The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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APRHi 4 TWO 600D SONS BT TWO CLETEB WRITEBS Earle Remington lines TECE NEW YORK OTJPPBEEt. 155 AND Charles Moreland. A FLOWER OF OLD JAPAN Very Catchy Waltz Song. Excellent "Encore" Number. Wonil by Earl. Reinington-Hlne*. Mute by Charle* Moreland. IN THE FAR OFF GOLDEN WEST A True Story""Wedded""to a Beautiful Melody. -•- . Word* by Earl. Remlng ton-Hlne*. Mnsle by Charle* .foreland. Professional Copies and Orchestrations of Both Songs Sent on Application. M. WITMARR <SL SONS, PUBLISHERS, WITMARK BLDC, 8 WEST 29th STREET, NEW YORK. After May 1, HEW WITMARK BLDO. 37th St., Ju.t West of Broadway. (THE-BEE-HIVK-CLOCK-TOWER.) * SPECIAL A5N0DNCEHENT TO THE PROFESSION. "They'll Talk About You Anyhow, By Wm. H. Wtndom and Harry Alford, I« Undoubtedly " Season. We Have Over aOO Programme* from The the Sony; Hit of the ost> Singing thti » Song with Letter* Declaring It to be the Beet Song Writer* Have Ever Vied, "THE WAUPANSEH TWO-STEP. Oar Newest Instrumental Hit—Jaat Oat. The Gem of the Season. Musical Act*. Band and Orchestra Leader* are Invited to Add It to Their Programme*. Send for Professional Cople* of These Hit*. THE THOMPSON MUSIC CO., No. 269 Wabash Ave, CHICAGO. WM. H. WISiDOM, Professional Department. DIAVALO. "DIstiIo," or Looping the Loop on a Bicycle, hag been engaged by Rlngllng Brothers' Circus as the special feature of their annual engagement at the Coltaleum, Chicago, April 9-26, for which they pay by far the largest salary ever received by a single act in the history of the amusement business. Executive Committees of Carnivals In the larger cities and State Fair officials are cordially invited to witness the attraction with a view of placing same on salary or percentage. Write or wire. E. J. KILPATRICK, Western Burean, — . - . B. T. CLIPPER, WMI CHARLES G. KILPATRICK, Originator and King of all Hazardous Exploit*. . OLYMPIA, PARIS, FRANCE. WANTED, HVUVIEDI LY, FOR CARLEY & HELLER'S POLITE VAUDEVILLES Specialty Artists In All Lines, Sketch Teams, Sister Acts, 8. A D. Sonbrettes, Good All-Round Comedian who can put on Afterpieces—men must doable brass. First Class Musicians for B. A 0., also a Good Feature Act. No Medicine Talent Summer salaries paid In Real Money. Lushcre, Chasers, Would be Managers and Has Beens—Nix. Can nse Good Moving Picture Machine Operator with Machine and Song Slides. Boss Canvas Man who understands lights. Address, CARLEY A HELLER, Don't ask for fares nnlesa we know you. Imperial Hotel, Olean, N. T. For BROWNLEE & REED'S IMSS Actors that double brass, Musicians that donble orchestra, Tops;, Ophelia and Child for Eva, Jugglers, Gun Spinners and Novelties for Parade, Close Contractor and Bill Posters, Boss Canvas and Light Men. and Working Men. Two Car Sbow, open here April 18. Tell all first letter. People that have written before, write again. Address BROWNLEE A REED, Dlllsburg, Pa. SENSATIONAL VAUDEVILLE ACT. I WANT THE GREATEST SENSATIONAL ACT THAT 18 AT LIBERTY FOR ONE WEEK, APRIL 30 (fifteen cent Jump from N. Y. City); must fie something extraordinary (no Japs or Arabs). Write to Stanford, Conn., week March 80; Merlden, Conn., April 6. 0. FAITH ADAMS, Manager, Corse Payton's Stock Company. NTTES Owing to Misrepresentation, I Want AI Piano Player, also Sketch Team, man and wife or two men: both must be good singers and dancers and work in acts; a Good 1 kinds of - ipeclalty people who can change for week and work In acts. Would like to hear from man with six or eight trained dogs. I have the money Want to hear from all I Singing and Dancing Comedian week and work in acts. Would if you have the acts. State lowest salary and all particulars first letter. J. R. WRIGHT. Mgr. Southern Comedy Co., Thomasvllle, W. Carolina. A Ian to Act as Assistant to a FIRST CLASS WIZABD. Must have small capital and no objections to travel i u any part nf this continent. Address GEO. SNYDER, 202 Elllcolt Sg., Buffalo, N. Y. HERMAN W. FULLER, Novelty Bone Soloist, Balancer and Juggler. » mild like engagement with Vaudeville, Minstrel, ti'lrertory or Parks. Will guarantee first class act. I crmanent address HERMAN W. FULLER, No. 10 Webster St., Mlddleboro, Mass. LAWYER GEORGE ROBINSON, W NASSAU ST., N. T. (Day Time.) UTO BROADWAY. 8Tth ST. (Evenings.) JUST OUT, 124 PA6E ILLUSTRATED HAGtC CATALOQTJB, 25c; 8TJP. CATAL., Be None free. w n Only N.' E. Agent for Mabatma, 10c T.MMVT. 1f» rvmrr Ht.. Rmthnn. lfaaa WANfEO, FOUR OR FIVE HUNDRED SECOND HANDED FOLDING CHAIRS. LOWEST RATES. Addressi to CHA8. J. HE1ZEL, Olden Ave. (Park Theatre), Trenton, N. J. WHO WANTS ME ? SOLO ALTO or B. DRUM. 10W comedy parts. Middle aged, but active. "'™*!onable. Prefer Circus Band. _ MUSICIAN, 12 Swan "trect, Augusta, Maine. VAN FLEET, ♦ T TORI. AT lVLBBRTY, Hickey Gasper JEW COMEDIAN, WOOLD LIKE TO JOIN VAUDEVILLE OR BUR- LESQUE CO. Address HICKEY CASPER, Marquette Clnb, No. 378 Oak St., Buffalo, N. Y. NATIONAL HOTEL, CHICACO. WABASH AVE. and VAN BUREN ST. Single Room, $4 and np; Double, $5 and up, weekly. D. A. DOOLEY, Proprietor. n FIRST CLASS, TJP TO DATE ^ TIST 1 H YPNO C Desires Business Partner. The most profit- able Theatrical Novelty—0400. | ZELMA, 627 Mai n St., Peoria, 111.^ WANTED, MUSICIANS Double Bui, Cello, Viola, Violin. Allan Lawrence (205 Wyo ming Av.), scranton, Pa. CIIBOBBAFB, LUBII, 1903"Prlce, $55. ARNOLD OA8 OUTFIT, tao. AH like new. The Beat Films $3.50 per so feet. Black Tent*. EUGENE CLINB. 621 Grand Ave., Chicago. AT LIBERTY, CORNET, TROMBONE, BAM- TONB AND TRAP DRUMS. EXPERIENCED TROOPERS. NO BOOZERS. ___-.,_ AMrtm ROBT. NORBKRO. Corinth, Mla*. 3 Sheet Types 100, $4.76; 200, 17.00; 800, $16.00. 1 Sheet Type. 600, $8,60: 1000 $9.00; 2000, $18.00. 1-S Sheet Tjrpet 600, $8.76: 1000, $6.60; 2000, .00. Winduw Card*i 1000, $8,50; Cloth Banners! 100, $7.00. 4 $8.60; 6000, 118.U. 2000. litoo. Cloth «... Page Herald* (cut from MxSB.JI 10,000, $9.00; 20.000, $18.00; 60,000, $36.00; (out from 28x42.) 10,000, E0;, $20.00. Dated Dates In sets of <—60 x—Msheeta.l esets, $8.00; loseta, $0.00. geret looo, socta.; low, according to size, lOctS. CIRCUS CUTS FURNISHED. STAR SHOW PRINT, MASON CITY, I A. SPECIAL SALE ON SECOND HAND Show Tents. 160ft ROUND TOP. WITH $ or MORE 60ft, MID- DLES; 120ft. ROUND TOP, WITH S 60ft. and 1 Soft. MIDDLES; 100ft. ROUND TOP, WITH 2 {Oft. MID- DLES; 80fL ROUND TOP, WITH 140ft, MIDDLE; 60ft. ROUND TOP, WITH 1 80ft. MIDDLE. ALL FIRST CLASS SHAPE. WRITE FOR PRICES. BAKER Si LOCK WOOD UFO. CO., Kansas City, Mo. FOR NOTHING. 1 COPT EACH OF TWO NEW BONOS. /'THE ETERNAL CITY." "REDEMPTION'S SONG." Both new. Try them. Sure to nuke hits. Regular Edition. Send Card or Program. Only a limited mini her for this purpose. TO DEALERSi Keep these In mind. Yon will need them. hax,j>:ivi^ok: co., PUBLISHERS. 1018-1020 Arch St,, Ptilla., Pa. 166 Fifth Avenue, New York City, N. Y. SPECIALTY ACTS TABbHT BY MAIL. Ventriloquism complete in 8 lessons with 8 new dialogues $1:14 lessons In Juggling and Balancing, $1; llow to Become a Contortionist, 9 lessons, $1; 20 Sensational Kire Tricks, 2 acts, $6: New Black Fare Monologue with Song, $1; 10 lessons In Jig and Clog Dancing, $1; Amateurs Guide, 166 pages, cloth bouud, 60ct4<. Conjuror's Work Shop, loots. STAGE PUD. CO., Hlllburn. N. Y. NOTICE. IMTf TTU The Leading Theat- , ITlllilirjlV. rlcal Shoemaker, ^^m Has Removed hgfk ^497sliihH»8., aW *»IHr s I r"'l II ' I,et - Hn^nSmfl BnT M'h A M'h Sis. ^ ■p^^BMt New ^DWflr »^m Now Ready •^•x** 1 " M M* '• For Business. iTHE SUCCESSFUL Inoubator and Brooder-, HatU fa* foUi-bs neeasd. Porfwirafataulo-, X^jftei httfhu. D<xe't •ipwrtare^nlamacblas that jean ou koer* sbont, 8os4 no* nt Isrra llan.Ut(Brba«k.lM r«K*e- Booki U It* U»- 'pup* Writ* for tbt «■ y<w want, DmH«I|*I linilUr 0*fc,; »•»-> ««., Dm AtobM, Im, «r £ffc 441, BUUt, I 't. W ANTED For the Colorado..GraotlBigXIRJSnOWs, Musicians of all kinds for Band, Good Band Leader; Must be Sober and Reliable. Steady work all year 'round; must be able to Join on wire; money al- ways sure; no tickets advanced to strangers. Ad- dress, by letter or wire, COLORADO GRANT, Corinth, Miss. MUSICIAN® For BUSBY BROS.' R. R. SHOWS, E-fl»t Bats, Trap Drummer and Others. State lowest salary In first let'er. Address GEO. J. CRAWLEY, 60 So. 16th Street, Terre Haute, Ind. YOUNG MAN, IT TEARS OLD, WOULD LIKE TO GO ON THE ROAD AS PROPS. OR TAKE SMALL PARTS. Also strong, willing and obliging. Address EDWARD BURNS, Care Empire Theatre, Ilohokrn, N. J. 1st and 2d Tenors for Male Ooartet Must read muslo and sing solo; Piano accompanist preferred. Oldest Quartet In America. Ten months guaranteed. All lecture course work. I pay all expenses after Joining. Address N. L. BAKER, Forest City, Iowa. Miss Lillian £. Lutz, THE CHILD WONDER. Champion Cornet Soloist and Fancy Buck, Reel and Jig Dancing: Coon Songs u Specialty, with or without Banjo Accompaniment. Recitation and Talking Parts. Open for Engagements to Join Repertoire or Dramatic Company. Age 14 Years. 44 BRIDGE STREET. I'atcrson, N. Y. SCENERY Of All Kind. Built to Order. New Spectacular Stuff and two complete Faust Set. on band THE TIFFIR SCENIC CO., TlFflU, OHIO. Plays For (Stock Companies. Plays For Repertoire Companies. Plays For Amateurs. Books For Home Ammvimmt CATALOGUE OP PLAYS SENT FREE. SAMUEL FRENCH, 24 West 22nd St., New York WAIMTBD, BnTSIClANS (for Stimmer). Baritone and Tii"», Baritone, doable first fid.; tnba, B. and O. Must Join May II, at Paris, III. Co. pay. board. Week stands; small parades. Tom Bryan, write. Address BILLY CAHAD, Mgr. Guy Stock Co., Macon, Mo., Men 30-Apr. 4; Oblllicotho, Mo., Apr. Q-ll. Mention lowest salary. MINIATURE RAILROAD FOR SALE CHEAP. Engine, 10 Cars, l ,000 feei Track. Tunnel and Station. Clark's Unslness Exchange, Grand Rapids, Mich. CIRCUS CANVAS AND TENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Second Hand Tenia In stock. Write for estimates. THE T. W. NOBLE CO., • to la Woodward Ave* Detroit, Mloh. HOW BOOKING SEASON 1003-4, The . . Famous Guy vStock Co. HEADBD BT MR. Q. CARLTON QUY and MISS INEZ MERCER. Supporitd by a company of 25 First Clata Oramatlo Flavor*, featuring batwatn Aett, th< only sad original "B-Doliirt," the highlit talarltd Vaudtvllla Family In America. WHAT WE ARE DOING HOW. QUY STOCK COMPANY PLAYED TO A FINE AUDIENCE-TBK COMPANY IS GOOD.-Tho Ouy Stock Company, playing the week at Wood's, Is breaking all recent records aa an attraction. Mon- day night the house was full—every seat taken— Tuesday night (raining) the two unrwr floors were sold and about two-thirds of the lower floor, and Wednesday night every seat In the house, all lioxes and many improvised seats, were occupied, and sa many us two bundred persons stood during the entire performance. The manager of the Guy Stock Company has the right to feel "swelled up'' If he Is so Inclined, because nf the compliment paid them. The Woodmen had 310 seats In the parquet and dress circle, and many In other parts of the bouse—some standing. Evidence of the satisfaction of the andtenco Was apparent nt every period of the performance. The Dollars, In thttlr specialties, were encored time after time, and the leading characters of the play, Mr. Guy and Miss Mercer, were given enthusiastic applause repeat- edly. The company Is by far the most popular •>ccn In this city this year, aud Indications arc that tho Opera House will be filled at every performance.— BEDALIA DAILY CAPITAL, Sedalla, Mo., March 12,1003. OVH PRODUCTIONS for SHASOH 11)0.1-4. The Guy Stock Co. will undoubtedly make a high hid for public favor for next season from tho ex- tensive preparations now being made by tho man- agement. They have secured tho cxcImhIvo rights to tho following successful plavs: "IN THE VAL- LEY OF THE MOHAWK," "TllE ROMANCE OP ARIZONA," "TllE RESURRECTION" (a new ver- sion of Napoleon's Son), "THE ROMANCE OF LKAKY DAM," "THE SECRET COUNCIL," and (a now faroo comedy) -rilE WINE OF LIFE." The presentation of these productions will lie in tho most finished style. Special scenery Is now being painted for-owy production, and. every dotall at- tended to that will go to itmko the Guy stock Co. the moat finished and excellent Repertory Or- ganization In America (barring none) Mil. G. CARLTON OUY and MISS INEZ MERGER will Klay tho loads, and tho support engaged is of the Ighost order. All special paper. Managers in So. Mich., Ind., Ohio, Ills., la. and Mo., that have, 6,000 population, send Open Time afler Oct. l, low, hut not unless you can handle our scenery, aa during the week we will not use a nleco of house stuff as big as a postage stamp. Address, BILLY CASAD, Mgr. GUY STUCK CO., cnilllcothe, Mo., April Ml; Marshall, Mo., 13-18; Jefferson City, Mo., 20-26; Louisiana, Mo,, 27-May 2. Bend • cent* for postage on Catalogue and Price. List of oar latest design. of theatrical lamp.. We) also carry In .took Moving Clouds, Lightning and Fire photographed from nature, which gives per- spoctlve that oan not be accomplished by the de- sign being painted en glass. Also have Rain- bow, Water Ripple, Sand Storm, Rain and Snow.. New and novel effect. made to order. Estimate. cheerfully given on every- thing in the ELECTRICAL theatrical line. Follow- ing Is a partial list or NEW YORK CITY PRO- DUCTIONS that I put on Mtaeaasju. Bleeping Beauty and the Beast" at (the Broadway Theatre; "Soldierst>f Fortune" at Ma Savoy: "A Gentleman of Franco," at Wallace's; Henrietta Orostnan, at the Republic.; Amelia Bing- ham, at the Bllon; "A Chinese Honeymoon," at the Casino, "Foxy Grandpa," at the Fourteenth street; •Arlsone," at the Academy; E. H. Sotbern, "If I Were King," at the Garden. PON'T POTBlT THB NUMBIR, 1287-1239 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Wanted, Best in Vaudeville Including ONH NOVEL ACT TO FEATURE EACH WEEK. Novelty and other aots of all kinds adapted to lady audiences. Pleasant and profitable engagement, and we expect "tho good*" In return. UNION MUSICIANS for Orchestra for the season (JULY TILL SEPT). Louder with uii-'o-lhu inlnuto Music. Sight Readers. No cranks or drunkards. PRIVILEGES: Wo Want all Kinds of Respectable Shows anil AtmiMementa. Will give location and our own Day and Night Electric Light Service, awl will place ONE OF A KIND all on percentage. Want Miniature It. R., Ferris Wheel, Sieiuu Merry Go 'Itoiinil.Olil Mill, Loop the Loop, Captivo Balloon, Snake Eater, Elootrlo Palace, llluycle Moats, otc, etc. 6,000 !<> 20,000 excursionists every day. We own the entire Beach. NO COMPETITION. Tliu best placo In tho Middle West. Can use High Diver, Aerial Artists and Three Hplolora. WILL BUY FILMS. Silver Beach, s ^=S H DRAKE <fc WALLACE, Props. Everybody address PREDEHIO E. HOWE, Manager, Dowaglae, Michigan. A). W. Martin, Sole Owner. AL. W. MARTINS ENTERPRISES, W. O. CTJMRIHQHAM, General Manager. A grand production. It gave unlvorsul satisfaction. Crowded houses witnessed both perform- ances. - DAILY REPUBLICAN, Juliet, HI., March 20, ltMtl, AL. W. MARTIN'S $26,000 Revival "Ten Monti la a Bar Boom.'' (IKO.M. FOREI'Al'O II, Acting Mgr. Martin's production Is always a welcome visitor. The performance was the best ever scon hero. Hun- dred were turned away.— DAILY NEWS, Cumberland, Md., March 24, 1003. AL. W. MARTIN'S $80,000 Production. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. Direct from N. Y, City. ED. 8. MARTIN, Traveling Mgr. Haverly's Minstrels, CLARIONET, BAND AND ORCHESTRA. Join at once, for balance of season. AUDITORIUM THEATRE, 1'hlla., Pa., March 80 to April I. W. f. RILEY, Manager. JENNIE CALEF and ANDY WALDRON COMEDIENNE, CHARACTER and COMEDY, E 1VG FOR BALANCE OF SEASON AND SUMMER STOCK. HAVE REPERTOIRE OF 400 PLAYS. Would arrange to stage same for Summer. Both Al Artists. Would like to hear from rospiinaliilo ninn- agera only. Address ANDT WALDltON, Oen. Del., Davenport, Iowa. sa-jj.- I/ARGEST MAaVUjFAO'TURISRS iL Ol? THEATRE (SEATIlVGr %Ff§t IK: this world. KTC> aoo 8TYLE8. Sand for Catalogue. AMERICAN SCHOOL JF*URiVlTlTRE CO. 19-21-23 WEST 18th STREET, NEW YORK. Can secure Territorial Rights to any of tho following plays for next season: "THE WHITE SQUADRON," "THE POLICE PATROL," "LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN," "SHE," "THE DISTRICT FAIR," "THE MIDNIGHT ALARM," "THE SERRY MASCOT." Eto. SPECIAL PRINTING FOR EACH PLAY. For terms, etc., address DARCY A WOLFORD, 11168 Broadway, New York. Only Authorized Agents for A. Y. Pearson. THE NEW BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT FOR MAGIC LANTERNS Intensely brilliant, easy to operate Also Electric Calcium, Acetylone Magic Lanterns, Moving Picture Machines and Films. Stage Lights. Lens Boxes and dinners. Illustrated Stories and Hongs. Tho new Bowser stories—funniest ever illustrated. Send for great combination prices and bargain list. William., Brown & Earl, Dept. B, 018 Chestnut St„Phlla. Jcannette D'ARYILLE SISTERS irene Two ArtiHl* who really can act, In Melodramas and Comedy. Thoy arc having a great success with their beautiful Singing and Cornet Solos now with MICKEY FINN CO., en routo. Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Bartlett, HIGH CLASS COMEDT MUSICAL ACT. Csrenf "TllE MINISTER'S DAUGHTERS" CO.,Montreal, Can.