The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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April 11. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 173 CLUBS am trumps with us.this week, and why Wouldn't they be with the Juggling John- £m» to top our bill 7 There are ffve of them, «nd they »re the five highest in the deck, hnrrlDK the Queen. With the Ace and King to swfng she doesn't count, (or she's bound in drop on either the first or the second call. W 0 also bare the leading cards In the other suits, particularly the heart suit, as vou'll notice If you look over our hand and Lie the bunch we have In the burlesque. If this same bunch can't take every trick that is led up to them we'll be satisfied to go You'll find everything played according to Hoyle, or any otber authority, if yeu prefer. AT THE OLD HOWARD ATHENAEUM BOSTON MASS (America's Oldest Variety and Burlesque Theatre) WEEK OF AP RIL 6.1 FIVE JUGGLING JOHNSON3 A quintet of Indian club handlers, who are known both In this country and in, Kurope as the most dexterous the varieties have ever known. You can take all the other stick swingers on the globe, select the Ave best, and then you wouldn't have a team in the same class with the Johnsons. THREE 8I8TER8 MACARTE The wonders of the wire. They do what Is unquestionably the greatest act yet per- formed upon a slender thread of steel. Whether tense or loose it matters not to them. The evolutions they do in concert upon, a tight wire are simply amazing. A skirt dance done by one of them upon a Black wire Is quite a bit above the limit. CLARA ADAMS The chubby comedienne Is "home again" this week. Talk about your springs of good nature, she's a perfect well of gladness. She stands forte with the front rows, and why wouldn't she, with Bucb a pair of pedestals as.she possesses? OOOOIN and DAVIS It bas been a long time since we have put their Arm name on our boards, but it Isn't our fault, for they've been abroad for sev- eral seasons. Their acrobatic comedy act Is still among tbe best ever. HARRY ROSB SM1RX rand KEsbNtR "The Dell Boy and the Maid." Tbcy haven't been long on the road to "Headllnevllle," but they have arrived, Just the same. 'Twos speed that brought them in ahead of sched- ule time. An act that Is full of singing, dancing and acrobatics, all of the best. IDA HOWELL (Instcn to hear what this helpmate of hilarity has to hand out. She's the same old "Ginger Girl." JOE MARK FIELDS and WOLLtY "The Two German Soldiers" have been de- tailed to do picket duty with the olio squad tbls week Instead of drilling with the regi- ment of burlesquers. Tbe blues will never get by them., DOLLY JABDON "She made good" Is the reason why she's here for a second week. One of the most charming balladlats ever beard at the Old Howard. HAMMOND and HAMMOND A swift span of colored entertainers, la an act that Is second to none among ragtime bpeclaltles. MATTHEWS and ASHLEY, Two character comedians who can trot a fast mile and come under tbe wire In tbe lead without.a strain on their checks. LOMBARD BROTHERS A duo of dancers who can pick them up and put tbem down with tbe best lixperts la all styles of foot work. HARRY • YETTA ANTRIM and PETERS "A Meal Under Difficulties, or Fun at a Railroad Junction," Is the name of their en- tertaining mixture of songs, luiltntlona and whistling solos. PRYOR BROTHERS Banjo playing Is their main graft, but tney also do business with mandolins nnd guitars, and are capital dancers. A clever pair. LEON-.*LLEN UKHiiK A couple who capture the coin with a snappy skit „ GRACE FITZGERALD Seldom have you heard a Bweeter voice than the one belonging to this pretty girl. THB Tb BURLESQUE rne most novel production we havo ever made in tho way of a breezy burletta. A musical comedy In which men are missing. Girls, and girl* only. An "Adamless EMM" of an up-to-date type. You'll Had several n « w beauties among the leaders, notably Allle Vivian, a strikingly handsomo blondp, who con sing parodies, a branch of the bus! BUM that few of the female sex have any rlKht to dally with; Oussle Vivian, a com- edienne who 1b at borne In deep water, nnd HUH Duckley, a winsome brunette with a contralto voice of rare quality. Hie burletta Is called THE NEVER SLEEP ASSOCIATES .,„ . The Cast Includes Alllc Vivian Gussle Vivian Dot Davenport Gladys Fisher >l«y Bingham Marie Oakland i^dna Buckley Lulu Keegan Ju la Crosby Ulllan Taylor Kitty Hartford Nellie Hartford l-ottle Xavette Laura Houston Frances Hoyt. AMONG THB WIDEAWAKES i-uile Kelly Claire Romaire May Armstrong Leah La Jole BJH Irving Emma Russell ?,'?.? Arthur Florence Carlton Kitty Stewart Addle Millard "race Ashton Marguerite Mason Mabel Mooro Gusslo Miller Ix>ttie Reynolds Irene Shannon . May Hamilton Sybil Rivers Margaret Howard Marlon Temple v LIVING PICTURES No. 3 of our new series, and a still further juvanco upon any ever before shown at the [toward. Tho corns of models Includes such shapely girls us Pearl Irving, Lizzie Kelly, May Armstrong, Kitty 8tewart, Addle Mll- inru, Grace Ashton and Margaret Howard. ALWAYS aOMETHIHO DOING 1 TILL 11 p. M., AT THB OLD MUSIC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED for any Instrument or number of instruments. Bongs, words and music, sketches, etc. Sendetamn. CIIAS. L.-LEWI3.4S9 Richmond St., Cincinnati. O. BOO KING AQ ENTB A« f 7 i. Yw *—Frank Forrester, Vaudeville »» of™d. 8t Jam <* BJlldlng. Broadway ■no ~Cth Street loston—Kd. Ktlley, O's Court St. i ress matter and photographs for news- paper cuts should be,sent to Carl D. Lo- xfc Pr<;rfB , "eprcsenlHtlvc. log i,min" *} ° communications. Includ- ««nager Ikoward A*ink^Affi, Mass. FOR SALE or Rent, Mechanical Wax Figures, Illusions. Pine Snakes, Marionettes; Paintings, Stuffed Animals, Show Stun*. Send stamp. I buy Show Stuff. J. D. SWEET, AUantlo City, N. J. WANTED, B. II. BASS, BARITONE, TROM- BONE, CORNETS and CLARIOXKTS, to Hay In Shan* Bros.'Piano Factory Band and work In Fac- tory. Must be experienced workmen and good mu- sicians. State experience. Address J. L. SWIHART, BandmaBter, Huntington, Ind. WAITED, C0IIN8 SD1IEB, Riverview Park.Aurora.lll. High class Vaudeville Acta for Part Theatre. Opens June 15. Also open air attraction. Oround privileges, etc., to let. Write. II. E.ORAMrP, Manager. FOR SALE, Show Property, good as new, only used six weeks, consisting: 00ft. big top, with toft, middle, 10ft. walls, 30x40ft. dressing room, 18xM|, marque, poles, ropes, stakes, complete; ornament- ed gooseneck big show band, and mvell Bide show baud and ticket wagon; also canvas, stringer, seat, Jack, stake chain, baggage, cook house, chandelier wagons; nhotogrups If desired; car runs, wagon blocks, ring carpet, circus paper. Clias. Lee's Qrsat London Shows, Wllkesbarre, t»a. RIFLE GALLERY OUTFITTER*-Gallery Nov- elties, Largest money makers, least Investment. E. E. RIPPLE. 809 Vine 9t., Phlladelpbla, Pa. Ring Down the Curtain. I Can't Sing Tonight. "THE spirit OF 'TO" and many other late bits; lot of sec. band song slides, 25c each slide; our KKROOIL ARC LIGHT tbe best yet, BOO CANDLE POWER, 8TERE0V- TICONS from $12 up. Cloak and Effect Slides, new list ready. LIST FOR stamps. ACME EXCHANGE 1BO B. 14th ST., N. V. A. GOODRICH, LAWYER, 124 Dearborn St., Chicago; established 1864. Business legal and quiet. Branches and facilities In olherSlatea, INCREASE YOUR salary.- Send for our book of valuable information. 800 pages, 2,000 methods. Book cloth bound. Particulars tor stamp. TIIE LEE ROY CO., 4318 Evans Ave., Chicago, III. When Yon Are In Need of Money ^BW CALL AT mm LAWRENCE'S ^%W LOAN OFFICE, jsC\T>Ql »a9 Flr.t Arena*, aRSaWofln "el. 14th nix) l.'.th .Sis.. N. V. •■ WwbW It Makes No Difference Huw ^DB*' ■ ^^pF Largo or Small the Amount | Required, or Whnl the Article Yon Wish to Pledge, You Can Do Better Here Than Elsewhere. Exceptionally Liberal Loans to the Profession. Woods Forwarded to All Parts of the United States and Canada. All Pledgea Kept One Year. Established 1 sSO. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, Films, Slides and Accessories; New and Second Hand, Manufactured, Bought, Sold, Remodeled and Re- paired. Entertainments furnished. Gcrmnn-Amori- can Cinematograph A Film Co.. 175 E. Will 8UN. Y. CAR FOR SALE, about 70ft. in length, six wheel trucks, combination platforms, large state- room, biuret, linker beater, lockers, steam pipit. Rare opportunity. Terms cash. T.8. WARE, 187 WeyboHsot St., Providence, R, I. 100 LETTERHEADS BY MAIL,50c.; SIX). *1. Halftones, $1. 32ds., 20c; Coupons, 2oc.,etc. Sum- pies, 2c. HOE, Art Prin ter , Manchester, Mlcli. " FUVUIIE HimiASli AND WIKK PHOTOS. New, quick Workers; 30 tampion, 10o.; 100 earn- ples. 20c, A. WARFEL, riiotograplier, Cadiz, 0. WANTED, Trap Drummer to double concer,' Barltono to clown. Big show. Can use either of tho above will) wife who can do turn In hlgxhow or concert. Boss Canvas Man, Property Man who can run lights. Side show and candy stands In sell or rent on percentage. WILL KNOTT PERFECTED SHOW, llelillng, Mich FOR 8A.I.K, Indian and War Relics, alio Mr.. sen in Curios of all kinds. Slatnp for list. J. E. FISHER, 1030 TcnipleSI., Los Angeles, Cnl WANTED, Medicine Show Performcrs whocun work either In halls or street. Saliry limit, $10 slnglo, or $20 for a team a week nnd railroad ex- penses. No tickets advanced. Write all In first Idler. Bro. Paul and Am o s, lleinenl, Illinois. FIRST CLASS C'larlonelllsl at Liberty for Summer season. Band or orchestra. Summer re- sort or large circus carrying good concert band. I am well up on standard overture*; am young, sober nnd reliable, and use only latest Improved and best new clarionets. Write or wire, ueo. M. Bimdv, 402 E. 2d St., Corning. N. Y. WANTED, for Wagon Show, Violin to load for organ, Performers, Hosiler and Property Mud. You positively must be a gentleman and willing to as- sist In general and cat and sleep on lot. Show opens April 28. El). P. BARLOW, go, MllfonI, 1ml. LITHOGRAPHS,'lc. each, unlettered crons lining space; vaudeville, drama, opera, minstrel, repertoire, concert. Send $1 for lou samples. Oporu House contracts, 60c. per hundred. ACME 1,11110. CO., 203 W. Van Huron SI., Chlnigo, 111. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, FILMS, Etc.; Stcrcoptlcons, Song Slides. Bargains always on band, out ills bought and sold. Films wuntcd. AMERICAN EXCHANGE, 630 Halsoy St., Brooklyn wanted, B. F. Comedian. Change for week. Must fake organ for somo singing. Open la camp at Ghanute, Kansas, May 4. Might place Team, man and wire. Reasonable salary, It's sure. Address M. D. SCOFIELD, Autlgo, Wis., until April 25; than Chatiule, Kansas. A DOG COLT, 14 months' old, 48ln. high; has dog's ears, teeth and tall. A good money maker for a show. Sire has a record ol 8)4 pacing. Write for price, PETER CRAWLEY, 103 Cass Avenue, Orand Rapids, Midi. WANTED, A Partner with One Hundred Hol- lars, for Tent show. I have lent, seats, paper and people, and Show la all ready logo out. Do not object to nmatours. Also Want Snare Drummer. Address BT. CLAIR, Cherry Valley, III. PARTNER WANTED-S. F. Wiggins, Magi- cian and Ventriloquist, traveling with his own (earn, taking In the small towns of O. T. and Texas. Making money with a small show the whole year 'round. Season never closed. I want good ail 'round Comedian; one who can play black fBcc, Irish, Dutch and clown, also play violin or banjo. I will pay a weekly snlury or give a quarter Inter- est In the bIiow, Must tie solicr. Address 8. F, Wiggins, Canyon City, Texas. N. B.—Wiggins lias money In this bank, land and cattle on these Plains —Stockman's National Hank, Canyon City, Tex. FOR 8ALE, 3 Sets of tho Latest ILLUSTRATED SONG SLIDES at a bargain. „,„ . MYRON SIMMONS, Box 3a«, Lake Mills, Iowa. WANTED, good All 'Round Performers, Nov- elty Acts, Piano Player; I carry piano under can- vas. Boozers, no. No tickets unions I know you. Open April 50. Join on wire. BR. JAMES II. CALL, Box 3S4, East Palestine, Ohio. WANTED, An Al Piano Player, Read and fake. Contortionist trial can do rings anil trapeze, and change for ono week under canvas. Open April 20. Lowest salary first letter. No ticket*. DR. JAMES II. CALL, Box 3S4. East Palestine, Ohio. NOTICE.-Do you waut Galatoa that changes l,ndy to Death r If so come to Lawrence, learn to run It. Will clear |6,000 at any Part. Send stamp for full particulars, circulars and price list. W Idle Tent, 20x30, for sale. ChaB. E. Wesloa, 131 Spring St., Lawrence, Mass. MADISON GARDEN. Af MMMH at 2 and Evenings at «. o'clock. Doors open nn hour earlier for a vlow of Uic ManagerlcB, Warships, Freaks, Prodigies, etc. Third Week of the Brier Season. BARNUM & BAILEY GHEATEST SHOW ON EAHT1I. America's Only Real Representative Show, Presenting the Wonders of the Earth. 3 Circus Companies, '4 ]tlenaa*rlea. HIPPODROME. ABRIEL ENCLAVE. SPECTACULAR PRELtJDE.riALI.EKY OFPKKAKS ONE HUNDRED STARTLING ACTS. CVCLO, the Klnetle Demon. PATRIOTIC EXHIBITION OF U.S. MBK-OFWAR. 3 HERDSOF ELEPHANTS, 2DROVE8 OF CAMELS. BABY ELEPHANT AND NOT1IER. 2 GIRAFFES, SMALLEST 1IOR8E IN THE WORLD, JUMPINO HORSES, LEAPING PONIES, DESPERATE RACES.UYMNASTIC FKATH, ACRO- BATIC SURPRISES, AERIAL WONUKMS, TCM- BLINfl AND LEAPING. TRAINED ANIMAL EXHIBITION. Finest Collection of Quadrupeds in Hie World. 80 PERFORMERS IN THE AIR AT ONCE. Overflowing with New Attractions. Two Performance* Dally, at * * * P. M. DOORS OPEN AN HOUR EARLIER. AdmlsBlon to all, Including numbered seat, 26 and 60 cents. (2Blh and 27th St. entrances only). Reserved seats, 76 cents, $1 and $1.60, according to location. (Madison Ave. entrance only). Private boxes, six scats, $12 and $16. single box seats, $2 and $2.60. Box office now open, Madison Ave. entrance, from 0 A. M. to s P. M., for advance sale of seats from $1 upward. No seals reserved by telephone. HERALD SQUARE THEATRE Evenings, 8.10. Wed. and Sat. Matinees. "Onenf the distinct successes of the season."—SUN. GRACE GEORGE IN 'RETTY :oov. Eviis., 8.11. Mala. Wed. A Sat. LAST 3 WEEKS, A Chinege Honeymoon. tJPfl. MONDAY, APRIL 13, AT 3, Jj-EiVl. MATINEES ONLY, Mr'. Frances Hodgson Burnett's LITTLE LORD FAUNTLKltOY. THE DEWEY E. 14th ST. MATINKE TODAY. HARRY MORRIS' A NIGHT ON BROADWAY. GREAT SHOW-NOVELTIES. DDIMPFQC ll'w*y*»lliStreet. Ergs. rniNVEOO Mais., Thurs. A Sat. 2.30. POPULAR WITH THE PEOPLE. JUST 91 MORE WEEKS. AMELIA BINGHAM Present Ink the BEST COMPANY in Hie BEST PLAY of lbs DAY, by OLYDK FITOH, TIIE FRISKY MRS. JOHNSON. MURRAY HILLTHEA., 1.CX. Ave. A42d 81. Evenings 8.16. Matinees 2. r.TII YEAR Henry V. Donnelly Stock Co MATINEE 25c. EVEBY D1T. EVENING PRICES 95-35-00 All the Comforts of Home HENRY V. DONNELLY as THEODORE BENDER. Next Wee k-Ellta Proctor Ol It, In "A Wife ' s Peril." ■DAQTWD'C! IONTINUOUH JrJX01.\JJ\0 PERFORMANCE. 14TII ST. BET. .11) AND 4TII AVES. DAY AND NIGHT, FROM U 30 TO 11 P.M. SEATS HO AND UO CKNTS. IHM.AIV un.l I. I.\ll Mill, MH. uii.llUltN. DROWNING, woi.r ntiil N\. 1,11- MANand SHORTY DEW ITT, IIOLOKN and FLORENCE, HAYSEED TRIO, SABINE and MULLANEY, TRASK undOLADDEN, LECLAlllatid BOWKN, TANNER and (I1LBERT, HIJItuOCK SISTERS, And as extra milled atimction, JONKH, GRANT nnil JONES. B. F. KEITH'S International Circuit. Theatrical Enterprises. E. F. ALBEE, (lenerul Manajrcr. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. 8. K. HODODON, HuoklllK ManuKor, Association of Vaudeville Milliliters, St. Jaiuvs Dldg., Broad- way and '28th St.. N, Y. Ruber's "*?. Museum GEO. H. Ill I1KH, Propr. WANTED AT ALL TIMES, Living Uurloallles, Freaks of Nature, also First Class Vaudeville Acls for Theatre. Address J. II. ANDERSON, Malinger. WARNING TO MANAGERS. THE FREEZE BROS. Are Hie originators of Spinning and Juggling Turn- bourliiCB on Hands, Knees, Head and Fuol simul- taneous. Act copyrlKhUiluiKl patented. Thla week, Proctor's Fifth Avenue, N. Y. The Bickett Family, GREATEST OF ALL AERIAL UYMN'ASTS AND ACROBATS, HAVE A FEW OPEN DATES. Address(IHANII RAPIDS, Mich. EDWM BAKER & CO., IN THEIR OPERETTA, A JAPANESE COURTSHIP. FIRST WEEK PROVED ITS SUCCESS. MANAGEMENT OK ALBERT SUTHERLAND. CORRIGAN & DOVE, 34 Siasui Willi HI HMiy Hlisliels. * THE BRADYS n, VUma' Theatre tbls week.. Von Tllxer Song, My Krlend Krom My Home, makes a hit. A NOVELTY. NEWTON BROS. In tbolr original comedy entitled "MIXTURE." En route Uorlon'a Minstrels. THE MUSICAL H0LBR00KS, Embracing Hie PREMIER LndySaxaplioiioSoloist and Mr. Holbronk tho WONDER. AddrcsH Care of F. A. MILU, 48 Went ilBth St., New York, V- P. Woodward WORLD'S (1RKATEST TAMBOURINE JCflOLER. ■ Address K Y. AIIBNTS. Leading Dancing School of Chicago Wardrobe For Sale Cheap. 81 x trunks,'full of AII Baba Company's "5 Spangled Tights; 60 Woolen rights anil live garments. A {treat snap for a Burlesque Co. You must call. No use writing. Over ttuof tbe llnest S. S. Stewart Banjos, and J. 11. Scball Banjos, and others, fur mile at a great saorttlce. NOTICE.—Ono Royal l'liotn-Outleou, dou- ble lens; llnest lantern mnilo, Willi trunk, canvas, all complete, with ao to 80 views, at a bargain, ZsEjL. BROS EXPERT BANJO MANIPULATORS. (IK A NO OPERA TO JUKI LI SO. WRITE OR WIRE FOR OPEN TIME. A Success at Chicago Opera House this week. ■P CLEVER CONHKV an ad. did piece- work galore came In apace. Now yon are upon lata fare "Tbe amlle that won't come off." (Apologies to Quaker gtjjtjj FREDERIC LA OELLE, "—jam m Per. add., MAC # MAC HAND TO HAND ACIIOBAT8. ITth WEBK-HAMIB iLEJIIVO CO. Private lessons given on all tho latest singe daiieliig; skirt, iliiuees, luiek ami wing, sand Jig, genteel song and dance, uixolistlc soiik and dance, t mil jc. sung and ilance, brnthcr nets, niiislo acls, iNimlbiR and tumbling imiglit Imllvldiially by the greatest and only profesHliiiialilniieliig luachci's In Chicago, Prof. 1toae.ll ami wire, 101 W. Madlsnu St.,llavmnrkct Building. Don'Mxiliackwardtcnmo. CHIOAOO. (li)l W. Madison St.) CIIICAOO. Hay market Theatre Building. OUT THIS OUT. For the Traveling Seaiort with the Barnum & Bailey First Class, Experienced and Professional Filers and Drummers. Must be reliable and trustworthy In all re- spects, apply In psnon or by letter to CHARLES BERNARD, Madison 8ouare Garden (Madlion Ave. En- trance), New rorit. ^^ MADISON'S BUDGET, NO. 8. 20 great Parodlea, Ave new Comedlca and Afiurplccca, two Original Acta for akctcb learna, eight Orand Mniiologuea, Including two for Trump and Hebrew, new liobrow ThI king Act,. betidba Imn- drcda of Original Oaga, (Jornlo llpllopha, lineium' TeHilinonlala, ele., etc. OS pugoi, OWE DOLI.AU porconr. "I like to kcI your iiinlirei Idena Into my beail iiulck." liAHNBY VUMUVHOS. Bond all nriiei-K to I>. J. K, 1IK1I,, (agont for JAU1« MADISON), MM Third .Ave.,New York Clly. J -pV' B'ANKS'vIDEAS Tr\" No. 6 Jiiii Naiicil ntiil tho llarnilin of tlirni All. II cumulus H I'.i milieu illie IichI), a .MoiinlogiieH (onn fur bidy), Croaa ■ •w. v Tnlk. t'ninlo Kplta|iliM, Toiiata, Skilcli for ouiinel, Kml Oapra, Skelcli for liu. If.; Itucllatlon, Sliori Oaga, Patter, ntu., oiiough lo pad out any act. Tlila Imuk will iuiikc a bud act giiml and n good act lieller. II In (lie luigi>i I ever put mil. i r.i I the price In I lie mum—otlr. I'nr tojiy. Kvcry line a lilt. Nnllilng olilor Wnrn om. line page alone worth four tlinon tin- jirlre ili.n jfeil fur all. If vou une my work you know all. If not, gel In Hue. Idea* Nil. It, Uvu. Bath book* for HOn. OILS BANKS, m I.nekwiiiiil St., I'rovldcnc, II. I. "•* BANKS' IDEAS"^ Wanted, Musicians THAT DOIIIILK, AND OTIIKRH, KOR TUB Stute loweal Malar* flrat letter. Addreaa II. C. IIKCKKII, Halt limine. Cllielillnlll, 0. After April 10, l/nilnvllle, K)., in care of Hie mIihw. Plrat Violin, to Double Trombone or Baritone. State mlary la flrat letter. Join at once. l.onj ingmemint, We pawexpenac*. Addreaa V. J. 1*AI..1IKH, 04 Belmo nt S t., Woreoater, Main. ' WANTEDTrOR BJTE18IDE PABK, L<ady M11 ileiaiia, Repertoire 0o,'of eight people, with apeclalllcii. Katliurlna llarrla and liiiiiiaud, "Happy Hooligan," write. Would lo hear from incinberH lluinngioii Block Uo. Knllro Sum- ineracaaoii, upetilng Mav IR, 1WW. Addrcna MAX HACHMANN, Mimical and Atlraiillon Manager, ll lvemlilel'iirk, M tHoneuve, MoiitroaI. Canada. WANTED, Talent for Sunday Evening Concert TO BB IIBM). HAY 8, IN PlWVIUENOB, K. I. Addreai all coaniunlcailona lo , JOIIfl T. HAYES, 1W Tranal t Street. I'r oTldeuci;. 1L I. WANTED, FOR A troupe of nmull 1'onlci, well trained, and a troupe of trained Doga; alao a good Advance Agcut and Canraa Uosa. A'Mrwn . DORCHBSTRIl, Wll. Siegman & Weil 110 AND 112 CREBNE ST. (Near Prince), New .York. Theatrical Supplies, Greese Paints,.. Tights, Wigs, .. THEATRICAL JEWELRY) Gold I Silver Trimmings, Spangles, Etc., We tendgoodi C. 0. D., tubjtcl lo Impaction, but require'a Depoilt on all Ordert, WANTED, FOR THE SKNIUctJ. FOR CATAl.OGUK Mo. 4. Send Jcta. for Cataloguu No. 8. Send tela. for Catalogue No. 4. Al Comedian, I'lami Player. Sketeb Team, Week Htauiln; miial elmnuo fur ono week; Innir atiaaon ill ramp; |<ood Ireatnienl; people playing lirnaa pro- forredi milary no llinli, all you are worth; niust luaki'good. VBRN slIAltrsTKfiK, write. THB FRANK Htll.lOiVAY I'OMKDY CO., K viiunvllle. Minn. Phila Trunk Factory 1817 COLUMBIA AVE., II. A. HTOIT, ll||t„ Solo Manfr. of the OriRlnal PATTERSON IX TRUNK. aim. (Win. aim. Mln. torn. $5.76 *ii.nn $(i.25 »n.r.o TKRMS, CASH WITH OHIIKR. $7.60 Free! Look! Free (Look! Sixty (no) Valuable Hooka Free. C'nniplclu library given away. Rare Secret*. Kgypllan and Hindoo Myaterlca. Ilnlauglit Srerci* of lliiniaii Nature, Antroluglca! Horownpn ef Vmir Life, caat. bjtlin World Pinned AiUml'iKlx), I'alnilat, llymiiitlai nnd Mind Header, PROF. AI.IIKHT0.1A Aberdeen HI., Chicago, l.eilern iiiii-t ciilllulli enireil iiame, dale or birth and $1. AM. OIIDKHH SIIII'l'KD, CHAIHIKS PRKPAID, SAMK HAY HKOKIVKD. At Liberty FOR BUMMER ENGAGEMENT. Adore** IlKllOIVV V. HUU1NNON, Mamie Fli>mln« Co., per Houte . Miss Lillian E, Lutz THE CHILD WONDER, AT LIBERTY, To .loin Repertoire or Dmmutle Co. IlitroducliiK cornet aoloa, banjo union, fancy, buck, Jig and reel dancing; coon Hliiglnir nnd olocutlon. t'mi piny tmrta. Can cbuiinu HpuclnltlcH nightly. Aa« fimrleen yenm. 1'er. iiddroKH, 4-1. llrlilgo HI.. I'ntu raun, N. J. BEPEB70IBE BASA0EB8, HOTICE. Wood's Soonle Studio, DUHKIBK, INDIANA. I IHilld, l'nlnt and Itopnlnt All Hccncry re- ijiilred 1111 tho road. ClmapoHt 1'rlce* anil Ileal Work gunrniitt'cd. Wrllo me. I1KOKUH C. WOOD. WANTED, (iniiil l'lnnlHl for Hummer HimHiiii. State Hummer anlary: I pay nil. ION CAItOIJ,, llelliiitlon, If, Vn. WANTMI), Uood I'a'lr Iiatea In Ohio and Kentlleky. WILBER'S NEW PARODIES Contain gUiaor'-llAMIlOii TIIKK. KATK AND I, HWRKT liYK AND HYK, JOSIfl'IIINK MY JO, Mil. IIOOLKY, MOONLII1I1T WINTKIt'S NIUIIT, 1,K- NOUK. Homo hot plcrim of I'oi-irr alao. Hoi h llniika, (Uic; Single Copy, iUc. Tho aupply ia lliiilledl 80 HOiiil at Olli:o. EDWARD H. WXLBER, 030 H. I KVTHK AVUNIIH, I'lilrugo, III. CIRCUS CANVAS AND TKNTS OP BVEnY DESOKIITION. Second Hand Tent* In mock. Write for ontlmatei. TIIK T. W. NODI.K CO., 0 lo 1(1 Woodvranl Ave.. Detroit, Midi. JUSfOUT, 124 PAGE ILLUSTRATED MA6IC (.'ATAMHHIK, anc,; Hlir. CATAL., Be. Nonu free. Only N. I'!. Agent for .Mahntmn, 10c. W. I). M'IROY, Kill Court St., Iloaton, Mim a. jf*% *a |%#9 Hood, Sleel Wheeled, Until liAKui l '" rHl wl "' I'vcryililng coin ^^ rw ■ m w " plot*, for rent or anlo, on caay nayinetitH. All atali: raniaa. J. M.TORSKR. 400 K, Wilier St., Mll wunkec , Wl*. Itccltulloiia and Itcadlagn. Ualaloguoa. All dramatic ^ J papera. PLAYS, ^^aalungtonHl;'CHliia||o . aSHINDHELMJuealricaiyYIg MAKFH.Oood irorkforlowprlrea. 118 Went uoih HTHKET, New York. Bend alamo for price Hat. WIGS I've Just the SKETCH for YOU. It not, I'll write one, J. W. SCHWARTZ, VIA St.. and Park Ave,. N. Y. Bncloae atamp for reply. Mitt « * I It 1 TO PERFORMER," fUli MIA FDNNY TOPICAL 80N0. SUItB HIT. Addrcsa JONK8. H07 Kultou Ht.. llroiiklyn. N. Y. GOOD DDLCIMEB or ITALIAN HABP P.IKIEWE IHAI, liT4W,IOtllSt.,N.y. Ben E. Janes, Vocal Specialties and Insinehr, UH K. aJAIN ST., MUMOIB, IND.