The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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184 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. April 18. — Nous from the Bhe-Lorralne Co.: While pitying Weatfleld, Maw, Agent Wm. B, Dale/ wat made a member ot Weitfleld Aerie of Eaglet, Mo. 800, having the pJeaa- ure of being made a charter member. There were between thirty-five and forty Initiated, of which Mr. Daley wa» the only theatrical member. While It rained quite hard Mon- day evening, April 0, we opened big. We close In three weeke more for two week*, opening again for our Summer time, which embrace* New Hampshire, Vermont, New York and Canada. MJae Lorraine has been out thirty-five weeke, and during that time the "ghost" baa walked with regularity. She baa been offered a return date In every town the plays. Next teaton the will carry twenty- two people, tpecltl printing and scenery, with eight new playt, four of them written especially for ber. Everyone It happy, and the Old Kiliablk It a welcome viiltor etch .— From the DllgerCornell Co.: We are In our thirty-sixth week. Lent hat bad a depressing effect upon business, but other- wlao the teaton bat been highly successful. Our time It nearly filled for next season, when we will carry a larger company ever, presenting only royalty playt, with special paper and scenery. Have made no changes In the rotter of the company, ex- cepting our agent. Our regular season will close on May 2, but a Spring and Bummer tour of tea weekt will follow the regular teaton. — Nellie Dunbtr, the female baritone, will play a prominent part In next teaton'i pro- duction of "A Human Slave." Miss Dunbar will alto do her specialty. — Dillon and Garland closed with Dick Ferris' Stock Co. In Duluth, Minn., and joined Irvine Meyers' Co. at Allentown, Pa., March 80, for the remainder of this teaton. — Among the new female stare next tea- ton will be Bva Mountford, who for two seasons has been absent from the stage, traveling and doing literary work. Mitt Mountford will be teen In Llmer Qrandln'l modern play, In four acts, entitled "When Her Soul Speaks," and will be under tbe management of George Samuels, while the author, Mr. Orandln, will play the leading male role. —Amy Blcard, who made a success In the "Stubbornness of Qeraldlne," It to be the leading comedienne of "The Babes In Toyland," Che new extravaganta by Victor Herbert and Olen McDonough. _ — Dorothy Dorr hat been engaged by Bam Shubert for "The Runaways." — Ben L. Mulvey closet April 20 with "A Millionaire Tramp" Co. (Eastern), alter a successful season of thirty-six weeks In his original character of Abe Jones. He writes that he has some good park work for his single act tbe coming Summer. — H. Dell-Ames writes: "I am In my thirty-fourth week with tbe 'Folks Up Wil- low Creek' Co. We are getting back North again, after twenty-five weekt through the South. We were obliged to cancel our time In Arkansas, dating from Memphis, Tenn., on account of the nigh waters of tbe Mis- sissippi. Our season will close early In May, in Ohio, after which I will go direct to De- troit and open with the Paului Amphithe- atre, for Juvenile leads and specialties, Busl- nett bat been exceptionally good, In spite of rains. We had no trouble in procuring the Old Reliable In the South, and It waa anxiously looked for each week." — "There and Back," a three act comedy, by George Arlltt, was presented for tbe first time on any stage April 4, at the Majestic Theatre, titles, N. ¥,, with Charles E. Evans and Charles II. Hopper In the leading roles. — Eugenie Jefferson, a granddaughter of Joseph Jefferson, was married to Humsey Wing Scott at Montclalr, N. J., April 4. — Oeorge H. Broadhurst signed a contract last week to dramatise the story, "The Gar- den of Lies," by Justus allies Forman, in which Aubrey Bouclcault It to bo started by tbe Shubert Brothers. _ —A Passion Play In Italian was given Sunday evening, April B, at the North tide Turner Hall, Chicago, by the Flllppo Orioles Club. There were Ave acts and thirty-nine scenes, — Charles Frohman will make a produc- tion next season of "The Taming of tbe Shrew." — Williams and Walker and their com- Bany will go to London, opening at the hafteabury Theatre the latter part of this month. Oeorge W. Lederer hss arranged with Hurtlg A Seamort to supervise rehearsals of a new version ot "In Dahomey" before the company sails. Mr. Lederer will have tn Interest In the London production. — Charles Frohman hat obtained the American rights ot Charles Haddon Cham- bers' new play, "A Oreat Lady," which Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Bourchler will produce shortly In London. Mr. Frohman hai alto obtained a new comedy by John Oliver Hobbes. —Clyde Fltcfh sailed last week for a five months' trip to Europe, which will be di- vided about equally between work and recre- ation, lie will return the last of August to see the opening production of several ot hit playt. — Kara Prentice Tretdwell, a well known artist and decorator, who decorated the Met- ropolitan Opera House and old Lyceum The- atre, In New York, died on April 8, at White Plains, N. Y. — Oeorge II. Broadhurtt hat signed a contract with James K. Hackett to dramatise "The Celebrity." Winston Churchill's novel, which Mr. Hackett will produce next season. — "Running for Office," a musical ex- travtganaa, In throe acts, by Oeorge M. Cobtn, was given for the first time on any tttge at tho Majestic Theatre, Utlca. M. Y„ Monday evening, April 0, by the Four Cohans and their company. Advices from TJtlca stated that It was very well received. It was cast as follows: John Tlgor, Jerry J. Cohan; Airs, John Tlgor, Helen l\ Cohan; Madeline Tiger, Josephine Cohan; Augustus Wright, George M. Cohan; Andrew KMey, James M. Manning; Bam Oaylnnd, William Keogh; Peter Plnchem, Poter F. Randall; Herman Helghberger, Jo, Smith Marba; Franklin Fruaher, M. J. Sullivan; Dan Tlmmoni, Hugh Mack; Bollvlr Blxby, John Kaufman: Captain Hicks, William Forrest; Gertie Gayland, Ethel Levy; Susie Sprlght- llng, Gertrude Rutledge; Mary, Florence Lit- tle; Minerva Chase, Millie Newell; Oracle Karl, Roaella Rhodes. , — Final arrangements for "The Babes In Toyland," the now spectacular extravaganta by Victor Herbert and Glen McDonough, were consummated recently, all tboae con- cerned In tbe production, Manager Hamlin, of Chicago; Mr. Herbert, Glen McDonough and Julian Mitchell, having met In New York In order to conclude negotiations, The production will be given by Manager Ham- lin at the Chicago Opera Ilouae, at an early date. — Weber & Fields, with their all attr misceiianeotu, Bartinb A Da Ouzo Bnow Notib.— Juan DeZamora and Family (Zamora Mexican Fam- ily) htve arrived at ConnenvWe, and will remain until the tbow opens. We have Just let contract for a large amount of tpecltl printing, and will pnt oat a dally average of fourteen thousand sheet pictorial, and bill the country route for twelve miles In all directions at every ttand M. It. Williams, our genertl agent, will leave with the first brigade about April 25. Notes tbou tui IUrkness A Fox R. B. Minstrel Ciecbs. —We are very busy at Winter quarters building new setts, also painting and general repairing for tbe com- ing teaton. We travel In our own cars, car- rying about forty people all told. Unlimited capital it being pnt into circulation to make this the largest and best minstrel show under canvas. The tents are all new. Roster of some of the vaudeville people: Bay E. Fox, proprietor and manager: Harkaeae Brothers, the Three Bough tons, Harry M. Oberfelt, Orrln Motler, Harry Leando. Harry Conn, George Desaelltns, G. W. Mathews, the Na- aell Family, the Six Australian acrobatic wonders, Prof. Btaley and his educated horses, Leo Clifton and hit trained dogs, monkeys, gonts and parrots, the two ittttle mascots, Baby Irene Fox aad little Helen Bough ton, and othert. Tbe band of fourteen Pieces It under tbe direction oi Prof. W. E. larknest. Mrs. Roy EL Fox will be treas- urer. AH tbe new tpecltl piper bat ar- rived, and is in care of P. C. Reed, advance agent, with three assistants. The aide show Is In charge of Wm. Boughtoa, Banners have been aecured to Illustrate every curios- ity and act In the tide show. We open at Unlontown, Pa., May 4, for a one week ttand. We will pity no towns under 5,000 popula- t ' on - _ Nona raoH tbi Great Bihi.ow Snow.— Everybody it well and working hard at Win- ter quarters, as our opening date Is April 20. George H. Wyman will soon Join, which will make hit sixth teaton. Frank Decker Is now here for his second season. Arthur Howe, from St Joseph, Mo., will arrive on April 10, and tbe rest of the show will ar- rive one week before we open, All of our ponies, dogs and animals are In line condl- Notes from Roving Fbanhl'b Bio Girsi Camp and Village. —At Atlantic City, N. J., the past week we added a very fine speci- men of a giant chlmpansee, measuring over live feet tall. A special glass cage wat In readiness, and he will prove a big drawing card and a big addition to tbe already large animal display. All of the four road camps will opent early In April. South Sea Island Joe and his wira, of Forepaugh-Sellt Bros.' Circus, will return to Europe. Hit Plantation BTxhlbltlon will follow from Philadelphia. Be writes that he lias disposed of bis big mechanical ex- hibition tteeplechase at Coney Island _ Nona from I'awnee Bii.l'b Wild Wist. —Every department of tbe Pawnee Bill Wild Wett It nearly ready tor tbe opening, and Carnegie, Pa., where the Winter quarters are located, la crowded with members of thlt really big exhibition. Tbe itreett of tble busy town look picturesque with the many nationalities seen on the streets. The Mexican dandy strolls along arm in arm with the bewhlskered Cossack, and the blanket Indians In groups are seen gating Into the ttere windows at tbe white man's clothing. Over at the Immense buildings everyone It buty putting on the finishing touches here and there, to that the show will go out equipped as never before In Its history. Major Llllle (Pawnee BUI) has se- cured a hand ot Yaqul Indiana from Mexico. This Is the tribe that sre continually on the war path with the Meilcon government, and nearly all of them have a price on their heads. All ot tbe new cart htve arrived, and the three advertising cart are among the largest and beet that will be seen on tbe road thlt teaton. Pawnee Bill hat ar- ranged to conclude every performance with a splendid military spectacle, which will be of a most stirring nature, Pawnee Bill It going forth to add many laurels and pres- tige to hit already splendid career at an amusement caterer. Notes fbom wis Obeat Pauline Co. — Our tour of Vermont hat proved a pros- perous one, and we ire booked for return dates tt Lyndonvllle, Mlddlebury and Ver- gennes. At Bristol, Vt., we ascended tbe Green Mountain rtnge, tnd In our descent we passed through the famous Devll'e Wind- pipe, near tho Eagle's Nest, and we photo- graphed tome very good views of the sur- roundings. At Mlddlebury, Vt., April 1, we experienced probably the strongest op- position ever reported, tbe opening; of tbe first licensed saloon in the Btate of Vermont. and tbe cltliens of tbat city were aroused wltb curiosity, tnd a groat crowd lined up In front of the place in the evening. Our Mr. Ulne, tbe clay modeler, bat taken ad- vantage of the new excise excitement In the State, and hat added to bla repertory of funny ftcet the typical Vermonter, In which be nover foils to make a bit. Mr. Morse Is still sharing the honors of the olio with his excellent singing, Mr. Gallagher 'hat re- turned from New York tnd reports good prospects for the rest of tbli and next sea- son. We are doing tbe usual phenomenal Pauline business, and everyone Is well and bnppy. Notes and bostxb or Oahdneb A Dan- ford's Vaudeville and Novelty Shows.—Thlt company opened the season Oct 10, and hat toured Illinois, Indian Territory and Mis- souri, to good business. Following It the roster: Chat. A. Gardner, business mana- ger; Carl C. Danford stage manager and Krlncipal comedian; Dr, O. W. Nye, lecturer: Ira Anna Danford, pianist and old maid specialty; May and (allies, society sketch; Bobby Kemp, hoop roller and talking fig- ures; Sisters Melrose, contortionists and skirt dancers; Lillian Kemp, alack wire and Spanish rings, and Chas. A. Gardner and his performing mule. We close tbe season April 21. Gardner and Danford Join Clark Bros,' Big Mlnttrelt for the tenting season. May and Miles are booked solid for the Western circuit of parks; Bobby Komp Joins the Flsk Carnival Co., and our genial lee turer. Dr. Nye, goes to Glrard, III., In tbe Interest of the Cltftons. - "»»"»» » v iuiub. wiiii iiiun mi omr ttock company, moved up to the Wett End Theatre, Harlem. Monday night, April 13. Not only la It tho first time that the com- pany has played In nny other theatre than their music hall, In New York, but It marks the first appearance of tbe Weber A Fields organisation In the manager-comedians' Har- lem place of amusement. The company Is now on its annual Spring tour of the prin- cipal cities, and a special train of six cars carries the one hundred and twenty-five persons concerned In the production of ''Twlrly-Whlrly" and "The Big Little Prin- cess," white some ot the principal cities ot tho country are converted Into "one night stands" for the Weberfleld outfit, At the close of the performance Saturday night, 18, the company will go to Boston, where the actual road season begins. Harry M. Price Joined Barney Gllmoro's "Kidnapped In New York" Co., at the Academy of Music, Buffalo, N. Y„ April 18, for the rest of the teaton. Notes fbom TBI Bemad*. A Co. Comedy and Concert Bhowa.—We will open our sea- son In Buffalo, N. Y., May 4 We have six wagons, twelve head of stock, the wagons are all painted a bright red, trimmed In black and gold. We carry a 40x60 top, and when the show opens It will be one of the neatest shows on the road, carrying a band and orchestra of ten musicians, and plenty of paper for window work. John McMahon, the back somersault high diver, wat the feature attraction at the sportsmen's show, Central Armory, Cleve- land, 0. He Is under the management of F. P. Spellmnn, Cleveland Theatrical Ex- change. C. C. Bonettb writes: "I Joined the P. F. Megargel Carnival Co. at Auburn, N. Y., March 18. I am the feature attraction, do- ing my novelty aerial act and one thousand foot slide, and making good at esch place we exhibit. I open In Boston, Mast., May 4, for three weeks, then open my balloon teaton May 80, with a big season booked ahead. Tbe Old Bbliabli la welcome every week." Notes from the Lucky Bill Snow.—We have been on the road one week, and met with a grand success, only losing one night, and that wat on tcconnt of a severe snow storm, but the next morning the ann came out, In two hourt the women were wearing their aunbonnets, and Lucky Mil was oh the road for hit next ttand. The horse* are looking fine, and are ready for their ring work every night. JACK 8TAVOBDALH Is manager of the Mllea-Stavordnle Quin- tette, which Is Just finishing a successful tour through tbe States. His first vialt to America waa four years ago, when be was booked by Ted D. Marks to bring tbe quin- tette to New York, where they appeared for four months In the New York Theatre, re- turning to Europe at tbe conclusion of the engagement His next appearance In Amer- ica was In September last, opening at Keith a Union Square Theatre. New York, with the quintette, worklug that circuit, Chase s Brooklyn, Moore's, Bbea's, the Orpheum and Kohl A Caatle circuits, they doing return dates at the Keith bouses before leaving for England (April IB), where the quintette It to open on the Moss tour in May (Hippo- drome, London, July tnd August), Germany and Copenhagen to follow; Llvennore and Stoll tours until June, 1004 ; Moss tour, July to November (Hippodrome, London, Septem- ber tnd October), returning to America, re- opening at Keith's, New York, In December, 1004, for another long tour. Rostbb and Nona of M. L. Clark's Com- bined Shows. —We opened at Alexandria, La., March 80, 81, to an excellent business; In fact, tbe largest the Show has ever done In its home town. M. L. Clark la sole owner and manager; G. V. Parsons, treasurer: Tbeo. Reet Barrettt, equestrian director, and Red Clemment, band master. The show Is one of the largest overland shows In America, with twelve cages of animals. Includ- ing a beautiful pair of lions, a pair of hyenas, an elephant and came). We carry a band of twelve people, with Yankee Dell Button and his trombone. The performers Include: Theo. Bees Barrett a, mule hurdle rider and principal clown; P. K. Kelly, sing- ing and talking clown; Serra, In Spanish rings and webbs; the Irvlngs, In double traps and breakaway perch; Jerome Abbey, in high pedestal foot Juggling; Albert Powell and son, contortionists; Carrie Kellog, In a neat wire and single trapeze, with Iron Jaw finish; the Ruts Bros., In triple bars and brother act; Little Pearl Clark, the boneless wonder, and tbe veteran. Will© weaver. The show carries a 00ft. round top, with two 40ft. middle pieces, one hundred and sixty- four head of stock and lltty-two wagons. Our route It Louisiana, then North as far as we can. H. B, Thbablb, general manager of Paln't Fireworks Co., has engaged W. 8. Magulre for the advance of their pro-spectacle, ^'An- clent Rome," which opens Its season early In June. Thb W. W. W. Medicinb Co., under the management of Capt, G. W. Smith, closes Its opera house season April 25. Bam M. Smith will Join the Buffalo BUI Show. Capt. Smith will open May 1, (n Minnesota, for tho Summer season. Will Knott' a Perfected Shows will open Its second season at Holding, Mich., April 25. Tbia Is a wagon show, will carry twenty-live people, all told, and sixteen bead ot stock. Including the trained atock. The following; people have signed: Muvan Deal, Wm. McConkey, Commenl Bros., Walter him erson, Earl Harris, Herman Biers, D. A. llanlstcr, Lewis Gray, Happy and Frank McCoy. V. W. Whitney will be ahead of ibo show, with one assistant NEW HAMPSHIRE. ft Manchester.—Light business was the rule throughout last week. Opera House . (10. W. Harrington, mana- r).—"Resurrection" had light returns prll 4. Week of 6, Fenberg Stock Co., In repertory, with specialties by Mallory Broth- ers and Maltle Brooks, and cornet solos by Mary McNeil. Coming: "The Vinegar Buy- er" 17, "The Hvll Eye" 18, "Shore Acres" 23. Park Theatre (John Stiles, manager).— The Fay Foster Co.. 6-8, did fairly well. "Peck's Bad Boy," 0-11, gave satisfaction, to light returns. Coming; "A Gentleman Tramp" 13-15, "A Bunch of Keys" 16-18. Palace Theatre (C. S. Harden, mana- ger).—Week of 6, the Passion Play moving pictures. Notes. —Richard Armstrong, of this city, left 6 tor Pittsburg, Pa., where he will Join the Indian Bill Wild West Shows for the Summer season "Alice of Old Vln- cennes," booked at the Opera House 14, can- celed Edw. II. Taffe, ahead of "The Cowboy and the Lady" Co., which hat been touring the South, west and Pacific coast, reports a prosperous Benson and much sue cess. They open tho new house at Glad- stone, Mien., 18. Tickets are 85 apiece. The season closes 23, at Battle Creek, Mich. W. H. Davis, known here as a mem- ber of the Katherlne Rober Co., Is now play- ing leads with the Fenberg Stock Co Manager Fenberg, of the Fenberg; Stock Co., will organise a indies' orchestra next sea- son. Mary McNeil will be directress. »■» WILLIAM BRAHWBLL It one of the young leading actors who have made rapid progress on tbe stage. He first came Into metropolitan prominence at a member of H. V. Donnelly's Murray Hill Theatre stock company, where he appeared for some time. His work In the various rot., which !,■> essayed there soon made him a oMu ..' . orite with the patrons of that house, und his services became In demand. When F. F. Proctor decided to placo a strong stock company In his Fifth Avenue Theatre, at the beginning of tbe present season, he finally secured Mr. Bramwell as lending man of the organisation, a position which he Is still Ailing, with great credit. With this company he has played a long ran/re and variety of roles, In each of which ho has won great praise for bis work. ♦ »» Newell and Nim.o were offered an en- gagement by M. B. Leavltt to Join his com- pany to tour South Africa and Australia, which sailed from New York last week, but as they were booked solid In this country until June, and have good bookings for next season, they preferred to remain In America until the Spring of 1004, when they open Pj«no playing of Mr. F In Europe. •« work booked ahead. OaHdetille and minstrel Got Bbothsbb' Minstbil Notes.— We closed our thirty-first season at 0««ne*ld, Mass., to a large audience. As otual,our original first part totting, the "En»"»" Iluntlne Scene.* with the-red coated hunts- men and the old fashioned country Inn, with doge, horses, etc., made a hit, as It bat done all i aeason. We have had the most successful sesson In our career. We.bad one of the best solo bands on the road, fine orchestra, and tbe show gave the best of satisfaction. We followed several companies In our line, and the press and public said we took the lead. We will open our Summer parka when Geo. B. Ouy, our popular manager, will put out two shows. We ore booked solid for next season, when we will put out another Isrge first class company, wltb a new Idea for a first part, Bebt, of Hague and Herbert, was taken to St. VlncentHospltal, Toledo, O., on March 10, and had a surgical operation performed on March 11. He Is Improving, and will be able to resume work on April 20, when the team Join Swallow A Markle t Floating Palace, making their second aeason with tbe show. . _ _. Mack ano Cotton, while on their way East, to Join MlnneHi Bros.'- Big Co., for the Summer season, hare been laying off for a few days at Detroit, enjoying: tbe hospi- tality of Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCarthy. Thb Thbeb Renob open with SwbIIow A Markle't Floating Palace at Parkeraburg, W. Va., April 6, for tbe aeason, to do their comedy acrobatic hit, which they report It meeting with success. Tot Campbells have added several new features to tbelr musical act They play Jeffers Theatre, Saginaw, Mich., this week. Li Bab Tbittipo, of Be Weese and Trlt- tlpo, mourns the loss of her father, whose death occurred at their home In Indiana on April 2. Mas Wells, of the team of Johnson and Wells, wat taken suddenly 111 on April 3, and they were obliged to cancel tbe Boston Music Hall for April 5. and Mechanics' Thea- tre, Salem, April 6. Mist Wells Is said to be very HI. Haywabd and Haywabd closed wltb F. G. King's "Boy Tramp" Co. March 26, at Ful- ton, III., and will produce their new act at the Olympic Theatre, Chicago, tbls week, and tbe Chicago Opera House next week. Geo. H. Thomas and company are ap- pearing at the Grand Opera House, this city, every Sunday night, and tbelr Illus- trated song act, with Mr. Thomas' original light effects. Is receiving rounds of applause. The act Is engaged for the entire aeason on Sunday nights. Plead and Pliau are laying off at Roches- ter, N. Y., taking a two weeks' rest, and re- hearting a new act, which they will produce at the parks this Summer. They open on the Kdw. Shields circuit of narks at Portland Ore., June 8, for twenty-five weekt, and are booked solid until the first ot August, 1004. K. J. Palmeb, manager of Lucler's Fa- mous Minstrels, writes: "During our vaca- tion through Lent the company hat been reorganized, and we will have a bigger and better show than before, although It wat bard to Improve on our lost show, as that was pronounced to be 'the beat.' Our costumes and street parade wardrobe are all new." Madblinu Fbanes Is successfully playing the part of Nellie (the maid) In J. C. Hart's sketch, entitled "The Pipe Hitter," with Fred Irwin's Big Show. Her husband, Ben R. Cook, of the Bison City quartet, wltb the same company, la very 111 with typhoid fever. Mb. and Moa. G. Lots Silver, with their Fahslonable Vaudeville Co., are touring the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, ana report doing a big business, and giving the best of satisfaction. They have eight people: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. C. Beard, sketch; the Great Nola, juggler and wire; Matter Frank Btepan, boy violin tololtt; tbe Silvers, world's greatest song illustrators, with Glen C. Silver in advance. They will close their vaudeville show about May 10, to open with the Silver Bros.' Clrcua Thb Foub BMrtmoRB of Music write: "We have lust closed a most successful season of thirty weekt with tbe Bellly A Wood Big Show, and are booked In all the principal vaudeville houses In the East. We open on the Orpheum circuit, Son Fran- cisco, tho middle of June." Annib Leslir Williams and Phil Bishop, late of the Pete Baker Co., have Joined handa, and will be teen In a new sketch written expressly for them, entitled "A Boclety Ltdy.' r They are filling a few dates In and around New York before be- ginning a circuit of twenty-eight parks, which they have already booked. Lester Fkbmb, of Denver. Bel., writes (hat he appeared wltb the Qlenwood Com- edy Co., as a song and dance performer, and made good. Habcbllb Ciievaliib, a prominent French vaudevlller, who recently arrived In this country, has had a new sketch written for her, entitled "Caging a Song Bird" and will ahortly produce It In New York. Klein, On Bros, and Nickbbbon, mu- sical act, have Just completed the entire cir- cuit of Eastern vaudeville houses, and are playing return dates on the Kohl A Castle circuit, with return Eastern dates to follow. They open July 1 with Lew Oockstader'g Minstrels, with an entire new act, Introduc- ing two novelties, also a large set of organ chimes. They will, after neit season, go to London for a two months' engagement, then to Germany for the same time. Goldsmith and Hopfb are in tbelr twelfth week with M. M. Thelae's Wine, Woman and Song Co., as one of the features of tbe olio. Mr. Guldemltb also has the leading comedy parts la tbe opening tnd closing burlesques. Manager Mabkbn, of the Palace Theatre, Mancheater, N. H., re-engaged the Adorcl Sis- ters after the first week for e second week, owing to the success of their new act. Notbb fbom Paul's Modern Minbtbblb. —Everything la progressing finely at Win- ter quarters, and we are looking ahead to our opening: day, May 7, with pleasure. We have signed Chas. C. Cllne as slide trom- bone for our band and orchestra. Every- thing will be new this year, and we will have one of the strongest minstrel and vaudeville companies on the rood next Sum- mer. Obo. C. Christopher, the comedian and minstrel, has returned home from a suc- cessful season of forty weeks He will spend the Summer at his home at Cincinnati, O, where his mother and many friends reside. Thb Pryor Brothers were well received at the Howard, at Boston, last week. They will head their own show thlt aeason, bavins engaged Tommy Farrell, of the "Man to x£ n * c S^. an 4 Smith and Blanchard; also "Dandy." the high diving dig. Thb Hill Troupb of acrobats did not plsy Garden Theatre, Canton, 0„ for Frank P. Spellman, at was stated several weeks ago. Job Tbllbtt. parody singer and comedian, reports that he Is meeting with success through New England with tbe Telletf Bros.' Farce Comedy and Vaudeville Co.. and that &.J*g Plying to good business. They will continue through the Summer, not closing until September, when they will lay ?v **-,*!*"• * nd O0el1 1n Pennsylvania for the Winter season. Lew Albbbt, Hebrew comedian, will do t Dutch monologue tct hereafter. .K C Sf L ". T A £S H "*"-J„write: "We closed at the Empire Theatre, Washington, ft c, after a successful three weeka* engagement, and opened at the Odeon Theatre? Baltimore, Apr I 18. Our act wat t hit, especially Mr M. n B « 7 X^LV 1 f d iS? c ^ a ", ncl,1 ft »Tw the solo piano Playing of Mr. Healy. We have plenty COOKB AND MI88 HOTHEBT Write fr™ * New Moulin Rouge Theatre, PariJ. ••o?» tlMI gagement prolonged here for six week? .«*; re-engaged for six weeks next year. Th. v" 4 Moulin Rouge Is the finest varlctv fiS In Paris, entirely rebuilt, and furnish III Lg the latest modem Improvements, with ™9 large promenades. There are oniv ♦"* vaudeville acts on the programme vL9' It taken up with a grano*'Bevul' a ,ort U „1 burlesque. 'Looping the Loop' hi p£& a sensation here. Blavolo la at tho oi C n?», and Mephlato at the Casino do ' „ „ J °P. lc - ing to tne capacity of both theatres at ttS performance. The first of April brfiums! Circling the Clrc' at the New Moulinfu,,,'^ It Is now billed like a circus, and win**' doubt, create a sensation, al It bat nev« been seen in Paris. The American cnkewlik boa found its way over here, and Is already very popular. We first eaw It at the Nee veau Clrcue. They do the cakewalk Z a" burlesque on all the principal lendi^l,. 1 lsts, and it Is very funny. April la s./fl us at the Rembrandt Theatre, AmierSK? Holland; after that we mtoaCwlft tla, for the Summer." "oscow, Bus. Grace Tyson, of the McWatters and Ty. son Co., hat Invented a novelty in dr«. fabric, which has been made Into costuSei for the young ladles In the above SSSt Tbe material, as announced by Miss iC. -ft uSES fam ym& rnt0 FjfiK ** worn over a silk dress In the ssmo manner ss lace would be. The effect Is stortllnii. Its novelty, for the fabric, In the dure 9 the footlights, has the brilliancy of eSSuuS. James ^bookman, who has been wrltint songs for the past year, has recently 5 entered vaudeville, and Is making a ble mX cess with his single act. He plavca S Gotham Theatre, Brooklyn, last Bund?. night, Wm. Morris Is looilng after h™ in terests. ™* The Thbeb Faust Bibtbrs are Just finish. Ing a successful season with Edgar Selden'i musical comedy, "Puck and Hit Mother-In- Law. Jordan and Whits will close their en. gagement with Dumont's Minstrels, May 18 with a few good dates to follow. * PntjSB L. Flbtchbb has Joined hands with Mantell, Wynne and Mantel). They v be known as the Defiance Comedy Four and will produce a new act written for them, In tbe principal parks and vaudeville houses during the season of 1003-4. Ethel. Jordan has left the hospital In Mollne, 111., where she underwent a tmrclcal operation. She Is with her folks In Indi- anapolis, where the will remain during next Summer. Howell and Emerson, dancing comedians have Juat closed a successful season of thirty-five weeks with Gny Bros.' Mlnstrela The team will dissolve partnership, and Harry Emerson will Join hands with Victor Lewis, Impersonator of celebrities. They will work under the name ot Lewis and Emerson, doing a novelty impersonation act, and they have signed with the Guy Broa' Mlnttrelt for their park circuit for tbe Bummer season. Thb Levitts, Job and Grace, were obliged to cancel their work at the Garden Theatre, Canton, O., owing to the Illness ot Mrs. Levitt, who succumbed to tbe grip white working at Fenton's Theatre, Buffalo, N. Y, Thb Vincents have been with the Lo- renzo Comedy Co. for the past twenty weeks The show closed, as Mr. Lorenzo was taken 111. They made a hit, they Inform us, la their Dutch and wooden shoe buck dancing, and will play vaudeville dates In parks for tbe Summer. Thb Emi-ire Show closed the season April 4. Doodt and Wbioht, the Australian duo, have closed a successful season of thirty- two weeks with "Casey's Troubles" Co., and are going to England shortly for a visit. Thb Symphony Quabtbt have postponed their European engagement until 1004, and have signed with Fields A Hanson's Mln- otrels for the Bummer season, to play the Boom circuit of parks. Jbbbt Cdnninobam has been engaged to play the black face character part In Geo. Kllnt's "James Boys In Missouri" Co., also to Introduce hit monologue specialty. L. Adelbnb and Rubber are booked up until Bept. 1, and open on the Burt circuit of parks at London, Can., June 8. Zabbl, gymnast, has played the Edlaon circuit. He wat mtde a member of the F. O. B. while playing at Whatcom, Wash., and Is well booked up. He opens at tbe Chutes, San Francisco, May 18, Daniel J. Harrington, ventriloquist, re- ports success wltb Fulgora's Stars last week at the Beatable Theatre, Syracuse, N. Y. In announcing thb mabbuqb of Chris. Lone to Mabel Goodwin, recently, our types made It appear that tbe former Miss Good- win was a member of the team ot Guycr and Goodwin. Tbe bride, Miss Goodwin, was ot tho team Goodwin and Goodwin. Frkd Randolph, of the Randolphs, had to cancel Huber's Museum last week on ac- count of an accidental fall at the Casino Theatre, Pawtucket, B. I., but will be able to resume work In Boston, Mass., April 20, with other good work to follow. Dave Dbbdbn has been working In Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee with an amateur minstrel company, and reports success. He will lav off for two weeks to break in a new single musical act. Rbmsey and Bbadham have closed a pleas- ant and successful engagement at tbe Stan- dard Theatre, Dallas, Tex., and opened at the Crown Theatre, Ft. Worth. Thb Shrewsbury Sisters, with tbelr mother, Mrs. 8. M. Shrewsbury, and sister, Raby Eugenia, have closed wltb the Geo. W. Scott COj and will go In stock for th; Rummer. They report making a decided hit In the South In their specialty. Flossie La Fields has been engaged by Manager McAvoy, of tbe Howard, Boston, to go In the stock, Introducing her coon melodies, after she finishes sn engagement of twenty weeks on tbe Southern circuit. Mac and Mac are In their eighteenth week as a special feature with the Mamie Flem- ing Co., doing their two acts, the band to hand balancing and the trick horse act. They are well booked with tbe hand balancing act for the Summer. _ , Tub mllowino people were at the Cri- terion Theatre, Tampa, Fla., last week: Leo Florence, Ed. Jordan, Loa Beck, Chas. Oer- kln, Babe and May, Francis Beulab, Do Mon, Nina Oliver, Katie Lyons, Gertie Hnrvcy, Winnie Lewie, Mamie Bureau, Will Lewis, and Dan Price. W. A. and Lottib Bohme have finished engagements at Pastor's, N. Y.; Empire, Bal- timore: Jeffers Theatre, Bagtnaw, MIcb., ond finished tbe Kohl A Castle circuit, at tbe Chicago Opera House, lost week. Tbey are at Weast's Theatre, Peoria, III., thla week, with the Orpheum, Davenport, la., to follow. Mr. and Mbs. Labbt Shaw have Juat closed a auceessfnl engagement at Bhcedys Theatre. New Bedford, Mass., with the Bon Ton, Jersey City; Howard, Boston, and Poll circuit to follow. The Pawtucket Opera Hodsb, nt raw- tucket, hss been leased for B. F. Keith. It will be renovated and redecorated, and add- ed to the Keith circuit next Fall, under tbe local management of Charles Lovenberg. The Excelsior Musical Tbio have dis- solved partnership, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Buckley will work alone hereafter. „ ,. CLIP* W. Gbant writes: "Everything H going along nicely with my engagements oi the very best vaudeville and burlesque people for my various stock and road companies. J fully expect to have the best and large"'"' travagansa that has ever been seen In Mon- treal at the Theatre Royal, where one of my companies will play six consecutive weeks My plant are not yet completed for the en- gagement at Atlantic City, bnt I am aolM sure the organisation that opens there win be an Innovation."