The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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.. .■ .■ , , im i 1 i ' I ■■ K» I 180 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. APBIL H $3 9 000 F OR ONE WEEK $3 9 000 MASONIC TEMPLE THEATRE. J. J. MURDOCK, Manager, Chicago, III. Will Open the Summer Seaeen May 10, 1903, with High Class VAUDEVILLE, American and Eurepean. KO SAXARY TOO HIGH IF* ACT CAN MAKE OOOp. I paid THE FOUR COHANS last season $3,000 for one week, which was the largest salary ever paid in the world to a single act for thirty minutes' entertainment I WIUL...REPEAT THE OFFER THIS SEASON and will give $3,000 for the best act that can make good in vaudeville, but they must agree not to appear in any other vaudeville house in America within the next two years. All correspondence will be considered confidential. ZLTSSSSSZSS"** KMnBB J- J- MURDOCK, Hgr. Masoiic Temple Theatre, Chicago, III. MANAGERS OF LEADING THEATRES and SUMMER PARKS, THE KINODROME IT YOU 18 THE PICTURE MACHINE YOU WANT FOR THE COMING SEASON FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: is now bniiiK nied In WORE FIRST CLASS THEATRES than any other machine. HAS THE LONGEST RECORD OF PERMANENT RUNS of any standard machine. haa the oldest and moat experienced operator* in the businessNO BOYS. cannot got a more superior eervloe, more prompt than yon oVatn with, THE KINODROME. attention, and a more carefully selected, evenly balanced prO|Tanni each week positively show every desirable Sim made In forelgrn and American laboratories. have EVERT HEADLINE PICTURE ATTRACTION, and you got It. give yon an entire new .how every week. are using several NEW AND ORIGINAL METHODS THAT DEPART FROM THE FORMER MONOTONY OF THE AVERAGE EXHIBITION. oan and will glva you the GREATEST EXHIBITION PICTURES you have ever had. oan Interest you on terms, etc. Write for pnrtloulan today. THE KINODROME, GEO. K. SPOOR CO.. No. 6 Crllly Court. CHICAGO. Telephone, WHITE 932. Cable Address. KINODROME. NOTE.--WE HAVE NOT 10.000 Subjects, nor 000 Headline Attractions, NEITHER HA8 ANY OTHER CONCERN. have, enough NEW PICTURES AND HEADLINE ATTRACTIONS to keep you well supplied and up to date. We have, and will always PLATE $70 REDUCED Seventy Dollars INCLUDING ALUMINUM ROLL, CAPABLE OF TURNING OUT 1200 TO 1400 PLATES. $70 These Machines can be operated for FIVE CHBNTTS ox> OIVE GENT, at the OPTION of the PURCHASER. ihemite deliveries. THE RIVERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, "ZttZtitfSffir' INJUNCTION !!! FOR THE INFORMATION OF TUB PUBLIC, NOTICE IB HEREBY (1IVF.N THAT A PERMANENT INJUNCTION HAS EN ISBTJED BY THE BUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES A0AINBT DIVERS PERSONS EXPOSING FOR PUBLIC E A SO CALLED "NAME-PLATE" MACHINE DESIGNED AND BUILT BY MARVIN * CASLBR, OF 0ANA8T0TA, N. Y. BEWARE OP* INrRINOEMENTSI THEY IVI >A/AF3NIIMO!!! . — L HB 5?2I E 5? MANUFACTURING COMPANY hereby gives notice that, Information having been received that certain lnXrtnjIng NAME PLATE MACHINES are being offered for Bale, they will prosecute to the FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW, ^JS.PHPy"™ 0, or EXPOSING for putilto use, any and all machines Infringing United States Letter* Patent, No». «87,1M and 687,188, the property of this company. Before purchasing a namo plate machine look well Into the question of patent, and do not be misled by alleged "guarantees." AY POST YOU YOUR PUROHASE MONEYI REPRODUCTION OF THE CORBETT-McGOVERN FI0IIT; PRINCIPAL HOUNDS FOUGHT AT SAN FRANS, 0AL.. MARCH 81, 1908. THE WINNER OF THESKAHON. A PERFECT FEATURE FILM. THE GREATEST KNOCKOUT SHOWN IN M0VIN0 PICTURES. WIUTK FUR PRICE. The CINEOGRAPH, with STEREOPTICON COMBINED, 'J Complete with Elcctrlo Lamp and Rheostat. •u-rv-^r" fjr T TQT AaTVrarh,T"»T Tk/fi^Tml^T Complete with Eleotria Lamp and Rheostat, JViVXllfSl i. lUJ^L i\lUJJlVlv« Oalolum Ump, Films and 21 Slides. tub 81 SEPARATE SUBJECTS. The Delhi "Durbar" in India, and 150 Comic and Miscellaneous Sntjects, all $5.'° PER FIFTY FEET, ELEVEN GENTS PER FOOT, SEND FOtt NEW LINT OK FILMS AND II.LCNTUATKD KOVOH. LARGEST- MAtlOKACTllltKlt IB TiiK WORLD, HI S. EIGHTH ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Famous Collection of (Or late MR. JERVIS JOSI.1N), WILL BE SOLD UY WIDOW AT A GREAT SACRIPICB. Fomo 20 Klcgant Old Violins, at from $loo to $000, and a "8TRAD." without doubt the finest Violin In the U. 8., worth fully f 10.000, will sell fur less than half; nno vory One viola, two elegant 'Cellos and two double Bass. These Instruments are vary choice, and possess the nualttles ao much desired by mnalciaBl 1 - Send for doaorlpllon andjifjcea, FRANK A. J08LIN, Denver, Colo. Plays For Stock Companies. Plays For Repertoire Companies. Plays For Amateurs. Books For Home Amusement CATALOGUE OF PLATS SENT FREE. bamukl FRENCH, 34 West sand St., New York Projecting Kinetoscopes with Stereopticon Attachments. EXHIBITION MODEL,Complete, Code Word, VNFARDLB. Catalogue, No. 144, UNIVERSAL MODEL, Complete, $115.00, $75,000, Code Word, I'H All A. Catalogue, No. 100. A PERFECT MOVING PICTCRE MACHINE, EASY TO OPERATE. Bend for Special Advance List of SO New Film Subjects. Borne of the Latest Are: Monto Carlo and Casino, Carnival Hasqacradera, Battle of Flowers, Carnival Proeeaalon with Confetti Battle. ' NOTE.—Tho Floats. Carriages, Costumes, Masks, General Decorations and Paraphernalia used l" producing the Effects as Depleted In the above mentioned Films, are very Novel, Unique and Humorous. HIr Thomas Llpton and the Launching of the Shamrock HI, Berlin Fireman at Rescue Drill, Pilot Leaving Ocean Steamer The Little Hatch Seller, Soldier's Return, Push Ball, Vhm window Cleaner's Mishap, Prlae Winners at the Dog Show. Aerohatle Sisters, Dalnes. ALSO AN EXCELLENT SERIES OF NEW PICTURES, SHOWING 8CENE8 IN THE WEST INDIES AND BAHAMA ISLANDS. RAIN OK KICK AND 9 ACTOR V, Orange si. j., v. S. A. "1KJ9M OFFICE: U Chambers St. CHICAGO: 62 SUM Street. Ai ? »in P /S I n P ii O r,^S5l%kK?„ A0T >. PBrKR BA0IOALUPI, 038 Market St., San Franclsoo, Cal. OFFICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM: W Chancery Lane, London, W. O., England. EUROPEAN OFFICE: 82 Rempart Balm Georges, Antwerp, Bcl«. EDISON MANUFACTURING COMPANY