The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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150 THE NEW YORK CLIPPJEB. Apiul 4. TEXAS. Ft. Worth.—At Oreenwall'a Opera House (Pbll. \V. Oreenwall, manager).—"The Mis- souri Olrl" bad a fair bouse March 18. Olympla Opera Co. opened ID, for six nights, to big business. Coming: "Lost River 2(j, "Are You a Mason?" 2T, "Rip Van Winkle' 1 28, Jloyts Comedy Co. 30. Tim Murphy 31, Hoyt'g Comedy Co. April 1-4. Stamdaid Tiieatrk (Prank De Benue, nmnng«r).—New people week of 23: I'carl Wlnsns, and I.llllan Williams. Oihera bold- lug over: Kelly and Mack, the Itrewera, HI Tom Ward, I.lllle B. Cheater. Nellie Wll- llama, Dalay Bell. Lulu I.nwlon. Grace Wll- llama, and Tom Key. The one act comedy, "A tody of Leisure," waa the stock offer- ing. Business opened big. t.'novi.v Tmkatke (Thil. Epstein, mana- ger).—The slock, In a celebration of "The lleturn of Mose," opens a good bill at this house week of March 23. The people: Baul Harris. Oliver and Hart. McLean and Hall, lloae B. Mitchell. Zllda, Lettle Coltoo, Little Mitchell, and Ada Yule. Business continue! big. Note. —Manager J. Z. Wheat, of the Roof Onrdrn Theatre, Is making extensive Im- provements In bis resort, the garden and stage having been refitted, and the seating capnrlty Increased very materially. The garden Is being roofed, which will enable the performances to be given regardless of weather conditions. The season will open Mny 4. ■ Houston. — At Sweeney and Coomb*' Opera House (lien. It. Lewis, manager).— Kleanor Robaon, In "Audrey." March 20, 21, had three big houses. Players and piny were accorded an ovation. tiagnon and rol- lick returned for the third time 23-25, and were greeted by fair bouses. Due: 'The ' fai ' Irish Pawnbrokers" 20, Tim Murphy 27, 28, Anna Kva Fay 30-Aprll 4, "Are You a Mason r April 1. Standard Tiieatrf. (Alvldo ft Lasserre, proprietors and managers).—Business end- ing 215 waa to crowded houses. People 23- 28: Wiley Hamilton, Aggie Alvln, Krnest Paliey, Ruth Wiley, Ben Boone. Dot Collna, Kleanor Dnnhnr, Jennie Howard, May Von Coltoo, I.itln De Mar. L. O. Dnmont. Fav Del- mar. Lillian Palmer, Almas Ilaehash, L. Alglon, Mile. Kxceln, Ren It. Harney, Jessie Haynea, 8. fl. Paul, Frank A. Goldle, Felix Bauchez, and F. T. Mlndler. TcnxK* Hall. —Homer T. Wilson lectured 23, on "Atncrlca'a Uncrowned Queen," to a crowded house. Note. —Manager Schwartz' new place of amusement Is being pushed to an early com- pletion, and the possibilities are for an early opening next month. s Aaavttn.—At Hancock's Opera House (Geo. Walker, manager).—Homer T. Wilson delivered an address on "Sparks from the Anvil" March 17, drawing n fair house. Kleanor Robson, In "Audrey," drew a crowd- ed house 18. "Lost Klver" bad a small house 20. Matinee and night 21 "The Irish Pawnbrokers" did fair business. « I I MICHIGAN. Detroit,—At the Detroit Opera House (B. C. Whitney, manager).—Owlug to the death of C. J. Whitney, which occurred In New York City March 21, this bouse re- mained closed until the evening of 20, when Andrew Mack, supported by an excellent company, presented "The Hold Soger Boy," to good sized bouses fur the remainder of the week. Nat C. (ioodwln and Mnxlne Klllott, In "The Altar of Friendship," week of 30. Julia Marlowe, In "The Cavalier," week of April a Lyceum TtiEATBE (K. D. Stair, manager). —"Arizona" was greeted by crowded houses week of March 23. Tbe familiar characters were well portrayed and generously ap- plauded. The Four Cohans, In "The Gov- ernor's Son." week of 30. "Princess Chic" week of April 6. _ Whitney Tiikatbe (E. D. Stair, mana- ger).—"The Little Mother" drew the usual lacked houses week of March 23. "A Ken- tucky Keud" wtek of 30. "The White Slave" week of April 0. Tkjipi.k TiieATitii (J. II. Moore, manager). —The- attractions for week of 30: The llungnrlnn Boys' Band, Al. Lawrence. Blocn- nom and Burns, Zeno. Carl anl Zeno, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy, tu "Why Doogiin Swore Off;" Fllson and Krroll, In "A Tip on the Uerby:" Konorab, the modern witch. Laat week'a bill was up to the usual high tandard and drew big bouses. Avenue Theatre (II. II. Lamkln, mana- ger).—The bill for week of 30: Sabaret, It. <i. Knowles, Henry l.oc. Mervlllc, Booth and Klmore, In "The Two Juliets;" Billy 8. Clifford. Illckey and Nelson, Mile. Olive, llelff Brothers. American vltagrapb. Last week's bill was good and tbe attendance un- usually large. _ _ „ Kmi'ike theatre (Dr. Campbell, mana- ger).— Uents-Santley Burleauera pleased packed houses week of March 23. It was one of the best shows been at this house tbe present season. The Bon Tou Burlesnuers, presenting two fanciful frolics, •'Tuttl-Krut- tl" and "A ")nu*y Shop." this week. Notes. —The funeral of the late C. J. Whitney took place from the family borne. No. 435 Woodward Ave., at 2 r. M.. Wed- nesday, March 25, and was one of the largest ever seen In thlB city. The band, composed of members of the different theatre orches- tras of the city, was followed by a detach- ment of the Detroit Light Guard, of which the well known theatrical manager had been, a life member. The Michigan sovereign con- sistory, under Commander In Chief Charles F. Reck, acted as escort to Zlon Lodge, No. 1. F. ft A. M., the members of which had direct charge of the body. The line of proofs- slon waa au Imposing one. All the theatres and music houses closed during tbe after- noon, out of respect to the memory of the de- ceased. Grand Rapids.—At tbe New Towers (J. W. Spooner, manager).—Frank Daniels, March 10, played to 8. It. O. "Arlionn, 21, drew well, as did Wm. Favcrshnm, In "Imprudence," 28. Cuming: Wm. II. Crane 27, ^'Are You a Mason T" 28, Gordou-Sbay Opera Co. April 2, Anna Held 8. Grand Oi'Bha House (Grin Stair, mana- ger).—"Tbe Kentucky Olrl," 10-21, played to capacity, as did Joseph Murphy 22-25. Coming: •'On the Stroke of Twelve' 26-28, "The Little Mother" 20-Aprll 1, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" 2-4. Smith's Or-EBA. House (Mrs.W. B. Smith, manager).—Week of 23 the French Beauties llurlesqiters did excellent business. Week of 30, the Monte Carlo Girls. — - Knlamnsoo.—At the Academy of Music ill. A Bush, mnnagvr). — "A Homespun Heart" bad a fair house March 23. Stetson's "Unrle Tom's Cabin" played, to 8. It. O.. 25. Nettle De Coursev nnd Myles McCarthy, In "An Orphan's Prayer." appear 30; the open, "Powhatan," by local talent, 31; "Are You a Mason?" April 1, the Gordon ft Shny Ornnd Opera Co. 3. The local Klks lodge is preparing to present a grand minstrel show 27, In aid nf the building fund for the F.Iks' Temple, to be erected without delay. Note. —Burt L. Ballon has signed with the advance of the John Roblusou shows. i Saginaw.—At the Academy of Music (John H. Davidson, manager). — Frank Danleli drew 8. 11. O. March 20. Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Co., 21, came, to largo houses. Coming: "Midnight In Chinatown" 24, Joseph Murphy 20. "Wormwood" 08. JEF7EU8 Theatre (8am Marks ft T. D. Ramford. managers).—Week of 23: Prof, r. Rnske, Kdgsr Foreman and company. tbe I'sntxer Trio. Riley Sisters, Bejt, Ade- llna lloatlno and company, Clara Bteveni, American vltagroph. « Battle Creek.—At the Post Theatre (E. R. Smith, manager).—"A Kentucky Feud," March 23, and "A Homespun Heart," 24, both had rather light business. Rooked: "Sporting Life" April 1, "Josh Slmpkins" 2, "A Royal Slave 1 '*. Jnckson.—At the Athenaeum (IT. J. Por- ter, manager).—"A Homespun Heart," mati- nee and night, March 25, bad fair business. Due: Glasgow Stock Co. 30-ApxtksTl, "The Orphan's Prayer" 4.—At Ralrd's Opera House (Fred J. Williams, manager).—The Ing Dramatic (o. filled the house week of March 23. House will be dirk week of 80. World of Players. — The Toronto Opera House, Toronto, Can., was totally destroyed by Are on Wed- nesday, March 25. The loss is estimated at from $100,000 to $150,000. "Tbe King of Detectives" company lost all Its scenery and costumes. Tbe Opera House waa owned by K. D. Htalr, of Detroit, and E. J. Small, of Toronto, who announce that It will be re- built. Electric wires In tbe box office are supposed to have caused tbe Are. — Manuel Klein, tbe composer of "Mr. Pickwick," In which De Wolf Hopper has made such a hit, la working on tbe score of a new musical piece. The book and lyrics are by Frank Butler, a well known newspaper man. — "The Infant Prodigy" will be tbe title of the new musical play by Clyde Fltcb, In which Fay Templeton Is to star next season, under the management of tbe Messrs. Sbu- bert. Mr. Fltcb has written the book and the lyrics, and the score will be taken care of by several composers, including Victor Illegel and Raymond Hubbell. — "Mile. Mars." a play by Paul Kester„rc- ceived Its first American production at the Chestnut Street Opera House, Philadelphia, Thursday evening, March 26, by Mrs. Langtry and ber company. It was well received. The cast was: Napoleon Bonaparte, William Humphrey ; Eugene, Duke d'Aumont, Mathe- son Lang; louche, Felix Edwards; Talley- rand, Clayton* Legge ; General Everard, Ed- ward Dlgby; Talma, Henry J. West; Baron Gerard, Harold Mead ; Sergeant Blbot, Steven B. French; Constant, u. Davy-Burnaby; M. Morreau, Gerald Grosvenor; Herr Ebei. Bernhardt Nlemeyer; Captain Ternenux, Frank Marlow; Baron de Lomenlc, Harold It. Woolf; liana, II. L. Lang; Empress Marie Louise, Madge Fabian : Mme. Bonaparte, May Klntzlng: Eliza Bonaparte, Dora Barton; 1'nullne Bonaparte, Helen Armory; Duchessc d'Aumont, Inn Goldsmith; Tolnctte, Muriel Ashwynne; Anne Francois Hypollte Mars Uoutct, commonly called Mile. Mars, Mrs. Langtry. — The Summer theatres located at Buck- roe Beach and Danville. Va., will be under the management of C. W. Rex, of Richmond, Va. New opera chairs and other Improve- ments are contemplated. The Summer will be devoted to stock drama and opera. — Jules Claretle, director of the Comedle Francalse, of Paris, and member of tbe French Academy of Immortals, will visit this country next Spring to lecture on French dramatic art and tbe national the- atres In France. — Annie Franko, a chorua girl of Weber ft Fields' Stock Co., and tbe wife of John C. Miller, assistant stage manager at Weber ft Fields' Music Hall, New York, presented ber husband with a baby boy on March 24. — Mme. Vlclnl, a prima donna, made her debut In America on Thursday evening. March 26, In "II Trovatore," at the Boston Theatre, Boston. Her reception was a very cordial one. — Notes from Wilbur-Mack Co.: We are still meeting with success, playing to large houses. Business waa great at Lancaster. O., where tbe company was voted one of tbe best of tbe season, and a return date waa booked. We opened at Marietta, O., Monday night, to ft standing room house, and made another hit. Wilbur Mack, Gertie Lew,*. and Wm. Stanford (In his clever dancing specialty) receive receptions nightly on their appearance. Mr. Slack has one of the strongest companies on the road playing at popular prices, and return dates are asked for everywhere. Two more plays arc In our repertory, Mr. Mack having acquired sole territory rights to "The Midnight Flood" and "Roanoke." Mr. Retlcker, our scenic artist, has produced new sets for each play, which arc certainly fine and add materially to tbe productions. The company Is booked In Pennsylvania for April and May time. We play the parks this Rummer, and fair dates In the Fall, nnd tbe Eastern territory for the regular season. — Roster of the "A Convict's Daughter" Co. (Southern) : David Rivers, Roy King- ston, Harry Cowley. Charles Terrlss. D. F. Ilnyslett, Burt Conklln, Mary Carew, Blanch GlubB, Nellie Holland, and Manager J. D. Newman. — Barr and Evans have signed with J. Wesley Iloscnquest, manager of the Four- teenth Street Theatre, this city, to play coni- ulv chnracter parts In the production of "The Village Postmaster" next season. • — Notes from the Hsrrls-Parklnson Stock Co.: On leaving Ashevllle, N. C, for Knox- vllle, Tenn., we experienced a dangerous and perilous trip. When but twenty miles from Ashevllle a landslide occurred, stopping and Instantly wrecking tbe engine and two cars. The trainmen worked nobly, and cared for all that were hurt. One member of this company was seriously Injured. It was many hours before aid reached us, but a special at last arrived, and brought all pas- sengers in. and the train men helped trans- fer our baggage over tbe slide. We arrived In Knoxvllle at 10.30 on tbe same night, worn out with fatigue and hunger. Man- ger Staubbs Informed us at the depot that tbe house had been sold out, and that only a few naked for their money hark. — Charles French, manager of the Opera House at Jersey Shore, Pa., writes: "For the benefit of tbe companies booked for Jer- sey Shore will say that the smallpox scare Is now over, and all places are open for business, Including Opera House." — Wm. E. Daley writes" This la my twenty-second week of paying "excess" and carrying the key to the bill trunk ahead of Ihe ItliL- I.orrnlne Co., and during that time 1 hnve bad the pleasure of witnessing tbe 8. It. O. algn twenty-eight times Miss Lor- raine hoB gained for herself a reputation as a star that la seldom met with In the first season. In Gloucester, Mass., although Miss Lorraine had the attendance of the doctor twice In one day, she went In an played her role In a manner that won praise from both press and public," — Notes from "Casey'a Troubles," Ken- nedy ft Gray, managers: We are In our thirty-second week of success, all one night stands. We play a number of Sunday nights In Wisconsin. At Baraboo (the borne and Winter quarters of tbe Great Hingllng Cir- rus) we paid n visit to their Winter quarters. and It Is certainly a sight worth going miles to see. Mr. Grady renewed old acquaintances and friends, and we made many new ones. Mr. McCaren and Mr. Jenkins took special pains not to let us miss anything. Tbe kenuedy children went wild over the baby elephant and the baby lions. We had a parked house at night. We expect to close shortly. — Jennie Calef and Andy Waldroa have closed a twenty-eight weeks' season In the West. Miss Calef created tbe Irish comedy part of Mrs. Donovan, In "A Run for Her Money," under the management of W. T. Srn»th. and will probably star In the part next season. M1DIS0H mm. Afternoons at I and Evenings at a o'clock. Doors open an honr earlier for a view of the Managerles, Warships, Freaks, Prodigies, etc Second Week of the Brief Season. BARNUM & BAILEY /GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. America's Only Real Representative Show, Presenting tbe Wondtn ef the Earth. 3 tin u. Companies, A Menng.rlfi HIPPODROME. AERIKL ENCLAVE. SrKCTACULARPKELCDK.GALLEKYOFFKKAKS ONE HUNDRED HTA UTI.ING ACTS. CYCLO, the Kinetic Demon. PATRIOTIC EXHIBITION OF U. S. MEN-OP WAR. 3HERDS<iFELEPlIANTS.2DR0VES0Ft'AMEL9. BABY ELEPHANT AND MOTHER. S 0IRAFPE8, SMALLEST HORSE IN THE WORLD, JUMPING HORSES, LEAPIN" PONIES, DESPEKATF, RACES,GYMNASTIC FEATS, ACRO- BATIC SURPRISES. AKRIAL WONURKS, TUM- BLING ANT> LEAPING. TRAINED ANIMAL EXHIBITION. Finest Collection of Quadrupeds in the World. Overflowing with New Attractions. Two Performaners Dally, at U A 8 P. M. BOOKS OPEN AN HOUR EARLIER. Admission to all, lncludiug numlieretl seat, 25 and so cents. <26lh and 27th St. entrances only). Reserved seats, 75 cents, $1 and $1 JO, according to location. (Madison Ave. entrance only). Private boxes, six seats, 112 and »15. Single box seat-, $2 and l.'.so. Box ofllce now open, Madison Ave. entrance, from 9 A. M. to 9 P. 11., for advance sale of seats from tl upward. No seals reserved by telephone. T3D TrYTYTPCiQ B'way & 29lh Street. JTXVJU.1 Kj JZlSO Mats., Tburs. ft Sat LAST 3 WEEKS, AMELIA BIN6HAM PRESENTS HER COMPANY IN The Frisky Mrs. Johnson, Hy CLYDE FITCU. Beats on sale for all perform- ances. Engagement terminates April 18. HERALD SQUARE THEATRE Ergs, 8.10. Wed. and Sat. Matinees. "H1L''-HEHALD. GRACEGEORGE IN PRETTY s=EGOY. B'V.'AY and SOt li ST. Telephone, 8020-38ih. CASINO A CHINESE HONEYMOON. MATINEES, WEDXE*DAY snd SATURDAY. .Ml'HHAY HILLTHEA., Lex. Ave. 4 4Jd St. Evenings 8.15. Ma'lneea2. Onn tilni-k east of Grand Central Depot. OTH YEAR Henry Y. Donnelly Slock Co. PRICES IATIHEE 25c. every oat. laine:. By CLYDE FITCH. Week Anrll «—ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME. Henry V. Donnelly as Mr. Bender. EVENING 35—35-50 PASTOR'S Continuous Performance. McPABE, SABINE nnd VERA, TIM McMAUON and EDYTI1E CIIAPPELLE. FLOOD BROS., HARRY C0G1LL A MAIE ARLEA, Sullivan anil I'.nnuelt-nn, Herbert nnd »Ming, Mr. AMrs. ARTHUR YOUNG. ENGSTROMSISTEIlS, THE WALSHES, CLIFFORD and BALL. GEO.W. IICS-iEY, MARSHALL THE MYSTIC, THE AMERrCAN VITAGRAPII, And as Extra Added Attraction, LA VINE CAMERON TRIO. THE E. 14th St. Tel 62M-18 Matinee Today. Tiger Lilies Burlesquers. 2— BURLESQUES-2. 8—POLOS—3. B. F. KEITH'S International Circuit. Theatrical Enterprises. E. F. ALHEE, Geneml .Vnuager. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. 8. K. HODUDON, Hooklug Manager. Association of Vaudeville Managers, St. James Bldg., Broad- way and 26th St., S. Y. Huber's "r. Museum GEO. H. HCBER, Propr. WAHTBD AT ALL TIMES, Living Curiosities, Fre..ks of Nature, also First Class Vaudeville Acts, for Theatre. Address J, H. ANDERSON, Manager. WARNING TO MANAGERS. THE FREEZE BROS. Are the Originators of Spinning and Juggling Tam- bourines ou Hands, Knees, Head and Feet simul- taneous. Act copyrighted and patented. Dockstader'j Theatre, Wilmington, Del. The Bickett Family* GREATEST OF ALL AERIAL GYMNASTS AND- ACROBATS, HAVE A FEW OPEN HATES. Address GRAND RAPIDS. Mich. MIN BIKER & CO., IN THEIR OPERETTA, k JAPANESE COURTSHIP. FIRST WEEK PROVED ITS SUCCESS. MANAGEMENT OF AL1IE1U SUTHERLAND. GORRIGAN & DOVE, 3d Season With HI Henry Minstrels. A NOVELTY. NEWTON BROS. la their original comedy entitled "MIXTURE." En route Gorton's Minstrels. THE MUSICAL H0LBR00KS, Embracing the PREMIER IjkIt Saxaphone Soloist anil Mr. Ilollimok the WONDER. Address Giro of F. A. M1L1X 4!) We^t Mth St., New Ynrk. FREDERIC LA DELLE, ILLUSIONIST. Per, add., DECATTJR, IND. "THERE Is a club Juggler unique, Who for money does slquc; The tricks he'll go through Are excelled hj rough j In "Clubdom" ho Is a main Clone." CLEVER CONKKY, HM W. Polk St.. Ca'go. WOC LD like to become a "molorman" so that) 1 o>n "run across" my friends nere frequently—t 14th WEEK AT THE "OLD HOWARD. TOBY LYONS West End Electric Park RICHMOND, Va,, ' -AND- Forest Hill Park, MANCHESTER, Va., All kinds of Illusion 8hows and other outdoor Attractions; two or three weeks' stands In either pise, to be run on » percentage basts. 25,000 to 85,000 weekly attendance. Plenty of room on grounds, au kinds of privileges to let, bat no gambling or any description. V. anted, to also bay all kinds of Pictur, Slot Machines, Name Plate and Moving prc.tnres. ■ anted, one Man at once to bnlid Illusion Show- that n decorate and make himself leneraUy useful. Address Howard H- HartS5ell» MM 2036 E. UAH ST., RICHMOND, VA. STREET FAIR and MILITARY CARNIVAL SCHENECTADY, H. Y., MAY 6-16, 1903. ASUPICES WASHINGTON CONTINENTALS. .naEomon* - W11-1_ I A rVl E. lOBBINS. WANTED—Ferris Wheel, Merry-Oo-Boond, Miniature Railway, Automatic Cafe, Wild Animal Show, — Mining Camp, German Village, Midway Shows, Fr>e THE GREAT ROSA, WRITE. and other Midway Shows. PRIViLEULS TO LET. Cheyenne Joe's Rocky Moumaln Tavern, '49 Attruetion, Performers for German Village, E GREAT ROSA, WRITE. NOTICE.—Tnese Carnivals and Street Fairs never close, Summer or Winter. They are muler the «nle management of WILLIAM E DOBBINS, who made such a phenomenal success with ihem in Armories at Schenectady, Feb. ft, ihe Hth; Rochester, Feb. 26-March 1; Albany, March 11-21; Tr<.j, March vs to April 4; Amsterdam, April » to 18; Glens Falls, April 23 to May 2, and now has ten weeks' Street Fairs booked solid In New York, Mass., R. I. and Conn. Address WILLIAM E. DOB KINS, Mgr. Military Carnival Company, Armory, Troy.S. Y. AT LIBERTY, FOR SUMMER AND NEXT SEASON. THE MASTER SPIRIT OF A91BI>DEJLTER1TY. Summary of the many marvelous feats accomplished In tills modern JnggUng Specialty: Clulis Juggled, Caught and Balanced on Eyes, Ears, Nose and Teeth Bhd In every other conceivable manurr; lillliard Bulls smeared with glue and Balanced Cutll They Get Their Cue to Fall Off, Cigars Lit While Held Between the Teeth. Plates That Spin Until They Stop, Eggs Juggled (Straight 1>i in the Air or Scrambled (a la Sparrow), Baseballs Showered Pelf Mell, ThJcK and Fast: Dance oi the Iiooplets (» I'Everharrtt)—1, First Couple (of Hoop.) Forward and Back; 2, Two Little Hoops Balance iind Walk On Rope; t. Six Big Hoops Circle to the Left; 4, Three Hoops Roll Over (and) Back;5,Ont- Lltile Il"qp Forward and Buck (Through 4 Big Hoops). Many other feats too numerous to mention. Address KNETZGER, 2018 So. 12ih St. St. Louis, Mo. P. S.—Would to hear from parties concerning Double Act. AT LIBERTY, APRIL 11, John-ODELL and SILIOBlt-Grace Leads heavies and light comedy; Sonbrettes. Strong up-to-date single and double specialties pi 1 wardrolte: can furnish 9 sets Song Slides, v»n<ieville features Vessle Farrell Co. this reason; Imib have good singing voices. Address WINF1ELD, KANS, April 2,3, 4; TOLER AUDITORIUM, \Y<chlu, Kans., April evil. II WATCH THIS AS. THE FELLOW WITH THE BASSOON. Zelma Rawlston, low Ob Tonr to the Coast. This week, OLYMPIC, Chicago; nest week. HAY- MARKET, Chicago. Address AU Agents. Per. address 74 W EST 88th ST., V. Y. C. FOR SALE, Of All Descriptions. Mill's Lifters, Punchers and Electrics, HosenflelcU' Picture and Punching Machines, cheap. Pictures, {6.00 a gr. Going out of the business. J. W. STROM, Mgr. Uowdoin Square Museum. Per. address, 21 London St., East Boston, Mass. Wanted Immediately FOR ESTABLISHED STOCK CO., fleuteel Heavy Man, Juvenile Mas who can do light eotnedy (with Specialties), Strong Character Woman with Specialties'and a REAL COMEDIAN who does STRONG, LIVE SPECIALTIES. All MUST have good wardrobe, and beable to ACT. SALARY PAID WEEKLY We never close. Address U. S. LOANE, BOX 870, CUICAGO, ILL., Our Chicago Representative. For CANTON OPERA HOUSE, WEEK OF. APRIL SO, 1003, A FIRST CLASS REPERTOIRE CO. With good specialties. Teachers' Institute week. 600 nf them In town. Wire or write at once. DK7.ELL t WHEELER, Mgrs., Canton, N. Y. il SHE'S A REAL SWEET GIRL." Professional Copy Mailed Free. FRED W. KINO MUSIC CO., CHICAGO. WANTED, Two Ladles to Sing Illustrated Son an two SeiWatlaaal Outdoor Fr.t At<r*c- t oii«, Musicians for oar uniform liaml. Coat ra.t for 30 weeks, oprn ins April 14. HATCH ADAMS CAHMvXl, CO., Tavbore. If. C. "MaI'DE," Your letter wm a pleasant surprise r Mac -* JMLetG HAND TO HAND ACROBATS. Hth WEEK ..- - MAMIE FLEMINO CO. Lady^Musicians Those that have f«lr voices given the preference. Must bo young and fairly good lookers, for farce comedy; no orchestra work, only for chorus. All wardrobe furnished. Answer by letter at once. P. M. IL, csra of CLIPPER. Howe-NorrisDramaticCo. WANTED, to Complete Company. Oood Oen. Business Man, Oood Comedian with Specialties, and an Agent that can hook and route Orst class show, Man to Paint Scenery and Play Small Para. Address or call, 270 W.SStnBt until April 6; then Mt. FioIIt, N* •?• WAB T 1! PaogPBRT, a caimp st., Provi- <uta» St., dence, R. I., Write* Sketches, Mono- lognes. Farodlea, Etc. Al nKFKRENCKS. Send stamp. (Interxxew 6p appotntmtnl). IMPORTANT. The "ELKISS" law positively prohib- its the carrying of excess. The railroads are forcing a rule of not accepting dropi more than 16ft. The "Only Way" to fool the "ELK1.VS" law and tbe 10ft. rule is to nao a ■• It Is light, can be folded any length; carry In a trunk If you like. DANIELS' SCENIC STUDIOS, 93»3 Waba.h Are., Chicago. V. 8. A. e Stock Co. WANTS fnlfactlngco. for Summer season to nip- port KATHRYNE HURLEY In Repertoire. Prefer- ence given those doubling brass and specialties. CUAS. THOMAS, Mgr. Shavne Stock Co, 601 Park Ave., Kane, Pa. PROF. P. MERCOGUANO With Band of Thirty Persona, Is ready for en- gagements this season. Can furnish m«re or less persons it wanted. Have new uniforms snd reper- toire, etc Could furnish Band for Hotels or tmj- Ihing. 225 UNION AVE., Brooklyn, S. V, LITHOGRAPHS lc. each any Riyle. Senilis for 500. Blank Opera House Contracts Mc. per l»i. How to Become Magician, Ventriloquist, Mlml Reader, Hypnotic and 66 other iKtota, all fori*-. Acme Lltho Co., 293 W. Vanburen St., Chiciigo. III. NOTICE TO MANAGERS WHO CAN MT SALARIES TO 3 ALL AROUND PERFORMERS. J. M. CLARA JACK SMITH, MYERS and WHITE, Musical and Skelch Artists. All do singles, wort in acta; put them on and make them go. " l ' u|1 ' like to hear from first class med. cos. Any iir-J class manager, write. SMITH, HYERSandWlilTh, Knox City, Mo., April 3 and 4. _ WANT to Boy Hand Organ for side show. Frutl Organ preferred; also Black Tort and Trained Monkey. Add. Freeman Bros., Neligli. Neb. AT LIBERTY-BARITONE and TROMBONE; sober and reliable. Address ,_ HARRY H.SHPNK, 226 N. 8d S>.. Reading-' *■ ■wanted, for coming season, for Whiteley's Big 10 and 20 Cent Wagon Show, Performers In all branches of the buslnt's>, both male and female, except riders. M»sJ be Bober and reliable people. State Just what acts you do, also lowest salary, In tlrst letter. Everybody eats on lot ana sleeps ■ covered sleeping cars. Also have for sale, -» Lengths 9 Tier Circus Seats, with Iron brackets, three Jacks high, painted two coat* blue. Price. *9 per length. Harry Wblteley. Lansing, Mich. Per. ad„ 502 Ulch. Ave. _ WANTED, for Geo. W. Hall Jr. Circus and Menagerie^—A Band Leader, with rei>cr- tory of music; also Cornets and Alto Per- formers doing two or more acts, and Con- cert People. Also want Advance Man to take charge of No. 2 wagon, and Bill Posters for same. Want Boss Canvas Man and Working Men in all departments, for which liberal wages will be paid. State very lowest 6nlnry In first letter, and consider two weeks s • lence a polite negative. Candv Stands to lot. AddresB Geo. W. Hall Jr., Box 22, Evans- vlile, Rock Co., Wis. P. 8.—Have for sale Fine Young Dromedary, five vearB old. BIO BARGAIN.—Complete Moving Pic- ture and Illustrated Song Outfit; talf 0 " » 1003 Machine, Best Calcium Light Marhhic. 600ft. FlimB, 0 Illustrated Songs, lot Com i Slides. Everything new and used only f" nlghtB during fair. Cost $275, sell «195- Ban* reference. Hose Co. No. 1, Woodstock. '": WASTED, for 10th annual tour, Hunt« Vaudeville Circus, people In all branches «• cept riding, especially tesm doing tl'P |e ."n and brother act. Musicians for Band and v.. Agent who can poat: must be a hustler. « low. Bure salary, and good treatment i» sober, reliable people. Show opens May ■>'>• J- A C. T. HurVt; Kingston, NT Y. Want >> buy Trained Dogs and a 30x40 Horse Tent. must be A No. 1.