The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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186 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER "APBIL 18. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER l " ♦ « > „ THE FIUNK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Llmllad,) ... .. PEormr.TOUH. .... . ALBEUT J. BOKIE, EniTORIAL AN P BUSINESS MiNAnitn. SATURDAY. APRIL 18. IB03. f- ■ . ■ ... . . . . • ' ■ — RATES. Advertisements—$2*0 por Inch, tingle col- umn. Advertisements act with border, 10 per cent, extra. sunscniPTioiv. , One year In advance,'$4; six months, $2; three months, $1. Foreign postage extra. Hlnglo copies will be Bent, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 conti. :■' Our Terms are Cash. THE CLIPPER Is issued every Wednesday morning. The last (oar (advertising) page* GO TO PRESS on Saturday .nt 11 A, M., and the other pages on MONDAY and TUESDAY Tbe Vantti Closing Promptly, Tnei- d»y, nt 10 o'clock A.M. Please,remit by express, money order, check, F. 0. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed with letter Is at the risk of sender. A.nirpKx All Communications to THE NUW YOllK CLlrPEll, 47 West 28th Stroet, New York. RcQUtcrcd Cable AtiirVH*. "AUSHOniTT." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of TlM Cl.iri'in' fs located *t 'ftootn.002, Ashland Block; Chicago, Walter K. Hill, malinger and correspondent, where adver- tisements and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48'Cxa'nbourn St.,. London, W. C, J. I*. Coughlau, manager and correspond- ent, whom advertisements and subscriptions uro received at our.regular rates THIS 'OUffU CAN BE O0TA1NBD, WltOLf- ralb and retail, at our agents, Brcntano's news depot, 87 Avenue de l'Opcra, Paris, Franco; M. Llllenthnl, Krlodrich Strnsse. 101 (Tcrmlnim Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Oer- mnny; Diamond News Co., 07 Prado, Ha- vana ; Manila Hook' and Stationery Co., 128 Escoltn, Manila, 1*. 1.; Albert ft Son, 137* 130. King St.,. Sydney, Australia. THU NEW \ (HI K ( ill'Pioil punl l.l..-. only out- edition, and that la dated from New Yorlc. ; QUERI ES ANSW ERED. Ho Replies i«r .null or Telegraph. AODRRHSBM OB Wtir.HliAllOUTB NOT OIVBN. Al.b IN QUEST OV BUCH SHOULD WMTB TO tiiohh wuoit tuv.x hkek, in cajui or THlfl CUPl'BB POST OertCR. ALl. LUTTBIIS WILL 1IR ADVflllTlbi.'l) ONH WEEK ONLY. Il* TllH Iloii'i'ii OIP OK,' MttaTjtMMA COVIPAWiS IS suuoiiSr MirBti to oun LIST or Koutis IIN-ANOTIIMII 1'AOR. Wl) CANNOT BIND SOUTHS UK MAIL oil tnm OBAVU. . . . DItAMATIO. X. 'A., Allentowii.—We havo no knowledge nl ill.- present whereabouts of lite puny. .\(I(Ii('hh a letter In our. earn mid we will uilvortlno It In Tin: i'i.iiti;u letter list. ' si. II. «.. Tayettovlllc, V. T.,. Butte, Mihm J„ M. P.. New York, Minh A. 8.. Wllkesbarru, .1. A. K, .Boatrice, . I,. It. T., Lansing, I). N„ Elmirn, Important. Nynck, Headku. Chicago, and X. II. 11., New-Haven, sec nunwer to X. Z., Illl.ivc. . . Mimit, Rocltestur,—The seating capacity Is about il.COU with a. circus. It. C. V., New York.—William Cronlu was the luuliier of Will. J. ScilUlnil. C. Vt.t PJilludulphlu.—Wo nevor nuswor queries concerning tbo prl'vato affairs of auy ■•Mir*—>■ I '-,,■•;-• \ • rfJT '' <;. & II,, Lawrence.—Address Sonne, 1441 Hruadwuy, Now.York City.. A. P.. P.. Han. Krlmclsco.—Address Hubert tii'mi, Wlllilalir Arcade, Now York City. V. W,,.' Rochester.—Address Slcgumn & Well, 110'Urand Stroet, New York City. ('. M.. Clinton.—Address F. Mnrdo, lu caro of 'CUM Nbw'Yoiik Ci.U'I'kii, U„ P. S.,' Illgglusvllli'.—Address llio man- ager Of tho .company In euro of Tiim'- i'i;n, mill wo will sdvi'i-ilhu thu letter In our letter lint. .'•••. H. VS.. New lied ford—Address I'rof, T. si irk, Stlrk's Hull. l-:«ht. lioslou, Muum. «. A. R, Dlr'uJqghain.—"A Milk White Fhiir" wan .originally produced Dec. :.';!, isiitl, nt Wllkeblniri-o, Ha, ' 11 jr. L,, Soutli Allentown.—Address .linii.-M .1. Armstrong, JO Union Square, Now York City.. Knwu'jh op I'ytiiiam. Mlllcilgevlllp.—Ad- dress Samuel Kivnrh. Uil West Twenty- Kceotid Strtiel. New York tllty. O, Cn Indlniinpolls.—Mora (Mrs. Fred WllllnniB) was killed July -I. isn.s, at llnmp- t.m Ilench, N. H., by n cyclone that Hwnpt that plni-c. So-far ns we know sbo was In no way.- related to lieleno Morn, 0, V. A., New 'York.—1. Ho la so cou- s!il.«ri'd. ' 2. Ills son, .1. il. \V„ New Orleans.—Advertise In Tim'i'liit, V. B. Mc«'.,' New'York.—Jiiinea .1. Arm- strong, 10 Union Square, New York City. ,1. A. It,, Aluxdiidrlii.—We hnvo no reason 1<> bellovo Unit lie uses any other thitn his right name. 11, M. A., : WIlllniuBport.—We can not nlil you, W, A. 1'., Danville.—Address inaunsers of allows us per routes In tills Issue. Wn havo lie knowleiliju of their ndvniico routes. 1. V. fc.E.,1'., I'lllshurg.—Wo cau not nlil you. 1.. It., SliumoKlii.—Ills company was billed lor Hint date ut tlmt jiiace, and In nil pro- Imlillliv the dute wnn tilled. M, M^. II., South Orange.—See Vnudcvlllo Kuiite Lint In I Ills Issue. r* 1'., Liberty.—Walch our routo list each week'. . . Mikh 1', 8.. London.—See answer to L. 1>, II. S., Rrnoktyii.—The Orphcuui luia thu grenter seating uiipuclty. Q, J, 'P., Itostvii.—AddresB ninnngor In cni-»> of Tun C'l.iri'iiu. K It. M.i Muiicy.—Walt-li our route list each week. M. I)., ltnymond.—Sec answer to K. 1,. ML "CouiiBirr. rrl>. The parly, has beon dead mnny Venrs. '.'. Yea, ;:. No. "A. II. C."—At tho Brondwav Tbaatre. U. O.. Unlonvllla.—.1. Standard 'Jlicatre (now the jMgnhnlifltO. 2. Union Sqnnre T— *~ ~*~~- ~^ • ' J •' . A. u i„,.i n ' n Id Peters and I.eonard Salem Wlliewa-wlll open Jnne IB, with Man- L^'The Girl.with tbe and Stoek.Jntr.m »^&«U^ the KV&BUJS^V'Jg of Its members,. which- will; be hold In the Lynn Theatre May ••I4:-'--There will he I vaudeville -.entertainment, followed with i banquet Morrltt .and Uozelln. of this city, closed a, successful engagement In Salem 11. " '■ .- - the worth of such an set. Make appllca- Frohmah, msnogers).—"Tiie uirii wnn idb .™ $?,]."• "-"~.E. D.'8nader, enceof t tlon to a local manager to give a trial per- Green Eyes" eaters upon.itatbird.aad 1 SSiJl!!."^™,;™ Pn. in now a member of formaiicc.' D1I/LIARD8 AND POOL. R..D. Co., Aberdeen.—-In case tnet, tho striker 1 shall.'have the sc^TSiS staving I Id to orln^ontictwrtiraaother.ball. ine , mll oC ^^^^i,?^?*™?™'" *nr»tSa%^»^^f£kW^^£m bnls ».m«f be spotted, be. "B," loses the bet. w « a :^„ omkV IIocsb fOeo. W. Mngee, shows at the museum. ^1-Ie slimed^ several (>.. H. 8- Ciucago.Vnio shot, as .,,"5*??) 1%^ Melville, n'"sls 1 opklns;' brand now feature, direct from gN»a ... scribe IMs a per«e<t|y legitimate snfety play. "^rrent «Srd Is s ire to All this lionie (ienersl Stage Director Hj tint, ,;« Jj; V., 3. P.,'chlcago.-After tbo opening {gf,™^™ Th's l« the^fourth season of ihc Howdoln Square, Il soon to celebrate with BtroHo each player must either pocket.a ball. Xv which seemB to bo as long lived ns lost Mrs. Hunt their silve r wedding. innkc an object ball strlkoa cushion, or-tbo i»eek's offerlne "Human llenrts.'f A capa- "•' ' ' euo ball strike a cushion, after contact with i,| G company siinports Miss Melville. "Ilu- Lowell.—At the Ijowell• Opera llouse an, object. uaJJ. The above applies to your mn „ i Ie ' nr |J-' orew good . slMd house*. - last (i^ny Bros. & Hosford.'raaiWgerB).—Two at- query as to what constitutes a safety play. week company and scenery were up to the tractions offered the past week were given cards. usual standard. "McKadden's Bow of Flatst" to excellent bnslneBs. Creatore and his 0 II Little Fnlls.~-Wrlto again, and bo comes next week. -; ■ ■ ■- Italian band, April 7, bad a capacity nonse, morn explicit. You do not state' whether Music lUi.r, (Stair ft.Wllbnr. ■»» ? nd his work won him ■t^MpttnM^ Mme. the dealer hod discarded, —(leorge Sidney mnkes Ids locnl debut ns a Barlll, soprano,. made a vepr faTowblei un ; J. II. 1... ltoehestor.—If the game played star In "llusy .tar," a musical comedy presslon. (leprgc Sidney; In ■> wns jackpot pokeri as appear from your which Is tl.e "real thing," Judging from the did very good tus'ners .10 11 nnd matinee, stntetnent, the. seventh man had a right to notices It has received in other cities. After George Sidney, Fred \Yycott and Annie Mar- open the not If lie desired. ■ i the many weeks of melodrama, some good tell were the most prominent. Due. lhe H. N., l'atorson.—Tbe carda. after being jnd sorao aot, which the management .of this n„|y City,", with Iva SJ/V^iAS™ shtilllcd, ranat alwnya .bo cut by the player bouse has given us, the current attraction ? f Keys" lo, Eire Kendall, n The Ylnegar next on the rlaht of the dealer. - - s as'welcome-as the'.Spring after a severe lluyer," III; Y. M. C. A. Choral (local), in "L J i.\V, Hobnersvllle.-ln crlbbage four Winter. "In Convict^ Stripes" did a light "Tim Chimes otVonumta £ 17:.Ward and Beveim nnd an . see count 24. Tho types business last week. The attraction was up Vokea, In ''The Head Walters, 18 ana mat- catiBcd tho error. >-••>■/ « to the average of Its kind, but the name Is mee. • • „ _ II. T.. Bluffton.—Ilo docs not, being only rather detrimental to Its success, and shottld Academy of Music (Chas. «■ • K"5?S*J' required to place the discord where It can be changetL. "Brother Against Brother'' manager).—TMs house, eh»ed Holy Vert, be readily, referred to In cose of subsequent would tie a more llttlng title. Next week, will open with the New York Blurs 1,1-1... dispute.- ••; ■••••« . . "On the Snwanee Illver." "Mickey Finn" 16-18. , ■ P. L., Lakewood.—Not lielng nccualomcd Cahtlh Squam) Thkatrb (J. II, Emery. Boston Theathh (J. II. Tebbetts, nnnn- to liamlllng goods of tbst description, we are ninaiigcr).—A commendable performance of ger).—Busluesa the past week has been very not ununited to decide tho question, "TheMerchant of Venice" found favor with satisfactory, and the bill offered was vp to S. C, Wabiufh,—II II retained hla cards the patrons Inst week. John Craig, ns Shy- the usual high standard. Current: loungs hC'ls entitled to tho pot. If he threw down lock, and-Lillian Lawrence, as Portia, were and Brooks, Joe La Cross,'Chas.-and Carre his cards the hand should, under tbo clr- especially, successful. "A Celebrated Case," Mack, tho Houston'Sisters, and John aiaek. cumstnncos, Iks played over, the money re- which has'not had a production at this The Boston bioscope-Is also back, for a run. malnlng In the pool. . ,",'. "' houaoalnce 180T,- la revived this week. All I'eqplb'b Thbatbh' <Bllly Nelson, Qjann- II. W., Wolverluo.—Send to Dick & FltJt- tbe principal members of the house stock ger).—The past week bis been very pros- gomld, 18 Ann Street, New York City, for a are-In the cast; "Otballo" Is being re- nerous to tbo management, with a;very good .■a tnlugUe. hearsed. bill. Current: Lottie Allen's Burlesque Co ItlNG. Bowdoin StjuArx TritiATitii (G. E.Lothrop, llylnnd and Grant, the 1 Great Jackson, Mabel 0. M. P., Hannibal—John L. Snlllvaa and manager).—For this, the second week of N. Murray^ Kelley and Monroe, Bessie Powell, .lake Kllraln fought sevcnty.flvc rounds when H. Wood's so|onrn, he Is seen In the "title Gertie Spencer, and ,,ott J e „ 5**«J_. "' "■■, ihey met at lllchburg,. MIbs., July 8, 1880. role of "The Boy Scout." Mr. Wood Js Mention.— Lakevlew Park Phestr* will B wins tbe bet. supported hv the stock connected with this be In ibc J. J. l'lynn-circuit during the W. A. it., Brockvlllc.—ne was Corbett'a bouse. "The Waifs of New York" drew Bummer season..;.....Irancls Berg, with sparring partner for a time, but we do not largo audiences last week. Mr.- Wood, ta "Busy tag* Co.. was visiting relatives and know whether be knocked Corbett down Iho leading role, was warmly applauded for fronds during the eogageincnt ^^" e » e 'V'„',A during that period or not. Ida many kind acts, nnd-at once found favor Oold^ Button^Blll s Museum_of t _Anatomy MISt ELL IINK.OI S. W. W. W., Ylnton.—Write to tbe American News Comnnny. New York City. J. T., New York.—Feb. 27, 180(1, fell on Thursday. , .... *""' ' MASSACHUSETTS. with the voting folks. Herbert CThesley's dosed two very good business weeks 11 l.liolo Is the • week's Bouvenlr. Week of W. Kendall Hallowell, the well known Uowell April £o, "Resurrection." pianist, Is - located permanently wltli the Kkitii's TiMATnn (B. F. Keith, mnnn- Harry Von T-llaer Music • Publishing Co.. ger).—Holy Week did not seem to have the New York City A sacred concert-In slightest effect on the attendance at this Huntington Hall In announced for lf>, for showhouse llist week, rapacity ruling at both Ihe benefit of the O'Lcnry Children's Home, afternoon and evening performances. The Frederick Martin, basso; Carolyn White, Mil, which was Headed by Sandow, was n pianist, and George Jones, 'cellist, will be Boston EADter week brings numerous capital one. New faces this week are: Ihe stars....... .The ushers_of the Opera Jestlc;.Ilnse Melville. In "Sis Hopkins," nt « l "« £"•• HTOSB and . De ' ule ' , Mon - Sf. 01 '- the Grand Opera; "A Celebrated Case" at Murphy and Sinter, mid Mib. Wynne-Wins- the Custle Square, and "The. Boy Scout." nt HMft Rnndow holds over. •< the Howdoln Square, nro newcomers, but old HowARit-ATitHSAKiJMJWm. McAvoy, man- favorites Holy Week, tho most dreaded "ger).— Plus weeks announcements seem to moved, and with a strong array of attrne- wcqk of nil In the theatrical calendar, did he all strong acts, and the patrons nro In for tlons, the managers will undoubtedly re- not differ much lu the matter of nttendnnco .« weok of fun. Chaiinton. who could run for trleve ihelr previous week's losses during a whole season at this house, Is again tbe Knster Week. New Bedford.—Holy Week proved a very dull one to the locnl managers. How- ever, now that tho Lenten ban bos beon rc- iii'iui luivo.ilnally selected the Bite iiikju which """'"k" nud ,. 1 i u, ;? l "'ii» B f ln W m S l . rt i l, * , i S lli.y desire to havo built their new llientre i ■, _$>«■«* ' A ,' r " h i..." .V'„ m ? „. ?,. a _. B • , new trained animals'14-18. SlIBEHY'S TlIHATRn (ThOO. B. Baylies, aii Institution.knewn as the Chlldrori's Mis- *«igar. mxiey, «cw iorii wsni iwr, «'ior- with a henrty reception. The patronage .. sluiu u , w u "" luo *■«««»"'«» *r once Hughes, Itlce Ilrothers. Armstrong, rather below the average. Current week: lloaTON Tiihatiih (Ijiwrence McCnrty, S^\^ 4^ *'Ti! ^ .^^^% 0 ^ "Pn ,»"n>«i-n<«»m-Blrr, Morrison and Berwick JiKlson weVk, deaidle U.e";.umbcrof times I .has JWHJb!^!?^ 5 ^^ beon presented In this city. Sovcrul com- ■}?]. ,1 S, r ' ornmnM ' t0 " u(llen < ; «» *'W »l««- Inst week. ney nad Nonnni Wayman Garner, Charles U. Ward, Fanny Forget, May Madcap.and Pete Illinium, wreRtler. ■'!• '• - ■-••• ' A Notes.— Ex-coi-pornl William I*. Kenlbbs, of Company H, Seventh United States In- fantry, delivered a- lecture on the HiMnleh War, with stereoptlcon views, st Slieedv's Theatre Sunday evening, April 12. As the iiroeeeda went to the local company of nieiulable new fenturas have been Introduced, and with the now faces Iho show Is from „ Austin k Srosn's Murhum (Stone k Spanish War Veterans, the affair proved utiirb to rtnujll a delightful entertainment.. Shaw, managers).—Sadie Knnwlton. In her most successful..... .The New Bedford The- iiu.'itiin ,ili'Ki;ni (Field. Itich, llnrrU A daring rldn on (he small 'cycle track, Ism- ati«e orchostrn will furnish the music at CIub. Frohiuau, managers).rnAftcr u, few talncd ns the curio hall feature. Hcrmanettl Lincoln Park'the coming Hummer season. ,i. weeks' nbscutio "A Country Girl'' Is back Bros.. Cupontl, Burton- and Kimball, tbe Barnum & Baileys Big Show comes June 2B. iignln. On.. Its tlrst visit this charming lllnnchards, Ward SlBtein, Wbyte and Becket, ..... ..lack Eaton, .who had olinrgo of the mail ml comedy had a record breaking stay, Bitter and' Leuvltt, Wilbur nnd.: Leonard, ticket offlco at Flowers' Theatre, has r«- llsnoroltr, brightness of .plot, tuneful music Henry nnd Francis, Mny Bryant, the Mat- mid, excellence of. comnnuy being tbo tnlk souls, Halion uiid Ingcrso.lli- Janson -and of Die town. William N'orrls .mid Minnie May, Marie Iinrand, Crouch and jb'enton. Ashley are. leaders, of tho cast, which'Is tho Barrett and August, French Sisters, and nntuc as sivn hero before. The . Iiuslnenc Murklc, McCain and Mack comprise current •lone bv Ezra Kendall, In Ills two weeks.of weok's list. Thin bouse had the handsomest with the Rockwell -Dramatic Co. "Tho Vinegar Buyer." wus n great surprise lohby In lown on Faster Sunday. It. was a s to nil. The nttendancc woulil■ haw been very orlglnnl nud artistic display, nnd tbe Lynn At the Lynn Theatre (Frank G remarkable at the very best theatrical .sea- Idea of Miuuigur A. B. White, who can ex.!- Harrison, manager).-*-Th6 Hnrcourt Coni»dv koh, As staled Inst week, the piny was one tute as well as originate. Co. came April (I, and did on excellent busf- slgned nnd returned to Boston, w lie re lie will resume bis regular Hummer vocation os nn aeronaut Tbe Little atritrd Sisters are meeting with big success on the Sheely cir- cuit. They are- engaged for next season big laugh from rise lo fall of curtain, and Nickkmuiron (L. B. Walker, manager).— ncss. The-Morrison Comedy Co. Is tbe cur- the- builder luls cleverly constructed a great 3JW Soubrettes Convention, Amnlln nnd rent attraction. Miss Morrison Is n Lvnn nuiaey makor. Mr. Kendall scored with his Mnnolo, iilliletes; Klg. Hlppollte, acrobatic lady. Booked: Corse Pnyton Comedv Co witty monologue between the acts. novelty; Edward .Stewart...wire performer, 20-'.'5, with Wnrd and Vokes olivine •'! ' lloi.i.iR Si'i:i:i;t Tiikatrk (Isaac B. Blch, nnd l'rof. Wilson and IiIb dog Jack are new Gkm Tiikatiih (C. W. Bhcafe muiioceri ninunger).— For the second week of Ills en- fentures In the curio hull. In the theatre —Business week ot.flwns good. Tlio pres- Ir, Soil M.ukstic Thkatrb (Slalr & Wilbur, man ngcrs).—Kellnr, the mtiglvlan week's eugagement st this ' current week. Mr. Kellur ...■■..nil:.- mown nros, nnu i.iiuan wrignt, Jluah V Manager nnd Bessie Lee. ltletdn, llattie Fielding* A. M. Slieehnn, L of the : house.... ..SIsro Nellie ltlcci, Louise Chesley, and tho Blshorj I « ill i it UtrArtie 'fl^.i ....... •■- , , iiwoiu.n (Sam J. Howard, inann- lils liousc will closo nt tbe end of ilclan. opens n .Manager II. A. Crliuis, of "The Beauty and Stock Co. hotue Monday of the Beast" Ci., will spend Ids Summer In WOSDRI hits n large local Ijondon..... .Kihvard ,R. Bice Is to supply get*).—ThU following, who delight in tbe mysterious, the score for a new miiMlcnl comedy. Iho this week ior (he season, ns the annaratun tho uncanny and weird feats performed liy I'ook of which Is to be writ ion by Edward H and picture machines are to bo transferred this muster of legerdemain, and always turn Kidder M. W. Ilnnley Jr. Is In town, to a soashoro resort. out In good numbers when he makes his nhend of Unbert II. Mmilcll.. .^C. Illnuelie ..New MHritANic Tmeatiu: Salem Mass t'l I I I II in - 17 lll/,br... &.__._ v *■'>. * Theatre, .1. Ill Clilcngo. K. i). W'u Hastings.—1. Dick & Fitzgerald IN Ann Street.' New York City. 3. Iln Heed. ". Not without llio author's por mission. T, c. V., Newport.—Wc can not estimate ,«r,^. ,-vui-i »\. rivi,..-.. „ «i»-ui i.unmi-nn ,-viii .,, ,.,-.. t.i.u ,^«.,- ,,.,,.,■,.....<. inn. iiciu, ,11 in 11^11.111 OII011PU Ulier IjejlllT Ulirk TWO pL-,,..fcn lie done, km Ihe seats nro selling like hot •"Plio'LJttlo Duchess." at tbe Treruionti week The doors were opened i;t with llie fn i«iu- cukes. Due. week Is, much too short to nc- of May 4.. Majestic bill April VI: John- lug nttractlons:. Adams lind lirjina Hiirirn conmindiiti! all Hie Iheatrcgnors who would n.v nnd Kininn llhy, Verona .TurUenti, Oulg- Bros.; Lombard Bros.; F. Allan CnnJin T&t lnces.of fun. ley Brothers. Dan nnd Dolly .'Mann. Vera King. aUd Jack and Otldft fnnnoii • - (Bleb, Harris & Olios, Hlng, huox Brothers, Al. Coleman, tluxtablt . Notch.— Uunnan's Summct; tlicatre at •.....;..., »■"..•• • "■"■ "•' '.'■' " - '•"'" .-..■-.-;.. .... ™ |ik^ lii see these princes .of fun. F.UiK TllLA'MK SiiringOeid.—The combination of April weather .and'Holy"Week made- somewhat of nn 'impression Upon the attendance the last week* " '*• '■ -1 ' COOTIT SQrABB TlIJSATBJB (W. C. Ias Nolr manager)—-"The Holy City'' drew a small but, appreciative audience April fl, i rva Merlyn- made a pleasing Mary Auigdalen. Kellar, 7, carried a. good-size house Into the realms of mystery.. Mrs. Lnngtry gave "Mile. Mars" 8, to a'large audience. Be Wolf Hopper's return as a star, In "Mr. I'lcltwlck,'' was the signal for a large house to assemble. Booked: John Drew 15. "Han Toy," afternoon and evening, 18; "A Chlnene Honeymoon" 20, Mrs. Flske 21, Stuart itob- son % £l, -Mildred' Holland 23, "A Country Store" 24, by local'talent, for benefit of Hampden Homeopathic Hospital; Chauncey Ulcott 2B, with matinee, , ■ — New Oiumobb Theattie (Jennie 0. Smith, manager).—The only attraction of the past week waa "The .Fatal Wedding," which scored as blgnsuccess as upon its previous visit. Madeline Clark made a very favorable impression. .Due : "A Hoosler Daisy" 13-15, "When Women Love" 10-18. Gdand Opera House (Charles W. Fonda, manager).—The Parisian- Belles 6-8, and "Micky linn" i)-ll. Business for the week was light. ' ■ : ■• '-. ' Nelson Theatre (J. F. Burke, manager). —A.well balanced bill was offered by the management - last week. Among the chief entertainers were James B. Donovan and Lockhart'a elephants. "Flddlc-Dce-Dee" 13- IS • -:..- • " ' • ■ ■• Notch. —James B. Mullen, of the Nelson Theatre, Is fast becoming a prominent song writer .'.The annual banquet-of the Sprlnglleld Lodge of Elks Is to be held at the Highland Hotel April 14. "lint" King, .manager of the. Academy of Mus'c, Plttsfleld, has the sympathy of a large circle of the death of his wife -at Home, N. Y„ '8..... .l'hillpM. Jacques, represent- ing Mrs. Flake, was In the city the past week. Mr. Jacques says that Mrs. Vlske Is to give the first performance of a new play, "Dolle," .by John nmi Long, at the Trcmont Theatre, Boston, afternoon of 16, at a bene- fit, for the Animal 'Rescue League. It will be followed by Mrs. Flsko, In Ibsen's "llldda Gnbler," In which she Is to appear next sea- son......The Parisian Belles will shortly reorganize. .....Thomas W. Brondhurst wss obliged to play the part of Judas, In "llio Holy City," on Monday night; on account the Illness of Eugene Kay The musical festival Is to be held at the City Hall April 17/ 18;. the folowlng performers are to take pert: Ada Crossley, Bafael Juseffy, Anitu Itlo, Bhnnnah Camming, Isnbelle Bnntun, II. -it Andreas Dlppel, George Hamlin, Emlllo de.Gorgorza and Frederick Martin. They will be assisted by Stewart's Boston Festival Orchestra, under the leadership of MmllMoi- lenhauser, and a mixed chorus of two hun- dred and fifty voices.... . .11 "I. E. Daley, ad- vance .of "Mickey Finn," was la the city the first half of the past week I. N. Perry, of Chlcopee, the well known wheel- man, left for Philadelphia 0, where ho Is to practice on the 'cycle whirl, which was booked there. Mr. Perry, with Frank But- ler, of Cambridge, arc the team which are to go to Paris with the Culver 'cycle whirl about the first of May, while the other whirl will continue Its tour of this country with Frank Cndwell and Tom Butler, Bar- num & Bailey's Circus advertising car, num- ber four,, arrived In this city 11, and work was commenced at once In billing tho town for their appearance June 0......The Ca- sino Opera House, Plttsfleld, has closed, with the exception- of a street fair and national carnival, which former Manager Callahan Is planning for in Slay Manager Smith, of the Orange Street Hull road Co., has completed arrangements for twelvo weeks of vaudeville nt. Bruokslde Purl: tills Summer. Bryant's Orchestra baa been re-engaged for the dance pavilion, which makes Its ninth season nt the park.- State President Adrian L. Potter,-of the Eagles, Instituted . a new aerie at. Haverhill Sunday, 5, and experts to do.the same at Plttsfleld on Tuesday, 14, a charter list of nearly a hundred hnvlag been obtained. . Adams, Holyoke and Chleo- pco will, soon follow, suit, the charter list In all three places being well tilled. Tho Springfield aerla will put wings on sbout scvcnty-flvc 1C. The annual banquet will be held at tbo Highland Hotel Mar |l. and lie limited to three hundred.. ,. ..The Pltts- fleld Street Hallway'Co.- has completed ar- rangements for a piece of land with u grove near the outlet of Pontoosuc Lake, which they Intend to make ovor Into a. Hummer park, with a Summer theatre and u|her attractions.- ., » Full niver.—At tbo Academy of Music (Wo. J.. Wiley, manager).—Y. VL C. A.. athletic exhibition, April 0, was witnessed by. a good house., "A Jolly American Trump played, to fair returns, .10, 11.- Due: E»rn Kendall 13, Boston Symphony 14, Chauuccy Oleott IB, Elslo De IVotfe- IT, Itolert Ede- aon: 18. Creatoro 21, Rogers Brothers SB.' "Ban Toy" 24, "When Women Love" 20,."A Bunch of Keys' 1 20. Bijou Tiikatjui (Henry Myers, mana- ger).—This houso was dark during Holy Week, i Booked: "Tbo Fatal Wedding'' 1.1- 13, "On the Suwnnee Hlyer" 10-18, "Flddlc- 1 lee-Dee" 20-26, excepting 23, when Mrs. Flske comes In. . .i • Cauto Thhatrk (Al. Hayaes, manager).— Notwithstanding last week being Holy Week this house, did a-good business. Hooked •-< nud week:,.'Murphy and. Nichols, Antrim and Peters, Mitchell and Love, Naomi ICtlinr- do, Bennett and Young, Mr. and .Mrs. Fuller, Washlund nnd Tekla, and the Wprld's Trio. Bich'm Thbatbb (H. K.,n|ph, manager). —Owing to the fact that lTofy Week at this house Is lamentably, dull, the manage- ment.decided to keep tho house dark. Due: Kingston BurleRniiers 111-15...Vagabond Bur- loBquers 10-18, Watson' Oriental, llullosquers 20.22. ..... .',.,- . . 1 HiiEKiiv's TiiDATiin (D. B. BufBUton, manager).—Last week's business Wlis up to the usual standard. Hooked 111 and week: Beatrice Kennctte, Belmorc and Burns. King- dom, Hatch Brothers, John J. Barley, and Edison projectoncopc. i 1. ■ "'" ■ i »' Worcester—At tho Worcestor Theatre (Felix B. Weodelschaefer, manager).—Elsie I>c Wolfe, In "Cjnthla," makesTier annual nnpearanco April 18. John .Drew, In. "Tim Mummy nnd the Humming Bird," 14:Boliert Edeson will be seen twice 10; la "Soldiers of Fortune;'' Andrew Uobeon/lrt "BlchnVd Carvel." 1(1! Ward ft Vokea 17. Kellar drew gopd attendance 0. Mra. Ijahgtry.'waB greet- ed hv h small bnt Interested honse o: LoTirnoWs OreitA ilocsn (-Shea 4 Wilton, managers).—Week oT IS. "An- American Hostler." with George F. Hall.' "Ilciiirrec- tlon" was welt received iBBt week. WllHs Granger, In "Oypsy Jack," 20-25, .* Park Tiikatrk (Shea . ft> Wilton, 'mana- gers).—The best hill of tlic season will bo presented week of 18, -when tb« .following people will appear! Kekert «fnd' Iterg, in '•Uttle Pee :Weet;" St. Ooge Brothers. James B. Donovan, ftuvmiiiir anil ' Diiprce, Mile. Autonln. flonles and Hazard, Al*a Wil- son. Sisters 't'ohln. • t" .. /•: i •-''. -. ' . ('AsrNo TimtTRR (Tlavv a Irfslle. mnn- agersl.-^-Wae}; ftf'1,1: Banfbnl Bisters, An- nie Morse.' Hattle Holbrook, 'Smith sad While. Terres.n Ldnml,' Paula Mason, ond Juekson and Douglas. '-Builncss'lust week was cxcellenW •;■ ■•.■•:• .no—'. ••'■,• •;•'.-* - Jul ■ I'-