The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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APRIL 4. T&K NEW YORK CLIPPER. 153 The Cutlery king THE MONEY SAVCB FOR KNIFE. !2aRD ■"" AND AUCTIONEERS t*. nun that knowa your wants end •ends JJ.m quick Write lor C.UIoaii.-THE MOST COMPIXTE EVER PUBLISHED. HARRY L. WEISBAUM 256 E. Madison St.. OHICACO Leading Actresses ustT^ KENZEL'S J~ pace Preparations to keep their com- plexions clear and beautiful. KENZELS FACE BLEACH Trill remove freckles, tan, collar-stain nod Mrtn- tshes: Itclrren faded complexionthe freshness aud delicacy kf youth eud makes the skill sou as velvtt Sent to liny ndrireu In plnln. sealed luluit (tl-os. bottlo) for 91.OO. PHPP Our bcmitirnlly Illustrated book, hH*P "Health. Vi.ntb nnd n.nn- I Ulaus :j."\vlll Icnclinrs lady how to __^_ care for and beantlfy her corn- r:~it:- , c< ml noio- srnph endnraempnt. mt leading at'- trtwee or the I'nlted state*. rrritno KENZEL MFG. CO.Dtpt.A. Laboratory, 97 to 101 Riadi St., N. Y. City All leidlngitorei keep Kenztl's Preparation. Kuoge, Face Fonder, Cucumber Milk, Toilet rowder. BALLOONS AND CARNIVAL GQODS All Fresh Steok. ONE QR088 IN BOX. OUR GAS BALLOONS are made of the best French rubber In tores colore, red, bine and green, that Inflate (all size, war- ranted best quality 4 piece robber. No. Per Grogs. abO. Assorted colors 13 75 l. White rattan switches... 86 00. Fancy covered whips.... 1 to WHISTLING BALLOONS. No. Per Grose. 4.4. Assorted colors SI 76 63. Assorted colors 2 00 66. Assorted colors 2 60 68. McGlnty 8 00 leo. Serpents 300 80. Flying Serpents 2 60 We also carry full lines of Walking Canes,Cheap Ji-welry Pocket Kn Ives, Plckout Prizes Return Balls, etc.. and make up selected lots for $6, $10, $20 and up. Catalogue mailed on application. , e °E, YOi-w \- . t_ a. ^ w , 'th and St. Charles fit., BT. LOUIS. MO. ALLSII mm, zuitKa "^Ti [BElCHffllllir ; =^p:7pr{|ithe»prlDa*ndolIccmMUieLAJid]t. Fits into I itrmikursu't case. No more trouble packing umbrellas when i going away. Send 13.00 today. Satisfaction guaranteed. Stlacff Uisbrtll* Co., 9113 Coaun«rcUl Ato., CHcfcjo. ^MAKUSACTURERS. 1 * m cmmoinitHt awoaus KT l L't5 ,$i,RH ******* * Mt&&* CHICAGO. HWDgRSUor Mi Atc cc: gH(Mt*St n.v. T "I PftW IR'H.** •fef'M ">n i~k ot««., ih.. i» th,liV^!i> SL?«^«rfol tnci.,Uitlu CWiUo. VMS«. y-L OOQ * CO, Stgaeaoad Ara.. gg Vatkrilti FUTURE^ i^ 0 " gtfRS. &la gpB. r# st' f',.r . •n. per MOO. Cabinet Photos of your- ptf I nnn el H? R } ar PoseB, tJJ.OO per 100 or $30 C'•, ,°y- Bendnnratlveor photo to copy. Send ■wwnpjes.WBIIBT, Photo. Boonton, N. J 1 ~ ~ — ""■ i «7 umw. oouniou,ntv< Shooting Gallery Supplies ** H. Second 8L, PluUdelpbla, Ft. WANTED QUICK, FOR THE Bodkin, Shoub and Allen BIO CITY SHOWS Up to Date Vaudeville Acts of all kinds. Setio Comic Singer and Dancer, strong Comedy Musical Team to double In band, a bo. 1 Band Leader and Musicians that Double Band and Orchestra; sober Boss Canvas Man, High Diver (water) for outside (will feature). Don't answer this unless yju oan make good. Long season. Stop at hotels. Tell Just what you can and will do In your first. No ;lmc to argue. Booze fighters, and Dressing Room Lawyers Keep 00*. Address H. M. SHOCB, Mana- ger, 802 Dearborn St, Chicago. III. N. B.—following people please write: Major O'Langbltn, Cased Brothers, Hilly Behan. SUMMER AND SEASON 03-04. AT LIBERTY, BUS. MGR. OR AGENT. Al HUSTLER AND RELIABLE. M. W. McGEE Address care ACKERMAN A QCIGI.EY, Printing Mouse. Kansas City, Mo. THEY GET THE MONEY PICK OUT CANARY BIRDS, ANY ONE CAN WORK THEM. 4Trained Canaries 4 Complete with cage, box and cards. Guaranteed to work, Sent any place by express, $20. J. K. DAVIDSON, 716 E. 12. Kansas City, Mo. M. T. Gopiko, l'ropr. D. CODINO. MANAGER, 124 W. 25th Street. The Only Professional Artistic Theatrical SHOEMAKER. Late of Scala di Mllano. Grand Opera de Paris. Covent Garden, of London. WANTED, Amusement Devices, Automatics, Illusions. Also willing to treat for patent rights of new and attractive features. Address, giving full Infor- ma'lou and terms, C0LPMBU9, care of CLIPPER. LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES one size smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives Instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age' Cures and prevents swollen feel, blisters, callous and sore spots. Allen's Foot-Ease Is a cer- tain ere for sweating, hot. aching feet At all druggist and shoe stores, 25c. Trial package FREE by mall. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Boy, N. Y. At Liberty for Summer Season, MISS HELEN McCABE, SOtBBETTE AND INGKNUE, WITH SPECIALTY; stock preferred. READING, PA.. Care of Davidson Stock Co. 1TOS2 SAT.E, Two Hundred Opera Chairs, GOOD AS NEW. HAVE BEEN USED IN A CHURCH. WILL SELL CHEAP. Address DR. W. C. HESSLER, CrawfordBvllle, Ind. At Liberty for Snmmer Season, w. a. Mcdowell, CHARACTERS AND JVVEMLES. ' STOCK PREFERREP. Address READING, PA., Davidson Stock. Al NOVELTY ACT, Also SKETCH TEAM. Must change often and make good. HARRY I. WHITE, Warsaw, Ky. Friends write. ^MUSICIANS WANTED For Alex. Glasscock's Big Combined Shows, Alto, Cornet and Tuba Players. Good treatment and top salaries. Add. F. S, MONCAYO, Elliott, Ark. CAR FOR RENT equipmem; trucks; large cellar for baggage, three s passenger six wheel uuiiui ,Ng. lciiq, .wi u>bi"a v ) .»,.«.«staterooms, bath, large parlor, dining room, buffet, kitchen, furnished complete throughout. Especially equipped for a STAR or traveling Specialist who can afford luxury. Car now in Minneapolis. Can give immediate possession. Write or wire J. T. R. CLARK, 26 Ridge Building, Kansas City, Mo. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRKSS, LONDONl "Bravlsslmo. London." Paris: "Uptodate, Paris;" Hn Bji nisjri I I 154, Long Acre, London, . D. HlAnlHtLLI W.O.;20, RneTaltbout, Paris. Two to three yearn' engager teed to big attractions. yearn' engagements guaran- FOB LEASE. COMBINED SLEEPING, DINING AND BAGGAGE OAR. Especially arranged for traveling companies. NEW JERSEY CAR WORKS, Lake View, N. J. SLOT MACHINES, AUTOMATIC WEIGHING SCALES; ALL .IRON. ELECTRIC LURTG TESTERS. t. J. HOWARD, 694 Washington 8t, Opp. Adams House. Boston, Mass. vSohmer Park. Artiste of all klada writs ftr fUNDAV DATE until Jane 1, and FULL TISIK from Jane 1 to Sept. 1. Montreal. Cay. Garden City Pop Corn Works, 46 State St., CHICAGO, ILL., Makers of the Excelsior Pop Corn Brick. We make a Specially of the Privilege Trade. Write for prlcep. OPEN TIME FOR FIRST GLASS ATTRACTIONS Auditorium, Cape May, N. J.: Band Shows pre tarred; good business to good snows; one and rrr .' .51 -. ._ c xtr r\ . I C" V.N.H, two night stands. R. W. DALE. Manager. SHOW CANVAS TOP BY THE J. C. GOSS CO., DETROIT, MIOH. ALSO FOR SALE 100 SPRUCE POLES IN THE *■"" BABE. OB DRESSED. $25 Weekly lias Been Earned bjr Oar I.mteit Bncreu, THE PRIZE Candy Machine N0TNIN6 LIKE IT. Pat PrttM tn tb• Candy and tk« roealpte will • urprli. yon. ROSENTIXLJ) MACHINE CO., 684 Hudson Street, N. Y. City, Inventors of All the Latest Slot Machine*. rOBYOOALIBTS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS |n_ AND ALL THROAT AFFECTIONS. IUC, THE THROATLETS 00., 18 Cliff Street, 8. T. uoid Bpnii. Lady or Gent's Ring, like oat, by mall, soc. Send for Oaulogue of 5TKDI- OINM AND GIFT Show Goods, Watches, Jewelry, Spectacles, Silverware, Song Books, Grease Paints, Burnt Cork, Cold Cream. Etc. Cheapest In the land. THE OLD RELIABLE. R. G. TJBER 4 CO., 13S Dearborn St, CHICAGO. BRASS BAND flTM fciaillaatf SJjutnMiaai Sol ■an |m* nixmi ta ana IYONSHULY, t9«ta«i PROFESSIONAL fl 1 nnfl 10O for as Cents, 1.11 K ll\ Postpaid, Engravers' UiTlLllLj StylcBest Card Stock, w "" , " ,w "'"* with name, address and company. Booklet and samples free. Agents wanted. RECORD CARD CO., Dept. C, Watertown, N. Y. TRICKS ALL THE LATEST AND BEST. YOST A COMPANY, 43 N. Ninth St, (Established 187a) Philadelphia. evDeacrlpUve catalogue for stamp. PQYAL.PRINp^ WINDOW CARDS IFTTERHEADS CONTRACTS j. I PHTT1IT PW V c^ 11111 "^ fk 1 WltVbli I StereoptJcori Co I I 720 Hennepin An, iftMapotts, Mk J \fi largest Stock of S\ Ides, FlIms^and GAS Suppllea In tbe Northwest CsU- logue and Bargain Lists. ORDERS PILLED PROMPTLY. WIGS A. M. IJUCH & CO.. Wg Makers 119 n.9th St.. Philmoelphia Grease Paint, powders, rouse SEND STAMP POfT CATAlOGUE J| Fine Magical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, EtO. Grand End of Century, fully Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, 26c., free by mall. Catalogueof ParlorTrlcktfri MARTINKA A CO., Mfn., 493 8th Ave., W. B. WATSON'S dj*/t:e> BOOKS Beautiful Bound Vest Pocket and Runs for Five Years, Great for People Playing Dates or With a Company. FINE FOR ROAD MANAGERS. Enclose stamped envelope and ten 2c. stamps. W. B. WATSON,« Johuson St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wanted, (or Street Fair Attractions, Four SHOW OUTFITS. Parties owning complete oulnis preferred. Also Performers for Free Streot Attrac- tions. Booze lighters, please save postage. Can place right parties for seaBOn, commencing In May. What have you got ? State particulars In Aral letter. No colored people. Address L. C. COLMAN, Manager, Litchfield, Minn. DI 1 \0 ior S1 °ck and Repertoire Companies I 1,1 I ^ and Amateur Clubs. Our new ISs-page * ■"»■"■' Catalogue will bo sentfreoon request. The Dramatic Publishing Company, 869 Dearborn Street, I 40 West tath Street Chicago. New York. "PET"—Letter Received AND ANSWERED. PROBABLY NOT RECEIVED. WRITE PF.R ROUTE. II. PHOTOGRAPHS Of yourself for selling purposes, S15 A THOUS- AND. Bend negatives or 10c. for samples. None free unless ncg. or good photo Is sent. EDENA STUDIO, PMla., Pa. FOR SALE, 4 Perfermlng Fantail Pigeons, Cage and Properties. Teach anyone to work them by letter; do nine acts. Stamp or no attention. N. LAZELL, 11 So. Oakley Ave., Chicago, III. F" R E V O L I , A Ho. 1 ■totclan aid Hand Skidowist A POSITIVE NOVELTY and FEATURE. Park M'gT'a add., 1677 Walker St, Cincinnati. Special Values In Fine Violins AnroDtthloklnsof far- cSMtaf a In* violin •aaald Mad ihrte two c«nt ilimfi tor our Fin. Violin Oauloeao. II eoaUlas faotlmlln ot L.b.1. prlntwJInoolori. "Hint, on truProwr AdlaHm.nt of .Violin,' 1 Photo- Kni-r.tlnnof ■«•) violin, and a coopm.DoKrlptlT. Ll.l of la* FlnaVlollii.oB.rod (or i.l* tij o.. la our prOMDt oollocllon .r« lupsrh Initrnm.nU at a ten low run of prloe*. bt) eraud ILwI.r eollwtlon of Gaarnwloa, and oih.r a daalrad, o.nral fin.violin, will wanioi-wi torwpoo.lbleperMin. for Inaction, or th.r m» beordwMdlnot through th. local I ildo. th. wl» 8tradl»«rlo. uurplamt. If moalt oo.lbloperMiL , boordwoldlrwt through th. Iocj "Eat/nonthlr varment, ton b* arrant^. LYON ft HEALY, i07 c ^^§! Th. W.HJ". Innjft Mad. H.oa> •ell. "Ev«rTtktn( Ba.wa la Maria* TRUNKS, Circa* Trunk. Now Ready. Send (or Circus Leaf and Catalogue. C. A. TAYLOR Trunk Works. I and 41 E. Randolph St, 180 W. Msdlsjon St. CHICAGO, 181 W. 88th St., NEW TORS. The only placet Taylor Trunk. ton be Donght WehaiBnoAjefldes SLEEPERS and DINERS (With Cellars). Refitted Pullman, em.; 4 Stato Rooms, 12 Steel Wheels, Quick Acting Brake, both couplers: Air Signals. Steam Pipes, Kitchen, llaker Heater; Sleeps 36 to 40, Partly Furnished. $30 per week, or sell for |3,ooo cash. Guarantee equip- ment for anyroad. Also Refitted Pullman, &6fl.; Baker Heater and Steam Pipes, Kitchen, 1 state Room, Five Pullman Sections, Smoking, Wash Room, Closet, etc.; Partly Furnished. Will accom- modate 86 to 40 people, 8 Steel Wheels. Rental $JA per week; sale prlco f 1,600 cash. Address CAMERON BROWN A CO., Belleville, Canada. PROFESSIONAL SINGERSI It* yon can uie yonr eyes to advantage VOU CAN MAKE A BIO HIT with The Latest and Greatest of All "EYE" Bongs. »EmR«i NTURY -"FSicAtVo* 6T W. 28th ST. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. DDnCCCeinuif Stamps and Programmes sre r nUrtSjluNAS, necessary. Write today, SHOW PRINTING r S.OOO fl color 1-fl sheets, IIS. flOO Special Engraved Stands, 1 3-tc. per sheet. Interchange- able Stands, 3 colors, for Stock Conpanles, 9 1-fle, per sheet. Catalogue Free. Stock Btreet Fair Paper MORRISON SHOW PRINT Detroit, Mich. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. JOSEPH T. CHAMBERS, 315 Walnut Btreet. • • St. Louis, Mo. Do You WANT MILITARY 600DS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMY or NAVY SDITS, TENTS, GUNS and EQUIPMENTS OF BVERY DESCRIPTION, From Government Amotion. No matter what you want In that Una I can supply It Hew or second hand. Send for Utaloguo. B. B. ABRAHAMS, S33 Sonth St,' Philadelphia, Pa. ALWAYS HKKK. One Black Tent, 30x10; one black soft, Rd. Top, one white 40x60, toxso, 40x06; Folding Chain, Mammoth Gasolene Torches. Gasolene Treasure Lamps, Canvas Seats, Cuts, Blankets, Pillows, In- valid Rolling Chair, Folding Organ, one Btreet Piano. Want to buy harness. R. 11. ARMBRCSTER, Springfield, Illinois. Thomson 8 Vandiveer's Circus; Menagerie and Hlppodrine Tents Have a record of over forty years as being superior In Material, "-'lulsh, Workmanship, Style, Durabil- ity and Economy to all others manufactured. Es- timates given on application. No. 280-282 E. THIRD ST., Cincinnati, O. HIliU CLAgg MAGICAL APPARATUS At Moderate Prices. Large Block, Immense Variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. A. ROTEBBERO, 146 Illinois St., Chicago, III. EZRA KENDALL'S 2D BOOK—AIL MEW •"Minn ADAlfV A pure tonlo of wltand UUUU UltAWI—humor. Jut out $«>!& -Of Wit snd Humor. ^ra Kendall's 1st Book—100,000 sold. By Mall, 26c. each. Address EZRA KENDALL, M South 7th A vf>„ Mt. Vernon. N. Y. PERMANENT ADDRESS, VICTOR D. LEVITT, N. *f. CITV. 80 BAST 116th ST., SHOW CANVAS SEBD FOR ESTIMATE. V. VANDEHHERCIIBN'Sl SONS, 2M N, Delaware Ave., Philadelphia. Pa. snag Ja \##> Recitations and Reading*. P^| — #% 1 Q. Catalogues. All dramatic ^7 papers. 63^a^gtonBr,TbTc?g. cago. WIGS 6. SHIHOHELM, Theatrical Wig MAKER. Good work for low prices, lis West aeth STREET, New York. S end ttsmp for price list I've Just the SKETCH for YOU. If not I'll WRITE one. St. and Park Ave.. N. Y. X W. SCHWARTZ, 02d F.nclose stamp for reply. PBI1TIWQ, 5,000 1-16 Sheets lor 4)1.00, 76 WORDS OR LESS. OTHER PRINTING DONE CHEAPLY. CASH WITH ORDER, VOLUNTEER PRINTING CO., R«ynoldHVllle. P.* At Liberty Juba and Bass Address "MUSICIAN," Lock Box 64, What Cheer. Iowa. A Y0UN6 MAN, 19, WISHES TO TRAVEL WITH SUMMER STOCK VAUDEVILLE OR MINBTRBL 00. RUSSELL BINGHAM. In care N. Y. CLIPPER. CIRCUS CANVASES, ■ Poles and Stakes. SKATS. aTlaga, Ete. SSHUDD'S PATENT GIICUS Ll.tfTL BIDS SHOW PAINTINGS. FRONTS AND HAN- NKRS FOR STREET FAIRS AND CARNIVALS. BLACK TENTS FOR MOVING PICTURE WORK. OUR NEW OFFICE »tf SALESROOM, 273 Madison St., near Market, CHICAGO, ILL. II,.. HIT II r$f I IT WILL pay Type- writer users to Invent gate the IcLtnfa CAUQRAPH before purchasing. For catalog and particulars address, CHICAGO SALES OFPiCK, AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE COMPANY. SCENERY. HOUSE AND ROAD 8TUFF OF ALL KIND8. Spcctuciilur, Exlravaganzii, Vaudeville, Burlesque and Mlimirels. Manngurs mid 1'erformurs write us If yuii want iiiiytlilng. W^'vognt II. GLOBE SCENERY CO., Tllllll, 0. Stereopticons, $ 10.00 UPWARDS; An; Lninps, 26 to 60 amperes capacity, 43.60; Tntp Lights, 47.00: with Reflector, French Pluto Glas", utiu Inch thick, 12.60 sq. ft; Water Ripple Atlncliinoiit, hand ft-cul, Slo.oo; Mechanical Illpji c,; Spot Lights, 110.00; ltulnbow Prism Aiturlim-nt, 41H.0O. Tell us what you want und wo will build It to Hiiilnfiicllitii. Tol., llllla lsth. CHAM. ISAAC NKWION, Grand Opera House. 200 Eighth Ave., Now York. I6ENUINE DIAMOND, MWtk WARRANTED as Large as Out. Solid gold Ring, any size you want. This la ono of the many BARGAINS we have. Wo carry a very large stock of Watches, Diamonds, Juwelry and Sil- verware. Wo have the Grcutuat Line of GIFT and PREMIUM GOODS of any until m.ou. house In tile U. S. Money refunded If not Our Catalogue Free to satisfactory. Wo any address. Write (or It are responsible Send this ad., M. IIA7./KTT A CO., 146 Slate St., Chicago, III. NAME PLATE MACHINES WANTED. If you have any laying around Idle write lo us. wo will buy them at a fair cash value. Wu manufacture, buy, sell or exchange any slot ma- chine ou Hie market. Write fur our bargain list before buying elso- Whvru. RIGOS AMUSEMENT CO., Noa. 41-43 University Place, NEW YORK CITY, ■tlhollne Tight., ffl.SOi Wonted Tight., »'4.0O( Cotton Tights, Sl.OOi Silk Tights, fromifl.UB apt hlris to match all same price ns tlghtst Pumps, n» eentsi Gait- ers, »1.0ll| Elastic Supporters, 01.00) Cloth Sapporters.HBcents, ■end for catalogue and samples •f tights free. Positively a de- posit required. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded. BPIOER BROS., M Woodbine at., Brooklyn, N. Y. K>ld stand but new address.) 8TEREOPTICON- $17, With Electric Arc, Calcium or Acetylsns Light Illustrated Bong Slides, 2Bc, col- ored. FILMS BOUGHT AND SOLD . L. IIETZ, 802 B. 23d Street, New York City. IK ELY /WJUrACTijBtR'orSrfCW MNVAS5ES. IF CLAY WOULD COMMUNICATE WITH "Buzz," be would be very glad to assist her In sny way sne might desire. The unbroken silence Is having terrible effects, such ss Clay could not have foreseen. Address "I1U/.ZY," Care of CLIPPER. SHOW FRONTS. E. J. HAY DEN * CO., 1M and 110 B>wsy, Brooklyn, V. T.