and supervision. It has been established for the benefit of the large army of players who may be tem- porarily or permanently lo- cated in the West. The Bu- reau is under the manage- ment of Walter K. Hill, who Will be pleased to have you call on him at any time. A file of THE CLIPPER is kept there for the use of any who may wish to consult its col- umns. Mr. Hill will also be glad, to receive any news items intended for the col- umns of THE CLIPPER. THE FRANK <p» PUBUSIIIXti CO., 1.1.MITKD, ALBERT J. BORIE, Editorial and Butlnsts Mattagtr. I WJL-L. BOOK your ROUTE And renrcHKMl juiiratiruullnii Iriun my Mew York iittlcu, i;\|>erlenecil, liom'xl service K'tiiriiHIved. Tumn very moderate. It u ynur ailviiniaifu lu Do iiiiakcd rroiii u New Yurk uiiK'i'. NOW is tiii: T1.M11T0 IIIWK NKXT .SKASOX. AflltmM ui-:i.i (\ , care or ci,ii'i'Kit. SIX NEW CARD BOARD 0R6ANS FOR SALE, DRUM ATTACHMENTS. $450EACH. I.IH-1S UKItXI, -HO K. Otllll 81.. N. Y. WANTED TO BUY, A MERRY-GO-ROUND. MUST UK CIIKAI" AND IN tlOOD sll.MM). .1. K. UAIIII.I,. 1<4 K, Ualto Streol, Uailluuire, 1 Md. WANTED, COLORED GIRLS, Al SINGERS, llll'K IIAXCKItS! AUK1 HOYS, Al IHJOK DAXC- KltS, aire limit, n In in. AdUresa JolIX K, KltlKD.MAX, sill Mmiluittuii Avo., Bfo nMy»,K. Y. FOR SALE, SECOND HAND SIDE SHOW I'AIXTIMIS. TIIIIKK TO SIX 1MJM.AUS KAMI; >.oiia'ei|liill la new ; ill', Ui. nil. I'll.INK A. IIIIMIIIXS, 101 IViiieau AVfc, JfWrf tllJT, N. 4. ■ WANTED, for WREN'S VAUDEVILLE PALACE, 'lHUXIi rKIIVORSIKItSjriW fANC'IIANtIK FUR WKKIC HTANU*. A.ldicw W. (i. VltKX. Hiiiilin, lad. Al l.lhi'iT) , (Jnoil (liiiiiiclci- Womun. Emma Ward. 110U lAIUl'ST ST„ St. Ldiilii. Mo. l.ITHOS, one Cent Kaoli, iinr Kl.vlc. Send-JO rttlla lor suiniile^. ,11111s (ttiltliox, X. \Y. ear. I'.lirliih and Wiiiuui SI reel *, Plillailclldilu, l'a. KIUSOX lU(t:i 910UKL. K1XKTO- M'OI'KM, Willi Stereo in icon tnko ll|i device, two Heels, two Unmah Ktoi'trlc liiiiun. Itheiniat, Cilelnlii let. two SfllxSilllB Slides, tell KIIiiim (Ifixiil ih iieir), lirt.Screen, I'mikliig Cane. otc. All ivuily 10 itlvc hIiow. Price $l(>n; cost J'JiKi. I'sed OHM milv. Scut iirivllcKiMif I'.viiinliiuiliiii mi reccliil 111 clin'rue*. AMKIMUAX AUYKIITI81N1I W., 630 llulfloy Strurl. Ilraoklrii, K. Y. A liAIIY Wlt.i, SKI.l. MUM iliiial-oiue Sireet and Kvcnlntr tJiittim, llldluir llulill. lhirualn<. DKSSAII, '-'4JV \Y. Until St., FlrKt A|nirtllient, Kml. M"AMTKl»-l''i>rl,ILl,IAX WKATI1K11S' WARM COON TOW'S WOSWKIW, all CMofrd Mule «nd Fctnalc iMrnirmeiv, siOHern. Uancers, Hand nnd Oreliestni. 1'iirk niliRrA, wrltn plonvr. All mull. l.iiihiu WMihora, Xu. i» Parwi w., Xorwicli, conn. n ANTED TO lll'Y rcvcrul Heeond liiind J'll.MA In Bond order: alio SLOT riiriT'KKJIA- CIIISKS. AihllTH-i 1K IX M t. 1. CHliilierlniiil , Mil. MR UXVU iiik.YP—lias Sliow cuiiiplete. MXMITent; " Da«s. Ho nomrrsii tilt, walk oil f 1 mil feel, wait/, rail ill uuis. climli ladders. Can do one hour turn, or will take a imrlnrr with some eii«h. Ailil rwaJ. A . MIL1.K11. l'.O.IluxaH, St. raul.Xeli. "VvANTKO, For I lie "Kleld Stock Co. 1 'one or (wo mind All'Kunml Actoi-s; those dolnit shoulal- llos lueferit'd, Sltow lieoked up till the iiilihltc of I >•^Jl^^!^^iUI^*l! , '' ; " t ■ lllllltlUHlnil. Ark Jilaivti:» und imTrnSmiiziii week. A1 tfii 1 Aii', 'it ■ IWrSfK KUAXK SYliVKSTKR. Mur, UKCOMH A VKNTUlMlit'VMT by sceiir- Inir my imrsuiiiilly ('ondncicil mall euur.-e. Any one ran ti'iimti)my win method, .sneers* iiosl- tlvelx oniirail'eeil. I'eMniiu! teller of In-li-m- 11->n hi- mull *f. I'l-of. S111111M' H. 'l.lmrcmii'" 'V:ife<-'' nl'ijiial Yi'titi'Uonuisi, TVO N. otll St., 1'MlK., l'a, NEW CILLB8PIE & REILLY VAUDEVILLE FOIl (OJIf.DlAV AM) SOI'IIHETTK. Time. 2n to i'i mill. An oriirlniil. clever net, full of 1111 lo date Irlcns. from tho pens of well known writer*. Airrui'R (iii.i.ksi-ik iIiiiI'JaMks m. Iti:i t.l.Y.nuihorH of lasr suiisun's hlgcosi siu'cesaes. A fciv tvpcn-rltlcii copies, with full llienirlcal prlvlleaes, will lie niulleil for only OXK lillM.AR eaeli. UEGUI.AR 8150 ACT. A (IHKAT 01*- rOIITirXJTY to xccurc tills act. for 11 clever renin. Send dollar today, n*copleit arc limited. Address JAMES M. REILLY, 448Aroadw'ay. Albany. N.Y. WAIJTll), Full Acting Company Far Kprlii(t nml Sioiihiit unison; thom. <lolnu «]■, r lal(li-« iircferi-ril. Klill pui- liculuni first letter. JOE G. GLASGOW, . JACKPOX, MJCH. ;; ; , 1) "EAGLE ROCK. CITY VIEW HOTEL PARK OPENS MAY 23. Comedians who doulilc and aluitle, write. Have xpucc for Merry-Ko>Round, Duuclntf r.ivllloii, JnpuncHC (iauicn, etc. .IOIIN' COX, Vrop., .. Kusle Hock, JVest Ornuire. N. J. WANTED, J Tr.\T ii liont 00x110': nl.n STAGE, SKATS nnd I.Hill'l'S, or will tnknlinlf Interest In o snnil I'lirlllnn Outfit. W.Wi'Kli 111,1111. TBJiT nl.iml IIOiOO. FOIt K \ 1,1 '. Kuril Inrue l'IA\IMIItliA>; lies! of I line nnd en nil II Inn. W. RUSSELL, ' Oeneral l>*llv«iry, C'l nvulanil, Olilo. - !f»Tii! Wanted Immediately, Han for Character and Heavies. RI'RIXli ASH BOKMCI SKAfttlX*. Address CIIAS. K. HAItltlS, Itlm lc Hal l, Vonkers, X. V. \A/A!NI Minstrel Pcrlbrmers. Ootneillnna, who enn work enda: Singers, Dancers nnd nil useful people; Mimical Team, who cnti ilouhlu band; Violinist, to lead or- eliestra nnd double hand ; eood Novelty Acta. Performers who double 111 brnaa Klven prefer- ence, (•nod 1 In 11uil Slufcer, for Illustrated kuiiK. Show opeim llrst of May. Wimteil— Good Cook, Address W. J. MANSFIELD. Tldldillo. l'a. WANTED,^ flood Looking Lady Musicians for Orchestra Work. Cornet, Clarionet, Violin nnd I'lauo. Hoard nnd room rural-died. Hlute lowest milnry, Kn^ngc- nieiittoSept. 1. Addrcan It. IIKNThY. ' Metropnlllnn Hotel, Uuilulo, N. Y. WAXTE)D, Perfopmers. lied Hot HAM'Kit ami (laud Versatile. MKIIICINE SHOW l'KOI'I.K. Hliile Lowest and all you do In Ill's! letter. Ko lioo/lin; lolernleil. (Itenil It iikh lui. 1-oiiK, pleasant eiiiriiireiiieni. Salary sum us tlcittli. Will buy camp siutf. Will. MKUIC1NB (SHOW, aiwrgcon, l'a.. Alleglittny, Co. i Musical Comedian, BLACK FACE, FOR 3,ACT. Most play cither Cornet or Trombone nnd Saxa- phoile. Address Ml.'SlCAI. WALDOS, 78 Niagara St., enrenf The Austin, l)uimio,,M. y, ; . ' WANTED, LEADING MAN. And Man for Heavies. Must he clever. Tot Young, C. It. Callleotle, .1. li. Ilrowuclli', pleiiHe write, J. C. MA'l'lI i:\\"s, Malinger Lnrulne Co., I'lyiuonlli, Mass. AT LIBERTY, . CLIFFORD I. VENIE, Spring mid Summer season, for one night stands; three lllgllls rep. or Summer stock preferred, (leneral llusliicss.aii.viliiugeiiKl for, and wardroliu for llio smile. Alwnvsrelhilile. ' ' ChKVKl„vsn, o„ qoueial DelK:cry. WANTED—A Y0UN6 LADY WHEEL RIDER, for a Motor 'Cycle Act: must have some experience as an ncrobni; iiiaai he atlrnetlvo und a good dresser; must not weigh over 130 pounds: height not over fi feet 4 1 aelas; from la years to 'JO. Send photo., which will lie returned, nnd full par- ticulars. Wlille Sisters, Chicago, write. Address Tim A I.I.KXS. llox 487, Syraeiise, N. Y. Slot Punching Machines, fiio.on Kind MMt (Iron), Iron Weighing Scales, $11.(10, I'lct me Muetiinc, wort li Hl.t", now $1S.60, complele. llOOKIts M1U CO... .. ■ 174 l.ineolii Hlreet, Huston, Mass. SOLO CORNETTIST WANTKll l'Olt 1'AltK TIIKATIIE. Must he sober mid rollniile. Kng. In weeks, Coodsuhiry torlghl mini. Ail. IJaWIT IX KI.AM1. Vlndlay. Ohio. Al Liberty Carrie Weller, For Spring and Summer Season; Juveniles, Ingenues, diameters nnd Itovs. Address 1UH7THST;, ClllcilHO. 111. ■ Be a A. r ont i-;i<>< inif^t Hlggest ntirai-linn for street men, fakirs and out- door work. I teach It by until. I'linlcuhifsi for jier- inanent nddrcss and -'e. stamp. (',. \\:. SMITH. ... 6W Ueikluier.StreeU J0II1M.III. rartMJVaoM for Magician One who understands lilnck art. CHA S. YV. I'Al tKKIt.- eiireO l.ll'I', X. T. WANTED, UOSS 110STLKI! A>ili.\C.U.I,l01'K'l'I.AYEn; Slti. SAITKLLB, UomiT, N. V. JULE AND ELWIER WALTERS' VflTRIlXiUrOj 8BH8ATIOMAI„lHViaiAj--' c C',"«;'- ! ^7^;.*, 11^. By LAWRENCB KUMBtti. . « ;K^« ,e „n7.SK^^;,» THE MAD DASH TO DEATH IN AN AUTOMOBILE, HiL. L.mM »«w Address,'. '. i ?! JVLKantEWU-ai WAI.TEKS,- ' -a«b ^liiOfl-jOIttrliiunc. llajldliig. cue National rrlntliig.C PATERSON, N. J. MRS. BEN LEAVIH, - -- • ■ Sole Owner and .Manager. STILL IN LINE WITH THE LEADING BURLESQUE HOUSES: OF THE EASTERN CIRCUIT. Read the Following! Uccclved of Jlra. Hen Lenvltt, JIgr. BIJou TUeatre, her ciiceJt on the «mr Sartorial Bank ot raler- Hon for $1,313.68 »b my ahafo for week'n business FOR TIIR WKBK OK JmiClI 23-_ una, v. will. S.UHEW, Mur. Tiger Lilies Co. Uuslnesa boonilng In Paleraon: seven million dollnra of rebtilldlnif after lire. A fow weeks open In May and June. Address all colnini'nilcatl«p!»' . , . -3-;^...,^ sailf*.i< SHOW Two Pavilion Uncle Tom's Cabin Outfits, Complete. J»ck, Stringer, I'ole, Ilescrved Seat Wagons; •{ fine nallruad HagKUge Wapniur, 40 Set Single and Double Iliirncas, iiilwltfl breaching nnd new last Spring: XltrtM, Horde Tent, complete; n flue platform spring Cook Wagon, complete with large range, till dlslies, tables, everything to feed 50 people; 3 Hue Sleeping Car Wagons, complete with lied*, bedding, folding lierIIis, cost $1,000 each to build; l'ony Carl!., Hiuutons, Shetland Popy llnruess, Plumes, Saddles (Iiutli. ladles und.gents); llirhta of All Kinds: ■a Head of Uood Draught Horses, Stago Scenery anil everything complete for Pavilion Opera Home; S iciiniiil Ponies, Donkeys; everytlillig of 'the bust money oau buy. or will trade for good 37. or 44 Whistle. Oilllope, lu llrel olnss condition, with or without bolter; Lnrgc Trumpet Organ, In perfect tunc; V'lout- hur Palace Boat, wiih or without steatuer or curs, er will buy same. Give .conditions ami price, und where ihey can lie seen. All this property can bo seen tor the nun three weeks at.Ucdlna, N. Y. como and see It. WANTKD, FOIl BU11HBR SKASON i:KI)EK CANVAS, UOOD t'NOI.B TOM PEOPIB llmi plav HraUK mid do Sueclaltleit. Must bo sober and reliable.. Stendy work. Jliwlclana for Hand mid Orclieatr* iiddress ' • < A. D. McJPJHKE, Bpi^lvJ, (lledlnn, Bf. Y, ( JOHN ROBINSON'S IO EIG PlUU'OUMKItS AKO PEOPLE KNCIAtlEU 1011 1903, BBTOBT AS FOI.I.OWS: . Performers at Torrnco Park. April 14 or Louisville, April, 10, to Fred Fisher; Munlclaiis lo II, 0. Ileekei. Call lloir-e, Cincinnati, April 13; Spectacular und llullet, J. T. Raymond, Unit House, from April I lo 14; Uroouia to Ueorge Stunipf, Terrace Park, from April 2 to 14 ■ Animal Men to James llulrorlv, Terraee Park, from April 2 to 14: Property und Scenery to II. Johnston, .Terracn park, from April 2 lo 14; Train Men to (i. Slunp, Terraco Park. Irom April a to 14: Cook liuuie Men to C. Davis, Louisville, April in: Side Show People to W. II. Irons, LnuhtvlUc, April 20; Canvas Men lo Jus. Caskey, Terrace Park, April 14 to 23. Show opens April 21, ul Louisville Horse Show building. If more con- venient,' Performers can report Louisville, April 10, for Uenearsids. Acknowledge.Cdll by wire or letlor to hoads of your Department. Performers answer to JOH.N 0. UOBlNSOK, Tcrnico 1'jiik, Ohio. j u.1 STOW LOCATED 31 W. 31st :'..:; AFTER MAY t PERMANENT OFFICE, . CHftS. K. HARRIS, OF MILWAUKEE. ZHKeyer Cohen, XME&jt. WATCH KOK l.'tTHKK AWOl'VCKMUNTS. Representing 20 ol the leading Traction Parks in the East and South. Can offer Big Features, Hoadllnors and Vaudeville Acts of overy description. Engagements throughout the entire Summer. Address MAURICE BOOM, ■ 31 .West 31st St., New York,; Chas. K. Harris' Building. Good^naelTHW LONG ISLAND CIRCUIT. \aMm BAY SHORE, RIVERHEAD, SAYVILLE, GREENPORT. PATCHOGUE, HUNTINGTON. now bookink sr.Asd> lwirAsn hoi. . ■ t' ; ''.' Fouovirs time aduruss •."•:: - .\'."';■;■•...'... ; Telephone 2A. Kay Shore. OARLETON 11, BREWSTER, Bay Shore, L. L PATTEN AND PERRY^S BIG TENT S)fibw, M'eok Stands, Vaudeville I'orformera who can elinngc; preference to those who double Inliand nud 'Orchestra: tlnod Clarhuiet, also Clever I.adv to work in acta. No matinees, oat and sleep at Host Hotels, all expenses paid after Joining. Seating capacity- 1,001). elegant stage, 8|icclul oil nnlntcd Mtuery, elevnled door for reserved seats, entire outfit lighted by electric llghta, iimfuruied baiiil nud orclicstrn. The moat complete out lit. on tho road. Will oneu.ut Oreat Harrington. Mnss..wcck bt Janel. Addi-eaa all mtillto rATXUN and I'BRIIY, till April 11, Opera House, St. John, N. B. See next wcelt'a CblPl'i&B. ■ .' • ' ' .._ - '^iiiid'! a,. — HAHyBLOm FOOT Jt'GOLKR DATES. AIlDHKSS REUARILS TO SATSUMA. AXII 11001' HOLLER; Ol'KK FOR COMIIISATION AXl» 1'ARK. .Mil WARREN ST„ CollimuilS,.0. A SIXTY-FIVE OR SEVENTY FOOT* BOX CAB. BNl) AND SIDE DOORS AM) OELI.AU I'llKPEItUBD, ..,. ,.. V lllli (HAS. IIAUTIM-, & 1)1! (>%'/,() SHOWS, (oiiiieLvHie, liid. VCTanted, for Parks. VAn'iEVIIXK, STOCK, RErERTOlllKl'KOI'LE, SM.V1.LOIIORPSOII1L9, 9EN.S.VTIl)NAI, AffTS." Send iitiiiloj. .state nil Ur-t letter. Will buy Moving picture Machine. 1,000 kecond hand CHAIRS. Julluu liynl. lAretto piUjon, ivrlte. . KDW..WERTI.EY, ifq'., wrccuahprQ;>'■ p. Ten Slot jPhonqgraphsTi Po^snie, Qhe^p, Perfect eoiidltlon. Comiiteto with iiedestal, 1136, I Munaacrlpl<> and Purls nt Wull Known Plays; Jn»t. tlrtat luiigiilu. MANHATTAN PlloNDORAl'll CO;, llii- llitng for 1.11111I1 repertoire cuinpaiilea! stump fur tt lluri'Uou bi Kg* York. 1 Itat, C, W. OLARK, VorUiiud, Ohio.