The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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174 THE • NEW YORK - CLIPPER. . ■ ApiHL 11, r, Eaot of OUP*»ER OWo«») ALSO fun-rum WANTED. I wnnt n (loot! VmitlcvlI:<• 1'lmio Player, wliu doubles In JlnKilmA or Tniiii, fur Hand. ARTISTS, . \Vlii> doutile In brail. - - DIAMOND JACK, Central Hall. Jersey fit.? Heigh ts; • Jeraey P it y. X. J . Capable Man for Leads HEAVY MAN, BOCBRBTTE Willi SI rnng Specialty, CLKVEll 01111,11 fur parts. One with Specialty preferred, l'hot o find lowest Hummersalary. KHED A. HAVWAHD, Acatlcniy Of Mimic. April a-l a, Haverhi ll, Mass. Musicians Wanted For Floto Shows, Experienced Ctrnet, Clarionet and Attr>. Address Al imi'c 1IERTK. PADDOCK. Dallas,Texan. AT LIBERTY APRIL 26, 'FOK BUMMER STOCK, GITS ARTHUR ' Light and Character Comedian. Experienced. Specialties. Adilrcss care of TOLSON STOCK CO., April ft-12. Sprlnglleld. Mo.: 1-VJS Fort Smith, Ark.; then Little Rock, Ark. SKETCHES. HoiioiOfci:** and Mon««. Anything for Vnml«M IIli 1 . SPARLING & BURK, _PL AY WHIGnTH, I l nmrnoml. Ind. WANTED QUICK, ONE PIECE, Character Women, Juvenile Woniun to fling, Light Comedian. Man for general business. Loug, sure engagement for right part lee. Prepay wire*. J. H. PHILLIPS, BALEM, mw YOTtK. Wanted, for Lowery Bros.' Shows, liood llur Act, tiro. Acl ami Small Troupe of Ponies, or any (innd Acts Show. Cun place faw, uuireMuslcliiua. All must lie sober and reliable ami ready to Join at once, hiale lowest Hilary in lint Irticr. The Browns, wrllo. Ainu those who have wrliten, write agiiln. Address (1E0. B. LOIYKRY.Shhiiamloah, I'll. WANTED QUIOK, For The Lights of Gotham Co. diind ammeter Man, also Juvenile Jinn. Mnst have moileni wardrnljc. Co, now In lt« mil week mill will iTiiuilii out nil Simula r, mi get llgiiios down'low. Address, wlilt all particular*, WILL K. U01.UAMK, Mgr. The Lights of Unthain Co., April 10, II, Hiratfnrrt; April Ki. II, Llsiowcl. (hit.. Can. llyii'llls Wiinti Tulm for Banil anil Orchestra. Maat'be tight reader. Mate age. weight and height, nil ]inrtlriilnri la tint let- ter. Open latter part of April. Atldraia | JAQUOKTETA, laWJ M s. WANTED, FOR THE LONSDALE THEATRE CO., STREET, HUNT A COLOROYB, Mm.... Al Singing mid Dancing I'mncdlaii, Character Unman and Vaudeville Tenin. Want to hear from Alan with Picture Machine. Address J. K. STHEET, Kitervlllc, In., week «; Forrest Oily, la., week IA WANTED, FOB THE FLOYD B. BBIB08 CO., Alan I'laolsi, to Double Hnare Dr.nn In Hand; Orchestra Leader (Violin), In Douhlo Cornet nr Baritone. Mummer nud winter season. Buraxal HroH.. write. Address WOODS A IIRUitiS, liuwna, Kansas, April li-ll; Junction city, Kansas, Apri l It-la. _ HARRY PRICE CAN YOU JOIN? BUFFALO, COMMENCING Al'HIL 13. WIKK ANSWER. BARNEY 01LMOHK. DON'T MISS THIS. Bend f'Oc. for Vaudeville sketch. Song and (Indies- iiaeompieie. Worth (j'.iu any tcum. New this Week. All New tiagH. Write quick. U.M. LKE, No, lilt No, Teimi'Bsee Ale,. Atlantic City. X. J. Wanted, Baritone, to Double Second Viotln; l/eader of Orchestra, to llonlilo Band: Tulm. to Double orchestra; other iiiuslelHiH write: also good Mimical Tcuru, nml good, useful Minstrel People In nil lines. Op en May 1. VV. J. Mun-lltld, Tlillniilc, I'a . " WANTED IfcUICK, Cmiil Comedian, ror Btrcet Work, l'lav Banjo. Twenty to RightWall. Kn tickets. Write or wire. IIOTSflllNQS KKMLIIY CO., Havana, 111. WANTED, For fleatry Bro*.' Ho. 3 Show, rW CLASS CHANDELIER MAUL Wire W. O.TA11KINGTON, DArtlugton, B.C.; 9: Bennetsvllle in, Fayettesvillc, N. C, 11: Wilming- ton 13; Newborn It, Elusion li. GENTRY SHOW. SHADOWS OF 6BEATEB IEW T0BK. Comedy Drama; 0 and 3; every part great, WOIAI'S THE CAUSE OF IT ALL. o and 4: double to .'■ and 3; comedy. Ten dollars each, with all rights. iKiti'l yon want a vaudeville sketch written! FREDERICK II. WILSON, 33(1 Cortland Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Hall & Long's Big City [Shows WANT MUSICIANS. Will be glad to Bear from those who have heen with us ticfore. HALL A I.ON0, Columbus. Ind. WANTED, Useful Medicine Performers Those who cun play i'lano mid Organ given a pref- erence. Change nightly for one week: No fares or tickets. .Small, sare salary. LOT OF good FILMS FOB SAI.K CHEAP. Address PR, QUAY A1KDICINE (JO . Klngneld, Me. Wanted at Once, Comedians Playing Banjo or dollar: must be good, loud singers: work mi inls,opennir; male salary ami Jim what you do. You must deliver Hie goods, for you get yours every Sunday morning. Reference, any bank or liiislncss Louse In Marlon, Intl., or llii- cyrus, 0. Address lilt, W. VL'ltl'lLLOT, 311 West Fh-st Street, Marlon,Ind. SPECIAL SALE ON SECOIH) HAND Show Tents. ISOft. BOUND TOP. WITH 8 or MORE Wit. lalD- BLKJJ: 120fL ROUND TOP. WITH 3 60ft. and 1 Soft. MIUDLK8; 100ft. ROUND TOP, WITH 2 60ft. MID- DLES; 60ft. RODND TOP, WITH 140ft. MIDDLE; 60ft. ROUND TO P. WITH 1 30ft. MIDDLE. ALL FIRST CLASS 8IIAPE. WRITE FOR PRICES. BAKER 4c LOCKWOOD MFG. CO.. Kansas City, Mo. PROFESSIOflAlL, 8I.VOER8I If Ton can uae your eyei to ad van t age TOT) CAN IIAKB A BIO HIT with The Latest and Greatest of All "EYE" Bongs. NK^b R w TraY *m&$& 6J W. 28t!iBT. GRAND OPERA I10UBE. DDncccpinuic Stamps and Programmes are PHOrcSSIDHAS. neeeMBiy. Write today. MOVING PICTURE PRISTTZXTG. FULL LINE. SUITABLE FOR ALL SUBJECTS. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. HENNEOAN St CO.. 1ST East. Eight St., Cincinnati, Ohio, JF^or ,00x110 Tent Itilea, Stskes, stake l>uller, ■ at once. ,etc: ii Lengths It Tier Seats, 20u Koldlnf CBaln«jl*tJft Btage, ^ Sei« of sc,,,,. rv . Vtc. SWKM. OITMT, in very 1**™^™^**'"''!;"' *'" '*" rp->ma»bu], H. W. MARCH, 130 W. «lh at., Caiitan, p,'".' i.. t TOR THE John H. Sparks Shows, A GOOD BAR TEAM, FIRST CIAS8 CLOWN that Does Two Concert Torn", THREE I.OOD BILL POSTERS. Salary no object to good, tirst class, sotier people. Address CHAS.*PARKS, Manager. Route: I'ctersliarg, Va.. April 11; lllack9tone, Y a., April is; Fannvllle, Va., April 14. P. K -WILL BUV A UOODKETL'BNACTNkT. Free Rupture Cure If raptarad write lo'pr. W. 8. Rlc. It* Main St., idami N. T., *>d he will :ini free a tn«4 of his woa- itertul method. Whether itioMc.I or not get this tn» method an* trr tbe remirkule lnrentlon that enna without j»lc, awger. operation or detention treat WlU* today. Donlwalfc worlt Radical Cut cn Block Work We have made sweeping reductions In all prices on Speolal Engraved Block Work. 200 16-Sheet Stands, your own special design, two colors, $72. Subsequent orders from same hlock, $43. Other prices In proportion. Additional discount tor early orders, write quick. This may not last. JLASSILLM SHOW PRINT, MABSILLON, 0. W. B. WATSON'S J>A.ODE> BOOKS Beautiful Uouud Vest Pocket, and Buna for Five Years. Great for People Playing Dates or Willi a Company. FINK FOR ROAD MANAGERS. Enclose slamped envelope and ten 2c. stamps. W. B. WATSON, « Johnson St., Brooklyn, N.;Y. At Ijlberty, MITT IK MAE HAXAM, SOl'BRKTTES, JCVEN1LKB AND SOME LEADS, . WITH 8TECIALTT. W. K. M.YXAM, OHARACTERSj HEAVIES OR ADVANCE. Horn have good nardrolic, uiiil pcrfectl v rellalile. \V. K. MAX AM, 18T Perry St., Cleveland, Ohio. AT LIBERTY. FOR STOCK OR REPERTOIRE, EDSALL and WINTHROPE. CHARACTER VERSATILE and LKADINC COMEDIAN. SOIBKETTKS. Rellalile, \ersatlle, Wurdrohe,Specialties. Write or wire. NAPOLEON, Ohio, Wanted, for Med. Ge. Under Tent, to Open Mai l, (inod Lecturer who will work mi percent- age; iilso t;oml Black Face CouiihBiiii; one slug and ilnnce preforred. Oilier useful Med. Peo- ple write. Stale n hut voti do uiiil lowest salarv. L. VAN Bl'ltKN, Manager Med. Co., Cnlloin, II. "The Spirit Finger," Mysterious and Mystify- INK. Tells pa»t, presold and future. Whiskey Formula, Bend stamp Tor catalogue, samples 2&c. t sllvcr). A gents wanted.'I 'll Rl'ltKBH, Ind. JBUBICHI flrllSlS, Bl | vw ,,iat M L g0 |,l lined, pearl lipped keys, novelty attntlimcnts, nut used uiiieh, for $TS, W\, core of CLIPPKK Office. Wanted, for My Medicine Show, People lo work open air, Ttione that wrote plraso write again. Delny caused by eloknos*. Fmnkiln and Mnrpliy, write. II. DANIELS, Boston, Masg. WANTED, ADVANCE MAN, FOR SEVENTH Annual Tour Nehrnaka Indian llasehatl Team, (live experience ami lowest aiilnrv. No tickets. (HV W. (HIKEX . Lincoln, Neli. AT LIUBHTY, COMEDIAN WITH SPECIALTY Comet ID brass. 11AURY ROBE, lia N. Wli Bi., 1'HlladeI plila, I'a . I'a" those I Issy and Heine Mini ologes, (ionil Tlioiigliis. Orlg- Inst dialect. Bcinl 26c. silver In BH O W TAL K. i'tX C amp Hlilg.. Milwaukee. ■TAW V PHOBPSKT, itialliipBt., I'rovl- aaai A. deuce, It. I„ Writes Sketches, Mono- logues, Parodies, Ktc Al references. Bend lamp, (/nfe i rieir h,/ n ii jwiiiifnieiit ). l'lay»,low roy- alty. \V. 0. Browne.loS N, Clark.Chlcago FOR LAUGHS MANUSCRIPT FINK illoisled Cilllle, Sheep, Hogs, l'.nilii i. Siuirlliig liua«. semi slumps fur culiliiKiies. I.'sl eiigtHVlugs. N. I'. IIOYEIt A CO., t'lialcsvllle, I'a. Want Magic, Musical and Fine Lady ACTS FOR CARNIVAL WORK. Also SPIELER and CANVAS MAN. Open In Indian a InMiiv. Slate salary. No tickets. LXOYUKI.L I.UTZ, No. 2007 BLxlh Ave., Alt oon a, I'a. MS. I'lays. Low Royalty. IKK N. Clark, Chicago. 'RESURRECTION.' aliort c ast veral pn. Dm. t)f. ITIce, .$io. yp c. o. p. Wanted, Dancing Maltese Cross AND OTHER FOOT JUdtil.INC OBJECTS. Address With all p.irtleiiliiis to K. WILL BENS1.EY, Belleville, Ontario, Canada, W. G. BROWNE Do You WANT MILITARY 600DS? BAND rjNirORMS, ABUT or SAVT SUITS. TENTS, GUN8 and EQUIPMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No natter what yon want m that line I can supply It New or aeoond hand. Send for oatalogue, B. B. ABRAHAMS, ' am South St., Philadelphia, Pa, CAR FOR REIlT - cquipraent'; »lx wheel tracks: larrc collar for baggage, three state rooms, bath, large parlor, dining room, hurlct, kltcbcn, furnished complete throughout. Especially equipped for a STAR or traveTlng Specialist who can afford luxury. Car now In Minneapolis. Can give immediate possession. Write or wire J. T. R. ClJUtK, 28 Ridge Building, Kansas City, Mo. WANTED, For Coy's Novelty Company, Al Vaudeville People, Sketch Teams that con put on acts, work in acts; people that can change for one week. Long season, tickets lo the right peo- ple: any old place; mutt have good wardrobe and MAKE GOOD. Address W. M. OOY, Manager, . Brlltoii, B. Dak. PRIVILEGES TO LET In the Hew Fenny Arcade. Formerly llowdoln Sip Museum, Boston. Haas. Can use slot Machines of all kinds on percentage. Address PENNY AKl'AIJE CO., 3 Bowdoln Sn., Boston, Mass. -A.t I-fiToerty* BURT BUCKNAM For OESTEEL HEAVIES. LIGHT COJ1KDY or CKBI'L BUS. Paris, Ky., utitll April 8, rare of Theatre; after, ( Delivery, Cincinnati, O. SCENERY Of All Kinds Built to Order. New Spectacular Stuff and two complete r'attat Bets on band THE TIFFIN SCENIC CO., • TDPFllf, OHIO. Thomson & Vandiveer's Circus, Menagerie and Hippodrome Tents Have a record of over forty years as being superior In Material, Finish, Workmanship, Style, Durabil- ity and Economy to all others manufactured. Es- timates given on application. No. 230-232 K. THIUI) ST., Cincinnati. O. National hotel, CHICAGO. WABASH AVE, and VAN BUREN BT. Single Boom, $4 and np; Doable, $6 and up, weekly. B. A. DOOLEY, Proprietor. EZRA KENDAXI/S 2D BOOK—ALL NEW 6000 QRAVY-^r^ouT.""" 1 SPOTS— 0r Wltani1 Humor. Ezra Kendall's lit. Book—100,000 sold. By Mall, 960. each. Address EZRA KENDALL, M Briuth lib Ave.. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. WANTED, A FEW MORE PEOPLE TO cmnplclettie BAT1,IF|VAI DKVILLK CO. Buck Dancers and I'hinu plaver to double brass, others write, BEIff P. HATHFF, Manager, liir.cwell, Va. Show Girl or Amateur Singer Wanted quick, m Join partner In act In small com- pany. Address MI'SIUAL BAIlTON, llamicy III. AT LIBERT A MAY 1, Al Double Bass Player. First Class Summer Resort', Hotel or Small High Class Traveling Concert Co. preferred. Addre»B IIASS. care of CLIPPER, N. Y. WANTED, FOR C. H, KNISHT'S MAMMOTH 24c. OIROUB.Tnlin, Itarltflne, Trap Drummer: also 2 or :t (hind Lady Performers. Don't fall loname lowest salarv. c. II. KNICHT. Dunkirk, O. WANTED, Banjo or Guitar Players who are Hood, Laud Singers, for street work paj vngon. State silhirv wnnied. Address ( KILD KlSlI HKlUt CUBB CO., Indliinapolls . Ind . The "Orioles," Aerial Return and Casting Act, AT LIBERTY. ■ Address ROY AYAH I). Tipton, Iowa. WANTED, SIDE SHOW PEOPLE, Avis of all kinds, Freaks, etc.. Outside Acta, state nil, lowest salary. Hl'LBinD'S Wil.D WEST, frjo N. 18 Ptilla., Pa,, until win, then as pe r route. QUfTrilirP COMEDIES, UntLKBUI'KS, F.ic, writ. OiulUntO, ten to order: high grade work. JiiSKI'tl KKIISHAW, K2t Ihiltiiuwooil SI., Ptilla. PI IVC r'or Stock and Repenolro Companies iLfllil antlAiustcnrClubs. Our new las-page M.MMU.M.K/ Citiilogue will be sent free on request. The Dramatic Publishing Company. 368 Doarliorn SUect, I 40 West 28th Street, Chicago, New York. Of yourself for Belling purposes. SIS A THOUS- AND. Send negatives or 10c. for samples. None free unless nog. or good photo is sent. ■_ EDENA STUDIO, Phlta., Pa. MINIATURE RAILROAD FOR SALE CHEAP. Engine, 10Cars, 1,000feet Track,Tunnel and8t*tlon. Clark's BuBlnesa Exchange, Orand RapldB, Mich. BOSTON FILM EXCHANGE second nana Films, Song Slides and Machines Bought, Sold and Exchanged. SM WASHINGTON ST., Room 42. Boston, Mass., opp, Adams House. SHOW FRONTS. E. J. HAT9EN ft CO., ion mi d no B'vtay, Br ooklyn, N. V. : HUSBAND OR WIFE PHOTOS, •J..UO FUTURl per 1,000. FORTUNES, 500.: Samp. lOo. Cabinet Pnotoi of jounelf for seulng, lis ner 1.000. ALUI BlHLnilH«lF.UENASTll)|O.Piilla.,Pa. pEbbianbnt address, VICTOR 0. LEVITT, SO EAST Hath. BT., K. Y. CITY. Wanted Quick, MUSICIANS and PERFORMERS. WITO DOl'BLF. Advanre Man and Boss Canvas Man. State all first letter. Wagon Show. Howard fiiay.wrlte. Whitney and Lanoueitc, Stanton, llich. FLUTE and PICCOLO PLAYER Desires Position WITH FIRST CLASS MILITARY BAND. FOR COMING SEASON. AT L.IBERTY MAY 1. Address FLtTK PLATER, cars Of CLIPPER f AT LIBERTY, LADY VIOLIXOELLIStT) ( Who wishes position for Summer season. Has ) t had orchestra experience. Add. Ylollncclllst, . I No. Li7 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. J jw^w^ p^ wOw<wWawwwiwawawia | aww^aawwiaaawala#aawaawlJ WANT "TOM" PEOPLE WOMEN TO DOUBLE KLtZA AND OPHELIA, with CHILI) FOIt EYA. State all drat letier. A. L. IIARMOLJCr A SONS. Wllllamspurt, Ohio. IS Autosterosropes and 11 Manhattan BLOT PICTURE MACHINES, a Punching Machines, Two Weight Testers and Shooting liallerv Outfit. Xn reiisoualilo oirer refused. II. A. FRENCH A CO.. JM W. Ilullo. St., Itiiltiniorc.Md. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS, LONDON. "Bravlsalmo, London." Paris: "Cplouate, Parts;" aD UiD|||C| 11 13«, Long Acre, London, ., D. rflrinlnCLLI W. C; 20, Roe Taltbout, ins. Two to inrce years' engagements guaran- teed to big st tractions. FOR LEASE. COMBINED SLEEPING, DINING AND BAGGAGE CAR. Especially arranged for traveling companies. NEW JERSEY CAB WORKS, Lake View, N. J. ShootingGallerySupplies LATEST NOVELTIES. Write for ninstrated Cata- logue, WS. -VWRFFLEIN. M«r.. «W M. Second 8L. Phlladalnhla. V«. IF CUY WOULD COMMUNICATE WITH "Btizzy" he would be very glad to assist her In any way one might desire. The unbroken silence is haying terrible ttTects, sochas Clay could not have foreseen. Addreaa "BUZZY," Care of CLIPPER. SLOT MACHINES, AITOJIATIC -WEIGHING BCALRBi ALL (IRON. ELECTRIC LUNG TESTERS. F. J. MQWAJID, W»-Waehlngtcn«t., Opp. Adams House. Boston, Mass. vSohmer Park. frtma Jan* 1 tai Sept. 1. Montreal. Can. A MHMAOICrAN AND HAND SIIAD0WI8T. A Pjislllve Novelty and Feature. Park Mcr* wddresa 1W 77 WALKER ST., Cincinnati, 0. MA6ICIANS-F0R SALE AT A BARGAIN, LeyltMlon. She, Crenialldti Casket and "MenM-to Outwitted" niinioiiH, also Optlgraph, Novlug Pic- ture Machine ami Sterontlcoti. stamp for reiilv l'HOF. THOMAftaa illclilgan Ave.', Chlcag'ofiil. SHOW CANVAS MBND FOH BSTIKATB. ., P. VAN UEitllKHC HK.I'S SONS. :ao N, Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Garden City Poo Corn Works, 46 Stile St„ CHICAGO, ILL., Makers of the Excelsior Pop Corn Trite. Wr*,e , ro 0 r t 5r.ce.? P * Cl *" y "' ,,W Pr ' v, "» e OPEN TIME FOR FIRST CUSS ATTRACTIONS two nlf hi stands, a. w. daLB, Mansfer. -AND- Actors Wanted A good,.usef ol Actor who can plat tr \m, r ,,,. ursllile; Comets and-Musleiunshi all lines fo'rsunv nier season. Reiiertory, Hirce nlghi and w stands. Acting People who can play in i, aw ') can always phice. Wain strietlv flrst elans p,,,. crty Man wliu can play snare drum ia.«ai3 of playing responsible parLs. (i lhJ ,i lomii.,. with specialties. Address ' NOBLE BROTHEIIS, Theatrical Manager* ia» W.tMonroe St.. Clilragn n' t FIRST CIASS FOR^WEEK SEPT. 14, Apply J. A. NELLES, Srcretnry, w„,, r , Fair Asuorlatlon. f.nnilon. ( aiinda. WANTED, Docior's Address, Will anybody, knowing the wherealmiitsof nil. A. J.S'tlllMP, kiudlv semi their mlilresi m M. HKNDEBaON, 41 E. lull St.. New Yi.rt. WANTED, Operator for loTing Picture Show Must-lie good man. Prefer one who ran niakr openings. Also Want Colored People for JUinotrl Show, Spellers and Canvas Men. Pav your oat expenses. I pay 11. It. fare after Joining. C- M. (lOODKLL, Colfax. low. WANTED, for the ROCKWELL DRAMATIC CO., To hear'from good'Specialty People, as follows, must lie licadlincrs: A LlllptitlanTeatn, a hot Mut- ing snd Dancing Team, a Colored Team that 'kin buck and wing dancing. Pickaninnies, write. Slate all tlrrn letter. Pay your own. Address J. C. ROCK- WELL, 250 West36thSt.. Xew York. KovelryTcanti of any kind, write. Long engagement. WANTED—For the Rockwell Dramatic Co,, Al Fopertolre Comedian: one with specialties pre- ferred, (load, strong Lesduig Man, versatile; il* Character Woman that can play some heavies iu>l juveniles; must wake good, Male salary ami a I In Orst letter. Rehearsals Muv 4. Address J. C. ROCKWELL, •iiO W. :«t h St., New York, X. Y. WASTED, MUSICIANS. Tl'BA, BARITOXE, FOR B. AND (•-'. UOOB TEAM; ACROBATS PKEFERREll. Al*. AN OUTSIDE ATTRACTION. WHITNEY'S ONE RING CIRCUS. Address 1MLAY CITY, MICH. FIRST CUSS MODERN THEATRE, Manufacturing city, 10-000 population, druwlu* population •. l o,ooo. Beating capacity too. a Ko. i in everr respect; get the best attractions, owurr mustretlre, ill health. A great chance. Forpur- tieiiUrs address ■ J. J. P., care of N. Y. CLll'PKK. FOR FRANK ADAMS' SOUTHERN SHOW, Two or three jrood All Around Performers: mm and wire preferred; must do at least two turn* ench. Slate very lowest salary In first letter, «n I be ready to Join on wire. This Is a oia> car saou. FRANK ADA MS , Blaajk Rock, Arkans as. Wanted, for Frank Adams' Southern Sriovf. flood, Solier Boss Canvaa Man, to handle I'M", eoxw. State lowest salary In first letter, andrcau.r to Join on wire. Must lie able to look after loaill n*' and unloading. Tills Is a one car show. Also I Want a flood Cook, to cook for 12 to IS lieoplr. Loug engagement to right parlies, as sho« ne% er closes. FRANK ADAMS, Black Ruck. Arkausqs^ Wanto., for Frank Adams' Southern Stow. I Want to Buy a Good Troupe of Small, Youiif Shetland Ponies. Must be welltralned; al«julsl.\. Also I Want a Troupe of Young Dogs: about «vr. Must lie well trained. I also would like to lie*: from parties that have a Small Elephant For Silr- Olve very lowest prices, with full deaerlpllons. FRANK ADAMS, Black R ock, Arkansa s^ Wasted, a Sober and Reliable Man to Hui Moving Picture Machine, also Musical Man. Sn, 1 " 1 * sure; salary the limit; write nulck: I never clusc. Ad. Dr.II. J. Fountain. r.hoslSliow.Heiml'lJLMIn ii. Waited, to Doable Stage, Corset, ALTO. TUBA, DRUM; ROMATSK, MOROAN. OHAS. W. OODBlf, Waupaca, W 1l_ Wanted, Acrobatic Performers (Musicians preferred), also Band Men. "V".*:!? Shuw." Btotc all. SILYER FAMILY NEW rl-Ni HHtllV. HERTHILYEIt, Maimrer. tstandl'lO Bcji^ SHOW CANVAS ««" BY THE J. C. GOSS OO.,DETROIT. MICH. ALSO FOR SALE 100 BPROCB POLES IN TUK BARK OR PRESSED. 1903 EDISON, $55, WITH SINGLE STERE- 01T1UON LAMP AXD RHEOSTAT. FILMS. M-" PERJUFEET. EIOENE CLINK. 824 Grand Ave. C hli^goJ!'-.. For Rent, Merry-Go-'Round and Photograph PRIVILEGES FORI RENT. AT ALLEN, Ui ™ Ilopatuoiig, N. J.: Excursion (irotiuds. Aditrv- J. 1~ ALLEN, Pavll.nn Hold,Lake Houatco ng. V J VAN PLEET, 47. -west sstu s riu;i: i, hew voiut-