The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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April 18. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 185 OWl C HICAGO L ETTER. (FXOM O0S OWN CORRESPONDENT.) - ivextern Dnrenn . Of Th«,New^York^Cllpp«r Itoiini (HKT The Iliuil James J. Brady and his right bower, Herbert b. Mnddv, were models of newspuper dls- plays and Journalistic effort, and mention of tteorge Gnnwollor's baud must not be for- gotten. In short, everything before and tlurlng the opening was successfully achieved. '(,03 *A.£l-«.d BIocl. Chl'c» B ». «nd Kerr, g Meagher basTompi'led i jK 603, A.uimnu «»»<<« "■» gramme which la fair to look upon "The m&L "iiBlJS 0 ^ ° U ±,fc Y'te ?'!!•• WMt" will entertairour mulK Davis, mann- entcrs upon her Barry" Easter Monday. Stony of what Is usually accepted as one the star and the company are town talk— r the year's, worst theatrical weeks. The wltll a,, pralse , or Davld'nclasc-o, the nias- penlng of a-brief se^on of grand opera, at ter mm ot American dramatists. "Ill Auditorium, appealedto the artistic Powers' Theatrb (HnriyJ. Powers, inaa- IK S SffiS* ^J*^ Zf t^n^r'to" »«#£■? Mon* day, "The Middleman;" Tuesday nnd Wed- nesday matinee, "The Professor's ],ove Story;" Wednesday evening, "David (lar- rlck;" Thursday, "The Cardinal;" Friday evening and Saturday afternoon, "Tom Pinch. No announcement Is made for Sat- urday evening, and we are left to wonder If Mr. Wlllnrd la to tread the Mansfield way of nctH from several plays In one evening. "The Optimist" was last week's bill. Ethel Barrymoro, In "Carrots" and "A Country Mouse," comes 20. McVicker'b Theatre (Sol Lltt, business tnril than usual, and business has been aver .liiug better than at any time previously, nt to the masses the Inauguration, of the iilnitlH Brothers' third season at the Coll- sewn, and their seventh Chicago opening, uns tho popular event of the week. Interest H% S.Tvillard's presentation of "The Op- iimist " seen at Powers', for the Orst time fiere was confined to the relatively select & ••Sally In Our Alley" attracted great lirongs of musical comedy devotees to Mc- v riser's and 'The Starbucks" was sent upon it. New York way with the endorsement of !,o«dlv crowds at trie Dearborn, niehard Wslleld put the last expiring touches to 5lansdeld piU the iast expiring toucnes to „. _ Ettst „ESSs'SureV ifack'. re* JOb tfc qg..yBL5L g'SLSSr'S " Si vlval of "Arrah-na-Pogue." scheduled for ^S^S^S&Sy^A^ feff* «'<* * n«rl- are makln* ,1 ii_-"Reau Brummel," "BeaucaJre,' T "A Pu- SKSIJS "P, 1 »7an BdmiSce,'' "Dr, Jekyll and fcr. Hyde" J*ornd ke fc rlslan Romance, and "Julius Ca-sar," plays which . making; ._ eclal arrangement with Louise louclcault. William Seymour, i encompassed wno hau tne advantage of playing In "ArraU- . ' ZX^iSS^m 'hnfnff represented For na-Pogue" with Bouclcault himself, and who his entlrejepertory ^oingj £3 to T'eiclte P*» "een all the notable revivals o( the play, Ills ? Bl1 ™ r^„„ *rt„,r B i/ mitrh toT excite na « seen all the notable revivals of the play, ,he forwnt ^ysthere Is mu cn to exctte bag dIrccteU the r(aiMrgn j 8 . The | ncld £ nta | nopular interest In theatrlCTls. tne uear muglc , B ^ ar „, b Bouclcault, and Krn puts "5J , JSi? Tenderfoot" a Curl tho «°Btiiines are from the Boston Museum, production .In ^ in DreMratlon both Itt the °" 8t nr e E<lltu $***, Jane Peyton, H^-.qffHLi?Hii rrfl£iP iS^<.55 Maggie 1'lcldlng, Mncklyn Arbuckle, lukc Here and In Boston thej? 1 "- 81 ?A 1 '*" ".^5? Martin, Daniel Gllfether, Joha Ince Jr., ,lnds revival_athe hands of Andrew Mack, KpRBk M K endrlck, Thomas H. Jackson one of tf' n 1 »f«Pi^ e ° fl *" I ' l l on ,0 ° I ' .^Arrah n ™- Jona Lapler ' Tnomas Healy, John Burch and rSue"" at McVlcko?™f E- S D Wlllard swings fidward Aiken.. ; : aaljy .In 6ur. Alley" closed i-na Doings into a week of repertory at Powers : the .utlylng theatres put tielr best foot forward In hope of substantial Raster greetings, and Mrs Leslie Carter remains at the Illinois. ' coliseum (Stewart Spauldlng, manager). —On Thursday evening, April 0, Singling liroluers' World's Greatest Shows opened ."' M .,,..i ...mnnt In flilo nt nii'l \ll'r> lint lCdward Aiken. Its season with the Holy Week engagement, which brought crowds to this popular house. Trlxle Krlganza, Junle McCree, Klcbard V. Carroll, George A. Schiller and Catherine Lewis were prominent In the big company which presented the well liked melange. Studeuakeii Theatiih (Chns. C. Curtis, director).—"Peggy from Paris" begins her to pur- «*s," which goes on for two weeks Sunday rmenagene viewing, "and ffi»^^"*JH" dVirlna;-.tlie entire^programme olr bewildering tff^ Frank fiushwoFth, Luclia Drew, Billy night, Anna Field wl'.! have the assistance, of George Marlon and Knox —bv far the greatest crowd ever played by. a circus In Chicago. P r P m _. t ^l p hosing, through the Jiulng the entire pri entertainment ?"' the sHghtest hi ch oc- Korton Amy Ameg nnd Evoly|1 0 rmsby. ..mied, and tK }*&$£*, Jfflf!vr!r<l«rnil Ulchari Monsncld's third week, devoted to faultless perfection of enter alnment detail repertory rcgu it«d In goodly crowds and. !-rmm"aieT Mt The A 't"fo U rma B nce g ran" at < «=us?otnnry satisfaction which Is Invar Miioothly as though the show were ending nnd not beginning Its seasons campaign; the working forces executed the details of the shifting nrrangements with agility rind precision which told of masterly,discipline, and the animals seemed to'vle with the per- formers In bringing to a successful culmina- tion the efforts of many weekB' exhaustive preparation. John Kettlg's spectacular pro- duction, "Jerusalem and tne Crusades," takes the Place of the customary grand entry im nn Introduction to the circus performance proper. Several long stretches of scenery lire backed against one end of the arena, showing vistas of France and the Holy City, which change with the working out of tho simple, plot of the pantomime. Long cur- taltu are used to hide the scenes until they are dlsclowd in regular order. The spec- laclo openB In Franco, where the knights nre marshaled preparatory to their depart- ure for the crusades. There were Jousts, sword combats and the blessing of the mul- titude. Between the scenes there Is a imrland ride by twenty-four knights. The second scene is pitched In Jerusalem, where llfty well drilled girls dance before the emir. Mussulmans, Turks nnd Snrncens stand by and watch tho festivities, which ends In tho rapture of the Holy City by the crusaders. The circus proper begins with the perform- ance of a herd of fifteen elephants, working live to a ring, and duplicating trick for trick with marvelous exactness and splendid ef- fect, Christian Zeltx, Pearl Bonders and Geo. Kealey.wcre masters of the herds, and tlielr pupils displayed many astonishing feats, and start the show with great eclat. Skill, daring nnd endurance la displayed by rlw following performers: Plamoudon and Amondo, revolving ladder; St. Leon Sisters, aerial awing: Mlas A. Forcpaugh, flying rings; tho Three Avolos, aerial bars; the Three Fortunes, horizontal bar cxpertB; Kcl- Iv 'Brothers, revolving ladder; Beta Tatnll, flying rings; .the Suiters Ty Bell, John lioonev and Fred Leggett, the Hobsons and May Davenport, nnd Reno McCree. In feats of expert equestrian displays. John Car- roll's tralnedf Shctlanda, II. J. Belchert and I'rank Homes, working two troupes of Cant. Webb's trained seals; John Agee and hie performing pony, "Dandy," Prof. Geo, iably attendant upon Mansfield entertain- nicnts. Saturday night he appeared In an act from live plays. Jmnen K. Hackett re- turns with "The Crisis" 27. AuDiTOiiiUM.—Maurice Gran's grand opera forces present a diversified repertory for the ensuing week, "Don Pasquale," "Cavallcrlu limtlcana," "Don Giovanni," "The Magic Flute." "Le Prophete," "The Masked Ball," "Siegfried" and "Oottcrdammerung" being announced. The grand opera season, which began 7, will end 18. Thus far the pntron- age has been out of the ordinary, for Chica- go. Holy Week was a bad time to begin, out perhaps Easter Week will result In a pro. pltlous ending of what Is said to be Chi- cago's "farewell" season of grand opera. DBAnconN TilEATitH (W. W. Tlllotlson, manager).—This theatre makes Its fourth nniitin! Summer production Sunday night, when "The Tenderfoot" goes on for nn In- definite run. Richard Carle Is the librettist, and the music Is by H. L. Hertz. Last week "The Starbucks' was given, In prepar- ation for its Daly's Theatre, New York, en- gagement, which opens 18. The business wsb good, for the season, and the play was most favorably commented upon by the local critics, Theodore Roberts was featured la tho company. GlIBAT NORTnEtlN TlIRATUB (Hllwnnl Smith, manager).—Murray tt Mack present "A Night on Broadway" as this week's at- traction, opening with tho cuBtomary mat- inee, Sunday. Holy Week business was good, with "At Piney Ufdge," presented by a com- pany which had Duvld Biggins, tho author of the play, and Georgia Wnldron as feat- ures, and Included: Fred W. Strong, Wm. Uelfort, Thco. Kehewald, W. D. Chnllln, V. S. Rowc, Henry Dunn, Wm. Bristol, II. II. Wlllard, Edward George, Ida Glenu, Mary Seymoure, Martha Hill, Gabrlella McKvan, Olive Maude Davis and .lime. Snow. - Acadkmy ov Music (Wm. Koche, resident manngcr).—Sclma Uennan, featured In "For Her Children's Soke," Is this week's attrac- tion, to bo followed 10 by "Eight Bells. Good business, considering the time, was ac- corded "The Little Church Around the Cor- ner" as cleverly presented last week by: Clarence Heritage, George D. llaker, Tho;. Meegnn, W. F. Pike, J. H. Lewla, Poter Wll- In. equestrian acts; Addle Nelson, the Three Chicago. /»tint« willaril Nelson Ilhoda Itoval's sixty-one horse act, which Is pan). L.ast wcei ,| L i, *„,,.,,;., ..n,,f,ut ,-li,i, mimhpr ot BlIOw. 1.ISL1C TbJ klcUl Morris' Claim." r trial at this house, opening fternoon, and Is to bo followed. 11). J. Cartel's "Two Little Wulfs." fair business resulted from Sam engagement In "The reddlers ..„,..„...„ .„. .-«.. —..-o -—. ,„,.. M r . Morris gained a local follow- Htne seemed to follow the Fishers, llttN J- 1 " 1 ™; fomcd | n n 0 f Hopkins' Stock Co. a few student was oftener In the net than he was "?g ? s B r „ m * and this popularity helped lo successfully swung and caught by his cot- ggg" X ordinary recepts of Holy Week, pnnlons." 4he Pollers execute the detnllB of ^KJ^tSf EmuS comprised: Homer ihelr'fects like clock work, and nt the open- »'» l" p , p b ^ u c f t If » Thomas Hasltett, Bertram Miller. Geo. F. Hermnndez, Walter Totem, James Van Dyke, Jessie Mosely, Grade. De Foy and Marie Nlelson. GABnitiK TiiBATmi (Matt Kuscll. mnna- tonlshlng, and the Potter's elicit storms ironluusa for their casting act, but mlBfor. tng fi-orcd a rightful success. The fool littd Troupe, the Nelson Family of eleven, ltcrohats: Mr. nnd Mrs. Homer Hobson, Ucno ^Icrrcc- and May Davenport, and the St. W _■ ■ . __■ ■ . ■ r ■___■_ ^ I .1 < f. rill All t.\ l^Hins. double bare back riding, added to ^™.. F au8t" will be the Easter week of- whlch, of course, Is a long list of clowns, S"'. i company, opening Sunday who keep the fun loving people In good hu- "S"*",™"rV=^—~ ^n *^n. VSOZS 'Michael ■ M/iiit, an now iorxuiieu hi uuiiupc-" «- Vb»lr first view of the bicycling sensation, y"']• * De Vernon, Madeline Wheeler, Laura t\ KlliMtrlck Brothers' "Looping the Ix>op.'' }"'« ^ „ v „d Sanh Kendall. „ . KiiCNlhis engagement Dlavolo, wlio does the «'Sffi' tempm Tiieatiib (T. C. Gleason, »l.ll...*. l.»- i.I ■ ,.. It nmitlH ixnii l '.-'> ^, _ , ,, ,— a l„Hnnj.n rldlng.vlias been unwisely, It would seem named «:r«Bo, therefore a majority of the spfctatonn were willing to assert that he was crniy wliefc he began his ascent or 'he Ions Incline. But fie came down like « Bfeased flash, circled the loop with the easa nf an athlete's somersault, and shot down the hlpwdrome track amid uproarious 'bouts of approbation and enthusiasm. It was a fitting climax to a Bplendld circus en- mtiilmnen!-: an end to sensations which had manager)."—Beginning Sunday afternoon, Oraq [tenia will, lead the Player's Stock Co.. In "Carmen." Last week. "Tho Two Hats" was presented under the nnujo of "Dr. Jones' Mistake," by John I. SaWjan. Howard C, Hickman. John J. CHjMM, Ash- ley Miller. John Daly Murphy, Dora Horrj, Ethel Browning, Allleen May, and Anna Jerome 'Barbara'' wos the curtain raiser, New Awbbican TntiATnE (John Connors, mnniiKcr).—Attesting the popularity of tMj rua the'full gamut of human resoarces, and J! 1 n ,°"$f' l ni | ts clever stock company, "Enet "w greauthrong woat forth each to person- }'""'.. wog presented last week to audiences ally net aa\n voluntary advertisement tor the "1. h te „ te d K t he capacity of the house foilr- "■tt. circus Vrformance thev had ever sejn. ?" n cn t ii„es. Lawrence. Grattan and Laura the menagerie deserves special mention for . WBlS were the' leading pTiiyers, mhers' en- Ils completeness and numerous rare sttrac- "-"^ , tB performance being: Cecil Owon, 'Ions; the crowds were handled In a mas- &**> S^iol, Bttn\tf John*, Joe Demlog, t«My manner; the Advance heralding »y uetf « ■ ' H Sam C. Hunt, James Corning, Louise Carter, AVImina Bridges. Jane Ituiiiptnii, Irene Mont- gomery, Lottie Cushmnn nnd Jennie Church. La y.M.t.c TltB.iTRf (Mark (1. Lewis, busi- ness manager).—"liubcs und Moses" goes Into Its fourth and last week Sunday after- noon. "The Faraders" will bo revived ID. Next week, under the direction of George A. Beane Jr., stage manager, rehearsals will l>e- gln for "The Voyagers," the new musical comedy written by Frieda Pauline Cohen, which will be given Its premier within a few weeks. Mnyme Gchrue will Join the La snllr force* next week, while all of (he old favorites. Including Shcan nnd Lewis. Frank It. Hayes, George Warren, Joseph Eh How- ard, George Auottn Moon:, Carrie Reynolds. Kittle Nelson, Annette Moore and Mndelyn Marshall will be letalncd. . Cam;.met Theatre. So;ith Chicago (J. T. Conners, resident manager).—"Hello, Bill," Is the Sunday night attraction here, 12, with "Pinafore" booked lor U, and "At Plney Itidge" to come 10. "Over Niagara Falls' plnyed, to big business, 11. Hiuvaud'h Family Theatbe (Uoward & Doyle, managers).—Lorln J. Howard lends the stock forces in this week's presentation of."The World." Last week "uncle Tom's Cabin" was given, to appreciative audiences. This little house Is doing a big business. Columbus Tiieatiib (Thos. F. Hanks, business manngcr).—Vance & Sullivan's "The Little Church Around the Corner" moves over to the South side this week to en- tertain patrons of this prosperous theatre. Wm. Donclll nod Hose Stnhl, presenting "Janice Meredith" will follow ID. Last week Pete Baker revived "Chris and Lcnn," attracting newcomers nnd many who hold the good old play In memory dear. Ills sup- porting company included: John D. Grif- fin, J. E. Squlrrcll, Wm. Wood, James A. Itlon, George Gebhnrt, James Itynn, Geo. Peters, Wm. Cook, Jennie Fa iron, Madellue Winthrop and Nina Bromley. Ai.iiAMmtA Tnr.ATBK (James H. Browne, resident manngcr).—This week's magnet Is Lincoln J. Carter's melodrama, "Two Llttlo Waifs," with Chas H. Callahan's "Pennsyl- vania" to follow 10. John H. Havlln A Wm. Garen's Co. left "The Stain of Guilt" upon audiences which derided themselves for attending. Oscar Dane, Horaco Ewlng, James C. Heenan. Willis A. Hall.- Geo. 1>. .Melville, John Itucker, Geo. V. Miller, Bud Davles, Bert Erdlrk, Knchacl Acton, Minnie Conway and May Wontworth, were tho play- ers. Criterion Theatre (Lincoln J. Carter, manager),—Sam Morris puts forward "The Peddler's Claim" for the edification of North skiers Faster afternoon, hilled for nppearuncc twice dally throughout the current days. Last week b attraction was "For Iler Chil- dren's .Sake." wllh Helrua Herman featured. Holy Week considered, business was good and the nlny gave excellent satisfaction to all beholders. Sam T. Jack's Opera House CSldncy 3. Euson, mnnngcr).—l'lill Sheridan's City .sports arrived' Sunday afternoon, to fill out Master Week with lively burlesque and en- gaging olio. Last week Iloberl Fulton'a Jolly Grass Widows repeated the entertain- meat which won substantial favor at mi- ni her house a few weeks ago and reaped an abundance of coin ot tho realm. Acting Manager Qua W. Ungnu reports a. splendid bcason fast drawing to a close. Hoi-kins' Theatre (Empire Circuit Co., directors).—The Transatlantic Burtesquers open Sunday afternoon for a week, to bo followed, ID, by Kobert Fulton's City Club. Last week Hire & Barton's Itose Hill Folly Co. attracted evenly fair business. The bur- lesques were "The Baby Trust" and "Tho Slippery Life Insurance Company," with an ruterip.liilug olio Intervening, nnd supn'lcd by the specialties of Kathryn ltowe Palmer, Torn Nolan and Cora While, Geo. W. Itlce mil Fred Elmer, the Wilson Trio, Dan Grncey and Ada B. Burnette, nnd Frank Borry and Jack Hughes. Franklo Haynes led tho burlesque forces, and there was a goodly chums ot pretty girls, arrayed In handsome costumes. A thoroughly good entertainment was afforded. Miaco'b Trocadcro (Robert Fulton, man- ager).—Tho art of title building Is puz- BHBg tho nmnogerlal mind, and for this week tho result Is "The Torrid Zono Hurlcsquers," which means the houso stock company In a trivial melange of rang, dance and .story. Last week the entertainment was wen pat- ronized, Alex Carr, Frank Damsel and Guy Raw-son providing tho comedy work In a bur- lesque which sailed under the caption of "The Heart Breakers." The title was prob- ably Inbendcd to apply to Hie numerous com- pany of handsome chorus girls who wcro prominently In evidence. Tho olio was fur- nished by Beech and Gage, tho Waldron Brothers, Gertie Le Claire, nnd others. click si ann's Thkatiih (Edwin A. J!el- kin, business manager).—Celebrating the Jewish feast of the Passover, Ellis Ollclf- inaun'B Stock Co. presents "Tho Daughter nf Jerusalem," an historical opera, In live acts, for the entire week, beginning afternoon, l'J. Jacob Sllbcrt and Pauline Lavlti will have the leading roles, and special scenic and cica- trical effects havo been provided'especially for this production. The company linn In [■reparation Tolstoi's "Resurrection," to fol- low "The Daughter nf Jerusalem.", ■ TniRTY-irinsT KURT Theatre (Chas. P. Elliott, managor).—Anno Sulherlnnd, Rich- ard Buh'er nnd others of.the Columbus Stock Co, will be seen Easier Week In "Cnmlllo." "Itomco and Juliet" was the bill last week, with fair business results. Miss Sutherland was taken suddenly ill Tuesday afternoon, ond Margaret Flapg went on ut an hour's notice, and creditably finished the week as Juliet. Olympic Theatre (Kohl le Castle, man- agers).—Booked week of 13 nre: Ben Imliof. Miller and Kresko, Zara and Kara, Klinball and Donovan, Wills and Iltisscn, James and Davis, the Warsaw Brothers, Wright Hun- tington k Co., Lloyd and Walton, Macnrt's monkeys, Beatrice Morcland, Matthews and Harris, Quatnor Bosque, Tom Nawn & Co., and the klnndrome. In last week's ex- cellent bill Klein, Ott Brothers and Nlck- ersoti, Mervllle, Boothe nnd Elmore, llny- inond and Caverlcy and Johnny Carroll were particularly popular features, but the entire i-how caught on Immensely with the crowds In attendance. Cllic.vao Ol'BRA H0U8K (Kohl k Cnstle, managers).—Stunning Amelia Hummcrvllle scored a rightful hit In refined monologue und left nn Impression which will last lunger Than her applause. Lizzie Evans nnd Hsrry Mills gnve artistic portrayals of their clever sketch, Howloy and Leslie scored a hit with their clever specialty, and Lew Hawklnn and Cole and Johnson were others In pronounced fnvor with the tremendous crowds In attend- mice. For week nf lfl tho bookings arc: The Two Kids, Hnyward and Uayword, tho Skating Ilexos, Kathrync Hayes, Fox and I'oxlo, Mclntyro nnd Primrose, Wood ■ ami Bay, Kellev nnd Kent. Dcrenda nnd Breen, liertle Fowler, Hilda Thomas and company. Montrcll. Edmund Hayes and company, and the klnodrcme. Havmakket Theatrh (W. W. Freeman, manager for Kohl k Cnstle).—Scheduled for week of 111 are: The Adams, Schiller Broth- er*. Mcxlaes and Mcxloes, Lottie West Symonds, Moung Muyn, Bonnie Thornton, Johnson, Davenport and Lorelln, the Voung America Quintet, Klein, Ott Bros, nnd Nick- crson. Johnny Carroll, Mervllle, Boothe and Elmore, the Baileys, Scott Brothers, nnd the klnodrome. Fred Zobcdle's graceful bnnd balancing net, difficult, but expertly exe- cuted, was ono of the most nltrnctlve feat- ures In last week's bill. Clayton White, Marie Stuart and Co. won pronounced favor for their artistic nortrnynl of "Pnrls," their new sketch: Ed. Lntell made a hit wltll his musical act and black face nonsense, and Zelma Hawlstoa also came in for great favor. The crowds were big and the show eveuly excellent. Ci.aiik Street Museum (Geo. Mlildleton, manager).—Gay and Fnssedu. claim to be ex- pert men nt releasing themselves from linnil- ■tiirs. The pair, who are curio hall features, ilnlni the nullity to release themselves from nil bonds without breaking the article bind- ing them. Giber features will Incliido Ho- rn slides, the strong man: Mme. licverc. lu-nrded woman; Wlndockcr, iiingtrlnn, anil I'rank Ilnll, musical net. The thentrlenl nt traction* will Include Ltzrle Mclvecvcr, tho (Irohes, Annie Wllxton, May Mmcllo, tho Valigners, and the Prlnco. Nlstors. London Dime Ml'skcm {W'ta, J. Sweeney, manager).—For week of IS: Curio hnll— Ilnrney llurkln, tattooed man; Ala Babt, magician; Belmont's innrlonot tes, Minnie ILissettc, flower worker, nnd the Wtinrtun. Knmlly. Theatre—The Grifllns, Helen Cou- lter, Mike l.ynrli, living pictures ntid Midway tlnncers. Excellent business Is reported. Aftermath. —E. H. Macoy returned Inst week from bis California, pleasure trip, and the National Printing Co. will move Into lta new quarters, on the fifteenth floor of tlio new Tribune Building, In the beflrt of the business district, tbls week Tho Palace Theatre circuit, I'nblsh * Dumas, managers. hns leased Howard's Theatre for a term of fifteen years. They take possession May 1. and will linmcdtiiloly begin demolishing tho present building In preparation for tho erec- tion of a modern theatre, with n seating o- , pnclly of fifteen hundred, ready to open about Sept. ITi. It Is tho Intention to pre- sent a dramatic stock company, with vniule- v lilt' between acts of the plays "Klnut Dodo" Is announced to open at tho Htiule- bakcr May 11, following the run of "I'egity from Paris." The Adc musical comedy goes to Boston for niSummer run Jules Levy, the old time cnrncttlst, was one of the soloists with the Chicago Symphony Or- chestra, at Its tenth nnd Inst pop- ular concert nt the Auditorium, Sun- day evening, ft. Director Adolph ilosea- becker took the organization on a road tour lost week, to nlny at a number ot musi- cal festivals in Canada nnd the Northwest. Wlillnra II. linviii, nf iinvlll's Htturu Lighting Works, (his city, and bis two broth- ers have retnlncd.attorneys to represent tlielr interest In a legnl buttle over Ihc di- vision of the cstnto ot Wm. McKny, of Glnw- Eiitt', Scot., tho Havliln claiming to bo legal heirs of the docenscd, and the cstnto beliij! valued nt ten inllllous Mntt L, Itntvy liim returned to his old love—Pain's Fire- works Co.—for the Summer, nnd will he manager of the road tour of "The Blego of Rome?' .Through tho efforts ot Busi- ness Mnnnger Edwin A. Itelkln, of Ollek- iiiiuin's Theatre, several members of the Yid- dish Stock Co. at that theatre have Joined the Actors' Fund of America, nnd It Is Mr. Rclkln's desire to eventually Induce every He- brew actor In America to becomo a member of tho Fund "Tho Passion Play," In Italian, was rendered In North sldo Turner I lull Sunday evening. C, by the rilippo Orioles (Tub. ' The programme was divided Into live acts, wllh a prologue. There was a totnl of forty scenes und the play went on until after midnight. Thirty-two actors took part. In the nudlcnco was tho Italian consul, Count Anthony L. Rozwadowskl Kcllg's Polyscope! Co. had nine moving pic- ture niiiehliics In operation throughout Ititi city election night, cntcrtnlnlng tho crowds which watched tlio newspaper screens for bulletins of tlio vote. From tho stage of nearly all our theatres election returns were rend, and wero received with an en- thusiasm which surpassed tho recent long of the various performances When his Hawthorne, Wnrren and Blanchord, Do Mol- lis and Valuta, Arnlm and Wagner, Flnl- kowskl. < * > oiircooN, Portland.--At the Marqiinm Grand (Cal- vin Helllff, manager).—Tho house was dark week of March 30, except evcnlug of April a, when the lifth concert tar the Portland Symphony Orchestra was given, under the leadership nf Edgar E. Courscn. Mm. Slier- mnn D. Drown, violinist, was tlio soloist. Paul Wesslngcr. baritone, wits alitu to linvo npiienred, but wbs prevented by a severe cold. It was well attended. Af. O. Field's Minstrels comes 0, 7, Itoso Cogblon 10. 11, In "The Second Mrs. Tnnqucrny;" Klliu Ellsler ]a-in, In "When Knighthood Wax In Flower," and C. B. Hnnford 17, 18, In nqiertory. Cordray'S Theatre (Cordrny A Rumen, mnnagcrs).—"Keaplng the Hnrvest" hnd two big houses April 6. "Tho Fatal Wedding" did big business wcok of March 20. Hue- low's Minstrels comes April 11!, John Grlliltli 15, In "Macbeth," and "Olo OlOBon" 111, A three months' season of continuous vninle- ville begins May .1, tinder the management of Edward Shields. Baker's Theatre- (George L. Dnker, mnn- nger).—Tho Baker Thrntro Stock Co. begun lis thirty-second nnd Inst week 5, wltll "A Night Off." "Miss flobbs" drew big busi- ness week nf March ill), the banner evening Itelng April 8, when the entire lower floor of (he house was taken by Lodge 142, It. P, O. E. Hurry Corson Clarke will present ."Ills Absent Boy" week of 12, and "WJint Happened to Jonos" week of 10. Tho ltniph Stunrt Co. comes 'M. FnHDERicKHnuuo Music Halt, (John Cos- sidy, manager).—Ella Howard, Irma West, Liiclnnii, John Davis, Amelita, Arthur Stew- art, Glole Filer. Battle Ward, Flora Du Bots, Beatrice Lome, Lilly Ilolssctl, the Great Carroll, Will Davis, Jninic Hlanley, Clniro Stanley. Stella Adams, Glioma Shanes, Iroin West, the Coynes, Gnrtnido Stevens, Margaret Foster, tho Only Vivian, Kid Hutch nnd Jack Cnssldy, boxers, Fhix'h Nmv Thkatiik (A. Dollman, mann- ger).—Honney ond Forrester, Kva Mntenlf, Mae Stanley, Lillian Howe, Alf. I*, .'nines, (be Edgertons, Marshall and L'rwln, Erb und Fob. Ada Hweoncy, Jennie (Jnlshanl. . Kiiickkon'h Music Ham, (II. D. flrlfliii, mnnnger).—Nollle Hlllyor, Jcssilo Hlsson, Ladles' Ideal orchestra, Mno l-].' Gllddeii, dlmctor. Bi,Ar.ii]R'a Conckbt Ham. (Ell B. Davis, niiinaRer).^-Annlo (ioldle, Etta Hlnipsini, May Trcscott, Ilea Hotilhwlck, Ida Clnjtiui, ILLINOIS. l'corlii—At tho Grund (Chninborlln, llnrrliigton & Co., mnnngors).—"All Or- phan's Prayer" drow waif April t>, N. C. Goodwin nnd Muslim Elliott, 8, In "Tho Alt in- of Friendship," found the houso sold out nt iiilvuiiiTil prices, nnd gavo ex- cellent satlsfiictlon. Brothers Byrne, In "Eight Bulls," hnd a good houso 11. Indica- tions ui'o for well nllod houses for James O'Neill 10, and Francis Wilson 11. Com- lug: Itlclnird Mnnslleld IS, "over Miucnrii Falls" 10, Wllllnni Owens 20, Lulu Umser 21, "Lost niver" 2.1. Main Htri;i:l- Thuatrb (Will Nash, mnnn- ger).—OuslnosB Is good. Week ot HI: llur- lis and Walker, Hiirso Shoo Trio, Wiildrun Brothers, Blloy Sisters, II, i). Fltzgornlil, M. Francois, Itosntl Family. Wbah*'8_ Thi:atiii3 • (P. A. WcoBt, pro- •Ten"Nlgbts Trt a Bar Iloom" Co." played tlio PJ ,ot , or ) r" rntrom JP 0 lB "ty™ 1 * Mtlsfa'ctoiy, recently, Al. W. Martin ".°, ok „_? f „:! 8 L._ M ' , - u - mi, .J•'■ n >U?> McDonalil Academy of Music, purchased from Resident Mnnnger Wm. noetic a herd of flvo beautiful Shctlanil iwnles for his under cnuvus jiroductlon of Uncle Tom's Cabin" this Siimmor otor).—fatronngo l« oxcollont The executive committee of tho Dopnrtrocnt of 13 t .strnlght _vaudovlllo. snil Frnyne, Fred and Amy Gottlob, \V. ond Lottie Iluhmo, Gllden Hlslers. Jacuiih' Tiiioatuh (A. IT, Jacobs, proprl- Wunk of Agriculture of tho State of Iowa, represent. lug tho Stido and County fairs to ua held tills Summer nnd Autumn, meets this week In tho ofOce ot F. M. Barnes, this city, to ar- range general details and buok amusement nit ructions Tho Schiller Brothers, ut tlio Ilnymarkcr. this week, aro playing their Drat Western engagement nml winning favor. Sedley Brown has retired as stiigp di- rector of the Player's Stock Co., nt tlio BuhIi Temple, and with his wife, Carrie Clnrk AVurde, hns Joined tho Woodward Stock Co., In Kansas City, for tho Summer "When Johnny Comes Marching Homo" follows Andrew Mack at McVlckrr's Mny 10. for a limited run W. II. Tabor lias retired ns mnnnger for II. L. Croncy, of "A Bullied Life," and Cal Brnnnlng, who hns been the agent, has succeeded him Chi- cago Lodge. 11. V, 0. Elks, at their rcguliir meeting Inst Thursday ovenlng presented linrrv J. Armstrong with n honntmil gold watch, appropriately ongraved. with a gold nugget vlli's head fob, as a mark of tlielr iipiircclntliin of ills successful conduct of tlio Elks' Charity Fund benefit, at tho Grand Opera House, recently Al. Flliwn nnd wife, Lee Errol, are at their home In Elm- hurst, a suburb of Chicago, for a few wei'ki, having almost finished their vaudeville en- gagements for tho season. Their son, II al (iodfrey.iwlll soon tako a lay off from vaude- ville, and will spend the Rummer with thorn. Emily Lytton and Wm. Ocrnld passed through town Suturday, en route from New York to Kansas City, where they open on the Orpheum circuit 13), In Edmund Day's sketch, "Ho, She and It." This In their Unit trip West as a vaudeville team '...Ada Iliittner, prin- cipal boy of the Itoynl Burlesquers, hns gone to her home In Boston, to undergo a serious surgical operation, which will prub nhlv keep nor In the hospital for weeks Ashley Miller, of the Stock Co., has accepted an offer <i In the Herald Square Theatre, production of "My Lady I'cggy Goes to Town." He will, accordingly, noon close his engagement at tho Bush Temple Brooke h chlc-aito Marine Band Is announced to open at the Notts. —Manngcr Jacobs will put on au week of 20, being the first thing In tbu lino, ot permanent extravaganza Ilia city has ever had. Mr. Jacob* was In Chicago I), mnkliig arrangements Indi- cations nro that tlio preliminary oponlnx of Prospect Heights Park, by tho Mnin Hireot. Theatre iniiungumont, on Enstcr will be a big thing. I s Qulnoy—At tho Empire Theatre (W. I.. Passmen.', mnnnger).—Vugol's Mlastrnls did a good business April 1, "Tlielmn" hnd a small houso i). Coming: "Moloney's Wed- ding Dny" 11, Murray Comedy Co. J3-1W. «i » ALABAMA. Mobile—At tho Mobllo Theatre (J. Tun- ncniiiiiim, mnnnger).—"Sweet Clover" ciimo April 1, to good business, niutlnuo und night. Tlio boose was dark 2, :i nnd l. "The l'rls- onor of Zemin" eiiinu <l, 7, two nights and iiuitliiee, to guod business. This houso will close a most Bueccssful season 20, with .Joseph Jefferson, In "Tlio Cricket on tlio Hearth" nnd "Lend Mo Five HullllngH." Mahciito: TllHATIIU (Ducouruau Ilrus,, inniiugei'H). —A special Easier bill hns been prepared for week of lit hy tboso holding over, to finish tlielr four weeks' ongaguuivnt. Notch. —Monroe Park will bo opened for tho Hiimmur season HI. Tho Mouruo Pink Then!re, under tho mnnagouiont of Mlko Meiierinott, la scheduled to open 21, with n repertory company, to be followed later In the season by an opera company for a twelve or flttcim weeks' oogagoinont. ■iiii nsih Prisoner of Zonila," Mr. Isjlghton i ,r LbCami fi,l¥l ° •»«'»» featured, cumo, to fair i lMnXsV.' A J' r " ' J - Eleanor Ilobson, In tho I „r ii mtt °* 'Audrw, despite very Inclement iiiisMnn »p , ' r ow' a fair HOM on ii return onj Marine muni in uiiouuiivc-u to u|i«u ni win- ,,, Coliseum May 27, for the Summer A "', Ossln GnbrllDWltseb will concertlxo at the Stitaehnker Ennlcr Sunday afternoon Prince Mungo Joins the Hclla & Downs Rlinw, Wm. Venn goes to the Cnmiibell Bros.' Cir- cus, nnd Thos. Taylor will he with the Foro- pnugh-Sells Bros. Circus, nil leaving mr tlielr destinations from tlio London Dime Museum this week Geo. Schiller succeeds (leo; Bcane as Montague Fish, In "Peggy from Paris," at the Studcbakcr, lit, Mr. Homo's position at tho La Salle will ho that of state director, nnd not ganernl mnnnger of tlio theatre, as the types made me say last week. KENTUCKY. ManlBfomery.—At tho'Montgomery The- atre (lllrschcr Bros., mnnnffurs).—"Tim Prisoner of /.cniln," Mr. Lelgliton and Miss fair returns, title rolu wea tiler, . engagement. H. Coming: Gov. "Bob" Taylor IB, Hulllvim and Mack, In "Tho Irish Pawnbrokers." 15: Mr. nml Mrs, Beimelt Grllnii concert (local i 14, Prof. Welmior's Dancing Carnival (local i MCDONAMI'H TllBATUP, (O. F*. McDollBllI, manager).—This house has boon dark week of 0. NniK. —W. If. Plckoiis. rcprencnthiR Jnkn Wells, Is In tho city making preparations for construction of a Summer thunlro at I'lckelt Springs, which theatre will bu on tho Wells circuit this Summer, ' »«♦ MAIMS. Louisville. — At Mncnn ley's Theatre (Jno. T. Macaulcy, mnnnger).—Iticlinrd Mnnslleld will give one performance. April li'l, of "Julius Caumr," Tne advance sale predicts a standing room hoime. Al'iiircmttiM (Jnmes II.'Camp, mannger). —Henrietta Crosiunn comes In, presenting "The Sword of tho King." Avrnok Tiibaitib (Chas. A. Shaw, mnn- nger).—"A. Kttlucd Life" attracted crowded houses week of !>. The comnany was of uncommon strength and proved satisfactory In evory particular. For week of 12, "Tlio Bpnn of Life." Bi/CKlMfiilAM Thhatrb fWhallen Ilres., mnnagers).—The Troendero Burlesque™ pre- sented a lively nnd up to date performance week of n, that nttrneted big houses at pvery performance. For week of 12, tbo Thoroughbreds Co. . . TEMi-bB Thbamb (.1. D. ITopVlnB, tr»«n-. niter).—Largo audiences were attracted to this houso week of r> by the prttienttclon of nn unusually good programme. For week of 12: Billy Clifford. Seven Eddys, Hall and Btaiey, Herbert anil Willing-, Nell Is Portland.—At tho JefTorson Thcntrn (Culm k Grnnt, malingers).—"Pock's Bad Boy" came, lo u largo house, April tl. Creii- toro druw good business 1), 10. Due: Mrs. Langiry, presenting "Mndotnolscllo Macs." 11 ; John Drew El, tlio Aubrey Stock On, M-18, "Tho Holy City" 20, Earn Kundiill 8«, "The (llrl ivith tho Orenn Eyes" 24. Portland Family Tuhatiih (Jnmes E. Moore, manager).—Business Is good nml at- tractions pleasing. Eor week of Kl: The Kadettes, Gnugln nnd Davis, Armstrong nnd Holly. Iloilgklus and Lenin, Wolf/.II, Elllti b'uy, bhigraph, ♦ »♦ - V'liNT VIlMilMA, WheellitR,—At tho Court Theatre (K. B. I''rnnzlielin, manager).—titnjciiln llliilr, April 1, 2, In "7mz>\" and "Cnmlllo," hud fair business, followed by "The Ilwirt ut Maryland," 4, which had good IiuhIiimih, Coming; "Duller .Southern Skies" 10. "King Dodo" IB, Adelaide Thurston ID. Granii Opkiia IIoiisk (Chan. A. li'clnler. mnimgnr).—"Wlien the Boll Tolls." 2-4. Intel good business, .followed by "For Her Bake," «-8, to good returns. ComlBK! "Pickings from Tuck" fill, Itlchnrds and Prlngle's Minstrels 13-15.