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AtfEifrlK Stage THE ISTEW YORK OiLIPPDEB. 171 Tue Theatrical Clearer* Protective Union 4 %i State of New York, Incorporated ,',,„■'« 1903,. held their regular meeting ,,« Sunday,- March ft The Clearer* state iiif they have been forced to form this iiiloit bveauae so many yoyng boya and i it Incompetent people rrere Retting; Into flip business that tbey must have some pro- irfIon. There are now one hundred and .ittv-three memhera. The office™ are as follow*- J. A. Woods, president; 8. Parker, -e president: Ii. Oolden, treaaurer; A. E. Tnwae, ilnanclnl secretary.: Al. Howard, re- rorrilnit secretary; Chaa. McCue, correapond- \m secretary; Chaa. Murphy, sergeant at n mi • .lobli Thomson, business agent. Meet- inirn arc held at their headquarters, 280 West S:?d Street, New York, every Sunday afternoon, at 2' r. >f. Tlie prospect* for the seae-on of 1903-1004 ,„,, bright. P. 3. McDonald A Son. well known stage machinists, are looking for larger quarters, their present quarters having heroine too small for their growing business. With the Increased facilities for turning out the-lr business, they will necessarily require a larger force of men. C. U. Hogan. n well known stage ma- chinist. Is very busy, and states that he has ciitiugli work In prospect to continue nt the limit of Ills output until the end of next Kinw & Krlanger, after the completion of Alterations nt the New York Theatre, will p-.it mi several elaborate productions at this linitse, and will retain their master machin- ist. John 11. Cunningham, and keen a large force of men 'engaged during: the entire MPufiim. All their large productions taken on the road will employ New York union fiie Theatrical Protective Un'on, No. I, nf Now York, claims to be on the best finnn- dnl linsls of any organization of Its mem- lershlp) (TOO) In the country. At the last regular intetlng. held March 22, It was de- cided to work for the benefit of the Actors" Tiind Homo without charge, and also to do- nate $100 for the benefit of tho i/und, whlrh amount was handed AVer to Daniel Frohrann a few days later; Mosinan ft r,andls, the Chicago scenic art- lulu, report a remarkable Incident In aub- Klniithttlon of tltMr claim tbnt scenery Is not so combustible as many suppose It to he. At the Town Hall Theatre, Columbia, H. C, ivcciiilv, lira started under the atage and Immcil through . the' flooring directly under n pack of scenery which was piled ngninst iii.. wall. ' Tt Ignited a part of the set, which was nt the back of the park, burned nnc jilccc and then went out. A little later lire started In the tormenter wlngB, Ignited the drop curtain and burned only one lirrmlthof cloth on the extreme edge. The rlnliil thila seemingly substantiated Is that vlierp water and earth colors are used scenery Is practically noncomhustlble, The Toronto, Can., Theatrical Mechnnknl Association gave their sevnntecnth annual ii'tir'li In the Grand Opera House, that city, nn Friday afternoon, April 3, and wan a ■inriiii and ii mi lie l.al success. The follow- ing were tho • entertainers: Ned Nye, La Statu Bros., Charles Fnlke. Joe Nattm ntld Toby ('fugle. Harry A.Truax, Clifford nnd Harvey. Swan and Dambard, Plove lied- lodge. Orlh ahd- Kerq; Three Maecenas, II. Maugltin, Maude and Minnie Alexander, Twin .Sicca, and Hosolle. r ♦ » " NBW JERSEY. Xf»mrk.—BuslnoaV'wos a little llgbler limn usual here last week: NttWAilk, TiUiAThtl (Leo Ottolcngul, mana- ger).—"TUe Silver Slipper" will delight the audiences With US many novelties an«f effects i his week. The original cast lias not been altered. Charming music waa the eminent leaturc of •'King Dodo," which drew fairly wood tiKllehces last week. Conrled'a Irving Placo Theatre Dramatic Co., In repertory, Is announced week of April 18. COMMWtt TilrATliE (M. J. Jacohs, maun gor).—"The Village Parson" brings melo- iiminii to this, house again this week, which Is what the patrons want. "A Jolly Ameri- can Tramp" -entertained fair houses laac week, due partially to good specialties. "Hu- man Hearts" will Ml week of 13. ' 1 ! > "' , ,!!f i . TilHA'tni) (II. M. llynma, mana- ger) —-This W oek "The Convict's- Daughter" should excite audiences and have good busi- ness l.ailru Itiggar's performance of "Kast hynne was lightly attended Mat week. The lour Coliana appear In "The Governor's Son" week oMII. •'• i lIljANKif's Tiibatiib (Chas. H. Dlancy, man- ager).— Maiid i Kdua Hall reappcara this week, hi "Dora Thorne." Beginning with no [lerforimnte Friday night, 10, amiitcum will be allowed to do specialties between the """-. ,",he stock presented "Devil's Island" creditably last week, with fa|r results. "The Slher King" week of 13. . ^-^ujiANN'H'TnHATRH (W. S. Clark, man- ager)—l'he .Moonlight Malda vary the mo- aotwy of burlesque, at this house witu mtchy music, and ■brilliant coloring In scen- ffi ? nd eostumes'this week. A strong olio lipnstB: Williams nud Adams, Toma Hanlon, tialg and Ardell, the Harpers,' Prey and Al- !™' and tho Walker Slatera. The Merry .Maidens played, a fairly good week, ending •I- I he Gay Morning Glories 13-18. iuocTOii'H TmiATiiH (J. Austin FyncB, gel ernlmanager).—A diverting bill uf gelier- i merit baa been nrnuiged for the present <n£ „ ,l ro ' wlicrc lar *° audiences are usual A Si BH names Geo. Neville & Co., In "A ,,'i.L U ^' : f) ' K - 8«to. Hodges and Lauch- I,., " "■« ■»»i»»«mll0aC0P*. limit SSRJ , bl11 pf qnnllty obtained-quick recog- iiitloa by good- houses. \ ■',*•• - - - " ii, il TK f—'-awrence Hnscall, popnhir here iiii. i!5W" •»«"•"■' to the Hlancy co. SSL^ ggft- ■ .VBy. 'tt* ' Ttgsjwfl use of SK*- buckets Jonhstono Bennett and n BiSIin?ii M lJ w «* the old Morris saw mill, "wninki, from destruction by flre last 55m >L a 'SPiS '' on ? c of-Klka last week v ,,. A 1 ,B fo »owlng onicers for the ensuing RrtLL 0wen McDonald, aecrctnry ; Joseph uniiiea, treasurer; Chas.-ICdwards, tvler; Km,,:„ "'"ell, rep. to grand lodge; P. X. ■"■(ting, trustee; C. C, Weeks, exalted- ruler. —•— ' a I' i at*. Mt*!!* . c, ty.—At the Gecnn Pier The- li.« ■l l * tr X V 1:8 ta. representative).—"8pot- liTtn y*' 11 .....'" 1 , 11 «ooil business March 30- iiS' , ] ' ' Hhotlock Holmes," pi-caentcd by mSSSi K , clo<, y and KfHe Shannon, hud a Jisnii?' 1 . • m " ,c -• '"The- Itlvala," wltli I S i ,' ,r - , nnd w «u. Wi Jeflerson, had an- ',,m„ lK ,. , " JllH0 ''• « 8 did "Florodorn," 4. i & / } i' a ,ini ' H i'Hlputlans week of <i, 101H. ot * a " 15, "Alphonse and Gaston" JBg?*» '^ JUiTUmH mu, (Harry D'Hstn, ,^ 3" tn tlve). — IlHsiness is excellent. ,nli- for .."' w ' k of •' "Flddlc-I)ec-l)ce." llanS "i.. K „J ! °J'" 1 Marine Band continues. of rl "i.!" jrt 1 P ,B0 remains. Coming, week r?r V, J ,'! c • ,0 "y Musketeers." IMnTZ i l,:l ' <•'• U- Itolhwrll, mnnngor).— ■'•llan Itand 11 '" e0Od - Dc ""■ reottllSW'Si l'"i»—This house will he vrrK!, 1 ,! tnT ™» night, with the T'nl- tSmSS ! enn "J'lvanla Mask and Wig Club. Hubin"US*" 1 "" (, «'ht Camp O'nny V. •wpniiving*noger).—Business In cnnstaully li| , |ViMi!Ui ,,, r~ ,,I " l| t , « u '' »t bolh tlientrcs tin- liii™ 11 ' ,in '' •fl*'" tlfet'ted by reasnn of " i^nim season. nr')Xj»% *9S*H" <i-:dwln Klroy. turn- >• Dr. Jokyll iiiid Mj. Hyde" tame Aorll 2-4, to gopd business. To arrive: nl? art .« 0 , t M AP£ SLSi. '.' A Hooiler Onlay" hM u iu'il 3 ' 15, " S I wrt "8 jAcona' (G. W. Jacobs, manager).—Kel- cey and Shanntin, in "Sherlock Itolmen." March ;i0. to excellent business. The Jef- feisons, In "The Rivals," followed 81, to only fair business. "Spotless Town" came •Only a Shop Girl" 17, 18, for the bonetli of the ushers. Jersey City.—Joe Welch, In "The Ped- dler, closed a One week nt the Academy April 4. 'Cellar, at the BHon, had won- derfully large audiences during his week's slny. nad Ilellly & Wood's Big Show simply stood flu-m nb at the Bon Ton. Aiadhsiv I Frank K. Henderson, manager). —Week of 0, "At the Old Cross Iloads. ' with icslhii M'llllams, .Tames M. llropby and tho Batohellor Quartette featured, Week of 13, "Sherlock Holmes." lluoit (John W. Holmes, manager).—Week of 0, "Tracy, the Outlaw." Uobcrt B. Mas tell' 13-18. Bos Tox (T. W. Dlnklns, manager).— Week of 0: r,nfayette. assisted by tbe (Jolden <!ate (Jiinrtette, Colby and Way, the Five Nosses and others. ■•■• N'OTk.—The Academy attaches have their annual benefit Stay as. Variety will be Hie feature. Holiokcn.—Everything in the amuse- ment line Is In a very prosperous condition In this section. Iiinic (II. P. Soulier, manager).—"Across Ihe Pacific." with that Indefatigable com- edian. Unity Olney Blaney, Is here April fi-8. "Tim Convict's Daughter" ■ 12-15. Manager Kouller booking no attraction oa account of Good Friday, which occurs 10. "Her I,orrt and Master filled 2-4, the date assigned to "A^ Heart of Stone. Kiiplnpi (J. F. Oulnn, manager).—For 0- 12 (night of Good Fridoy omitted): Charley Orupewln and Co., Farnuin Bros., the Tnblns, the Hillly Family. Mile. Charlotte (luyer (Jeorge, Ln Petite Mlgnon.- Iiarr and PvnnB. and Hnrrlgan. Week of la, Lockhart's ele- phants. « Trenton.—At Taylor's Opera House (A. II. Hlmmonds, manager).--The Players Club, local. March IIO-Aprll 1, played benefit iier- foi J innitces for the .McKlnley Hospital, lo the largest business of any nmatcurs that ever nnpenrcd at this liouac. Their pluy was "At Viillaro lliim-h." Clarence Morton dlstln- gillslied himself as a manager and actor. ■'Itlcliilirt Carvel." .1. had- elegant business. Mrs. hanatry, 4, had good business, Coming: The AY'llOur Opera Co. fl and week. "The Convict's Daughter" 13. "A Chinese Honev moon" 14. the lloyal Mll|nitlnns IS, "Only n Shop Olrl" 10, I»uls Mann 17, Frank Daniels 1». Notb. —Henry Gates, of Gates & Mornnge, was In Trenton 1, In consultation with tho management of Taylor's Opera House nm! the new Trent Theatre■ wttn■ respect to de- signs for curtains for both houses. 4~-* CALIFORNIA. T,o» AiiKrles.—At the I.os Angeles The- atre ill. C. Wyatt, mannfeer).—Charles B. Ilnnford had fair slxed nildlences week end- ing .--March 28, during which he presented •Taming of the Shrew," with "The Old Guard v. for a curtain raiser. William 011- lotie. In "Hherlock Holmes," April 1-4. MOUUHC'O'H Bl'RBANK TllKATIlE (Oliver Mil- rosco, manager).—Ralph Stuart and com- pany bresebted "The Red Knight" week end- ing March 28. to good buatness. "Monte Ci-lsto" la the bill 211 and week, with "The Master at Arms" underlined. oni'iiKUM (Clarence Drown, manager).— People March 30 and week : Foy and Clark, Six Ollnserettls, Peplta Aragon, Julius Tnu- nen. Musical Dale, Dave Nowlln, Rice and Walters, the Halambos. Dig buslnesa. ciiiiiKN (Henry Kuch, manager).—Mme. Hchell and lions, Harry l,utie, balloonist ; Donald McGregor, vocalist ;:Wyatt Opera Co., ln "The Photograph Onllery." BiiIkph. — \aih Angeles IjOdge. \o. lit), B. P. 0. Mq elcctpd offlcers March 2r> as fol- lows : K. II.-. Jlyron lOrkcnbrecher: B. I,. K., ltnlnh 1 liignn ; K. 1„ 1C. Prank liryaon; 1-;, I,. I{„ Byron Oliver: treaaurer. George I'. Miliiiln: secretary, W. I). Htepliens; tyler, .1. W. Burke; trustee. M. K. Young Olive Haskell, formerly of the Grau and Wilbur opera companies, after one year's married life as Mrs. George I,. MeKeeby. returned to the atage Mnrch 23, appearing nt the Orphcum as a vocalist..... ..T. Mr- Ivor Tyndall appears at Marasco's llurbank Theatre afternoons of April SI, 4 -... A landslide near Santa Barbara, oil., pre- vented the arrival of baggage for i.os An- geles Oipheum opening of Six Cllnnerottl*. and Peplta Aragon, 110, and their places on the hill wero filled by holdover acts. ♦♦♦ — ' NEW IIAMi'SHlBK. Mil ml, enter. —At the Opera House <P- W. Harrington, inannger);—"In Old Ken- tucky," March 31, had it fair house. Sirs. Le' Moync. hi "Among Those Present," April J, was entbuslnstlcally received by a large jiiidlencc. "Resurrection'' .4, Feaberg Stock Co. week of (I. I PahK TiibatiiH (John Sllles, miiniiEjcr).— "lluniiin Hearts,'' March 30-Aprll 1, drew Well; "Miss New York Jr." 2-4. The olio: Miss Granville. Pledoru Sisters, (iypsane und Ilomene, Marion and Pearl, and UNrrajHP Pmnc, Coming: Fay Foster Co. 0-8, "Peek's Bad Boy" 0-11. * 1'Alack Thkaticb <('. H. .Miirdcn, mnnn- Pci').—M'eek ot March 30: Morrison and lerwlck. Alice Keeley, Adorcl Sisters, (Joldle I'emlierton, .Maud Curtis, and Bert Howe Ktmlc Co.. In "The Chivalrous Youth." Week of April 0, tbe Passion Play. — — — ' # » » . — Milt and Maude- Wood are In their fourth Week with the Zeb & Za crow—/lit ying Alley'' Co., playing the notibrclte mid inesscnger boy imrls, nlso introduchiK their npeclnltr. '.vhlcli, I Ley write, in ona of tho tilth of ihe show. _ ; AT LIIIKKT V, SECOND VIOHK, PROPS OK HITS. Oocd iippoarance: tnadcrHlo salary; foil', oil-wire. ■ AHdrc'as nRrtNAKD IHll, White llotisc, Boulliwvsl cor.Nlnih and 1'lne Sis., ST. LOUId, MO. WANTED, fur llicllAM, ami SAUI't.K fnlted Wagon Shows: Clrciw Performers In All LI lies (Kx- eeiu Itlilers). Ksprelally Double Horizontal Mar*, rrcferenoe la those Doulilliig llrass.. Can use few Ciooil Medicine Performers forconcert. Blnglngmul Aerobafle Clowns; those doubllngilriiiiispreferreil. Slrong It-flat Cornel for lead; Clarionet and other JhJ4cwo*i Lowest salary"aiid'parilcnlari'. Hull iidMstnplc. llox P. Nora Springs, Iowa. ' CAN now place, lo strcnglhen sbow. Comedian Willi HiKflulIkH iiiHUIIent act. If you nan vamp crgaii, mention II. If you bow, lake » friend's advice and doli'l write. OK<>. I*. iviwii, I M, (.'. ndd CO., New Carlisle, Nt. Joseph <'»., Illd. , WANTED, for Wright * Klllnioro's Ills Vauik- vine Show, under caavai, " cornets, trombone, tuba, donlilo 1st anil 'id violin: cornet, Iwss In or- vhcstrs; tuba Instead of Iims violin In archest™. llitst lie up In variety liuslucsa. Male musical (cam that plays harmony hunts preferred, lady for tuoniongs, dancer preferred. Black f*Cc man for sarocllno. All iH-rformers nitut be gooil In acis iiiilclitnge foru days. Manwllh small ironpcof Jog*.. (loiiiOiuy imyi oxpt<nscS. All wad lowest Ir'tleitcr. Kxperlencedoeopleonly. Trs.vel.Kssi. Iddrcas WIIIOHT A PH.I.MORK. \ , r orpfwnm. Theatre, Tarre toMv, lnd. , Perhaps you don't like the abort lo* overcoat. This: bog fellow ii just an proper. We will build one for yon and make it out of Imported Covert Cloth, in pktih, tan or of smooth meltons, vIouudb and veceUans. Either garment will cost 50U toil). If you want n silk lininjr in it, tho prlro is $35. You can have samples sent Iree along with measuring ins true i ions and a full outfit of fashion'phtes, Broadway 8 9th St.,NY. , AT 1/IBBItTY, llll. AI.F. IIAIbEY, LoHlifer, Oillcc worker and Tooth K.xlinoior, straight or acts. Alwo l'loroiice llalley, llluslralcd songs, fake organ and work lit acts. Address UNION BI11DUE IIOTEI., Dillon Bridge , Mil. WANTED, BAND CBZBEi FOR TIIK lland of tlio Mnlhlnratiirv, r. S, Arm*, nowstii- tloued at Jtudlsoh liartntiks, K. V. Chlcr Mnslcliiu Adam MerK, who has led tile hand for SI vl'iil-n, Iiiih JiisI been rcllred on Ihrcc-ipiarturs pavat Ills own request, lie leaves I lie lishd In excellent condi- tion, ills equal Is wanted as lender. Addross ADJUTANT SISTII INKAM'ltV, Sacketl's Hnrlior, N. V, WANTBD, CIIJIKDV WKHTCIt TKAM-IIOT Singers unci Dancers; put on mils, do conieriv III same; fake orgnn. Open April la; seaanii's wi»rk. Otlier Medicine People, wrltO. IK) VOII I'l.AY HHAHSr DOC KNOW, Norwich, Colin. Kl.KNTliEATHK, Formerly llUdann Opera House, Hudson, X. V., Commertolg May I, ulidei our managcmeni, Htronit opener wanled. IVe will play only Ihe best. A limited number booked, and your dales protected. ■ WWW I.QDok, No. ttl. I). P. o. K„ .Managars. FOH SAI.B-Mattlclan's Painting, good aa new, f S: lllack Art Outfit complete, Fowler make, ticiv. fiu; n liunoh of Trloks, no secrets lint the goods, nfc Htamn for list.' No postal!. MA dlfll AN, cai-eofKiirlla Otife, Erie, Pa. WASTED, PRINTINU BtllTABI.K (Oil HYPNOTIST, HTANDH AND WINDOW WOIIK Also Lady I'laulst and Soubrette Specially. Hum mer trip, one show per day. Address MAURY 8. HAIUIKNT, a Konrtti St.. Lowell. Muss LITHOOHAPIIK ic. each any stvie. Rend a.- for soo. Itlank opora House Contracts aou. per kki- How to Uecome Magician, Ventriloquist. Mind ltijuiier. Hypnotic and M other books, all for toir, A cme Mtho Co., MB W. Vanbur on St., Chicago, HI. KHKI), E. ami llll.l.V M. BE VI) K A', Kc flncil Miisli-nl Artlats, At l.ll.ei-iv. Hpct'lill'les Violin. Xylophone, Stair Hells, Musical (IIishoh, with Harp,-Violin and Pin no In Orchestra. Address KA8T KINOSTON.New llampahlrS. WANTED, for Ton Nights, tinder canvas,ii|ioa In May, Full Uasl. Eapeolally Morgan and Hlade, and Sketch Team to Double, (,'onyeri. AIpo Onrnoi, Slide Trombone and Ilarltone, Al. Head, write. Adit. Roiierta and Taylor. Klwell, (lr»tlntCn.,Mlcli. wanted ..sketch Team and Single Acts. Money sure. s. mid D. aouliralle. Address MRDICINKCO.. Hear Lake.Pn. WANTED, nEI.IABLB I'KOFKHHIONALS making one -night slands to carry our line of Ad- vertising I'niis, which are sold lo Druggists, Mime lienlers, ihirdware Men, liiiu-nil McrolinutllHe Deiilei-s, etc. (lutlli 1-niixls.rs nf nil assiirliiiaiit of :«i deKlgiis, put up In eiitivt'iiletil shape lo carrt. ttl per day can easilv he muile In giving the Inisl- aess a fen hours uf.Miiir lime en'cli ilsv. flKD. II. Jb'XO Ac CO., in;); Waliiui St., I'lnelnimii. O. ' WANTBD-For Slovens A Moasman I'o., Ilop- ertolre anil Farce Comedy I'voplo wllh Specially. Slate If you play organ. Tell all hi letter, and lowest salary. Addreas ii08 N. 12th 8T„ SI. Uiuls. Mi>. WANTED, WIBB'H MAUKKT TIIKATRK, TOLEDO, 0l|IO, Al PIANO PLAYEm sight render; play show alone; long engagement. MiihI be Holier. Can open April 1:i or 20. Wire or write, JOHN A. WIHK. Proprietor and Jlsnagror. Kim MAHIONEITK.H SWICI.I, g£T HAI.K; dirt cheap. K. 1IKI..MONT, . 177 W. Brio HI., (Ihlesgo, III WE STILL HAVE so.Mi; OI'KN' HATK8 IN Mac, June, .lulv mill August, Itsial llooil ttiiuipnnlos. write. Population liel.wt-aii A.iKXiuiida.WN). House en Ian-it v, 1,00. (IihiiI show town. Kvcrv hIiiim- Iiiih foil bullae. I), Klsonlmrg. Mite , (irccii liiiiii, Mli'h WANTBD, Med. People. Hong and Dance. Musical Novelties, Voting Ijidy lliut can do .Skirl Dunce and Sing, (loud amateurs write. All must he ladies and gentlemen, and good dressers. Hillary low tun sure. Slate all you can do and low- eat salary In Ural toiler. Oood Lecturers, write. Hllow starts out May I. Have l.ixMJfi, him- lo ox- change for dincrcm subjects. I,. (.'. IIAVIHK1I, lluiivcr C'ciiler, Ci-awford Co., Fa. PIHIVOOItAPII, HTKHEOPTICON, sl.lUKS, ritrrniK MACIUNK, Kil.MS. A full outfit H-niiieil. S. (IIIAV.i'iireof Cf.ll'I'KK. WANTED, rm-nei and Tioini-iuie al ouce. J'ilu on wire. No trnvcllng. Snlury must la- low, us sure Muat lie able lo pluy siuiiuiud inusli-, and be sober and roliiible. Hoard and lodglngf fnr- nlslii'd by me. Wire salary In the nm letter. Xu tickets sdvaueeu to unknown parties, Dan Itergcr, please write. I'fof. J. Levin, Halelgli. N. C, WANTED, A First Clats Pianist for Orctits- tra. steady engagement in hotel .si I year. I're- fi-roiie wllh orchestra music. Hliite full parlleu- lars, exticilciiee, terms', references, ore, <)sn hIsd Use olber good men. Address Musical Director, 47 Mulberry St.. Memphis, Teim. WANTED—Bight lo Ion lengths Circus Seam, seven to ten Hers high; also Folding Chairs. Wanted, good Irish or Dutch Comedians; put on acts and make tiffin go. Halarv, fin and trnirs- poria'inn. Bno7j;N closed wlllioni nnlU-c. Vim must have good wiinlruls! on and mrihs slnxe Wc pay every Hat unlay In money. Ticket* ad- vanced to rpniitnhle performers. Address, for one week, DM. w. D, M00I1B, Muiiccken, Wwt Vu, COMING! COMING! April IK. or a few du\V later. Largest. Imperial hill or Wild Animals ever recorded, KlcplianK Tigers U'opards, Hveiias, Hears, tTaiiesniidMiitisler itorncn Pythons, Animals of Kvery Deserlptlon. I.iolis, lllaok l.enpunN, HyeiuH, i:tk. Deer. MiUikevs mid llalaain* III huge iniliiUcrs, Macaws, fit rifling and all kinds of brightly pliiuiaiteil birds, i'ur parlleulars write In WILLIAM BARTELS, 160 Greenwich St., New York. I'alil the duly dln-el Importer of anluitiR Mi prices arc lowest. Mv iiiiine Is n Kiiiiriiiitei'fnr the stool} 1 carry. rjnMjfeanimtKate sol letted. FOR SALE. ' I iitivr eigiit f nil gnnv'ti Itliesu- .Mntikc.vs: llic«e are sound, hcnlthv ami stiinnr In hind legs, In every way til for iralnllig, line nice, tniiir, laVge male rhnema llabooii; I let htm loose withoutt'hiihi, |»: a feiliale for *as, and two small piales for ?2> each. ONK lilt! I'KMAI.K ItllMHl'S WITH A I.ITTI.K Hilly, «»• a whole show Hill-elf. Five Spider Monkeys, ft.l: two Ant Kiters. Jl icli; pair of I'ec carles, lit): A TOY l'l III: WHITE SII.K PIMIDI.K, male. Is mos. nhl, does all bind leg tricks, globe lail- Htiees. etc., tv\: worth * .111 for n pet. TIIAIXKIl (lolilfn mule IIhIkhiii, great llllnl fooler, JJ5. 'Jlleliolce edge Monkeys.; mostly Ithesiis. flO cneli; playful I'lg Tall and Ring Tall Monkeys, nil sminil; four Mk ilolden lliihiiinis. «'J,*i up. Leiniirs, Alncllws, (iieilloos, Mllriuasetle«, Siiulrrcls. etc. I Have these anl- in'als uow, are lldt )Cl ruijnlbg.alid itinl esjieeteil to be caught, lull are lien- now J. I,. Iin K, Hill I omiiiMiilpitvi Ave., Jvraey I lly, V..I. Tbe Xdurgeat. The rinoit. The Greatost, PROF. PAMAHASIKAS BIRD AND DOS CARNIVAL.! m iini.i like in bear from all Managers nf summer llc.ons nnd It. It. I'urks. Those looking for IIHIII CLASH A'lTHAI'TIONS wrlln lo 1 PROF. PAMAHASIKA. 723 Callowhlll St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wanted, 4, S and 8 Horse Drivers SOBER, RELIABLE WORKING MEN, ALL KINDS. Can also plnte few KXl'KIIIKNl'KD I'lKM'KHTY MKN. URN HIT IMMKIHAViaV AT MitlltANN'8 I'.Mt K, Lancaster, I'.i. rlupci lur accotiiniodalloiis ami liuniiine I rcaliiieni aecnrdcd lo all. WELSH BROS.' NEWEST OREAT SHOWS. iioom-iioom (ii--All. I'ltoi rtiti's tain, ht. tiiih WKBK, \K\r IVKliK OITA, HOO-i], HOO.1I>-All. WAHTIIVK'K, (ioial all nroiuiil Singing, Dancing nud Talking MulnHkvl.li ie Willi linoil Hpcclnltles. Useful I'noplo lining more than one turn wrlie. small st'ltl iaslnt » Address wllh rVUb piirtlmilars, WM. I'. TA Vl.Ott, Aliiniir, N. \. mer show; I pay exjiensos. leum: si iter Team AIISiiiii- AT I.IHKllI V, \l PIANIST, wllh Apenni- nes. Also a thorough, VKltsaTibi-; MIiirIiik nud liuiieing Al Comedlaii. Hath annul dresaera and gentlemen every where. Nnfseil. iVIroor wrlie. Address Oeii'l Del .. I'rcd I', Miller.Homing, N. V. WANTBD, HOil VAUUKvill.B HKKTcil, VOung Lady to Play ollltor lliRentienr Soubrello. Muat ha willing to give leenes gratia ror Irlnl pcrfurmauce. Home idea of music and goml voice essellllal. Ad dress HKKT CII, ears of CI.IPI'KK. OnitilMAl.TYPBtVltiTTBBHKCTI'ilKS. sieacli. Limited mitiilier of each sold, net them now. Three nuts for I mule and female ns fnllowa: "I'almlst ahd Widow," "Peidlnss Ailss llnld" and '•Julie II al ii- nek'- Cure." "Mbw SI leer'. Sll |i|ice" iliiu. i'.i, "I'm Your Honey" (lm.if.i, "llriilusaiid Adnhls" i'Jiii.i: also act for iriiiiih nud straight. 2 Jews, lllack Pace hud straight. "Jew Muiiiiloguc." Money oilier nrslainps, promiil delivery. Mpet'tnl acis, plays written. Addn-ss lti-.liNAitn ki.imi, I'liivivi-ighi, nu West "Ath Hi., n. V, nt\ . HBPBRTOIRK MANAUBItN-IIeie's rour nioiiev makers: "I.ami of CaJUlis" (blcblt Oblcago and llroukij ii), "Tliu .Man from tho Hniitli," "llltie (liu- ," "'l'he cold King,' "A Woman's llfiloinp lion" (ililrd season wllh Alma Chostor), "The High'. Man (successful Kiiglamli; "lynwnod"(hel- ler war play Until secret service), "HIiim uf llio Nlglit." "Tho Ifuglllvo," "Croaa Uuuda of l,lfO," •'iHioeiui," "A Yqutig Wlfe,","(lnrrj' Ilw«ii.'"'On tho Kiontler" (apodal territory), "Slaves or I'oc- 111111','' "Kuemlcs for Ufe," '■Mtorin llnalcn, 1 ' •'Called Hack," "Trabpod by a Wninati," "A Woman of the People," "llr.ias Widow," "llrnkeii Lives" (strung diiilieslle phlv). (toliimuulcnte ill- reel fdr these plays toT. ll. WINM-;ri', Agent, wn.' lliusdwa.v, New York Cliy. N. Il.-Uotnnaiilcs routed and hooked. W'ANTBD-DANt'INO C'UMUUIAI*,TWO tiihis a illght. for una week, One Illal run vamp a piuini preferred. Must lie a goad drossier and a gentleman. Tell dollars and all expenses. rilKI) Ht:TIIKIll.A\ll,, HI 'lilcfiinl, Maine AT MUKIITY, PUANK and MIADI.K VINCKNT. 1,'onicili Sketch AHIsIh and Vocalists, and Wui id Premier Hott Hlioe Duilucrs. Malingers who pay aal., wire i|iilck, to I'BANK VINOKNTV No. I'.u Uiilniit stieet. si. Louis, Ho. HCBNBRY.—House C'uuti'ucls a H|ieelalty. IVurk done in your house |iut lip iCiulv for use. Ilcst of mulcrial. No'mailer where located. Can savo i mi money. I'urllciiliini iifsin aiipllcatlon. \'AN IIYJKK ((Mage Co.), Hnrl lligalii e, Kails. HOUflMETI HI I*I.aVh oil Ihiynlir' to Itl'lil-r- lolre Ciiiniialiles—"Maid or Hie .Mill" (played by Ho- S|i<.oiiiiis In llmokliin. "Llltie Mngiu'l,'' "Just One lllil,'' "Cuplubi's Mule." "Wheel nf l-'oililiii-," "Hand of Pate," "Deacon Lights," etc. T. II. Wln- neti. KncIiisIvc Agent. 1411-.' H'wiiv, New Yoikt'll.y. mAwaOBItN-tnihaoly'sTrniihlos, Ileal farce Ciniiedy written, a sets. -■ scenes, slinrl cast, r, llialpg, :i females. \\ i llli-n liolliu-crl ;it. till. I'eilrlek ll-iiii Co:, Pralikllii and ()lrai t l, l'hllailcl[ilila, I'a.. FOR RENT, ROBINSONS OPERA HOUSE 6lNOIN|«IATI,0., I'lttl.M AI'IIIL St. l''or |. ii ie ii., s npi,o to .Mills I). DAVIS, Ai/. in, ill I'lillilSI. WANTKU-LKAI'KII I'Olt A L'AHTIXO ALT, lad? or item; one who docs donlilos preferred. Weight not over l'i>. Hood nutiirv nod iroatiueiil to right parly. K.vpluln In full. All tellers niis- wereO. . WOHLb'S OIIIMT HAIIK Kits, HiJ I'ourlli Ave., New VorkCllv. WAKTKI) AT ONL'B-Al Liidv Cornettlst fur ladles' orchestra; Might Header and aide in pisy solos. Long engagement to right party. No traveling. Write ijulck. lady Musicians write IIKINrtlUII'l>AMM,:m K. Pearl HL, C'ini IiiiimII, Ohio, WANTBD TO BUY, BldoHtiow aintr, Tents, Snakos, llsinicrs, Uonkeys and lllrds. Kvvryliildg In Hide Show lino. Must be clump for rush. An- swer nulok. TKi-i'i's imos.' snow, Floyd Trover, hen. Man. K lug's Moiinliijns, N. C. vnti balk, otxi hi' *Mti gtm, Hfalwi, tdni a I.euglha M Tier Seills, '/isi Polillllg C'tiulrs: )aa>.Vi Staire; 4 Hols of Heelicry,'Idol-, Wake I'liller, die. HWKL OUTFIT, In wrf l»est condition. No glff, bill wlilaelt rcsHonaldolI taken at-'oiue.- i. • " 11. W. MAHCU, 130IV. «lli Ht., Canton, Ohio, |WE SAVE YOU $10 ON EVERY| $25 WORTH OF MEDICIST2 YOU niTVm jtilve you better gouils, liciiee Kullors, bolter! I paper and iimrnnrii tlnui nay olher hoiiaoj in ihe bualneas; ship good's promptIv audi I will snvoyou money every lltuo. Nil liiiilhir I I what prices or IndiioetiieiilM nilier. mnko, 1 WC Will <ln I o-l I or. llll. lllt.VV WDMII'.lt WOltKKIlS CO., Ozone hilt, llrookiyn.N, Y. | \JX%.UU* m » t4 i- l K iuu,a.> shown r,. iiort forrolicarsiii April as. Hiiow npoiis mi April tl. Wahl Millo iiiid r'eiinile I'lriusAcIs, Triilncd Alilinnl Act, dogs, goats or iiioiikcvs, iiIho IiiiiIo anil l-'cimiio Hitlers with sim-k, Miislclnns, Con- con People, etc. Man and wife loivork In con- ceil; mail iiiiisI lie enpnble nf aniiouiii'lug mill handling iioiicert. (live lowesl salary In first let- ter. l-'llANK II. I.KK, 1IT0 Mllieliil Spring Ave,, Pinvliickei, It. I. I'ltnr. WINI'IIKIIMAN, Willi hcai nuil iiiouke.v net, wrlln. "Nature's Remedy Co." WANTED, TO OPEN APKIL U and LATER, (S Ice toh Tea m m That Play Organ and Can Change Often. >4iH'iil IVrforiiKM'Si Thai Ho Hovornl Hnnoliilllea and Work In Aula, Slate salary and all you do, Long engagements to useful people. Address CHAS. AI .I.KN, llo.v Hiyiilla., Pn. 0LA8S BLOWHO OOTFIT, Iti-naoiuiiile. (hie hundred uml lirty largo und aniull sbuiles with heniltlful designs, one sei of plnteil Huh, one work tnlde. Hii'im, luyout. Inis.'H, HHVi'iily-llvo ponnila of lulling and wire. Adress TIIOMfMON, Cure of t'l.li'l'Dlt inure. Sew York. For Sale, Freak Dog, Willi iraccs of four iii-tio. i s|H'i'ies. No from feci, Icfl Is clilrkifU'a wlllguiiil Ilic otlici'H'luliaff'l'ctaw; liuiii pails like kotigaroo. Never on exhibition, for information npnlv In II. I'. I'llAWKoito. llll Hlli-ox Hiri'itl, H.ilil re, Mil. TO THETB07ESSI0ll"¥RDr>niN7ED While you wall within Ion luluiiltis; fsifur •&<:., Iisj r„r :i6c. STKLN,. TIIK 1'ltINTKIt, Tlio Fair, Mi) K. Nth St.. opposllc Academy of UiihIii, N. Y. tWO SUCCESSFUL MONOLOGUES If you caul a good Duti'li or Jaw .Vitnologiiv wriu: ill once to ItH.S'.VK'IT.I illlAY, I'. 0. llo.v Mlu, lisrlforil Ooiiu. CHAIRS WANTED, Second Hand, for N'cw House, Wrlln ifiilck. A. Y. AI.LHN. Miuiiiger. Hiillii.-sliUrg, Miss. Candy and Soda Privilege To 1st nt (hollo I'lirk, Klngiie, N, J. Adtlrcis ipib!k,_ IIAHItV HOi; f!L KHK. THIIH, HPKM'ISI*. 'Tlicilirlciil Clog Maker, 140 West with KL, Niw York. -Hcinl Hlaiup ror prb-u ll-i and deposit for all orders. Privilege Wanted at NA for Merrv-6o-Reund, or will sell tiuii'hlrie coiiiplele Willi organ. JOSRI'll IIOI1K, Hun. Hel. P. (>„ Colllliiblil. S. 0. WANTED, People III all brunches of Ihe Muillctne business, lit once. All iiiiisI piuv or fake Orgiiu. A good Lecliircr, write, mi. ran, PHTJITB JIL, Mgr„ l.'iiiu Isliitid, Kus. II.LUHIO.VS, Vnntrlloipibi t-'lgiire«. lllack Art (limits, New 1'alliHllgH, M'ux figures., Oalnlea, Stat- ues, Magle Hooka, Appuralas, Shaw, Vielorbi, M<-. KOIl WALK, lioulile 'liape/j) niH'ii: for fuot ■wlilrl,shoes forsaiuu: ruili.ii-i-d our week- IJAN UA J.LX1AN, No. mil a. (llll SI., 1'iiUu., I'll.