The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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178 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER APEIL r 11. THE REAL THING-THE REAL WINNER THE STAR WALTZ SONG SUNG BY STAR ARTISTS SEND PROGRAM AND STAMP FOR PROFESSIONAL COPY AND ORCHESTRATION TO Itf) FEIST "FEIST BUILDING." 134 WEST 37TM STREET, NEW YORK. *- fcw * rt, ""l CHICAOO 0-*ICC 60 DEARBORN STREET SPECIAL. Medicine Men. IF YOU WANT TO MAKE A FORTUNE QUICK WRITE AT ONCE. STATE TERRITORY YOU WANT JAS. H. WALLIGK, Middlefown, N.Y. Send a c<dqi tor pottage on Catalogue and Ftloe List of onr latest design! of theatrical lamps, we also carry In stock Moving Clouds, Lightning and Fire photographed from natnre, which gives per- spective that can not be accomplished by the de- sign being painted on &lass. Also have Raln- ow, Water Ripple, Sand storm, Rain and Snows. New and novel effects made to order. Estimates cheerfully given on every- thing In tee ELECTRICAL theatrical line. Follow- ing la a partial list of NEW YORK CITY PRO- DUCTIONS that I pat on gMOJj ham, at«, "Arisen*, 1 ' at the Academy; E. H. Sotnera, "It I Were King," at the Garden. DON'T FOTBIT TMB NUMBER, 1287-1239 BROADWAY, - - - NEW YORK IT 1) Cracker Jack A delicious Pop Corn Confection, packed In moist proof packages, that keep It fresh for a long time. A QUIOK SELLER for theatres, Turku, ricnlcfl, CnrnlvulB. etc. Retails for &0. A HONEY MAKER for the concesalonlst ABB. FOR PRIDES AND SAMPLES. RUECKHEIM BROS. & ECKSTEIN, CHICAGO. ORBANS AND 0RCHE8TR.0N8, alsi BANS INSTRUMENTS, VIOLINS, 8UITARS, MANDOLINS, ETC, 58/5 ^ 0f0t " wtot ta Giniral Salts Agent for FBATI & CO., ALL KINDS of PARK ATTRACTIONS For Three (3) of the Finest Ocean Front Besorb in the South. Address all communications to the Manager, J. II. laVlHOST OH, Ctllaena' Bank Bldg., r?orfbllt, Virginia.. SOAP .1.60 fUR Cuticle Emulsion, a pure while soap. Best made for Doctors, Medicine Men, Street Workers, Etc. •1.70 per gross In 2 gross loli>, tl.CO per gross In 6 gross lots. Samples sent, charges paid, upon re- ceipt of your present and permanent address. W. & W. SOAP CO., Indianapolis. Ind. stuweeis* ALF GRANT, At th. BIJOU, NEW YORK. Apj>«*Hng la "NAWCY BBOVI." CIRCUS CANVASES, i Pole, and Stakes, SEATS, nags, Eto. sksaaJa lDB'S PATENT CIBCUS LISHTl SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. FRONTS AND BAN- KERS FOR STREET FAIRS AND CARNIVALS. BLACK TENTS FOR MOVING PICTURE WORK. OUR NEW OFFICE «d SALESROOM, 273 Madison St, near Market, CHICAGO, ILL. '! /UoiK.rHlTI! V/| r .Aui»Ul MAGICAL Apparatus. Finest Grade. YOST k COMPANY, 13 N. Ninth 8L, (Established 1870.) Philadelphia. ssrDes :rlp'Jve catalogue for stamp. FropertyMen. Onr SB Page Illustrated Catalogue contains everything yon may need for FLORAL STAGE DECORATIONS; Plant*, Tree* at well it Loom Flowtrt, Ltavet and Via** In any color and slzt. we supply all promi- nent theatres. FRANK NET8CHERT, 34 Barclay Street, NEW YORK. 187 8. Clark Sir*it, CHICAGO, jj^gsi* 1 ""! t£MME£ROES$LERI1t$Mtn Itd-ltt BiHOOlPM ft' EUROPEAN HOTEL CHICAGO, ILL- Central Location. Elevator Steam Heat, Rnaaiag Water, Bath, Electric Light and Telephone In every room. _VYlNi>OW XARDS-^ IFTTtRHtADS CONTRACTS i\4 LtAKKOKN s.i cmeAc.o MUSICAL 6LASSES, r Substantial, loud, pure In tone, easy to tune and play. Photos, references, cata- logue.wlth fall Information How to play glasses successful It, win be sent on receiptor 10c. A.Braunelss, Olasiophone MIT., 462 Lenox Ave., New York City. aao-»,rwKiM oumwM-T.'^,;?, iB*tsr*»H WUiaat Asm *T*r |»w**ja»4. Tfca k-M UlUikn «kv- ■»tT--Tl' L -*-" amass VwssMsl Ufbto, ibM mm^rU «Ua PtrtaUl DUaMada. TtaatrtaaC I p*;;!.U1 • •«£*. Ha* « Bala U I at* awa bstoufa. Mraej rwfaatiad if jman mat tlaavakl It*'* •***■ Shell niaff tftf Ult.1r.Uit • r lai>.* T ffaif g<tl«s II.Hi, ?tid*IU. Ou*,l*f fm ati aa^Uat- Itl* ROOKftcVTRCRlAlaVCO. | 111 Deartxrm Su, Calaa^Ill. ROYALTY PLAYS, MANUSCRIPT. PARTS AND RIGHTS FOR n Y^EAR. TEN-DOLLARS. SEND fOR CATALOGUE. "ALEX. BYERS. 144 IA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. All c. Films Ventriloquism Easily learned by my method. For particulars scud permsrent address and 2c. stamp. 0. W. SMITH, sic Uerklmer St, Jollet, ill. We have decided to give onr customers the benefit of our greatly increased film busi- ness by making a sweeping reduction in the price of every film in our enormous slock, including all the best and longest Warwick and ilelies subjects, and all standard Ruage films made from oriainal Biograpb subjects. At this ngnie, 12 cents per foot, we will sell all the up to date bits such as ROBINSON CRUSOE, 860ft.; TRIP TO THE MOON, 800fL ; GULLIVER'S TRAVELS, 250ft; LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD, 5001t.; EOCN'D. ING UP AND BRANDING WILD HORSES, 250A ; FELLING AND 8HIPPING HUGE TREES, 375ft.; PROCESSION OF GIANT ELEPHANTS IN INDIA, 176ft.; SPEARING SALMON, 164ft; CAUGHT IN THE UNDERTOW, 157ft, all the Alaska and Klondvke subjects listed in THE CLIPPER of March, 28, and a thousand Biograph comedy subjects, all listed and fully described in our new catalogue, furnished on application. 12c. Per Foot, ACTUAL Length. SPECIAL-JUST RECEIVED, LAMOHBG OF SHIHROCK HI, w,IH8, S^S^ I0 '* A ' n ' 12c Per Foot. 100ft. AMERICAN ITOSCOP[ & BIOGRAPH GO, Chicago Branch, 128 Clark 8t 11 E. 14th St., New York, »ERTY Two Pavilion Uncle Tom's Cabin Outfits, Complete. One soft. Round Top with two 30ft. Middle Pieces. 12ft. Bide Wall? (Thompson and Vandlveer make). In first class condition, complete with ropes, poles, blocks, falls, Btakea and main entrance ready to pat op; Blue Seats and Folding Reserved Seats for 1,300 peeple, 3 fine Advance Wagons, platform springs; Band Wagon, 4 Tableau Baggage Wagons that go In parade, platform springs; Seat, Plank, Canvas, Jack, Stringer, Pole, Reserved Seat Wagons; 2 fine Railroad Baggage Wagons, 40 Set Single and Double Harness, all with breaching and new last Spring; New soft. Horse Tent, complete; a Sue pisiform spring Cook Wagon, complete with large range, all dishes, tables, everything to feed 60 people; 3 tine Sleeping Car Wagons, complete with beds, bedding, folding berths, cost $1,000 each to build; Pony Carts, Phaetons, Shetland Pony Harness, Plumes, Saddles (both ladles and gents); Lights of All Kinds: 26 Headof Good Draught Horses, Stage Scenery and everything complete for Pavilion Opera House; Shetland Ponies, Donkeys; everything of the best money can buy, or will trade for good 37 or 44 Whistle Calliope, In first class condition, with or without boiler; Large Trumpet Organ, In perfect tune; Float- ing Palace Boat, with or without steamer or cars, or will buy same. Give conditions and price, and where they can be seen. All this property can be seen for the next three weeks at Medina, N. Y. Come and see It. WANTED, FOR SUMMER SEASON UNDER CANVAS, GOOD UNCLE TOM PEOPLE that play Brass and do Specialties. Most be sober and reliable. S'eadywork. Musicians for Band Hnd Orchestra address A. D. JltPHEE, Box 214, Medina, v Y. THE COX BROS., 1925 and 1927 Archer Ave,, Chicago, REPUTABLE ARTISTS OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS 1 EXPERIENCE. DON'T HAVE YOUR SCENERY PAINTED IN THE COUNTIIV. WE DO IT BETTER FOR LESS HONEY. WRITE TO VS. A\ORE RELIABLE r THANELr: CTRlc A NEW LIGHT mw% AMET'5 OZO-CaPBI. P .PATENTED NO iSTEltEOPTICOH&FILM EXCHANGE}'No kerosene! VY.B.MOORE MANAGER, i gasoline - OR MANTLE. I 108 FRANKLIN ST", CHICAGO. 1 OR ETHER Street Fair and Military Carnival SCHENECTADY, IM. V., MAY6-I6, 1903. AUSPICES WASHINGTON CONTINENTALS. Management - -....._.. WILLIAM E. DOBBINS. WANTED—Ferrls Wheel, Merry-Go-Round, Miniature Railway, Automatic Cafe, Wild Animal Slum, Cheyenne Joe's Rocky Mountain Tavern, '49 Mining Camp, German Village, Midway Shows, Free THK a o l RRiT F R09 rmer R'° r 0ermin v w*ge, »nd other Midway Shows. PRIVILEGES TO LET. NOTICE.-Tnese Carnivals and Street Fairs never close, Summer or Winter. They are under Hie sole management of WILLIAM E. DOBBINS, who made such a phenomenal Buccess with them in Armories at Schenectady, Feb. e,theltth; Rochester. Feb. 28-March 7; Albany, March 11-21; Troy. March 28 to April 4; Amsterdam, April e to 18; GlenB Falla, April 28 to May 2, and now has ten week*' Street Fairs booked Bolld In New York, Mass., R. Land Conn. Address WILLIAM E. DOBBINS, Mgr. Military Carnival Company, Armory, Ttoy, N. Y. HAND BALANCERS Good opportunity for right man to gain Position In act with a standard reputation. Muat not welgli over 1601b, and be capable of pushing a 1351b top mounter over head at least FIVE consecutive tlnics la high hand lo hand balance. Address JUNIPER, care Mrs. Cook, 209 East 14th SL, New York. P. 8.—None hot sober and reliable need apply. ATTENTION! DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN. Why handle rocky goods when yon can hancLe goods that wlU sell them- selves? Electric Belts from il.oo per dot. to $48.00. Large variety to select from. We also make other styles of Appliance* and Medical Batteries, one third cash required. Hot Springs Sulpbur Soap, wrapped, 12.10 per gross. Equal to Williams. Trial order wlU convince. Largest Manufacturers 01 Electlc Belts and Appliances In D. S. A. Established 1878. Catalogue tree. THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., Burlington, Kan. ZELMA R AWLSTOatT, NOW ON TOUR TO THB COAST. This week, Haymarket, Chicago. Next week, Columbia, St LonK Addreas all agenls. ' * Per. address, 74 WEST S8th ST., N- Y. C ONLY AADIIITIAII 0r *» t Descriptive McKlnleyBallad Hit Hon.Perry8. Hea- A UflnllM I Illll "T":''BeanUfol.beauafnJlndeed." Prof, copy and ore hestra * Wa-aian»a ■ IVIl Mom for lumnmnri nm»r»nv VTrrmRPtlB. CH.. BU. O..CiE.,0