The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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APBI£ -11. THE NEW YORE OLIBPER. L75 CHIC KOHL and CASTLE, Proprietors. 12 weeks open, commeuciug Juno 1. "Will reiU Theatre, or share witb first class itttrne. tions of any kind except vaudeville or burlesque, For terms a lilros 6E0BGE CASTLE, Olympic Theatre, Baltimore's Greatest Event of Its Kind. THREE GA1VA. WEEKS. INDUSTRIAL PARK, Block of Pennsylvania and North Avenues, Cumberland • and Division Streets, wrcranES i to 20, Including the Great Saengerfest, When Hundreds of Thousands of Visitors Will Be in the City. 15,000 Square Feet of Booth Space, 30 High Class Shows, Mammoth Pleasure Plaza, Vast Industrial Hal], Dazzling Electrical Display, Grand Band Concert*. Easrlea' Industrial Exoosltton Company, Incorporated. Last Years' Attendance, eighteen days, 252,000 Persons.' For Booth Space and Privileges, address FREDERICK C. SCHANBERGER, General Manager, Headquarters 11 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. PER HOUR Willi h flr*t dirts patented mill A HSOI.l'TKl.Y \UW VOVELTV whlchwlll prove :i «reat suc- cess. Tlii> most beautiful, the mo.t n-slheltc, the most interestlug, the most amus- ing, iind the most productive patented npuarat ii» of sportive elm meter ever known up to dntiv At ten cenls encli person, tlliu profit per liuiir, with only one apparatus of CO sleady posts, giving one nice every twd minutes: too profit per Dour Willi apparatus of :» Kteatly posts; $48 \vii|i 10 steady pouts; $24 with H sternly poms. Several apparatuses enn cushy lie coupled to form only one; and all the rame, one apparatus can be disjoined lo form several ones.- Th«*»e appu- mins are relatively elicito not necessitate groat space, neither steam, motor, horses and not much personal attention. Everv capitalist, promotor or manager will lie much Interested If he cornea In we working thin new patented attractive and luxurious apparatus which will give EXOKMOVS. PHOF1TS to any one who will put. It on exhibition. The Inventor will make the demonstration every day, Sunday Included, from ,1 to 0 P. SI.. In a private afore, 9145 W. 3.1th St., IV. V. City, or at anv time mi appoint- ment. SPI.EVDIP BI'SIVKSS TO;STAHT lii firunt hotels, in all park", in museums. In roof gar- dens, in amusement stores, fairs, carnivals, shores and springs, cities. In exhibitions, kor messes, etc. IT WOULD BH A FIRST CLASS ATTRACTION KOR NKXT ST. LOUIS AVOULD'M PAIR. The Invention Is entirely perfected Hnd ready to be put on the market. Will sell licenses for every pleasure place li. S. of A., England, Italy, Belgium, etc., or will sell entire patents for C. S. of A. at reasonable orTer. The Inventor, AIR. A. IS. OltOSSET. who Is a Freuehtnan, recently arrived ■v* ill not answer letters; the world tit; apparatus mu«t he seen. I beg any one interested to send somebody living lu New York to see the invention working. Cnpltitllsls, serious promolors or any cue Interested In request tor syndicate or company to Incorporate. References. WAJXTED, IcOR INCOMPARABLE SHOWS, TROUPE OF DOBS AND PONIES. Must have the Roods, ami ten or mora Ponies. Can use a Uar Performer. Mast be abb to do aerial acts aud a sid* act. AIbo two Lady Performers that do aerial acta and good talking Clown. Otlier people writo outside ot acrobats and wire acts. Ifou must have Ike uoode or yon don't stay here. Will buy or lease Sleeping nutl Dining Car. Cnn also use another Baggage Cur. Will bur Reserve Scats. This is a fonr car show. Open in Bend- ing m iddle of May. J. T. Comer, mite. Addre ss BARD BROTHERS. Bead jug, Fa. WIST END" HEIGHTS, ST. LOUIS, OPENS SUNDAY, HAT 17, FOR THE SDMEB SEASON. ALL APPLICATIONS KOR ERGAHKMKNTS MUST HE ADDKESSED TO T^ It. J. ARMSTRONG, Ilia Srhlller Uillldlng, Chicago. ) ('CONCESSIONS TO LET !! All legitimate Concessions for Prospect Heights Park, Peoria, III. nm gate, city or 70,000. neatssa itaiiroa<is. mo puke attractions, now VAUDEVILLE ACTS SEND OPKX TIME. Same management as lliilnSI. riietttre. Adiln-aa WILL KAMI, Wam nfr, Peorlw.III. ^W rFAUST SISffRSl The Acme of Grace and Refinement. Acrobatic Dancers and Contortionists. 2 SSftS "easoti wiili Ktlp.,1- Seli'lni's lilu'lenl Comedy. A Great ^^^SfSS^S^SS^MS^ l_ s H'RVAI'DEVILLE, PAIIKS 015 HASHES*, Address .2* HI Nf A\h., Golufflnu*, Ohio. AI Leading Woman, Comedian and Soubrette, l- ».. Specials, and Coinp.ctc ** for "''^'^t^"^ AcaOeU," of Mu^ yuWte.' S. C. I'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Sole Proprietor and Manager. J. AUSTIN FYNES, General Manager. ■ 7 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 7 Ilevoted to Ilefliieil Entertainment. Proctor'. Oth Ave. Theatre, Proctor's 23d St. Theatre, Prootbr** SSta St. Tltearr*. rroctor's 120th St. Theatre, Proctor's ITewarlt Theatre, rroctor's Albany Theatre, Proctor'e Montreal Theatre. PROCTOR S STOCK CO. Presenting Best Plays. " WANTED. BEST ACTS IN VAUDEVILLE. If yon do not receive a reply, It may tie Because the time li filled; you ore therefore advlatd to write again In four weeks. Do NOT enclose stamp for reply. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS. BOOKED: 8 8 c , DO plots of acta; If can open and cloee In one; EXACT time of acta, and of "close inj'' billing for newspaper* and prorramtnes: and CLEAN I'BOTOOllAl'flS for LOB BIER TWO WEEKS In ADVANCE OP OPEN 1NO DA-lE At EACH BOCSB. addressing- RESIDENT MANAGER, KAILURB TO COMPLY with these INSTRUCTIONS WILL SUBJECT ARTISTS to the RISK OV CANCELATION. VAUDEVILLE REHEARSALS MONDAYS, » to 11 o'clock A. M., 8BAHK ■ I'layv/rlshte, Authors and flay Agents, ad- dress J. AUSTIN FV.VES, Generallaanagar. Vaudeville Artiste and Plajer*,'sddreie k. r, l'ROOTORJH,, Booking Department, FTFTH AVE. THEATRE. JL Y. C1TT . UP-TO-DATE JOKES. Monologues, Sketches and stump Speeches, . for Vundevllle or Minstrel*. Price 33 cents, postpaid by mall. Send for our new catalogue of dialogues and sketches, free to any address. WALTER II. BAKER & CO., r> Hamilton Place, Boston; Mass. No. 37 Kingston St., Button, Hne.,'U. S. A. Manufacturers nf NllkolcnoTlghls, f-j.M: Worsted Tight.*, f2.00; Cotton Tlitlils. tl.W; EiiueBtrlan Slilrta, same price as tight*. A special discount ot 10 per cent, allowed on all goods. Give us a trial; that la all wo salt. Write for prices on any- thing In the knit goods line. Deposit required on all orders. ■, CIRCUS SEATS Di;iI.T TO ORDER, any atee, any Iclnd.. Kallmnlca fitrnlsiicd mid dravrlnirs Hiiluhltter] to prostiei ilve Iiiircluiacrs. !!ulll the seals for Pain's Last llavs of 'oiiipcll and Ancient Home. Hcference, Pain Mufg. Co., New York. P. A. Mellt'On. Cleveland. Ohio . WANTED, KLARK-SCOVILLE CO. People for Repertoire, Musicians' for Hand and Orchestra, Al Musical -3,'eam Identic- Those doing Speclnttles or Doubling men). llrnss preferred. Address, MISHIT SCOVILt.K. Napnleoli. Ohio. Wanted, Periormers and musicians FOR THE RAILROAD CIRCUS. All innsl Join liy April Vi, as show opens hero May 1. All privileges to let. Will advance Tares if necessary. GOOD ADVANCE MAN AND 1IILN POSTERS WANTED. NEIL MOONEY. Manager. The "Dnrlllig" Show, Ilhueii, If. York. ATTENTION. Manager Wishes Partner (Experienced In repertoire)to Investdollarfor dol- lar itr organizing a coiiiiuny f«rcmidng season. State aiunuiit willing to Invest. Actor or Heiress Willi plays, write. Address MANAGKK P., Care of :m Montgomery Pla'C Trenton, JL J. SURPLUTlitOW STUFF FOR SALE AT A Ulg Karirnlu. Iinpmvcil I.iii.ln Coinliliiallon pic- ture and SlereopiU-on, with aouft. or Films (S sitli- Jt'Ctsi and 4 Sets of Hides, *ai: llurge lltiick Art Onltll, *1".: nan. of Side Wall icainpnutilf). $1(1: I Slereps Ittlle and 1'lslol for Trick Sliiiolltig Acl, SXi; 1 Set or Nickel-plated Knives and Large Hu- man llaltlo Axes for Impalement Act, .sir.; •• Talking Knee Figures, f'.M; I flood Ilia" Corner. *0. All sl.irl In Al condition. Address WILLIAM TOUT. Mais l.ulldlng . X. J. The Bluebirds Are Here Olio line ill.v'.O while, Liuck lined lent, one t.liu-Sc soft. rd. nip, lot of folding cluilrs. folding organ, Imported ruhlier luilli fog hums, juMilcue preasilie laut|is, folding tativaa seal lienches/ cots, hand organs, street pinup, gasolene torches, Maker lights. BEND I'OR PHEB IIAIMIA1N noOKLin'. . R.ll. ARMBJHSTKIt, Hnriugllelil, ML WANTED, ALL AROUND MEDICINE PEOPLE. Sketch Teams, lllack Face Cdluedlun and Al I'latm Player. You musl deliver (lie goods. No kickers, kuock-rs, has iieens, lazv hospital patients or hodzers winded, tlood naUry-10 go<«l versatile people, and II Is sure every Sunday. Hit. MCW WALTERS, of Lew and Delia Walters, If a, •.>;:! Kusscll Ave., St. Miuls, Mo. WANTED TO BUY", A 71*1. OR OVER l.'DJIHINATION HLREP1XU ASH HAUGACK CAR. Hot air and four ilusher mill panics with f.w. please don't unswer. Alinn lllcntz, write. Ike Wlillains' 91. JApIs Pally,name Ttiur address. Tlekels If von show me you can do iitlieracU: can iw good liar Irani. JAS. C. MoullK, M'sin-'s Virgi nia sho w. Bliren. r'lorl da. ~ AT, LIBERTY, AI Cornettist and Bandmaster, WITH HPLRNUIH RKI'ERTolltK. PIIIST CLASH OITKRS (INLY. Wrllc nitleg. - ■ ■ • CHAM. K. PL.Wit. No. Ill ACAIIEMV ST.. \ |,VC()X. GA. HORSE and PONY PIOHES for SIIOWPAKADHS. llfllwE AX!) JIHiY ACTS, AH- V1SR.T181M1 1'1'HI'OSES, E'e„ Maniifactiireil Id M. HCIIAKUint, : W'J-rlU' -Melriniofllnu Avenue, lirooki/u, N. V. Scud fur price Urn. Up In A Balloon, Boys J. HENRY GRAHAM, NOW UOOK1NO QldANflC SUMMElt ATTltACTION. I hnvo tho most Daring Lady nml (lent Aeronauts in the Wcrhl. Doublo Drops Mttile Day or Nlfiht. .Vl«o Moukey und Dog Drops. I want exclusive privilege fo: CYP8Y CAMP AND 8HOOTINC GALLERY. • Would like lb h*>ar from Parks, Fairs, etc., for Hummer and Pall Hpssoii of IwiS. BALLOON'S-KOH SALE. Address JOHN II. tlltAIIAM, 11 SliBWnmt Ave., IMston, Mass. ■ .Ml t'OVNKCTION' WITH OKAIIAU SOUTHERN SPECIALTY CO. Medicine Men Have you sceii the I'legaid new Hue of paper that we arc supplying ciiiiipanles ilml handle the (lei-iiiau llemeilii'.r Hnvo you jrnl our lalcsl lulee llslr If not, il may lie in tmir iiilvaniage to send for sain- jilc's nml prices, nlicfhrr yon i'iiilieiii|iliite a eluiiigc or mil, iVcause we hint' some prepiirsllons that von could Imtulle as it *|>ccialiv wllh the line raa nre working. We cHii-fiiriilaliv<in aiiylhliiBynn wain in flerli,|iild, Taiitt'i or PHI form, from your own formula, or can fnrnlsli an Al furuiula tor any dis- ease Hint liniiuii tiesh Is liolr lit, and ynu will he surprised at the cxlrcmc low prU'e Hint we can supply von these spei'laltles, intl tip nnderyour own iiaine, address, ele. The win lo llliiliiut Is to write us. 1'cli us vnur wants anil we will do Hie rest. If von are not meeting with sinrcss wllh vnur present line of goods, let lis whisper something In ton: "WR HAVE A MASCOT" which Is yours fur I ho nuking. Address 1613 CENTRAL AVE,, CINCINNATI, OHIO. THE METROPOLITAN SKETCH TEAM, Hattie Stewart and Gillen Tom Playing M. Y Mini »> unlit liny III), (lulu and But !V- .^huj, OPEN FOIl PARKS, eitnliiiuenis preferreil, line or Hie lilggest litis ever made lit n skclell teniu ill Amerleilll Thciilre, Mtlleli I.' iwlflioul the liox Ingi. same thing luipi,ciieil at ;Trucad<To. I'htla,, I'n., Hop Ton, Jersey Cllv Itvllli Hie lioxllig). Hilt It's nothing new. Same iltlng happens at every place we play, Address .iaMES I.. haiiIIY. » t'liloti sr|iiari. X.Y.C., Ai'lors' Xilllniial I'ruleellvc I'lilon.or w.M. MOIIIIIS, 4:lWcsfislliSI„illitl all liidepeiii|ciltagt>hls< Contracts, Letter Heads, Tickets, Etc. SM,ai.7o;10M, tajRHI Sharing Onutracts. iimi i, too, f Lis); r<0o, $ '.'.Ml Sharing Colitrarts A'fsi HiiVflAii.; win, ai.fiu Kngagcrawif Conli'iiets .1»;xo 50. Me,; inn, :ak'. Performer's Oontmeis Uxll k m, 7Ae.; imi, si Hotel, llaggagc unit Coiiililniil Inn Contraels, Hook- ing lllauks, Staii'ineiits, Ele. All contracts cross- lined. Kxprcss UT puatnge PREPAID. Shipped protnpll.v Coupon Tickets ..,.»*!, ai.To; ion, en; auji sr, L'idvTIekeis ,'iM, V-i; it'M, *«.»n: WM, jn.fio SHU'Tickets, tt-piv, siiiulrecolliers (iki, si; IM, • 1..VI SHliTlckolM, round ™rnrrs. ..;,oo, Jl.aa; IM, (j.ihi I lodgers, iimi, min side CM, H.«i; HlM, IhMlgcrs, In'.i, cue side AH, M.7.1! HlM, »4.-'.'i Dodger*, l'.;li, one side .'M. SIUHI; HlM, IMU Hood, Cleitn Work,Raw Type, Pull ('mint. Orders Killed Promptly. No lloliiy. XiitlnudsC. 0. D. Ill sending for sninples, stalo i-xaetly what you waul, ami send stamp. Mt'NtilL I'TIL, CO., UAIIEY, O The Herald Square Stock Co. WANTED, FIRST CLASS LEADING WOMAN, AT OXI.'K. Long euiiitgi'iiii'iil. Mcminn full particulars and lowest ►ulniy in the tlrsl lellei'. Otlu guild rcpcrlnlre people, write. Address J(\E McIvMUlK, I'licalmnlas, Vn. Otlier AT LIBERTY AFTER APRIL 14, William Currier, Catherine Currier, ': Stage D'rccior, Cliarseiers or Heavies, Strung lltatiialle Loads. For first class repel tnlre or Summer atook eo. Thoroughly rellahle, Hiilier, HXlmrletiuiid, wllh haiidsmuc wardrolie and Al apiioitriimc, Address sHKHMHND I'LACK, Detroit, Mich. lVI««ioi.£.iris* WeEtrLtedL For GENTRY BROS,'FAMOUS SHOWS, E-flul and B>rlutCX,A1iI(>NBTa. WANT A (JLARRLVET, lli.iit.lo Alio or Trniulione on Ml rest. Silitte »>lial yon eiin do, then lie nhle to do II. OSCAR JONES, Bandmaster, FiiycHevllle, >'.(;„ April 11, Wlliuluglon III, Netvherne II, Kln.lon 1.1. USEFUL UNCLE TOM PEOPLE WANTED, While and IMIored, for Coming Teiifllig Season, tour good Colored Singers ntiil Dancers for Planlnllon Songs and Ihtucos, (Jitku Walks, and (III In small parts. Preference given to tlinso.wlio can work in Pi iliutii corps ortloiiiile in LLiss. Good Driiitt Majoi or (inn splutter foi .licet work. Wnnt full Aclinic Oompant; gents in utn i|nttlili' hriiss. Want Leafier for Orelieslrn; tiuistdotililo In hand. Want reliable Boss L'atlvitSMnu. (loud accommodations, tlleadv work. Waul only SOHKIL HDLlAlll.l', i>\|i(irliiliei«l people. Tliisaliow ilDii'tstaiul for linozors. Nainii lowest salary llrsl letter, I nay lumnl mid trans- portation from opening da.? of show, iiIhiiiI May 12; will advance tlekuls lojnltt, 1/ neeessitr)'. Address A. I>. Mcl'HHK, Midliui, N. Y. Wanted, for French's New Sensation, FIRST CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS, People doubling III liand preferred; also MUSICIAN'S for Hand mid Orchestra. Lung season In right lieophi. AildresaJ, R Mi.NAIH, I'ltlaliurg, I'a. WALDO TCO'S1 BIG 20th CENTURY R. R. SHOWS WART First Class Troupe of Performing Ponies and Dogs. Musi be Al, Xn half broken stock goes. HUSH CANVAS HAN who illldel'shinds lights, mid HUSH I'llOPKItTY MAN, TO JOIN' AT ONCfcjf GOOD KNO( KAIKH'T CLOWN, for entn's, solsir, rcllshle work- ing men, dll kinds; i.-iiii use a few more GOOD NIIVKI.TY AfPS. Those a|i|i|-celallilg gnml iiccinili,ni- dations and treatment nml sure salary, wrllc full piirlli'iihn<. Open Muv I, HKti, MOT/, and HAIIIIY IILOCK. write. II. K. II AKIIISON, WIiiIit loitineis, 'Hammond. Iml, THE fiBBAT C01E YOD.TOEB AID PBAHK IAHES HISTORICAL WILD WEST. OALL. All iicnplo engJKed for Hie above exhibition Will please report as follows: All Performers mtil Bosses, lo II. K. ALLOT"!', 'jQO'Wfsf Adams HI., Chleago, April iU. All Hide Hliutv mid Concert People, lo LKW NICHOLS, sauic address, April 2S. All Grooms, II ostlers. Canvas Men nml all other Laboring Men, to various heads ordopurtiaeiii* ul Winter Quartet., 742 Hoot Hi., Olilcago, April '24. Acknowledge rectliit ojtids call !,»-••■ - UrK..AM.O r rr,ims.W.Ad»maHt„.j;iite»gii. NOTK— All pcitile tioldlng contracts wllh the IKTKSKIS HILL'S WILD WUST ■ will consider Hli'lil- selves engage,) wllli lie Htioveahow, add report as directed above, and their contracts will lie changed upon arrival. KOIt Lirem's Bleotrio Satertainers, Performers In All Lines, for air Klectrle Bep Co., one Bkeleli Team, Lady and flcAt;imtat do singles and iluuiilcionc sili-iit Tttni; uijeC'oiuedlaii, musl do Irlsli, lllack Face und lli|leh Songs and Dunces, Put on Acts; Ijnly i'laiio Playi r; niii.-i lie able In rake. My limit is S1J and 11, It. 1 don't want DltUXK- A lilts. Yon so on llrsl drunk. I onlv want people, wlioiindersland the medicine hu-lncas. Mo others. No Hill IH.sthig, (i|icn In Malm:, April '2s. Tom Lcvaiilmi, writ'-, (I. A. LlltKH. 102 Union Street, Lynn. Mass, ANOTHER ONE NEXT WEEK. "THE FELLOW WITH THE BASSOON." ' COMEDY INSTRUMENTALIST. SEIBERT-IsirtfDLEV "ott SPKCIALTV TlfAW dtfd IIANflNG AllTIST, SOTHKMTKS mid (TlHWIY. AT UliKICIt APTBIt MAT I, foil I'AHK.s Oil IlKI'KliTOIItL;, " v. M. SKIIIKItT, care of Uvx. 1175, Ullchell, S. L>.