The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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APBtt 11 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 179 Summor Sensation LITTLE CONEY ISLE" STERLINC and VON TILZER'S guaranteed successor to "ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON." Has the same popular ideas and the same catchy melody that compel popularity. Already in greater demand than any song we have, and going to be the quickest hit ever issued by the House of Big and Quick Successes. HotWeather "DOWN THE FARM" The Masterpiece Pastoral Ballad by RAYMOND A. BROWNE and HARRY VON TILZER. The whole world has sung VON TILZER'S Rustic Songs, and, for the past six years, he has had at least one a year that has been Sensationally Successful. This Newest, however, is the Acme of All, and it will undoubtedly prove as Big as all its predecessors combined, for the Story, the Verses, the Melody are Flawless, and Beyond Criticism. The Slides are Positively Beautiful—write for them. REMEMBER, the VON TILZER GUARANTEE GOES WITH THIS SONG. What other song is guaranteed by any one ? HARRY VON TILZER MUSIC PUB. CO., 42 W. 38tli ST., N. Y. CITY. 67 CLARK ST., CHICAGO. Great Wallace Shows ALL PERFORMERS; OONCEBT PEOPLE AND SIDE SHOW PEOPLE ENGAGED FOR THE GKEAT WALLACE SHOWS, WILL REPORT IN FOR REHEARSAL, NOT LATER THAN APRIL 22. MUSICIANS WILL REPORT APRIL 18. !ll O. Z. BROKSON, Peru, Ind. Musicians, answer this cau dj All other people, In all other departments, answer it once, to B. E. WALLACE, Peru, Ind. WANTED, o Bella 1 ' i call bj letter, to , _1 other departnjeL„, Beliable and Experienced Man for Lot Superintendent. Also a First Class Boss Wardrobe Man, a competent Announcer for Big Show, and a few first Class Concert Acts, including a High Class Sister Team, Applications should be addressed to B. E. WAULAOE, Paru, Is-ad. AL. W. MARTIN'S ENTERPRISES, W. O. CUJfSISGHAM, General Manager. Notwithstanding tne "Ben Hur" op- The latest revival "Ten Nights in petition, "Unci? Tom's Cabin" again a Bar Boom," by AL W. Martin's proves for the flftteth time Its quality Company, Is more than a revival. S a drawing curd. . . . When pro- It to a creation. The mounting of duced In the Martin manner It to no wonder It draws theatres packed with eople to see It.—TOLEDO BLADE, "arch 23. xm «1. W. Martin, Bole Owner. AL,. W. MARTIBTS $80,000 Production, CYCLE TON'S CABIN. ED. 8. MARTIN, Traveling MgT. the piece will compare favorably with any of the higher priced at- tractions, much better than some. The stage Illusions are natural and effectlve.-AMY LESLIE, In CHI- CAGO NEWS. __ AL.W. MAHTIN'8 $28,000 Pro- duction "Ten Klghta In a Bar Room" GEO. M. FOREPAUGH, Acting Mgr. WANTED, FOB "A Breezy Time" Co., Ught Comedy Juvenile, with Character Change; must Sing and nance, and plajr some Instrument in WANTED QUICK, FOR MEDICINE CO., Performers that can change for one week; must be strictly sober and reliable>i"""J** <*<£* «»: tenalners. I have Ave (6) companies now runnlnir In this State, and am ""•f » t °^7" t * i" "°°" 0 l * can get Lecturers andVerformers. Would prefer Performers that can do their own »•«»«"£ • £>" don't need to be money getters, I do that myself. I want gentlemen to open towns for me, and I w I do?e them to my own notion. Performcra that have worked for me, write. I havo a snap for you, «e„f theswelfest things in the medicine bit, Address quick. *^32Sff l Sj&&JgS* wguiiar. "dr. C. M. WELLS, Cordele, Dooly Co., 0a-. care of Wells Wonder new io. I^iiaxiiiBt-I^ir^otor. (Member P. A. M.) Season of 1902 IMP, Leader with CHARLES£ £HAMPLJN STOCK 00■ Be-engaged witb same company for and season. AT LIB ?*™ IFOR JUNE, JULY and ADQTJST. Sight Reader, Wardrobe O. K. Address care of CHAMPLIN CO., Wke-s, K.Y., Aprfl 13-18. P. S.-Gormand and Fcrd-YOO BET I OKO. TATLOB, ART) OUTSIDE LIGHTS. w c||fl . |tra>|( „ #w T . rt "HARBACH'S" MAGIC LANTERNS, Dissolving Stcreopticons, JCIl BEST 2 STORY-NICKEL FINISH. •UU Fine Line of Second Hand Films. SEND FOR LATEST CATALOGUE. REX. PROFESSIONfll STEREOPTiCON Hg THE ACME BONO ILLUSTRATOR, with **» Short or Long Focus Lenses. SONG SLIDES, 40c, SONG SLIDES, 50c. Serpentine and Cloak Effects, CHOICE ART AID COMIC SLIDES, RICHLY COLORED, 10 FOR $3.50. PICTURE MACHINE |n RJ1 „._ | AAfl 4pp. PROGRAMS, G.ttv \KT 1,VVU, SINGE YOU Can Positively MAKE a HIT With Either of the Following Brand New Productions: "My Little Cocoanut Maid/' b 7 j. u. pbrdon m& w. a. fratt, "Oh! Babe, Won't You Take Me Back?" 0,lh t£^Xtf ttt "My Heart Grows Fonder Day By Day," K^3«w*WB! fROFESSIONALS, ADDRESS, WITH STAMPS AND PKOORAMS, I.A ORAWDH MUMC CO., Grand Opera Home, Chicago, V. S. A. THE THE GREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER, MUSIC HALL AND THEATRE REVIEW, Itrand, Lond fOREIGH ■UBSORIPTIOBT, ... PROFESSIONAL. ADVEHTISEMEST8, • n, W. O. . > - Sa. M. PER YEAR 9s. Od., Single Column Inch #7# The lost Powerful White Light. Absolute Safltv, Simplicity, Durability, Economy, Convenience, Compazines, Liqht weight ana PorlaatlU'j ■ Can be used In any form of MAM0 LANTKRN, 8TEREOPTIC0N or MOVIN0 PICTURE MACHINE. k Marvel ol Scientific Ingenuity, only MS. UNIVERSAL EDISON EXUIBIT0Ra ' KINETOSCOPES • FILMS* TTTT1 NEW &SED0HD IL\ND \f\f UHTERHS ■ IglVFILM&SlIDES fir BOUGHT &S0LD CENTRAL TRUNKS. Min., $7,oo; 28ln., $8.00; asm., fs.oo: Mln., 110.00; 401n., $11,00. Ctrcua Trunks, Mxllzll, fT.00. Bill Trunks, 30x23x18 Inside, $ll.oo. Lltho Trunks, anr»%\Vi tnsldo, $14.00. Shipped on receipt of $3.oo, bal. O. O. D., except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount. SIMONS A CO., CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Estab. 1804, 53-60 North 7th St., Philadelphia. H. Y. AGENCY, Cor. 30th 8t. k Broadway. PrlCM 76cto. mors thin tt Phils. Factory. C. H. UNTHA1V, THE ABMLESS WONDER. American Representative, Richard Pltrot, NEW YORK CLIPPER Office. TBBHY'S EWE TOM'S CABIN ITSSF Tom People who double In Band and Stage, Man for I'hlncAH and Lcwcc, and Harris and St. Clair, and Haley and Cute: Women for Opholla und Eliza, Woman tor Topny, Hint can sing and dance. Col- ored Muslclann that doublo In band and can nlng and dunce. Also gruxl liuml I^mlur for wlilto hand Also good Orchestra LKADKU, Addrtxs J. D. CHUNK, IllverBloux, Iowa, Harrison Co. fl BP THI8 LIVERPOOL THROAT HOSPITAL REMEDY 18 INDORSED BY THE PROMI- NENT VOCALI8T8 AND ACTOR8 FOR AIL THROAT AFFECTION8, COLDS, Eto 1 s ^ GEMERAL CATERERS TO THE THEATRICAL PROFESSION. We IVrite Slietehea, Parodies, Monologues, Haste to Words and Words to We par royalty. Get our terms. Pioneer Publ Ishlng Company. Baltimore B tdg., Chicago, III. A PKHFECT COMPLEXION. CHUMAR'S CREME ROYAL USED BY THE THEATRICAL PROFESSION FOR MANY YEARS. PRICE $1.25 BOTTLE. FAXON, WILLIAMS fc FAXON. Buffalo, N. T.. and Comer 23d Ht. and filh Ave.. New York. Hole Areola Uniforms, Uuni, Cannons, Saddle.. Sword., Tents, Etc. Bwerjrthlnfj In Military Line, lend for cash price catalogue. Over 1,000 Illustrations. FBAWCll BAKSBBHAlf, »7» Broadwajr, If. Y. Greatest dealer In the world In military goods from government auction. -<J