The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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ASpfetfte TJS&-WQSW T^iWRKI 1BLJJH?WEb 147- ^5W'.*£* be *° en8, " ed w"»U« tor llielr MMMMl. and are seen ':' lL'1 " In "Rlclnnv'n l.'lnluli*'• In "nilillt Inn 111 tll»«% »» > ■ (ill In ■A Dn< * ' A ,'^TOTrt.lrtmDv ) Mo«16..Jn.''Whca We «««?«>£0* .Tfie BUyer supper, n^^^^iW-^lsi lUWtad Holland, In taflffltt erfravafcamai brought to VYjWrWK'fflK'TKi l'Jlnce." 22: .^ha Four ni " H'wet Theatre for a run. ■•■*•■ Hi' *»„**%,-owStt lnT.-OldLllta- ««oad Snim-TnUTiiB -(.Mi o wli oe,' "till! lAluvt-"- |MM»j >Hiwrvur rojuTbs jjpflyW W In-Old W ''VutJlui ,'riti*TM v '(T.' F-. MuT«i'." man*- WrffaCftl ^ft^arilteiWi and frivolity preaoofMt\lnt1(6offerings nt the thentrfes thfs week,'for/.alhdf thcfpronitnent houses, save ofie^,are,oirerlng musical cntdrtalnnxent of the comic o|i*ra and 'rainuVnl comedy de» scrlntfon. Threo offerings entirely new to lom.tWlitregotrs nre Included, these being •™« JeVcr trf Aula,' 7 which Is the offering . .James r. rowers and compnpj at' too Broad;,, "To* Elttle Princess,, a novelty presented Itere 'tor' the' WW time, at ■ the Untrlck, Mid .'■The' Silver Slipper," the spec- the Cheat- jaageiS^'^r Wllmlnary .boss. Inter-. fSi-'TMien"!StatePresident-'of., the-, order, '•?■.•JKKX.i a* firvi-Hifrflolil , ntll jinonV A.x!^te r,>,f. Sprltjg.fleld,t will apeak., \ortli A/tami«i^rAt'i'tne.'Blchinon(l The- nir« Wn Pj< Susode, manager)ir—Tula house wis ** during ■ Holy 'Week, i Coming: Mile*Mttrphiav. In/'Saucy Jack. Barry,"'IS ; M^I«toyn«l*>Shle y rraiked";15,'tWhen \\? Were Twenty-otfc". 17,-'"A dot Old Tlmi" '18. [oly Week la thra city.... ...Olios. Reynolds linn composed a new platen, which he has Rifled "Wns RIOb>cAd." Mr. R«ytioiaB. li rKftlcsTdlN^or of the Ttlchmond ■Tbe- ii« .;..,'. A B. Leonard, Of thfet city, wag •warded the cofltfnCt for the'construction oTtos -cellar- of >tb*;-ttet? <:<flontal ,Theatre, ini llltsBeld.' Work' will .be,, commenced .13. i j [,:'.l v ' i »' •'•' —r— Tnuaton.— At- the -Taunton Theatre (RalptoAnthony, manager).^—The house was .lark w»ek of April ti. Ezra Kendall comes 14 .VTl/e'SbflW.Olrl'' -lc: Cneiincy Olcott 16, ana "The Fatal Wedding" 17., .- ._ MOTfiA-Theannual^BHstol County Fair will ho- heUTthis year Sept.'22-2G. John u. (iuthrle, n«'ln Kcasons 'pawl,'will book the ilage tyira cMchs. , ' Lavrre n * e ir'-At the" Opera'.House (Grant ft Cum ninnn,ge'W.^ThQ. Katheclnc Itober Co,, trtek 6C Anrll C, dnew only..fair hual-. lieis on account M,Its oelng HiSly. Week. Hooked. Sarnu_roi\'ell' p r*.Moyno.I3, Crea- „ie H, "'Mie-lBoly::fclcy".17,' "Animch of Keys" 'io,""Shpta! ACW" 21; Ward & Yokes 24. I»A KeiulaU 25.. . .: Casto iitATiil! (At. Haypcs, manager). —'I'lils ttientie will uciiln reopen. aXler, be- In* closed' dilVIrig 3.rtit/ 'flie hill week Of m JW". R. WalW, llnlfey nffdVM«rllan; Tally Ho Duoi'Kmelle Berther,' Kirt *hfl Wilson, A lired' Holt, Fred Wymond,' a Mexican 'bull light;;-... ■ I ■' "•;•■■ ' .':• ■■■ r .Casino Thcatub (W. ,Ii. Gallagher, man- ng*r).—Husttiess vcry'-goott. ' Ifor week, of 1«! Kcll*: nfid Kecleyi Kdrbea fltd t'orbes, Mitlle A'ndMWB,.; Qtara T" ' Miirmyi, ' »;: , .,'i., . 1 • ■■ ... : ♦ ,, » .» In "Bklnny'i Klnlidi/' to these the cuneat bill Includes: Kddle UlrnrJ nnd Je«>le fla/flneV,' In "The Soiibrctto'nofl the Con;'" CrUWn musical dqas,' t^otta' Olad- Htoile, I'lirtiilm Drothcts. Ade)« l^rvla On»l, 'Vk-fbr Moofe and •Pearl Hlght, Smith and Fuller, John Ilealy, Tnaner and Gilbert, I'aul stephyis. Jinlfs-hml Mittoh, Mliry Madden, Ader Trio, add .the -vttaRraph. BuiniNTn Strebt Oit.ka HOnHB (Frank Duainnt. manager).—rJlnnr of- the foaturpe which haA-elKcii wlnnlhg. faVor'nt thta honyo are continue*! "ns nnrts of'the current hill, and la-aaMLtltHt the new' bnrlesijui, "The Desertion Court," Is added'to further enliven tli»V"blll.. The' entertainment la a gdodoite, ana It Is nee to be wondered nt that the pa- tronnffe keeiis at .the top notch. Lyceum TjidatiiR (John G. Jcrmon, man- ager).—Weison's American llurlusimers hold the boards at this house this week, tile olio hel«g' headed hy Jcanettc Pupre. ' For tho comlnfc' *-«fk Topsy Turvy la onndOnced, The world Heaters were prevted by nudlcucca of itplen'tlld alzo lest week.'- 'CuoovDeno (Flovd l.numnn, manager).— Fulgiirh's Stars furnlsli the entertainment nt thlw house tlals week, •prcaentlhjr an olio that contains many favorites, There was liberal imtrbntige for the-Spider and. the Fly Bur- Iesoliers last week. • . ' Huss's Stab 'l'linAToa (Fred Wnldmann, mnnnrer).—The pmrons arc entertained this week by the Imperial Jiurle^quers, presenting a varied bill ot burloscjuo and vtUdovllle. Last wook's offering was Rose Sydell's Lon- don Hetlea, -end that It was a satisfactory one whs attcnted - by the liberality of - the patronage. Xext week, Irwin lirotliers' Dig Show. ' • ■ i • ..i. - Nistu Afro Ancn Musunxt (C. A. Braden- hurg, manager).—Nothing disturbs the prosperity at this popular house, where the natrons know they will always find good en- tertainment, and a liberal supply of It, too. The tneatVo bill this week Includes: 8am Ti. Drane, Larval -Brothers, Williamson and Gil- factory engaKeuaent, at popular prices. .Next bert, tuna Cooper, Bullock Brothers, J. II. week Is announced to bring "King Dodo." Taylor, ami "The Holy City" and "Boyo'nd ivikmtni-t Mthrkt Thcatiie (Mion A Kim- the dates of I'nradlse'' shown on the clneo CiiasK'a Kjiimsb (Chaa. ' tloU Mxon A 7.1m- mermaun, managers)i~-Jamca T. Towers opens at this house- this week, In Lederer'a production, uf ,"'l'liu Je.wel of .Asia.". Tba company Is a largo' and distinguished one, niid..,tho,,>accfcis(ul^ run of, the comedy In New 1 . York, nu^uta,well -for'tiui success of the engagerocht Jbere. Vlrgfiln Hanied closed net oDgai^'iue.nt la ''Iris" lust week with con- tinued.'well., flUed .bouses. •"■"■ G'AhhtCK TiisxtnB (Frank Howe Jr., man- ager).—Dht Offering nt .thlH house this week Is '-TUe MtUoPHnCese," Cliaclea B. Dllllng- haot's prtfauctloil of Mrs. linraetfa atory, in.which Uinio.Thuies Is seen. In tho most prominent Cnoiacter. Tbo engagement la an- nounced for two weeks only, to be followed by. Lulu Olaaer, in' "Dolly Varden." V'iola Allen, la "TKo Ktetnai ,Clty," continued to attract well filled houses lost week, Chestnut Bxiilki Ui'kiia Houhji (N'lxon & Zlromerman, nianngers).—This house Is Carew and l.ucllo Spinney, "l.tleiirge Thatcher, burlesque 'offered by tho club this year Is styled "S|r Kohlnson Crusoe." M»st week "The Slgi of.tbo Cross" .enjoyed a gratis- merman, manngexs).—After a long- engage- ment,' and one> of considerable ' prosperity, "\¥$en Johnny CdiUos .Marching Home" dc- poi'fed. from this house with the efid of last we'ek, and thlt reek begins-an Indefinite ca- gagemeat Ifor "rlie Silver Slipper.!' There lue'uihny 1 favorites In the cast, and there graph and accompanied by a chorus of twenty-five voices. The curios on view In Urn hirio ball are: Slg. Ferrari's rat circus, the I (extern, second sight; Ilurklmrt, king of.rtiaglc, and Ward's Plantation Minstrels, Notes;— Chestnut Hill 1'nrk Is announced to open Uay< Hit with many new features. no difficulty.-in ailing the house .r.teblcr ft'Cos.'production of "KoMeo for mahy come. * and Juliet" will, be seen at the Oarrlck The- Walstot BittjiET TBrama (Frank Howa ntre May 22 and a8 On Friday of this Jr., Omn4ger).-^-;'The-Knickerbocker Olrl" week souvenirs will be distributed'at Fore- continues jicr.enirageuient at tn '' 1 house this paugh's Tbestre In honor of-the annlyersary week, and Is do so for many weeks of the first perfonnnuco In the theatso by a to'come. Last'week was hardly a fair test stock 'company Felix Ismnn, of tbjs fftylor, and l'eto • MAIIVJ-AM). V . ' ' ■ r il j' i lrn TI . '- ' nnltlinOre.—"Kiiig Dodo." which was SO wellillWfl'Oii «k fofinef: visit here,, will be , h<*rfl dtice" again,, this -week nt the Academy of Mrislc -(Nikon-A Klmbisruiun,' mahfigerB). "Tiie^Jltle FrlficesB'" did' fairly well, met , week, Vtlce'e "Show Qlrl" Is billed for April *'0 arid Week.*' i ••"."■ •-■ i^ • • ■ I'^nuti 0i4:ra. Hptmn • (Charles t). Ford, manager).-^Jlidxlle' Ollmak/iu' "The Moclc- Ing-HIrd," Hunter wefflc. "KJrte BCllew W«8 much liked la "A Oentlemin of France,'.'and drew' UMNM as could'lie expected for Holy Week. He closed his Bcasou with this "On- gngrtaerit.' - Otis- Sklnn'er will present "La- zarre" 20-25. ,. , ■ ■ 'OHABK'a' ThbAtbb '(P. B. Chase, mana- ger).— "iNorthern Llgats" 18- and week. TiiielnesB- was fair 8-1F With "A' Social Hlgh- wsyntaii." : ' Nextweekl tKe): flxtul one of the season, "The'Little'Minister.": •' - •.. ■•■ 1lM.MpAV'STlir.i*''iWnA'rMi (Kernan, Rlfo & 'Honckl itfanAgers) .-^JoOd business Is con- (idehtly ■ o*prfcied : I^ttet Wcdk, with "The Fatal i Weddlng.t' M AlpKdnse ahd : 'Uaston." rlwl a \«ve1c Of moderate attendance 11. Joseph Mtuephy,-In '■"inn- Korrv OoW" Odd ' Slisun Rhue/'- 2l>-2r>.' • •. - I'Mi'ii'.r, TiiiiATUie .(Louis II. linker, man- ng.'i'i.—A strong viiudevlllc bllI, 111 and week, will Include: Kinmonds, jimnicrHon , and Bn- mb'We, Cnrtle'F.zler.and: JoseWi. Wldih, BIr. and Mrs,' MVyardle,' Collins and, Welch,. John K. Drew, W. I). Hnll, Leonard iuid l.e,muid. a ml Jfndge Anderson, beside -a uftw lot of vltograpli pictures. . . Mo.\imi:.NT.M. TuKAinn (James L. Kernan, munojjor).—The World Beabers Co. 1* to. be seen- IB-18. Modcrntu btistucss rewarded the Utopians week ending 11. The Ameri- can Bfirlt!at)her«, 20-2K. . ■ :..' ', , '.: . CottvnNixdN. HAti.' (James L. Kenian, raanng«r).^rJ"The Tw ( o.',Orphans.".by the Mc of.her drawing powers, but even during Holy Week the house was well tilled at each per- formance, and those la attendance Becihcd to enjoy tho frothy' entertainment. Josephine 1 la-H - and her able assistants ■ do more to- wards making the offering entertaining than thO'vehicle,does, for It Is somewhat Inchoate and as'vapid as most of the musical com- edies. It, however, keeps one In a good humor, and la this way. appears to entirely fulfill Its mleslon'on earth. .AuDiTO&rott (Stair &'llavlln, managers). —Williams mid Walker are In their second and' larft' week ' at this house. The first week of their engagement resulted In large audiences ateich performance and an en- thusiastic reception of the entertainment ' tlrev present,-with the assistance of & ca- piib'ie compnay. • Next week brings Mason and Mason, la "Rudolph nnd Adolph." Park EUMM-fff -Q-- Nixon-Nlrdllnger, manager).—With the distinction of -having drawn audiences of, excellent, size . during llirjly Week- "Xhe Burgomaster" enters upon • tho second l week of Its engagement at this house this week.. Next week;brlugs Kellar, the maglclani ■'■'■■■■ National THKATaE (Joseph M. Kelly, manager).—"A Boy of the Streets" Is the mclodrsinatlc offering during,, the current weekatthli boose,:the. lending, row belog aaaumed by Joseph Santley. "Alphonso and Gaston" Is coming next week to amuse tin outruns. Capital.entertainment, was fur- nlehediby The Smart Set lust week, and they were rewnrd?d with excellent attendance and city, announces that he has 'purchased the I'nrker Ho'ise, Th.rty-nlnth Street and' Bronxl- way, New Verk, for 14(10,000, and that work will Immediately bs begun on a new theatre on the tile. The theatre Is 10 cost about J25U.O00, and the contract for Its erection haa been awarded to Wm. Steele ft Nona, of tills city... ..It Is announced here that Nixon ft Zimmerman have purchased the musical production, "Tho Jewel of Aala," now .playing nt- the Broad Street Theatre. It,Is expei-ted thai, the offering will be kept mi here for Inlo tbe Summer, and will then be Lransfcrred to Chicago for tho unce of the hot weather. 4i » OHIO. Clnclnnatl.- ot the -.snnitner about two months distant Although the Inauguration amusement season. Is still Ihc various mau- thc distinction ol-naving ngtra n re bilslly engaged making preparation of, excellent size, during . t * t . the opening. TMnny Improveincnts ore in conteraulatlou and a largo force of men are at- wSrk ,at thb rcsoris putting theru In : proper shnpe, • The 'Ludlow Lagoon, which was closed last season, will probably he'reopcUe«l this season. ••■ •• _'. New Ouanu (Ji'kua House) (Hnrr* nalu- J, Steyrnaon, mnaoaer).—Jessie Unitlett Davis - is -.the headlner, this week. Tho extra attraction presents Walter La Roy and Florence CIA.V- 'loo.ln Tlogrtii of.thc,(Hansom." lUcry 1* Clstr 19 another, feature. -The piiigninuno alsn>' InoImU's: John . lxiiiaiiuu nnd, Nattln Nlcltols, tho Krctto Fninlly,.Bnrko's muslcnl dogs, Mv-ouder and Tomsou, Nl Collins nnd Lew lUrt. A big drawing card last week \vn» Kcmomh, who did a mystifying arithme- tical act. A,close second was the wonderful oorobaUc work of the.Four Lukens, i. • Colonial. (A. V. Marsh, manager).— Mnqile Haymond Is onn of the chief attrne- tlntu.thUswei'k. Wilfred Clnrk nrescitta'.a fnrcp, written by hlmfdf.'entitled "For tho itlOKi-npli." He Is iisalsted by. Clement lloi>- klns, Tbrco. Carew sail Others on- tho bill are Keough. nnd Ballard, Hlckny and Nelson, Citrle.r-Ite Ilaveil Trio. Cnuklcy and McBrlde, and the Claa Jqhnston troupe. Suharet, the dnncer, .was ;tb«' big feature last- week. 8r*u- (Urv 4 'Campbell, mnnagera).— Tom . Minor's Bohemian ..llurlcsquers, Co, Is presenting "A Bohemian Beauty", week of m, Ono, of the, .suci-esses: of the hill, la Nicholas-Wright, the boy tenor, with songs to moving pictures. - Johnson and Illllinrd. Campbell and Mathews, Grace 1a Uuc, and 'Kilns. Davenport complete the olio. Thft Hon Ton Burlesqusrs fumlshed .plenty of amuse. meat Isat week. Jolly Grass Widows 20diil. , • , i e .. Tclefln.—At the Valentine Theatre (Otto Kllves/tnannser).—This houso hnsheen dark week of A»rll 6. Hooked: Julia Marlowe, In "The Unvnller," iU, ltl William Olllctte, In "Sherlock Holmes," ID;- Nat Goodwin and Maxlne rillott, lu "Tho Altar of Friend- ship," 18, Lvckusi, TiipATnn (Krank Burt, . gerl.—>:ti«fcnlo Blair, In ''Znza" and "Ca, mllle," cjloycd good: patronage B and week. Rebecca warren nnd ,lier nwn stock compliny oneocd 12 for a .ton weeks' engagonient. "The Adventures of Lady Urania" will b« presented week of 12,; ,; ' : BMPiltR TtiKAtuB (Max Uertlg. mana- ger).—The second presentation of "The Tlrrco MuskctccrB'' met. With much,, fnYJbr week of 5, F.ot week' of 12. Mdlhourho MsttPoa-ell' and: Florence Htorte, supported by ,the stock company,' lu ''Antony and Clenpatfn." ,...,.,, ." Aucapk Tiikitiie (Morris& Hoaman, man- agers) .—A good' bill' .at i this house 5 nnfl 'week drew fair houpes.' For, 12 and week: linden and Fuller, Wild llnth, Eddie Mnok. Nrtauldtng, Fred Stubcr, Mr. flnd Mrs. Nell Litchfield, Hale and Francis, and the vltn- grai>h. , .i, , , - . ' . ilVirr'a TiHtSMH (Frank Burt, manager), — ,f A Hlltlohnlro, Tramp". aud,"Th« Bcsur- r,-r(ion" held the boards at Ibis theatre li and.week, and iVere well received. "Alaska" comes 12-13, "Ttls iChailty Nurse" lft-lfj,, Notii.-7-Charloite TJoano. lending Infly, nnd Gavin Harris, heavies,- will lenVe tho Bmplro stuck Co. ut flu- clow.,of this week's per- formance. They will lie tendered n benefit Haturany night by tbo management of tbo Umpire Theatre. •. Yuiii>gBtii%vii. — At the Opera Ilcuso 1 (Rtigeno .Rook, .manager).—"Superbs." ut- tr|ctfflj good sized AtwpnoMI! April:2-4. their n-stlnce drnwlng capacity.'.''My, Fhciu} from Arknnnas' drew fairly 0. The Gus Sun Ainerl- cna.Minstrels did u prolllnblA bnslnc** 7. . Kopkcil : "Tho Two Slstors'' 11, "Why W«- meuJJIn" 14. "King. Dodo" IS, l'ui'tcr J. White 10, Knthryn Klddor 17. .. i I'.uskis 'a'ukatmh (Igf ,W(.»ucr, manager). »0«n%0M« .dliHnA.HoSHsj(v(,OT«ia, dan- 11mit SiRraiT TAiBAnm "(A.. O.I Ottna, man OIlANO.O. ... ngoO<-rDark- w.ecK .of It.,, , ;f\HH .ii\. KurtttH TiiratIih (II. Wiseman, manager). —uewl buslnesa ruled .last-week..''Booked wuek.of l»i„»lr. nnd M>si,Rol>yiis,tbe Four ivrklnss Lewis - otid ILyan, Dqryeit a asd Kearny,, Miles anil Itnyieona, Cherry aud Bates, and Dorothy Neville, j ; ■ v Akron.—At the Colonial Theatre (8. S. Vntli manager);—"'Tho 'Two, Ulsters'.', etnic* April 10.■■• JWrey 8hdW, In "Obosfs,"'CO«Ma) l.'l; "Are Yon -u MnsonV" -10, -Ulaek Fattl IS; "Mrs. Jstk" 21. : 1 „a > iv OiiA.fn Oif.tiA HorjRt: (T. K. Albaush, man- nuorl.—"AJnUka" end "Tho LIUUv'HothOT'' dlvliled last week, with fair business* "Vho t'harHjr. Nurso'? cbhivs> 18d0 ( ''Whf-'WwaSIU Sin'' Id-is, "A Texas Steer" Grand will close May 2. iVhf- 28«> 5. * Tho HpriiiKfleid— At -the Grand Oners Home (L J. Dalle. mannBoV).- i -l , cto' Bnker, ■ In "Chrla and.Lcnn,". came, to light holiness. Mutch 27. ''Captain JlfaVs of tha.Horse Ma- rines", had a well fllled r noU»e 28. ■ Tbo ,C*|l- tury Vnrtdevllle Show had' only fair returaii Ailrll 24. Coming! "Beck and' Ills Mother in'lAw" 10, 11,, Ni'C. Goodwin and Mtfkine Killdtt, , In ''The Altar of jrigifflflpfrf if i "You Yonson" IB. ■ -. NrVTKH.—lllnglliig Brothers'decim will be here 14 Walter L, Main ShpW comes 18. '" ■ ' * < i ' ■ ■ Marlon.—At the Grand. Opera House (Cha's. K.. Berry, manager).f-"Traey,':tha Outlaw'," had fair business April,' 2. .The Cincinnati Symphony . Orchestra, under'tho c .,/ „' leadership of FruilK van der. Htucken, plekssd mlpii: BIAck'rnttl .n crowded hnusO.,8. .CpL.. Troiilndotirs I), Sun s M^lustrols 111, sodtl Olri" IB, "Ttlo Queen of tlio way" 10. ♦*-» NtBW Vuttk S'l'ATB. per nun a uiohi cnpsuio cast, I great faVnr by a goodly atteiulnnc Tbck- Tiikatiih i J. XiiughHu,, i — Miiiiiigcr Waller 8. fliildwlii, of —Week of 0: UcOrgo Thatcher, Willie Hsl ami Frances, - Frank ■ Bowman and llaie Adolle, Bros.- Dawson. MsddoXi And, Wayne.' ■Doisch and Russell, Tom Almond,-and Mia* Hardin Langijon, proved u pliuislnjf \M, drawing good houses. >. llookoil, week of 18: lteturn engagement of Selden's Vt'eck and Ills Mother.In I/aw" Co, -. . . . Not):«.— Rdflio Master and Horace flrnoly, forth A John Hnvlln, manage,ra).-^BtbeI Bar- ,t wo local mliistrcls,' Joined Gua iSun's Mln- rytnore will he Sc*n In "A Country'Mouse" stlris 7 Aiqatpur. night, Introduced, by anil "Carrots" April 13. "Tho BOgOra Ilros. MajUjger Job Weber, of I (ho 1'nrk, hiis,:l)f- In" Harvard" played to good- business Inst week.' Nat C. Goodwin und Maxlne Klllott J>0.' : •' "' • ' ; '' ' ' ; Walnut SmBET Tiieatiih (M, C. Ander- llboral npplause.i -t •• ■ g0 n, managei').—'Rlchatd Golden, In /'Foxy 'j Px-oriX'S Thkatiie F. G. Nlxoii-Nlrdllngor. Q«i|lefl/'i,s.booked; 12i. Last week "Janlco | manager).—Jos Welch, Jn^rUs^Feddler, M ere ilith" played, to fair sited houses. .!«TI» ' I I'ower lieliind the Throne" 10.- .11 ' • ment at -the Bark. " Anderson, man- Buffalo.—Now that tho fasting nnd ■ re- Ilglous' ohsurvnncCH ;'«t the Lenten poi'loil me hut itiiittniM of bIMury, MAiiius Sgaln it'Htns Hiipranist and wlthuxt'olloht offering* uf the various theatres tho balance of 'April und parte ut leust; of May, .should"bring forth stood frfiit. -Maiingar'Htlrllng, of.tnu Star • Thefttro, .after i tw week's closing.' all. noiinces u return of -David Wariield, In "Tho Auctioneer,'^ April 1«-1H|- Virginia llnrned, <ln .."Iris," 2Uf2B t -treorgo Arllsa' HpliOdld comedy, "There iiml Buck," lu IhO luinds of t'liurli's R. l-lvnns, Charles II. Hop- pur and; a most cnpsblo vast, neb with " -nil n lire. --. ■ msnairrr). Itllinger Waller N. Iliildwln. nf Hie lljilil- wln-Mslvlllo H(ock Co.! i-produrod his -son* soil's lisst cnril, both from n llanuclnl and at- tendance standpoint, (list week, In "Huprio," Auiella Gardner assuming tint title rale, nnd M. 11. Alsop the ciiaiactor uf< Jcuu Guusslii. ','SiHjrot Servlce''t this- week, With "Resurrection" 20-'-'.">. Monday, night* ouch piiichaser of a icsoived seat Is prose tit ml wiiii ■ nn. extra ■ eou|ii>u gratis for a lady. With tho scald of prices—-lull to fifty vents--- rapuelly vouchsafed.. M:tllili" , H tiru glvcu dully, Mondnv exreptcd, Tho Ulks huh: t lid houso H;;for li mliisirnl show. ,\ "ahem v (Dr. refer C. t'oriitill, nnnneer). —Hiii-ney Glliiioro, In "Klilnuppoil III, Now York," .week of 18. "Why.Women Rlu". next week, "On, the Stroke of Twelve" ptorotl a most stirring.drama, nnd did even-bolter thail : anticipated for Holy We<di. A beuent for tho stnga bunds was gotten up by Dr. "Ml lOtister night, and was ajMH'ln> cess, members of tbo IluldwluHiilvlllo Co. hy " PffivDaughter'"Tols. Next {^^Sucti6. week, "Camllle" nnd "I'rlnco Otto," -:■ ™&i* ™ 1KZr£Jl OlsriN iriifcAfnln f.tnlnes Mhillshn. men- P9tt_V»£K* furnisliesithe current offering. -, '.'Her Mar- riage Vow" enjoyed goodly patronage last week, ] Npit. week, '.'At, the. Old .Croas Kbnsikoton Tubatm (John Hart, man- ngp,.),,—Th e patrons are to. have their syp- teais thrilled this, week by, tho xnelodrnmat c situations, la '(.Tracy., the Outlaw,"- while during the coming-, weeki -comedy w|H be the prominent'foaturo In' "Peck's Bad Boy. The offeringsi Inst, week were: "A Man of Mystery" and "A Dumb Witness,".and both of. them were well received by the patrons of; the bouse. "'.. , ,', '-., '•„.„, Ii'o»ErAuon'S TnBATnB (Miller ft Kauf- man; niannge'is).—Another of .tho Hardou plays, "Theodora," Is being presented this week by the members of tho stock company of this house-. "The Ticket o' Leave Bn received capable rendition Inst week, und tho excellent work of the company received lib- eral praise from the patrons. Next week, first loenl presentation of "No Cross no OinABD AvTiriuH ThbAtkb (MJUcr * Kauf- in. tiianaiera).T-"Thc rrlco Of Pence" Is the stock Coippany.thls.wceU, being made on n Spcclacnlar 'CaiiUMDU DlaUjM (M. C ogcr).— tit. and Mrs. Clay Clement head tho vnmlevllla bill 12r which Includes: Water- bury. Brosi. and Tcnncy, l I'aul Barnes and company, ,Nel»on Comlques. Julian Rose, Three. Osnetos, Juggling Normans and John Kcefe. Uuslncss Is fairly good..' i ■ UKUCK'ai OfKUA HOUHU (iluuck, Fennessv ft Slnlr,; manngors).~rWhltnker nnd 'Nash will present "Not Guilty" -12.' "Tbo Volun- teer Organist"'drew fairly well last week. "Tho Bandit King" 10. . :• Lvcwuw Tkhatbb (Heuck. Fennesiy A Slalr, manoger«).-r-IIotden Broa.' "Supho" I'o.. wltli llernlco Howard In tho title i-ole, will ho i,lh» attraction 12. "A Woman's Sacrifice" Inst week did a fulr business. "Tho Spun of Life" 10., ■.. . _■'■.;■ ' | Bkopi.k'h Tiibatrh (Hubert Heuck, mana- fe").—Al. Beeves'. Burlesquers are duo 12. jist week the TUoroughbrcds put in a profit- able, weak. Majestic Buriesquors 10. u Qossil' or - tue Lnuur.—Abraham Br- lahger, Of Klaw ft Krlanger; JUchard An- derson and John J. MfcNaJly Were here last Week, to see "Tho Hogers Bros. In Harvard" at the new Grand . Opera Houso 7,nrtr*vll)F.—At Schults Opera HoiiM (|f.- W, Boss, mannger).-(-''Flcklnga from I'uck" pleased, a. small audience April 8. "ciloir, DouV'/gay* Bpudi satisfaction 7. Bar- low ft Wilson's Minstrels, cumo 0, to fair Cornell llnster night, and wns it b cess, ineiiihei-s of the Iliildwln Mc) and •mhiiy otliors tnklng parr. CoNVXNtloN (llenry L. Mrrcli, nnu- ngerl.i—Tho closlug conesrt of thit'Ui'uheiis .Hitislng Hoelety occurs 111, John-'LtindYdi- rection. Besides the iIIoiiih, dOlectit tllfforil. soprano, and Charles Mct.'roary, ■ bass, Will ai>i"n''., Tho-HsengerbuHd also-give their Doro. urors Wll- er'it l»h. 601'),— (4T*t) u i (lilts house, (the old L'qiirbeSPreet) gs iiiur Its dAors in tint Fnl\,ii powerful l und, an up to dmo oslnullshmuntiwfll Coming:. "Fiir Hor. Uako" in, II bu- rial Stock Co. week of 18, <hii:oN TufcAtim (Jidoea Madison, man ngcr).— -A first cIbbb progrnimdie • Is .offered for Easter, week, ■ Ihtrpduclhg;. .Cohjey and th . D j,i.„ u T h e Teat or urenasnip" was mM MMtle .Webh,-^v1ll6"sistfe7 a , Irene WOff^m the *a?«»8"apt wee.15, the .stir- f'\ nm ,S. n $,^ e lK T 6 .!*^ *>th:n new r ^S 0 ' Q y ra Sttft WtuaVidns with which the comedy, "Taking" StOQK."".. . ' !, S&^ounJsnrovInK to their satisfaction. rehearsal "The nouuceil as the "The ' LO»H*iAJ«A. rr— 1 " \ \\ fl New Orlenns.—At' the Tnlnne Theatre (W. H. Bowles^, manager).—"Audrey," as l||¥scibted, b^. BlMnaf .lto(jfwn and hor_ eplen JeKr~ -fdse,' ChrhckKt Theatbe (W. H. Bowles, man nger)^-"Bwee't? Clover" was tbo bill week of 'the piece abOumla proving to their saG»faetlon. Wko OptUa Houbb (O. A. Wegefarth. manager).—'The Highwayman" Is the bll offered by 1h« this Week, and It Is announced that Camllle D'Arvll e will he neon In <tbe principal role. For next week IMltli Mnsoa nnd Thomas PcrSie are billed, in .'Who Bohemian Girl." The company won fresh ^taftt.'iae rVEhd Jolly Mttfketeors'. Inst week, and fuly deserved the liberal patron- "^CM-rtfSfBuou (John lielrans, resident tho Individual members- have-not yet hud bo time to 'accuatom, themaclves to .oacb, others nectiniVritJJM. . ,'The '.'pi!«ownanceB ^of. "Men ana1 VVomeS'' last week were entirely pralke ; ll»ANn Opeua House ' (Hy. Greeawall, i , ra«>«eri,-^Go()d business ruled for the fare- worthy, ,nad showed be «»A *S W *T|5i crs' Show..'. .;.ManogoL turned from a visit to Chicago and St. Louis. In tho Ititter city be closed a contract to present "The Middletnnn" next season at pop- ular priced houses. ChaB. B. Moore, business manager for B. H. Wlllard, is InUrosted with llavlln, und will have charge of the rood tour Mux ZJIxer will bo given a bene- fit at the German Theatre Co.'s performance at tho Grand Opera Houso, 12... ...Harry Kaho, the boy comettlst, will be takon to Kurope shortly by his father .losdpli Harris was here In advance of "loxey.Qtill- ler."i... ..The • farewoll season In Cin- cinnati of the Metropolitan Grand Opera Co., under tho direction of Maurice Greu, will take place nt-Muslo Hall Monday evening and Tuesday' afternoon and evening, April 20 and 21. The opera Is un- der toe,, management of George H." Wilson hu sines). '•Hearts' of "Oik", as; TttitrA.— rtlfhnrds ft Prlnglo's Mlnstrcla came 3rl. at, Memorial, Hail, Walter L. Main'si Circus Is billed for :■■)... .'i'lie- Near Avellcr Theatre, with a Sealing capn,clty of seventeen hundred,'Und with nn Interior as diiboratcasuuy lu.DieuonuU'Jf, no far as con- veniences aim appointments nre concerned, will :\>« foroislly opened With four perform- ances of "When Jolinny Comes Marching Home," tho cofftpnny coming direct fo tlift city In n, special train, heats at auction will be place* on sale Tueeduy of this week, nnd continued on snle crfch aftcrnnoa until the'house Is sold for the four perform- ances, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday mat- inee and night, April 27, 28. and 211. Tbo house will lie under' tha porsonnl ninnngo- iiienl of tllO iiwner, H. A. Weller, thO mil- decorated nrr pr>t- wlll iin baslness man- ..MR, now mniiiurer of controlled by Mr. Wellet, will b„ treasurer. ■ ■ i s Bte-ulienvllle.—At' tbo Grand Opera House (W. It, Llpps. manager).—"For Her Hake" gave an excellent performance, to a fair sized and appreciative audience, April itbi Hiirjily^bo !f^lnd,_ '''j^iu/muV sy^ljcftts iittra.iV , niiig propc ann It will lie iititizmi wlili the olil.slic. tlfi'^iB tujvo been iKHikwl. Tho ownein rcuently pioportyto the Fuse, intdull'l'd tho lldjoltiltig I). 'Under Southern Bklds'" advance snl» very gooil for 11/ Coming: "Why Women HhV' 13, "Kir Dodo" 14, Jefferson Do An- gells, In "The L'merald Isle," IB; Aclolnfile Thurston, in "At Cony', Corners," 1(1; "Uesxta of Oak" is. , Nojrns.— Mj-.,, Anderson, advance mnn for Walter':'L. Main's Big- shows, wa», In the city lost week, innklnu- arrangements for tho appearance of;that show April BO. Tha lot will l»-changed from former years to Pleas- ant Height*,- Instead of tho old Fair Ground*. wit. week .of the. Stock, conipariy, 6-11, ■ when JGdnappfcd" was offered and. won much .ap- plause. The beMOt.performance.of, Tieaa- W i Motrli.Ma'l:ks,.4,_aJi well-as the.ona.wn- S!fflri*;,Cok^dlad l Tdm..Btieaugb I 0, drew Wf«d .hbushs both matinee iutid,|nlght. The _ tt- follttW lllJoU Comedy Co, Mglha raenelnsj l27opchlhg In "B; 2HJB2, It Will no doubt pi which the fotapnny Is conettuetcd. week "A' ffIghT.Off" Is engaging their tcntlon, wltC ;"Tho Royal TJox" to fo fo..^"Woman' AWnit WarnsB to , I'lcasant Heights Is easily,rencbed hy street the molt auccessfnl season.of grand opera ..... J. J. W2^ffiS5 V :S!2?PLJ2 brief, season, com- the Sad. Sea next week Col 1 mnuhgl., the , oftcflng by Car; e her stock cowpany. iuls nadciifto nnd week. "The retm„„ Br CrtABtES OSrlXBDH vliU.SOus'e enjoyed' go6d buainess wosk of 0, W 'V aHn» bill. For Week of. 10: Imn> Fox Vd£b-,;Geo, E. Austin, EUkahoth-Murray. • iJ?.5!y!? 1,,0,, t HayftWAnd Hcaly, Sailor and i'«Wf«Jto, J. Aldtlch Llbbey and Kath- enno Thtyer, hnd 'new moving pictures..', ■.. ■ iilflWS«. ;r r.ArnijSBd Veazle, tbo popular band SWCM* "turned, to {hejcRjy. ondj has . ^wpiewa.ail,arrangements.for the opening *et,MB,,spIend)il concert band, at West find, jrilH Marks, the - Jt the Grand Open _wor»ing like a TtojAn. pn. tl»» proposed flSSfififflfc...'.. Morris Marks, the popnlar u.l5SS, nan »lf* r of the Grand Opera House, IS work tiff llta -a nif-nl.i,. .n.,ll nvntinnail !..«.«."». ,i *" J u AiUJHU. till : lUD i.ii/iiudc-i wneflt, week 10-2B, for the purpose Of biilld .iL. a , • w »">H.oH»irii for consumptive Rrofes- "W»l»..; iTOhj i. ^oih; ^cfever. cpm- ««k'»f IB;' presenting; 8iAOT)Anr> Thrathb (Darcy & Speck, roaoa- eers).—'"Iho .Shamrock" la.the Jltle of:.the olaj'whlcti ;the ktock componyratthla house f» preaOntlng 'this, week. As a spec al feat- „„„,,, week it 1b announced that tba lint to" I%/uttloili 5 Tolstoi's J'Itosur«Cttox.'' will be glvsn. "Jcsso James" was thrllUng rncuiRh to xaeet all requirements., and conse-. niieatlv canle la for considerable attention from Ihe patrons last week. _.. ' AbOH 8rxBBTi (Alexander Wurster, roans- gerlc-Tlils week, "Orel Paar Sclinhe, . "Charley.'a .Tnnte," "Fngelmann's -Bathe nnd "KeglbQentstoehter.'l ; f ,"^-.'» tlio molt — ever held In Clnclnruti. Tho advance-sale amounts to nearly HO.OOO. After the close of. engagement here the company goes to rutsbur* " - .. s Cleveland.—At the Opera House (A. F. Ilnrta, rstonigor).—"The ltogers brothers in Wm. Fnvet- last week, Marching Homo" manager).—Eu- genie iJliilr' Is repeating her big success, "/,a7n " thla week. Miss Blair Is quite a fhvoiite lb Cleveland, and will begin her Hnring. nnd Summer season nt the Lyceum wertf of 20. The Pike Theatre Stock Co., of Cincinnati, gave most admirable perform- ances of "The Christian" Inst week; It Is, a mAst excellent company throughout. liyron Douglas, the John Storm, did ex- reptlonally good work, ajid Mary .flail, as Ofory Qiiayle, was emjaglrg and pleSMng. ClEVanuwn (J.K; CooKson, tnhnapr).-. "The Mttlo Mother," with a nUhuwr of ediaji of the ,4raUdTppT?s? SMtk Ctf-i U^" *erl.-/ ' ' * ; !»»».•»« thftdBTfiotludsA and Teirlla , Caldwell are contln led thto.week Ini belr_ si a enc« last "BMbn Bndelptt" A - uicjcb) act, and Eva WiUIams JH JM.Tocter .U--D. ••:... 1 Interestffis; chlUlreu In tho gooil cotfipnhy, this week; "VoA Vinson" proved to-be as *V, and drew ayssiVedly large week. "A imgged Hero' thn Clympla, Is - convalascont, after a long Illnesa, nnil-expccts to leave for Chicago In a. abort time. , e ' ll») ton.—At the Victoria Theatre ((' G. Miller, manager).—Tho houao baa boon dork for week of' April 0. Comtog: N. C. Good- win nud Maxlne I'lllott, In "The Altar of i-'ri6nilshlp," 18; Julia Marlowe, la "The Cnvaller, 18. TAlist -TllnAmri (Harry H. Felcht, mana- ger).—A llrst .class stock eo. produced "Bspho" ruid "under Two Flags" weak of Aptli 0, to nooil Viislncss. Coming: Jos. II. Walllck'a Co.. In "Tho Bandit Ring'' and "Tlio Cattle Klhg," week of 18. KHDttaji' noma TltKAtutl.—Who, What Wben Minstrels coma IB. i NOrm.-^Tlie Walter L. Main Circus exBlb- Its here April 21 W. C. and 0, A. Dick- son, the thefltrlcnl manager*, of. Indiana po- lls, have ptit-chnsed ground In Iiaytpn.fpr the erection Of a tliyr theatre. Tbly etpAat to have the hoilse completed snd open by the latter port of December. Slb> I,vi;i:ii.m TiiiiMiin.-.-MimiiKer HvlntL nn* miniices'"Lovers' L'anu", for.bis euriimt card, •"Plus Little Mntlior" In coming' npxt) ^vi-ek, "Hpurtlng Life" pleased fulr sized gnthsr- ItfJrt. . I,- .;••';•! .- I,Ai'AVHTTB Till'vriir. (Charles M. llhga, iiiuancer).—Thla woek's iittrnetlon Is Mil. V. Hush s , Bon Ton llurlosipiBrii, ..Including: (liarles llooy, Harry Leo, fiiirrott Bros., James ami Flora Sfmpsiui, Grnco Leonunl, Frank Myron, lAillls Lnngdoii. , Turn Miser's llohmnlnli Iliirli'siiiiers ; noxt wcok.. Tha itciitz-Huntley <'o. did well.and pleased, us Is their Wont. TiiobslioUt (o thn Theatrical Mechanics, ID, wns u. big success. Manager Iliigg Iiuh hooked n big company for a -Hum- iner, season of, hurlfHyue. , , ;-", • N'ru'i'.*.- Biirtoh Holmes will enmmonno a series:of Furopcim truvoi jncturrs iit.,thn Central Church 18 Dr. Cornell nun MiiuuKiT SUrlltig niv iiri'iiuglng Hi Irtiioht iiUlllhoo at the .mar, 16, tfpr ■consiiiiipllves, .. ; Melhon'rna Mcuowall nnd I'lonmois Stone's engagement with tho Biildwln-Melvlll* -Co. tni'inliiatcil last -week..,,... Molvlll* Htultr. lepresoutlng tho Messrs. HbubAjVmado many new friends In town Inst week. ...,-,,It has lieen dechled not to-trsiisfsr the historical Temple of Music to (ho,St. Louis Exposition. « ■ i i Aitiany—At tho Emplrn Thcatm f II. II. Jacobs, manager).—Tho only booking for thn week was tho Four Cohnnsi In "lltlnnlflg for Oflice.' 1 thalr now musical comedy, whlcli certainly mndo a bit, boforo lurgn audiences, April, .10, .11. The corning attrnutlons at this house arn: iMiira Illffliur, In reiiertory, 22-24: David Wariield,'. In 'The Auction- eer." 25; Gertrude Coghinn, lit "Alice of Old Vlncnnncs," 118, 20. I I AtlMANIJH llr.BIECKKli Ham, (II, II, JR. cobs, manager).—"flnporbn," tl-8, ami'"Tha Eleventh Hour." 0-11, always,command at- tention. A ntitnlilo liookliig. Is Hint of "Ufi Ilttr," week of IJ, at advanced - prjeos, » I'nofwiii'H TuiiATiiR (Howard Orthani, resident innungor).—High class vaudeville was given to the many patrons last woek, tlie act* being: Knthryn Ostennan nnd.Geo. Lin- ilemsh. In "Tomorrow nt 12;" Geo,. Kvans, CliarJotto Cnato, irorguson and Mack,'Unit - f<iliimlius.—At tbo Great Northern The- atre* (Lee M. lloiln, inflhnger).—Jefferson De Angell* niayed, to a fair audience, April 7. Dun 13, Nat C. Goodwlu and MnilnoElllott. erty sistors, jamos nnd Bonnie Farley, l-Mlili W, .Itlcbnrds, Kdward. Doyle, and t lie picture machine. Average ntlemlnuro for the week. Coining lit anil woek: Jcuslo May Hall'and James A. Klernan, Oscni'Slsaon and. Esther William nnd Co., (.). K. Hnto, Hmlrl and Ivcw- ner, Enwault and llooney. Miss Morton, t liurlotto Dclmar and Chalk Hnundora. - GAlrrr Tiikatiih (Mr*. Agues.Barry, pro- firlntor and manager).—Two exreiitlounlly (right biirlsaquo eouipnnleH amiisriMllo pub- lic last week. .The Bowery lliirlestpier* pre- sented n strong combination il-H, f,illowi-<l* Tignr Lilies 0-11, which company wns particularly strong In Its ucrobsllc teninn. Dsonto Brothers and thn -Thren Bolos. Ksk- nlrom Hlstei-K, ;Black and Koopar. cooper ntldollsynolds,. and Mllo and Marshall coin. plnted the programme. Fxcellcnh attetidani-n ruled throughout tho week. -Vanity Fair Co. 1B-16, Miss New York Jr. I (I-1H, ■,»■ ' s " ' " I Roatiester,—At the Lynum Theatre (W. It. C'orrlsgt assistant manager).—'"There and < Back,''-* clever furclul comedy, was presented