The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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156 THE NEW YORK OLJPPER. Apiul 4. THE AMERICAN VITAGRAPH OFFERS TO MANAGERS A LIST OF ^^ 85 HBAOLINE ATTRACTIONS f!! All Positive Novelties I All New! These are NOT SHORT FILMS. They are LONG SUBJECTS, eaoh lasting from 10 to «) minutes. We do the Business, Because We "DELIVER THE GOODS," Giving a COMPLETE CHANCE OF PICTURES Each Week, and All the Films You Want. THE STORY OF ROBINSON CRU80E \ Thrilling Scenes in the BEAR RIVER LOGGING CAMP Told Vltagraphlcall) In 30 Chapter.. An Enormous lilt. Uiti 80 Mlnntei. C _ _ __ mmW m a 4% a ■■ >»sr>r-.laa... THE SLEEPINC BEAUTY THE LIFE OF AN AMERICAN FIREMAN Ih 90 Marr.loa. Scene*. | « .. a , .. I AIIMrUIMP riC QUAMDnrir III SALMON SPEARING in the Rivers of the Great Northwest BWMwIHwnilVVi VT WrlnlTlriVVrV III; PoalUrelyUalqae. WothlagUheatBwerMaofc^phea. MANAGERS WHO WANT THE ^^^ ^^^ BEST MOVING PICTURE SHOW ON EARTH Ar. Re.peetfl.llr Referred to the Many High Cl.H Theatre. NORTH, SOUTH, BAST *nd WEST, where the America. Vitagraph is Engaged. NOTE.—The Vitagraph Machines and Films ARE NOT FOR SALE. Managers will appreciate the fact that we prefer to keep our goods exclusive, SEND FOR BOOKliET OF 85 HEADLINERS, GUARANTEEING NEW AND ATTRACTIVE SUBJECTS FOR 80 WEEKS IN ADVANCE. Ttfephon. 2764 John. AVCDIf-AII VIT.GD.DU PflVDAUV MAIN OFFICES: Cable Addrett: "Vitagraph." ABsElilUAII ill All II Aril UUMrArlf- MORTON BLDC, 116 NA88AU 8TREET, N. Y. $70 PLATE MACHINE Seventy Dollars INCLUDING ALUMINUM ROLL, CAPABLE OF TURNING OUT 1200 TO 1400 PLATES, These Machines can be operated for ■mm Kuan. THE ROWERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, $70 ; at the OPTION of the PURCHASER. 10 West Twenty-third Street, New York City, U. 8. A. .INJUNCTION !!! FOR TUB INFORMATION OF THE PUBLIC, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PERMANENT INJUNCTION HAS BEEN ISSUED BY THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES AGAINST MVEKS PERSONS EXPOSING FOR PUBLIC USE A SO CALLED "NAME-PLATE" MACHINE DESIGNED AND DUILT BY MARVIN it C ABLER, OF CANASTOTA, V. Y. BEWARE OF" INFRINGEMENTS! THEY MAY WARNING!!! THE ROOTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY hereby gives notice that, information baring been received that certata Infringing NAME PLATE MACHINES are being offered for sale, tier will prosecute to the FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW, those OPERATING, or EXPOSING for public use, any and all machines infringing United States Letters Patent, Nos. 687,187 and 687,188, the property of this company. Before purchasing a name plate machine, look well Into the question of patent, and do not be misled by alleged "guarantee!." YOVJ YOUR 'URCHASE IONEY! LUBIIM'S FILM NEW IMPROVED PATENT REINFORCED AND HARDENED PERFORATION, DOES NOT SCRATCH OR BREAK, CNEQUALED FOR DURABILITY. REPRODUCTION OF THE /-ir\ , D'T>'l7rr<rn_"rVr~r*/^irT , 'D'r\T T'TOTTT' will be ready one week after the LvV/jtCAXiX A JttCWTvl V JJXVIV X J.VT XX J. FIGHT TAKES PLACE. Write for price. THE DELHI DURBAR," 150 FEET, AMP 75 OTHERS, AXE .50 FX3R SO FEET, or lie PER FOOT. ILLCSTRATRD SONGS, THE LATEST. SBND COR LIST. I COMPLETE SET, 81 SUBJECTS, 8,760 FEET LONG. , Will l.:i la Lenttba of 80 F..t If Desired. SPECIAL PRICE, IB.50 a«r M fMt ""SPKaS XX03LT5tr CXWS* ZBEVSSSSt 8TEREOPTICON8 FOR PROFESSIONAL USE FROM TEN DOLLARS UP. CINEOORAPH, EXHIBITION MODEL, with Stereopilcon, Including Films, ^yft Qfl Slld.i, Calcium Lamp, Electric Lamp and Adjustable Rheostat, Complete, H? ■ vjr • LARGEST BLVNVFACTUBJBR IN THE WORLD, P Hrr.AHKi.w nA, pa* TJ. 8. A. Oar Plant Coven Over Three Acres of Floor S pace—We axe Always Prepared to Show 600 Pletures in Life Motion In Onr Show Room. EDISON XSZXTETOSCOFES and FILMS. SEND FOR CATALOGUES CONTAINING TITLES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF OVER 2,000 UP-TO-DATE, RNTEHTAINIMl, INTERESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE FILMS SUBJECTS, among them the following, which were procured >>r Hie courtcsey of the Hamburg-American Steamship Co. and Measrs. Thomas Cook A Son, who conduct excursions on Iho above mentioned company's steamers through the West Indies and CarrlbcanHoa Islands: Code Word. WEST INDIAN GIRLS IN NATIVE DANCE; «S feet, Class B $1.80. CplanrtlKh. RAILROAD PANORAMA NEAR SPANISHTOWN, JAMAICA: 200 feet, Class B $21.00. Uplaylng. PANOHAMIO VIEW OF ST. PIERRE, MARTINIQUE, TAKEN FROM THE BAY; 83S feet, Clam II $38.00. Uploading. NATIVE WOMAN WASHING A NEGRO BOY IN NASSAU, BAHAMA ISLAND; 70 feet, Class B $8.40. Uplift. NATIVE WOMEN WASHING CLOTHES AT ST. VINCENT, BRITISH WEST INDIES; 80 feel. Class B $7.20. Uplifted. PILOT LEAVING THE S. S. PRISZESSIN VICTORIA LU1SE, AT SANDY HOOK, N J.; «0 feet, Class B $7.20. Uplifting. PANORAMIC VIEW OF NATIVES COALING A SHIP AND SCRAMBLING FOR MONEY AT ST. THOMAS, D. W. I.; 110 feet, Class B $1120. PANORAMA OF WILLEMSTADT, CURACAO, FROM THE RIVER; 1«& feet, Cla-sH $10.80. PANORAMA OF MORRO CASTLE, HAVANA, CUBA: 64 feet. Class B $7.80. WHARF SCENE AND NATIVES SWIMMING AT ST. THOMAS, DANISH WEST INDIES; i& feel. Class II $8.90. TOURISTS rijAYINQ SUUFFLK-IIOAKtl ON THE 8. B. l'RINZESSIN VICTORIA LUISE; 70 feet. Class B $8.40. NATIVE WOMEN COALING A SHIP AT ST. THOMAS, DANISM WEST INDIES; BO feet, Class 1) $10.80. Uplooks. Uplooked. Unloosing;. Upmost. Upogcbies. Upperest. "ST RINETOSCOPE5 "SsT* MAIN OFFICE AND FACTORY, Orange, N. J., O, S. A, NEW YORK OFFICE: 83 Chambers St. CHICAGO: 52 State Street. PACIFIC COAST SELLING AGT„ PETER BACIOALUFI, SSS Market St., San Francisco, Cal. OFFICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM: 68 Chancery Lane, London. W. C, England. EUROPEAN OFFICE: 33 Rempsit Saint Georges. Antwerp. Relg. EDISON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, HOAND 112 GREENE tT. (near Prince), New York. Theatrical Supplies, Greasa Paints,... Tights, Wl(s,... THEATRICALJEWELRYj Bold iSllnr TNmmlngs, Spangles, Etc. W» MAS PBJB. C 0. ft. HwJl»J ft M require ■ DspwtK m ill (Man. BKSDiCt*. FOR OATALOOUB No. 4. send tots, for Catalogue No. B. Send tot*. for Catalogue ). 6. No. WANTED, A Lady Orchestra Or FOUR OB FIVE PEOPLE. Address, with terms. n. 0. LIEH, IB East Market St.. Wllkesbsrre, Pa. BOSTON FILM EXCHANGE Second nand Films, Song Slides and Machines Bought, So: iand Bxohaug.4_EM WASHINGTON ST.,Room 42, Boston, Moo*., opp. Adam* Home. "HARBACH'S" MAGIC LANTERNS, Dissolving Stereoptieons, (Rfl BEST 2 STORY-NICKEL FINISH. 41111 Fine Line of Second Hand Films. SEND FOR LATEST CATALOGUE. REX. PROFESSIONAL STEREOPTIGON s 15 THE ACME SONG ILLUSTRATOR, with ** Short or Long Focus Lenses. SONS SLIDES, 40e. SONG SLIDES, 50c. Serpentine and Cloak Effects, CHOICE ART AND COIIC SLIDES, RIOHLY COLORED, 10 FOR $8.60. •2.50 per 1,000. PICTURE MACHINE 4pp. PROGRAMS, WtL 3LS w The lost Powerful White Light. Absolute Sajttv, Simplicity, Durability, Economy, Convenience, compactness, Light Weight ana Portability. .^^?„Hi ed ln sn 7 form oC MAOIC LANTERN, STEREOPTICON or MOVING PICTURE MACHINE: Alarol et SeieitiGe Iigeonity, nlj'18. UNIVERSAL EDISON EXHIBITORS' KINETOSCOPES • FILMS* NEW iSEDOHD HAND ICIf LAHTERHS ■BUlVnLftS&SLTOES f™ BOUGHT St SOLD ■HO MBSBV PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Sols Proprietor and Mintgtr. J. AUSTIN FYNES, Central Manager. 7 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 7 Devoted to Refined Entertainment. Proctor'. Sth Are. Theatre, Proctor's 23d St. Theatre, Proctor's BSth St. Theatre. Proctor's 125th St. Theatre, Proctor's Newark Theatre, Proctor's Albany Theatre, Proctor'. Montreal Theatre. PROCTOR'S STOCK CO. Presenting Best Plays. WANTED, BEST ACTS IK VAUDEVILLE. It 70a do not receive a reply. It mar be because the time Is Oiled; you axe therefore adrlBed to writ, again In (oar weeks. Do NOT enclose stamp (or reply. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: JS2 plots of sets; If can open and close In onej EXACT time ot acta, and of "close In; billing (or newspapers and programmes: apa CLEAN PBOTOGBAPBB tor LOBBIES TWO WEBK8 In ADVANCE OF OPENING DATE AT EACH HODBE.addre.5lrg BE81DENT MANAGER. FAILURE TO COMPLY with these INSTRUCTIONS WILL SUBJECT ARTIST8 to the RISK OF CANCELATION. VAUDEVILLE BEBEABSAL8 M0NDA1H, 8 to 11 o'clock A M., SBABP. . Playwrights. Anthors and Play Agents, ad- dress J. AUSTIN FYNES, General Manege. Vanderllle Artiste and Players, address F. F. proctor JR., Booking Department, FIFTH AVE. THEATRE, N. Y. CITY. Park Privilege FOR MERRY-aO-ROUND Average Dally Attendance, l.OOO; Holidays Bud Sundays, 6,000. Electric current furnished 10 run with, 600 volts. Make bid on percentage of erosi receipts, and give description of machine. CMllford A Oxbridge 8t. By. Co., MlUord, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS. I. STRASSMAN, ATTORNEY, »U Broadwer, H. T. OUT- __ *^*e»»* Nsw>*siw>> B r» 1 a*w»>«*^r*s*VV»a>**«» a »ar*W^^rNr'*'~~-' w*t***J «* KIDNEY TROUBLES "d — CATARRH ; of Uie BLADDER Cum All Dlteharoei in | 48 HOURS BaohOapaiileoearii the name ~~~~ capsules p Mm