The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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154 THE NEW YORK OLIPPSB. APKIL 4. a H Cracker Jack A delicious Pop Corn Confection, packed In moist proof packages, that keep It fresh for a long time. A QOIOK SELLER for theatres, (arks, Picnics, Carnivals, etc. Retails for to. A MONEY NAKED tor the concession^. ABK FOR PRICES AND SAMPLES. RUECKHEIM BR08. & ECKSTEIN, CHICAGO. BOOKS! ALL THE LATES1V f "Under' the Bamboo Tree," "OUt of Signs and Teen," "Fare thee Well, lolly Darling," "Only a Soldier Boy," and over 100 other Bite. Bend 10c. for samples. I it I PRICE, $1.00 PER 100. $9.00 PER THOUSAND, i SEN D $ I .00 '<>' our Trial Assortment cl tOO Books, Includes over 20 Different Kind*. —- All inquiries cheerfully answered. Address all orders to '-. THE EACLE SONC BOOK CO., ISO PARK ROW, NEW YORK CITY. V f. 8.-8end 10c. for JOE WELCH'S LATEST JOKE AND PARODY BOOK. 0R8ANS AND 0RCHE8TRI0N8, alsi BAND INSTRUMENTS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, MANDOLINS, ETC. JSSWZ °» , * to « M " wStt to 6imril Sales Agent for FRATI & CO., IIVGrERS, TOV Oan Positively MAKE a HIT With Either of the Following Brand New Productions: "My Little Cocoarut Maid," By j. m. ferdon and w. a. pratt, "Oh! Babe, Won't You Take WB^tiA? n9l %SSSSSSSr t *T«y Heart Grows Fonder Day By Day," 1&£3!f&S8tS.*£. PROFESSIONALS, ADDKKSS, WITH STAMPS AND PKOGRAM8, LA GRANDE MUSIC CO., Brand Opera Home, Chicago, V. S. A. BATHE GREAT ENCLI8H VAUDEVILLE PAPER, ™e MUSIC HALL AND THEATRE REVIEW, 401 Strand, ndon, ^oV. O. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTION, PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, Ss. 8d. PER YEAN Od., Single Column Inch CENTRAL TRUNKS. u.t'joo; 281n., $8.00; 3Jln., tO.oo: S6ln., Iio.oo; 40ln., $11.00. Circus Trunks, 24x18x18, $7.00. BUI Trunks. aox23xl5 Insldo, $11.00. Llllio Trunks, 42Kx28Sxia Inside, $14.00. Shipped on receipt of $3.00, bal. 0,0.1)., except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount. SIMONS A CO., VENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Estab. 1804, 58-66 North 7th St., Philadelphia. N. Y. AGENCY, Cor. 30th St. & Broadway. Price* 76cU. mors than it Phlla. Factory. C. H. VNTHA1V, THE ARMLESS WONDER. Asserteira Rcprewxitfttlvo, Richard Pllrot, NEW YORK CLIPPER Office. ATTENTION! DOCTOBS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN. .iiMSffSZcntaiia '-ttkdE^sW "^s^^Bf^^sr^ Whjhsndle rooky good, when jon eu handie good, that will sell them- selves t Electric Belt, from gl.oo per doi. to $48.00. Large variety to select from. We also make other styles of Appliance, and Medical Batteries. One third cash required. Hot Springs Sulphur Soap, wrapped, $2.10 per gross. Equal to Williams. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturers of Klectlo Bella and Appliances In U. 8. A. Established 1678. Catalogue tree. THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., Barlimrton, Kan. D R BARK 5 TKRGAT PASTILLES THIS LIVERPOOL THROAT H08PITAI REMEDY 18 INDORSED BY THE PROMI- NENTCVOCALISTS AND ACTOR8 FOR AH THROAT AFFECTION8, COLDS, Eto DRUGGISTS. PS.. THE ABOVE IS A SPECIMEN OF 1 COLUMN HALF-TONE FOR NEWSPAPER OR LETTER HEAD, FOR 76c.. POSTPAID. SPECIAL PRICE ON LARGE CUTS. KNOXVILLE ENGRAVING CO., 616 HAY ST.. KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE. MUSICAL NOVELTY. Instruments, Bells, etc, Invented and mf bj J. C. DEAOON, 868 Dearborn St., Chicago, U. S. A., III. Catalog and names of lead- ing artists of the world free. Our latest big hit: Organ Chimes, Aluminum Chimes, Steel Marlm- bsphones, Jisthetlphone, A FEW BIO BARGAINS, second hand, ss good as new, all Mia—IS Aluminum Chimes and Rack, $00; 17 Aluminum Chimes, $40; 16 Bar Steel Marlmbsphone, Bows and Mallets, $18; 10 Rattles, $20; 16 Organ Chimes and Floor Rack, $70: 16 Stan* Bells, $20; 3 Octave Chromatic Rosewood Xylophone, $ 12; 12 Straps Sleigh Bells, $18; 8 Four In Hand Bells, $12. Nine pieces of up to date Hits. Sheet Music arranged for Aluminum Chimes or Steel Marlmbsphone, etc., for two person, to play. Price, $2. Patents and rade-Marks Copyright your ads, plays, sketches and will PAY you. Many Copyrights are worthless, because Invalid. You can- not afford to take such chances. We guarantee a valid copyright at small cost. Opinions and legal advice. Patents and Trade-Marks. Send stamp for particulars. Columbia Copyright and Patent Co., Inc. tMRDKR .LOO, WaatHNQTON, O.C. Miniature Railroad Co., 407 BROADWAY 407;; NEW YORK 01 •"■ N. Y. .r—--^SM4 Gold Medal Special hur Parks, Bummer Resort., ete. Haul- ing Capacity, »5 Ton.. Earning 11,500 lss six days. With proper care will last 85 years. CAGNETTS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. National Theatrical Exchange Long IHslaueo Phone Main 4036. Incorporated. General Theatrical Hitsliicsss, BooklrgTalre, Parks, Opera Houses, Theatres, Routing Companies. I'll AS. J. CARTER, PresU and NATIONAL THEATRICAL EXCHANGE, Trcas., Chicago Opera House, Bldg., Chicago. GENERAL CATERERS TO THE THEATRICAL PROFESSION. We Writ* Sketches, Parodies, Monologues, Mnslr to Words and Word, to Made. W« pay royalty. Get «mr term*. Pioneer Publishing Company, Baltimore Bldg., Chicago, III. CHUMAR'S CREIYIE ROYAL ABWSS. USED BY THE THEATRICAL PROFESSION FOR MANY YEARS. PRICE $1.26 BOTTLE. FAXON. WILLIAMS A FAXON. Buffalo, N. Y., and Corner 28d 8L and nth Ave.. New York, Sole Agents. OHO. TAYLOR. AN2 OUTSIDE LIGHTS. VT OUST Rtraat. g.w Vors iperformir. »n< Season opens April e, under canvas; oan place White Ticket Seller and Spell er. Music 1'iiMlannn a*nil In lateainff rnr Band, Orchestra end Voles. Colored ii.k'i.ii. wHio. Aim. PAT OHAPRI.I.R. Tampa. Fla. 0"? CARNATION Great Descriptive McKinier Ballad lilt. Hon. Perry S. Heath says: "Beautiful, beautiful Indeed.^ Prof, copy and orcliertra. iptlve McKlnley Ballad lilt. Hon. Perry __:fful, beautiful indeed." Prof, copy and < tlons tor stamp* and program. VICTOR PUB. CO., Bta. 0. ,Cln.,0- lETOunnc 11 Cross pri nting co.. Chicago] ^ LLieLii9.g.nuJ Pkg. 8TA0E M0N EY, 160. TRICK CARDS, 6C, Book of Cats 20c., containing over 600 StyleB. MOVING PICTURE FBINTXXTG. FULL LINE, SUITABLE FOR ALL SUBJECTS. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. HENNEGAN ii CO.. 127 East Eight St., Cincinnati, Ohio. FOR SALE, Big Bargain. A Complete Dog and Pony show. Everything as to date and ready tor the road. Tan Trained Shetland Ponies, Three Biding Dogs (none better), rTenta, so Lengths Seats, Lights, Frepe.. Ring Bar osss, etc lids show only on the road I weeks. Everything good as new. Beaton, for selling old age and poor health. Write for particulars, W. I. CONNER, ■. D., La Betts, Kansas. LOOK, MANAGERS! LOOK, PLAYERS! Harris-Parkinson Big Stock ed into (KERNAN S CONVENTION HALL TIIRATRE1 BALTIMORE. it ft, for two weeksi andtwlcedeUv was the cosy family theatre packed and jammed to the .Lors? «nn aSimSllPROE said- "HARRIS, you have an Al attraction: sorry to see yong... ™_,„, MOR. BCUONBfcKUB Sara. n*™;,J, Ttt . n WFVKS rraCHKD ao.TS.l.uo." ' w, °l fnr tarn weeks and twice dally was tne cosy lamuy iumuu ijih.*cu « uu j.umieu io me id ur» ■SI uwiNRFRaB said- "HARRIS, you have an Al attraction: sorry to see yong.> : w . _0R. MHtWBTOB saw. nAnnio,^ WEEKS REACHED S0.T85.90." * Vt yon again next season. _M'_ 1,, J_ 1 ?„1" K =.„._.". .^^ u»» r,»,h,i» p«,ni. in .» n„. _ OR THE TWO Wktfi.a Kr-Atncu *u,<" —" «Ti™ii vnnKFXT~BEASb*. Strongest and Best Repertoire People In all llm--. most i„ must be capable (piano). ^* ,t T.?" t » «v .. ™**'S, ' Knoxrtlle, Tenn., week March 23; Chattanooga, Tenn., *cek>A JESSIE GOUTHOUI. STOW BOOKING THE NEW ACT FOR NEXT SEASON. ADDR ESS COLOWADE HOTEL, DAYTOMA, FLORIDA. "A WORLD WIDE CIRCTJlAlTOF THE OLDEST AND MOST DIFIUEKTIAL THEATBJOAL AND VAUDEVILLE JOURNAL. THE ERA. ESTABLISHED 1837. 49 WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W. C. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS, 3»s. per annum. PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, 6d. per Una. AMERICAS ARTISTES VISITING THE METROPOLIS, USE;THE ERA OFFICES ^^ A8 THEIR PERMANENT LONDON ADDRESS. 2,600 ARTISTES ADVERT ISE IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKL Y BEFORE CONSULTING DONT BUYourM SLIDES BanM-KF SUPPLIES ° F ii L ^ALbcU E -rRl E .. STEREbPTICON'AND.FILMEXGrlANCE 106 FRANKLIN ST.- CHICAGO. "W. B. MOORE M C R. — THE FAMOUS TROUBADOURS Colored Comedy Co., 1902-3. The company up to date, entitled th nnder the manatement E. W. DALE presents a New Musical Comedy, has proven to be the real hit ot bright, sparkling, refined, amusing sod BEST "Ex-President of Liberia." singers, 26 ARTISTS, riilCOT c 2?Jf »*».,. MUSICIANS, ' ■■ I N P N I SPECIALTIES DANCERS. ALL STARS. ■ IBlfcV ■ COSTUMES. FIFTEEN STYLES SPECIAL PAPER. Our Motto NOT QUANTITY, BUT QUALITY. The show has been greatly Improved and augmented. —«■ NOW BOOKING FOR SEASONS OF 1903 and 1904.«•— Want to hear at once from High Class Colored Performers with clean, up to date Specialties and Novelties, also Chorus Girls. Full particulars first letter. Kickers save stamps. Address communications to E. W. PALE, sVI'gr., Cape May, N. J. Radical CutoN Block Work We have made sweeping reductions In all prices on Special Engraved Block Work. 200 10-sheet Stands, your own special design, two colors, 172. Subsequent orders from same block. $48. Other prices in proportion. Additional discount lor early orders. Write quick. This may not last. MASSILLON SHOW PRDiT, MAS8ILL0N, 0. Self-playinc' ;; Brass Band Instruments Ton can play them on stgotl No leamlngl For Med. Shows. Vaudeville Artists, Burlesque C09. BTq SPECIAL OFFER, 1 SOLID. BRASS CORNETTO 25c. POSTPAID; [ Parading towns, "My Zobo Band Is a howling succesal" IVl ^«% T? - i •T^S^AaV | l^i stop'wandering in the dark^ write us today I STRAUSS MFO. CO., Dept 81,143-1*4 W. 14th St., New York City. _; and get wise. PEARL NABE PLATES, Wl SUPPLI Large catalogue with 1,000 Ulustrallons of new quick sellers, showuig how to make them. Largest line ol wire made specially for wire men. Don't bay Wire, Beads, Cat Eyes, Sheila or Bangles, till sou see our new Catalogue, ready April. Send permanent address for free copy. ROGERS THURMAN tl CO.,Wlre Artists' Wholesale Supply House, ISO Dearborn St., •S.BO Chicago, 111., U. S. A. CONCESSION* FOR SALE. ALL LEGITIMATE CONCESSION'S FOR SALE FOR THE SUMMER SEASON, MAT 1 TO SEPT. 12, 1903 Chestnut Grove, Frovidence,R.Z- THE MOST POPULAR BUMMER RESORT.ON RHO DE IS LAND. VaadeviUe Acta Wanted. C. A. POTTER, BHanacer. SOAP We are positively the cheapest place in America to buy soap, paid, upon receipt of your present and permanent address. For Doctors, Medicine Men, Street Workers, Etc. s: \\ » Close prices and samples sent, charge! W. & W. SOAP CO., INDIANAPOLIS, IND 4 IBy JAMES FAX, rnriT I Canada's Leading Humorist. lintAl I MORE OR LESS. CriUPC I (A Doleful Tale). Very Funny, OUflUD I THE CLICK OF GOLD. (Topical). THE WRONQ SIDE OF THE FENCE. WEEN WE WERE BOYS Sample ooples on receipt BUmp. ANGLO-CANAD (A Genuine Comic). wa. (A Reminiscence) if programme and IAN ML'sic CO.. TORONTO, CAN. HUSBAND OR WIFE PHOTOS, $S.O0 I u I u ilk per 1,000, FORTUNES, 600.: Samp. loo. Cabinet photos of yourseU for telling, SIS per 1,000 PI nTyinUIMCC^rl4.l>ttersaad>ntnraa. OLUI lTlllnlntOsU)»aABTTO10^1illa^s. 'W A. NT IS O IMPERIAL DRAMATIC CO. SEASON 1903-4. FOR THE Repertoire People in All Lines, including Al Sister Team snd Pianist, also Good Agent. Semi l' r °; grammes and photos, whloh will be returned. Nothing but Good, Sober, Reliable People can stay «"■ this Co., so don't misrepresent yourself, for It will get you nothing. Would alto like lo hear from 'uine Good Royalty PlayB satiable for Repertoire. Managers In the Middle States send In your Open Time ror a sure winner. Address, L. 8. THOMPSON, Manager, Lock Box 1423, ChUllcolbe, Phi". Telpl). 4121 b Spring , cart SCHILLING'S ZOOLOGICAL STORE, Besides my Bpeelalty of Fancy Japanese Spaniels, and a prime selection of Snskes. I beg t" < attention to the different Monkeys which are on hand, small and large Orang Outangs, Piftallt. J»J» Spiders, Apes and Baboons, etc. Furthermore, I can offer a great variety of Wild Animals. OccW"' beautiful spotted monster tame Leopard. Ujenas etc ANY ORDERS OF CIRCDS OR SHOW WILL BE PROMPTLY ATTENDED. ROBERT H. 8 CRTUIN0, 28 Cooper Bqnsrs . ». Y. City- __ ROLLING HOOPS. Anything it", "• Lowest Prices. ■WS^a" 0„ 0.8. A.