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The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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APRIL 4. TTTE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 149 NEW YORK STATE. ErmSm **■ beta aDOTe " e * ¥er * ge ,b ^EN»V^tuS. (Henry t. Meech man- Co . The much heralded dog >how takes ,tcr) '~unrch 31-Aprll 3. There ire over ffJEanJ 2i this la the first time In ' w *SS wars' that the local canines bave •w.S',11, concert, a peat deal of In- W M 1. shown lathe production. Gabrll- „"&rJSSrW poatnoned piano reclUl ap »,"»b - Th«atm (J. R- Stirling, manager). ?The Stork™ la toe current attraction. Tl.lif. E "vsns, in "There and Back," ( .n*rii 6-8 N C. Goodwin and Maxlne El- nfrt ever fnvarltes here, appeired to marked "Si.'ntiee In 'The Altar of friendship,'' last iS. IStTdown stairs were U (Mr Good- Jfn-a usual tariff of late years), but there * TECK°THE*TnB '(J. Uughlln manager).— lhe Baldwin-Melville Stock Co.'s current production of "Fedora." "Sapho" will be liven by this popular organization April 0 seek- "Glsmonda" pleased, to substantial ■"SfiES (Dr. Peter C. Cornell, mana- „ r A ) C "oo.Won-Go Mobawk, In "The naming Arrow." this week. "On ' ', Stroke ;t T«lve" next week. Thll • .'s excellent company gave "Down by the «," to big at- itjdance, last week. siiev's Gabdb* Thkatbb.— This week's hill- Nat. M. Wills, McConnell's Seminary Stria Ted T. Bums A Co., Will II. Fox, Tom Vinr-k Maude Meredith, Barrows, Lancaster a Co Clan Johnstone Troupe, La Petite Adelaide, Heras Family, and the klneto- 'TvPArtrre TneATM. — Rice * Barton's hi* Gaiety Extravaganza Co. this week. In- cluded In the olio are: The Bell Trio, Eck- 3 and Gordon, Mitchell and Marlon, Idyl- ls May Vyner, Esber Sisters, Benjamin lirown, Charles Barton. Weber's ParlBian Widows had a very profitable week and pl Lrc«ni TitEATitE (J. Laughlln, manager). -Lewis Morrison, In his scolarly rendition of "Faust," returns this week. "Sporting Life" next week. The Smart Set did nicely. Notes. —Mr. Goodwin's manager, George J Appleton, who has Journeyed hither for so ninny, many years, was generously welcomed and entertained by his old friends while In , own Uarry Kerren, who has been In advance of Alma Stirling, bas returned home with his star, after a prosperous sea- son and naB resumed his position as man- seer of attractions at Olcott Beach, which resort will open June 1 Amherst Col- lece Glee Club appears at Bent's Opera House, Medina. N. Y.. April 2. s Albany.—At the Empire Theatre (H. It Jacobs, "manager).—Week of March 23, "Fid- dle-Dce-Dee," with Uice and Cadby In the leading rolea; the bouse was well filled at each performance. Due: Stuart Robson, In "The Comedy of Errors," 31, and Mary Shaw. In "Ghosts," April 1. HARMANtJS 1ILEECKEB IlAU, (H. B. JaCODS. manager).—Willis Granger, In "Gypsy Jack," succeeded In pleasing good audiences March 23, 24. De Wolf Hopper appeared 25. la "Mr. l'lckwlck," to one of the largest houses of the season. "The Span of Life," 20-28, Sve enjoyment to a large following. "A ■sperate Chance" 30-Aprll 1, "A Bunch of Keys" 2-4. I'boc-tob's Theatre (Howard Graham, resident manager).—Announced March 30 and week, Proctor's Stock, In a return visit, when "A Social Highwayman" will be the bill. The Gaiett Theatre (Mrs. Agnes Barry, proprietor and manager).—The American Burlesquers presented an attractive bill March 23-25, which was generously patron- ized, and the Dainty I'aree Burlesquers fur- nished the entertainment 28-28. The com- pany Included Aleene and Hamilton, Mile. I.aiuska. Shattuck and Bernard, Karlna, Kellx Martin, Owley and Randall, andCoates- Grundv A Co. Good business was observed throughout the engagement. Coming: Sam Devere and his Own Company 30-Aprll 1, and the Oriental Burlesquers 2-4. Note. —Joseph Frank, who during the past Winter season successfully managed the Em- Eire Theatre, bas resigned. He will make is future residence In New York. Troy.—At the Grlswold Opera House (M. Rels. manager).—The Frankle Carpen- ter Co., In repertory, drew good houses all last week. "The Man Who Dared" Is booked for March 30-Aprll 1, "The Village Parson" 2-4. Rand's Opera House (M. Rels, mana- ger).—George 8ldney, In "Busy Izzy," drew well March 23. De Wolf Hopper. In "Mr. Pickwick," filled the house 24. Ilobert B. Mantel) April 2, 8. Stuart Robson, In "The Comedy of Errors," 4. Stab Theatre (H. R. Kellar, manager). —Dainty Paree Co. and Karena drew well 23-25. The American Burlesque™ packed the bouse 20-28. Sam Watson's Oriental Burlesquers are due 30-Aprll 1, Sam De- vere'a Own Co. 2-4. Music Hala. —Creatore and his Italian band bad an exceedingly small bouse March 25. LOUISIANA. ,J?*,7 Orteana.—At the Tnlane Theatre (W. H. Howies, manager).—A packed house greeted the Rogers Bros. March 22, and big business followed during the week. "The Roger Bros, in Harvard" was the bill offered and it proved a splendid entertainment and won much applause. The work of the Roger Bros., Win. West, Lea Harrison. Pat Rooney, Geo. Honey, Hattle Williams, Edith St. Clair, Clara Palmer, Emma Francis and Neva Aymar was deserving of special men- tion. Lulu Giaser, In "Dolly Varden," week tf 29, to be followed April 5 by "Audrey." Csxscint Tueateb (w. H. Howies, man- ager).—8. B, O. greeted the Wm. II. West Big Minstrel Jubilee 22, and good business followed throughout the week. As usual with this company, a strong singing per- formance was enjoyed, while the work of Hilly Van, Jno. King, Frank Hammond. Jules Bennett, Ford Bros., McMahon and King, Swift and Huber, and the Zarrow Trio won them much applause. Kor week of 20, "The Irish Pawnbrokers," to be fol- lowed April 5 by "Sweet Clover." Grand Opera House illv. Greenwall. manager).—"The Slaves of Russia" scored a success, as presented by the Stock Co., week of March 22, opeulng matinee and night to parked houses, and having good results all week. Geo. Ober, as Khor, was good. Raymond Whlttaker, as Ivan Kborvlch, was excellent, and Harry Preston Coffin, as Count Koratott, did splendid work. Tom Keougb, sb Mr. Gray, the patriotic American, won much applause. Estba Lyon, as the Count- ess, was exceptionally good, while dashing little Carrie Lamont, as Rosalie, the French malil, gave a good account of herself. The stock company will be seen week of 20, In 'Under Sealed Orders;" Week of April 5, In "Kidnapped." The performances, matinee ond night, April 0, will be as a testimonial benefit tendered to Comedian Tom Keougb. St. Om-ltEUji (Chas. E. Bray, manager).—One of the best bills seen at this popular vaudeville house for some weeks past was offered week of 23, and, aa a result, n big week's business was done. The work of the Great La Fleur, Mason-Keeler Co., Olllett's musical dogs, and the great Colby Family won them many curtain calls. The efforts of little llyrle Colby stamps her the best child performer ever seen at this bouse. The bill for week of 30 Includes: Russell Bros., W. C. Fields, Cbrls Bruno and Mnbel Russell, the Rozlnos, Veaa Rial, Anderson and Wallace, and Esmeralda, the phenomenal Instrumentalist, who proved one of the big- gest bits here last season. Notes. —Marie Kaufmann, the well known elocutionist, Is billed for a recital at the Athenaeum on April 18 Jas. Corcoran, the popular superintendent of the Orpheum Theatre, has been engaged as manager for West End for the coming season. Mr. Cor- coran for many years was a comic opera performer, and has a legion of friends In IOWA. Dea Moines.—At Foster's Opera House (Wm. Foster, manager).—"The Strollers," with Marguerite Sylva. came, to big busi- ness, March 19. "Sally In Our Alley" bad a fair bouse 23. Koclnn, violin virtuoso, will appear 28; W. II. Crane 80, James O'Neill April 2, Francis Wilson 0. Gband Opbra House (Wm. Foster, man- ager).—"Hunting for Hawkins" drew big houses* 19-21. Barney Ollmort, In "Kid- napped In New York, filled the house at every performance 23-25. Annie Oakley comes 20-28, '.The Telephone Girl" 80-April 1, Zeb and Zarrow 2-4. Ai'PiToaiuu (Wm. Foster, manager).— Mrs. Patrick Campbell, supported by an ex- cellent company, presented "The Joy of Liv- ing" 24, to a large and enthusiastic audi- ence. Theodore Thomas' Orchestra April 8. s Cedar Rapids.—At Greene's Opera House (Will 8. Collier, business manager).—"The White Slave" bad a fair sized bouse March 19. "The Younger Brothers, Bank Robbers," bad a top heavy house 20. Murray and Mack, 21, In "A Night on Broadway," bad food matinee and night crowds. HI Henry's [lustre's, 24, pleased good matinee and nigbt audiences. "Sally In Our Alley," 20, with a good company, drew a light house. Coming: "Devil's Auction" 20, Koclan, vio- linist, 2T: Barney Gllmore 28. Henrietta Crosman 30, "Zlg Zag Alley" April 1, Jas. O'Neill 4, Francis Wilson 7, "A Merry Chase" 8, "The Moonshiner's Daughter" 11. Notes. —C. O. Tennis, ahead of "Sally In Our Alley," was In town March 20 F. A. Martin, agent of "The Devll'a Auc- tion," with C. E. Culver and Clayton I.. Mix, agents for HI Henry's Minstrels, were here 21, 22 Jack Pratt, business man- ager for Henrietta Crosman, waa In town this city The vaudeville acts for West End will be furnished by the Orpheum cir- cuit co Elizabeth Howard, who years ago was with many of the notable circuses, died here suddenly 25. Death was caused by a hemorrhage, brought on by a violent fit of coughing. For some years past she has been known as the newspaper woman of Exchange Alley, earning a scant living by selling pa- pers The unveiling of a handsome, massive, polished granite scroll over the grave of John Queen, In St. Patrick's Ceme- tery, took place 23. The scroll was erected by bis sister, Mrs. Dave Hennessy, and bears the Inscription: "John Queen, song writer and minstrel, all alone." .... Fred C. acbmltt, the popular piano professor of the Hakeny's Music nnd Piano Co., entertained a number of visiting professionals week of 23. i ■» ALABAMA. Syracuse.—At the Wletlng Opera House (John L Kerr, manager).—Nat C. Goodwin and Maxlne Elliott delighted large audience March 23. De Wolf Hopper had big houses 27, 28. Due: Kyrle Bellew, In "A Gentle- man of France," 30, 31: "Stuart Robson, lu "The Comedy of Errors," April 3. Bastable Tiieatbe (Chas. H. riummer, manager).—Empire Vaudeville Co., headed by Jas. J. Corbett, played, to large bouses, March 23-28. Vaudeville week of 30. Lyceum Theatre (F. R, Luescher, man- ager).—"The Price of nonor" did well 23- s$- "Gypsy Jack" came, to good bouses, 20-28. Lafayette and Co. week of 80. Gbano Opeia House (Sam S. Shubert, manager).—"A Hot Old Time" and "Tracy, the Outlaw." divided laBt week, to big busi- ness. "A Boy ol the Street," 30-Aprll 1, 'The Minister's Son" 2-4. s i , BI "rt»»<M.—At 8tone Opera House .'i-v'-J 5 - Cla *j manager).—Viola Allen, In The Eternal City," had S. R. O. and the urgest receipts In the history of this the- atre, March 23. "Span of Life" drew good business 25. Lewis Morrison, In "FaiiBt," bad big business 27. "The Liberty Belles" •■nines 28, Murray and Mackey Stock Co., J» repertory, 30-Aprll 2 ; Kyrle Bellew. In a Gentleman of France," 3 ; Frank Daniels 4. BiiotTnaTHi (Lee M. Cafferty, mana- "a 114 Dilntjr Par «e Burlesquers March Mobile—At the Mobile Theatre (J. Tannenbaum, manager). — Huntley - Moore Stock Co. came March 18-27, to good busi- ness throughout the entire engagement, and pleated. Coming: "Sweet Clover" April 1, "The Prisoner of Zenda" 4, matinee and night. SIascottb Theatre (Ducournau Bros., managers).—Week of 23 proved an excep- tional winner, the same faces remaining for another week. Most of the acts at this house are booked for two to four weeks BOlid. Notes. —Lulu Giaser, In "Dolly Varden," will be warmly greeted 28, the advance sale being very large Ducournau's Electric Calanaut Is still in this city, awaiting the arrival of some performers. A. J. Dickinson, stage carpenter, will not go with them, as was first reported. i Montgomery.—At the Montgomery The- atre (Illrsrher Bros., managers).—West's Minstrels will come April 1, "The Prisoner of Zenda" 2. . _ McDonald's Theatre (G. F. McDonald, rnannger).—This house was dark week of March 23. Huntley-Moore Stock Co. week of 30. i » Selnia.—At the Academy of MubIc (Long & Rees, managers).—The house was dark for the paat week. Coming: "Sweet Clover" March 27, "The Prisoner of Zenda" April 1, "Audrey" 2, Helen May Butler and her Lndles' Military Band 11. The 8elma Min- strels (home talent) will give their eighth annual performance under the management of a. H. Hudson. ««» WEST VIRGINIA. Clinton At the Economic Theatre (Busby Bros., managers).—The Chase-Lister Co. had big business week of March 10. "Legally Dead" had good business 23, and pleased. Coming: Gnskell Stock Co. 31- Aprll 4, "A Breezy Time" 7, Henrietta Cros- man 0, Vogel's Minstrels 13. Notes. —The Economic Theatre, formerly owned by the Des Moines Life Insurance Co., has been sold to local capitalists. The house will be entirely remodeled the coming Sum- mer. Busby Bros, will still retain the man- agement W. C. Knapp, agent for II' Henry's Minstrels, was here 21 A. J. Busby, manager of the Odcon Theatre, Mar- ahalltown, la In the city. ■ > Boone.—At Aries' Opera House (Wiley & Klrby, managers).—Murray A Mack, In "A Night on Broadway," drew a large bouse. The company Is especially strong, and many encores were given. "The Younger Brothers, Bank Robbers," bad a good attendance 21. Chnse-Llster Co., 23-28, In repertory. The company played to full bouses each nlgbt. Coming: Return engagement of the Beugnr Prince Opera Co. 80, T 'Tbe Telephone Girl" April 3. Keokuk.—At the Keokuk Opera House (Edmund Jaeger Jr., resident manager).— "Railroad Jack" attracted a light house March 21. The Murray Comedy Co. opened a week's engagement. In repertory, 23, and drew good ana well pleased bouses. "Devll'B Lane" coaes April 1, Vogel's Minstrels 2, "Thelma" 7. loTvn. City.—At the Opera House (John N. Coldren, manager).—"The Strollers 1 ' did a big business March 20. "Peck's Bad Boy," matinee and evening 21, had- fair attend- ance. Ill Henry's Minstrels was favored with a cordial reception 23, and made good. Due: "The Devil's Auction" 25, Flora De Yobs week of 30, Beggar Prince Opera Co. April 8, Herrmann 1ST Davenport.—At the Burtls Opera House (Cbamberlln, Kindt A Co., managers).—The Flints did good business March 18-10. "Hunting for Hawkins" was well received 22. Due: Henrietta Crosman 25, "Devil's Auction" 28, Banda Kossa 27, Barney Gll- more 29. *« » KANSAS. Wheeling.—At the Court Theatre (E. B. Franzhelm, manager).—Andrew Mnck, In "A Bold Soger Boy, March' 21, had good business, followed fay Wm. II. Crane, in "David Harum," 25, to big business. Com- ing: Paul Gllmore 28, Katbryn Kidder 31, Eugenie Blair April 1, 2, "The Heart of Maryland" 4. , ' Gband Opeba Hocbh (Chas. A. Felnler, manager).—The rtloadells. In 'Through the Centre of the Earth," 10-21, bad big busi- ness, followed by Ross and Fcnton Vaude- ville Co., 23-25, to excellent business. Ccm-, Ing: Ross and Fenton Vaudeville Co. 20-28, "looping the Loop" 30-Aprll 1, "For Her Sake'' 2-4. i Slnternrllle.—At the Auditorium Thea- tre (A. R. Doyle, manager).—"Flnnlgnn's 400," .March 21. drew a fair bouae. The Blondells. In "Through the Centre of the Earth," 25, gave a flne show, to a good bouse. Due: Gus Sun Minstrels 28, Paul Gllmore 31. ♦ '» WASHINGTON. Topeka.—At the Crawford (Roy Craw- ford, local manager).—"The Moonshiner's Daughter" drew a fair bouse March 17. "Pennsylvania" bad two fair houses 21. "A Woman's Sacrifice" did fair business 22. "The Chaperons" attracted a full bouse 23. Coming: "Si Plunkard" 28. Lillian Morti- mer Co. 30-Aprll 4, Weldemann Stock Co. e-ii. The Grand (A. S. Kane, local manager). —"A Trip to Chinatown" March 2s, W. U. Crane April 1, "York State Folks" 2. » Wichita—At the Crawford Theatre (E. L. Martllng, manager).—Ed. Redmond pre- sented "Davy Crockett," to a good house, March 23. J. C. Lewis. In "81 Plunkard," pleased a good sized audience 24. "A Trip to Chinatown" came, to good business, 20. Coming: "The Little Tycoon" April 2, 8. Toleb Auditoiiium (H. G. Toler, mana- ger).—"The Chaperons" packed the house, at advanced pi Ices, 24. The Theodore Tuomaa Orchestra comes April 14. ■ Leavenworth.—At the Crawford Grand Opera House (M. J. Cunningham, local man- ager).—"Pennsylvania" came March 20, to fair business. "The Chaperons" delighted a large audience 22. Coming: "The Little Outcast" 25, Weldemann's Comedy Co. week of 30. ♦ ' » TENNESSEE. cer 30- • »» A Remarkable Record. h „25,2 nMday ' Feb - 3. the New York Central SSirfk ■■£?*' ot 25082 <*"• To' 8 «• ,.^; e i by i>op the maximum number of cars nil m . 0Ted '? one d "T- This record, how- fnr ,k '. 8 aB " ln broken on Tuesday, Feb. 10. !,« IS? tw «nty-four hours ending 11.59 p. M. M rnV", 5 te the New York Central moved if' wi no« dea v C8r ' and °' 480 empties, a total rlr,... ■ w hl<, n | g the largest number ot OnH?7 w hail( lled In one day on this line. hanii^ 8 ??£. da,e ,ne I^ke Shore Railway tie. . . V\ m loadc<s «™ « nd 3- 310 em P- tntc'i „- ta ' movement of 14.281 cars; cr a I, "L, on n 0,h llD «» of *0-31« cars. This otnJi S Er e » l °M records In the handlln* oi cars on these lines. Spokane.—At the Spokane Theatre (Dan L. Weaver, manager).—Nance O'Neill opened a week's engagement. In repertory, March 23. "The Cowboy and the Lady at- tracted good business 20, 21. Due: "Arl- tona" April 1, 2, Mrs. Brune 0, 7. Auditorium (Harry C Hayward, mana- ger).— John Griffith, In "Macbeth," 20, 21, and "The Peddler's Claim," 10-18, came, to fair average business. CiNEoanArH (C. H. Peckhnm. manager). —For week of 23 the new faces were: Lyn- don and Wren, Fowler Bros., Paul La Drew, Fred Lozone, and Master Warren Camp. Business la great Cobbb d'Alemb (Jacob Goetz, manager).— The openings 23: Jack Norman, Bert New- ell, Jack and Myrtle Mack, Hlgnor and Mme. Boll!, Jim and Rose Govello, and Coleman nnd Mcxls. _ .. . Comique (I. D. nolland, manager).— The new faces 23: Joe Morton, Dot La Pierre, Dan Russell. Blanche OJiell, Myrtle L'nton, and Delia Kuehn. Memphis.—At the New Lyceum Theatre (Frank Gray, manager).—"Rogers Brothers In Harvard' packed the house March 20,21. The principals, all of whom are old favor- ites faere, received a cordial welcome. The performance gave general satisfaction. Dark- ness reigned 23. "The Heart of Maryland" came, to good business, 24, 23. Alma Kru- ger, in the leading role, received much ap- flause. The performance was enjoyable, louse dark 20. Coming: "The Wrong Mr. Wright" April 3, 4, Lulu Giaser 8, 9, Joseph Jefferson 14. Hopkins' Grand Otera House (A. B. Morrison, manager).—"The Prodigal Daugh- ter," (or the second time this season, was presented week of March 23, to splendid business. The cast was about the same as tbat of the former production. Geo. Allen, as Sam Blinks, made the most of a minor fart. The vaudeville features were: Will 1. Fox, and Dolan and Lenbarr. Treasurer Bert Young was tendered a benefit after- noon and night 2D. Mr. Young was called before the curtain and presented with a handsome umbrella and traveling bag. For week of 30, "Pink Dominoes." New Auditorium (A. B. Morrison, man- ager). —Darkness prevailed 19-21. Richards A Prlngle's Minstrels came afternoon and nlgbt 23. to splendid business. Rev. Hsm Jones delivered bis characteristic lecture, to a fair bouse, 24. The house remained dark 25, -'J. Coming: Henrietta Crosman 31. Pr.nsicA'a Garden (John I'erslcn, mana- ger). — The vaudeville performance Is changed every week, and the house Is crowded every nlgbt. Nashville.—At the Grand (Mrs. T. J. Boyle, mnnsger).—The Boyle Stock Co.. In "In Spits of All." was seen March 23-28 by large and appreciative audiences. This pro- duction proved as well balanced and thor- oughly artistic as any of tbe season. Miss Kennark was perfect In ber interpretation of Alice Clendennlng. and aronsed ber bear- ers to enthusiasm by her emotional force. Harry Hllllard bad a role suited to him. and made the most of It Id every way. Irving Sick and Helpless C ome U nto Me. I Have Discovered the Marvelous Secret of Life and I Give • it Free to Y ou. My Mission oi Earth Is to Hial the Sick and Curs the Maimed—Coni Unto Hi and I Will Give You Hulti ui life and Youth, Mr Vital Life Hal J. tbe Moat Marvel- ous Compound Ever Discovered, I Send to Yoa Free tor the Aaklas. I have discovered the marvelous secret of life, and I can make you live, for I can make you well, no matter what your sick- ness ; I can make you strong and well, no matter how weak or crippled you are. With my Vital Life Fluid, tbe secret of which Is known only to me, I cure every known ail- ment of tbe human flesh. Cripples throw do<--i their crutches and walk away well lie Has Discovered the "Seerei of Life" for He Cures All Diseases With Ills Marvelous Vital Life Field. and happy; the sick take up their beds and walk. Ibera Is no III or ailment under tbe sun which my marvelous Vital Life Fluid will not banlsb, and It restores to the per- fect bloom of health every poor and unfor- tunate sufferer. I do not seek to demonstrate a theory. I have no time for that, fur 1 am accomplish- ing facts, 1 am curing thousands who had given dp all-hope of life. I am bringing Toy and happiness Into hundreds of homes. If you suffer from kidney and liver disease, lung and stomach or heart trouble, consump- tion, constipation, rheumatism, neuralgia, blood and skin diseases, catarrh, bronchitis, paralysis, diabetes, lost vitality, nervous de- bility, Insomnia, blood poison, enemla, female weakness and ailments, enema or salt rbeum, headaches, backache, nervousness, fevers, coughs, colds, astbnia or any disease or weakness of tbe vital organs, come unto me and I will cure you and make you well. The wicked may scoff and cry "fake," but the people whom I have snatched (rom tbe very jaws of death and have lifted up and given health and strength are living witnesses to the everlasting power of my matchless Vital Life Fluid. To me and my marvelous remedy all systems and all diseases are alike. It matters not bow long you bave been adllcted: it matters not how hopeless and helpless you may be; It matters not what doctors bave said or what remedies bare failed to cure you; It matters not whether you have faith, my Vital Life Fluid is life itself and banishes all dleease. From tbe very edge of the grave, by the aid of this mysterious com- pound. I have brought them bark to life, and none need perlsb, for I will send to every sufferer some of my priceless Vital Life Fluid absolutely free. Tbat Is my duty, and It will perform Its miraculous cures right before you own eyes. Write and tell me what you wish to be cured of, nnd I will cure you. I will send you tbe marvelous Vital Life Fluid that will moku you as strong and healthy aa If disease bad never touched you. Write me to day. Never mind tbe scofflngs of your friends. Your life may be at stake and you not know It They can not save you. but I can save you and I will If you will only let me. My private address Is Dr. C. Sargent Ferris, 2880 Blektron Hldg., Ft. Wayne, Ind., and I personally assure every person who writes me, be they rich or poor, a prompt and courteous answer and enough of my precious Vital Life Fluid free to con- vince thorn tbst I bave truly discovered tbe secret of long life and perfect health. Drooks, as Kraft, had tbe correct dialect and make up that proved very ludicrous. All the other members uf tbe company appeared at great advantage. Dawson and Booth, and F. v. Bowers tilled curtain waits witb their pleasing specialties. The new songs of Dow- ers called forth much applause. IToyie Stock Co. 80April 4, In "The Lost Paradise." Tub vexdojie (W. A. Hlieetx, manager).— March 23-26 tbe Vendome Stork Co. did a large business with that pleasing comedy, "A Nlgbt Off." "The Heart of Mfrylaud' 1 did good business 27, 28. Tbe Vendome Stock Co., In "Tbe Silver King," 30-Aprll 4. Tadebnaclc. —Ellery's Itoyal Italian Band drew a large music loving audience 20, whose hearty applause was evidence of thor- ough enjoyment, s Cbattanoonra. — At the New Opera House (Paul It, Albert, manager).—West's Minstrels bad a fair crowd March 10. "Mr. Jolly from Jollet," came, to good business, 18. "Hello, BUI," did welt 20. "Sweet Clover" pleased a large audience 21. Kath lyn Kidder, 23, bad a light house. Kllcry's Italian Band, 24, had a light bouse. Lyceum, 27, filled the bouse. Coming: "Peeks Had Boy" 28, Harris-Parkinson Co., In reper- tory, two weeks, beginning 80. Habbis' Nicki.e i'latu Snow bad good crowd March 20. , «■ » GEORGIA. Atlanta.—At tbe Grand (II. L. & J. I.. De Give, managers).—"Foxy Qui Her" Is due March 27. "Sweet Clover" received fair patronage 20. Kllcry's Band entertained 21. 22. Lulu Giaser, In "Dolly Varden." at- tracted large nnd appreciative audiences 2!l, 24, at advanced prices. "Tbe Prisoner af Zenda" did well 20. 211. Rooked: "Ilogers Brothers In Harvard" April 1, 2. Bijou (Jake Wells, manager).—The Bijou Musical Comedy Co. presented "A Trip to Chinatown" week of 23, and scored a bit. The capacity of tbe bouse waa tested at each performance. Booked: Rice's "Show Girl" 30 and week. Habbis' Nickel Plate Show drew big crowds 23, 24. • «» — Chas. Garvin closed twenty-three suc- cessful weeks witb tbe "Why Brown Stayed st Home" Co. at French Lick Springs, Ind., March 20. AT LIDERTV, At Bllils Trombone Player Read any notes, u. or O. Particulars and lies •alary first letter. Lock Hox II, Lie Buict, So. Duk RJFLB GALLERY OUTFITTER <-0»llcry Nov- elties. Large*! ni.ney makers. le»»t investment. K. K. UlPPLK. 808 Vine BL, PhlUdelpnla, Pa. Ring Down the Curtain, I Can't Sing Tonight. "THE SPIRIT OP 'TO" and many other late bits; lot of sec. bsnd song slides, 28c. each slide; our KKIIO OH. AltC LIGHT the beat yet, BOO CANDLE! POWKIt, 8TKUEOP- TICON8 from 112 up. Cloak and Kffect Slides, new list ready. LIST FOR STAMP!. ACME EXCHANGE 1BO R. 14th ST.. W. Y. A. GOODRICH, I.AWVLIt, 5 Dcarlmrn St., Chicago; established I8M. lliiMlness legal and quiet. UrsnchcB and f<irltlilcs In niherHtalw. INCREASE VOIR SALARV.-Scnd for our book < f valuable information, sou paeci, 2,000 methodd. Hook cloth bound. Particulars for sump. Til K LEE ROY CO., 4318 Bvann Ave,. Chicago, III. When Yon Are In '.Need of Money ^ CALL AT Mm LAWRENCES ^ > ^P7 LOAN OFFICE, ^g\ V /Tl. )I3* First Avenue, ■ ■.WasBBsai "ft. Hih and lisih St«., N Y. ■■ U/ ■ ■ 11 Makes No Dldcrcuco How ^e»»^ B ^^^ Largo or Small tlio Amount T. !t(M|iilrcil, or What the Arllclo _ „ Von Wlxh to Pledge, You Can no Better Hero Than Elsewhere. Exceptionally Literal Umu* 10 Ihu Profession. Uoods Forwarded to All Pnrts of ilio United States and Canada. All P ledges Kept One 1 ear. Established 1880. WANTED, Agents to inako lots of money tell- ing Hand 1'ulutcd Photo POCKET MIKHOIU, Ro- productions from photographs. Novel end attrac- tive; fast sellers. Assortment of \i, eoo.. postpaid; cbcupor In quantities. B T. LOUIS mnTON CO. , St, Louis, Mo. To l_e»t On Royalty AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS, (Original Copyright Version) AND SEVEllAL OTHEK EtJUALl.V HTliONU DRAMAS. Address W. J. FLEMING, 2ta W. litili Ml., N. Y. Clly. WAS TED. fbr A. P. COLLTEU'* SHOW. I'AIU'NKK wiih few hundred dollars. Must bo Per- former or M iiidclan and a bustler. Also waut Per- former*, Musician, Advance Agent, Cnnvus lloss and C'iiiivhs lUnds. Stalo lowest salary and full imrtlculurs In fln-t letter. Show opens Sat., May a. A. P. Collier, bevorloy, No*>., Hitchcock Co. N. B.—Want to buy Trained Stock, lilacklTent and Bicroosoopo Views. - MOVING PICTURE MACHINE*. Films, Slides and Accessories; New uud Second Hand, Manufactured, Uouglit, Sold, Remodeled and 1U>- paired. Entertainments furnuiliud. Guniian-Ainorl- chii Clneiimlotraph A Film On.. 17H K. imim hi.. N. V. AT LIBERTY FOR BALANCE OF THIS HKABON AND NEXT, BABY OLIVE MARSTON, Child Actress. Purlx and Sneclully. Permanent address, OLIVE MAHBTON, -2m Harlan 8i„ Plilla., Pa. CINKOOUAPII, 1001, ONLY axi) EDISON, ■98, ONLY $36. LUT OF FILMS LOW. HAUHACH A CO., sou Flllwrl, Plilla., P», ism, WANTED, FILMS (USED), ANY QUANT1T best cash pnuo for sound alius; also Muetilncss Bong Slides. MANUEL, CLIPPER. RIVERSIDE PARK. Montreal, Canada.— LADY MLSICIANB WANTED, for lUnd and OrclioH- l ra; also Dramatic Stock Co. of s people. Would llku lu hear from oilier attractions. James E. Mc- Kirov, Katherluo Harris and husband, "Happy Hooligan," plousu write. Would also like to hear from other talent. Formorly with the Burlington Stock Co. Entire Summer Season, opening May 16, loco. State lowest salury llrst letter. Address Max Buchniann, Musical and Attraction Manager, River- side Park, Malsniiiieiive, Montreal, Canada. WASTED, Black Face, Irish, Dutch Comedians, Jugglurs, Wlro Walkers, Contortionist, al«o Sletoli Teams. Tlione that double In brass. Season opens up first June. HOLLlN'a THUNDER, Booniertown, CIihii. Co.. N. Y„ care of lintel Newll. WANTED, Ml'HICIANS-Flrst Class Pianist for in w Grand Opera House Orchestra (onu who can also play Clarionet preferred); also good Cor- nettlsl. lloiiMO runs year'round. Write at onco, staling salary. CHAS. aAHDNER, Grand Opora House, Houston, Tex. WANTED, Good Lecturer and Olllco Worker that cun fuke orgun. Salury sure every Sunday. Those who wroto before wrlto again. All letters answered. Address, VICTOR LUZON. Manager (Jor* iiihii Med. Co., Warren, Washington Co., Vermont. CAR FOR SALE, about 70ft. In length, six wheel trucks, combination platforms, largo state- room, buffet. Baker heater, lookers, ileam pltie. Hare opportunity. Terms cash. T,8. WARE, 107 Weybowsut St., Providence, R, I. -WANTED AT ONCE, ALL KINDS OF WILD West Acts, Riding Acts, with or without stock; Cowboys, Cowgirls, Uniform Band, Musicians,Blae Show Pcoplc.wrlle; stato all, lowest salary. HAYKTON, SaoN. 181 li Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED, COOL) VERSATILE COMEDIAN. Salary sure. C'hsngu one week. No teams. Statu salary first letter. DR. K. WEI1NTZ, Rudd. la. 8 LARGE MAUIONETT8 for sale cheap. 34 toasln. high. IIS takes tho lot. Also good set of Hhadowgruphs for (9. For full particulars en- close stamp to CHAS. K. MAURKTTIS, Box Hi, Toiiganuxlo, Leavenworth Co., Kan CAP. STEWART WANTS PKOPEKfor Rlrg and BUgo. Prefer those Hint Double Band. M - siclans for Hand, Agent not afraid of work, Mai. to handle bnxoort. Top. Ono show n day. itEI'RErtli- MKNT STAND TO RENT. F'HtT WA1 NK. Hill, I SING BALLADS. Sacred nnd Comic Hongs and can muko good any lime. Would Join relMuuniati with good Mertoptleon outfit, or repertoire com- pany (with IIIiimI rated song ou...;t); will make my- self useful In sin rl parts or props. Salary lint lot- ler. A. t. QOODROW. Hen. Del., Bilgtop, Mate. SLi Absolutely ftie BesL SPECIALLY . . ADAPTED FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES.