The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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APBlIil8. THE NEW YOEK GUPPER 189 TABLE OF CONTENTS, ■ I — Page. ,«■-. dinner's Anecdotes, Personalities "Sd^SSSVjConcerning Stag* Folfc181 v?tR Victoria—Sketch 182 xT»lon Shirley—Sketch 183 wfudOTlll" ana Minstrel 184 wUUMBr\mwell-Sketch 184 S l a , S e 8ta? 0 o u raki^-8ketch.-:.:::.:::.::: il* Our Chicago Letter 185 & and Checker. 182 Vaudeville Route List 191 Latest by Telegraph 180 \vifh the Bill I'osters 101 S$i ■$* Clty-Revlew and Comment.. 102 Deaths in the Profession 19a Stage MecbonlCB... 193 Clipper Post Office l»4 Under the TentB 19j THEATRICAL CORRESPONDENCE. Kow Hampshire '* 184 Kentucky, Oregon, Illinois, AJnbamn 185 Maine, Vest "Virginia 185 Massachusetts 18U -JSi Maryland.. ig' Louisiana.. i«V ioi Pennsylvania •"*'. J»i Ohio..... i«Y isa New York. 18T * Jif Missouri la* Michigan-... ••• •••••• ig» Ilhode Island 188 C&nfluft*•••• •»• •■• • • • •■•*•*•«•• ion District of Columbia 188 Iqwa >••••• •• •*•* •* •••• •*.••••>• loo Indiana 188 » JgJ Tennessee ■■■ |»8 Minnesota...-. ... ... - 18 M2} Texas, Colorado, Wisconsin 191 New Jersey, Washington, California 103 Connecticut, Virginia, Nebraska, Georgia. 103 LATEST BY TEL EGRAPH. Monday Night's Openings In All the Big Show Tonal. GOLDEN GATE GLEANINGS. Big Business Rule* at the Various Dramatic Houses—Vaudeville at the Orpheum, the Ohntea and' Granmaa's Bntertalna Crowds. Special Dispatch to The. New York Clipper. San Fjuncisco, April 14.—At the Co- lumbia Theatre Mrs. Patrick Campbell began last night her second and last week, during which she will present "Mania," "Aunt Jennnle," "The Joy of Living" and "The Second Mrs. Tanquerav," the last named be-' Ins the opening bill. Business continues big, and extra matinee performances are an- nounced for the week. Ai.cAz/nt Thbatie. —''Her Majesty" Is the current offering. ■Cejitbal Theatbe. —"Tbe Resurrection" Is the bill this week. Grand oteba. House.—Last night began the second week of It. D. Maclean and Odette Tyler as joint stars, with "King John" as the bill. .Tivoli Orsu*. House. —"The Daughter of the Regiment" was the bill last night. "Car- men" will be sung later In the week, with Zclle de Lussan In the title role. , Fischer's Theatre. —The. second -week of "Helter Skelter" began last night, with big attendance continued. California TiiBAinn.—"Our New Minis- ter" Is the current offering, opening Sunday, 12. ■Republic Theatre. —Last night began the tilth week of minstrel and burlesque. Orpheum Tiieatbe. —The current bill In- cludes: W. C. Fields, Mason, Eeeler and company, Lizzie Wilson, P. Aumann, Joseph La h'leur, the Musical Colbys, Bruno and Rusacll,- and McCue and Calilll. Tbe S. It. O. sign Is In constant use. Chutbs. —New people opening 13: Bar- onesB Von Tllse, John T. Powers, Carlta and slave girl, Martin and Rldgeway, and Geo. and Laura Lewis. Gbauman's Theatre. —The bill week of 13 Includes: Athon, Wilson and Clarke, Rose imd Severns, James Dunn, George De Onzo, Delphlno and Dclmore, and the Loretta family. Last week's business was excellent. • ' » ■ FROH OTHER POINTS. s- _ Philadelphia, April 14.—There was a plethora of musical comedy at prominent theatres last night, but patrooage of this style of entertainment was more than enough to go around, crowded houses being seen everywhere "The Jewel of Asia" opened to a crowded house at the Broad. James Powers, with a large corps of able as- sistants and a gorgeous production, earned lavish praise Equal success was at- tained by "The Silver Slipper," at the Chest- nut, where a magnificent audience greeted the production with enthusiasm A large audience greeted the Mask and Wig Club at the Opera House '"The Knick- erbocker Glrl,' r at the Walnut; Williams and Walker, at the Auditorium, and "The Burgo- master," at the Park, continued to Increased business "The Little Princess," at (he Garrlck, was a novelty, and the charming story was. heartily appreciated by a large audience Other combination houses had liberal patronage, and the stock bouses shared in tbe general prosperity.' Crowds attracted by vaudeville at Keith's were so great that admissions had to be shut down Clever minstrelsy at the Eleventh earned liberal reward, and burlesque houses and the Museum had a full share of patron- age. Washington, April 14.—The Whitney Opera Co. opened at the National, In "When Johnny Comes Marching Home," to a large and well pleased bouse Alice Fischer, In "Mrs. Jack," had a full house of de- lighted people at the Columbia James K. Hackett opened at the Lafayette, In "The Crisis," this engagement being the first of a series of non-syndicate attractions booked for this house. The audience was large and enthusiastic. Greatly advanced prices prevailed "A Desperate Chance," a meritorious melodrama, pleased a large audience at the Academy The Orpheum Show, embracing Mclntyre and Heath, Nat M. Wills, Nick Long and Idallne Cotton, and others, had two packed houses at Chase's. ....The Utopians packed the Lyceum twice. The Smart Set, Including Ernest Hogan - and Billy McClaln, opened to the capacity of the Empire. ■Milwaukee, April 14.—The Castle Square Opera Company opened a four weeks' sea- son at the Pabst Monday. The house was packed to the doors, and It looks like ca- pacity for the week The Thnnhouser favorites appeared to special advantage In "Paul Kauvnr." to a fine house, at the Academy. .. .Pete Raker, at the Alhambra, ulso opened big, presenting bis old success, "Chris and Lena. ''A Ragged Hero, at the Bijou, and the Rose Hill Folly Com- pany, at the Star, both drew capacity at- tendance and were well received. Kansas Citt, April 14.—Tim Murphy, In "The Carpetbagger," opened a week's en- gagement at the Willis Wood Theatre last night, and In spite of the rain drew a good house All of yesterday's openings fired Our Playgoers, Emerging From Their Season of Lenten Quietude, Throng the Theatres on tbe Opening Day •of Bastes* Week.—"The Tenderfoot" ' Opens Snnday Night at the Dcar- iiocn, Chicago. Specta! Dispatches to The New YobkClipper. Chicago, April 14.—The week's novelty ■was the original presentation of "Tbe Ten- derfoot," at the Dearborn, Sunday evening. 1 he house was crowded, and the musical comedy succeeded McVickcr'a was packed to lbs capacity when Andrew Mack staged his fine revival of "Arrah-na-Pogue." Anna Held opened at the Grand, In "The Llttlo Duchess," to the capacity of the house. ......Murray and Mack packed the Great Northern with "A Night on Broadway" twice Sunday '"Xtoo little Waifs," at the Alhambra; "For Her Children's Sake," at I he Academy of Music; "The Peddler's Claim," at the Criterion, and "The Stain of- Guilt," at the Bijou, served to attract Immense crowds Sunday afternoon and even- ing. ... Sheridan's City Sports parked Sam ■T.-Jack's, and the Transatlantic Burlcsquers tilled Hopkins' to repletion "The Girl In-Blue" is on added feature to the bur- lesque, at the Trocadero, packing the house, and. "Rubes and Roses' continues into Its last week at the La Salle "The World Against Her," at the American; "Carmen," at Bush Temple; "Camllle," at the Thirty- first. Ktreet; ^'Cinderella," at the People's: • Phe .World," at the Howard, and stock and vaudovllle. at the Garrlck and Marquette, proved attractive "The Little Church Around the Corner" tilled the Columbus to Its'capacity. Kohl * Castle'a three the- atres, presenting continuous vaudeville of real merit, were packed to the limit, as usual.... ..Mrs. Leslie Carter, at tbe Illi- nois ; B S. Wlllard, at Powers', and "Peggy irom Paris," at the Studebnker, were con- tinued' attractions Monday night "Don Giovanni" was the grand opera bill at the Auditorium Monday evening Rlngllng Hros. Circus continued to test the capacity or tbe Coliseum, notwithstanding the rain which prevailed day and evening, Sunday and Monday "Foxy Qulller" comes to the Great Northern next week. Bohton, April 14.—Excellent cards and food weather brought out large attendance jut night. "Maid Marian," presented by the iiostoalons at tbe Boston, delighted a en- Raclty audience Full house welcomed ack "A Country Girl" at the Museum, ■no performance was a testimonial to Busi- ness Manager W. D. Andreas, of the house, li - W fellar mystified a large following at ho Majestic.•...."Hamlet" was offered to the Hollli patrons by E. H. Sothcrn, to ex- "jllent financial and artistic results Hie continued cards: "Mary of Magdala," at 'he Tremont; "The Girl With the Green l-yes," at the Park, and "Beauty and the Iwastt" at the Colonial, were all well. A big matinee and S. R.' G. night house greeted Harry Beresford and Emma Dunn. In "The Wrong Mr. Wright." at the Grand. The Orpheum drew two big houses to see the new vaudeville bill. In which Melville and Stetson were big favorites. At the Auditorium It seemed like old times, for two immense liouseB rewelcomed the Wood- ward Stock Company, In "The Ensign." A very creditable performance was given, and all the members were enthusiastically greet- ed. The GUIls bad big attendance, both matinee and night, to see "Lost River." St. Louis, April 14.—At the Olympic Mary Mannerlng opened 13, In "The Stub- bornness of Geraldlnc," to a very good house. ... .Lulu Glaner, In "Dolly Voraen," made good at the Century; good advance sale.... The Grand has "Eight BellB;" Sunday's au- dience was big Havlln's has fair pro- spects, with "Pennsylvania." At . the Imperial "A Ruined Life" opened to aver- age sales The Columbia put on a strong bill at Monday, matinee and It made pood The City Club Is at the Stan- dard. Cincinnati, April 14.—Charles Frohman presented Ethel Barrymore, In "Carrots" and ''A Country Mouse," at the New Grand last nlgbt, to an audience of good size Tbe Easter offerings were pleasing. Richard Golden, In "Foxy Qulller,' T filled the Walnut; "Not Guilty" proved a good card at Heuck's: Iloldcn Bros, put on "Sapho" at the Lyceum: the Columbia's bill attracted big houses, and Al. Reeves' Show did well at the People's. Louisville, April 14.—Richard Mansfield opened at Macauley's last night, In "Julius Cesar," before an audience packed to the doors "Tho Span of Life" opened Sun- day, at the Avenue, to big houses The Thoroughbred Burlesguers opened at the Buckingham Sunday, drawing packed houses. Vaudeville at the Temple drew the usual big crowds Sunday,. On tbe Road; .„*L, ln ' H «W '"y. at Music Hall„snowea o big returns Two S. B. O.'gather- ings enjoyed a capital Keith bill "A celebrated Case," nt tbe Castle Square, and a iioy Scout," at the Bowdoln Square, had il "Mtomary large opening business...... i rosnority .was very much In evidence at ine burlesque houses and museums. All Routes Mast Reach Us Not Later Than Monday. DRAMATIC. A Allen, Viola, In "The Eternal City (Llebler & Co., mgrs.)—Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr 13- 18 Aubrey Stock, Western (Mlttenthal Bros., mgrs.)— Troy, N. Y., Apr 13-18, Aubrey Stock, Eastern, Mlttenthal Bros.' iff. R. Hill, mgr.)—Portland, Me., Apr 13-18, Brockton, Mass., 20-25. Arnold Stock <J. F. Arnold, mgr.)—Lynch- burg, Va., Apr 18-18, Staunton 20-25. AuBlet-Shrowsbury Stock (Jack AuBlet, mgr.) —Hot Springs, Ark., Apr 18-18, Fort Smith 20-2(1. ,. „ _ . . "Are You a Mason?" (Julius Cahn, mgr.)— . Plqua, 0., Apr 18, Sandusky 14, Akron 15, Wooster 10, Canton 17, Butler, Pa., 18. War- ren 20, Salem, O.. 21. Youngstown 22, JohnBtown, Pa., 23, Altoona 24, Houtz- dalo 2R "Are You a Mason?" (Rich ft Harris, mgrs.) —San Francisco, Cal., Apr 12-25. "An American Gentleman" (Carl Zoellnfir, mgr.)—Gloucester, Mass., Apr IB, Rock- land 10, North Attleboro 17, Plymouth "^io"na^ r &.r^ J La 20 She).e's-West8upe. ror. Wis., Apr 10, Duluth, Minn., 17, J8, Wussns IB, Anpleton 20 Oshkosh 5l, Modi- son 22 South Bend, Ind., 23, Dowuglac, Mich., 24, Klkhart, Ind., 25. ■ "Arizona," 'Ktrke La Sbelle's (John Tlm- oney, mgr.)—Rochester, N. Y., Apr 13-15, "AtaSkV' Lincoln J. gjUfeMhMa O., Apr 12-15, Grand Baplde, Mich., lfl-18, Da- "AVcrlSpli' Creek" «»£*•»• Sflfr mgrs,)—Minneapolis, Minn., Apr 12-18, Milwaukee, Wis., 19-25. "American Hustler," George F. Hall (Oui Bothner. mgr.)—Worcester, Mass., Apr Id- jT Lowell 20-22, Rockland, Me., 23, Rum- ford FallB 24, Lcwlston 25. "At Plney Ridge"—South Chicago, III., Apr -At tta Old Cross Roads" (Arthur C. Als- ton mrr.l—Syracuse, N. Y., Apr 18-lgi Itoc'hestVr 1618, ntllndelphta. 1J.. S0««. "Alphonse and Gaston," Cue Hill s (Joseph V. Vlon, mgr.)—N. Y. City Apr ld-lo, Philadelphia, P»..,,?0-25. . "Are You a Buffalo?"—Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr 13-18, Boston, Mass., 20-25. Bingham, Amelia, In "The JM&.MB JohnBoa" (Frank McKee, mgr.)—N. Y. City Apr 18-18, Newark, N. J., M Bnrrymore, Btbe, In "Carrots" and The Country Mouse' 1 (Charles Frohman, mgr.) r^ciucTnaaS, 0., Apr 13-18, Chicago, 111., BatearBlaiche, In "The- Darling, of to« Gods" (David Belasco, mgr.)—N. Y. City Apr 13, Indefinite. Bruno, Mrs., In "Unorna" (Wallace Monro, mgr.)—New Westminster, B. C. Apr IS, New Whatcom. Wash., 17, KTereit 18, Ta- coma 10, Portland, Ore., 20, 21. Walla Walla, Wash., 23, Pendleton, Ore., 24, Baker City 25'. Blggar, Laura—Albany, N. V.. Apr 22-24. Blair, Eugenie, Repertory (Henri Gresslt, mgr.)—Cleveland, 0., Apr 13, Indefinite. Beresfordjlarry. In "Tho Wrong Mr. Wright" (J. J. Coleman, mgr.)—Kansas City, lid., Apr 12-18. Burgess, Nell, In "A Daughter of the Uoto- lutlon"—Holyoke, Mass., Apr 10. Bennatt A Moultoa (V. C. Twltchell, mgr.)— WllUmantlc. Conn., Apr 13-18, Chelsea, Mass., 20-25. Bennett A Moulton (J. M. Torr, mgr.)— Brie. Pa., Apr 13-18, Niagara Falls, N. Y., 20-25. Bennett A Moulton (George K. Robinson, mgr.)—Burlington, Vt., Apr 13-18, Rut- land 20-25. Bennett ft Moulton (Ira Newhall, mgr.)— Haverhill, Mass., Apr 18-18, Lowell 20-20. Bennett ft Moulton (A. P. Reed, mgr.)— Orange, N. J., Apr 13-18, Red Bank 20-20. Baldwlu-Melvllle, Repertory (Walter 8. . Baldwin, mgr.)—Buffalo, N. V., Apr 13, Indefinite. Baker, Pete, In "Chris and Lena"—Milwau- kee, Wis., Apr 12-18. Brlggs, Floyd T., Repertory—Junction City, Kan., Apr 13-18. BIJou Comedy—New Orleans, La., Apr 12, Indefinite. "Ben Hur" (Klaw A Erlangor, mgrs.)—Al- bany. N. Y., Apr 13-18, New Haven, Conn., 20-25. "Bandit King" and "Cattle King," J. H. Farrell (James H. Walllck's; W. H. Ovlatt, mgr.)—Dayton, O., 13-18, Cincinnati 10- "Bunch of Keys" (Giis) Bothner, mgr.)— Lowell, Mass., Apr 15, Manchester, N. II, .10-18, Lawrence, Mass., 20, Salem 21, Gloucester 22, Plymouth 23, Fall River 25. "Boy of the Streets," Joseph Santry (Samuel Blair, mgr.)—Philadelphia, Pa., Apr 18- 18. "Bolivar's BuBy Day," Billy B. Van ft Nel- lie O'Nell (Eugene Wellington, mgr.)— Milwaukee, W1b., Apr 10-25. "Breezy Time," Eastern (Merle H. Norton, grop. and mgr.)—Corning, O., Apr 15, hawnee 16, Murray 17, New Straltsvllle 18, Clrclcvlllc 20, Hamilton 25. "Breezy Time," Western (Merle H. Norton, prop, and mgr.)—Ottawa, III., Apr 16. Mendota 17, Princeton 18, Galva 20. Fort Madison, la., 21, La Harpe, III.. 22, Carth- age 23, Mount Sterling 24, Qulncy 25. c Crane, ffm. H., In "David Hnrum" (Charles Frohman, mgr.)—Anaconda, Mont., Apr ' 10, Helena 10, Missoula 17, Spokane, Wash.. 18. Everett 20, Tacoma 21, Seattle 22, 23. Portland, Ore., 24, 25. Carter, Mrs. Leslie, In ''Du Barry" (David Belasco, mgr.)—Chicago, 111.,-Apr 13-Mny 10. Croeman, Henrietta. In "The Sword of the King" (Maurice Campbell, mgr.)—fivana- vllle, Ind., Apr 10, Nashville, Tonn., 18, Memphis 21. Campbell, Mrs. Patrick, Repertory (Charles Frohman, mgr.)—San Francisco, Cal., Apr 13-18. San Jose 20, Oakland 21, 22, Stock- ton 23, Sacramento 24, Coghlan, Rose, Repertory (Jules Murry, mgr.)—Vancouver, B. C, Apr 16, Everett, Wash., 16, Seattle 17. 18, Ellenburg 20, Spokane 21. Wallace, Ida., 22, Missoula, Mont., 23, Butte 24, 25. Claxton, Kate, In "The Two Orphans"—San Diego, Cal., Apr 15. Coghlnn, Gertrude, In "Allco of Old Vln- ceanes"—Providence, R I., Apr 13-18, Brooklyn, N. Y., 20-25. Cohans, Four, In "Running for Office" (Fred Nlblo, mgr.)—Newark, TJ. J., Apr 13-18, Holyoke, Mass., 23. Cook Church, Repertory (W. H. Taylor, mgr.) —Cumberland, Md., Apr 13-18, Washing- ton, Pa., 20-25. Curts Dramatic (M. H. Curts, mgr.)—Shel- ton. Neb., Apr 15, 10, Wood River 17, 18. Aurora 20, 21, Harvard 22, 23, Button 24, 25. Career Stock (Harry L. Webb, mgr.)—Blag- hamton, N. Y., Apr 13-18, Scranton, Pa., 20-25. Carpenter, Frnnkle, Repertory (Jere Grady, mgr.)—Salem, Mass., Apr 13-18, Lowell 2(^25. Chester, Almn (Fdward L. Bloom, mgr.) — Newburgh, N. Y.. Apr 18-18. Conroy ft Mack's Comedians (P. P. Craft, mgr.)—Johnstown, Pa., Apr 13-16, Clear- field 10-18, Phlllpsburg 20-22, Bellefonte 23-25. Carroll Comedy (Ion Carroll, mgr.)—Button. W. Va., Anr 33-18, Richmond 20-25 Castle Square Stock (W. R. Sherman, mgr.) —Moose Jaw, Assa,, Can., Apr 18-18, He- glna 20-^5. Champlln Stock (C. K. Champlln, mgr.) — Yonkera, N. Y., Apr 18-18. . . „ . "Christian"—Lansing, Mich., Apr 15. Kala- mazoo 10, Bnttle Creek 17, Jackson 18, Ann Arbor 20. Flint 21, Bay City 22, Saginaw 23, Port Huron 24, Stratford, . Can., 25. "Circumstantial Evidence" (Fred D. Fow- ler, mgr.)—Monongnh, W. Va., Apr 15, Cameron 10, Bridgeport, 0.. 17, Martins Ferry 18. Cadiz 20, Ulirlclivlllo 21, CobUol- . ton 22, Mlllershurg 28, Orrvllle 24, Well- ington 25. "Cowboy and the Lady," S. Miller Kent— Winona, Wis., Apr 15, Anpleton 17, Fond du Lnc 20, Janesvllle 22, Rockford, III., 24, South Chicago 26. "Convict's Daughter," Eastern, Geo. Snra- ucls' (Wesley H. Schram, mgr.)—Hnbolccn, N. J., Apr 12-15, Brooklyn, N. Y. 20-25. "Convict's Daughter," Southern, Geo. Sam- uels' (J. D. Newman, mgr.)—Weston, w, Va., Apr IB, Morgnntown 10, Grafton 17, Cumberland. Md.. 20. Chambcraburg, Pa., 21, Frederick, Md., 22, Uanovcr, Pa., 23, Coatesvllle 24. "Child Wife"—Elizabeth, N. J.. Apr 18-15, New Haven, Conn., 1018, N. Y. City 20-25. "Charity Nurse," Hcuck ft Fennessy's—Ak- ron. O.. Apr 13-16, Toledo 1618, Indian- . apolls, Ind., 20-22. n Drew, John, In "The Mummy and the Hum- • mlng Bird" (Charles Frohmnn, mgr.)— Bprliiglleld, Mack., Apr 15, New Haven, Oonn.7 16. Waterbury 17, Hartford 18, N. Y. City 20-May 2. De Wolf, Elsie, In "Cynthia" (Nathaniel Roth, mgr.)—Fall River, Mass., Apr 37. Dodge, Sanford, Repertory—Central City, Colo.. Apr 15, 30. Fort Collins 18-20, Ster- ling 23, 24. Sidney. Nebr., 26-27. Doty, Earlc, In "The Iron Musk (J. B. Mac- E'lroy. mgr.)—Cheboygan, Mich., Apr 15, I'etoskcv 30, Central Lake 17, Grayling , 18, Kalkaska 20, Cadillac 21, Lake City 22, Traverse City 23, Frankfort 24, Man- istee 25. . Dylfryn, Ethel, Repertory (Eos Dyflryn, nicr.l— South Frnmlngham, Mass., Apr 13- 18. Exeter. N. H„ 20-25. , _ De Vondc. Chester (Phil Levy, mgr.)—Mc- . Keesport, Pa., Apr 13-18, Wheeling, W. Va, 20-25. Dllgor-Cornell. Repertory—New Brunswick, !?. J., Apr 13-18. Dnvldson Stock (B. A. Davidson, mgr.)— Wllllamaport, Pa., Apr 18-18, Hazleton ■ 20-25. Dc Lacour Twin Sisters Dramatic (De La- . cour * Fields, mgrs.)—Converse, Ind., Apr 33-1S. Kokotnv 20-25. "Darkest Hour," Lincoln J. Carter's—Mis- soula, Mont.. Apr 15, Helena 10, Oreat • Falls 17; Anaconda 18, Butte 10, 20, Hozeman 21, Livingston 22, Billings 23, ! Glcndlve 24, Dickenson 25. "David Harum" (Julius Cahn, mgr.)— Kings- ton, Can., Apr 3.6, Ottawa 16, Brockvllle IT, Ogdensburg, N. Y., 18, Montreal, Can., 20-25. "Devil's Auction" (Charles H. Yale, mgr.)— Gait, Can., Apr 15, Quelph 16. St. Cath- erines IT, Hamilton 18, Belleville 20, Kingston 21,. Brockvllle 22, Ottawa 28, Sherbrooke 24. Moncton. N. B., 25. "Down bv the Sea"(Phll Hunt, mgr.)—Glens Falls, N. Y, Apr 15. Troy 10-18. Wlnsted, Conn., 20, Hartford 21, 22, Springfield, Mass., 23. 24. '^Desperate Chance" (Forrester ft Mlttenthal, mgrs.)—Washington. D. C, Apr 13-18, Ho- boken, N. J.. 1U-22, Bridgeport, Conn., 23- 25.» "Desperate Chance" (Forrester ft Mlttenthal, mgrs.)—Camden, N. J. Apr 18-10, Slatlng- ton, Pa., 16, Mouch Chunk 17, Haileton 18, Mauanoy City 20, FTeelsnd 31, Lana- ford 22. Shenandoah 23, Pottstown 24, Koston 25. "Defending Her Honor"—Uoboken, N. J., Apr 16-18. "Denver Express"—Oswego, Kan., Apr 15, Farsons 10, Columbus 17, Miaul, Ind. Ter., 18, Kansas Olty, Mo. 10-25. B Edeson, Robert, In "the Soldiers of For» tune" (Henry B. Harris, mgr.)—Worces- ter, Mass., Apr 15, Norwich, Conn., 10, New London 17, Fall Riyer. Mais., 18, Newport, R. I., 20, Now Bedford, Mass., 21, Taunton 22, Brockton 23, Fltchburg 24, Salem 25. Eflle Ellslor, In "When Knighthood Was la , Flower" (Frank h. I'crloy, mgr.)—Port- land, Ore., Apr 18-16/ New Whatcom, Wash., 10, Vancouver, B. C, 17, Victoria . •18. Seattle 10-21, Tacoma 22, North Ya- kima 28, Spokane 24, 26. Empire Theatre BtdcJt, In "Tho .Unforsecn" (Charles Frohman, tngr.)—N. Y. City Apr 13-18, Pittsburg, Pa., 2(1-25. Ewing-Taylor (Albert Taylor, mgr.)—Boon- vllle, (Mo., Apr 1318, Sednlla 20-25. Eclipse Stock (Lloyd • ft. Genter, mgrs.)— • Butler, Mo., Apr 15, Harrlsonvllle 10, Clinton 17, 18, Lowry City 20, Osceola 21, Ilollver 22, Humansvllle 23,'Ash Orovo 24. Springfield 26. "Earl of Pawtucket" (Klrke La Shelle, mgr.) —N. Y. City Apr 18, Indefinite. "Everyman" (Charles Frohmnn, mgr.)—N. Y. City Apr IS, Indefinite. "Evil Eye" (Chas. II. Yalo ft 8ldney R. Ellin, mgrs.)—Bath, Me., Apr 16, Rlddcford 10, Portsmouth. N. II., 17, Manchester 18, Mil- ford. Mass., 20, Greenfield 21, Marlboro 22, Bellows Falls, Vt., 23, Montpeller 24, Rarre 20. "Eleventh Hour." Eastern, Lincoln J. Car- ter's—Troy, N. Y., Apr 18>15, Scbcncc- ' lady, 10, lltlca 17, 18, Syracuse 20-22. "Eight Hells," Ilyrne Bros.'—St. Louis, Mo., Apr 12-18, Chicago, III., 10-25. V I'Iskc, Mrs., In "Mary of Magdala" (Harri- son Grey Flske, mgr.)—Boston, Mass., Apr 1318, Springfield 21, Fall River 23, Favornhnm, \Vm., In "Imprudence" (Chnrles Fruhmnn, mgr.)—Detroit, Mich., Apr 13- 18, St. Louis, Mo., 20-25. Kinhcr, Alice, In "Mrs. Jack" (Henry H. Harris, mgr.)—Washington, D. C Apr 1318, Wheeling, W. Va„ 20, Akron, 0.. 21, Toledo 22, Grand Rapids, Midi., 23, South Bend. Ind., 2i, Loganiport 20. FerrlB Comedians (Harry Hubb, mgr.)—Du- luth, Minn., Apr 13, Indefinite. French-Irving, Repertory (Don Mncrnlllon, . mgr.)—Oil Cttrf niL-Aw 18-16, Meadvllle 16-18, Newcastle 20-227 Salem, O., 28-25. Fenberg Stock (George M. Fonbcrg, mgr.)— Manchester. N. U., Apr 13-18, GlcuB Falls, N. Y.. 20-25. Flavla Stock iThad, Stevens, mgr.)—Pales- tine, Tex., AW18-18, Pttrls 2(f 2t(. Franklin Stock (A. A. Jack, mgr.)—Ludlng- ton, Mich., Apr 20-22, Hart 23-25. "Fool and His Money" (Broadhurstft Currlo, mgrs.)—N. Y. City Apr 18, Indefinite. "Flaming Arrow," Go-Won-Go Mohawk, Lin- coin J. Carter's—Auburn, Ind., Apr 16, Kendallvllle 10, Elkhart 17, South Bend 18, Chicago.,Ill,, 10-May n. "For Her dtJiirtn'u Sake/' Bulllvan, nnrrls ft Woods' (Bernard Thornton, mgr.)—Chi- cago, 111., Apr 12-18, St. LouIb, Me., 10- 25. "Faust," Morrlsofi's (Jules Murry, mgr.)— Salt Lake City, U., Apr 18-16, Ogden 10, Rock Springs, Wyo., 17, Greeley. Neb., 20, North Platto 21, Columbus 22, Norfolk 23, Lincoln 24, "Foxy Grandpa," Joseph Hart and Carrie De Mar (win, A. Brady, mgr.)—Brooklyn, . N. Y., Apr 13-26. "Flnnlgan's Ball" (Ollle Mack, mgr.)—Spo- kane. Wash., Apr 13-15, Wallace, Ida., 10, Wardner 17, Missoula, Mont., 18, Butte 10-22. "For Her Sake," B. J. Carpenter's (George Hopper, mgr.)—Durnnd, wis., Apr 10. "For tier Sake," Eastern, E. J. Carpenter's (Joseph Pilgrim, mgr.)—Alexandria, Ind., Apr 10, Richmond 16, Kaston, <")., 17, Hamilton 18, Wilmington 20, Washington Court House 21, Greenfield 22, Lancaster 23, Clrclcvlllc 24, Portsmouth 25 "Fatal Wedding," Bulllvan, Harris * Wood's (Ben Bass, mgr.)—Baltimore, Md„ Apr 13-18, N. Y. City 20-25. "Fatal Wedding," Sullivan, narrls ft Wood's (Leon Victor, mgr.)—Fall River, Mass., Apr 13-16, Newport, R I., 16, Taunton, Mass., 17. Woonsuckct, R I., 18, Man- chester, N. II.. 20-22. Portsmouth 23, Portland, Me., 24, Bath 25. "Fatal Wedding," Sullivan. Harris ft Wood's —Seattle, Wash., Apr 12-18. Tacoma 10- 21, Ellenburg 22, Spokane 23-25. G Goodwin, N. C, and Maxlne Elliott, In "The Altar of Friendship" (Georgo J. Applcton, mgr.)—Dayton, 0., Apr 16, Indianapolis, Ind., 10, Fort Wayno 17, Toledo, 0., IS, Cincinnati 20-25. Gillette, William. In "Sherlock nolmes" (Charles Frohman, mgr.)—Indianapolis, Ind, Apr 18-16, Toledo, 0„ 10, Detroit Ml ph.. 20.25. "Gome Keener," Western, Thomas J. Smith (Ilowland ft Clifford, props.; Fred Wal- ■ton, mg Grand I _ Wahpeton Bralncrd ! . 23, Northfleld 24. n Hnckett, James K., la "The Crisis"—Wash. Ington, D. C, Apr 13-18. Uarned, Virginia, In "Iris" (Chnrles Froh- man, mgr.)—Pittsburg, Pa., Apr 13-1S, •Uuiralo, N. Y., 20-26. Qawtrey, Chnrles, In "A Message from Mars" .(Charles Frohmau, mgr.)—N. Y. City Apr in, indefinite. . Holland, Mildred, In "The Lily and the Prince" (Edward C. White, mgr.)—Hart- ford, Conn,, Apr 15, Waterbury 10, Dan- bury 17, Derby 18. Stamford 20, South Ncrwalk 21, Holyoke, Mass., 22, Spring- field 23, Westhohl 24, Northampton 26. Howard Hall, In "The Man Who Dared" (Henry rlerson, mgr.)—Wilmington, Del., Apr 13-15, Camden. N. J.. 10-18. Hertford, C. U.—Portland, Ore., Apr 17, ia Hall, Don C, Repertory—Cambria, Ind., Apr 1315. Monon 16-20, Reusselear 21, 22, Lowell 23-25. Hnlford, Ollle, Stock (Carl Brehm, mgr.)— . Uhenondoah, Pa., Apr 13-10, Ashland 10- 18. lUmmeleln's Ideals (John A, Hlmmeloln, mgr.)—Alburn, N. Y., Apr 13-18, Lockporc 2026. Hlmmololn's Imperial Stock (Dave. II. Woods, . mgr.)ifan«Bvlllc, 0„ Apr 13-18, Woods, mgr) —Zanesvllle, O., Apr 1818, ■Bcllalro 20-25. Herrmann, Leon (Thurnner ft Gorman, nigrs.)—Kansas City, Mo., Apr 20-25. Hayward, Grace (Dick Ferris, mgr.)—Min- neapolis, Minn,, Apr. 13, Inaclluite. Howard-Dorset, Ilopcrtory (Oliver Marlcl, .mgr.)— Fort Wayne, Ind., Apr 13-18, Jack- son, Mich., 2025/ Hndflcld Stock (II. S. Hadfleld, mgr.)—St. Albans, Vt., Apr 13-18. Hnrcourt Comedy, Charles K. Harris (W. C. McKay, mgr.)—Lowlston, Me., Apr 1318, Bangor 20-25. Hoyt's Comedy (H. G, Allen, mgr.)—Llttlo Rock. Ark., Apr 18-10. Homlcrson Stock (W. J. ft R. R Henderson, mgrs.)— Edge wood, la., Apr 13-18. Harris ft Parkinson Stock, Robert U. Hnr- rlH(N. C. Hoyt, mgr.)—Bowling Gieeu, Ky., Apr 13-18. Hlckmnn-Ilessoy. Repertory (F. V. Parkor, mgr.)—OBkaloosa, la., Apr 1818, Dcs Moines 20, Indefinite. Iliildrii Bros. Comedy—Cincinnati, O., Apr 12-18. Howe-Norrls Dramatic—Dover, N. J., Apr 13-18, Lambcrtvlllo 20-25. Herald Square Slock—Pocahontas, Va,, Apr 13-18. Heriunii, Charles D. (C. F. Ward, mgr.) — Sioux Fulls, So. Dak., 18, Blum City, la., 20, Lincoln, Nebr., 21, 22, Colorado Mprlngs. Colo., 25, Denver 20. Uuutlcy-Mooro Stock—ChaUuuooga, Tcnn., Apr 20-25. "Heart of Maryland" (David Belnsco, mgr.) —Pittsburg, Pu., Apr 13-18, Washington, D. C, 20-25. "Iloosler Daisy," Bcsslo Clifton (G. II. El- don, mgr.)—Holyoke, Muss., Apr 23-25. "HcartB of Oak," Heme's (William B.Gross, mgr,)—Grand Rapids, Mich., Apr 12-16, Ucllnlre, O., 10, Sloubonvlllo 17, 18, Park- ersburg, W. Va., 20, 21, Mnrlottn, 0., 22, ZanoHVlllo 23, Cambridge 24, Wheeling, W. Va., 20. "Ilnppy Hooligan," Gus Hill's— N. Y. Cltj Apr 13-20. "Her Marrlago Vow" Vance ft , Sullivan, mgrs.)—Brooklyn, N. Y„ Apr 18-18/ "Hut Old Time," Gus Hill's (Geo. A. Chenct, - mgr.)—Uoston, City 20-25. ., Apr 18-18, N. Y. "Hearts of Gold" (R. A. Johnion, mgr,)— Pnmeroy, O., Aprlfi, Parkersburg, W. V«., 10, Marietta. 0., 17, Cambridge 18, Barnes- vlllo 20, Bellalro 21. Toronto 22, Steuben- viilo 28, Cadiz 24. UUrlchvlllo 20. "Hello. Bill" (Gooduuo ft Kellogg, nigra.) — Sandusky, 0., Apr 15. "Unman Hearts"—Des Moines, Is.. Apr 16- mgr.)— Newark, N. J., Apr 1818, Provl' donee, It. I., 20-25. "Human Hearts,"—Des Moines, la., Apr 10- 18. "Her Lord and Master"—Bridgeport, Conn., Apr 10-18. I Irving Place Theatre—Nowark, N. J., Apr 18-18, N. Y. City 20-25. "In Old Kentucky, 1 ' Jacob Lltt'f—N. I. City Apr 18-18. "Irish Pawnbrokers" (Joseph W. Spears, mgr,)—Montgomery. Ala., Apr. 16, Belma l». Columbus, Ga., 17, Macon 18, Jackson. vlllo, Fla. 20, Brunswick, Ga,, 21, Savan- nah 22, Charleston, S. C, 28, Columbia 24, Augusta, Ga., 26. J Jefferson, Joseph—Jacksonville, Fla., Apr 16, Now Orleans, La., 16-18, Mobile, Ala., 20, Birmingham 21, Atlanta, Ga,, 22, Macon 23, Augusta 24, Savannah 20, Jumen, Louis, mid Frederick Wards, Boper tory (Wagenbals ft Kemper, mgrs.)—■ Grand Rapids, Mich., Apr 16, Muskegon 10, Jackson If, Port Huron IB, Toledo, O., 20, Mansfield 21, Canton 22, Youngs- town 23, Franklin, Pa., 24, Oil City 25. Jefferson, Thomas, la ''Rip Von Wlnklo" (Charles II. Jefferson, mgr.)—Johnson, N. V.. Apr 15, Home 10, Cortland 17, Oswego 18, Plattsburg 20, Ogdonsburg 21, Wntcitown 22, Geneva 28, fonn Yuu 24, Ciinundalgua 25. Jcavons, Irene, Stock—Blalrsvlllo, Pa., Apr 13-15. "Jimlco Meredith," Wm. BonollI and Rosa Stnhl—NoblCHVllle. Ind., Apr 15, I.ognnn. port 10, Marlon 17, Kokomo 18, Chicago, III., 10-26. Mlrh' %2B "' ' "" ' ' "Janies »oy« la Mlsourl," Eastern (Frank n™™ iiimw in "Pw>ttv Voaav" (Wm A Gnajsolo, ragr.)—Stratford, Can., Apr 14 ' Rradv mar'l— N Y Cltv Anr ll/Sssat Petrola 1(1. Chathum 17. London irf. Gait uroay, mgr.)—N. X. t-lty Apr IB, inoen- , M urnnttarA 21. St. Catherines 22. Ro- nlte. Gllmorc, Paul, In "Tyranny of Toars" (Jules Murry, mgr.)—Clarksburg, W. Va., Apr 15, East Liverpool, C, 10, Johnstown, Pa., 17, Altoona 18, Warrea 20, Kane 21, Jamestown, N. Y., 22, Erie, Pa, 23, Fre- donla, N. Y., 24, Youngstown, 0., 26. Granger, Willis, In "Gypsy Jack" (Cllft Stnndlsh, mgr.)—Providence, H, I„ Apr 13-18, Worcester, Mass,, 20-26. •Carslile, Copdit & Mack Big Stock (J. K Garslde, mgr.)—Brldgeton, N. J., Apr 13- 18, Coatesvllle, Pa., 20-25. Garrlck Theatre (William I*. Taylor, mgr.)— Bellows Falls, Vt, Apr 1318, Springfield 20-20. Guy Stock (Wm. Casad, mgr.)—Marshall, Mo., Apr 18-18, Jefferson City 20-20. Oasksll Stock—Davenport, la., Apr 1318, . Dubuque 20-25. Gormana ft Ford, Repertory—Catsklll, N. Y. Apr 13-18, Bllenvllle 20-25. Greene, Francis, Repertory (Francis Orec mgr.)—Two Harbors, Mich., Apr 14-10. Gngnon-Pollock Stock (Bert C. Gagnon, mgr.)—Ban Autonlo, Tex., Apr 13-18, Fort ■' Worth 20-25. Gentry Stock (Oentry ft Coffey, mgrs.)— Knlghtstown, Ind., Apr 10-18, Shelby vlllo 20-!fS. Coding Comedy (O. JL Cotten, mgr.)—Eaton Rapids. Mich., Apr 18, Indefinite. "Girl with Green Eyes," Clara Bloodgood (Charles Frohman, mgr.)—Boston. Mass,, Apr 13-18. Providence, It. I.. 20-22, Fall River, Mass., 2,1, Portland, Me., 24, Wor- cester, Mass., 20. "Gambler's Daughter." Eastern (R. I/. Cres- . cy, mgr.)—'Montreal, Can., Apr 18-18, To- ronto 20-26. "Gambler's Daughter," Western (R L. Crei- cy. mgr.)—Poplaf Bluffs, fttt, Apr 10, Fulton, Ky.,, 17, Cairo, I11 H 18. ' 20, Hrnntford 21, St. Catherines 22, Ro Chester. N. Y„ 23-20. "James Boys In Missouri," Western (Frank Gnzznto, mgr.)—McComh, Miss,, Apr 1.", Jackson 10, Canton 17, Yazoo City 18, Grecnvlllo 20, C'lnrksdaln 21, Memphis, Term., 22, Jackson 23, Fulton, Ky., 24, Cairo, HI., 20. K Kalhryn Kidder, In "An Evil Eye" (Jules Murry, mgr.)—Jamestown, N. Y., Apr HI, Warren, Pa., 10, Kane 17, Youngstowu, U„ • 18, Canton 20, East Liverpool 21. Uulon- town, Pu.. 22, Grccnosburg 28, JohnsLowa 24, Altoona 25. Kelcny, Herbert, und Eflle Hbanon, in "Sher- lock Holmes" (D, V. Arthur, mgr.)—Jer- sey city, N. J., Apr 18-18, Brooklyn, X. a, grs.)— Manchester, N. II., 17, Portland, lie, 33, Y.. 20-: Kendall, Ezra, In 'The Vinegar Buyer" (Lleb- ler 4. Co., rngrs,}— T,owe!l, Mass., Apr 16, (Francis Greene, Lawrence. Mass., 26. Kellar, magician (Dudley McAdow, mgr.) — Uoston, Mass., Apr 13-18, I'lilludeiphlo, Pa., 20-Mny 0. King Dramatic—Bay City, Mich., Apr 13-18. Kinney Komcdy Ko (M. L. Klnsey, mgr.)— i Woodsfleld, 0., Apr 18-18, Bridgeport 20- 25. Klark-Urban (II. B. Klnrk, mgr.)—Berlin, • N. II., Apr 18-18. Karroll, Dot (J. C, Welch, mgr.)—Rond«ut, N. Y., Apr 20-22, Saugertlrs 23-26. Keystone Dramatic, Eastern. McGlll ft Ship- man's (Lawrence B. McGlll, mgr.)—Bal- timore, Md., Apr 13-18, Kcystnnv Dramatic, McGlll ft Shlpman's J Will M. Carroll, mgr.)—Parkursburg, W. Va., Apr 18-18, Huntington 20-26. Kennedy Players—Bt, Joseph, Mo., Apr 12- "KlSg of ' Dettctlvei," ' Sullivan, Harris . ft.